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Character Education
for 21st Century Global Citizen

Marzuki, Endah Retnowati, Anik Ghufron,
Kasiyan, Adi Cilik Pierawan, Ashadi
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Organized by
Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penajaminan Mutu Pendidikan,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The 2nd International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development was
held in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) on 21-22 October 2017. The conference is an annual event,
conducted by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta’s Institute of Educational Development and
Quality Assurance. Similar to the previous conference, this conference received enthusiastic
response from scholars and practitioners particularly interested in character education.
Participants from Australia, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and many cities in Indonesia
attended this year’s conference.

Exploring the theme “Character Education for 21st Century Global Citizens”, the committee
has invited Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D. (General Director of Higher Education
and Human Resources from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of
the Republic of Indonesia) as a keynote speaker. Moreover, the committee has also invited
Prof. Azyumardi Azra, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Wiel Veugelers, Asst. Prof. Dr. Betania Kartika
Muflih, Emeritus Prof. Dr. Terry Lovat, Prof. Dr. Kerry John Kennedy and Prof. Suyanto,
Ph.D as invited speakers.

There were approximately 232 submissions from various countries to the conference. The
committee selected 127 papers to be presented in this year’s conference. The scientific
committee has reviewed 117 papers that are qualified for publication. After a careful
consideration, there are 83 papers included in the proceeding of the conference that is
published by CRC Press/Balkema and submitted for indexation to Thomson Reuters/Scopus.
The other 29 papers are published in this additional volume and submitted for indexation to
Google Scholar. The rest of the papers are withdrawn by the authors. The peer review process
was conducted to ensure that the published papers may be fruitful and potential for follow-up
research or implementations.

Papers in this additional volume of proceeding are categorized under subthemes: 1) Values
for 21st century global citizens, 2) Preparing teachers for integrative values education, 3)
Teacher professional development for enhanced character education, 4)
Curriculum/syllabus/lesson plan/learning materials development for integrated values
education, 5) Developing learning activities/tasks/strategies for character education, 6)
Assessing student’s character development (values acquisition assessment), 7) Parents and
public involvement in character education.

Marzuki, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Endah Retnowati, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Anik Ghufron, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kasiyan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Adi Cilik Pierawan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Ashadi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Values for 21st Century Global Citizens

Strengthening the value of character through shows shadow puppets
(L. E. Pradita, W. Hermawan, & K. Saddhono)...................................................... 1
Lawas: An oral literature in Sumbawa East Indonesia (East Indonesia) as a
character development means (N. Ifansyah & K. Saddhono)................................. 12

Preparing Teachers for Integrated Education

Optimizing the development of teachers' motivation to teach in disadvantaged
areas in Indonesia (H. B. Utomo)............................................................................ 17
The ratio of additional learning resource and activity facilities in e-learning of
Sebelas Maret University (D. Wahyuningsih, S. Suyanto & A. Ghufron)............. 22

Teacher Professional Development for Character Education

Character education management model based on multiple intelligences
(A. Arsyad, A.K. Masaong, & A. Asrin)................................................................ 26
The effectiveness of continuous professional development (CPD) for teacher
(N. Nurkolis, Y. Yuliejantiningsih, & S. Sunandar)............................................... 32

Curriculum/Learning Materials Development for Integrated Education

Model of Superflex Learning: Limited trial
(H. Rachmah & J.H. Hendrawan, R. Gunawan)..................................................... 38
Picture storybook: A learning method to improve student’s creative thinking and
collaborative skill (A. Yulistia & H. Rasyid)........................................................... 44
The quality of the child’s translation song as an early childhood learning material
((S. Suharto & U. Utomo)........................................................................................ 50

Developing Learning Activities/Strategies for Character Education

Through applying propaganda rhetoric in speaking skill learning at senior high
school (U. Faizah, S. Sawitri & K. Saddhono)....................................................... 55
Culture-based character school model development in elementary school in
Ngaglik, Indonesia (S. Suwarna)............................................................................ 60
An analysis of Teaching Pyramid Model for early childhood education and
Character-Based Holistic Education (R. Haristi, A. Listiana, & Y. Rachmawati). 63
Historiography: How to create your own history (R. Gunawan)............................ 68
Implementation of literacy wrote poetry with nature theme as a means of
strengthening character love Indonesia
(F.P. Rahmawati, A. Sudigdo & K. Saddhono)...................................................... 73
Lesson plan concept based on SMIC (spiritual, moral, interpersonal, cultural)
literacy (I. Maryani, S. Urbayatun, Suyatno, C.P. Bhakti, & D. Sulisworo).......... 79
The implementation of the scientific approach in environmental educa-tion for
kindergarten students (H. Djoehaeni, A. D. Gustiana, & M. Agustin)................... 86
Moral cognitive-based project learning in the development of early childhood
prosocial behavior (E. Syaodih, O. Setiasih & N.F. Romadona, H. Handayani).... 91
The benefits of educational tales in teacher and student perspective (M. N.
Wangid, A. Mustadi, N. L. R. Herianingtyas, A. R. Putri, I. Nurhidayah, & T.
Mulyani).................................................................................................................. 96
Traditional game application in developing the value of child character
(A. D.Gustiana, M. Agustin & H. Djoehaeni)........................................................ 102
Model of Pancasila education with feminis perspective
(C. W. Murdiati, B.W. Suliantoro & M.D. Susilawati).......................................... 108
Preservation of educative traditional games in the development of cha-racter
education (I.M. Sutama, I.W.M. Wahjoedi, & I.P.P. Adi)...................................... 112
Nature-based learning as an effort in building students’ character education
values (I.Y. Rahmawati)......................................................................................... 118
The validity of interactive instructional media on electrical circuits at vocational
high school and technology
(S. Sukardi, D. Puyada, R.E. Wulansari, & D.T.P Yanto)...................................... 123
Development of guided inquiry-based accounting learning module to improve
creative and disciplin character (A. Risman & S. Santoso).................................... 127

Assessing Students Character Development

Study on the relationship between character and the improvement of learning
achievements of science-biology students (K. Arifin)............................................ 133
Study on Early Childhood Discipline in Majalengka-Indonesia
(E. Hartiani., A. Listiana., Y. Rachmawati & A.I. Pratiwi).................................... 140

Parents and Public Involvement in Character Education

Environment supported to develop young child discipline
(Y. Rachmawati & A. Listiana).............................................................................. 145
The analysis of father’s perspectives on child with speech delay
(I. Gunawan & A. J. Nurihsan)............................................................................... 149
The values of character education in the tale of Maling Kenthiri in the kentrung
performance in Blora, Indonesia (S. Sutiyono)....................................................... 154
Strengthening the value of character through shows shadow puppets

L. E. Pradita, W. Hermawan, & K. Saddhono

Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Puppet is not just aesthetically pleasing shape, but has its own value for the Indonesian people
in general and the people of Javanese culture in particular containing deep intent is to give a picture of life
and living. Puppet is a work of art that has meaning as a language of symbols of life and living a more
spiritual rather than outward. One of the alternative media that can be used is through a puppet show that is
full of values, moral and character education. This study aimed to describe (1) The values of the characters
presented in a puppet show; 2) The process of strengthening the character after watching the puppet show.
This study is a qualitative research. The method used ecological literature. The data studied is spoken of data
about the shape of the strengthening of puppet and values contained in the shadow puppets. Data were
analyzed using interactive, while the validity of the data using triangulation, theory and methods. Based on
the results of research and analysis showed: 1) The values conveyed character in a puppet show include the
noble values of Pancasila. It proved to still their mutual cooperation activities, meetings, and social activities
for students at the school as a successor to the nation that can distinguish between what is good, what is right
and what is wrong; 2) The process of strengthening the character through a puppet show can be done through
Pancadria that spectacle, the substance of value, symbolizes the values, selection values and attitudes to the
integrated embodiment in one time show.

1 INTRODUCTION comedic element is very dominant in every

performance. In this case reciprocity
Regional literature is one of the characteristic communication is strong among players and
manifestations possessed or produced by a spectators. Therefore, it is often called the people's
particular society. Cultural values contained in the theater or folk show. This folk art performance
regional literature is an entity underlying the uses local language such as Javanese language,
existence of that society. Studies On regional Sundanese language in accordance with the
literature has high relevance to the needs of language used by the society where the
building self-identity, independence, social performance is presented, so the information that
responsibility, and the dynamics of community the performance performances are always
change. The results of the study is very possible associated with human life events such as wedding
utilization because of three important factors. First, ceremony, ruwatan, clean thanksgiving village,
the direction of regional development can be and celebration big day. In addition, performances
adjusted to the needs and socio-cultural potential, of wayang kulit is also used as a means of
in this case the region's literature. Second, the communication means as a medium of education
widespread flow of profane lifestyles and mass and means of understanding human life. The art of
culture of homogeneity as a result of globalization wayang kulit in society has different functions that
can be denied by exploring the pluralist local can be grouped into 3, namely: 1) as a means of
cultural wisdom as an alternative cultural system. ritual; 2) as personal entertainment, and 3) as
Third, the emergence of degradation of the representations of art (Soedarsono 1999). The
potential and sustainability of natural resources and wayang story is a description of the nature and
the environment can be anticipated by exploring character of human beings because typically the
the cultural values that are conceptualized in local exposure of the story is reflected in the nature and
pranatapranata, traditional values, and oral behavior, so that many are giving suggestions.
literature. Though all the forms of the dish are just pseudo,
Traditional art performances are born and not the real event.
developed in the midst of rural communities. The Puppets is not just a beautiful and fun form, but
cultural art show is a reflection of the life of the has its own value for the Indonesian people in
village community, which is presented in the general and the Javanese cultural community in
community spontaneously and intimately. The particular that contains a deep intention of

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |1
providing a picture of life and life. Wayang is a show actually already implied guidance of life,
work of art that has meaning as a symbol language However, the model of the performances that made
of life and life that is more spiritual than this deliberately designed specifically as a means
outwardly. One of the alternative media that can be of cultivation of character so that all elements of
used is through puppet show which is full of the show are directed to the things related with
values, morals and character education. manners.
The shadow puppet show has now become a This study raises the elements of character in
performing art form that contains aesthetic value. wayang kulit can be used as a moral planting for
Wayang kulit is a very popular art and familiar school students. That, based on the existence of
from all walks of life, especially for the people of various phenomenon of moral decline of the young
Java. For fans, the leather puppets are an artistic generation, which one of them caused by the
expression, but they are also viewed as a source of influence of global culture. Therefore, with this
reference for life, so the wayang performances are assessment, the appreciation for the students or the
full of ethical, philosophical and socio-religious young generation in the field of wayang kulit art,
values. the pure product of Indonesian nation culture
The phenomenon of moral decline of becomes more can be improved. In addition,
Indonesia's young generation is widespread in today's leather puppet show has begun to be
various lines of life, such as brawl between marginalized because of the entry of modern
students, physical clashes between members of the entertainment that is easily accessible, so there is a
council, clashes between government officials and need for special handling as a form of preservation
citizens, fights between villagers, abuse of in order not to become extinct. Shadow puppet
authority, and so on. Such symptoms can reduce shapes can open up opportunities for other dalang
the image of the Indonesian nation in the eyes of to adopt the model in their puppets. It is important,
the world as a polite nation and can also affect the to respond to other forms of entertainment in the
internal disintegration between nations. Moral global era that can be accessed easily.
degeneration concerns the character of everyday Based on the above background, the research
attitudes and behaviors, like individuals, families, can be formulated as follows. 1) How are the
and society. The cultivation of manners is thus character values delivered in the shadow puppet
important as one of the efforts to prevent moral show? 2) How is the process of strengthening the
decline and planting will be more appealing if character after watching the wayang kulit show?
applied early on. This study aims to describe the values of characters
The cultivation of manners can be achieved conveyed in the shadow puppet show and describe
through appreciation and artistic activity, for the process of strengthening the characters after
example through puppet show. In the art of watching the wayang kulit show.
wayang kulit performance various elements of
moral education can be accommodated. Shadow
puppet performances are not just presenting a 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
spectacle of carved skin but actually have a moral
message that can be a life guide. Through the art of 2.1. Culture and Art
wayang kulit, elementary school students who are Culture comes from the word culture which
the younger generation of the nation's ideals, in in Indonesian dictionary means 'mind or mind'.
addition to being introduced to the nation's art and Thus, culture can be regarded as the result or fruit
culture can also imitate the moral message of thinking done by a person at a certain time.
contained in it. Based on the meaning of the story According to Bernett Taylor (Riyanto, 2011: 43),
or can be by imitating the behavior of characters of "Culture of civilization, taken in is wide
the story that behaves well, then the wayang kulit technograpic sense, is a complete complex that
can be used as a means of character education. includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom,
Especially in the current global era, which allows a and any order capabilities and habits acquired By
variety of foreign influences can be accessed man as a member society. "In the free translation
easily, then the morale of the young generation we can understand that culture is essentially a
needs to be improved so as not to be influenced by complex blend of knowledge, belief, art, morals,
the morals of foreign nations. and traditions as well as other skills and habits
In the beginning, the wayang kulit was used by gained by humans as members of society. Ndraha
the guardians as a medium for spreading Islam in (Riyanto 2011) divides the cultural level in two
Java. In addition, it is also used as a vehicle to categories. A. The quantitative aspect: the more
convey legends as legitimacy over the occurrence involved in embracing, possessing, and obeying a
of a village, lake, mountain, and others. In this higher cultural level will be created such as global
discussion, wayang kulit is used as a means of culture, regional culture, national culture, local
cultivation of character, although in wayang kulit

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |2
culture, and local culture; B. Qualitative aspects: Intellectual Cultural Heritage Representative in
the more fundamental the structuring of values will 2003.
be the stronger the created culture. The puppets in the context of art is a person
With these two cultural meanings, Ndraha who is in charge of moving puppet puppets or
continues that culture can have the following telling a story (beber, kentrung). In the puppet
functions: show, the element of the story is of course the
a. Taste and identity of the community, main element. Through this story the puppeteer can
b. Binding a society, insert character education. As is known, that in the
c. Source of inspiration, wayang performance, the audience is not faced
d. Driving force, with general theories but with models about human
e. The power to create added value, life and behavior (Suseno 1995) analogous to the
f. Patterns of behavior that contain norms and life of wayang figures. Indeed what is depicted in
rules, wayang performances is a picture in the life of
g. heritage, society.
h. Substitution of various values, Puppets is a symbol of traditional Javanese
i. Mechanisms of adaptation to change worldview that serves as an art, religious ritual,
j. The process that makes the nation congruent. and has been a medium of idea submission for
Understanding culture will not be separated more than a thousand years (Hatley 1971).
from understanding art or art. Art that says basic However, community change tends to urge areas of
art in Indonesian is the ability of the mind to create "local value" in "marginal" areas. Modernization
something of high value or beauty. Many notions and globalization are suspected to have placed
of art are born by art figures who all point to the traditional arts on two choices: to survive in the
work of art (art) for the art observer. Art or art is corners of civilization or to modernize themselves
the work of artists with the intention of giving a to be transported into a modernity that promises a
sense of beauty to the observer and for the artists bright future. The wayang performance which
themselves. became one of the important pillars of the
Art can provide a person's psychological life preservation of the Javanese Tradition, reveals a
because the object or target is nature, psyche, life, Javanese Philosophy that teaches the ethical view
and all that is related in human life. Art is also an that understanding the path of natural law is an
order and the value of a society can be seen. We important issue.
can still remember how the Ancient Greek Genealogically, the tradition of puppetry in Java
civilization, Ancient Rome, or Ancient Egypt, is derived from two orientations, namely the
which in its day is a benchmark of the progress of tradition of the palace or the great tradition
human reasoning thinking. Thus, we have always (Surakarta and Yogyakarta) and the traditions of
never been separated from art. Even the latest the lower society outside the palace or popular
developments, now the struggle in life is associated tradition (Soetarno, et al 2007). Puppets is
with art, such as martial arts, the art of preserving someone who delivers messages through a channel
oral, and the art of arranging the heart. (channel) wayang kulit to the audience (receiver).
The interconnectedness of art in human life Dalang as a communicator is strongly influenced
shows that the importance of art in giving harmony by several factors, among others:
and balance. Art is the core form of human culture 1. General knowledge (knowledge) both about the
and civilization that we frame as an invaluable art of puppetry as well as dissemination of
asset of a nation. Similarly with Banten, this area public information (ideas), and experience
has always been developed and developed with the mendalang (experiences). A puppeteer who has
nobility of art and culture. extensive knowledge of the knowledge coupled
with his old bastarding experience will make it
2.2. Puppet
easier for him to communicate public
Puppets is Indonesia's native art performances that information that is easily captured by the
thrive in Java and Bali. The wayang culture is audience without damaging the art of beauty.
influenced by Javanese and Hindu culture. 2. The skills of a dalang in communicating
UNESCO, the cultural institution of the United (communication abilities) will affect the success
Nations, on November 7, 2003 established the or failure of the communication process. Both
wayang as the famous puppet show of Indonesia, a normative and philosophical messages
priceless world masterpiece of the Masterpiece of submitted by the mastermind will be understood
Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Shadow by the audience if the message is easily digested
puppets show (puppets) in Indonesia has its own 3. Knowing the norms that apply (values) in this
style, speech and uniqueness which is the original case grip. In addition, the puppeteer should pay
masterpiece from Indonesia. For this reason attention to the customs of the people who
UNESCO incorporated it into the List of

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |3
perceive the performance. If the norms are Area, so it requires terms of order in the
violated it can cause the audience to disperse. language. For example, the figure of Bima
4. Have group associations collected in never uses kromo language to anyone except to
GANASIDI and PEPADI to improve their Dewa Ruci.
skills. Often public information is submitted by Various types of wayang performances
the government through these puppetry spread in Indonesia such as puppets, and others
organizations. that may still be popping up along with the
Factors affecting wayang kulit performance, progress of the artist's creativity. However, among
among others: the various puppets, puppets are very popular in
1. The nature of the wayang media is bound by the the community, especially Java. Although puppets
standard, which is the guideline to be followed now life began to recede. Besides can be seen in
by the puppeteer, either in taking the story the above events, the planting of character can also
content, the selected gending, or the be seen in a story on a particular scene such as
philosophical messages conveyed to the jejer. In that scene, the courtesy education between
performance. According to Amir (1991), husband and wife, children and parents, young
medium wayang kulit has the following people and the elderly are portrayed in a dialogue
characteristics: containing elemental level of speech.
a. puppets kulit as a theater, has the same Various examples of puppets behavior can
function with the theater-theater in general, be described as means of cultivation or character
that is to provide meals that are education. That, can be achieved by imitating the
psychological, intellectual, religious, behavior of characters who have good character
philosophical, aesthetic, and ethical. The and not follow the bad behavior played by bad
difference of wayang does not separate these characters. In addition, also can be achieved by
functions understanding the meaning of cherry ta delivered.
b. Puppet provides a healthy entertainment for Seeing the end of the story that befell the puppet
the audience. There are elements of tragedy, characters can also be an example in taking a life
comedy, and tragicomedi. There is a of community. So, puppets shows are not just
touching romance, heavy dillema, great presenting a wooden show of puppets but actually
sacrifices, and entertainment in the form of have a moral message that can be a life guide.
jokes. Based on the meaning of the story or can imitate
c. Puppet forever is not patronizing, but more the behavior of a character, then the puppet show
invited the audience to find the meaning can be used as a means of character education.
contained in the show. Through the art of puppets performances, the
2. The performance of puppets on stage has a younger generation apart from being introduced to
limited audience. Wayang kulit performances in the nation's artistic art can also imitate the moral
the villages often absorb the audience from a message contained in it, which is of course
radius of 5 km. They flocked to the according to the moral of the Indonesian nation.
performances to watch the shadow puppet By looking at the roots of traditional culture, the
shadow. If the shadow puppets are broadcast morale of the young generation is expected not to
through modern mass media, such as radio, or be uprooted from the foundation of the life of its
television, the audience's reach will be even own people. If the foundation of Eastern culture is
wider. firmly inherent in the heart of the younger
3. A good wayang kulit performance is strongly generation, then no matter how hard the influence
influenced by stimuli, which are: of globalization is expected will not easily falter
a. A good puppeteer's voice can tell which one and remain strong, strong, noble personality for the
character sounds to another. Especially if the progress of the nation and the country of
wayang kulit is broadcast via radio, this dalang Indonesia.
sound factor is very decisive success of
2.3. Character Values
b. The aesthetic aspect of the wayang performance Character education according to Wibowo (2012)
is decisive. The puppeteer must be able to is effort designed and implemented in a systematic
arrange the location of wayang characters in the way to help learners understand the values of
trial, according to the character of each puppet human behavior associated with God Almighty,
character. For example, in the first jury when self, fellow human beings, environment, and
the king is meeting with ministers to discuss nationality embodied in Thoughts, attitudes,
important matters. The use of the language used feelings, words, and deeds based on religious
by each puppet character must be adapted to his norms, laws, etiquette, culture, and customs.
character. In this case the mastermind should be Furthermore, Mulyasa (2012), states character
able to use the language level in the language. education has a higher meaning of moral

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |4
education, because character education is not only with others. The fourteenth value is the love of
related to the problem of right wrong, but how to peace encompassing: attitude, words, and actions
instill habits about good things in life, so that that cause others to feel happy and secure for their
children or Learners have awareness, and a high presence.
understanding, as well as the concern and The fifteenth value of reading is inclusive: the
commitment to apply the virtues in everyday life. habit of taking the time to read the various
From some of the above opinions, it can be readings that give him virtue. The sixteenth values
synthesized that character education is a of environmental care include: attitudes and
manifestation of a person's behavior based on actions that always seek to prevent damage to the
values and noble characters that are implemented surrounding natural environment, and develop
in everyday life, both in the family environment efforts to repair the already existing natural
and society. damage. The seventeenth value of social care
Kemendiknas in Wibowo (2012) states eighteen includes: attitudes and actions that always want to
components of the value of character education. provide assistance to others and communities in
The first value is religious include: attitudes and need. The eighteenth value is the responsibility
behaviors that adhere to the implementation of includes: the attitude and behavior of a person to
religious teachings that are adhered to, tolerance of carry out his duties and obligations, which he
the implementation of other religious practices, should do, to himself, society,environment (nature,
and live in harmony with other religious followers. social and culture), the state and God Almighty.
The second value is honestly encompassing:
behaviors based on an attempt to make himself or
herself a person who is always trustworthy in 3 RELEVANT RESEARCH
words, actions, and work. The third value is
tolerance includes: attitudes and actions that The research studied has relevance to previous
respect different religious, ethnic, ethnic, opinion, research. The previous research review serves as
attitude, and other people's differentiation. The the basis or reference research that the researcher
fourth value is discipline include: actions that show will do. Research to be conducted this researcher is
orderly behavior and abide by various rules and as complement to research that had been done by
regulations. The fifth value is hard work include: previous researcher that felt still less
behaviors that demonstrate genuine efforts to comprehensive from study researched.
overcome learning and task barriers, and The first relevant research was conducted by
accomplish the tasks as well as possible. Walujo (2007) entitled Puppet Performance and
The sixth value is creative includes: thinking Public Information Dissemination. The results of
and doing something to produce a new way or this study indicate that the performance of wayang
result from something you already have. The art culture in Indonesia has many kinds and types.
seventh value is self-contained include: attitudes Each region has its own traditional wayang art that
and behaviors that are not easily dependent on can be used as a means of disseminating public
others in completing tasks. The eighth value is information. The development of cultural
democratic, including: the way of thinking, acting, performance of wayang art by government or
and acting that judge equal rights and duties of related institution is still needed, especially fund
himself and others. The ninth value is curiosity for practice, costume, and comprehension of actual
includes: attitudes and actions that always seek to public information. Public information
know more deeply and extensively from what they dissemination techniques can be done by wayang
learn, see, and hear. The tenth value is the spirit of artistic cultural performances with their own style
nationalism including: the way of thinking, acting, and way through dialogue, jokes, and singing.
and insight that put the interests of the nation and Collaboration can be performed by wayang artistic
state above the interests of self and his group. cultural art with modern mass media, provided that
The eleventh value is the love of the homeland, each media aware of the differences in
including: the way of thinking, acting, and doing characteristics of traditional media with modern
that shows loyalty, awareness, and high mass media.
appreciation for the language, the physical, social, The second relevant study was conducted by Sri
cultural, economic, and political environment of Indratmi Yuniarti entitled Wayang Mbeling
the nation. The twelfth value is to appreciate Creativity Dalang as Social Communicator. The
achievements include: attitudes and actions that results of this study indicate that the presence of
drive itself to produce something useful for puppets mbeling in mass media turned out to
society, and recognize, and respect the success of increase the repertory type of puppet shows. The
others. The thirteenth value is friendly or word "mbeling" shows the meaning of
communicative includes: actions that show the uncapableness or "nyeleneh". Wayang mbeling is
pleasure of speaking, associating, and cooperating not well established on the stage performing arts

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |5
but performed on the newspaper page. The writing two-way and spontaneous interactions between the
of wayang stories uses nonformal languages and museum and visitors. After implementation of the
the plots deviate from the puppet plot. The setting system, the ease of use of the system, user
of events is adapted to the real-life events of the behaviors, and preferences are also analyzed.
community. The characters of wayang puppets are Finally, a gamifying museum with mixed reality
adapted for the present day community figures. experience design model is proposed.
Lifestyle of wayang figures became the play The sixth relevant research is conducted by
adopted the living style of today's society. Zorko (2011) with the title a puppet in tmtu. The
Messages of social communication and mass puppet as the protagonist evoked from a child what
media become a means of supporting activities. an adult is not able to. Alongside the puppet a child
The third relevant research is conducted by feels to be an equal partner in the relationship to an
Tjahyadi (2009) entitled Deconstruction of adult (a kindergarten teacher and an assistant
Understanding of Javanese Culture About The teacher) and at the same time a child has optimal
Nature and Relationship of Kawula-Gusti at the conditions for his personal development in his own
"Semar Kuning" Puppet Play. The results of this way. Because of this also the farewell to Traja is a
study indicate that the understanding of Gusti- research, emotional and cognitive experience – but
Javanese relationship in Javanese society tends to in the name of the love for Traja and her planet a
understand the ontical oneness of Krasula-Gusti child, despite the emotional distress he experiences
oneness which can be achieved through the in Traja's departure, waives his dreams of his life
epistemic-ethical path, each of which is found in with her.
the "small narrative" References to the meaning of The seventh relevant research is conducted by
wayang that is anchored in the daily life of the Kshirsagar (2015) with the title Easier Automation
little people. with Puppet. Conclusion can be made that the
The fourth relevant research is conducted by puppet helps in automation of the processes which
Brits (2014) with the title Exploring the Use of have multiple occurrences and manage the system
Puppet Shows in Presenting Nanotechnology state.
Lessons in Early Childhood Education. Puppets The eighth relevant research is conducted by
were selected as a medium because they facilitate Divya (2015) with the title a study to assess the
social interaction, thereby enhancing effectiveness of puppet show on knowledge
communication through role playing, imagination, regarding selected mosquito borne disease among
story-telling, and listening for young children. It is children in selected village at nellore. In pre test
therefore the ideal interactive teaching aid. Life- 16(27%) had moderate knowledge and 44(73%)
size boy and girl puppets were manufactured in had inadequate knowledge. The scores of the post-
addition to different animals and a Nanoshi test indicated increase in knowledge levels of the
character with his magnificent instruments. The primary school children i.e. 11(18%) had adequate
Nanoshi character invites the children to his small, knowledge followed by 35(59%) had moderate at
small world where material acts differently, gold knowledge, 14(23%) had inadequate knowledge.
has extra ordinary colours, and a very thin, thin The ninth relevant research is conducted by Xin
wire can be very strong. Through different (2016) with the title a Plastic Arts of Northern
scenarios, for example the cleaning of dirty water Sichuan Big Puppets. As one of China's first non-
with a Nano tea bag and natures’ Spiderman (the material cultural heritages, northern Sichuan big
gecko), the basic foundations of Nano science is puppets are mainly characterized by three aspects
explained. The children are constantly encouraged in the plastic arts: the first is the focus on
by the puppets to ask questions and assist in combination of romanticism and realism in
solving problems. modeling techniques; the second is the true and
The fifth relevant research is conducted by delicate art of makeup, and makeup makes
Chan (2016) with the title Augmented Reality adjustments with the changes in the plot and the
Interaction Design and User Experience of Hand fluctuating mentality of characters; the third is
Puppet Historical Museum in Taiwan. Thus, this flexible and diverse installation and clothing.
study uses the display space in Li Tien-Lu Hand Northern Sichuan big puppets should be closer to
Puppet Historical Museum as the experimental the era, make seasonal innovation, integrate into
field. By integrating iBeacon sensor technology the cultural elements of the times and agree with
and virtual reality technology into creation of a the with the aesthetic taste of modern people, in
new experience of the hand puppetry culture, this order to maintain long-term vitality.
study attempts to investigate the exploring The tenth relevant research is conducted by
behaviors and action strategies of visitors under the Simon (2008) with the title a puppet promoting
navigation of games. While seeking a balance engagement and talk in science. The puppets
between traditional display of artifacts and use of research appears to have the potential to make a
digital instruments, this study expects to facilitate positive impact on science teaching in

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |6
primary/elementary schools. Funding has recently 4 RESEARCH METHODS
been secured to support a substantial programme The type of this research is qualitative research.
of professional development for teachers, together Moleong (2013) State that qualitative research is
with provision of resources including puppets and research that intends to understand the
scenarios in which the puppets can operate. Several phenomenon experienced by research subjects.
factors have emerged from the research that appear This study uses the approach of literary ecology
to be relevant in ensuring that this programme of that is to describe what the problem is, then
professional development is effective. analyzed and interpreted the existing data. These
The eleventh relevant research is conducted by data are data about the values of the characters
Searl (2016) with the title Puppets in an acute conveyed in the shadow puppet show, and the
pediatric unit: Nurse’s experiences. The puppets process of strengthening the characters after
were a means to educate the children and were watching the shadow puppet show. This research
sources of distraction from unpleasant procedures. data is oral data. This oral data comes from the
Additionally the puppets were a strategy to reduce wayang kulit story. The wayang kulit data are: the
fearand break down barriers for the child character values contained in the shadow puppets,
especially when undergoing procedures. When and the form of strengthening the characters after
using the puppets participants identified that witnessing the shadow puppets.
infection transfer was something to be considered Test the validity of data in qualitative research
and not all nurses felt comfortable using the includes several tests. Researchers used
puppets. A lack of confidence and time were triangulation test theory and data sources.
identified as barriers to using thepuppets. The Triangulation is interpreted as checking data from
findings from this study have been valuable in various sources in various ways and at various
establishing recommendations for futurepuppet times. Triangulation technique according to Sutopo
use. (2006) consists of four types, namely triangulation
The Twelfth relevant research is conducted by sources, methods, researchers, and theory.
Wagh (2015) with the title More than a script Triangulation techniques used in this study are
puppet: understanding work related stress & triangulation of sources, theories, and methods.
attrition in interactive service work in call centers. Triangulation of sources is done by checking the
It concludes that the interactive service work will data that has been obtained from several sources.
continue to be globalized, as a result, issues of call This triangulation is intended to validate data from
center work pressures and related attrition will other data sources other than documents, such as
increasingly surface within interactive service interviews from resource persons. The second
work. triangulation technique is triangulation theory that
The thirteenth relevant research is conducted by is using some theory so that the findings obtained
Aghagolzadeh (2009) with the title Language as a are valid. Theories that become the reference to
Puppet of Politics: A Study of McCain’s and validate the findings in this study are theories
Obama’s Speech on Iraq War, a CDA Approach. about wayang kulit, literary ecology, and character
In this study, the two rivals of presidential election values. Triangulation method is done by way of
try to win the election and gain political power. We referring, and record.
all know the tragic consequences of the war for Data collection techniques in this study are
Iraq, as well as American loss of life and money. interactive and non-interactive (Goetz & Le
However, McCain praises this event but Obama Compte, in Sutopo 2006). Interactive data
condemns it completely. The authors believe that collection is intended that the data collection is
these two differing thoughts rooted from two interacted with interviews and observations. Data
oppositional ideologies and views: while Obama is collection is noninteractive in the form of
from the rival party which is against the war, recording or documentation, and field notes.
McCain belongs to the starters of the Iraq war. Data analysis technique used in this research is
Therefore, the two nominees propagandize their interactive technique (Miles, et al 2007). The steps
parties regardless of the effects of war. This fact is of data analysis techniques in this study include
done through the language. On the basis of this fact three components, namely: 1) data reduction; 2)
it can be claimed that language is in the hands of presentation of data; And 3) drawing conclusions.
the lords of power who utilize it according to their The first step is data reduction. Data reduction
own taste. One of the ways that the lords of power phase is a detailed data selection stage. In this step,
and politics use to represent their mind is language, the data collected is recorded in a detailed
in this way language is in fact a puppet which is description. From the data that has been recorded,
used by the lords of society. then done simplification of data. The selected data
are only data related to the problem analyzed, in
this case the character values in the shadow
puppets and the process of strengthening the

