RPS Filsafat Ilmu

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Eri Kurniawan, M.A., Ph.D. (Code 2396)



Revision : ............
(Philosophy of Science) Date : ………….

Prepared by: Assessed by: Approved by:

Eri Kurniawan, M.A., Ph.D. Department Curriculum Developer Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed.


1. Course Identity
Study Program Name : All Programs at SPs UPI
Course Name : Philosophy of Science
Code : PS611
Course Group : Foundation Courses
Credit : 2 credit hours
Level : Master’s
Semester :I
Prerequisite : None
Status (required/elective) : Required
Lecturers’ name/code : Eri Kurniawan, M.A., Ph.D. (2396)

2. Course Description
This course deals with topics covering the relation of philosophy and the philosophy of science, the nature of the
philosophy of science, the basic framework of the scientific theory, ontology—the study of being or reality,
epistemology—the theory of knowledge, ways of how scientists work (scientific argument, means of scientific

reasoning, scientific truth criterion), axiology—the study of value including the nature of use of science and
technology, and implications of all these on education and the education system, with reference to the five principles of
the country’s philosophical basis, Pancasila. It is expected that the student taking this course has a strong belief that
any decision in education should be supported by the rationale of a comprehensive background knowledge and
understanding of education philosophy and of policy as a whole and of educational activities taking place at the school
and in the classroom.

3. Learning Achievement Referred to (CP)

a. Ability to solve the problems of science and technology, through an experimental undertaking, theoretical or
computational or simulation deduction, and inter- or multi-disciplinary approach, characterized by the principle of
potential applicability in solving feasible problems in science and technology.
b. Ability to run and manage the research and development in the field of education and science that could benefit the
community as well as the development of science education and science, as well as for increasing the effectiveness
of the implementation practices in the workplace.
c. Ability to work collaboratively within a working group both as members and leaders.

4. Course Learning Achievement (CPM)

a. demonstrate conceptual knowledge about the relevance of philosophy and the philosophy of science by analyzing
issues concerning problems in understanding philosophy, the branch of philosophy, the position of philosophy of
science in philosophy and implications for the education and training system based on Pancasila.
b. show conceptual knowledge about the philosophy of science by analyzing issues concerning basing understanding
of the philosophy of science, the scope of the study of the philosophy of science, philosophy of science to the
development of the role of science and implications for the education and training system based on Pancasila.
c. identify the basic framework of the theory or science by analyzing issues concerning coverage of issues among
philosophy figures engaged in the philosophy of science, the grouping of science, development of science and
implications for the education and training system based on Pancasila.
d. describe and explain the principles of ontology to analyze issues concerning the essence of phenomena
(terms/jargons and type in the field of ontology), the object of science, human development, and the natural
phenomena and implications for the education and training system based on Pancasila.

e. describe and explain the principles in epistemology (how to acquire knowledge in procedural and valid ways) to
analyze issues concerning the basic issues in epistemology, the mind-set of scientific, scholarly cycle steps and
implications for the education and training system based on Pancasila.
f. identify common ways of how scientists work as regards analyzing issues such as scientific arguments, means of
scientific reasoning, scientific truth criteria and implications for the education and training system based on
g. describe and explain the basic concepts in axiology (the nature of the usefulness of science and technology) to
analyze issues concerning use and benefit of science for the human life, moral principle activities of scientists,
moral and social responsibilityof the scientists and implications for the education and training system based on
h. demonstrate knowledge regarding approaches to the philosophy of science in thestudents’ own study programs,
specifically with respect to the issues of the relationship between philosophy of science and the discipline of the
study program concerned, the structure of the theory and knowledge in the discipline of study programs (relevant).

5. Description of the Teaching-Learning Activities
Indicator of Course
Teaching-Learning Assignments & Possible
Session Learning Teaching Items Time
Format Assessment References
1 identify relationship of Linkage between Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students are Abdul Hamied, F.
philosophy to philosophy and session, discussion expected to find (Ed). (2018).
philosophy of science philosophy of science concepts and Filsafat Ilmu.
(understanding of principles
Bandung: SPs UPI
philosophy, branches of regarding what
philosophy, status of philosophy is
philosophy of science in
2 Identify the scope and The philosophy of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students are to Suriasumantri,JS
role Philosophy of science (understanding session, discussion identify concepts (1981) Ilmu
science in knowledge the philosophy of and principles of dalam Perspektif.
development science, the scope of the the philosophy of Jakarta: Gramedia
study of the philosophy science
of science, philosophy
of science's role in the
development of science)

3 Demonstrate The basic framework of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students identify Kuhn, TS (1970)
knowledge regarding the theory of science session, discussion determining The Structure of
the foundations of (history of key figures factors in selected Scientific Revolu-
theory and science in philosophy and the theories and
tion. Chicago.
philosophy of science, science
science categorization, The University of
and science Chicago Press.

