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Detectabity (6) Omissions Perseverations SEA oC HitReaetion Time (HRT) RT Standard Deviation 0) bity HRT Block Change HRT Iner-Simalus Interval (IS) Change ‘Pronounced difcaity diferentiating targets rom F nonsargets. ‘Very high rate of misses targets. High ate of incorrect responses to non-argets. ‘Very high varity in reaction te consistency. ‘Average change in esponse speed in str bloks. ‘Very substantial recucton inrespanse speed at longer isis ‘Summary: Relais 1 the nornative sample, Flfabeth sas legs abl a iffrenistsfargets opr non-target, made more omission errors, ‘nae more commission erors, made moe perseerative ear, responded more slow). displayed less consistency in espoase speed, displayed more variability in response poed and displayed more of a redaction in response sped at longer ISI ‘Overal Hlabeth has wal of atypical Tssnres which inasaneied with avery high ikelfinod of having disorder characterized by attention deficits suchas ADHD, Now ha oer poychologsl andor newegialcondana wit symptoms of inpaited aes es 2s ead atypical cores onthe Conbrs CPT “lirabe's profile of cores ad rept pate increta she muy ave ses related 1: + Inauentvenes (Strong Tncatin) = Vigilance (Some Indeaton) | 22MHS This setion summarizes Elizabeth's scares onthe inatentiveness measures and provides information about how she compares to the normative group. Indgators of inatfentveness on the Conners CPY 3 are poor Detectability (a igh percentage of Omissions and ‘Commissions slow Hit Reaction Time (HE), as wells high levels o inconsistency in response speed (Hit Reaction Time Standard Deviation [HRT SD] and Variability) 0+ Detecability (#) measures the respondents ability to dferetite non-target (.. the Jeter X) fom targets (all oer Fetter) Elizabeth's Tscore is 71 and falls inthe Very Elevated range, This result means that her ability to discriminate non-target from targets ‘vas very poor when compared to the nematve group. Po bility to diferntate non-target fom argts is an indicator of ‘Omissions resul from a fur to respond to targets. Elizabeth's T-score is 87 and falls in the Very Elevated range. This result means that she missed # much higher percentage of targets when compared tothe normative group, Failure to respond to targets isan indicator of ‘Commissions are made when responses ae given to nootargels Elizabeth's T-score is 61 and falls inthe Blevated range. This result ‘cans that she responded 1 higher percentage of non-targts when compared tothe normative group. A high level of commission errors ray be relate to inatentivenes and/or impulsivity. The combination of Elizabeth's slow response times (see HRT, below) and high commission errors isan indicator of inatentiveness. LHIRT isthe mean response speed of core sponses forthe whole administration, Elizabeth's T-score is 90 and fills in the Atypiclly Slow range, This result meas that her response speed was much slower than the normative group's response speed. This may inate that Elizabeth was not processing targets eMicietly, Note that HRT tnay also be affected by response style; Elizabeth's conservative response style may have contibuted to the slower response speed. See the Response Style Analysis section of this report for more interpretive intormation, HIRT SD is a measure of response speed consistency during the entire administration, Flleabath's T-sore is 90 and fll inthe Very Hlevated range, Ths result means that her response speed was much less consistent than the normative group, This suggest that Elizabeth ‘vas more inatentive and processed stimuli less efficiently during some portions othe administation Variability, like HIRT SD, is a measure of response speed consistency; however, Variability is a“within respondent” measure: tat i the amount of variabiliy that Elizabeth showed in 18 separate scaments ofthe administration in relation to her own overall HRT SD. Elizabeth's T-score is 75 and falls inthe Very Elevated ange. This result means her response speed variability was much higher when compared tothe normative group. High esponse speed varibilty indicates that Elizabeth's attention and information processing ficiency ‘varied throughout the administration. lvabeths sores on these measures strongly suggest that she may have problems with inatentiveness. ont ©2074 mares Systane. hs conve 4 Conners CPT 9 Report Eat az _Measures of livipulsivity > 22M This section summarizes Elizabeth's scores on te impulsivity measures and provides information about how she compares tothe ‘sormative group. Indicators of impulsivity on the Consers CPT 3 ined a faster than normal Hit Reaction Time (HRT) in adltion toa higher than average rat of Commissions andlor Perseverations. HIRT isthe mean response speed of eorest responses forthe whole administration Elizabeth's T-score is 90 and falls inthe Atypcally Slow range. This result means that her response speed was much slower than the normative group's esponse speed. This may indicat that Elizabeth was not processing targets etfcimtly. A slower than normal HRT is offen relate to inattentiveness rather than impulsivity. See the Measures of Inatistivenes section ofthis rsport for more interpretative information, Commissions ate made when esponses ae given to non-targets Elizabeth's Tescore i 6 and fills the Elevated range. This result means ‘hat she responded to a higher percentage of non-targets when compared tothe aoemative group, Commission eeors may be elated to impulsivity andor inatentiveness. The combination of Elizabeth's slow respoase times (ses HRT, above) and high commission errors isan indicator of inattentivenees rather than impalsivity Perseverations are indo or anticipatory sponses. Elizabeth's T-score i 90 and fallen the Very Elevated range, This result mess that she made many more perseveratve errors When compared w the normative group. Because Elizabeth's response speed (soe HRT, above) vwas sla her perseverations are unlikely to be related 9 impulsivity "izabeth’s scores on these measures do nt indicate problem with impulsivity Cepylgnt © 2014 Mut-Heah Systane, A ts eae, 5 ‘Comers CPT 3 Report Elabeth Diaz =2MHS This section summarizes Elizabeth's scores onthe sustained attention measures, Sustained attention is defined as the respondents ability to rainin attention as the administration progresses. A doerosein sustained atenonaeros ine i eaptured by atypical slowing inthe respondent's Hit Reaction Times (HRT; as indicated bythe variable HRT Block Change), aswell as by increases in Omissions and Commissions in later blocks of he administeation, Hit Reaction Time by Block HRT Block Change 00+ oo * aes 7 . ¢ 8 Ce) SS 8 oo i oF ” 200 i mito ete | oe oe | | THRT so (ms) 634 416 yet 557 825 502 ‘ote. ms = milliseconds; SD = Standard Deviation. Block Commissions by Block 100 pos se oo Sea 60 Omissions (%) Note. The

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