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |7
characters after watching the shadow puppet show. the shadow puppet show is the noble values of
The second step is the presentation of data. At the Pancasila. These values are gotong royong,
presentation stage of this data, the data that has musyawarah, and social activities, besides for the
been set and then arranged regularly based on the students as the successor of the nation can
problems that have been formulated to be easily distinguish which one is good, which one is right,
understood. The data are then analyzed to get the and which one is wrong. The results of research
description of character values in wayang kulit and based on the formulation of the second problem
the process of strengthening the characters after shows the process of strengthening the character
watching the wayang kulit. The third step is through the wayang kulit show can be done
drawing conclusions. At this stage a conclusion through Pancadria. Pancadria forms of spectacle,
about the results of the data obtained from the value substance, value symbolization, value
beginning of the study. However, if the conclusion selection, and the embodiment of an integrated
withdrawal is not in accordance with the data attitude in a time of performance.
should be or there is any doubt in doing the a. Values of characters in wayang kulit show
conclusion withdrawal phase, it can be done by Art performances that use story elements basically
checking again from data collection, data confront an evil character (antagonist) with good
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion characters (protagonist) or build a conflict between
drawing. good characters and bad characters (evil).
Research procedures conducted by researchers Character values are usually tucked in staging
include: 1) planning stage, 2) implementation works of art, one of them in a wayang kulit show.
stage, and 3) preparation of reports. The first stage The value of the characters conveyed is the
is planning. Research planning stage includes: a) embodiment of the value of human love of God
making the formulation of the problem to be that is implemented in the form of attitude and
studied, b) designing the research, and c) preparing everyday behavior. It is one of the functions of
the research instrument or data collection tool. The wayang kulit performances as a means of
second stage is the implementation. In this stage of spreading good values in addition to its main
implementation, some activities are carried out: a) function, namely as a show of entertainment for
data collection stage, b) data reduction stage, c) the community. Wayang is an epic which
data analysis stage, d) data inference step. At the essentially tells the heroics of the characters who
data collection stage, the researchers collected data have good character to face and quell the character
in the form of character values contained in the of evil character.
shadow puppets and the process of strengthening Shadow puppet performances, puppeteers not
the characters after watching the wayang kulit only convey good character but also bad character
based on the formulation of the problem. At the because of the demands of the story and the
data reduction stage, the collected data are then characters contained in the puppet characters. The
selected and grouped according to the aspects position of shadow puppet is the symbol of human
analyzed. Aspects analyzed are the character life. The puppeteer through his wayang begins to
values in wayang kulit and the process of enter on the order of values in life as follows:
strengthening the characters after watching the 1. The importance of cultivating mutual respect
shadow puppets. and respect among people, especially from the
At the data analysis stage, the selected data is then young to the elder, from subordinates to
analyzed to answer all the problems that have been superiors and respecting loyalty.
formulated. At the data deduction stage, the data is 2. The importance of gotong-royong in daily life
concluded after data collection, data reduction, and as a reflection of the culture and character of the
data analysis. This stage is the answer to the nation, including appreciating the work
problems that have been formulated. The third achievements that have been done.
stage is the preparation stage of the report. The 3. The importance of having the nature of
research report is the final stage of a series of forgiving to each other by remembering that
processes. The process includes (problem humans are creatures where wrong and forget
formulation, designing research, composing and many have shortcomings
research instruments or data collection tools, data 4. The importance of the values of the struggle in
collection, data reduction, data analysis, and living everyday life, such as never giving up
conclusions). and not showing sorrow to others because
sadness is a sacrifice to achieve true success in
5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of research conducted,
researchers found a number of character values
The results of research based on the first problem conveyed through the puppet show. All the values
formulation show the character values contained in of the characters conveyed are the manifestation of

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |8
the value of human love of God that is which means many friends. Petruk comes from the
implemented in the form of attitude and everyday Arabic language fatruk which means leave crime,
behavior. It is one of the functions of wayang kulit while Bagong comes from the Arabic language
performances as a means of spreading good values baqha which means to distinguish between good
in addition to its main function, namely as a show and bad.
of entertainment for the community. Wayang is an Birth of Punakawan figure originated from the
epic which essentially tells the heroics of the birth of semar figure. Where semar was born from
characters who have good character to face and a mother named Dewi Wirandi and a father named
quell the character of evil character. Sang Hyang Tunggal. Semar is born from an egg,
Goodness values delivered through wayang in which an egg comes three creatures that come
kulit show oriented to the development of from eggshells, egg whites and egg yolks. An
community behavior in an effort to advance the life incarnate creature derived from an eggshell named
of nation and state, as it is known that the reverse Tejamantri or Togok, from an egg white called
of a nation is determined by whether or not the Semar, and from an egg-yolks named Manik Maya
quality of the character of its citizens. If the quality or Betara Guru. Punakawan Character in wayang
of the character is not formed, did not rule out the kulit art. Punakawan in general consists of four
state of Indonesia will begin to shift from the state figures namely Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong
of personality and civilized to a state that has no with a variety of unique characters in which each
identity that ultimately has implications for the of the figures Punakawan described as follows:
decline of the state. It is said that, because the First, Semar's figure is the center of the whole of
character (personality) is used as the best measure his own congregation. Semar is much respected
in assessing the individual. by the knights or the opponents, where semar is
Goodness values delivered through wayang a character who has a humble nature, character
kulit show oriented to the development of is not arrogant, honest, and a good example of
community behavior in an effort to advance the life character and wise.
of nation and state, as it is known that the Secondly, Gareng is a semar adopted child where
advancement of a nation is determined by whether the gareng has a different character, a person
or not the quality of the character of its citizen. If who is not very good at what he says sometimes
the quality of the character is not formed, did not goes awry. Gareng is a Punakawan character
rule out the state of Indonesia will begin to shift who has an incomplete body part as well as
from the state of personality and civilized to a state Gareng who suffered leg defects, hand
that has no identity that ultimately has implications disfigurement, and eyes.
for the decline of the state. It is said that, because Third, Petruk is the second child of semar, where
the character (personality) is the best measure in petruk has a naughty and intelligent character.
assessing the individual, the character is also the Figures petruk with body shape, arms and legs
best measure in measuring the success of a long cause that in every thought should be long.
country. Just as we think should be long and not grusa-
The process of strengthening the characters grusu to suit the desires and not settled. Petruk
through wayang kulit can be done through is good at talking and also very funny, he likes
Pancadria. Pancadria form of spectacle can be to quibble all the things that are not true with
viewed from the aspect of the story, the substance his jokes.
of values, the symbolization of value, the selection Fourth, Bagong is the youngest son of semar,
of values, and the realization of attitudes integrated where the cute figure is created from the
in one time performances. Based on the research shadow of semar, the bagong has the same
results can be seen that the role of Punakawan character as his brother is gareng and petruk,
figures in wayang kulit as a media of character where the bagong also likes to joke and full of
planting through the role of Dhalang in perfling freedom (acting stupid). Bagong, portrayed as a
wayang kulit show by inserting advices or moral figure who invited the cuteness with his speech
values in wayang kulit show such as Punakawan impressed ceplas-ceplos. Bagong is the most
role. innocent and less understood karmic, but tough.
The background of Punakawan's story in the Of the prominent physical features of Bagong
wayang kulit arts stems from the wishes of the are: (1) His body is round, his eyes wide, and
walisanga in spreading the religion of Islam into his lips are thick; (2) The fifth palms of his
Indonesia. In naming the punakawan associated fingers wide open with symbols that are always
and adapted to the character of the character ready to work hard in the middle of the story,
punakawan, which in naming comes from the the goal is to give a break for the audience not
Arabic language. Where Semar comes from the to saturate.
Arabic word ismarun which means have a strong Punakawan's role in instilling character in
firmness. Gareng comes from the Arabic Qarin Bendosewu society in wayang kulit performances

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 |9
is like being an advisor to knights, entertainers, Brits. 2014. Exploring the use of puppet shows in presenting
social critics, even the source of truth and policy. nanotechnology lessons in early childhood education.
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the common profile of humans, they are multi-role Education (IJCDSE) 5(4): 1798-1803.
figures who can become advisers of rulers or Chan. 2016. Augmented reality interaction design and user
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also means service, service can be distinguished Divya. 2015. Study to assess the effectiveness of puppet
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be drawn conversation dialogue implicitly or Miles, et al. 2007. Analisis data kualitatif: Buku sumber
explicitly between the character of the punakawan tentang metode-metode baru [Analysis of qualitative
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Wibowo, Agus. 2012. Pendidikan karakter: Strategi Zorko. 2011. Puppet in Tmtu. Conference Proceedings:
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Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 11
Lawas: An oral literature in Sumbawa East Indonesia (East Indonesia) as a
character development means

N. Ifansyah & K. Saddhono

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Character deterioration became a worldwide serious problem. Educational institutions have responsibility
and strategic role to solve problem. Its effort is to revitalize the role of oral literature based on containing values of
character building. If it has seriously implemented, this program can build learners’ character based on the values of typical
cultural wisdom. Therefore, this research goal is to describe form and explore the potential value of characters contained in
oral literature as cultural heritage of the Sumbawa, a city in East Indonesia. data is qualitatively collected t by
interviewing Sumbawa culturists. The collected data is checked its validity with various theoretical perspectives and
member checking. The data analysis used the interactive model. The research findings shown that (1) Lawas form consists
of three lines, four lines, and sequential. Lawas prototype is in the form of three lines, each is composed of eight syllables.
(2) The character values in the Lawas oral literature in the form of religious, good personality, awareness, humble,
knowledgeable, courage, egalitarian, brotherhood, maintain self-esteem, and equal personality. These character values
reflected the Sumbawa people’s life philosophy that oriented towards the development or improvement of physical-material
and mental-spiritual dimension in a balanced and simultaneous way. Sumbawa people viewed the life of the world and the
hereafter must go hand in hand which manifests in the way of thinking, speaking, and behaving. The character values in
Lawas involved virtue and wisdom in relation to oneself, neighbor, nature, and God.

1 INTRODUCTION trends that guide students to responsible and mature

(Ryan & Bohlin 1999). Character is the realization of
Character problems have become a crucial agenda a person’s positive development in the cognitive,
around the world. Various effort have conducted to social, affective, and ethical dimensions. Being polite
solve them. Everyone believes the greatest impact of and virtuous people with a strong character is the
character degradation is the lack of humanitarian most important quality that every family, school, and
value that able to ultimately destroy the civilization of community member should have them. Achieving
the world. Lickona (2008) reports a lot of symptoms individual happiness and social welfare depend on
of moral decline, including a ten disturbing teenage transferring cultural values to the future generations
trends. Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional Republik (Karatay 2011).
Indonesia (2010) acknowledges many immoral An important source of character value is local
behaviors demonstrated by adolescents and adults, wisdom. Sibarani (2013) mentions that local wisdom
both in the school environment and in the socio- as the prevailing cultural values and norms in
political environment. This situation motivates the organizing society life. The values and norms
government to optimize the implementation of believed truly become the foundation in the daily
character education. behavior of the local people. In many ways, local
Character is an inclusive term for individuals a wisdom is able to anticipate various problems,
totality (Arthur 2014). Lickona (2008) states that the including that occurred in the contemporary world
characters have been formed from three interrelated (Ratna 2011). Indonesia has areas that each area stores
parts: moral knowledge, moral feeling, and moral an invaluable cultural treasure as a source of local
behavior. A good character is concerned to the habits wisdom. One form of cultural property containing
of the mind, heart, and good deeds. Character character values is traditional literature. Wibawa
education is virtues developing – well habitually and (2013) points out a number of values contained in

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 12
Java ancient literary texts Serat Centhini through 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
figure of Seh Amongraga, such as rights and
obligations, justice, responsibility, conscience, 3.1 Lawas Oral Literature Form in Sumbawa
honesty, moral courage, humility, and loyalty. This
research studies an oral literature which is one of local Lawas has a typical form. It studied presents a quite
wisdom of Sumbawa society in West Nusa Tenggara variety form. Taking into account their form, all of
Province. them can be categorized into three classes, three lines
Lawas is a traditional poem of Sumbawa society. Lawas, four lines Lawas, and the sequential Lawas.
People use it as a means of inner expression. Lawas Rhyme is not the crucial thing considered. Most
has a high literary values because of the beauty of Lawas almost does not concerned the rhyme. Here are
language and their content including of philosophy, the three-line of Lawas form.
religion, affection, advice, joy, jokes, and so forth. It
becomes an integral part of the life of the people that (1) Tutusi lenas mugita Nearly calm you see
passing down orally from one generation to the next down
Mara ai dalam dulang Such water in tray
one. Therefore, Lawas is an anonymous work and
Rosa dadi umak rea Yet it can be a big wave
belongs to the collective of Sumbawa people
(Zulkarnain 2011). The Lawas prototype in the form of three lines and
The character values containing in Lawas need
each line consists of eight syllables, as shown in the
extracted to solve the problem of character damages. above example. All three lines have equal important
Oral literature as an ancestral heritage containing local positions. This is different from the general poetry
wisdom that can be utilized in community that consists of preface and contents. The three parts
empowerment to create peace and justice and improve are interconnected meaningfully and form a whole.
prosperity (Sibarani 2015). This research objectives Lawas forms are actually got the influence of
are to describe the Lawas form and characters values Elompugi—Bugis poetry—as a result of the
existing there as part of the cultural heritage of the acculturation of Sumbawa and Bugis (Makassar)
Sumbawa people.
culture. Both are made up of three lines, but the
Elompugi lines are composed of different syllables,
2 RESEARCH METHODS first line is 8, second line is 7, and third row is 6
(Mantja 2011).
The study is descriptive qualitative research. The Four lines Lawas have similar characteristics to
Lawas data collected through in-depth interviews with general poetry. This form is divided into two parts.
informants, Sumbawa culturist. The selected The first part (the first two lines) is the preface that
informant is purposive sampling used. Culturist is a serves as a hanger for the second part (the last two
person whom considered competence of Lawas and lines). This second part is the content. The two parts
able to provide in-depth and accurate information. In- have not relation of meaning, but bound by the final
depth interview technique is an interactive because rhyme. This Lawas form is actually affected by the
there is a possibility of mutual influence between rhyme and the number is not much. Considering the
researchers and data sources (Goetz & LeCompte following example.
1984). Data validity is triangulation theory used
(Patton 2002, Wellington 2015) and members (2) Udang manis Sweet shrimp in the
dalam dulang tray
checking is participants asked (informants) to review
Kemang dangar ka Dangar flower is
the accuracy of the interview results (Fraenkel et al. tu dampo summarized
2012). The data analyzing an interactive analysis Lamin manis mata If eyes looked so
model (Miles & Huberman 1994). nulang sweet
Panangar sai po
ampo Who else should
consider more

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 13
The sequential Lawas is the development of the egalitarian, brotherhood, self-esteem maintain, and
Lawas prototype (three lines). The form is a series of balance personality. For example, consider the
stanzas which each stanza is composed of three lines. following Lawas.
The number of stanzas is at least two, while no
maximum limit. The singers are free to develop
Lawas as long as it is relevant to the needs. There are (3) Sai sate nyaman ate Who wants to be happy
several visible variations of this Lawas form. First, the (his life)
archetype. This variation follows a three-line Lawas Laga lalo tutet ilmu Please set out studying a
pattern that does not emphasize rhyme or repetition of science
certain elements. This only gives priority to meaning. Lema no nesal pang In order to not regret in
mundi the future
Second, consists of preface and content. The first
(4) Mana ka tu bongka Although we cook a
stanza is the preface and the second verse is the cabe chilly
content. Both are bound by the final rhyme. This Lamen tu to bawa diri If we can guide
shape is similar to the four-line Lawas which is ourselves
influenced by the rhyme. Third, the words repetition. Ya muliasi parana Will be noble hereby
This occurs on the first line of the next stanza
containing the repetition of certain words contained in (5) Mana tau barang Although unknown people
the last line of the previous stanza. Repetition is not kayu
always complete or exact, but rests on the basis of the Lamin to sanyaman If able to be pleasing (good
same word, e.g. bakemang selak panotang ‘flowering ate soul)
between longings’ and ta kusempit kemang ate ‘this I Ba nansi sanak That is relative
send heart flowers’. This variation is indicated the parana
existence of cohesion among temples that implies a
connection of meaning. Fourth, give priority to the The above three Lawas are emphasized three
final rhyme. The sound equality at the end of each line essential values in life. Successively the values are the
is intended to embellish the Lawas. learner person, good personality, and fraternity. These
three values are manifestations of quality personal and
interpersonal dimensions. Everyone is born as a
3.2 Character Values in Lawas lifelong human being. Continuous learning will form
As a local wisdom, Lawas is rich with value that is a smart person. Good personality will shape authority,
beneficial to life. In it reflected the view of life of the so it is respected by others. Meanwhile, a sense of
Sumbawa people. Wisdom values as adopted by the brotherhood will strengthen social cohesion and avoid
Sumbawa people can be identified by exploring the horizontal conflicts. The brotherhood size for the
meaning of Lawas. Those values are packed with Sumbawa peoples are not a tribe, religion, race, or
beautiful language. There is a Lawas that is easily class, but a heart. Who brings comfort and pleasant,
understood; also their meaning implicit in the artistic he is the brother. This also reflects the egalitarian
word composition. There are four modes of values character of the Sumbawa peoples.
delivery in the Lawas, including of command,
prohibition, satire, and analogy. The first two modes (6) Manasi manis Although the sweet invitation
tend to be straightforward and the last two modes are parajak (seduction)
Agama dadi paruji Religion becomes indicator
implicit. To be able to interpret the Lawas meaning
Na turit lamen Do not follow the diversity
accurately, it is required precision, in-deep basengkal
appreciation, context understanding, and language
competence (Samawa language). (7) Sate balong desa Expecting a good hometown
In essence, the character values of Sumbawa darat
people are reflected in Lawas are the development or Tu sabalong We guide it in balance
improvement of the two dimensions of life, the world samalewa
and the hereafter. The values are shown including of Adil makmur de tu We will get fair prosper
religious, good personality, shame to do not be dapat
praiseworthy, humble, love science, courage,
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 14
The transcendental dimension is evident in both of 4 CONCLUSION
Lawas above. Lawas (6) is shown that religion is a
standard in addressing various life issues. Decisions, Lawas is an oral literature that belongs to the
attitudes, and deeds must be consistent with religious Sumbawa people. It has a distinctive shape. All the
values and norms. The salvation of life in the world complexities of life are reflected to them. It reflects
and the hereafter is believed to be determined by the Sumbawa people's view of the world. Lawas is
obedience to God. Lawas (7) is contained the huge of moral teachings that are beneficial to human
philosophies that made the slogan by the Sumbawa life in relation to itself, neighbor and nature, and God.
people, Sabalong Samalewa. This phrase means to Character education should pay attention to the
build or improve the physical-material and mental- values of local wisdom that has been obeyed by
spiritual dimensions in a balanced and simultaneous society. The success of local wisdom in regulating the
way. It is implemented individually and communally, peaceful and prosperous community life has been
so that it can bring prosperity in the form of justice proven (Sibarani 2015). The values of local wisdom
and prosperity. contained in Lawas can be used as a reference in
Character has been comprehended as a wisdom and curriculum development at all levels of formal
goodness values either on self or others. We can base education. Thus, these values can be incorporated into
on Lickona (2004, 2008), Lickona & Davidson guidelines for the development of cultural education
(2005), Berkowitz & Bier (2005), Kupperman (2005), and the character of the nation (Kementrian
and Character Education Partnership (2008) regarding Pendidikan Nasional 2010).
matter of it. Lickona (2004) states that life character
has two sides: appropriate attitude in others
relationship and in self relationship. A goodness
values in others orientated are justice, honesty, 5 REFERENCES
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Optimizing the development of teachers' motivation to teach in
disadvantaged areas in Indonesia
H. B. Utomo
Universitas Nusantara PGRI, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The concept of teaching motivation is very important for individual development and refers to
the teacher's thoughts and feelings about himself to engage in teaching activities. Previous studies have re-
ported a significant role of teachers’motivation to teach who can improve a variety of positive outcomes.
Teacher's motivation to teach depends on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of basic psychological needs,
namely basic psychological needs satisfaction for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Furthermore, basic
psychological needs satisfaction can be met if there is support from the social environment, such as a positive
school climate. Positive school climate as one source of motivation can motivate teachers to improve teaching
competence in schools. This paper is a literature review of several school climate research findings and basic
psychological needs satisfactionon teaching motivation. It aims to explore the role of the school climate and
basic psychological needs satisfaction, which can serve as the basis for further research in optimizing the de-
velopment of teacher motivation to teach in disadvantaged areas.The empirical information can be used as a
basis in determining the form of guidance for teachers in disadvantaged areas especially in East Java in order
to have a high work motivation.
teacher which is teaching in the area, it is of course
1 INTRODUCTION do not be felt by teacher who is teaching in town.
Teacher who is assigned in disadvantage areas and Based on to that problems phenomenon, running the
in developing areas will illustrated difference obsta- task and responsibility as a teacher, especially teach-
cles. Teacher in the remote area have to face natural er who is teaching in disadvantage area needed
challenge, society characteristic, social culture and strong motivation from individual itself. Without ex-
deferent religion that become resistance in this noble istence of motivation from strong individual, teach-
duty. Besides, accessing service information is com- ing can become heavy matter and even can create
pletely limited compared to existence of urban negative things to the teacher itself.
teacher, and problem faced by urban teachers do not Teacher’s motivation reflects to his/ her teaching
as complex as and as complicated as with teacher in practice in the classroom, so that it can create con-
disadvantage area (Kadir 2012). ducive learning atmosphere. Perlman (2013) said
Berg identifies some reasons teacher reluctant to that effective teacher has to show positive disposi-
teach in remote area. These include difficulties to tional behavior, is that the existence of motivational
access the school, adequate facility inexistence, fa- behavior to teach.
cilities and basic facilities which is minimum to According to Ryan & Deci (2000b) teacher moti-
support the process learning, availability of teacher vation to teach can create positive matters. This mat-
residence which do not fulfill by government, and ter is also supported by statement of Gagne &Deci
demand to teach teacher in remote area is heavier (2005) they said that motivation of individual itself
than to teach teacher in urban area (Paramitha 2012). can give the biggest motivation to voluntarily with-
As a result, many previous teachers in disadvantage out existence of pressure of other party and perforce
countryside or remote area feel uncomforted, and to, and also without existence of compulsion to con-
propose to move school in town. duct action. Furthermore, teacher which is motivated
The limited facility, difficult location to be ac- intrinsically in teaching can improve various posi-
cessed, education facilities and basic facilities which tive result, where the teacher likelier to increase the
is less adequate, very minimum education operating effort, involvement in school activity and school
expenses, and also less attention of teacher condition learning (Black & Deci 2000, Shen et al. 2009)
in disadvantage area become a challenge to the

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Research conducted by Wilkesman's & Schmid motivation (Wei 2012). School climate viewed as
(2013) studied about teaching motivation using self- part of school environment related to attitude dimen-
determination theory which is facilitated by social sion and of affective and system trust of school that
relation, competence, and some of by autonomy, is influencing children cognate, social, and psycho-
showing a result that educator has intrinsic motiva- logical growth (Tubbs & Garner 2000). School cli-
tion to teach because they are wishing to share mate relate to the quality and character of school life
knowledge and science to educative participant. (Cohen et al. 2009). School climate represent the
Then, according to Van de Berghe et al. (2014), quality of school environment which relatives re-
teacher autonomous motivation to teach is higher main to be done by students, influencing behavior of
than controlled motivation. Quality of this high mo- participant, and relied on collective perception about
tivation is not only beneficial for teachers them- behavior in school (Hoy & Miskel 2014). According
selves, but also it is useful to insurance the quality of to Kocabas (2009), positive school climate can be
teacher-student interaction. source of teacher motivation to increase teaching
In addition, research conducted by Wang & Liu competence of school. This is supported by Pretorius
(2008) about teaching motivation teacher in Singa- & De Villiers (2009) is that teacher which compre-
pore showed that teacher has intrinsic motivation hend importantly of school climate will give impli-
and high regulation self-identification toward na- cation in education process, as does satisfaction,
tional education. High regulation of self- productivity, teacher motivation, and play a part to
identification toward national education made teach- promote student learning activity
ers to have high self- confident in teaching and hav- Davidson (2007) motivation assist teacher to teach
ing more satisfaction toward national education pro- effectively according to requirement of student in
gram (Wang & Liu 2008). the school. This matter has intention that teacher
Along with the effort to increase teacher motiva- plays very important role in learning process and
tion to teach, hence it requires to investigate the con- teaching motivation in teacher directly influence
tribution factors. According to Ryan & Deci student learning. If teachers are not motivated to
(2000a), the appearance motivation is happened due teach, teacher will not be able to motivate student to
to internal support and external support. Therefore, study. Hoy (1990) stated that school climate for
motivation with theory of self determination, espe- teacher’s perspective does not only working envi-
cially motivation to teach is important conducted by ronment, but also product of professional link of
entangling basic psychological need satisfaction as teacher, and indication health of organization (Hoy
internal factor and school climate as external factor. & Miskel 2014). Besidesprofessional relation,
This paper is a literature review of several school school climate and motivation are tight combination
climate research findings and basic psychological with teacher task of pedagogies (Soini et al. 2010)
needs satisfactionon teaching motivation. It aims to Based on those explanation, it can be concluded
explore the role of the school climate and basic psy- that school climate has animportant role for teacher
chological needs satisfaction, which can serve as the and it can give an effect toward teacher motivation
basis for further research in optimizing the develop- to teach in school.
ment of teacher motivation to teach in disadvantaged
2.2 Basic psychological need satisfaction and
teacher motivation to teach
2 LITERATURE REVIEW Need satisfaction is satisfaction because having ful-
filled of basic psychological need to human being; it
2.1 School climate and teacher motivation to teach
represents nutriment for motivation developing
Findings of previous researches explain that school (Gagne & Deci 2005), gives energy, and leads to in-
environment and teacher interpersonal relationship dividual behavior (Deci & Ryan 2000). Studies
have appeared to become important factor which is about need satisfaction are related with basic compe-
have potency to influence teacher's motivation (Wei tence of psychological need or achievement, control
2012). Based on self determination theory, it said and autonomy and control or power, and relatedness
that support from school that is felt by teacher can or affiliation (Woolfolk 2009).
fulfill competence need and related need which is Basic needsatisfactionof individual is important
have potency to improve teacher motivation in learn- context and have to be gratified to experience of be-
ing something (Deci & Ryan 1985). Furthermore, havior motivate self determination (Deci & Ryan
Deci & Ryan (1985) proposed that motivated teacher 2000). According to Meyer & Maltin (2010), need
can create condition and manage the class better if satisfaction for autonomy happened when at inmost
there are also good support in the school environ- storey level of reflection, individual believe that
ment. what they do are selected freely and consistent with
Related to school environment, school climate as their core values. Need satisfaction for competence
external factor gives strong influence to the teacher happened when individual believe that they have re-

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source and ability required to finish its duty has and Hanfstingl et al. (2010) explained that basic psy-
reach target. Finally, need satisfaction forrelatedness chological need satisfaction have positive correlation
with others happened when individual feel a respect with study motivation intrinsic in school. This mat-
and respected by others. ter according to Ryan & Deci (2000b) that support
Previous research finding said that basic psycho- and basic psychological need satisfaction is im-
logical need satisfactionbecomes pleasant and inter- portant to develop intrinsic motivation.
esting factor when a teacher teaches. Reeve & Su Base on those above, so it can be describe that
supports this matter is that desire and interest and basic psychological need satisfaction has real contri-
teacher motivation to teach will appear if there are bution in teacher teaching motivation. Basic psycho-
any experiences of need satisfaction psychologically logical need satisfaction is predicted to have an ef-
in the case of autonomy, competence, and relation fect on to quality of teacher positive behavior in
during involving at teaching activity and interact school, which is visible from their teaching motiva-
with student (Gagne 2014). Furthermore, Reeve and tion.
Su said that personal motivation a teacher itself cen-
tre around level of satisfaction psychologically need
during teach process, and manifested in the form of 2.3 The role of school climate's in developing
teacher motivation for teach is mediated by
enthusiasm and work satisfaction (Gagne 2014).
basic psychological needs satisfaction
When teacher has basic psychological need satis-
faction to autonomy, teacher feels to be permitted to Motivation to teach independently is important psy-
express opinions and ideas, emerge self capacity, chological construct for teacher’s characteristic and
and teacher can do many things by using teacher's students’ learning (Roth et al. 2007). Furthermore,
method freely (Ryan & Deci 2002, Vansteenkiste et Roth et al. (2007) indicated that the influence of
al. 2010). Study conducted by Baard et al. (2004), teacher motivation toward students’ motivation
explained that need satisfaction is felt by teacher could be directly affected by teacher teaching style.
when teacher prefer to fully to accept instruction Therefore, in this research the writer wants to study
strategy that is proposed (satisfaction of autonomy). teaching motivation related to important process and
In addition, teachers feel self-confidence to finish outcomes at teacher based on theory framework of
their duty, giving instruction indirectly, and give op- self determination.Autonomous motivation for
portunity to converse during training of professional teaching which is relied on theory of self-
teacher (need satisfactionfor competence), and determination depend on whether fulfilled or does
teachers feel related with others during training of not fulfilled of basic psychological need satisfaction,
professional teacher (need satisfactionfor related- that is need satisfaction to be autonomy, need satis-
nees). faction for competence, and need satisfaction to re-
Niemic & Ryan (2009) explained in their research latedness with others (Deci & Ryan 2000). If the
which applicants self determination theory in educa- three requirements of basic psychological are unsat-
tion, it said that internal factor which influences in- isfied, it can make teacher-teaching motivation in
trinsic motivation of basic psychological need satis- low condition (Ryan & Deci 2000a). Gagne & Deci
faction that is need satisfaction of autonomy which (2005) stated that basic psychological need satisfac-
relates at experience of behavior and desire and self tion is nutriment for development of motivation and
reflective, and need satisfaction of competence internalization. Satisfaction of needs can be fulfilled
which relate to behavior experience effectively. Be- if there are any supports from social environment.
sides, need satisfaction for autonomy and needsatis- Various research using theory of self determination
faction forcompetence are important to sustain in- as theoretical framework to check social environ-
trinsic motivation. mental factors which can be able to improve or pur-
Skinner & Belmont (1993) explained that behav- sue satisfaction need (Ryan & Deci 2000), like work
ior of teacher which have and support the accom- characteristic (Van Den Broecket al. 2008), leader-
plishment of satisfaction of need, like giving student ship style (Eyal & Roth 2010), school climate (Hoy
freedom to chosen, to providing structured infor- & Miskell 2014, Cohenet al. 2009), performance
mation, and have the quality of good interpersonal (Baard et al. 2004, Gagne & Deci 2005).
with student, proven have positive relation toward Taylor and Tashakkorifound out that positive
student learning process in school. That also told by school climate takes part to increase satisfactory for
Ryan & Deci (2000a) that involvement of personnel school member (Marshall 2004). School climate also
school will be ever greater when environment can have potency to improve satisfaction of teacher in
fulfill psychological elementary need. Hereinafter & working and improving teacher retention, is that the
Reeve (2002) told that in school context, basic psy- main education (Boeet al. 2008, Kaesir 2011).
chological needs satisfactioncan increase the in- Ghavifekr & Pillai (2015) said that a positive organ-
volvement of academic student and teacher by sup- izational school climate and healthy can improve
porting learning condition optimally. teacher-teaching satisfaction in school. Other side, a
healthy school climate does not only improve teach-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 19
er-teaching satisfaction, but also improve learning for teacher who teaches in disadvantage region, but
environment and improve productivity school at the also for teacher who teaches in remote area. Next
same time. implication is needed research instrument matching
Lapointe (2006) in his research investigate the re- with teachers’ condition and culture who are teach-
lation between school environment and class envi- ing in remote area. Therefore, further research re-
ronment which mediates by teacher need satisfac- quire to prepare the design and appropriate research
tion, that is showing a result that school environment instrument.
have positive correlation with teacher need satisfac-
tion, that thing also have positive correlation with
class environment. Furthermore, Lapointe (2006) al- 4 CONCLUSIONS
so using interview as its research instrument which
showed that teacher owning need satisfaction of low This research is relevant to be basic conceptual and
or high in the reality have many equality and relative additional reading list about developing teaching
a few difference in perception about school envi- motivation base on selfdetermination theory, spe-
ronment and class environment cially develop teaching motivation in disdvantaged
Need Satisfactionthat teachers feel in school is area. Study concerning about developing teaching
when teacher prefer to do proposed instruction strat- motivation form along with factors influencing it
egy (satisfaction of autonomy), teacher feels self will manifested constructive form for teachers to
confidence to finish school duty, and teacher give recognize self potency, so the teachers can improve
instruction indirectly, and also have opportunity to themselves by making it optimally and considering
converse during professional teacher training (satis- about school climate and basic psychological need
faction of competence). Teacher feel related with satisfaction as effected factors. Empirical infor-
others during the following teacher training (satis- mation about factor that influenced it can be used as
faction of relatedness) (Baard et al. 2004). Base on basic to determine construction form for teachers in
description above, role of school climate which me- disadvantagedarea especially in East Java in order to
diated by basic psychological need satisfaction esti- have high work motivation.
mate have relevance and can be used to explain
teacher motivation for teach.