4 Describe and explain Ontology—the study of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students find Abdul Hamied, F.
ontology as the being or reality, rational session, discussion specific (Ed). (2012).

rational basis principles (the nature of characteristics in Filsafat Ilmu.
ontology and its kind, ontology Bandung: SPs UPI
objects of science,
human development in
explaining natural

5 Describe and explain Epistemology—the Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students identify
procedural and valid theory of knowledge, session, working on formulations
ways of gaining ways of how scientists tasks, & discussion within
knowledge within the work ---how to acquire epistemology
framework of knowledge, procedural
epistemology nature of epistemology,
scientific mindset, step
cycle science

6 Demonstrate How the scientist works Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students try to
knowledge of how (scientific argument, session, working on search ways
scientists work. means of scientific tasks, & discussion scientists work
reasoning, scientific
truth criterion),

7 Identify moral and Axiology—the study of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students identify
beneficial values of value, including the session, & discussion current issues in
science and nature of use of science axiology
technology within the and technology
framework of axiology (functions of science for
the benefit of humans,
the activities of
scientists and their
moral principles, moral
responsibility as
socialist scientists) and

implications for the
education system and
implementation based
on Pancasila.

9 Identify aspects in 1. Philosophy of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students identify Miller,MD
philosophy of science science approach in session, & discussion specific concepts Principle and a
as relevant to the the study program in the philosophy philosophy for
discipline of the study 2. Coverage of the of science as
program concerned study program relevant to their
own study education,
program Columbus, Ohio.
10 Describe and explain 1. Philosophy of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students search
the relationship of science and the study session, & discussion for principles of
philosophy of science program connection how approaches
and the discipline of 2. The discupline of the
and models in the
the study program study program
philosophy of
science as they are
relevant to those
in thier field of

11 Describe and explain 1. Theoretical Structure Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students identify
the theoretical of the study program session, & discussion formulations of
structure of the 2. The structure of the the scientific
discipline of the study discipline
structure of thier

12 Identify characteristics 1. Subject-specific Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students actively

of the philosophy of philosophy of session, & discussion take part in
science as covered in science principles

the discipline of the 2. Coverage of criticising other
study program philosophy of students
concerned science specifically presentations
in the discipline of
the study program

13 Describe and explain 1. Branches of the Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students actively
branches of the field discipline in the session, & discussion take part in
of study at the study study program criticising other
2. Elaboraton of the
program proper students

14 Identify competencies 1. Competencies in the Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students actively
which are developed study program session, & discussion take part in
in the study program 2. Specific expertise of criticising other
the study program
as delineated in the students
branches of the field presentations
of study

15 Apply the principles in 1. Philosophy of Lecture, question-answer 100 mnt Students actively
the philosophy of science implication session, & discussion take part in
science on education on education criticising other
2. Philosophy of students
and on the system of
science implication presentations
education based on the on the hole system of
five principles of education based on
Pancasila Pancasila



1. Main References
Hamied, F.A., Komar, O., & Kurniawan, E. (eds.). (2018). Filsafat Ilmu. Bandung: UPI Press.

Beerling, Kwee, Mooij, Van Peursen (1970) Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu. (Alih Bahasa Soejono Soemargono) yogyakarta. PT
Tiara Wacana.

Depdikbud. (1981) Filsafat Ilmu, Jakarta: Ditjen Dikti.

Kemeny, JG (1959) A Philosopher Looks at Science. New York Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

Komar, O. (2006) Filsafat Ilmu dan Pendidikan. Bandung. Pascasarjana UPI

Kuhn, TS (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolution. Chicago. The University of Chicago Press.

Miller,MD Principle and a philosophy for vocational education, Columbus, Ohio.

Poedjiadi A. (2001). Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu Bagi Pendidik. Bandung. Yayasan Cendrawasih.

Suriasumantri, J.S. (1981) Ilmu dalam Perspektif. Jakarta: Gramedia.

2. Suplementary References
Ackermann, R. (1970). The Philosophy of Science, New york. Western Publishing Company.

Al-Hassan, AY & Hill, DR (1993) Teknologi dalam Sejarah Islam. Alih Bahasa Liputo, Bandung. Penerbit Mizan.

Anshari HES, (1982) Ilmu Filsafat dan Agama. Surabaya. PT Bina Ilmu.

Arsyad, NM (1989) Ilmuwan Muslim Sepanjang Sejarah. Bandung. Mizan.

Atiyeh, GN. (1983) Al-kindi, Tokoh Filsafat Muslim. Bandung. Pustaka.

Audi, R. (1988) Belief, Justification and Knowledge. An Introduction to Epistemology. California. Wadsworth publishing

Bakker A et-all (1990) Metodologi Penelitian Filsafat. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

----- (1978) Sejarah Filsafat Islam. Yogyakarta. Kanisius.

Barnadib, I. (1984). Filsafat Pendidikan: Sistem dan Metode, Yogyakarta: Yasbit.

NOTE: This course plan is subject to change. The topics and their order in discussions will be contingent
upon the progress and dynamics of learning. Adjustments will be made when necessary.


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