Insights Paper IN: Mythology and Folklore

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Submitted by:
Jerome L. Apostol

Submitted to:
Mr. Jed A. Pido

The quest of the Golden Fleece was a very exciting story of a hero who had gone through
challenges that come along his way in achieving all the things he wanted and deserved, and the
thing that should really belong to him, the crown that was meant for him. The prophecy that
has mentioned in the oracle, made his thief cousin Pelias, afraid. Jason went in the Palace as a
stranger, the King Pelias ask about his fatherland and receives no answer that move him into
realization that Jason was the crown prince who has come to own the thrown that belongs to
him. In order to protect the thrown, Pelias asks him to bring back the Golden Fleece that his
Uncle had given to the King of Ætes. Jason accepts the quest where Pelias thought that Jason
would never succeed which Pelias got so wrong. Hera and other Heroes are helping Jason in
passing all the challenges. He thought that his last challenge will be so impossible in getting the
Golden Fleece, but again, Hera helped him together with Aphrodite and Cupid to make the
daughter of the King, Medea fall in love with him. What made the story more exciting to read is
because of the braveness that Jason have shown in accepting all the challenges even if there is
no assurance of succeeding. Just like us, we face different struggles in life yet we still keep on
trying even though we failed many times. We are determined to achieve what we aim to achieve,
which are the goals and dreams we have for our future. I was expecting that the story would end
up in success and happily ever after since already promised love for Medea, but that wasn’t
happen, betrayal and tragedy ends the story. It seems that Jason got to used Medea to get the
Golden Fleece, marrying her and have her bear his child was all a trap for he chooses to have
another bride just like what the old man did. He may not abandon his family by cutting the
connection between them and the support for them, but the betrayal and the pain he caused his
wife and children can never be paid by any amount of richness. The pain that Medea was feeling
because of his husband brought her into death. She killed the bride first, followed by killing her
children and herself as her last revenge for what Jason has done. At last, Jason was been left
alone, mourning for the death of his everything. We can’t blame Medea for what she did,
because the pain from his loving husband made her end their lives. All women are possible of
doing such horrible things when they got hurt, they thought that their suffering would end when
they die. This is what the lyrics of the song is saying, “Too much love will kill you.”


The story of Phaeton’s s adventure seems to be a failure but with great dare to accept.
He brought himself into danger so as the Mother and all the things on it just because of his
willingness for one thing, to drive the Sun- God’s car. His Father the Sun God, had explained to
him everything yet he is close-minded. He did not even listening ad minding the harm that he’s
want will brought him. At the end, his self-centered attitude kills him alone. This story is very
common and is actually happening in today’s generation. Young people nowadays believes that
they can do things alone , that everything they will do will cause them happiness, but the truth
is, they are making decisions without having full knowledge about effective decision making.
Some don’t obey their parents, and just go after what happiness meant for them. At the end of
time, they will regret everything and when this time comes, it will be too late for them to bring
back times and change. Some has come to blame their parents about their sufferings, those who
get pregnant at a young age, those who’ve been addicted with drugs, games and other things,
those who have been imprison because of wrong doings in the street, those who have been
influenced by wrong friends, got abused and so many bad happenings that hard-headed might
experience. Honestly, we must be thankful because we are so lucky to have parents, families
that look after us, and still, we have all the means to disobey and sometimes betray them by our
white lies. In order for us to have a better life, we must obey hat our parents are saying, and
when times that they come to scold us, I know that it’s for the best, it’s because of the love they
had for us that they don’t want us to be in danger.


As a Hero, sacrificing his own life is always the main contribution that he can give to his
own land in order for it to have peace. They are always fighting for freedom. In mythology, the
most rivalry of heroes was the power or sometimes, because of love. Love for Family, parents,
own land and sometimes for their lovers. Perseus as one of the great Heroes before Trojan War
proves that no age to consider if you are really determined to get what you wanted because you
are inspired and really craving to have it. He proves that there is no challenge he can’t pass and
succeed even if others doubted him especially by defeating the gorgons and kill one of them.
What made him do this was his willingness to offer a gift to Polydectes ho announced that he is
going to be married. As a gift, he was asks to cut the head of Medusa that Polydectes thought
would be a way to kill him to have his Mother. Polydectes wants only his mother but he hated
him in order for it to want him get lost. Perseus succeeded with the help of the Gods for he was
the son of Zeus, the God of Gods. Aside from cutting the head of Medusa, he saved the life of a
princess from monsters and later becomes his wife, Andromeda. Perseus was a threat to his
grandfather’s life, that’s why, the King made the best of his ability to kill him and her mother but
he did not make it. At the end, the oracle of Apollo still proves true; he killed his grandfather
without his willingness to do so for it’s what destiny’s fate was supposed to be. In this story, I’ve
learnt that there is no age limit to achieve your dreams in life so us there is no reward to ask for
an exchange or payment for the good deeds you’re done to help someone, if you are really
willing to help someone, disregard the prize. I’ve also learned that if you’re determined to
achieve something, you will have it, achieve it and will be proud of the success you’ve made
because God never lets you fight your battles alone. He will never give us something we can’t
surpass because there’s more than challenge that he can offer, and it is something called LOVE.
Lastly, we cannot change what destiny was fated for us, but at least we can make it better for

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