3 IMPLICATIONS Baard, P.P. et al. 2004. Intrinsic need satisfaction: A motiva-

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Kocabas, I. 2009. The effects of sources of motivation on Soini, al. 2010. Pedagogical well-being: Reflecting learn-
teachers' motivation levels. Education 129(4): 724-733. ing and well-being in teachers’ work. Teachers and teach-
Kaiser, A. 2011. Beginning teacher attrition and mobility: re- ing: Theory and practice 16(6): 735-751.
sults from the first through third waves of the 2007–08 be- Tubbs, J.E. & Garner, M. 2008.The impact of school climate
ginning teacher longitudinal study. U.S. Department of Ed- on school outcomes. Journal of College Teaching & Learn-
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Statistics. Retrieved September 25, 2013 from Van de Berghe, L. et al. 2014. Within-person profiles of teach-
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Marshall, M.L. 2004. Examining school climate: Defining fac- idation of the work-related basic need satisfaction scale.
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Perlman, D.J. 2013. Effectiveteachingand motivation: Applica- and School Effect on Teacher Motivation. Electronic Thesis
tion of self-determination theory. Journal of Research, Pol- or Dissertation. Retrieved from
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Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 21
The ratio of additional learning resource and
activity facilities in e-learning of Sebelas Maret University
D. Wahyuningsih
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
S. Suyanto & A. Ghufron
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, , Indonesia

ABSTRACT. Sebelas Maret University (UNS) use e-learning either as a supplement or complement the
learning. The software used in e-learning UNS is Moodle 3.02+ with address Error! Hyperlink reference not
valid.. The purpose of this research is to determine the ratios of the used additional learning resource facilities
to the amenities offered in the e-learning pages UNS and the used additional learning activity facilities to the
amenities offered in e-learning pages UNS. The used research method is the documentation method. The
document is the e-learning UNS report period of 3 March to 7 November 2016 that is 23021 data. Based on
data analysis, it is obtained the facilities that are used in e-learning UNS and the amount of use. These
facilities consist of additional learning resources and additional learning activities. The additional learning
resources, the used facilities are the form of books, files, pages, and URL. The additional learning activities,
the used facilities are the assignment, chat, database, forum, lessons, and quiz. The ratio of additional learning
resource facilities that are used to the amenities offered is 57.14% and the ratio of additional learning activity
facilities that are used to the amenities offered is 46.67%.

1 INTRODUCTION objectives (Ayala 2009). Blended learning also

Successful learning requires good planning, namely as hybrid learning, flexible learning, or
organizing, actuating, and controlling of learning. distributed learning (Vignare 2007). The flexibility
Planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling are in time and place of this learning makes this kind
function of management (Terry 2013). Planning, of learning gives the student to learn widely (Bath
organizing, actuating, and controlling are & Bourke 2010, Thorne 2003). Online learning or
conducted on the resources of learning. Planning, electronic learning which is popular with short e-
organizing, actuating, and controlling of the learning has several definitions. The definition
resources of learning are needed to accomplish given by Morrison (2003), Erdem & Kibar (2014),
effective and efficient learning and management of and epignosis LCC (2014) is an e-learning as
the so-called learning management. software therein can be organized learning.
Learning management that blend between face- Software specifically for the learning called the
to-face learning and e-learning-assisted learning is Learning Management System (LMS). The
called a blended learning management. Blended examples are Claroline Open Source LMS,
learning provides opportunities for learners to learn Edmodo, Manhattan, Atutor, and Moodle.
independently outside face-to-face meetings with The function of e-learning in-person learning
teacher. Thus, blended learning provide access to can be as a supplement, complement, or
learning for learners which is far broader than just substitution (Siahaan 2003). E-learning as a
in-person learning. As well as face-to-face supplement means that e-learning is an addition of
learning, blended learning has a weakness of which face-to-face meeting so that no e-learning despite
the need for preparedness and readiness of running full in face-to-face learning. E-learning as
educators to prepare learners to access it. a complementary means that e-learning is a
Readiness of students for independent study complement to face-to-face meeting or it can be
occurred mostly higher education environments. said that if there is no e-learning, so face-to-face
learning is not complete. E-learning as a
substitution means that e-learning replacing face-
2 LITERATURE REVIEW to-face meetings.
Today, many e-learning portal developed by
Blending between face-to-face learning and software Learning Management System (LMS)
online learning will maximize the efforts of called Moodle (Surjono 2009). One of the common
educators as a manager in achieving the learning web application for learning is Moodle, open

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 22
source platform and free (Parikesit 2014). In 3 RESEARCH METHODS
Moodle person can contribute to an administrator,
teacher, teacher who does not edit, student, and the The used research method is the documentation
guest. Administrator can act as teacher, teacher method. The document is the report of the e-
who does not editing, student, or guest. Teacher learning UNS period of 3 March to 7 November
can play a role as a teacher who does not edit and 2016 that is 23021 data. The sample of those data
student, while the teacher who does not edit only is presented in table 1. The purposes of research
can see the results but cannot act as student. In are to determine the ratio of used additional
construct a course or a class like in face-to-face learning resource facilities to the amenities offered
meeting, Moodle provides additional learning in the e-learning pages UNS and the ratio of used
resources facilities (add resources menu) and additional learning activity facilities to the
additional learning activities facilities (add amenities the offered in e-learning pages UNS.
activities menu). In general, the additional learning Page of e-learning UNS is presented in figure 1.
resources facilities in Moodle generally are book,
file, folder, label, page, and the URL, while the
additional learning activities facilities generally are
assignment, chat, database, feedback, forum,
lessons, quizzes, surveys, and wiki.

Table 1. Sample of the e-learning UNS report

User full Affected Event Compo- Event IP
Time Description Origin
name user context nent name address
10/10 Yudianto - Quiz: Kuis System Course The user with id web 112.21
/16, Sujana 1 module '22983' updated 5.172.5
13:03 updated the 'quiz' 9
activity with
course module
id '13430'.
9/10/ Co-ass 6 - Assignmen Assignm Grading The user with id web 114.12
16, Lilis Ike t: Tugas ent table '275562' viewed 0.235.5
13:15 Nur C RKP viewed the grading 2
table for the
assignment with
course module
id '13417'.
8/10/ Salim - Forum: System Course The user with id web 103.23.
16, Widono FORUM module '136' updated 224.24
09:31 PERKEN updated the 'forum' 6
ALAN activity with
course module
id '13416'.
8/10/ Co-ass 13 H071414 Course: System User The user with id web 36.81.9
16, SeptiantiH 5 Untari Praktikum graded '275566' 3.95
09:31 epri Dayu Pengelolaa updated the
Saputri Kencono n Hama grade with id
Terpadu '49297' for the
user with id
'264553' for the
grade item with
id '788'.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 23
Based on the 23021 data in Microsoft Excel table
from Moodle report facility, the data are sorted and
choose to determine the type of additional facilities
of additional learning resources and additional
learning activities. The results are presented in
Table 2 and Table 3 below. Based on the results
obtained Table 2, four facilities used in additional
learning resources is books, files, pages, and URL.
Figure 1. E-learning of Sebelas Maret University Based on the results obtained Table 3, facilities
used in additional learning activities are
assignment, chat, database, forum, lessons, and
4 FINDINGS quiz. Those results are presented graphically in
Figure 4 and Figure 5.
Since 2015, e-learning UNS use Moodle LMS Facilities additional learning resources presented in
version 3.02+ with seven facilities in additional Table 1 are books, file, page, and URL. Books is
learning resources and 15 facilities in the kind of learning resources that present a full book
additional learning activities. Facilities additional in file. Books in this facility usually called as
learning resources are presented in Figure 2 and electronic book or e-book. File is kind of learning
the additional learning activities are presented in resources like some text, picture, animation, or
Figure 3 below. movie that related to the subject of learning. Page
is kind of learning resources that represent some
page of website related to the subject of learning.
URL is kind of learning resources that represent
some page address related to the subject of
Facilities additional learning activities presented
in Table 2 are assignment, chat, database, forum,
lessons, and quiz. Assignment is a learning activity
for student to submit their assignment file
according to the problem that teacher has been
shared. Chat is a learning activity to communicate
personally between teacher and student and
Figure 2. Facilities of Add Resources in e-learning UNS between students their self. Database is a learning
site. activity to collect the data in one place. Forum is a
learning activity for discussion between teacher
and students. Lesson is a learning activity to
conduct the lesson. Quiz is a learning activity to
conduct the assignment directly.
If both results (Picture 2 and Picture 3) are
respectively compared with the amenities offered
in e-learning UNS, it is obtained the ratio of used
facilities. The ratio of used additional learning
resource facilities to the amenities offered is
57.14% and the ratio of used additional activity
facilities to the amenities offered is 46.67%. The
57.14% present the used additional learning
resources facilities is half of the available
additional learning resources facilities in e-learning
UNS. The 46.67% present the used additional
learning activities facilities is less than half of the
available additional learning activities facilities in
e-learning UNS.

Figure 3. Facilities of Add Activities in e-learning UNS site.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 24
Table 2. Facilities of used add resources in e- 5 CONCLUSION
learning UNS site.
No Resource Amount % Based on research, it can be concluded that the
1 Book 4 7,02 ratio of used additional learning resource facilities
2 file 6 10,53 to the amenities offered in e-learning UNS site is
3 page 6 10,53 57.14% and the ratio of used additional learning
4 URL 41 71,93 activity facilities to the amenities offered in e-
Total 57 100 learning UNS site is 46.67%.


Series1; Book; Series1; file;
7,02; 7% 10,53; 10% The authors would like to acknowledge the support
of research institutes and community service of
Sebelas Maret University, Yogyakarta State
Series1; University, and for all who have given their help to
page; 10,53; finish this article.
URL; Ayala, J.S. 2009. Blended learning as a new approach to
71,93; social work education. Journal of Social Work Education
72% 45(2): 277-288.
Bath, D. & Bourke, J. 2010. Getting started with blended
learning. Queensland: Griffith University.
Figure 4. Facilities of used add resources in e-learning UNS Epignosis LCC. 2014. E-learning: concepts, trends,
site applications. New Castle, DE: Corporation Trust Center.
Erdem, M. & Kibar, P.N. 2014. Students' opinions on
Table 3. Facilities of used add activities in e- facebook supported blended learning environment. The
learning UNS site. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 13(1):
Morrinson, D. 2003. E-learning strategies: how to get
No Activity Amount %
implementation and delivery right first time. Canada:
1 Assignment 5 0,18
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2 Chat 50 1,79
Parikesit, A.A. 2014. E-learning, agar pembelajaran makin
3 Database 5 0,18
luas [E-learning, for broader learning]. Retrieved from
4 Forum 2636 94,28
5 Lesson 79 2,83
6 Quiz 21 0,75
Siahaan, S. 2003. E-learning (pembelajaran elektronik)
total 2796 100
sebagai salah satu alternative kegiatan pembelajaran [E-
learning (electronic learning) as one of the alternative
learning activities]. Jurnal pendidikan & kebudayaan
Series1; Chat; 2% Series1; Quiz; 1% 9(042): 303-321.
Series1; Surjono, H.D. 2009. Membangun E-Learning dengan Moodle
Lesson; 3% Series1; [Building E-Learning with Moodle]. Retrieved from
Database; 0%
Assignment ce/content/2/elearning%20dgn%20moodle.pdf.
Series1; Terry, G.R. 2013. Prinsip-prinsip manajemen [Principles of
Assignment; Chat management] (J. Smith, Trans.). Jakarta: Penerbit Bumi
0% Aksara.
Thorne, K. 2003. Blended learning: how to integrate online
Forum and traditional learning. London: Kogan Page Limited.
Vignare, K. 2007. Review of literature blended learning:
Lesson using ALN to change the classroom-will it work? In A.
Quiz G. Picciano, & C. Dzuiban (Eds.), Blended learning:
Research perspectives: 37-63. Needham, MA: Sloan
Series1; Consortium
Forum; 94%

Figure 5. Facilities of used add activities in e-learning UNS


Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 25
Character education management model based on multiple intelligences
A. Arsyad, A.K. Masaong, & A. Asrin
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to develop a management model of character education upon the students of junior high
schools based on multiple intelligences. This model should give a large autonomy to the schools to manage the charac-
ter education from planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. The method used is the development of the
model referred to Borg & Gall model. This research has developed a guidebook of the character education management
include: (1) Book I of the basic concept based education management of multiple intelligences; (2) Book II of the
guidelines for developing and implementing character education program based on the multiple-intelligences; and (3)
Book III of the guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of character education management based on multiple intelli-
gences. Management model of character education in schools covers four activities as follows: (1) inbound activity, (2)
outbound activity, (3) integration activity by learning and (4) habituation.

1 INTRODUCTION of the self-potential; (7) lack of confidence; and (8)

inconsistent and undisciplined in time.
Indonesia has a big problem about the moral of its These symptoms describe that the education needs
community. Child sexual abuse, corruption in most revitalizing in all fields in order to achieve the objec-
institutions, students brawl, increasing of usage of tives effectively. If it refers to the concept of "taxon-
drug and alcohol among the teenager is only some of omy bloom" then, there are three domains that must
the problems that this country faced. This condition be implanted to the student; the cognitive domain,
has an impact on the decreasing level of public con- affective domain, and psychomotoric domain. cogni-
fidence in educational institutions. Sumarta (2013) tive domain is a science and technology-oriented,
asserted that our national education tends to empha- the affective domain is related to attitude, morality,
size only the formation of the thought intelligence spirituality and character, and the psychomotor do-
and ignore the intelligence of feeling, the intelli- main is related to the procedural and mechanical
gence of mind, and the intelligence of heart (con- skill. However, in the reality of learning in school,
science). The implications are enormous to bear the the cognitive and psychomotor domains are only at-
smart-brained humans who excel in academic quan- tempted to be balanced in the implementation level,
titatively, but they don't have the mind intelligent whereas the affective domain is neglected. So, the
and at the same time are very contradictory with the result is that the students have their hard skills, but
moral values of the nation. they are poor in the soft skills. The result of Zabaer's
The result of Malihah's research (2012) illustrates research as cited in (United States Agency for Inter-
that the respondents have the greatest tendency to national Development 2010) shows the hard skill as-
assess negatively upon the current Indonesian people pect of education curriculum is about 90% while the
whom tends to act negatively such as: (1) selfish, soft skill aspect is only about 10%.
and ignorance; (2) weakening of patience and re- The impact of this condition is appear on educa-
cumbency; (3) the diminution of religious and social tional output where students have the high intellec-
values and norms with tendency to justify any tual ability, smart, become class champion, and lack-
means; (4) the diminution of the value of national- ing in interaction and cooperation skills, having the
ism; (5) lack of respect for the own country by selfish tendencies and being introvert. In terms of
choosing to buy foreign products; (6) less optimizing psychologists and neuroscience mentioned that our

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 26
education is more emphasis on aspects of intellectual (spiritual and emotional development), thinking
intelligence and ignore aspects of emotional and (intellectual development), sport and kinesthetic
spiritual intelligence. On the other hand, the result of (physical and kinesthetic development) sense and
Boyatzis et al. (1999) concludes that the contribution intention (affective and creativity development).
of intellectual intelligence to make person success is Character is human attributes attached to personality
maximal 20%, while 80% is influenced by aspects of in the form of attitude, mindset, competence and
emotional and spiritual intelligence. commitment.
According to William Bennett as cited in Adinda Character dimension consists of attitude, mindset,
(2014), the school was an educational institution that competence and commitment. Attitude is the habit
has a role and responsibility for forming the children of individual or group of society in the form of
character education. This is especially important for thought, action and positive habitual. ESQ is needed
students who do not get character education utterly to reach the levels of positive act and habitual. A
in their surroundings and families. Therefore, the positive habitual attitude is the best characteristic
role and contribution of teachers is very dominant attitude that is supported by the synergy power of
because the students really need guidance in dealing intelligences of the students. Mindset is a way of
with the problems that occur in the community. thinking to understand and solve various problems.
School has responsible to educate the students to There are a practical scientific mindset
become intelligent, smart, and have positive (commonsense), theoretical (rational and empirical),
characters as expected by their parents. However, it and essential scientific (supra rational and intuitive).
seems the idea of character education is only merely Practical science is supported by IQ, and to arrive at
in the level of concepts that are stored in the mind of practical scientific mindset and essential scientific, it
educators and only becomes a commodity of educa- should be supported by ESQ. Essential scientific is
tional issue. the best mindset character with the good IESQ
Character is attributes attached to the personality support.
in the form of attitude, mindset, competence and
2.2 Multiple intelligences
commitment. There are positive characters and nega-
tive characters. The positive characters involve intel-
Multiple intelligences in this research is interpreted
lectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and spir-
as a skill in developing knowledge and skills opti-
itual intelligence. Intellectual intelligence refers to
mally by synergizing intellectual, emotional, and
the speed and accuracy of understanding and solving
spiritual intelligence to achieve the glorious success.
problems. Emotional intelligence refers to personal
In terms of character education management, stu-
and interpersonal skills that possess empathy, ability
dents are expected to be able to transform ethos
to express and understand feelings, ability to control
through educational process that emphasizes the
anger, independence, perseverance, loyalty and re-
synergy of IQ, EQ and SQ (multiple intelligences) in
spect. The spiritual intelligence refers to noble traits
school. This is important to be understood
and the humanity values is the foundation required
comprehensively by the students to reach the intact
for maximizing the IQ and EQ functioning, and it
becomes the highest intelligence of human.
Some examples can be adopted from some re-
To support the positive character of the students,
search and survey results about the most successful
the school must respond to the reality by managing
corporate leaders in the world (Boyatzis & van
the character education to strengthen the ethos trans-
Oosten 2002, Berman 2001). In his study found 14
formation effectively.
characteristics of the main characters of the 1700
This research is expected to be a model of charac-
most successful CEO in the world as follows: (1)
ter education management in schools nationwide to
honesty, (2) can be trusted, (3) discipline and on
realize the gold generation towards 100 years of In-
time, (4) adaptable, (5) being able to work with su-
donesian independence in 2045.
perior, (6) being able to accept & perform obliga-
tions, (7) having a strong motivation for success, (8)
having mindset that he is valuable, (9) being able to
communicate and listen positively, (10) being able
2.1 Character education to work independently with minimal supervision,
(11) being able to solve personal problems & profes-
Kemendiknas (2010) describes the main design of sions, (12) having the basic skills (intelligence), (13)
character education through character configuration being able to read with adequate understanding and
in the context of the totality of psychological and (14) understanding the basics of arithmetic. These
socio-culture processes can be grouped into; feeling fourteen characters indicate how important it is to

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 27
strengthen school culture based on multiple intelli- soul, a new level of consciousness based on the inte-
gences to produce students with the intact character. rior of the self-connected with wisdom outside the
ego or conscious soul, which helps human heals and
2.2.a Intellectual intelligence builds their soul completely, whereby human not on-
Intelligence is one of the popular psychological ly recognizes the values that exist, but more creative
terms in society and is often linked directly to innate to discover other new values.
factors. Gardner (2011 p.29) "Intelligence is the
ability to solve problems or fashion products that
are of concequence in particular setting or commu- 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
nity". Defined as the ability to solve problems based
on the settings and the community in particular. This research is a development research. A devel-
Crow & Crow as cited in Murphy (1998) assert that opment of character education management model
intelligence is often associated with memory, rea- for strengthening the ethos transformation based on
soning and problem solving multiple intelligences. This model refers to the opin-
Stoddard as cited in Masaong (2011) explains ion of Borg & Gall (2003) consisted of five steps,
some characteristics of intellectual intelligence as namely: (1) conducting analysis of products to be
the ability to understand the problems are character- developed, (2) developing the initial product, (3) ex-
ized by: (1) contains difficulties, (2) complex, (3) pert validation and revision, (4) small-scale-field
abstract, (4) economical, (5) directed at a purpose, trial and product revisions, and (5) large-scale-field
and (6) comes from the resource. In the context of trial and end products. In the second year of this
character education based on multiple intelligences study aims to produce a guidebook as research prod-
in school, the intellectual intelligence of students has uct of development model that shown at the
the function to create character values such as criti- roadmap as follows:
cal thinking, analytics, and rational developing op-
timally within the soul of the student.
2.2.b Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence was defined as the ability to
"listen" the emotional whispers, and make it a very
important source of information to understand one-
self and others to achieve a goal (Agustian 2006).
Emotional intelligence was defined as the ability to
feel, understand, and effectively apply the power and
emotional sensitivity as a source of energy, infor-
mation, connections, and human influences (Cooper
& Sawaf 2002). Emotional intelligence includes; (1)
personal skills; self-awareness, self-regulation, mo-
tivations; (2) social prowess; empathy and social
skills (Goleman 2001). In the context of character
development, emotional intelligence is defined as an Figure 1. Roadmap of research phase of character education
effort to nurture the students to have the high self- management model based on the multiple intelligences.
sensitivity and social sensitivity. Students are edu-
cated to be able to develop their emotional intelli-
gence as a source of values of self and social charac- 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The development model of character education
2.2.c Spiritual intelligence model based on multiple intelligences (IESQ) in this
Spiritual intelligence is also very important for stu- research can be seen in the following diagram:
dents. Spiritual intelligence is the necessary founda-
tion for the effective functioning of intellectual intel-
ligence and emotional intelligence (Masaong 2016).
Khavari stated that spiritual intelligence is an in-
spired mind, encouragement, and effectiveness in
which we are all part of it (Agustian 2006). For that
reason, spiritual intelligence is the intelligence of the

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 28
school as the basis for the way of thinking, feeling
and acting of the students to achieve the great
The explanation of the establishment of school
culture sourced from the values of multiple-
intelligence characters aimed at improving student
achievement can be seen in the following figure:

Figure 2. Conceptual diagram of character education develop-

ment model based on multiple intelligences.

Transforming process of the students’ ethos based

on multiple intelligences is as one of the strategic
goals of character education in schools. For it is re-
lated to efforts to create a "blueprint" of the self-
transformation of the students in a greater way. The
character development of students is aimed to create Figure 6. Diagram of school culture development based on
transformation ethos based on the intellectual, emo- multiple-intelligences led to student achievement.
tional and spiritual intelligence (IESQ) that having a
good sinergy. Values are fundamental ideas in ac- The management model of character building
cordance with the desired, which is considered good based on multiple intelligences developed in schools
and correct by most members of the organization included four stages: (1) inbound activities, (2) out-
(Vender et al. 1990). These are meant to the values bound activities, (3) integration of character educa-
of good school organization and culture. Values and tion into subject matter; (4) habituation activities.
beliefs as a philosophical foundation at schools. Ac- The model design of the implementation of the ac-
cording to Cadwell & Spink (1993) values and be- tivity is described as follows:
liefs in schools have an impact in gaining the excel-
lence of schools, namely; quality, effectiveness,
equality, efficiency and empowerment.
Goleman (1995) asserts that every intelligence
has its own domain that capable to work partially
and also work in a synergy. The role of schools to
produce students with a strong and intact character is
to provide education that be able to strengthen the
synergy of intelligence.
School culture includes philosophy, point view of
life, values, symbols, organizational design, pattern
of relationships between organizational work units
in school. It also deals with the transformative val-
ues developed in school. The development of the
characters of students managed professionally has an
impact on the creation of school culture whether the
grades, symbols or the school activities. For Figure 7. Development design of implementation management
model of character education based on multiple-intelligences.
example, an excellence school culture is produced
from the result of the development of transformative
values inside and outside the classroom. School cul-
ture is in the form of values, school symbols, school
activities that reflect the development of character
through the educational process. The values of relig-
iosity and the values of local culture can develop in

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 29
4.1 Inbound activities

Inbound was implemented in several types of

activities options such as game using tools or with-
out tools to test the intelligence, and dexterity of the
students in solving problems encountered. Inbound
activities werw carried out through the stages of
planning, implementation, evaluation and feedback.
Implementation of inbound activities in applying
the value of characters based on multiple-
intelligences can be described as follows:

Figure 9. Outbound activities in applying the value of character

based on multiple intelligences.

Some of the activities were carried out in out-

bound activities ware scouting activities, Youth Red
Cross and Student Health Unit, environmental-based
sanitation, and talent and interest development of the
students. The planting of character values based on
multiple intelligences developed through inbound
and outbound activities could generate some positive
contributions in improvement the quality of
Figure 8. Inbound activity in applying the value of character
students’ character in junior high schools.
based on multiple intelligences.

4.2 Outbound activities 4.3 Integrative activities on teaching

The development of character values based on mul-
Implementation of outbound activities designed
tiple intelligences in the subjects was done in order
through scouting, Red Cross Youth and Student
to make the schools teachers, through the planning
Health Unit, environmental based sanitation, and the
contained in the theme or sub theme of each subject
development of talent in leadership includes:
and listed in the Learning Implementation Plan
building school vision tower, standing in pairs,
(called RPP), had a reference in implementing it in
walking with ballon in group, and playing hand ball.
the class. The integration of character values in
Each activity had several sub activities and every-
learning plan was actualized through the learning
thing was designed practically so it was easy to
process using contextual learning models such as
serve as teacher guidance in the process of the out-
jigsaw, think pair share, round table, Student Team
bound activities. The value of characters developed
Achievement Divisions (STAD). Teachers could al-
in each activity also is varies according to the sub-
so use a scientific approach such as problem based
stance of the activities that the students follow. The
learning, project based learning, discovery learning
more varied the activities they followed the more
and other approaches that were stimulating the stu-
varied the value of character based multiple intelli-
dents to conduct learning activities proactively and
gences they get in each of these activities.
independently. Integrating the values of character
Implementation of outbound activities in apply-
based on multiple intelligences in learning was de-
ing the value of character based on multiple intelli-
scribed as follows:
gences can be described in Figure 9:

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 30
ple intelligences; and (3) Book III of guidelines for
monitoring and evaluating the management of char-
acter education based on multiple intelligences.


