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Name: Carolina Osorio

Level: Six
My Favorite Technological Device Description

1. Choose ONE technological device, describe the object and three main functions.
The computer, that indispensable piece of equipment in today's daily life that is also known
by the name of computer or computer, is an electronic machine that allows data to be
processed and accumulated.
A computer is basically a device whose main function is to process large amounts of
information quickly and accurately, and which performs this procedure thanks to hardware
and software. A PC is capable of performing a large number of very complex tasks, and it is
there that it makes use of a set of instructions, called programs or software, which are the
orders that the computer must process through the hardware, producing an output of data in
a format understandable by its users.
2. Mention some positive and negative aspects of the use of that device.
Positive aspects of the computer
- Easy access to information.
- It is a good work tool
- Allows remote communication
- Help with daily duties, whether tasks or work matters.
- Saving of resources such as paper, in the case of letters and written works that can be
- It is easy to use.
- Remote use.
- Storage of a lot of information.
- Many activities at the same time.
- Virtual Libraries.
- Updated information.
Negative aspects of the computer
- The information is not entirely reliable.
- It hurts the eyes.
- Tends to be addictive.
- Social interaction is lost.
3. Write three sentences about how that device has changed through time.
The computer has greatly improved its storage and processing capacity.
Today the computer allows you to connect remotely.
The computer today has reduced its size and improved its information processing
4. Upload a picture of the device.

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