Adinda, A.J. 2014. Revolusi mental dalam pendidikan [Mental

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Berman, M. 2001. Developing SQ (spritual intelligence)
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Alyen & Bacon.
Boyatzis, R.E. et al. 1999. Clustering competence in emotional
intelligence insights from the emotional competence inven-
tory (ECI). Retrieved from http://www.eicon
Figure 11. Integration of character values based on multiple in- Boyatzis, R.E., & Van Oosten, E. 2002. Developing emotinally
telligences in learning. intelligent organization. Retrieved from http://www. eicon-
4.4 Habituation activities Cooper, R.K. & Sawaf, A. 2002. Executive EQ: Kecerdasan
emosional dalam kepemimpinan dan organisasi [Excecutive
The problem that was often experienced in school is EQ: Emotional Intelligence in leadership and organization].
the lack of attention to the aspect of habituation for (A. T. K. Widodo eds). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
sustainability program. Though these activities are Gardner, H. 2011. Frame of mind: The theory of multiple-
intelligence. New York, NY: Basic Book.
very important to strengthen the character of stu- Goleman, D. 1995. Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter
dents as well to measure the success rate of character more than IQ. Canada: Bloomsbury Publishing.
education management in schools. Activities under- Goleman, D. 2001. Kecerdasan emosional untuk mencapai
taken at the inbound, outbound, and subject integra- puncak prestasi [Emotional intelligence to reach
tion theoretically and practically will be seen in the achievement]. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia.
Kemendiknas. 2010. Buku Induk Pendidikan Karakter [Main
habituation activities. The effectiveness of the pro- book of character education]. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
gram of habituation activities will have a very posi- Malihah, E. 2012. Sosok ideal manusia Indonesia Emas 2045:
tive impact on the transformation of ethos of stu- Kenyataan dan harapan [The ideal figure for Indonesian
dents so as to produce educational output of strong 2045: Reality and ideality] Makalah Konvensi Nasional
character. Pendidikan Indonesia VII.
Masaong, A.K. 2011. Kepemimpinan berbasis multiple intelli-
gence: Memperteguh sinergy kecerdasan intelektual, emo-
sional dan spiritual untuk meraih prestasi gemilang
5 CONCLUSION [Leadership based on multiple intelligences: The synergy of
intelligence, emotional, and spiritual quotion to reach
This research is a development of management achievement]. Bandung: Alfabeta.
model of character education based on multiple- Masaong, A.K. 2016. Developing character education
management model for the empowerment of ethos
intelligences with the aim to strengthen the students’ transformation based multiple intelligence of Junior High
ethos in all junior high schools in Gorontalo and In- Schools Students. 6th International Conference on Educa-
donesia. The development of this model becomes an tional, Management, Administration and Leadership
alternative to improve the quality of character educa- (ICEMAL).
tion at the schools based on the whole learning man- Murphy, E. 1998. Leadership IQ: A personal development pro-
cess based on a scientific study. Retrieved from
agement system. The integrity of character education
management for strengthening the ethos transfor- Sumarta, S.. 2013. Analisis nilai budaya dan pendidikan
mation was achieved through the inbound, out- karakter dalam cerita rakyat [The analysis of cultural value
bound, integration and habituation activities in and character eductaion in folklore]. Jakarta: Jasindo Per-
schools. sada Utama.
United States Agency for International Development. 2010.
The development of this model contributes to Pembelajaran aktif di sekolah [Active learning at school].
the compilation of guidebooks of character educa- Jakarta: DBE2 USAID.
tion management based on the multiple intelligences
for the strengthening of student ethos transformation
which includes: (1) Book I of basic concepts of edu-
cation management based on multiple intelligences;
(2) Book II of program design and implementation
of character education management based on multi-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 31
The effectiveness of continuous professional development (CPD) for
N. Nurkolis, Y. Yuliejantiningsih, & S. Sunandar
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The main problem in this research is how: (a) the effectiveness of CPD (Continuous
Professional Development) planning? (b) The effectiveness of CPD was actuating? and (c) the effectiveness
of CPD controlling? This study used a qualitative approach to the types of descriptive in three districts name-
ly Demak, Batang, and Purbalingga; all are in Indonesia. Data collected by interviews and documentation.
Research result showed that the CPD implementation in three districts had been efficiently running. It evi-
denced from satisfying three indicators as follows: (a) there were regulations governing CPD implementation,
(b) there were details of the CPD programs and activities, and (c) the actuating of CPD regulation with pro-
grams and activities. The planning started in district strategic planning and strategic planning of district edu-
cation office. The actuating and controlling stated in regent rule and standard of operating procedure. The
CPD implementation in the three districts was in four forms. First, structured training activities, workshops,
seminars, colloquia, etc. Second, mentoring to each teacher or headmaster conducted by facilitators. Third,
events at learning community such as KKG (Teacher Working Group) or MGMP (Subject teachers' Associa-
tion), or independent activities. Fourth, induction program or internship of beginners teacher to senior teach-

1 INTRODUCTION ers that teachers should nurture and developed. Arti-

Teachers are professional educators as stated in Law cle 32 explains that the development of teachers in-
Law No. 14 the Year 2005 on Teachers and Lectur- cludes guidance of career and professional develop-
ers and Government Regulation Number 74 the Year ment. Regulation of the Minister of Administrative
2008 on Teachers. Two of the main tasks of the and Bureaucracy Reform Number 16 the Year 2009
teacher is to educate and teach. on Teacher Functional Position and Credit Score,
Chang (2010) cites Hattie, stated that there are stated that CPD is the development of teacher com-
five determinants of student learning outcomes: stu- petence which is carried out by the needs, gradually,
dent characteristics (49%), teachers (30%), school continuously to improve the professionalism.
environment, family environment, and peers each In 2011 on the handbook, CPD management de-
having 7 % of influence. It means that outside the scribed that CPD was a continuous form of learning
students' character, teachers have the most signifi- for teachers to bring about the desired changes relat-
cant impact on the success of students. It is a must if ed to student success. Through CPD teachers can
the teacher has to be professional. maintain, enhance and expand their knowledge and
In reality, the professionalism of teachers in In- skills and build the personal qualities needed in their
donesia is still low. According to Minister of Educa- professional lives.
tion and Culture, the average score of teacher com- Theoretically, Seyfarth (2002) says that CPD was
petency test (Uji Kompetensi Guru-UKG) in 2012 an opportunity given to teachers, other professionals,
was only 44.50 from the expected value of 70 and support personnel to gain new knowledge and
(Baswedan 2014). The results of UKG in 2015 was attitudes, which will lead to behavioral change, thus
53.04 (Director General GTK 2015). The teacher's improving student achievement.
competency test applied to teachers who have certi- In Indonesia, the efforts of CPD for teacher be-
fied educators, who are considered professionals. came stronger in the era of Joko Widodo's admin-
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as istration, as stated in Presidential Decree No. RI. 2
the guidance of teacher development contained in the Year 2015 on National Medium Development
Law No. 14 the Year 2005 on Teachers and Lectur- Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Na-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 32
sional or RPJMN) 2015-2019. In Book II of the De- programs and activities; 2) the presence of regula-
velopment Agenda for fields, especially the direction tions regulating the application of CPD, and 3) the
of policy and development strategy in the area of implementation of rules on CPD.
education. One of them is improving the profession-
alism, quality, and accountability of teachers and
education personnel. The implementation of contin- 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
uous professional development for teachers in the 3.1 Results
office through regular and even exercises, and
strengthening the professional community of learn- Effectiveness of CPD Planning at District. CPD
ing as Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) or Teacher planning for teachers starts from the RPJMD of each
Working Group for primary schools a Musyawarah district. The RPJMD of Demak Regency Year 2011-
Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) or Subject teachers' 2016 faces problems related to the professionalism
Association for junior secondary schools. of teachers as follows. First, education qualification
CPD has been introduced by MOEC through the of elementary school teachers who are not equiva-
Director General of PMPTK since 2011. But in re- lent to S1/D4 is still 83%. Second, teacher education
ality, many district or city governments have not im- qualification of kindergarten unequal to S1/D4 is
plemented it yet. Several previous studies have 94%. Third, and 28% of teachers of senior high
shown that the implementation of CPD has not schools at Demak Regency have not qualified
worked effectively. For example, in Demak and S1/D4.
Pemalang Regencies (Nurkolis & Yuliejantiningsih The problem of professionalism of educators does
2015), in Batang Regency (Nurkolis & Yuliejantin- not appear explicitly in the RPJMD Batang Regency
ingsih 2015), in Kudus Regency (Yuliejantiningsih Year 2012-2017. However, in the RPMJD, one of
& Nurkolis 2016). the objectives was to improve the implementation of
The question is, is the implementation of CPD al- quality education with excellent service standards.
ready useful? To answer the question, the main Meanwhile, one of the targets was the presence of
problem of this research is "how is the effectiveness teachers who meet the qualifications S1/DIV on ear-
of CPD implementation at the district level?" The ly childhood, elementary, junior high, and high
problem is broken down into (a) how is the effec- school/vocational school. One of the directions of
tiveness of CPD planning in the district? (b) how is development policy in Batang Regency was improv-
the effectiveness of CPD implementation in the re- ing the quality of competence and welfare of educa-
gion?, and (c) how is the effectiveness of CPD fol- tors. So one of the programs was the quality im-
low-up in the district? provement program for educators.
In Purbalinggga Regency was not explicitly stat-
ed problems of the teachers’ professionalism in
2 METHOD RPJMD Year 2010-2015. Educators' professionalism
was not a priority of development. Even the target
This research used the qualitative approach with de- performance of education development there was
scriptive research type in 3 regencies, Demak, Ba- nothing associated with educator professionalism.
tang, and Purbalingga regency; all are in Indonesia. The performance goals always related to student
The research period was six months, starting from output and outcomes such as increased literacy rates,
April to September 2016. The interview respondents increased average school length, increased school
in this research are the Head of Education and Edu- enrollment rates, and more.
cation Personnel or the staff of the Education Ser- Planning for improving educators' professional-
vice Unit of the respective districts. Data collection ism is stated in the District Education Strategic Plan
techniques also supplemented with documentation (namely, Renstra) of each district. Strategic Issues in
on Local Medium Term Development Plan Strategic Planning of District Education Office of
(Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah Demak Regency 2011-2016, for example, were writ-
or RPJMD), District Head Regulation, Head of Edu- ten as follow. First, some educators have not ful-
cation Office Decision, and the Activities List of filled educational qualification standard SI/D4. Sec-
District Education Office. The steps of qualitative ond, some educators have not certified educator.
analysis are as follows: a) data collection, b) the re- Third, limited activity and media educator for devel-
sults of interviews and rendered documents written opment of their professionalism."
into memos, c) the findings categorized to find inter- Based on these strategic issues, one of the goals
relationships, and d) conclude. Measuring the effec- of District Education Office of Demak Regency was
tiveness of CPD implementation; the following indi- to improve the competence of educators and educa-
cators used: 1) the existence of details CPD tion personnel at the kindergarten, elementary, jun-
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 33
ior high, high school and vocational high schools. out the planning needs of continuous coaching and
Strategies to achieve these objectives were: (a) to teacher development for teachers based on teacher
subsidize and assistance for the improvement of ed- self-evaluation and teacher performance appraisal.
ucational qualifications to Diploma Level 4/Strata 1, The head of the apparatus establishes the imple-
(b), to encourage teachers who have not qualified for mentation of coaching and continuous professional
D4/S1 education to continue studying D4/S1 at an development for teachers based on the proposals
independent cost; and (c) conducting performance from the educational unit. Article 17 The regency of
appraisals to the school. The strategy followed by Demak Regency No. 53 of 2015 regulates the source
the appropriate policy. of costs for the continuous professional development
Two of the strategic issues of the Batang District of educators and education personnel, namely local
Education Office were: (a) there were still many government, schools, foundations, teachers them-
kindergarten educators who have not qualified S1/ selves, and other legitimate sources. In fact, para-
D4, and (b) there was still unqualified elementary graph (4) specifies specifically that for teachers re-
and junior secondary teachers on S1/D4. So one of ceiving educational profession allowance; they must
the strategic objectives in the Strategic Planning was independently fund a continuous professional devel-
the realization of an increase in the quality of educa- opment activity for themselves at least 4% of ac-
tors and education personnel. Its strategic goals were cepted educator professions. In Batang Regency, it
to improve the quality of educators and education set at a minimum of 5%. Meanwhile, in Purbalingga
personnel, to improve the welfare of educators and Regency, there was no percentage of teachers who
education personnel, and to increase the quality of have received certification allowance but still men-
educators and education personnel. tion the word "mandatory."
Specific policies to achieve the goals of educators Regulation of Batang Head of Regency Number
and professional staff were: provision of support to 64 the Year 2015 also described CPD model as fol-
educators from kindergarten to senior high schools, lows. First, continuous professional development
and provision of tangible support to community edu- based on the working group. Second, improvement
cation tuition, qualifications and education standards of a sustainable professional development system
to improve their competence and welfare. that can be implemented independently and due to
The problem of professionalism of educators in the assignment. Third, system development incen-
Purbalingga Regency stated in Strategic Planning of tives and promotions or career enhancements based
District Education Office Year 2011-2015. The stra- on increased competence and performance.
tegic issues were: (a) there were still many under- In Batang and Purbalingga Regencies there was
graduate teachers, and (b) the high number of uncer- another model of the induction program. It explained
tified teachers in elementary, junior and senior high that teachers of civil servant candidates to become
schools. So its strategic goal was to encourage the public servant teachers are required to participate in
increasing quality of educators. The strategic targets an induction program, pre-service education, and
were: (a) support teacher qualification to S1 formal training. In Batang and Purbalingga Regency, the
educators through the assistance of the governor, (b) implementation of CPD regulated by its institutions,
selection of teachers, principals, supervisors and tu- which include: (a) educational unit, (b) working
tors pursuing achievement packets, (c) facilitation of group, and (3) work deliberation. It added that CPD
teacher certification in positions, credit score for institutional was implemented in schools, school
teachers. But in Strategic Planning there were no networks, and other expertise.
specific strategies and policies to improve the quali- Particularly in Purbalingga Regency has standard
ty of educators and education personnel. operating procedures (SOP) related to scientific
CPD Implementation Implementation in Re- meetings within the framework of CPD. Inside the
gency. Implementation of the CPD in the three dis- SOP was set mechanism of scientific meetings start-
tricts that become samples in Central Java Province ing from the preparation of proposals, the implemen-
has had a sound legal basis that was Regulations Re- tation of scientific meetings, and the preparation of
gent about CPD. In the Regent's Regulation on CPD reports.
in Demak Regency, it stipulated that before the de- Implementation of CPD can be seen clearly from
velopment of a profession in continuation, it preced- the programs and activities that were organized and
ed by teacher performance appraisal. Continued pro- implemented in the Year 2015-2016. For example,
fessional growth includes three things: self- in Purbalingga Regency 2015-2016 there were at
development activities, scientific publications, and least 35 CPD activities with a total fund of more
innovative works. Also arranged procedures for the than Rp1 billion. The events also vary, ranging from
implementation of CPD. The education unit carries teaching and learning, school management, school

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 34
administration with participants ranging from super- The lack of clarity with the professionalism of
visors, principals, teachers and administrative per- teachers and education personnel in Batang and
sonnel. Meanwhile, the implementation of CPD in Purbalingga Regency will result in a lack of trans-
Batang Regency with activities there were at least 12 parency of objectives, targets, strategies, and poli-
activities with no less than Rp170 million. Similarly cies to increase the professionalism of teachers and
in Demak Regency, in 2016 there were at least 6 ac- education personnel. It evident in the Strategic Plan-
tivities with funds reaching almost Rp100 million. ning of District Education Office of Purbalingga
Some materials are the same as in Purbalingga Re- which lacks general approach and plans to improve
gency; there are also added such as school financial the professionalism of teachers and education per-
training and reading book used for elementary sonnel.
schools. In the context of strategic management using the
The effective of CPD Follow-up in District. model of Hunger & Wheelen (2001) was always in-
Regent Regulation of Demak No. 53 of 2015 on tegrated between planning, implementation, and
CPD has set up follow-up of monitoring and evalua- control. Because it is a unity, the implementation of
tion. Article 16 states that the Office of Education CPD for teachers should be three things are still con-
monitors and evaluates CPD activities conducted by sistent. The plan starts from the problem; the appli-
educational units, KKG and MGMP to ensure effec- cation is to solve the problem, to obtain the expected
tive, efficient, objective, fair and accountable activi- results until the follow-up.
ties. The same also stipulated in Article 21 of Regent Based on the opinion of Danim (2011) that only
Regulation of Batang No. 64 the Year 2015. about 5% of teachers who embrace professionally in
SOP on scientific meetings in Purbalingga Re- institutional development once in 20 years, if the
gency in the framework of CPD specifically regulat- opportunity given equally. To observe the condition,
ed control and supervision of scientific meetings. In it is not appropriate that the source of CPD financing
the case of control, the responsible person of the ac- depends only on the central government. Provincial,
tivity was obliged to prepare the proposal and make district, municipal, school, teacher, and other educa-
a report at least two weeks after the completion of tion-concerned parties are being encouraged to par-
the action. Regarding supervision, to realize the im- ticipate in developing teacher professionalism.
plementation of scientific meetings that were trans- The effectiveness of CPD implementation in the
parent and accountable, internal and external traits three districts that became the sample of this study
were required. as seen from the linkage between planning, imple-
mentation, and control of CPD program. When plan
(either in RPJMD and sStrategic Planning) has been
3.2 Discussions
programmed to increase the professionalism of
The continuous professional development of teach- teachers and education personnel, then in the im-
ers and education personnel in the three districts that plementation will lead to the development of profes-
modeled this research has applied two of the four sionalism of educators. Seen on the policy issued by
strategies introduced by Buss and Bell (2002: 108). the District Head and decision of the head of the ed-
They are, first, familiarize teachers with the latest ucation office on standard operating procedures for
research results and familiarize teachers to do re- the implementation of CPD. Once planned and im-
search. Second, become a professional learning plemented, the education office must oversee and
community. Two other strategies introduced by Buss control it.
and Bell above have established by the Central Gov-
ernment: (a) setting teacher professional national
standards, and (c) performance management and 4 CONCLUSIONS
performance-based pay. The government has deter-
mined that teachers in Indonesia should be profes- Implementation of CPD in 3 districts model has effi-
sionals as evidenced by the average UKG results ciently run. It is evident from the fulfillment of the
must be 80. The government has also established following three indicators. First, there are regula-
that professional teachers will receive a professional tions on the implementation of the CPD both on Lo-
allowance of one month's basic salary. cal Regulation (Peraturan Daerah or Perda) and Re-
In preparing district, mid-term planning such as gent Regulation (Peraturan Bupati or Perbub).
RPJMD already based on real problems faced. Sup- Second, there are details of program and activities of
pose to bring up goals, targets, programs, and activi- CPD. Third, the implementation of the regulation on
ties related to the professionalism of teachers and CPD with the implementation of programs and ac-
educational personnel, should be based on profes- tivities.
sional issues.
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 35
The CPD planning should base on the problem of the real problems and strategic problems faced. Es-
the low level of professionalism of teachers. This pecially regarding teacher professionalism issues, it
condition should pour into educational issues since should base on the low professionalism of teachers
the RPJMD and Strategic Planning of Education such as teacher qualifications, teacher competence,
District as in the RPJMD Demak Regency and Stra- and teacher certification levels in each regency. Be-
tegic Planning of District Education Office. In Ba- tween CPD planning, CPD implementation, and
tang Regency in preparing RPJMD related to the CPD follow-up should be a unity used in strategic
professionalism of educators has not been based on management.
real problems faced. But in Strategic Planning of It is suggested to the regency and municipal gov-
District Education Office has mentioned the strate- ernments within the Province of Central Java to imi-
gic issues associated with the low professed educa- tate the model of Demak, Batang and Purbalingga
tors. Regencies to make clear legal rules regarding CPD.
Demak, Batang and Purbalingga districts were It is essential as a reference for implementers and
districts model that has clear rules CPD for teachers. teachers to obtain explicit constitutional protection.
The regulations related to CPD planning contained It is also advisable to make a draft of the CPD to
in the RPJMD and Strategic Planning of the District state the source of the funds. Including sources of
Education Office. The related standards of imple- monies derived from teachers who have obtained
mentation included in the Perbub and SOP issued by professional allowance, should be mentioned the
the Head of the District Education Office. These percentage and the better the process will be better.
rules have the legal power to regulate the application It is in line with the purpose of giving the teaching
of CPD. profession a profession is to improve the profession-
Implementation of CPD in the three districts of alism of the teacher.
this model can implement in four forms. Fist, well- For Demak and Batang Regency, and another re-
structured activities in the form of training, work- gency in Central Java is advised to make Standard
shops, seminars, colloquia, etc. Second, mentoring Operating and Procedure as it owned by Purbalingga
to each teacher or principal conducted by the facili- Regency in holding scientific meetings to increase
tator. Third, through a learner community such as an teacher professionalism.
activity at the KKG or MGMP, and self-employment
activities did by each teacher. Furth, induction or
apprentices program by novice teachers to senior
teachers. 5 REFERENCES
The three districts modeled in this study have de-
Baswedan, A. 2014. Gawat darurat pendidikan di Indonesia
fined the teacher's CPD procedures. Also has set the
[Critical emergency education in Indonesia]. Presented in
institutional, funding, and forms of CPD. For exam- the meeting of Education and Culture Ministry.
ple, in Demak Regency it was explicitly stipulated Buss, T. & Bell, L. 2002. The principles and practice of
that for teachers who have received certification al- educational management. London: Paul Chapman
lowances are required to set aside 4% of their com- Publishing.
Chang, M.C. 2010. Supporting teacher reform in Indonesia.
pensation for CPD. Meanwhile, in Batang District, it
Unpublished paper at Conference of Indonesian teacher.
is 5% of its professional benefit to developing the Danim, S. 2011. Pengembangan profesi guru: Dari
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Nurkolis. 2016. Continuous Professional Development of Pri- Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Purbalingga Tahun 2011 No. 6,
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Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan bagi Pendidik Peraturan Pemerintah Tahun 2008 No. 74, Guru [Government
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Sustainable Capacity for Educators and Education Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional 2015-2019
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Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 37
Model of Superflex Learning: Limited trial
H. Rachmah & J.H. Hendrawan
STKIP Pasundan, Cimahi, Indonesia
R. Gunawan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Model of Superflex Learning is model for students with special needs, especially Emotional
and Behavioral Disorder (EBD). The purpose of the study in 2ndyears is a limited test Superflex learning
model. The 2nd model that has been developed in the first year, tested on a limited basis in three schools. Re-
search method is used exploratory survey. The study is intended to map out their exploration and develop-
ment Model of Superflex Learning® in inclusion elementary school at Cimahi City, Indonesia. The results of
questionnaires and observations indicate a change from learners who suffer from EBD. All teachers argue that
the use of animation with various characters, which aims to assist children in social skills and develop flexi-
bility in any social conditions. The success of the Superflex® Learning Model is determined by the teacher's
ability to direct learners, especially in distinguishing reality and delusion.
1 INTRODUCTION the noble attitude and become a daily habit and form
School is one of the important things to develop so- the desired character(Purwanto 2016).
cial and emotional behavior of children. At school, Social attitude is related to how students have
students need to have skills such as managing nega- social thinking well. Social thinking is how students
tive emotions, being calm and focused, following di- use their knowledge to interact socially with
rections, and exploring relationships with peers and others(Rachmah et al. 2016a). It is also in social
adults. To build and support these skills, schools can thinking, faced with how one thinks about the people
adopt learning models that enhance students' social who influence his behavior. Someone will respond
and emotional skills (Jones & Bouffard 2012). The to the social attitudes of others so that will affect his
learning model to train students emotional behavior social attitude. (Social Thinking 2011).Social
and behavioral disorders (EBD) is needed so that thinking is related to social skills that have five di-
students can actively participate in daily activities mensions(a) peer relations skills (b) self-
(Anderson 2012). managements skills (c) academic skills (d)
Model of Superflex Learning is a learning model compliance skills, and (e) assertion skills(Rachmah,
by teachers for students with special needs, especial- et al 2016b).
ly Emotional and Behavioral Disorder (EBD). Ac- Results of research conducted by Winner
cording to Lynch and Lewis, EBD is someone who (2014)Shows that social cognition can be trained
behaves disorderly, behave, violates social norms, with Model of Superflex Learning. The Superflex
intolerance, often makes trouble for himself or oth- curriculum is interventional and effective enough for
ers (Putra et al. 2014). Based on research results in autism and hyperactive students(Yadlosky 2012).
some elementary and secondary schools, social Learners are invited to become social detectives who
attitudes are influenced by respect, responsibility, are invited to search their own issues about their
communication and rules(Lestari 2015). Other behavior so they can become social thinkers and
studies have shown that teachers should be able to solve social problems. Learners are shown the
use varied learning methods so that students' social behavior of unthinkables so that the behavior of
attitudes can develop (Rufaida 2013). thinkables. Superflex®is a superhero man possessed
Recommendations from other studies suggest that in every child's mind to help oneself in self-
teachers in schools maintain social competence in improvement, social cognition and social skills.Also
the school environment, so that students can show with Superflex® learning,general teachers can help
good social attitudes and support learning learners explore their social cognitive
comfort(Riyati 2012). Assessment of attitudes affect abilities(Rachmah et al. 2016a).
student behavior so that students will always express This study is a follow-up study conducted in 2016
with the goal of testing the limited Superflex®

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 38
Learning Model in schools, evaluating the results of expect the early draft Model of Superflex Learning
limited trials with specialists in social education and to be more comprehensive.
inclusion, improving Model of Superflex Learning The next step in Model of Superflex Learning can
and organizing Focus Group Discussion with an el- be seen in the following table:
ementary school teacher in Cimahi City, Indonesia
who has organized inclusive education.This is based Table1. Model of Superflex Learning
on preliminary observations made during June 2016 Lesson Step Purpose
at inclusive primary schools in Cimahi, the number 1 Met a. Introducing Superflex
of EBD students in each school averaging over 15 Superflex b. Increase self-awareness
people. However, the number of professional teach- c. Introducing team unthinkable
ers who specialize in EBD does not belong to the and thinkable
whole school. Teachers teach EBD students just like d. Introducing "the power of com-
any other student, because they consider behavioral a. Helping students do physical
2 Dr. Super-
problems do not require special handling(Rahmah, et movement
al. 2016a). b. Helping learners in shaping so-
cial intelligence
c. Helping learners in shaping the
2 LITERATURE REVIEW intelligence of thinking
3 Superflex a. Exploring how the superflex
2.1 Superflex® Learning Model dan Momen and rock brain attitude should
“Rock be done
Model of Superflex Learning utilizes comic books as b. Make rules with family
a learning medium and superhero handout called Brain”
c. Superflexible shaping behav-
Superflex® and a group of opponents called the Un- iors
thinkables Team to teach flexible cognition to chil- 4 Superflex To reinforce the idea that students
dren with social cognition problems. Superflex® is a Gym… have the ability to change and
flexible thinker and has the power to solve problems. Train the control their minds
Unthinkable Team is a group of opponents of 14 Brain
(fourteen) characters who have inflexible thinking. 5 The First a. Continue exploring Superflex
Each character has a different power to the mindset Mission be- attitude and Rock Brain through
that leads to social behavior disorders(Madrigal & came Super- role play.
Winner 2008)in (Baker 2011, Rachmah, et al. b. Watch the superflex video
2016a). 6 Introduce Learn to know every unthinkable,
The superflex character is described as a problem the Unthink- strength and strategy
solver and flexible thinking tool which is expected able
to color the students themselves into superflex. 7 This is Know the pleasure crushers and
Models made with cartoon characters with stories D.O.F (De- how to overcome them
that fit the EBD criteria are made so well that they stroyer of
imitate the character and turn out to be good. Learn- fun)
ing using the image media can attract attention and 8 “Brain Eat- Explore and develop strategies to
increase the concentration of learners. Model of Su- er” defeat "Brain Eater"
perflex® students can know themselves and how to 9 Increase to a. Helping students to understand,
overcome themselves. Superhero- there needs to be a process to
According to Astati (2010) in Rachmah Superflex change behavior.
(2013)The learning model is an activity that b. Help team members to address
social issues
describes the process from start to finish and is
10 Develop Moving students into the self-
presented with certain approaches, methods, and
work strate- monitoring phase and generalizing
learning techniques. The superflex learning model
gies in the strategies they apply
can help students in raising self-awareness of
11 Practice, Students continue to repeat lessons
behavior and learn how to modify negative behavior
Practice, until they are able to master their
using a super-flexible strategy.
Practice emotions and overcome unthinka-
The development Model of Superflex Learning in
this study is based on models already developed in
12 Planning a Provide opportunities to groups
the United States (Madrigal & Winner 2008).
Graduation that have not been able to master
Unthinkables figures are adopted from the original
the Unthinkable
but the naming is tailored to the condition of learners
13 Put Un- To use a positive and rewarding
and using the Indonesian language. In addition, the
thinkable to system to encourage students to
initial concept of this Superflex® Learning Model
Rest change their behavior
adopts also a model that has been developed and
presented at various seminars (Linton 2015), so Source: Madrigal (2013)

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 39
The Superflex® curriculum can be used by psy- self-efficacy, is a context-specific assessment of the
chologists, teachers and parents by learning the con- competencies to perform a particular task. Self-
cepts of social cognition with reference to social efficacy is a person's feeling that he or she is capable
thought books (Winner 2014). Learners who can of handling certain tasks effectively without compar-
utilized starting from elementary school students, ing with the abilities of others. Confidence arising
learners in the middle and upper middle class. The from self-efficacy is a strong predictor of behavior.
developed curriculum leads to a model of learning At the stage of improving selfefficacy, students are
where the model is an overall planning to help learn- invited to assess their feelings toward a task. Stu-
dents are asked to think about how well students are
ers learn all kinds of knowledge, attitudes and skills.
accomplishing the tasks required by the teacher. For
The learning model has a theoretical basis that in- example, students are asked to practice theory about
cludes certain learning steps to achieve the expected making layer cake. If students have high confidence
educational outcomes (Joyce, et al. 2009). in making layer cakes, failure will not make it stop
The assessment is tailored to the characteristics of to continue making the best layer cake ever. Stu-
the superflex learning model that aims to enable stu- dents will motivate themselves to always practice
dents to have social skills. Performance appraisal is and make the layer cake with the right composition
one of the skills assessments undertaken by identify- according to the experience gained. It may be that
ing the characteristics of the learner, besides asking the recipe will slightly deviate from the cake recipe
the learner to perform the task in the real situation given by the teacher but this will only reassure the
by demonstrating the required knowledge and skills students that he can complete the task well.
(Directorate of Development Primary Schools
2015).The appraisal tool for the superflex learning
model adopts the tools that have been prepared by 3 RESEARCH METHOD
Baker (2011) which includes basic demographic 3.1 Participant and Procedures
questionnaires, observation sheets and interview
The study was conducted in three Inclusive
guides. Reasons to be considered in developing as-
Elementary Schools in Kota Cimahi with EBD
sessment tools are: students. Students are involved as many as six
“(1) The criteria define for students and others people from three different schools. Students
the type of behavior or attributes of a product involved are students who have behavior problems
which are expected, and (2) a well-defined ranging from very silent, hyperactive, lack of
scoring system allows the teacher, the students, confidence and quick temper. Selection of students
and others to evaluate a performance or product is done after the teacher made the observation five
as objectively as possible. If performance times. Each time the observations are made, the
criteria are well defined, another person acting records are mainly for students indicated by EBD.
independently will award a student essentially Schools that are subjected to trials are three
the same score. Furthermore, well-written primary schools in Cimahi.Prior to the observation,
performance criteria will allow the teacher to be the researcher conducted the first discussion in the
consistent in scoring over time”(Wisconsin focus group discussion (FGD) activity. Observations
Education Association Council 1996) to students involve teachers (general teachers and
special education) in these schools. The trial results
are used for evaluation materials with social educa-
2.2 Social Cognition tion specialists and extraordinary education. Only
The basic concept of social cognition (social then did the learning model be perfected to be tested
thinking) is the ability to think about oneself and the widely in the 3rd year.
thoughts of the emotions and intentions of others Explorative survey is one form of inductive ap-
even when one is not physically interacting with proach that aims to obtain the discovery of what you
others. Another basic concept is the ability to adjust want to know about an unsatisfactory situation
behavior based on the situation and what it knows (Subagyo 2004). The exploratory study is intended
about other people who think about themselves in to map the needs and development Model of
the expected way. The ability of good social Superflex Learning at inclusive Elementary School
cognition affects the feelings of others in ourselves in Cimahi. Questionnaires were given to general
and our feelings towards ourselves (Madrigal 2013). teachers, extraordinary education teachers and
One of the important things in the application of students. The questionnaire and observation sheet
social cognitive theory is selfefficacy that is stu- refers to the results of research conducted by
dents' belief about personal competence or effec- Yadlosky(2012).
tiveness in certain field (Woolfolk 2008). According The students involved are given individual ser-
to Pajares (1997) in Woolfolk (2008) self-oriented vices with a meeting time of 10 times. During the
study, all students were asked to point to images of

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 40
expected and unexpected behavior. Each session The results of the questionnaire given to the stu-
lasts 30-40 minutes and is done after school hours. dents show that almost every time at least three stu-
At the end of each session, students are awarded a dents always make the given statement. Two stu-
Superflex® award when they have behaved positive- dents replied that they did not listen to his teacher.
ly. All students likesuperflex characters and likesuper-
flex overall. Five students agree that Model of Su-
perflex Learning helps them stay focused and get
4 RESULT things done. Nevertheless, four students did not im-
mediately follow orders when given orders.
Focus group discussion (FGD) activities were held
on March 18, 2017 and July 15, 2017. The FGD ac-
tivities were participated by all research teams and 5 DISCUSSION
teachers from three schools targeted by model trials.
The first FGD aims to confirm and discuss matters Based on FGD results it can be revealed that all
relating to what teachers can and should not do be- teachers have been given an explanation of learning
fore implementing the superflex learning model by media and guidebooks in the implementation of the
providing documents related to it. The second FGD Superflex Learning Model. The learning media takes
activity discusses the planning of the Superflex the source of all the characters present in the Super-
Learning Model. flex Learning by performing simplified translations
All teachers are given an explanation of instruc- that match the language skills of learners in elemen-
tional media and guidebooks in the implementation tary school. Learning media created in the form of
of the Superflex Learning Model. The learning me- books, posters and flash cards in accordance with the
dia takes the source of all the characters present in requested by the teacher, in order to facilitate the
the Superflex Learning by performing simplified process in the class.
translations that match the language skills of learners The Superflex Model Learning guidebook contains
in elementary school. Learning media created in the activities prior to the Superflex Learning Model be-
form of books, posters and flash cards in accordance ing implemented, execution and observation and
with the requested by the teacher, in order to facili- evaluation. The Superflex Model Learning guide-
tate the process in the class. book is designed to see the progress of learners in
The observation results show that in the first and classroom and out-of-class learning.
second weeks, the whole class shows that students The Model of Superflex Learning® is designed to
still cannot listen to the teacher's instructions or hear see the progress of learners in classroom and out-of-
the opinions of their classmates. Students also not all class learning. Model of Superflex Learning is di-
follow the instructions and complete the entire task. vided into several lessons (Madrigal 2008):
A total of five students have not been able to ignore a. Lessons 1 through 5 learn about how to ex-
the disturbance made by his friend. In the second to plore and enhance learners' understanding of
sixth week, 60% of students are able to follow the the flexible way of thinking and the skill as-
orders given, but still cannot ignore the disturbance sociated with it.
that arises from his friends. In the seventh to tenth b. Lessons 6 through 9 introduce Unthinkable
week, all students are able to follow the instructions characters and explore the weaknesses of
and complete all the tasks. learners in social interaction.
The results of the questionnaires for teachers show c. Lessons 10 through 12 teach learners to de-
different assessments of the general teachers and
velop and utilize super-flexible strategies to
teachers of extraordinary education. The assessment
of extraordinary educational teachers is higher than fight Unthinkable teams that are in them-
that of general teachers. For the question of "follow- selves.
ing the teacher's instructions," the general teacher of- The teachers are enthusiastic to implement this model
ten mentions "sometimes," while many out-of- although previously there were some differences in per-
school teachers often give "often," and even two ception, especially about the students who will be the
students get "always" answers from extraordinary participants in the application of the Superflex Learning
teachers. In the question of "stay focused when there Model in schools. Some teachers want the Superflex
is something disturbing" the general teachers and Learning Model applied to all problem students, but since
teachers of non-formal education agree that by the it is still experimental it is agreed that students who will
end of the 10th session all students will be able to be involved in each class as much as one person so that
focus despite disturbing ones. However,for the ques- teachers can focus more on implementing this model.
tion of "keep working according to task and focus to Based on the results of the questionnaire and obser-
completion" all teachers agree that all students vation, all teachers argue that the use of cartoon char-
"sometimes" can focus. acters (animation) with various characters, which aims
to assist children in social skills and develop flexibility

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 41
in any social conditions. Model of Superflex Learn- Do Don’t
ing® is a learning model utilizing comic books as a they have their own
learning medium and superhero hand out called super- awareness of behavior
flex and aims to help EBD recognize themselves and change
things that become weakness in him so that EBD can Use social detectives and Do not use Superflex® in
change his mind and behavior. Model of Superflex Superflex® strategies in schools that specialize in EBD
Learning is suitable for training EBD social cognition. public schools teaching
Implementation can be done individually with special Associate Superflex® Do not teach about
handling within a certain time and continuous. The and Unthinkables in Unthinkables characters
right method can help develop this model more effec- learning and taught without teaching strategies to
tively. Development Model of Superflex Learning can material defeat the characters
be done by creating teams, creating programs and ma- Do it carefully to Do not use superflex concepts
terials, socializing to students, monitoring evaluation younger learners and strategies in pre-school
and feedback when the program ends. children
All teachers expect improvements to such things as Link the Superflex Do not change the superflex
more interesting and adequate media learning and concept with other concept into a behavior change
mentoring from experienced teachers with EBD stu- concepts related to plan or teach concepts with
dents. Model of Superflex Learning according to learning behavior and behavioral concepts
teachers' perceptions is a learning method that empha- social behavior
sizes self-identification based on the existing unthink- Take time to teach from a Do not rely on superflex
ables figures in Model of Superflex Learning material. variety of different handouts, posters and comic
After knowing himself including figures unthinkable viewpoints books that are there just to
which, raised the figure thinkable that can overcome teach and build superflex
the figure of the unthinkable. concepts
The Purpose Model of Superflex Learning is to fa- Involve the Do not allow learners to be
cilitate learners to explore their social cognition, raise parent/caregiver and obsessed with unthinkable
awareness of learners' own behaviors, learn the rules make sure all the parties characters, stop learning
that exist in any environment, consider the behaviors know the vocabulary and Model of Superflex Learning
from different perspectives, modify behavior to be the desired expectations if learners become negative by
more "social" by the way Have a flexible social strate- clearly. Remember slow imitating unthinkable
gy and organize words or body language and maintain behavior changes characters.
the good feelings of others to learners. Model of Su- Have fun and be creative! Do not sell anything that has
perflex Learning is tailored to the learner's develop- been made
ment, self-awareness and attention to the social envi- Source: Crooke & Winner (2015)
ronment (Linton 2015).
The Superflex Learning Model is implemented in
conjunction with the day-to-day lesson, so all teachers 6 CONCLUSION
agree to implement the Superflex Learning Model in
their respective schools. After all teachers agree, then Model of Superflex Learning is effective enough to
the next is discussed what teachers should be prepared help EBD students focus more on the assigned task
before implementing the Superflex Learning Model and complete it according to the instruction of the
Things to consider before applying Model of teacher. The ideal class setting is a small class setting.
Superflex Learning to learners are as follows: The success Model of Superflex Learning is deter-
mined by the teacher's ability to direct learners, espe-
Figure 2 Do and Don't for Teaching Superflex cially in distinguishing reality and delusion. Teachers
Do Don’t should let learners to know their success in overcom-
Begin to teach how to Do not rush to explain the ing Unthinkable Team. Learners should be reminded
make social observations concept that the unthinkable team is not an evil army so it is
(social detective) before not to be feared. Model of Superflex Learning can be
introducing learners to followed by teacher creativity by using this curriculum
superheroes (Superflex®) as an intermediate objective when there is motivational
Emphasize to the child Do not use Superflex® if the learning.
that Superflex® is itself child has no understanding of
not just a comic character the difference between
imagination and reality. 7 REFERENCES
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social thinking curriculum.Retrieved from thinking/superflex-the-unthinkables-and-the-five-step-
Purwanto, P.2016. Implementasi penilaian sikap berdasarkan power-plan
kurikulum 2013 pada pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia Wisconsin Education Association Council. 1996. Performance
untuk membentuk karakter siswa di sekolah menengah assessment. Retrieved from
pertama[Implementation of attitude assessment based on
curriculum 2013 on Indonesian language learning to on7/7.PerformanceAssessment.pdf
characterize students in junior high school]. Surakarta: Woolfolk, A. 2008. Educational psychology:Active learning
Unpublished Thesis. edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Putra, F.P. et al. 2014.Reinforcement merupakan salah satu Yadlosky, K.R. 2012. Effects of the superflex™ curriculum on
alternatif untuk mengurangi perilaku negatif bagi anak the social cognition of primary students with attention
tunalaras[Reinforcement is one alternative to reducing deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum
negative behavior for children EBD]. Journal of Scientific disorders. Northridge: Unpublised Thesis
Special Education (E-JUPEKhu) 3(3): 332-343.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 43
Picture storybook: A learning method to improve student’s creative
thinking and collaborative skill
A. Yulistia & H. Rasyid
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Picture storybook based on scientific approach was the development of learning material for
elementary students. This study aimed to develop a picture storybook based on scientific approach through
discovery learning method to improve students’ creative thinking and collaborative skill. Development
procedures adapted by Borg & Gall with steps including; 1) research and information collecting; 2) planning;
3) developing preliminary product; 4) preliminary field testing; 5) main product revision; 6) main field
testing; 7) operational product revision; 8) operational field testing; 9) final product revision; and 10)
dissemination and implementation. The product implementation consisted of the 1st tryout involving 9
students of the 3rd grade. The 2nd tryout involved 15 students of the 3rd grade. The 3rd tryout involved 50
students in the experimental group and 25 students in the control group. Data collection instruments were
questionnaires for picture storybook assessment for a material expert and a language expert, teacher response
questionnaire, student response questionnaire, questionnaire of collaborative variable, and test question of
creative thinking skill variable. Data was analyzed using MANOVA with significance level of 5%. The
results showed that: 1) the picture storybook based on scientific approach through discovery learning method
developed was fit for use based on an expert assessment and test result at the school; 2) the picture storybook
based on scientific approach through discovery learning method could be used to improve students’ creative
thinking skills; and 3) the picture storybook based on scientific approach through discovery learning method
could be used to improve students’ collaborative skills.

1 INTRODUCTION information/experimenting, associating or

processing information, and communicating. Bybee
Learning in primary schools in Indonesia is now (2002) added that student learning is better when
implementing the 2013 curriculum that implements they do a meaningful project. Learning with
thematic learning in every grade level. The scientific approach promises a quality education
contrasting shift from the KTSP curriculum to the product in accordance with the demands of the
2013 curriculum has made the country experience times, because scientific approach can lead to
various educational problems. One obstacle is the activities that are scientific and encourage children
lack of teacher knowledge of thematic learning. In to work scientifically. This is because learning must
addition, varied learning resources are also needed be able to develop more than knowledge, but also
to address the gaps that occur. Thematic learning if process, creativity, attitude, and application. In
applied properly will certainly bring considerable addition to applying scientific approach in learning,
change to students both in terms of cognitive, various methods are also often used to support
affective, and psychomotor. scientific activities. One of the methods that can
The application of thematic learning will be better trigger high order thinking skill students is discovery
done with a scientific approach or a scientific learning. According to Prasetyo et al (2001),
approach. Learning activities with scientific discovery learning is usually divided into two types:
approach as intended include activities of observing, free discovery and guided discovery. In the
asking, trying, processing, presenting, associating, implementation of the guided discovery, guides are
and communicating. As Kurniasih (2014) said, the more common because with the instruction of the
scientific approach has several learning processes teacher the students will work more directed in order
arranged so that learners actively understand the to achieve the goals that have been set. Discovery
concepts and principles through several steps: learning promises students to be able to work
observing, questioning, gathering
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 44
scientifically to find a concept or theory based on his various viewpoints of these experts, the product was
experience of experimenting. developed in the form of picture storybooks. The
Creative thinking is one of the high order story presented contains a scientific approach that
thinking skill parts that is needed to be improved by inserts discovery learning method in the storyline.
the student in learning activities. Anwar (2012) said Previous research developed comic books as part of
that creative thinking involves creating something a picture storybook which were developed by Bara
new or original. It involves the skills of flexibility, (2015). It was found that comic books based on
originality and fluency. The aim of creative thinking character education on integrative thematic learning
is to stimulate curiosity and promote divergence. has been valid and improves the character of student
Susanto (2013) described creative thinking as discipline. Other studies which were developed by
thinking that can connect or see an object from a Lestari (2016) about comics as a learning media
new perspective. Therefore, creative thinking can have been valid and could improve analytical
enrich the way to think with various alternatives. On thinking ability and scientific attitude.
the other hand, there is a scientific attitude that must Based on the need analysis, the researcher did a
be possessed by students to stock their life in the research and development of picture storybook
future. Kereliuk (2013) elaborated that the based on scientific approach and discovery learning
collaboration between students is part of the meta for the students of 3rdgrade. This book is expected to
knowledge (to act) that is important for the success answer the needs of teachers for learning resources
of learning in this century, because of working with in the form of a picture storybook based on scientific
various groups becoming the main thing in the approach through discovery learning.
globalization of culture and economy of the nation.
Suprijono (2016) added cooperative learning has
been developed with the aim of improving academic 2 METHOD
cooperation among students forming positive
relationships, developing self-confidence, and This research used Research and Development
enhancing academic ability through group activities. model. Borg & Gall (2003) defined Educational
Picture books are part of children's literature. R&D as an industry based development model in
Nurgiyantoro (2013) said that literature that is which the findings of the research are used to
emotionally psychological can be addressed and design new products and procedures, which then are
understood by children, and it generally departs systematically field tested, evaluated, and refined
from concrete facts and is easily imagined. It until they meet specified criteria of effectiveness,
provides an understanding that children's literature is quality, or similar standards. Research and
a reading book for children according to the child's development product was to know validity and
developmental level (language, emotion, and feasibility of picture storybook based on scientific
intelligence), experience, and knowledge relevant to approach through discovery learning.
the child's world. Such as the benefits expressed by This method was included with steps: 1) research
Elia (2010), in the activity of reading stories in and information collecting; 2) planning; 3)
picture books, students can develop new ideas, developing preliminary product; 4) preliminary field
structures and schemes and can achieve knowledge testing; 5) main product revision; 6) main field
at a higher level. Then Mitchel (2003) provided an testing; 7) operational product revision; 8)
illustration of the characteristics of pictorial operational field testing; 9) final product revision;
storybooks that can be used for 4th grade, but this and 10) dissemination and implementation.
does not mean that these characteristics can not be
used for younger readers.
Based on the gaps of learning activities that exist 3 RESULT
in the classroom based on observations in schools, it
can be seen that the thematic learning activities have 3.1 Data analysis from subject matter expert.
not fully conducted the activities contained in the
scientific approach. In addition, the creative thinking In the data analysis of product validation results of
ability of students tends to be less, observed from this subject material expert there were 6 aspects
the observation of student learning outcomes in the developed. The results of the subject material
form of essays that students do not do well. Besides experts as presented in Table 1. Based on the table,
the gap in students' thinking ability, there is a gap in it can be seen that the results of the expert
students’ attitudes that tend to be bad. Collaborative assessment of the material states that the product
students can be seen in less active group work development gets very good criteria. The score of
activities, and tend to rely on one friend with a high each aspect of the accumulated material expert
academic ability with a lack of a sense of judgement earns a total score of 213 with very good
community in groups, lack of sharing with group criteria. Thus, the development product can be tested
members, and lack of respect for other groups. From on the students.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 45
Based on the table, it is known that the scores of
Table 1. The results of the subject material experts students' responses and teacher responses to the
Aspect Total score Criteria science-based illustrated story-based-book products
Suitability of material 22,00 Very good are very good at the 2nd trial test. This means that the
description with KI KD score has exceeded the minimum category of good.
Material accuracy 47,00 Very good After the step of main field testing had been done,
Learning support materials 49,00 Good researchers revised based on student responses and
Feasibility of presentation 38,00 Very good teacher responses before conducted empirical test
Scientific approach activity 34,00 Very good (operational test) to determine the improvement of
Reading level 24,00 Good creative thinking ability and attitude of student
Total score 213 Very Good cooperation. The result is known in the table below:

In the data analysis of product validation results Table 5. Results of Creative Thinking Skills
of this children literature expert there are 4 aspects Operational Test
developed. The results of the language experts as Class Average Value Gain Criteria
follows: Pretest Posttest
Control 66,22 72,43 0,45 Medium
Table 2. The results of the children literature experts st *
1 Exp . 67,30 86,98 0,73 High
Aspect Total score Criteria
2nd Exp. 64,63 86,87 0,76 High
Story Elements 62,00 Very good *experiment
Illustration 37,00 Very good
Based on the post-test result of students' creative
Format of book 65,00 Very good
thinking ability, the experimental classes 1 and 2 got
Anatomy of book 71,00 Good
a higher grade than the control class. Control class
Feasibility of presentation 72,00 Good
got pre-test value equal to 66,22 and post-test equal
Feasibility of language 28,00 Very good
to 72,43 with gain 0,45 (medium). Experiment 1
Criteria of tittle 31,00 Very good
class got pre-test value of 67,30 and post-test value
Total score 363 Very good
equal to 86,98 with gain 0,73 (high). The experiment
2 class got the pre-test value of 64.63 and the post-
Based on the table, it can be seen that the results test value of 86.87 with the gain of 0.76 (high). Thus
of the assessment of linguists stated that the product the picture storybook product based on scientific
development gets very good criteria. Scores of every approach through discovery learning method could
aspect of an accumulated linguist's scoring gets a be declared effective in improving students' creative
total score of 363 with very good criteria. Thus, thinking ability.
product development can be tested on students.
The next stage is the first and the second trial test. Table 6. Results of Collaborative Skills Operational
Data obtained in the form of student response data to Test
the use of product during the learning process. Class Average Value Gain Criteria
Analysis of student responses included in the
category is very good. Suggestions obtained from Pre-test Post-test
the limited test are the use of language in a Control 65,96 71,96 0,46 Medium
conversation and the correction of some lost images. 1st Exp*. 66,60 85,08 0,73 High
Data results of student response to product usage can 2nd Exp. 64,04 86,64 0,81 High
be seen in the table below:
Based on the post-test result of students'
Table 3. The Result of Teacher Response to Product collaborative skill, the experimental classes 1 and 2
Aspect 1st Trial 2nd Trial got a higher grade than the control class. Control
Score Value Score Value class got pre-test value equal to 65,96 and post-test
Format 12 B 14 A equal to 71,96 with gain 0,46 (medium). Experiment
Content 12 B 15 A 1 class got pre-test value of 66,60 and post-test value
Illustration 15 B 18 A equal to 85,08 with gain 0,73 (high). The experiment
Story 20 B 24 A 2 class got the pre-test value of 64.04 and the post-
test value of 86.64 with the gain of 0.81 (high). Thus
Table 4. The Result of Student Response to Product the picture storybook product based on scientific
1st Trial 2nd Trial approach through discovery learning method could
Total score 46,89 54,67 be declared effective in improving students'
Value B A collaborative skill.
Category Good Very Good After the results of the value of creative thinking
and collaborative skill, it could be tested by
hypothesis MANOVA. This test was used to find out

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 46
whether the picture storybook based on scientific students could think creatively if there was a key of
approach that has been developed could improve the creative thinking in students. Amabile & Gardner
ability of creative thinking and students’ (Adams, 2005) described the key aspects of creative
collaborative skill significantly or not. thinking: 1) comfort in disagreeing with others and
The terms null hypothesis (H0) and alternative trying solutions that depart from the status quo; 2)
hypothesis (H1) in this research are: combining knowledge from previously disparate
H0 was no difference in the improvement of creative fields; 3) ability to preserve through difficult
thinking ability and attitude of student cooperation problems and dry spells; 4) ability to step away
between experiment class and control class. H1 was from an effort and return later with a fresh
a difference in the improvement of creative thinking perspective (“incubation”). Kaufman et al (2008: 17)
ability and attitude of student cooperation between also explained that there were four aspects of
experiment class and control class. creative thinking. These are: 1) Fluency; the number
Acceptance and rejection criteria H0 at 5% of responses to given stimuli, “the total number of
significance level by using significance, when ideas given on any one divergent thinking exercise”;
significance >0,05 then H0 is accepted, if 2) Originality; the uniqueness of responses to a
significance <0,05 then H0 is rejected. given stimuli, “the unusualness of an examinee or
Test results MANOVA got significance test value respondents idea”; 3) Flexibility; the number and/or
of Hotelling's Trace is 0,000 <0,05, hence could uniqueness of categories of responses to a given
conclude H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning stimuli, or more broadly, “a change in the meaning,
there is difference of significant ability of creative use, or interpretation of something”; 4) Elaboration;
thinking and attitude of student coocollaborative the extension of ideas within a specific category of
skill between experiment class with control class. responses to a given stimuli, “to fill (ideas) out with
details”. In line with that opinion, Hargreaves (2012)
also explained that the characteristics of creative
4 DISCUSSION thinking are included in the divergent thinking
aspect, especially in terms of flexibility and
The picture story book based on scientific approach authenticity of thinking, which in this case involves
through discovery learning product has been imagination. The explanation showed that creative
assessed by the experts and declared valid based on thinking was part of divergent thinking that requires
the result of the assessment. Based on validation imagination. As McGregor (2003) said, creativity
result from the subject material expert and the involves divergent thinking, that is, the ability to
children literature expert, all aspects of picture create new things, and have unusual original ideas.
storybook based on scientific approach through Beetlestone (2012) gave an idea that without
discovery learning covering all aspects, got an "very creativity, students will only work on a narrow
good" rating. In accordance with the product quality, cognitive level. The creative aspects of the brain
the product developed was considered feasible if all could help explain and interpret abstract concepts,
aspects assessed achieve the minimum category of enabling students to achieve greater mastery,
"Good". Thus, the picture storybook based on especially in math and science lessons that are
scientific approach through discovery learning has difficult to understand. The perspective focuses on
been valid. As Nurgiyantoro (2013) said that student creativity which is the main thing in learning
literature that is emotionally psychological can be and can be stimulated by the various learning
addressed and understood by children, and it activities that facilitate students to think creatively.
generally departs from concrete facts and is easily Teaching students to think creatively was not easy.
imagined. It provides an understanding that Sternberg & Grigorenko (2010) developed strategies
children's literature is a reading book for children for creative thinking, such strategies are: 1) redefine
according to the child's developmental level the problem; 2) questioning and analyzing
(language, emotion, and intelligence), experience, assumptions; 3) selling creative ideas; 4) generate
and knowledge relevant to the child's world. ideas; 5) recognize two sides of knowledge; 6)
The product developed successfully improves the identify and overcome obstacles; 7) taking risks
creative thinking ability and student’s collaborative wisely; 8) tolerate ambiguity; 9) build self-
skill significantly, proven using MANOVA test. reliability; 10) find true interest; 11) delay
In this 21st century, creativity is a skill that must satisfaction; 12) create a model of creativity.
be possessed by someone. To be creative, one must Learning in the 21st century required teachers to
be able to think creatively. Turkmen (2015) instill skills that can be the provision of students in
explained that creativity consists of flexible, fluid, competing globally. Ansari & Malik (2013)
unique and unusual thinking in different situations. identified seven skills needed in this century, one of
Oppezzo & Schwartz (2014) added that creativity which is collaboration. Application of curriculum
also has the potential to contribute positively to expected students not only to get good results in the
society. In accordance with the results of this study, cognitive domain, but affective achievements also

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 47
needed attention. It is thus expected that students can (2000) found that trained students working in one
have scientific attitudes that become the provision of group were able to cooperate more cooperatively
students to live in the future. Attitudes could be and gain higher academic value (Huda 2012). In
observed in some behaviors that may affect the addition, Wilson (2015) explains that by working
development of science. Suprijono (2016) said that with others, students can at once learn the ability to
cooperative learning has been developed with the interact and broaden knowledge horizons. Based on
aim of improving academic cooperation among these two opinions, it can be illustrated that when a
students forming positive relationships, developing person works together with others, it has benefits
self-confidence, and enhancing academic ability that not only get more knowledge, but can share
through group activities. The opinion explains that knowledge with others in need. In this respect,
to improving student cooperation can be done cooperative attitude will grow as students learn in a
through group activities. Furthermore Martin et al. group. Learning done in a group will contribute to
(2005) argued that from children’s natural curiosity students, By allowing students to provide
for learning and acquiring new experiences, we can explanations of their understanding, which can help
encourage them to develop: more curiosity, students elaborate and reorganize their knowledge.
perseverance, a positive approach to failure, open Social interaction stimulates elaboration of
mindedness, and cooperation with others. conceptual knowledge as group mates attempt to
Based on the results of research, it was proved make themselves understood, and research
that the picture storybook can improve student demonstrates that providing elaborated explanations
cooperation attitude significantly. Cooperation is an improves students’ comprehension of concepts.
important scientific attitude to be grown in students Once conceptual understandings are made visible
and is useful for building a specific science attitude through verbal exchange, students can negotiate
that students really need for the future. Thus it was meaning to arrive at convergence, or shared
in accordance with the opinion of Nevgi et al (2006) understanding. Collaborative skill could be seen in
that the theory of active learning emphasizes the three aspects as explained by Martin et al (2005)
elements of social learning, eg the importance of namely; 1) cluster skill; 2) camaraderie skill; and 3)
cooperative action, collaborative problem solving, task skill. it has been done in this research to see the
and sharing as a means of achieving a more improvement of students’ cooperation attitude on
meaningful learning process. pre-test and post-test value.
Research has also been conducted to see the
benefits of such cooperation. Gilles & Ashman

5 REFERENCE learning on students with learning difficulties in the lower

elementary school. Journal of Special Education 34(1): 19-
Adams, K. 2005. The Source of Innovation and Creativity. 27.
America: National Center on Education and the Economy. Hargreaves, D., et al. 2012. Young Children’s Creative
Ansari, U. & Malik, S. K. 2013. Image of an effective teacher Thinking. London: Sage.
in 21st century classroom. Journal of Educational and Huda, M. 2012. Cooperative Learning. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Instructional Studies in The World. 3(4): 61-68. Pelajar.
Anwar, M. N., et al. 2012. Relationship of creative thinking Kaufman, J. et al. 2008. Essentials of Creativity Assessment.
with the academic achievements of secondary school New York, NY: Willey.
students. International Interdisciplinary Journal of Kurniasih, I. & Sani, B. 2014. Sukses mengimplementasikan
Education, 1(3): 44-47. kurikulum 2013: memahami berbagai aspek dalam
Bara, S.H. 2015. Pengembangan media komik berbasis kurikulum 2013 [Successfully implementing curriculum
pendidikan karakter pada pembelajaran tematik-integratif 2013: understanding the various aspects in curriculum
kelas IV SD [Development of educational comic on 2013]. Surabaya: Kata Pena.
thematic-integrative instruction 4th grade primary school]. Lestari, D.I. 2016. Pengembangan media komik IPA model
Prima Edukasia Journal, 3:61-72. PBL untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir analitis dan
Beetlestone, F. 2012. Creative Learning. Bandung: sikap ilmiah [Development of science comic with PBL
Nusamedia. model to improve analytic thinking and scientific attitude].
Borg, W.R., et al. 2003. Educational Research: An Inovasi Pendidikan IPA Journal, 2(2): 145-155.
Introduction (7th Ed). New York, NY: Pearson Education. Martin, R., et al. 2005. Teaching Science for All Children. New
Bybee, R.W. 2002. Learning Science and The Science of York, NY: Pearson.
Learning. Virginia, VA: NSTA Press. McGregor, D. 2003. Developing Thinking Developing
Elia, I., et al. 2010. The role of picture in picture books on Learning. England: Mc-Graw Hill.
children’s cognitive engagement with mathematics. Nevgi, A. et al. 2006. Supporting students to develop
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 18 collaborative learning skills in technology-based
(3): 275-297. environments. British Journal of Educational Technology
Gillies, R.M. & Ashman, A.F. 2000. The effects of cooperative 37(6): 937-947.

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Nurgiyantoro, B. 2013. Sastra anak pengantar pemahaman Yogyakarta: Program Pascasarjana UNY.
dunia anak [Children Literature. Introduction to Understand Sternberg, R.J., & Grigorenko, E.L. 2010. Mengajarkan
Children World]. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Kecerdasan Sukses [Teaching Successful Intelligance].
Press. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Oppezzo, M., & Schwartz, D. L. 2014. Give your ideas some Suprijono, A. 2016. Cooperative Learning. Yogyakarta:
legs: the positive effect of walking on creative thinking. Pustaka Pelajar.
Journal of Experimental Psychology 40(4): 1142-1152. Susanto, A. 2013. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran di Sekolah
Prasetyo, Z.K. et al, 2011. Pengembangan Perangkat Dasar [Learning and Instruction Theory in Primary
Pembelajaran Sains Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Kognitif, School]. Jakarta: Kencana.
Keterampilan Proses, Kreativitas serta Menerapkan Turkmen, H., et al. 2015. Creative thinking skill analyzes of
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Process, Creativity and Applying Scientific Concept of Wilson, A. 2015. Creativity in Primary Education (3rd ed).
Junior High School Students] (Unpublished thesis). London:Sage.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 49
The quality of the child’s translation song as an early childhood learning
S. Suharto & U. Utomo
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to know the quality of translation of songs from translation
books used by Early School (PAUD) teachers in Indonesia. The method is used descriptive percentage by
using musical and lingual approach. Data were analyzed by using a combination of music composition
analysis and language composition. The result shows that: One, there are still many words in the song lyrics
that include the content words and other words that not related between the accentuation of the word with the
accentuation of the rhythm of the song (39,3%), match of 47.6%. Two, there are a number of words in the
emerging translation that are not in the original song lyrics (Source Language/SL) of 13.1%. The emergence
of these words the number of syllables in English (Target Language/TL) generally fewer than the syllables in
the Indonesian language. The cause of this lace of beauty matches because of the many lyrics of the
translation whose accent is not in line with the rhythm of his music. It caused the song to be unbalanced and
not beautiful.

1 INTRODUCTION an English song collection for English songs, was

The problem of song translation is rarely spoken by published by Musika Jakarta whose songs were
linguists, especially in the field of translation. Yet composed and created by Rien M. Moendariwati
there are so many songs of translation, the songs that Soenarto, an English teacher in Jakarta, Indonesia.
have been replaced lyrics from one language to Translation is strongly related to the language
another language (Suharto 2006). This continues as structure of the two languages involved, the culture,
if there is no problem with the translation. The and the character of the song. Children's language is
impression is that the lyrics of the song are also different from the adult language. Therefore, in the
languages, so it does not matter if the song is English translation of the song must also meet the
translated into another language, regardless of the criteria such as the selection of words (diction) is
difference in the characters of the two languages right. Associated with the pronunciation in Kristyana
involved, the adjustment of the structure, the & Suharto (2014) convey the results of research that
background of the song creation to the effects it singing can affect children's speech, especially in
generates if the song is sung. articulation. This is so that the song sung children
Although the language is not perfectly can be understood and felt by the child according to
translatable, the effort to translate phrases in other the child's age level. More importantly, in
languages can be said to work. What about music? accordance with the rules of English intonation and
Maybe the music can be translated if only limited musicality.
lyrics while the melody remains without replacing Song lyrics are an important part of a music/
with other music systems. However, obstacles will song. The lyrics cannot be separated from the music
still be faced by the translator of the song because and its elements because of its presence together
the lyrics structure that accompanies the song is with the music on the song itself, not on the other
different between languages with other languages. song at the same time as its creation. The main
The author observes several children's translation music elements in the song include rhythm, melody,
books that are still very contrary to the above rules. harmony, texture and so on. The rhythm of music
However, there are also books of English songs from according to Kennedy & Bourne in the "Concise
the author rather than native speakers who are quite Oxford Dictionary of Music" includes everything
good. For example, the English Songs for Children, related to the time aspect of music. They are beats,

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 50
accents, bars, groups of notes in a tap, a group of Indonesian children's songs into English language
beats in a bar, a group of bars in phrases, and so on. from the accent of the song and accent language, and
Rhythm is a measurable movement of tone groups, (2) How the quality of child's song translation can
which is the effect of a regular and systematic form to form a child character Who is studying
grouping. language and music especially songs.
In general the definition of melody that is often
used by the general public refers to Western music.
Melody is always associated with pitch and rhythm. 2 METHOD
The rhythmic group that runs sequentially and
rhythmically with each high tone is called that the This study uses the approach of music/ composition
melody is horizontal because the melody movement and linguistics. In accordance with the data required
is always associated with the tone before and after then the data collection techniques, among others
the melody group is horizontal. Melody harmony by: 1) Documents in the form of books collection of
cannot be separated from the transfer of one tone to children's songs translation, and 2) Content analysis
another tone with a certain rhythm as well. The (content analysis), because the data in the form of
beauty of one group of phrases does not mean manuscripts or documentation so that content review
anything if it is not supported by the phrase before is considered very important.
and after it. This relationship can also be called a The analysis used is interaction analysis and
syntagmatic relationship (Beker 1990). content analysis both musically and lingual. The
The tone, duration, and soft language are in the song samples represent information not quantities.
same language as music. In the language word level The four songs are Naik Delman (Driving A Cart),
has a high low tone, short length of tone and word (2) Burung Kakak Tua (Cockatoo), (3) Bangun
pressure. In English the pressured word pressure is Tidur (Waking up), dan (4) Lihat Kebunku (See My
distinguishable and plays an important role in the Garden).
formation of intonation, whereas in Indonesian it is
not. In the morphological level of Indonesian
language, intonation is not distinctive but at the 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
syntactic level is distinguishable. Even in English 3.1 The rhythmic accuracy of the Song Lyrics seen
certain features as it is said to be Gilbert (tno year: from the Accordance of the Song Lyrics with the
12) that in English the three syllable signs have three Rhythm of Music
pressures. The three marks are (1) higher tone, (2) The songs taken as a sample are 4 songs from two
which gets longer pressure on the sound, and (3) the volumes of books circulating in the public that are
vowel gets much louder. Indonesian Kids' Songs Volume 1 and Indonesian
According to Verhaar (2001) accents and Kids' Song Volume 2 which contains songs Children
pressures are complicated among supra segmental translations from Indonesian to English. The book
sounds. When the pressure is interpreted as a case of was translated by Ipung S. P Hery and published by
amplitude, ie the sound of the sound, the pressure PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri, Surakarta,
will be easy to understand. The problem is that the Indonesia.
pressure syllables not only get loud but high-pitched. There are four samples of songs that are the
Some linguists equate pressure with accents. This is sample namely: Naik Delman (Driving A Cart), (2)
compounded by other linguist works that distinguish Burung Kakak Tua (Cockatoo), (3) Bangun Tidur
"tone accents" and "pressure accents" (Verhaar (Waking up), and (4) Lihat Kebunku (See My
2001). Garden).
The song of the child in which there is a lyric is a The accuracy of song lyrics in this study is seen
language. If the lyrics of the song were in English from the match between the rhythms of the song
then how to read it must be in accordance with with the rhythm of stress words (word stress). The
English language rules such as accents of each word, rhythm of the song is seen from the accent in a
a short length of pressure and others. The song of the musical. In music, each bar group consists of a
translation from Indonesian to English in addition pattern of strong pressure and weak pressure,
must be in accordance with the number of syllables depending on the bar. Meanwhile, in accentuation
the lyrics of the song must be appropriate also with language can be seen from word stress. These two
the pressure on the rhythm of the song so it does not elements are compared in this study.
sound stiff. Based on data analysis of research results on this
Based on some background above the purpose of suitability can be viewed in table 1.
this research to know (1) How to match the lyrics of

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 51
are often found in the songs from Indonesia to
Table 1. Accuracy of rhythm on the translation English translation in this study. A collection of
songs children's songs entitled Indonesian Kids' Song (two
Category Song Song Song Song % volumes) is an example of a translation book that
1 2 3 4 has been circulating on the market.
Matching 25 9 13 16 47,6 %
Unmatch 20 9 12 16 39,3 %
Additional 2 3 7 7 13,1 %

Based on the results of the analysis, found 39.3%

of words in the lyrics of the song does not match the
rhythm of his music. In music, every segment of the
bar has its own pressure pattern depending on the Here's an example of such an error analysis:
sign of the bar. At one count each bar is always
strong and the next count is weak. On a strong count The pressure of the word 'garden' and 'flowers' is in
this is usually occupied by accented words as well. the first syllable ie /' ga: dn / and / flauə (r) /, but in
Songs were written by native English speakers translation it is on the second syllable. Even for the
always obey this as Suharto (2004) observed. Thus, song poem the word garden can be quite pronounced
the song sentence that the lyrics of the song does not in one syllable because in British English the second
have a sense of rhythm that caused incompatibility syllable of the word is barely audible, with nasal
between the rhythm of the language and the rhythm sound.
of music will be difficult to sing or difficult to feel.
If the lyrics of the song difficult to feel the rhythm of
the language and the song then the legibility of the 3.2 The equivalence of the translation of the beauty
lyrics of this song is considered low, and vice versa. of the translation songs from Bahasa Indonesia
The number of 47.6% of the words in the song's to English
lyrics corresponding to the rhythm of the song The accuracy of the beauty in this study is seen
shows only that level of legibility the lyrics of the from the level of the rhythmic accuracy of the song
song are high. Meanwhile, there are about 13.1% of lyrics with the rhythm of his music. It was
words that include the very low category. This data mentioned earlier that the level of legibility of the
comes from words in the translation lyrics that song lyrics is seen from the appropriateness of the
appear without being in the lyrics of the original language accent in the lyrics of the translation
song. The occurrence of this additional word will (English) and the rhythm of the song. This level of
add to the actual information that does not result in a conformity will determine the degree of beauty of
different meaning than the original song. the song including the lyrics of the song.
Attention to the number of syllables are very The percentage of sentences that are considered
important in song writing and song translation. The equivalent to only 17.6%, while the unequal reached
translator may have translated the poem of each line 52.94% make the lyrics of this song is not feasible
and is worth the meaning, but is it matching the for children who are learning language and music.
number of syllables that make up the rhythm of the As in data analysis, the cause of this beauty
song? It could be said imposible. It is very difficult mismatch is the amount of pressure contained in the
because not every word match between two words language of the target language (English) unsuited to
involved is the same number of syllables. The thing the pressure on the music. Moreover, there are
that can be done is the possibility of a shift. In additional words that are not contained in the
science translation sifts problems are very original song lyrics that speak Indonesian. The
commonly done. The problem is that this shift will number of words that do not match the pressure
cause the pressure on the word switch. This is what between the language and the rhythm of the music
happened in the translation of children's songs in this are caused by the system of two different languages.
study. Meanwhile, the emergence of new words that do not
The different syllables between the two languages exist in the source language caused by the number of
involved also resulted in the word pressure changed syllables in the target language is not as much as on
on the translation track. This can also be because the source language so that the translation lyrics on
translator only takes into account the meaning in one source language are lack of words. This is because
sentence. Though the phrases of the song sentence the English language known as monosyllable
are also important. As a result, many word accents language has more syllables than the Indonesian
do not match the accent of the song. Songs like this

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 52
language known as polysyllable language (Suharto imbalance of both aspects, language and music. It is
2014). very dangerous for beginner learners who are just
learning and experiencing this critical period.
Table 2. The equivalence of the beauty of songs
translation on children's songs
Category S1 S2 S3 S4 Total 4 CONCLUSION
Equivalent 1 2 0 0 17,6 %
The study also found the presence of a number of
Less 2 0 1 2 29,41 % words in the emerging translation that are not in the
original song lyrics (SL) of 13.1%. This is due to
Un- 2 2 3 2 52,94 %
lack of beats. This lack of tapping can occur because
the number of syllables in English (TL) is generally
less than the syllable in Indonesian (SL). Excess
3.3 The effect of the quality of translation of song words in translation lyrics will give you an excess of
lyrics for the linguist's learner information or meaning.
Early childhood is a critical period of age (critical The number of inappropriate taps between word
period) to be considered. It is at this age that the accentuation (word stress) with the rhythm of the
child achieves his learning skills in language song causes the beauty of the song is not
(Johnson & Newport 1989). If the teacher gives the commensurate with the original song. This is
lyrics of a song whose translation is irrelevant because the two languages are different. A smaller
because the rhythm does not match the rhythm of the number of TL syllables causes the translation lyrics
language then the development of language will be to lack words so that additional unnecessary words
disrupted. Suharto (2006), found that most (90%) of can lead to increased information on the translation
English language songs accent in accordance with lyrics.
his accent (word stress). Meanwhile, in this study, The incompatibility of pressure between the
the songs contained in the book Indonesian Kids' accent of song and language causes the beginner's
Song Volume 1 and Volume 2, most of the accent of learner and language learner who is still in growth
the translation songs is not in accordance with its will be disrupted. If the songs are considered less
words. Though this book including very in demand good is used as learning materials in early
and used for learning in the early school. childhood.
The age of 0 to 6 is a golden period in which
physical, motor, intellectual, emotional, linguistic
and social development progress very rapidly which 5 REFERENCE
occurs only once in the development of human life
(Masnipal 2013). If this age of gold and
Beker, J. 1990. Kalau Bahasa Dapat Diterjemahkan, Mengapa
'vulnerability' language learning should be true. The Musik Tidak [If language translated why music not ].
age also shows the child's intelligence capacity Jurnal Musikologi Indonesia. 1(1): 15–25.
reaches 50 percent, and the age of 8 reaches 80 Fitriani, F. 2015. Efektivitas pola pembelajaran pendidikan
percent. Music learning is also very appropriate if anak usia dini pada kelompok bermain Griya Nanada DWP
given to an early age in the golden age period. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta [The effectiveness of early
childhood education learning pattern in play group Griya
English songs such as Suharto's (2004) research
Nanada DWP UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta].
should have a language accent and the accent of the Unpublished Tesis,: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan
song is appropriate. If it does not match then it will Kalijaga, Indonesia
be inequality. While in the song in this research Ipung S.P.H. 2005. Indonesian kids' songs. Surakarta: PT Tiga
there are 39% of the song's rhythms do not match Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri.
Johnson, J.S. & Newport, E.L. 1989. Critical period effects in
the rhythm of the language. This inequality will
second language learning: The influence of maturational
undermine the development of the child's language state on the acquisition of English as a second language.
and music. The development of children's music can Cognitive Psychology 21(1): 60–99.
be disrupted namely abnormal musical abilities, Kristyana, L. N. & Suharto, S. 2014. Singing as a strategy to
especially in terms of sensitivity to the rhythm. In enhance the ability to speak for early childhood. Harmonia:
Journal of Arts Research and Education 14(2): 123–130.
English, in particular, the inconsistency of the
doi. 10.15294
pressure between the accent of the song and its Masnipal, M. 2013. Siap menjadi guru dan pengelola PAUD
English accent caused the language to be not fluent. profesional [Ready to be professional teacher
In addition, native speakers will feel that their andadministrator of early school]. Jakarta: Elex Media
meaning is difficult to understand because of the Komputerindo.

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Suharto, S. 2006. Permasalahan musikal dan lingual dalam Suharto, S. & Subroto, E. 2014. The equivalence of translated
penerjemahan lirik lagu [Musical and lingual issues in songs lyrics and their effects - the case of translated
translation of song lyrics]. Harmonia: Journal of Arts ecclesial songs. Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and
Research and Education 7(2): 120–128. Education 14(2): 131-139
Suharto, S. 2004. Music and Language: A Stress Analysis of Verhaar, J.W.M. 1992. Asas-asas linguistik umum [Principles
English Song Lyrics. Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research of general linguistics]. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada
and Education: 5(3): 46-60. University Press.

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Through applying propaganda rhetoric in speaking skill learning at
senior high school

U. Faizah, S. Sawitri & K. Saddhono

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Propaganda Rhetoric Learning is relevant with strengthening students’ character at school. One
of characters that can be strengthened is religious character. Religious character education can be seen either
in general school or in religion-based school. Then, the purposes of writing this paper are (1) to describe
propaganda rhetoric learning on speaking competency at a senior high school, (2) to describe the relevance of
propaganda rhetoric learning in students’ book of Indonesian Language and Literature. The interest toward
Language Sciences and Culture 12th (Twelfth) Grade which is compatible with 2013 Curriculum. This
research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. Data of this research are propaganda rhetoric utterances
made by students. Data are collected by means of taking notes, selecting compatible data and taking notes on
data cards. Data validation technique uses source and technique triangulation. Data are analyzed by means of
analyzing participant’s perspective with strategies which are interactive and adaptable. The results of this
research are (1) 12th Grade 2013 Curriculum with the interest of Indonesian Language subject is speaking
(formal and non-formal), teachers can give an assignment to speak in the form of propaganda (propaganda
rhetoric), (2) Learning speaking is relevant with KD (Basic Competency) in 2013 curriculum.

1 INTRODUCTION age (Muslich 2011). Early age is a critical period

for one's educators. Added by Freud's failure to
Education is believed to build the intelligence as cultivate a good personality at an early age will
well as the personality of the human to be better create a problematic person in later years.
stage. However, what would happen if education Indonesian learning will be one of the medium
is solely interested in intellectuals without in instilling a self-respecting and virtuous nation.
building the character of their students? The result The Javanese proverb says that Ajining diri sokho
is moral damages and value violations. lathi means that someone will be respected from
Ultimately, this kind of education will be like a what he talks about. It gives an overview of how
robot, minded, but not characterized, empty soul. important language and speaking activities are to
The deterioration of the current behavior has bring generosity and wisdom. As Allah Almighty
been widely reported by some television stations has said. "O you who believe! Keep your duty to
even in newspapers. For example, exemplary Allah and fear him, and speak (always) the truth.
problem of the officials who are said to be fond of He will direct you to do the righteous good deeds
swearing and mocking and even painful as shown and will forgive you your sins. And whosever
by law expert of political communication Emrus obeys Allah and His messenger (pbuh), he has
Sihombing in indeed achieved a great achievement” (QS. Al
stated that "Ahok's ethics violation is more Ahzab: 70-71).
dangerous than corruption ". When the corruption In spite of these examples, there are negative
is the only material impact, the ethics that are phenomena in society, for instance, many who
being degenerated are mental, moral and behave badly, from communicating with families
behavioral. Related to the use of language in to the community. Therefore, it is good if
communicating, Ahok can be categorized as education is again paying attention to this. There
ignorant in ethics. is also in concern of secondary education that is
Therefore, Erikson (1968) reveals that national constantly trying to instill character education
human character needs to be instilled from early through the learning process of several subjects.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 55
For example, the basic competence of rhetoric is 2 THEORY OF STUDY
one of the indicators that can be raised the 2.1 Dakwah's Rhetoric
teaching of rhetoric of dakwah-dakwah
(preaching). In this indicator the character that is Literally dakwah is a masdar of fi`il (verb)
expected to emerge is piety to Allah Swt. , self- dakwah has three original letters, namely dal,
conscious, respect to other human beings, `ain, and wawu. From the three letters of this
environmental consciousness, and nationality origin, there are several words with different
manifested in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words meanings. These meanings are calling, inviting,
and deeds based on the norms of religion, law, pleading, asking, naming, sending, pushing,
ethics, culture, and customs. causing, bringing, praying, crying and mourning
Through the rhetoric of the transfer period (Munawwir 1997).
experienced by the students, encourage students to Furthermore, dakwah is a solicitation activity
cope with new demands and tasks of in the form of verbal, written, behavioral, etc. that
development. Claims and tasks of the student's is consciously and planned in an effort to
progress arise because of changes that occur in influence others individually and in groups in
some functional aspects of the individual, namely order to arise sense, awareness, attitude,
physical, psychological and social. If dakwah appreciation, and experience in the learning
rhetoric is done, it means that students have been religion, the message was conveyed without force
able to develop religious speaking skills or instill Arifin (1993). Dakwah's rhetoric can be
positive things on themselves and others that interpreted as a speech or lecture containing
encourage the development of character dakwah message, the call to God's path (sabili
intelligently. In the Quran it is explained that: rabbi) in accordance to the understanding of
"You are the best nation produced for mankind. dakwah in QS. An-Nahl: 125: "Call unto the way
You enjoy what is right and forbid what is of the Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and
wrong.” (QS. Ali Imran: 110). reason with them in the better way.
Giving dakwah (preacing of Islam) can be done Dakwah's rhetoric is a process of religious
in education domain aiming at reinforcing communication called tabligh or delivery of
student’s speaking competence. Throgh speaking religious messages through various methods,
competence in school in every level, dakwah can media and includes religious materials generally
be an alternative way to improve speaking so tabligh audiences can receive and understand
competence from elementary school, junior school the messages of the tabligh, either in direct
senior high school to higher education. In senior feedback form (reject or accept) or response
high level school level, the term rhetoric has been Direct (Muhtadi 2012).
introduced as part of speaking implementation in Dakwah is also defined as willing to accept
front public. Islamic guidance by raising the level of faith and
The relation between dakwah and speaking is piety, to do deed what is right and forbid what is
stated by AL Quradawi (1995) dakwah is giving wrong (Sholeh 2010). Added by Al Quradhawi
fatwa (guidance) by speaking to mankind using (1995) that preaching is to give a fatwa (order) by
the language of its time (language which is easily speaking to people in its language (a language that
understood, speaking rationally and avoiding is easy to understand by the fatwa recipients,
dificult words, and stating the laws with general speaking rationally and not exaggeratingly, not
philosophy of Islam. Dakwah rhetoric can be said using terms that are difficult to understand and
as religious preaching as the best medium to legal accompanied by wisdom and illat (legal
embed the concept of faith to Allah. reasons) in accordance with the general
Through the 2013 curriculum of Senior High philosophy of the Islam.
School on the subject of Indonesian Language and Dakwah's rhetoric can be viewed as a religious
Literature major in Languages and Culture Studies speech as the best medium to tailor and instill the
for High School / Islamic Senior High School beliefs of believers to God as explained by
grade 12th with basic Competence 3.2: Applying Mohamad & Hamzah (2015).
the principles of rhetoric and public speaking One stone two birds to know what is contained
techniques 4.1 Applying the principles of rhetoric in dakwah as other activities of speech contains
and technique speaking in public can be expanded among others, the opening (muqodimah), praise to
and sharpened with the ability to speak in the form Allah, blessing to the Prophet, the content,
of dakwah. conclusion and closing. Similarly, the structure of
the first sermon consists of the following
components: (1) mukadimah (opening) consisting
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 56
of hamdallah (praise to God), the two sentences of public speaking. Asking questions about things
the syahadat (testimony) and The blessing of the related to the content of the material and videos,
Prophet, (2) a call to the congregation to improve Exploring: search from sources of information
their taqwa (Islamic concept of God about rhetorical principles and public speaking
consciousness), (3) content / subject of the sermon techniques Associating: discussing the principles
which is supported with data, facts, analysis, of rhetoric and public speaking techniques,
quotation from The Qur'anic nash (texts) or summarizing things most important in rhetoric
Hadith (a collection of the Prophet's sayings and and public speaking techniques, note and conclude
deeds), (4) a brief conclusion, (5) closing input from other students, Communicate: write
consisting of invocations and prayers (Saddhono down group work reports on public speaking
2011). rhetoric principles, read out group work in front of
the classroom, other students respond, practice
2.2 Character Education
speaking in the classroom by applying rhetorical
Character education that is now being principles and public speaking techniques.
implemented in schools is a characterization
system of character values for the school
community that includes knowledge, awareness, 3 METHODS
or willingness, and actions to implement those
values, both towards Allah, self, neighbor, The research applied is descriptive qualitative
environment, As well as nationality so as human research. Subjects studied were students of Year
being (Muslich 2011). The purpose of character 12th (from a high school, namely IBB SMA MTA
education is to improve the quality of education Surakarta, Indonesia). The data in this research
and educational outcomes that lead to the was a rhetorical speech of students’ dakwah. The
achievement of the formation of the character and data was collected by recording, selecting the
the noble character of the students in full, appropriate data and recording on the data cards.
integrated, and balanced form. Data validation technique used sources and
Here are the 18 values in the education of the techniques triangulation. Data analysis technique
national version of the National Education was by examining the perspective of participants
Ministry continuously strived for the enhancement with strategies which were interactive and
of student characters such as: Religious, Honest, flexible. Data compilation components including:
Tolerance, Discipline, Hard Work, Creativity, (1) data reduction i.e. simplification of data
Self-Reliance, Democratic, Curiosity, performed through raw data organizing selections
Nationalism, Love of homeland, Friendship / into meaningful information; (2) data display, i.e.
Communicative, Love of peace, Love reading, to present the data clearly and easily in narrative
Environmental Care, Social Care, and form; and organized in sentence form (Suhadi &
Responsibility. Susilo 2005).

2.3 Speaking Skills in High School (Enriching 4 DISCUSSION

Language and Culture Sciences)
4.1 Dakwah's Rhetoric and Character Education
Speaking Skills in Senior High School major in
Languages and Culture cites Core Competencies The relationship between dakwah rhetoric and
or KI 4 Processing, Reasoning, and observing in character education is that rhetoric is a kind of art
the realm of concrete and abstract domains to / art that is achieved on the basis of natural talents
develop Indonesian language and literature and technical skills, while education through
independently by using scientific methods in education is one of the tools to guide a person to
accordance with relevant scientific principles. be a wise person, especially religious education.
Basic Competence 3.2: Applying the principle of With religious education it will form the noble
rhetoric and public speaking techniques and 4.1 character (akhlakul karimah) students so they can
Applying rhetorical and public speaking filter out which is good and bad in social
techniques. The subject matter is: Principles of relationships. It has a positive consequence that
Rhetoric and Technical Speaking in Public when students convey dakwah rhetoric, it is very
Furthermore, learning activities began influential to the character of their faith and piety
observing activities: read the texts of rhetorical that they become human beings who behave in
principles of public speaking and examined the every day. By preaching means that it has
descriptions related to rhetorical techniques of specifically given people a sense to behave well

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 57
and in a way that the dakwah is listened to by from other students, Communicate writing a group
other friends so that logically another friend can work report on rhetoric principles in public with
behave well in accordance with the content of dakwah scripts, reading the work of a group in
other friend’s speech. This is in line with Al front of the classroom, other students responding,
Quradhawi theory, that is giving dakwah is part of The practice of preaching in front of the class by
speaking implementation to other people to give applying rhetorical principles and public speaking
guidance. Therefore, it is clear that with the techniques. Here are sample the topics raised by
practice of dakwah rhetoric will form the the students:
character of ma'ruf (noble) students. The rhetoric 1. Prayer
activities of the dakwah are contained in the 2013 Students who preach about prayer, say that
Curriculum of Class 12th Indonesian Language prayer is a pillar of religion, because by studying
and Literature major in Language and Culture prayer since childhood trying to keep Islam
Sciences that can be developed through the Basic upright on earth and will be more loved by Allah
Competence 4.1 Applying the principles of SWT. The character that emerged from this prayer
rhetoric and public speaking techniques. The dakwah is a student becoming a discipline,
application of the teacher can give the task to consistent in righteous path and has a clean nature
speak in the form of religious dakwah (dakwah because it distanced from the abominable and
rhetoric). The activity of speaking dakwah is unjust deed.
believed to be able to improve students' speaking 2. Fasting
skills in public because by preaching the Students preach about fasting and claim that by
communication through the religious aspect can resisting hunger, God opens the eyes of our hearts
bridge the students in order to construct ideas, to the less fortune people who need our help. The
thought, diction, vocabulary and good sentence character that comes from this dakwah is the
structure in support of speaking skills. growth of self-esteem and sensitivity towards the
environment, especially to help those in need.
3. Gratitude
4.2 Relevance of Learning Dakwah Rhetoric in the
2013 Curriculum Students who preach about being grateful and
expressing how grateful wholeheartedly, that is to
Speaking skills in Senior High School Language realize and believe that all the gifts that are
and Culture Science cites Core Competence or KI obtained are from God. The character that comes
4 Processing, reasoning, and serving in the realm from this dakwah is the growth of gratitude in any
of concrete and abstract to develop Indonesian condition and not to be disbelievers and tend to
language and literature independently by using seek haram livelihood.
scientific methods in accordance with relevant 4. Patience
science principles. Basic Competence 4.1 To believe I that God tests us and gives us
Applying the principles of rhetoric and public grace. Sometimes man cannot resist and cannot
speaking techniques. Through this competence force God to grant mercy. The character that
students are motivated to be able to speak in arises from this patient dakwah is always patient
public, in this case students are assigned to cite in the various examinations and not blaming the
dakwah which is an indicator of rhetoric in public. situation and God's destiny.
The main subjects taught are: Principles of 5. Alms
Rhetoric and Technical Speaking in Public. With the alms we give to the beggars, the poor,
Learning activities began observing activities: and to those who in need with sincerity and
reading the texts of rhetorical principles in public willingness, then such acts will be capable. The
speaking and examining descriptions relating to character that emerged from this dakwah is a
rhetorical techniques in public speaking. In this generous attitude.
case students observe the prophecy video of From the students' activity in dakwah rhetoric,
religious figures. Asking questions about things it can be concluded that this spoken learning is
related to the content of the material and the relevant to basic competency demands in the 2013
video, Exploring: seeking from various sources of curriculum. Renewal can be developed is that
information about rhetoric and preaching public schools need to apply dakwah rhetoric as
techniques in the forefront of its particular, reinforcing speaking skills and for the religious
Associating: discussing the principles of rhetoric character of the students to be formed naturally
and public speaking techniques, concluding the through learning.
most important things in rhetoric and public
speaking techniques, note and conclude input
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 58
5 CONCLUSION Mohamad, R.S.J. & Hamzah, Z.A.Z. 2015. Penggunaan
implikatur sebagai medium penjelasan akidah. Jurnal
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Curriculum 2013 Indonesian Language Lessons pendidikan budi pekerti secara efektif di sekolah.
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applying the principles of rhetoric and public
speaking techniques. In this case the teacher can +Strategi+untuk+mengimplementasikan+Pendidikan+Bud
give the task to speak in the form of sermon i+Pekerti+secara+efektif+di+sekolah.pdf.
Munawwir, A.W. 1997. Kamus al-munawwir Arab-Indonesia.
(dakwah rhetoric), (2) this speaking lesson is Yogyakarta: Pustaka Progresif.
relevant to the demands of basic competence in Muslich, M.R. 2011. Pendidikan Karakter Menjawab
the 2013 curriculum, but not all schools apply Tantangan Krisis Multidimensional [Character education
speech or rhetoric with dakwah theme, only answer the multidimensional crisis]. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Islam-based schools have applied it in a dominant Saddhono, K. 2011. The discorse of Friday sermon in
Surakarta a sosio-pracmatic study. Wacana 14(1): 145-
manner for example in SMA MTA Surakarta. 153.
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Al-Qaradawi. 1995. Fatwa-fatwa Kontemporer [instructions Suhadi, S. & Susilo, H. 2005. Metodologi Penelitian Tindakan
contemporer]. Jakarta: Gema Insani. Kelas. Materi Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian untuk
Arifin, H.M. 1993. Filsafat Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Bumi Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran (PPKP) di Penelitian
Aksara. Tindakan Kelas (PTK), tanggal 1-4 Agustus 2005 di Bali.
Erikson, E.H. 1968. Identity, youth and crisis. New York, NY: Jakarta: Direktorat P2TK&KPT, Ditjen Dikti, Depdiknas.
W.W. North Company.
Kementrian Urusan Agama Islam Wakaf, Dakwah dan Irsyad
Kerajaan Saudi Arabia. 1999. Al Quran dan
Terjemahannya [Al-qur’an and the translation]. Kerajaan
Saudi Arabia: Mujamma’Al Malik Fahd Li Thiba’at Al
Mush-haf As-Syarif Medinah Munawwarah.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 59
Culture-based character school model development in elementary school
in Ngaglik, Indonesia
S. Suwarna
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to develop references for the implementation of Culture-
Based-Character School based on Local Regulation in Yogyakarta no. 5 Year 2011. The R&D design (re-
search and development) was Allesi-Trollip (2001) Model. The Allesi-Trollip R & D model consisted of
planning, design, and validation and revision steps, to the final product. The results of research and develop-
ment are (1) the research has succeeded in developing Book I: Plan for Culture-Based-Character School and
Book II: Example of Implementation of Culture of Manner Based School Development; (2) the result scores
of Book I and II from the material experts is at 4.36 (more than good). The assessment by the user (school
principal) is at 4.39 (more than good). The average of the two scores is 3.38 which means more than good;
and (3) the main qualitative outcome is that Culture-Based-Character schools will be immediately socialized
and implemented in elementary schools.

Culture-based education becomes central, especially

to educate morals. Culture can be a control mecha-
School is a strategic ride for seeding science, charac- nism for human behavior and actions, or as patterns
ter, and culture (Nina 2015): (1) the school has aca- for human behavior that are collectively used by the
demic authority over its students, the school as role people who own it, according to the environment
models in character planting (McCaskey, 2017), (2) they encounter and that culture encompasses the
teachers as role models so that their advice will be whole way of life of the members of the school. That
obeyed by the students, (3) the school atmosphere is is why cultured characters need to be taught to stu-
conducive to planting science, character, and culture, dents at school. Human culture is divided into three
(4) seven to eight hours of student interaction at pillars: (1) a culture of thoughts, ideas, abstract ideo-
school. Character growth requires collaboration be- logies, (2) a culture of action, in the form of activity
tween experts, schools, and governments (Burget et and behavior, as well as ritual, and (3) a visible cul-
al 2013). ture, such as leather puppet, temple, ornament, and
The effort of planting Culture-Based-Character so on (Koentjaraningrat 1990).
School is very important. By having culture-based Cultural seeding mandated by Regional
characters, (1) school members have a characteristic Regulation No. 5 Year 2011 on Cultural-Based
that is culturally appropriate, (2) there is the estab- Education is general. This means that wherever and
lishment of a conducive environment for developing whenever the following cultures may apply, they are
schools of cultural character, (3) school community tailored to local wisdom. The local regulation
interaction is based on developed culture, (4) with a contains 18 noble values of culture, namely (1)
culture-based character, it is expected that schools honesty; (2) humble; (3) order / discipline; (4)
can improve the quality in thoughts, feelings, and decency; (5) courtesy / politeness; (6) patience; (7)
behaviors (Park & Peterson, 2009). Maltese, et al cooperation; (8) tolerance; (9) responsibilities; (10)
(2017) added the implementation of cultured charac- justice; (11) concern; (12) confident; (13) self-
ters can (5) increase the quality of cultural life (in control; (14) integrity; (15) hard work / tenacity /
school), (6) preserve cultural heritage. According to perseverance; (16) thoroughness; (17) leadership;
Kneller (2012: 4), culture-based education is im- and / or (18) toughness (local regulation of DIY No.
portant to a mature school in managing education. 5/2011). This intangible value of heritage needs to

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 60
be passed on to the next generation of culture School-Based Cultural Development Action Plan,
(Artese & Gagliardi 2017). In accordance with the Implementation of primary school manners or po-
opinion of Alpin & Chapman (2007), the values of liteness (Kousar 2015) (examples of development) is
education that are abstract must be transformed into validated by material and user (school principals)
concrete properties to be measurable, monitored, and experts. The result is validated by the material expert
evaluated. and obtained a value of 4.36 (which means good),
and validation by the user obtained a value of 4.39
which means good.

The proposed research included research and devel-

opment research in two stages, namely the develop-
ment phase and the testing phase. The R & D prod-
uct is a culture-based elementary school
development guidance. This research used R&D
model of Allesi-Trollip (2001) which was modified
as needed. The Alesi-Trollip R & D model consists Figure 2. Research and Development Stage and Research
of planning, design, validation and revision steps, to
the final product. The principal adds the following assessment.
Data was validated by material and user experts. (1) The book is very meaningful or useful.
Data collection used a validation questionnaire. Val- (2) Cultural-based school developers are needed
idator judging from the completeness of the content, by schools.
quality, legibility, implementation, linearity, coher- (3) Books I and II are very good and inspiring.
ence, feasibility, and so forth. The validation indica- There are no items that are considered less good
tors consist of two development books. Book I of (KB) and not good (TB). This suggests that between
validation indicators include (1) conformity of con- material and user experts it is agreed that Books I
tent, (2) inter-independent coherence, (3) legibility, and Book II can be used as guides and examples of
(4) completeness, (5) clarity of guidance directions, the implementation of cultural values in schools. In
and (6) material quality. Book II validation indica- terms of reliability, the assessment of material ex-
tors include (1) action plans, (2) material conformity perts and principal shows reliability with insignifi-
with the direction of school development, (3) legibil- cant value (only 0.3). Furthermore, it shows that the
ity, (4) intercellular coherence, (5) quality. second assessment is valid and reliable because it is
balanced (Fig. 3).

Figure 1. R & D Design of Cultural-Based Elementary School School Principal Very Good
Development based on Alessi-Trollip Model Validation Good

Figure 3. School Principal Validation

The combined assessment between the material
The results of research and development in the form expert, and the user (principal) is processed in per-
of Book I, Book II, and validation data. Book I is a centages as shown in Figure 4.5. Table data shows
School-Based Cultural Development Handbook. that respondents stated very good (39.17%) and
Book II is a School-Based Cultural Development good (60.83%). Judging from the percentage there
Action Plan, which is the implementation of school are 39.17% of primary school principals that stated
manners. The data is the response of the material that Books I and II are very good and 60.83% stated
expert and user validator (Principal) by using a dif- good. This means that there are 12 heads of Primary
ferential semantic questionnaire. Research and de- Schools that replied that Books I and II are good,
velopment with Allis-Trollip R & D steps resulted in while 18 other elementary school heads think it is
two books (see Figure 2). Book I: Culture-based- very good. This indicates that Books I and II are
character school Development Guide and Book II:
more than excellent and can be immediately social- 3.38 which means more than good, and (3) the main
ized and implemented in making the elementary qualitative outcome is that Culture-based-character
school of cultural character as stated by Nina & schools are immediately socialized and implement-
Soekardi (2015) that a school is a good place in the ed in Elementary Schools.
implementation of cultural character.
School Principal
Very Good Alessi, S., M. & Troliip, S., R. 2001. Multimedia for learning,
Good methods and development. Nedhem Height: Ally & Ba-
Alpin, D., N. & Chapman, J., D. 2007. Values education and
lifelong learning principles, policies, programs. Dor-
drecht: Springer.
Artese, M., T & Gagliardi, I. 2017. Inventorying intangible cul-
tural heritage on the web: A life-cycle approach. Interna-
tional Journal of Intangible Heritage 12, 112 – 136
Burget, B., et al. 2013. The affirmative character of cultural
Figure 6. School Principal Response studies. International Journal of Cultural Studies 16(4):
419 – 439.
Figure 6 shows that respondents who claim that Local regulation of DIY Number 5 Year 2011 on the
Books I and II are very good fewer than those that Management of Culture Based Schools.
state good. Overall average Expert Validation of Durmaz, M. 2017. Tracing the local culture in a reading book.
Materials + Principal = 4.36 + 4.39 = 4.38 means Journal of Languages and Culture 8(9): 141-146. doi:
more than good. This means Books I and II are good 10.5897/JLC2015.0337.
Gizatova, et al. 2016. National identity, mentality and
for elementary school. Considering the various facil- character. International Journal Of Humanities and
ities and suggestions from the school principal, the Cultural Studies (Special Issue): 42-27.
cultural values contained in the Local Regulation no. Johnston, R & Marwood, K. 2017. Action heritage: research,
5 Year 2011 (Yogyakarta) can be implemented in communities, social justice. International journal of Her-
Elementary School. Cultural heritage values are a itage Studies. 23(9): 816-831.
Kousar, S. 2015. Politeness orientation in social hierarchies in
manifestation of interdisciplinary studies of archae- Urdu. International Journal of Society, Culture, and Lan-
ologists, ethnographers, historians, linguists, litera- guage 3(2): 85-96.
ture specialists and musicologists (Johnston & Mar- Kneller, G., F. 2012. Educational Anthropology An Introduc-
wood 2017). tion. London: John Wiley & Sons.
Another principal stated that a School-Based Cul- Koentjaraningrat. 2012. Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi [Introduc-
tion to anthropology]. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
tural Development implementation can be integrated Maltese, I., 2017. Assessing the benefits of slow mobility
with local content of Java language because without connecting a cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Herit-
culture, the language would be dead; without lan- age. 26, 153-159.
guage, culture would have no shape (Durmaz 2017). McCaskey, K. 2017. A Strategy for character and leadership
This is true. Not only the local contents of the Java- education. Journal of Character & Leadership Integration
4(1): 1-20.
nese language, even the cultural values can be inte- Nina, O.W. & Soekardi. 2015. Character education evaluation
grated in all subjects because of the cultural values model based on school culture for elementary school. OSR
of the DIY Law. 5 of 2011 containing general val- Journal of Research & Method in Education 5(5): 11 – 14.
ues, not specific to Javanese culture. This is also Park, N., S. & Peterson, C. (2009). Character strengths: Re-
supported by the statement of Gizatova et al. (2016) search and Practice. Journal of College and Character. 10
(4): 1-20. doi: 10.2202/1940-1639.1042
that the character can be the identity of the support


This research and development resulted in (1) two

books: Book I: culture-based-character school de-
velopment Action Plan and Book II: Implementation
Development of culture-based-character school of
values of etiquette, (2) the result of the assessment
of Books I and II by the material experts is 4.36 (
more than good). Assessment by the Principal is
4.39 (more than good) The average score of both is

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 62
An analysis of Teaching Pyramid Model for early childhood education
and Character-Based Holistic Education
R. Haristi, A. Listiana, & Y. Rachmawati
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Early Childhood Education becomes a strategic institution in organizing character education.
This is so because in addition to children being in the sensitive period, the inculcation of characters from an
early age will be much more effective than when entering adolescence or adulthood. Two character-education
models that have been developed and implemented in Indonesian early childhood institutions, include TPM
Kurtilas (stands for Teaching Pyramid Model- Indonesian Curriculum 2013 for early childhood education)
and CBHE (Character-Based Holistic Education). However, the unique characteristics of both models have
not been studied in-depth. So, this article explains an analysis of both models, based on the character values
promoted, the strategies used, and the instructional media of each model. Using literature study as the research
method, this article describes the uniqueness of the two models, and the findings show that the two models are
different in terms of the foundation of character value development, the strategy focus applied, and the instruc-
tional media used. It is expected that this article can be made a reference for evaluation and consideration in
implementing the models.

1 INTRODUCTION hood education in order to have an impact on the

behaviors at the next age (Berkowitz & Bier 2004,
Currently, behavioral issues among children become Branson & Demchak 2011)
an important concern in the world of education, es- The unique characteristics and ways of young
pecially in Indonesia. Besides the research proving children’s learning require the character develop-
that every 10% of the children entering the kinder- ment programs in early childhood education institu-
garten have behavioral problems (Hemmeter et al. tions to have the right approach and strategy. Effec-
2007), the Indonesian Child Protection Commission tive, fun, and integrated social skill development
(KPAI) reported that from January to July 2016, programs will have an impact on the positive chang-
there were approximately 16,000 child convicts, and es of children’s behaviors (Hemmeter et al. 2007,
the number has continued to rise each year with an Nelson et al. 2007).
increase of up to 100%. This condition indicates that In Indonesia, two models of character develop-
behavioral issues that occur in childhood should be ment have been implemented at early childhood ed-
of a particular concern, and if these issues are not se- ucation level, namely TPM-Kurtilas (a model of
riously and appropriately addressed since early on, children’s basic character development through the
they will create a weak of generation of the nation teaching pyramid model based on Curriculum 2013)
(Lickona 1992). and Character-Based Holistic Education or PHBK in
One of the fundamental efforts that can be made Indonesian term (IHF 2004, Listiana et al. 2015).
in solving the above problems is by inculcating TPM-Kurtilas has only been implemented in three
character values through the process of character ed- kindergartens in Bandung with the coverage of ur-
ucation in formal schools. Social skill development ban, suburban, and rural areas (Listiana & Rach-
programs developed in education institutions are mawati 2016a). Nevertheless, TPM-Kurtilas has re-
known to be able to significantly (50-82%) reduce ceived positive responses from teachers. The
behavioral problems in children and improve chil- implementation of TPM-Kurtilas, with its appropri-
dren's social competence, as children spend more ate procedures and management, has enabled chil-
time at school (Durlak & Well 1997, Pala 2011, dren to understand the abstract rules, values, and
Salirawati 2012). Character inculcation must be car- teaching delivered by teachers (Listiana & Rach-
ried out seriously since children are at early child-
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 63
mawati 2016b). From the limited implementation, it independence, honesty, courtesy, cooperation, con-
is also found that this model has a significant effect fidence, creativity and hard work, leadership, hu-
on the development of children's basic characters, mility, and tolerance (IHF 2004). Meanwhile, TPM-
namely their social and spiritual characters, especial- Kurtilas model divides the character values into
ly in improving discipline and manners in children three aspects: social, emotional, and spiritual atti-
(Pratiwi et al. 2016, Maryadi, et al 2016). The find- tudes (Listiana & Rachmawati 2016a).
ing is different from that of CBHE, which has been With regard to the objective of Indonesian educa-
implemented in 34 provinces in Indonesia (IHF tion as stated in the Decree of the Ministry of Na-
2004). Based on the results of previous research, it tional Education No. 20 of 2003, which is to "... de-
was reported that not only does TPM-Kurtilas have velop the potential of learners to become human
an effect on children’s character, it also has a posi- beings who are faithful and devoted to God Al-
tive impact on children’s multiple intelligences (IHF mighty, noble in moral, healthy, knowledgeable,
2004, Latifah & Anggraeni 2009). skilled, creative, independent, and to become demo-
Thus, this article will attempt to describe and ex- cratic and responsible citizens,” it can be seen that
amine the two models, in particular in terms of the the characters of Indonesian human beings stated in
character values promoted, the strategies used, and the objective appear to be in accordance with the
the learning media used in each model. This study is character pillars promoted by the CBHE model.
expected to describe the unique features of the two Meanwhile, the concept of character values de-
models, so that it can eventually be used as a refer- veloped by TPM-Kurtilas emphasizes the social,
ence and considerations in deciding which model is emotional, and spiritual attitudes of children (Listia-
most likely to be further implemented in early child- na 2016a). The three aspects are based on the basic
hood education institutions. characters of children's competencies listed on the
Kindergarten Curriculum 2013 (Listiana & Rach-
mawati 2016, Directorate of Early Childhood Educa-
2 METHODOLOGY tion Development 2015). Under these conditions, the
inculcation of character values conducted with this
The method used is literature study, by analyzing the model can be adjusted to the expected development
guidelines book for the implementation of TPM- at the level of early childhood education.
Kurtilas and the official website of CBHE (
and also the related journal articles. In this study, an
analysis was carried out to the unique characteristics 3.2 The Strategies Used
and differences of the two character-education mod- Based on the results of the analysis, TPM-Kurtilas
els that have been applied in early childhood educa- has a unique strategy focusing on how to shape the
tion institutions, namely TPM-Kurtilas (Teaching character of children by taking into account the basic
Pyramid Model-Curriculum 2013 for Early Child- steps of adapting the original TPM model, in which
hood Education) and Character-Based Holistic Edu- the formulated objectives, materials, and evaluations
cation (henceforth, CBHE) in terms of the character of the social and spiritual character development are
values promoted, the strategies used, and the learn- derived from the content of Curriculum 2013 (Listi-
ing media used in each model. ana & Rachmawati 2016a). These stages are system-
atically arranged from the fundamental to personal
treatment, namely preventive, development, and cu-
3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION rative stages (Listiana & Rachmawati 2016a).
3.1 The Character Values Developed In the first stage, there are two steps that should
be taken by teachers in implementing this model,
Every character education model should clearly set namely to build a positive relationship and design a
the expected and desired character values to be real- supportive environment for children. In the second
ized (Lickona 1992, Park & Peterson 2006). These stage, the teacher must make appropriate teaching
values are conceptualized by adjusting them to the strategies to develop the character values of the chil-
expectations and values that prevail in the society dren. For children with behavioral problems, the
(Park & Peterson 2006). Although both of CBHE teacher should approach them individually. In the
and TPM-Kurtilas have been implemented in the last stage, the teacher should make special assess-
same society, Indonesia, they promote different con- ment of the children by working with consultants
cepts of character values. Based on the results of the (Hemmeter & Fox 2009, Listiana & Rachmawati
study, CBHE promotes nine pillars of character that 2016a). Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate the TPM-
must be developed in children, including: love of Kurtilas implementation strategy
God and His creation, responsibility, discipline and

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 64
Based on the explanations of the two models’
strategies, it can be concluded that TPM-Kurtilas
and CBHE have different approaches in their strate-
gies. First, TPM-Kurtilas positions classroom teach-
ers as the key actors in preparing the environment
and developing children's behavior. Meanwhile,
CBHE gives more emphasis on the experience of
children supported by the creation of a comfortable
and sustainable learning environment. Secondly,
Figure 1. TPM –Kurtilas Model (Listiana & Rachmawati 2016) TPM-Kurtilas has clear character development strat-
egies for teachers, from the basic to the curative
stage. This is certainly distinct from CBHE that is
holistic in presenting all the supporting elements of
character development.

3.3 The Learning Media Used

Early childhood is the period when children are at
the preoperational stage (Piaget, in Santrock 2007).
So, developing the character of young children, of
Figure 2. Teaching Pyramid Model (Fox et al. 2010) course, requires support of instructional media ap-
propriate to their age. Nurseto (2012) revealed that
TPM-Kurtilas model is different from CBHE, the use of media in the teaching and learning of
which focuses directly on the nine pillars of charac- children moral and character makes learning process
ter that are explicitly and systematically implement- more effective, more comprehensible, and more
ed by applying knowing the good, reasoning the concrete in explaining abstract concepts, so verbal-
good, feeling the good, and acting the good, as em- ism can be reduced. In relation to the above condi-
bodied in its own curriculum, namely Character- tions, both TPM-Kurtilas and CBHE have prepared
Based Holistic Curriculum (Megawangi 2010). their own learning media in the development of
Through knowing the good, children are accustomed young children’s character.
to only thinking of the good things. Reasoning the First, in developing children’s basic characters,
good is done so children know the reason of why TPM-Kurtilas uses posters, story books, and pictures
they should behave well. Then, feeling the good is as the main learning media (Listiana et al. 2015,
about how the teacher can build children’s feelings Maryadi et al. 2016). Based on the results of the
towards their good deeds. By feeling the good, it is research by Maryadi et al. (2016) and Rachmawati
expected that the children will love good deeds. Fi- (2016), the posters used in the implementation of
nally, in acting the good, children practice kindness. TPM-Kurtilas in kindergartens have an influence on
These four stages are developed holistically, in the changes in children’s behaviors and manners.
which children are actively positioned in exploring This finding is in line with the views of Piaget (in
learning themes developed by the whole components Santrock 2007) and Murphy (2011) that at the age of
of the school, including parents, who become facili- 2-7 years, when a child learns an instruction, the
tators through the Character-Based Holistic Curricu- child needs to see how the instruction is materialized
lum (Megawangi 2010). in a behavior, so that s/he can internalize his feelings
toward the behavior. One of the things to do is by
showing pictures on a poster. This view is reinforced
by the opinion of Hawkins (2011) who argued that
instruction with visual cues can affect socialization
and self-control in children. Therefore, in view of
the above opinions, there is theoretical proof that
posters as the media used in the TPM-Kurtilas
model can affect children’s good behaviors. The
media make it easy for children in learning and
understanding the instructions or behaviors that are
Figure 3. Character-Based Holistic Education Model (Mega-
wangi 2010)
expected by the teacher. As a result, children will act

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 65
in accordance with the rules as exemplified by the visual media that can support the development of
pictures that they see every day. children's character.
The media used in TPM-Kurtilas are different
from those in CBHE learning process. Using the
thematic and integrative approaches, the nine pillars ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of CBHE character are taught through a variety of
ready-made materials and learning media that have The writers would like to express their gratitude to
been provided to teachers. This is because there is an the Directorate of Research and Community Service
expectation that teachers can provide concrete learn- of the Directorate General for Research and Devel-
ing experiences and stimulate children to learn ac- opment of the Ministry of Research and Higher Ed-
tively and enjoyably (IHF 2004). Megawangi (2010) ucation, which has funded the research in accord-
described several media that are used to develop the ance with the Decision of the Directorate General of
character of children, such as a series of books about Research and Development No. 30/EKTP/2012 dat-
the nine pillars of character for children’s activity, ed April 3, 2017, concerning “Higher Education Re-
125 story books forming the nine pillars of charac- search Funding for PTNBH (Legal Entity State Uni-
ter, a package of 70 types of center equipment and versities) for the Budget Year of 2017” .
educational games, a series of the nine pillars of
character songs, and CDs of moral formation.
Besides the availability of complete learning me-
dia in CBHE, it is interesting to note that some 5 REFERENCES
learning media are not found in the TPM-Kurtilas Berkowitz, M.W. & Bier, M.C. 2004. Research-based character
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Latifah, M. & Hernawati, N. 2009. Dampak pendidikan holis- Murphy. 2013. The power of visual learning and storytelling in
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garten-Bandung. Advance in Social Science, Education, and wirausaha: Tiga karakter penting bagi peserta didik [Confi-
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Historiography: How to create your own history

R. Gunawan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Historical writing is often regarded as an unpleasant activity for students. In fact,
historiography means historical writing. Historical writing can mean a lot. Starting from the simplest, students
can be taught to write their history, then expand to the history of their place of residence, and so on. The
research method is case study to the final student in History Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah
Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia. The objective of the research is to familiarize the students as teacher
candidates in writing history so that, when they interact with students in school, they are able to familiarize
students to write history and record their own history in a simple way. Historical writing can be done by
anyone, remember the jargon of the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno, "Never forget history" because by
knowing the history of self and nation then the character of students can be built more easily.

1 INTRODUCTION country (Gunawan 2012). At present, the tradition of

writing historical events in Indonesia is still
History needs to be taught in schools because it has dominated by colonial perspectives (Rahayu 2016),
the potential to make people more humane, things so the resulting work tells more about colonialism.
that are not done by all the other curriculum in The development of Indonesian historiography is
school (Wineburg 2008). Efforts to understand inseparable from the historiographical and historical
history are related to the study of past events that sciences in general. The development of history in
never stop because the records are always felt less Indonesia will develop well if supported by
(Ahyani 2014). In practice in the field, subjects of knowledge and understanding of "inevitable
national and general history are intended to instill an necessity". Events that come and go and connect
understanding of the development of past societies together will arouse curiosity about what happened,
up to the present, to foster a sense of nationality and why it happened, and who did it. That curiosity will
love of the country and to have a sense of pride as be answered with history and historiography
citizens of Indonesia, and to expand public relations (Abdullah 2016).
between nations in the world (Wiriaatmadja 2002, Djoko Suryo (an Indonesia academician) speech
Matitaputty 2016). at the Open Senate Meeting Gadjah Mada University
Wiriaatmadja (2002) explains the description of explained that it takes understanding and awareness
historical events will lead to historical awareness. of the dynamics of the history of Indonesian society
Historical awareness can help learners identify from time to time so that it can be taken lessons and
themselves in terms of living together in a larger wisdom. Understanding the experiences of the
community, thereby growing collective memory in community in the past can be helped by a historical
having a historical togetherness and having a history approach. Mastery of past knowledge will enable
of the past. This increasing process of self- one to understand the present (Sulistiyono 2016).
knowledge into this collective consciousness is the Based on the exposure, a historian must rethink their
starting point of a sense of self-worth, sense of pride approach to maintaining relevance and conformity
and sense of belonging against the nation and the with other forms of thinking. A significant
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 68
development in contemporary historiography is a the level of individuals, groups of people,
shift from a focused discourse to formalize the institutions or organizations to gain in-depth
empirical conditions of historical inquiry into knowledge of such knowledge (Rahardjo 2017).
theories that pursue the contextual, ideological and Less historiographic work is produced by students of
textual motivations of the historian-writer (Bardsley History Studies Program, encouraging researchers to
& Hugo 2010). conduct this research. Historiography itself is part of
The result of research on textbooks of history historical research, but researchers do not see it but
lessons in schools as one of the works compiled and see history as an activity that should be done by all
published for educational purposes found the fact students and people who study history.
that history is not positioned "history for history" but The research steps after determining the theme,
instead made as an educational tool by the topic, and literature reading, is to collect data by
government. This is evident from the ideological of interviewing students, observations related to
the government contained in the historiography of student activities in writing history, processing and
history textbooks in high school (Kurniawan & analyzing data. The conclusion of the research
Suwirta 2016). Other studies explain there are results only to the facts found in the field
fundamental differences between history and descriptively in accordance with the objectives of
historic. History is a past event that is made a record the study. Students are grouped into three groups,
for present and future life based on facts. Historic is aiming to facilitate students in writing
a historical event, the truth is still a debate (Rosyid historiography.
The above exposure raises the questions outlined 3 DISCUSSION
in the following problem formulation.
a.Why is historiography topic selected by 3.1 Historiography
student? As mentioned earlier, historiography is one of the
b. How to apply the steps in historiography? stages in historical research. The first and second
c.How difficult is historiography? stages are heuristic and source criticism which
d. What a fun thing to do in historiography? certainly cannot be separated when doing historical
Based on the study of theory, previous research research. Several works on historical writing based
and the formulation of the problem above, this study on the activities undertaken by researchers show that
aims to familiarize the students of historical the use of technology in search of historical sources
education to explore history so that the emergence of (Gunawan 2013), empirical experience by visiting
historical awareness in itself through historiography. historical sites (Gunawan 2014), reading literature
This historic awareness is expected to be useful for books in the form of literary works or textbooks
fostering a sense of nationalism, straightening (Gunawan 2015), as well as conducting the study of
historical data, remembering the hero's struggle to historical objects (Gunawan 2016), Can improve the
learners when the students have become teachers. ability of students in writing history even though the
Historical writing is not only of a wide range, but it writing is done simply.
can also cover a limited sphere and write about Historiography is formed from two roots of
anyone and anything. history and graph. So historiography means that it is
historical writing, writing history as art and science.
2 RESEARCH METHODS Differences in perspective not only in the purpose
and method of writing that is scientific and non-
This research uses case study method which is done
scientific. The scientific history procedure is in
intensively, detailed and deep in historiography
accordance with a rationally developed legal system
activity of 6th semester students (Year 3) in History
and uses research methods. While the works of
Education Study Program, University of
history are seen as branches of literature, the use of
Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA),
narration will be dominant and not use the scientific
Jakarta, Indonesia. Referring to the understanding of
method (Rochmiatun 2013). The distribution of
case studies in the form of a series of scientific
historiography can be seen in the following figure 1.
activities carried out intensively and in detail and in
depth about a program, events and activities either at
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4) Creating timelines (timelines from history
that are considered important and occurring
in the area)
5) Telling about traditions (customary clothing
and traditions commonly celebrated in the
area, including information about who,
when and why the tradition is done)
6) Describes the system of government (how
law is made and is able to change the region
Tell how people choose to live)
Figure 1. Character of Historiography 7) Explain the state of the economy (Explain
the types of economy of goods and services
In this study, written historiography is not produced in the region How human types
scientific, so the stage does not go through scientific meet their own needs and their families)
stages that include interpretation, explanation and 8) Tourism potential (Tell me about
presentation (Sjamsuddin 2007). Stages undertaken interesting things related to tourism
directed to the ease of students to do the writing of potential and will get others to come to the
history in a simple. In this study the researcher area)
gives the task to the students to tell about the history
of their own area or other topics favored by students.
The stages of historiography writing given to The entire group selects historical topics in one
students refer to various sources that are compiled region located in Jakarta. The reason is the domicile
into a more understandable stages of the students of student residence and ease of access. One of the
(Trent University 2017, University Libraries 2017) groups chose the Condet area (an urban site in
as follows. Jakarta). In the area there is a history of the Entong
a. Define Topics. The topic determination is Gendut uprising according to the Dutch Colonial
submitted to each student according to his/her version in 1916. Entong Gendut led a peasant
interest. Can be a point of view or about uprising to refuse the payment of taxes or tributes
politics, location, culture and more. requested by the Dutch although the resistance could
b. Looking for literature. Literature can be a book be paralyzed. At this time, the area of Condet used
or article related to the things you want to as a Cultural Heritage area so that the source of
know. Students may also interview the history can be obtained quite easily.
resource if the topic is related to the type of Another group chose the location of Kampung
history to be written. Sawah (an urban site in Jakarta), because of cultural
c. Learn from the author. Learning from the interest. In the rice field there is a harmonization in
author can be done by reading the book and community life which is shown in the tolerance
see how the writing of the work between the Betawi people (i.e., Betawi is the etnic
d. Begin writing historiography. If will tell the group based in Jakarta) who are Muslims and the
history of a place then the student can start Betawi people who are Catholic. The last group
with: chose Lubang Buaya area (an urban site in Jakarta),
1) Mention geographical aspects (name of where seven National Revolution Heroes were put
river, lake, sea, mountain, and all things into a well in 1967 by the Communist Party of
related to geographical aspects that can be Indonesia in the era.
encountered) The selection of topics is discussed with one
2) Telling the weather (Tell us about the most group of friends and researchers, to determine what
common types of weather based on the steps the student will take. The first step is to search
calendar each month and the impact on life) the literature related to the selected topic. Literature
3) Describe the environmental conditions is obtained from history books as well as articles
(animals and plants commonly seen/known) from websites. Researchers free up the way of
writing in accordance with the skills and skills of

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students in writing. Writing style represents a celebration of one of the faithful, other people help
characteristic that makes the story can be more by providing a parking lot in a place of worship that
interesting. Periodically, students report their is not used at the time.
writings to researchers for review and improvement The majority of the work done by the Kampung
without changing the meaning of the story. Sawah community is trading, entrepreneurial and
Student historiography results indicate that they owning tenements for rent. In the pre-independence
have tried to apply the steps as required by the era the majority of his work was farmers. Tourism
researcher and adapted to local conditions. Students potential in the Kampung Sawah area is not
include recent photos and past photographs taken developed because it is close to the national and
from the website but have proven their validity. international tourist attractions such as, the national
Each group is generally told from the geographical botanic garden and exibition, namely Taman Mini
aspects, the potential of tourism at this time, the Indonesia Indah and the museum of Kesaktian
history of the development of the village from time Pancasila .
to time, the economic circumstances and traditions Geographically the crocodile hole is located in
that exist in the region. the south of Jakarta, entering into East Jakarta area.
Condet is an area that geographically entered the In this area there is the Halim Perdanakusumah
area of East Jakarta and is on the banks of the river Airport. From a historical perspective, the Lubang
named Ciliwung. The environment around Condet Buaya area is a rubber plantation. Based on the story
has a flat contour of the ground so it is suitable for of legend, naming the Lubang Buaya means
planting, such as mango, rambutans, durian and crocodile hole (in English), because of there was
salak Condet as typical fruits in the region. Condet white crocodile at times that lived in the area.
is an area of interaction, judging by the development Lubang Buaya area is famous since the September
of its people Condet is very diverse, because many 30th Movement carried out by the Indonesian
Arabs who live and strive in the field of trade. The Communist Party (PKI). The PKI abducted six
Arabs opened a restaurant business such as perfume, generals and one first officer, then put into a well in
hajj and umroh equipment, kebuli rice and goat the middle of a rubber forest in the Lubang Buaya
satay. Condet is currently developing as a service area. Until now in Lubang Buaya there is a museum,
industry, namely as a labor agent to the Middle East. known as Kesaktian Pancasila (the strength of the
According to History, Condet is a territory nation five pillars), that is open for the public on
controlled by the Dutch and into the territory of holidays and used every October 1 to commemorate
Onderneming Messter Cornelis. The status of the the five pillars of Indonesia.
land is private land (plantation). There was a peasant The description of the historiography results
uprising led by Entong Gendut in 1916 for refusing shows that students have the ability to write history,
to pay taxes and tribute imposed by the Dutch provided that they get proper guidance from their
government. At this time Kampung Condet is a lecturers. The difficulties experienced by students
cultural heritage established by the Governor of DKI are to find sources of heuristic history ie sources
Jakarta at that period, Ali Sadikin. The purpose of related to events in the form of documents, personal
determining the Cultural Heritage village to preserve records, archives and oral sources. Limitations of
Betawi local culture. students in choosing diction or choice of words,
Kampung Sawah is located in Kecamatan Pondok resulting in a less developed story. The result of the
Gede and into the Bekasi City area, South Jakarta is historiography compiled by the students is less
a unique village because it has harmonious profound in terms of discussion.
community life despite having different religious Things that are enjoyable in the writing of history
beliefs. Some residents in Kampung Sawah are to know the various events that exist around us.
Muslim and some are Catholic. Even within a family Students conduct the study of historical objects so
belief can be different. Traditionally, people in that knowledge increases. Historiography cultivates
Kampung Sawah continue to uphold Betawi Culture. a sense of love and pride of historical events that
How to dress up is the same between Muslims and exist in the immediate environment. Pride as a
Christianity. The people wear caps and sarongs for society that knows its own history raises awareness
men and veils for women. Mosques and Churches of history and sense of belonging in students.
stand side by side so that at the time of the
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 71
5 CONCLUSION use of critical thoughts and analyzes to produce a
Historical writing can be done by anyone, from synthesis of all his research results or intact writing
the environment of the nearest neighborhood. called historiography. Writing history either short
Students who look forward to being a teacher can papers or thick books is a blend of art work because
train students from elementary school to high it uses language with a variety of preferred or
school. For elementary school students may be dominant styles and critical thinking, analytical and
asked to write family history. For junior high school, synthesis skills. Historical researchers are required
students may be asked to write the history of their for the ability and skill of writing, having to
place of residence. While for high school students communicate the results of such research or findings
can be asked to write history in a wider scope. to the public.
Habituation early on will make it easier for learners The difficulty in writing history can be overcome
to get used to writing history. by habituation and reading. Learners follow the
Writing history is an intellectual activity and the steps of historical research to make the writing of
primary way to understand history. When the history and produce a historic writing, although
historian enters the stage of writing, then all his or simple but fulfill historiography rules so that writing
her mind is mobilized, not only the technical skills history becomes fun for learners.
of the use of quotations and notes, but especially the

6 REFERENCES Kurniawan, M. D. & Suwirta, A. 2016. Ideologizing the

concept of reform in historiography textbooks of history in
school. Educational Platform Journal 1(1): 55-68.
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of Culture Kalam 28 (1): 1-28. in historical learning. Sosio Didaktika: Social Science
Ahyani, N. 2014. The ability of critical thinking in historical Education 3(2): 184-192.
learning. National Seminar on Education in the Order of Rahardjo, M. 2017. Case Study in Qualitative Research:
37th Anniversary of Sebelas Maret University 94-106. Concepts and Procedures. Malang: UIN Maulana Malik
Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University. Ibrahim.
Bardsley, D. K. & Hugo, G. J. 2010. Migration and climate Rahayu, R. I. 2016. Writing history like women: a philosophy
change: examining thresholds of change to guide effective of women's history approach. History and Culture 10(1):
adaptation decision-making. Population and Environment 100-111.
32(2-3): 238-262. Rochmiatun, E. 2013. History of the middle position in other
Gunawan, R. 2012. Learning history based on betawi sciences. Tammadun 13 (1): 50-61.
traditional games. National Seminar on Learning Rosyid, M. 2012. The cultivation of heroic values in education
Innovation as Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Social by utilizing historical data. Forum Tarbiyah 10(1): 43-66.
Studies (pp. 387-395). Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Sjamsuddin, H. 2007. Historical Methodology. Yogyakarta:
Indonesia. Ombak.
Gunawan, R. 2013. The design of technology based history Sulistiyono, S. T. 2016. "Liberation historiography":An
learning (the application of the survey result of technology alternative. Agastya Journal 6(1): 9-24.
to the lecturer of history education program study at Trent University. 2017. How to Write a Historiography.
uhamka and unj). Historia International Journal of History Retrieved from
Education XIV(1): 121-134.
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environmental governance and urban development. Journal University Libraries. 2017. How to Create a Historiography:
of History, Culture and Teaching 8(2): 207-214. Step-By-Step Creation. Retrieved from
Gunawan, R. 2015. Historical learning in SMK: developing
historical thinking skills of learners. Journal of Technical Wineburg, S. 2008. Historical Thinking: Mapping the Future,
and Vocational Education, 1(1): 1-8. Teaching the Past (Translation). Jakarta: Yayasan Obor
Gunawan, R. 2016. Model development study of historical Indonesia.
object for non-education program history. Journal of Wiriaatmadja, R. 2002. History Education in Indonesia.
Education and Learning 10(4): 367-372. Bandung: Historia Utama Press, FPIPS UPI.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 72
Implementation of literacy wrote poetry with nature theme as a means of
strengthening character love Indonesia

F.P. Rahmawati, A. Sudigdo & K. Saddhono

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

ABSTRACT. This riset aimed to describe the characteristics of the nature-themed nursery rhymes, describes an
implementation of nature-themed literacy writing poetry, and describes the role of that as a suggestion to
strengthen the character of love Indonesia. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research.Data
collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the
characteristics of nature-themed poems written by students consists of a theme of the mountain, sea, and trees.
Implementation literacy write poetry implemented in several stages: playing the country’s natural Indonesian
movie, writing sentences that describing nature as a result of listening to the movie, then put them together into a
nature-themed poetry. The role of nature-themed literacy write poetry to strengthening the character of love
Indonesia can be seen in the work of student poems: the encourages to admire the natural wealth of Indonesia, the
desire to conserve nature, and grateful of Indonesia.

1. INTRODUCTION country, love the custom or culture of the country

with its preservation of nature and its environment.
Strengthening the character of love Indonesia is an To build a nation of people with national mentality
obligation for all Indonesian students. In the course and personality is needed a business, one of the most
of the MEA (ASEAN Economic Community), the important is through national education, the goal to
strengthening of these characters is far more achieve through national education amongst others is
important to improve the sense of nationalism of national education must be able to grow and deepen
students. The development of technology and the the love of homeland, strengthen the spirit of
influx of immensely free culture is a threat to the nationality, and the loyalty of the social.
people of a nation that is fragile of the sense of Efforts that can strengthen the love of Indonesia
nationalism and love of country. A variety of threats have been carried out by various parties, both
can be described as follows of the love of domestic families, education and government. As Suparno
products because of the large number of overseas (2004) suggests that in order to foster the love of the
products flooding in Indonesia, many people forget homeland it is necessary to develop in the soul of
about their identity as an Indonesian because their every individual from the early age of a nation or
lifestyle has changed following foreign trends, a nation to a common goal of living together. One of
sharp social gap between the rich and the poor the ways to grow the love of homeland is to foster
because of the free competition in the globalization pride in homeland through the educational process.
of the economy, and consequently the attitude of The role of education in strengthening the love of
individualism and indifference to the interests of the the homeland, among others is to include lessons on
people. the education of citizenship and nationality and
The love of homeland is a feeling of love for the defense of the country into the curriculum,
nation and its country (Ismawati 2015). The love of performing flag ceremonies on a national ceremony
homeland is the sense of pride, sense of belonging, to commemorate the hero's services and to instill
respect, and loyalty possessed by every individual in love for the nation integrated into each subject, as
respective country of residence, reflected in well as train to actively organize through soft skill
defensive behavior, preserving and protecting and extracurricular.
homeland, willing to sacrifice for glory of nation and

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 73
These efforts are not immediate without results, collecting data was by using observation, interview,
but many obstacles that result in ineffectiveness of and documentation. The validity of the data applies
strengthening the love of the homeland are realized. the triangulation of resources and techniques. In
One of the most influential obstacles is the ability of general, the data analysis model used in this research
teachers to implement the activities that have been is an interactive analysis model (Miles et al. 2013), a
taught in the curriculum. Teachers lack of the skills data analysis technique consisting of three data flow
and creativity to package learning to be interesting lines, data presentation, and drawing
and fun yet meaningful for strengthening the love of conclusions/verification that occurred
homeland. simultaneously
Character education in Indonesia is through the
integration of literacy culture on elementary students
into a learning method that needs to be tested. Some 3. MAIN DISCUSSION
of the advantages of this method can be observed
from the results achieved by students, in addition to Indonesia is a compound country of diverse ethnic,
the strong character of the love of homeland of his ethnic, cultural, religious, and customary. The
nation as well as the ability to literally implement his diversity should not make people from different
love of Indonesia through writing or reading. cultures be divided and hostile to each other. With
Literacy is the foundation of all learning. In the implementation of natural-themed poetry literacy
primary school students, Snow & Matthews (2016) as a means of strengthening the character of love in
basic literacy skills are constructed from constrained Indonesia, it is expected to instill character values on
skills and unconstrained skills. EFA Global students and create a sense of nationalism,
Monitoring (2015) mentions that literacy comes responsibility, and love of nature. "The main
from the word literate which means relates to principle of good character is respect, truth, fairness,
literature, common things, good education, learning. and responsibility." (Skaggs & Bodenhorn in
Since the late 19th century the understanding of Agboola & Tsai 2012 p.163).
literacy is closer to the ability to read and write texts. Literary works have been making nature a part of
The development of the meaning of literacy is rapid, the representation of its work. Nature is often not
and in the mid-21st century many experts give just a background of fictional stories in literary
considerable attention to defining the literacy and works, but it can also be a major theme in a literary
they have gained direct implications from the work. The selection of diction such as water, trees,
approach to practice and policy (Fransman 2005). rivers, waves, clouds, and other words shows that
With literacy, students will enjoy learning and nature is used by the writers to describe the
meaningful, as Darwish (2015 p.78) states "literature background or content contained in the literary work
provides delight and enjoyment”. The purpose of itself, similar to the author of a fairy tale, novel, or
this study is to describe the characteristic nature of short story. Nature became the bridge of authors and
children poetry, to explain the nature of literacy literary writers to convey the atmosphere, the image,
implementation of natural themed poetry, and to the background, or the great theme in literary works
explain the role of literacy writing of natural themed (Rahmawati 2017)
poems as a suggestion to strengthen the love of This study was conducted in the Yogyakarta
Indonesian characters. Indonesia particularly on 5th grade students. Writing
activity is a very complex activity. Harris
(2013) states writing is the key to learning because
2. METHOD OF THE RESEARCH students use writings to organize knowledge, explore
and refine ideas. Students looked enthusiastic during
This research type is descriptive qualitative research the research. At first, students still had difficulty
with case study design. Research data from the writing poetry and still experiencing confusion in
results of literacy implementation writing poems of pouring ideas to write a poem. So the researcher
nature-themed and phrases, clauses, sentences taught writing a poem of nature-themed as well as a
contained in poetry. Data sources were from events, means of strengthening the character of Indonesian
places, and behaviors associated with research. love for the students. Teacher had familiarized
Sources were teacher and elementary school student students to plant and care for plants so that students
of Yogyakarta Special Region. Technique of are close to the natural environment. The

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 74
environment was chill, shady trees and clean and example, with mountains with many trees can create
well maintained gardens. Thus, the use of natural fresh air, can prevent landslides, can help water
themes was very appropriate so students were easy seepage during heavy rains, also be used as natural
to imagine and assemble words. attractions if well-managed and maintained. Thus,
students will learn about the beauty of the mountains
and its benefits for living things such as birds, as
3.1 Characteristics of Child poetry
well as reptile animals and molten nests there.
The nature-themed poem characteristic written by The marine theme describes underwater scenery
students consists of a theme of mountains, seas, and covering the diversity of underwater animals, clean
trees. This theme is part written because students are view of ocean, beautiful coral reefs, and colorful
close to the three objects. These three objects can be fish. With the theme of the sea can instill the
found in the Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia even character of the students to maintain the cleanliness
have been managed by the government into a of the sea so that the beauty of the sea is maintained
famous tourist destination. The beaches in and coral reefs can grow beautifully and fish under
Yogyakarta Province are very large and its charm is the sea can breed well. Sea is a source of living
very beautiful. Many foreign and local tourists visit animals that live in water and fishery resources. If
the beaches in Yogyakarta Province. Beaches in the sea is clean then animals living under the sea can
Yogyakarta for example are Parangtritis Beach, breed well like fish, squid and other species and sea
Baron Beach, Indrayanti Beach, Jogan Beach, Pok grass and coral reefs. Thus the fisherman can live a
Tunggal Beach, Drini Beach, Kukup Beach and so prosperous life because the fish becomes more
forth. abundant. By lifting the sea theme it is expected to
Yogyakarta also offers mountain tourism places be able to embed the character to maintain the
in the Mount Purba and Merapi. These two tourist preservation of the sea.
attractions are so crowded, both young and old. The theme of the tree describes the natural beauty
Mount Purba and Merapi are chill and beautiful. of the sea. For example, the city park needs to keep
Many trees grow there. There is no vandalism that the air clean and as a heart of the city. The presence
damages plants as form of concern for the people of trees is beneficial to human life. The tree can be
towards the natural environment. useful as a clean oxygen creator, with many trees so
Yogyakarta has shady and many trees, it eases the oxygen content will be clean and health will stay
students to write a tree-themed poem. Throughout awake and the environment will be cool. Trees are
the city of Yogyakarta there are many plants and also beneficial to the water content of the
trees that shade the roads. In addition, in Yogyakarta underground. In addition, the preserved trees can be
also have tourist attractions with trees, one of which used as the only natural tourism place for pine forest
are tour of Pinus Forest and Mangunan Fruit Garden. in Yogyakarta. The place is so crowded visited to
With the natural conditions in Yogyakarta Province, capture the moment with friends and family. By
students are close to nature. Students are familiar looking at the benefits of the tree, the tree
with nature-themed poems that include mountains, recognition in the students’ needs to be done. One is
seas and trees so that students can easily write through writing a tree-themed poem. Thus, character
poems of nature-themed as well as a means of cultivation can be given to students is to preserve the
instilling the character of environmental care. tree.
Literacy is the right medium to instill character in The three characteristics that include mountains,
children. It is in line with the opinion that children's seas and trees can be used as a means to instill
literature is one of the most precise media for character in the students to keep the environment
character education cultivation since children from clean so that beauty and natural fertility can be
infants to adolescents (Sugihastuti 2016). Literary maintained. Trees can grow fertile and animals can
works can convey moral messages and educational breed well and the sea is kept clean because
values, both implicitly and explicitly so that by environment is maintained. Thus, the characteristics
appreciating literary works, teachers can form the of nature-themed poems can be used as a means of
characters of the students (Wibowo 2013). instilling the love character of Indonesia. Examples
The theme of the mountain describes the beauty of poems written by students are:
of the mountains, the coolness of the air, the shady
plants, and the benefits of the mountain. For

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 75
The beauty of nature Indonesia atmosphere illustrates the clean and natural beaches.
The above poem also contains the character value of
Indonesia’s Beautiful Nature maintaining natural beauty to be natural and natural.
Outstretched away in the part of Indonesia
Drawn the vast blue ocean and beautiful
3.2. Literacy writing literacy implementation
The green of the trees beautifies this archipelago
I'm so grateful to be in this country A series of studies pertaining to the emerging
From the east to the south is the beauty of nature literacy of young people revealed that the emerging
A wonder in my heart literacy skills, including vocabulary, word
There is nothing like my country’s prosperity recognition, and phonological awareness, increased
I will always look after you, I love my Indonesian by reading with electronic books (Korat 2010, Korat
nature & Shamir 2007, 2008, Segal-Drori et al. 2010,
Shamir et al. 2008). Grimshaw's opinion et al.
The above poem contains the meaning of (2007) more detailed that the main benefits of
Indonesia's natural beauty. Indonesia has a beautiful reading children with e-books are the provision of e-
blue ocean. It is seen that the beauty and cleanliness book narration accompanied by animated images
of the sea are preserved. The green trees depict the and sound effects, and increased understanding of
fertile soil of many trees that grow. Throughout children's reading. It is the basis that the form of
Indonesia, the beauty of nature is so impressive for literacy writing that is Indonesian-themed nature
those who see it and are encouraged to always keep should be started with an activity that loves animated
their beauty and love of Indonesia. The poem readings and sound effects. Below are the phases of
embodies the character of the students to admire and the implementation of literacy writing natural
grateful to have a beautiful nature, a land-rich in themed poems:
natural resources. As well as instilling the character 1. Teacher conditions students by praying together
to always keep nature alive and love the character of 2. Teacher divides students into groups. Each group
Indonesia. consists of 4-6 students heterogeneously.
3. Teacher explains the poem and explains the steps
My Nature the student will take so students will understand the
I saw the cliffs lined up task
Around the blue ocean 4. Teacher plays videos about the natural beauty of
Wrapped in rocks covered with greenish trees Indonesia with duration of about 10 minutes.
I was fascinated Students are listening carefully to the videos that the
Everything I saw was so real teacher plays.
The sea breezes stroked softly with fresh air 5. Students write important words contained in the
The white sand overlays are crystal-like rug video, such as trees, seas, mountains, sand, fish, and
Wave drops hit rocks so forth.
It makes the peace of mind 6. Furthermore, written words will be developed into
This is the creation of God a poem.
Make all being more cheerful 7. Each word can be changed into morphological
O people ... wake up arrangement and placement, for example word tree
Take care of this beauty can be changed into trees, and mountains become
My natural country mountains.
8. Teacher gives students about 15 minutes to
The above poem contains the meaning that discuss each group together to arrange a poem.
Indonesia has a beautiful and natural nature. The 9. Students are assigned to develop each of these
beautiful cliffs surround the ocean. Rocks are words into a line of poetry describing nature as a
covered with green trees. The line of poetry result of listening to the video.
illustrates that nature is still natural and beautiful. 10. Then students disintegrate into a theme-poem
The breeze of the sea stroked gently and the which is the construction of the listening and
coolness and waves thresh the coral rejuvenates the students experience.
tranquility of the heart. The warm and cold beach

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 76
11. Teacher guides in the process of poetry writing be completed through natural-themed poetry
so discussions can run well and smooth. literacy. The nature of the children's theme of poetry
12. After students’ finish writing poetry then the includes mountains, seas and trees. The
student reads the poem in front of the class in turn. implementation of natural-themed poetry literacy as
13. Teacher with other students give applause to a means of strengthening the love character of
students who have finished reading poems Indonesia can be done through several stages,
14. Teacher assesses the poems that have been read namely the film about the beauty of Indonesia, the
in front of the class. students write important words in the film, each
15. Teacher collectively evaluates learning outcomes word is developed into a line of poetry describing
and conveys the character values contained in the nature as a result from listening to the movie, then
poems that have been created. the students are assembling into a natural themed
This implementation involves many learning poem which is the construction of a listening and
methods, such as lectures, discussions, modeling, student experience. With the implementation of
brainstorming, presentations, and performance. This natural-themed poetry literacy, students become
is influenced by the use of innovative media that is keener on Indonesia's natural wealth, students
film of natural beauty of Indonesia. This media is become love for nature, eager to preserve the natural
effective enough to illustrate clearly to students who beauty and the students keep the environment clean
may have never seen the natural beauty of Indonesia. and grateful for the natural beauty of Indonesia.

3.3 Role of Literacy Poem Writing Literacy with the 5. REFERENCES

Character of Indonesia
The literacy role of writing natural-themed poems on Agboola, A. & Tsai. K.C. 2012. Bring character education into
the strengthening of Indonesian love characters can classroom. European Journal of Educational Research
1(2): 163-170.
be seen in the works of student poetry, among Darwish, S.A. 2015. Literacy and children’s literature:
others, students are encouraged to admire evidence from actual classroom practice. Journal of
Indonesia's natural wealth that Indonesia has a Education and Training Studies 3(1): 78-83.
beautiful nature and needs to be preserved, driven by EFA Global Monitoring Report Team. 2015. Understandings of
the desire to preserve the beauty of nature, and be Literacy dalam Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements
and Challenges, UNESCO.
grateful for beauty Indonesia has already owned. Grimshaw, S. et al. 2007. Electronic books: children's reading
Through poetry, students are able to know the and comprehension. British Journal of Educational
importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the Technology 38(A): 583-599.
environment and the beauty of nature and the Harris, K.R., et al. 2013. Bring powerful writing strategies into
importance of Indonesia's natural love. Teaching your classroom! Why and how. The Reading Teacher 66(7)
(April): 538-542
students to throw garbage and not damage the Huang, Y. et al. 2012. Empowering personalized learning with
environment, to take care of plants to become an interactive e-book learning system for elementary school
remaining beautiful and to plant crops to keep the students. Educational Technology Research and
shady. The environment will be fresh, adequate Development 60(4): 703-722.
oxygen requirements, no air pollution, water Ismawati, Y.T. & Suyanto, T. 2015. Peran guru PKn dalam
membentuk sikap cinta tanah air siswa di SMA Negeri 1
absorption will remain maintained. Thus, the Mojosari kabupaten Mojokerto [The role of civilization
environment will be healthy and comfortable. The education teacher to build nationalism for student in SMAN
role of natural-themed poetry literacy can have a 1 Mojosari, Mojokerto]. Kajian Moral dan
positive impact on students who are instilling the Kewarganegaraan 2(3): 877-891.
character of Indonesia's natural love and teaching to Korat, O. 2010. Reading electronic books as a support for
vocabulary, story comprehension and word reading in
preserve nature. kindergarten and first grade. Computers & Education 55(1):
Korat, O. & Shamir, A. 2007. Electronic books versus adult
4. CONCLUSION readers: effects on children's emergent literacy as a function
of social class. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Based on the results of the research and discussion 23(3): 248-259.
Korat, O. & Shamir, A. 2008. The educational electronic book
that have been described, it can be concluded that as a tool for supporting children's emergent literacy in low
the strengthening of Indonesian love character can

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 77
versus middle SES groups. Computers & Education 50(1): Sugihastuti. 2016. Sastra anak: teori dan apresiasi [Child
110-12. literature: theory and application]. Yogyakarta: Penerbit
Miles, et al. 2013. Qualitative data analysis: A methods Ombak.
sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publication. Suparno, P. 2006. Filsafat konstruktivisme dalam pendidikan
Rahmawati, F.P. 2017. Kepedulian lingkungan dalam [Constructivism philosophy in education]. Yogyakarta:
‘nusantara bertutur’: bentuk penguatan karakter dan Kanisius.
ekoliterasi melalui sastra anak [The environmental concern Wibowo, A. 2013. Pendidikan karakter berbasis sastra:
in the archiepelago speak: The form of reinforcement of internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter melalui pengajaran sastra
character and eco-literacy by children literary]. Proceeding [Character education based on literature: internalization the
The 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, character values through literature instruction]. Yogyakarta:
and Teaching, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Pustaka Pelajar.
Snow, C.E & Matthews, T.J. 2016. Reading and language in
the early grades. The Future of Children 26(2): 57-74.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 78
Lesson plan concept based on SMIC (spiritual, moral, interpersonal,
cultural) literacy
I. Maryani, S. Urbayatun, Suyatno, C.P. Bhakti, & D. Sulisworo
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Lesson plan is the most important component of learning. Teachers are expected to design a
meaningful learning and internalize values into students. Students’ understanding of values has been measured
by the implementation. It is called literacy. Literacy is not only in reading but also spiritual, moral,
interpersonal, and cultural (SMIC) aspects that become problems in education today, especially in the
formation of personality in critical ages i.e. Adolescents in high school. This study aims to explain the concept
of the lesson plan based on SMIC-literacy. SMIC-literacy is the previous finding of our research and
development. The integration of learning model based on SMIC literacy becomes the key concept in lesson
plan designing. A literature review is needed to find relevance about the concept of a lesson plan with prior
findings. The results show that in the lesson plan based on smic literacy, all aspects coloring in each indicator,
learning objectives, learning activities, and evaluation system. Consistency between lesson plan components
and SMIC-literacy will help teachers in presenting a good quality of learning.introduction.

1 INTRODUCTION literacy, Physical literacy, Interpersonal literacy,

Cultural literacy, Social literacy.
The 21st century is known as the information age. Spirituality is one of the important aspects in
This term is in accordance to the 21st century human dimension. With the spirituality, people
characteristics which is full of rapid and global can find enlightenment in achieving the meaning
information development. Morocco et al. (2010) and purpose of life. Tamami reveals that
in this21st century, a point that must be possessed spirituality is an essential part of the whole human
by people is the ability of multi-literacy. health (Suyatno et al. 2016). King (2010) argued
Multiliteracy ability is marked by four important that the idea of developing spiritual literacy in
things which are high understanding ability, conjunction with Earth literacy can be called a
critical thinking ability, ability to collaborate and pneumatophore – an idea that is a bearer of spirit
communicate, as well as critical thinking ability. that can kindle spiritualities for the life of the
According to Wray (2004), literacy is the human community on Earth.
ability and willingness to use, read, and write in The moral literacy approach sometimes labeled
order to build the meaning of printed text, in ways as character education Tuana (2007). Moral
that meet the requirements of a particular social literacy focuses on children development. The
context. Literacy is best promoted through Prophet Muhammad said that in order for belief to
meaningful and real contexts of learning and a have a real meaning, we must realize it into
print-rich environment (Plant et al. 2008). action. It refers to how we treat others, because it
Literacy has an important role in everyday life, by reflects the values of our inner beliefs Tauhidi
using literacy, one will be able to make necessary (2001). Zdenek, B. & Schochor (2007) identifies a
improvements using relevant information. pervasive need for professional development
According to Matsuura (2000) literacy is not only opportunities for teachers expected by their
about thinking and reading skills, but also the districts to implement programs related to moral
learning skills and life skills that will be used by a literacy in their classrooms. Additionally, the
person, community or nation in order to survive authors identify the need for teachers to address
and experience sustainable change. Literacy is the need for community involvement, the
also closely related to learning. According Tauhidi development of their own moral literacy, synergy
(2001) there are various kinds of literacy, which between program ideals and teacher behavior, and
are: Spiritual literacy, Moral literacy, Intellectual developmentally appropriate implementation.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 79
According to Tauhidi (2001) Interpersonal conducted in the previous year. Subject research
Literacy focuses on the emotional and consists of 50 high school teachers from Ternate
interpersonal aspects of the children development. and Tidore Kepulauan, North Maluku, Indonesia.
Human relations are the concern of all religions Data is taken from product assessments of SMIC-
and philosophies, inherent in a principle, "treating based lesson plan made by teachers. Teachers'
others as oneself wants to be treated by others." concepts understanding on SMIC-based Lesson
Literacy learning in school is designed to plan and teachers' ability to develop SMIC-based
achieve certain goals. In the beginning, literacy lesson plan became the main object of the
learning at school is aimed to the students to research. The data analyses by descriptive
master the lingustic dimension. According to statistics and qualitative analysis of Miles and
Abidin et al. (2015) entering the 21st century, Huberman model.
literacy learning has the main goal to provide
opportunities to students in developing them
selves as a competent communicator in the 3 DISCUSSION
context of multiliteracy, multicultural, and
multimedia through multiple intelligence Before outlining the teacher's ability to develop
empowerment they owned. Equivalent to these SMIC-based lesson plan,first we will see a
developments, literacy activity is not only seen as description on SMIC-based lesson plan concepts.
reading a book, but literacy is more widely This paper will explain the principles of
developed in spiritual, moral, interpersonal and compilation, lesson plan components, SMIC
cultural literacy. components, SMIC implementation in the
Based on the description of the literacy preparation of the lesson plan, and the ability of
importance above, this article aims to give the high school teachers in Ternate and Tidore
reader a description on how to design literacy- Kepulauan in preparing lesson plan based on
based learning especially spiritual literacy, moral SMIC.
literacy, interpersonal literacy, and cultural
literacy which then to simplify it, it is abbreviated
to SMIC-literacy. This article is a result of the 3.1 Principles on the preparation of SMIC-based
lesson plan
development of previous findings on SMIC-
literacy based learning. The concept is then According to Krulatz (2014), the watchful design
developed into a learning syntax that can be of the activities additionally makes opportunities
adopted by high school teachers. The main focus for the instructor to direct progressing assessment
of this article is to explain to readers about the and along these lines to alter, add or remove
mechanism of preparing SMIC-literacy based activities as the lesson is being delivered.
lesson plans. Therefore, the lesson plan here follows these
Principle 1 : The lesson is guided by clearly
2 METHOD indicated objectives.
Principle 2 : Activities in the lesson follow a
This research is a second year research of a logical sequence.
three-year plan. In the first year, researchers Principle 3 : Comprehensible information is
obtained data about the necessity of pedagogical provided.
communication model development in increasing Principle 4 : There are various opportunities for
the literacy of high school students in North informative practice.
Maluku, Indonesia. In the following year, model Principle 5 : Scaffolding and procedures are given
of learning has been developed that emphasizes to empower student to perform at a
teachers’ pedagogic communication and aims to higher level.
increase the SMIC (spiritual, moral, interpersonal, Standard 6 : Ongoing evaluation educate lesson
and cultural) literacy. The learning model is then design and implementation.
named Learning Model based on SMIC literacy. The principles on preparing the lesson plan
In the expert and limited test phase, inputs have above should be applied to the preparation of
been obtained for the improvement of this learning activities. High school learning should
learning model. Then in this second year, product take into consideration on individual differences
feasibility test conducted in the form of learning and the psychology of adolescent development.
model based on SMIC literacy that one of them This principle is applied in the selection of
related to learning plan. learning methods tailored to the needs of students
This second year research uses literature learning. Lesson plan is also expected to
review method based on the results of research encourage the students’ active participation so that
and development on SMIC-based learning model the literacy culture appears. Feedback and follow-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 80
up are also an important part on preparing a lesson analysis and synthesis [reflect]; arrive at new
plan so that after the learning process, we are able understandings [discovery].
to assess the success of our learning design we 4. Connections
made. In the 21st century learning process, Guide students to solidify their understanding
students are expected to have technology literacy of the concept by testing it in new ways
as a tool for working (digital lifestyle) so that [expand] and in new contexts [extend]. This is
lesson plan compiled by teacher must be able to done by making connections and seeing
apply ICT in every learning process. The next relationships to other areas, contexts and to
principle that must exist is local wisdom. Every real-world situations.
region in Indonesia has a different culture. Culture 5. Collaboration
becomes the first environment needed as the Guide students in utilizing cooperative
students’ learning source, so the planning of learning strategies [collaboration] during the
learning process is expected to optimize the learning process, and guide them in sharing
surrounding culture as a learning source. what they learn with different audiences in
different ways [sharing], through oral and
written communication and multi-sensory,
3.2 Lesson plan components based on SMIC multimedia presentations [communication].
According to the Indonesian Regulation of 6. Cultivation
Minister of Education and Culture No. 22 of 2016, Guide students in reflecting on the
lesson plan format is as follow: significance of what they have learned for
1. Learning subject identity themselves personally, and identify ways of
Name, school, subject/ level utilizing and applying it in their personal lives
2. Competency (Standard) (core competency, [transformation]. Identify ways of assessing
standard competency, and indicators of this authentically [assessment].
competence achievement) 7. Caring
3. Learning Materials Guide students to identify and implement
4. Learning Method ways of using what they have learned by
5. Learning Media and learning resources applying it for the good of others through
6. Learning Syntax service [service] and stewardship. This should
7. Learning Assessment be in the form of a service-learning project as
There are 7 components in learning literacy as a culminating and authentic assessment
follows: [assessment].
1. Curiosity
Excite the students' curiosity, capture their
3.3 Components of SMIC literacy
attention, stimulate their thinking and help
them access prior knowledge. Use "signs" 1. Spiritual Literacy
from nature, history and the Quran for this Spirituality is one of the important aspects in
purpose. Help them experience a sense of awe human dimension. With the spirituality, people
& wonder. Guide them to develop questions can find enlightenment in achieving the meaning
from these signs [ponder]. and purpose of life. Tamami reveals that
2. Character spirituality is an essential part of the whole human
Assist students in preparing themselves for health (Suyatno et al. 2016). Therefore, the
learning. Help them to see knowledge as a spiritual aspect is the essence of life existence.
sacred activity with certain moral The spiritual aspect has two main elements which
responsibility [amanah], to show humility are, vertical elements and horizontal elements. As
before the signs of Allah [humility], to Wigglesworth is something sacred, has no
acknowledge the efforts of earlier scholars boundaries of place and time, a high power, a
[respect]; to clarify and align their intentions great source, awareness. The desire to relate and
[sincerity]; and understand the larger purposes be guided by this source. While the horizontal
for learning: knowing God's will for us, component is the relationship between human
transforming ourselves, and serving humanity beings; Help each other, share, and need each
[intention]. other. Almost similar to the above component,
3. Contemplation Burkhardt (1993) mentions that spirituality
Guide students through the four steps of contains aspects; First, relating to something
discovery learning: plan a strategy to find unknown or uncertainty in life. Second, discover
answers to their questions [plan]; investigate the meaning and purpose of life. Third, recognize
by doing activities and using resources to the ability to use inner resources and strengths.
gather information and record their findings Fourth, to have feelings of attachment to self and
[explore]; reflect on their findings through the Highest One. Aspects of spiritual literacy:

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 81
a. Discovering God’s Wonder (admiring Allah others". This is the principle that drives us to the
SWT) highest standards and the fairest behavior in
b. God, the world and me (Understanding the relationships with others. The aim of this literacy
relationship between God, nature, and man) is a good human relationship. However, Good
c. Building on Faith (Building faith, realizing human relationship not just happen, but the result
God's presence in every activity) of spiritual awareness, moral consciousness and
knowledge are necessary for a fair and sincere
2. Moral Literacy relationship between people. Interpersonal literacy
Moral literacy focuses on children refers to the development of Communication
development. The Prophet Muhammad said that in skills and the ability to live and working
order for belief to have a real meaning, we must cooperatively as part of a group. It also focuses on
realize it into action. It refers to how we treat issues of identity and belonging to family,
others, because it reflects the values of our inner community and community members.
beliefs Tauhidi (2001). Furthermore, according There are 3 aspects of interpersonal literacy:
Tauhidi (2001), moral literacy includes 3 aspects: a. Communications & Understanding
a. Values & Identity (Knowing Yourself). (Understanding & Being Understood)/
b. Conscience & Conviction (A Heart of Gold) b. Relationship & Cooperation (Getting Along
Conscience and faith. With Others)
c. Character & Conduct (Actions Speak Louder) c. Community & Belonging (A Sense of
Shows Characters with actions not just words Belonging)
The purpose of the moral literacy components According to Tauhidi (2001), the interpersonal
is to shape the noble human character. The Koran aspect in learning can help students to utilize
shows that, character is an important part in the cooperative learning strategies during the learning
process of human development. In accordance to process, and assist them in sharing what they have
the main focus of moral literacy is to develop a learned to different audiences in different ways
strong understanding of good human character (sharing), including through communication of
and help students achieve it in their own lives oral, written, and multi-sensory, multimedia
through a moral lifestyle. This is includes areas of presentation (communication).
moral knowledge and reasoning, moral feelings or
conscience, and moral actions or character. These 4. Cultural
components refer to values or concepts such as The cultural literature focuses on lifestyle and
moral traditions, ethics, conscience, self-control, culture as part of human development. How we
empathy, free will, and other things related to the live or lifestyle is a reflection of our belief, both as
heart. individuals and members of society. The purpose
The learning process consists of the preparation of cultural literacy is how to apply this beliefs to a
of character, which is one must prepare himself way of life. This includes the implementation of
before becoming a suitable container for the culture, tradition, lifestyle, integrity and self-
knowledge to be received. To help students change
prepare themselves in learning can be done by Cultural literature includes 3 aspects:
Tauhidi (2001). a. Culture and confidence (drawing strenght form
a. Showing humility towards God's signs the past)
(humility) b. Lifestyle and Modern Living (Islam as a Way of
b. Recognizing the efforts and accumulated Living)
knowledge of previous generations c. Community & Belonging (A sense of
(respecting) Belonging)
c. Understanding the real purpose of learning
(goals) This cultural literature aims to guide students
d. Clarify and align the appropriate intent in exploring the meaning of what they have
(sincerity of intent) learned for themselves personally and to identify
e. Recognize that acquiring knowledge is a ways of applying it in their personal lifestyle
sacred activity that carries a certain moral (transformation). This literacy also includes how
responsibility (amanah). to identify, assess students' personal applications
in learning (assessment). In accordance to their
3. Interpersonal age and abilities, students should be an integral
Interpersonal Literacy focuse on emotional and part of defining and implementing these
interpersonal development in children's assessments Tauhidi (2001).
development. Human relations are the concern of
all religions and philosophies, inherent a principle,
"Treating others as oneself wants to be treated by

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 82
3.4 The implementation of SMIC in the lesson Example:
plan preparation 3.1. … Complete inequalities of absolute
number of one variable linear form with other
algebraic linear inequalities.
1. Determine the type of skills that will be
4.1. … Creating a mathematical model of
developed in accordance to the basic
contextual problems relates the equations and
inequalities of absolute number of one
variable linear form.
Core Competency 3.1 Interpret the equations
4.1. … Solve problems related to equations of
and inequalities of absolute number of one
absolute number of one variable linear form.
variable linear form with other linear
equations and inequalities of algebraic forms.
4. Developing relevant learning materials,
Core Competency 4.1 Solve problems related
including factual, conceptual, procedural, and
to equations and inequalities of absolute
metacognitive material.
number of one variable linear form
Equations and inequalities of absolute
2. Formulating learning objectives so that
number of one variable linear form with other
become clear in demonstrating the skills that
linear equations and inequalities of algebraic
learners must possess.
Example: Through a scientific approach by
a. The Absolute Number Concept
group investigation method learners can
b. Equations and Inequality of Absolute
interpret the equations and inequalities of
Number of Linear Form One Variable
absolute number of one variable linear form
c. Equations and inequalities of absolute
with linear equations and inequalities of
number of one variable linear form with
algebraic and may Solve problems on a team
other linear equations and inequalities of
through good teamwork and mutual respect
algebraic forms
for friends' opinions that related to curiosity,
not giving up, and able to cooperate.
3.5 Learning Activities based on SMIC Literacy
3. Developing Indicators of Competency
Learning process involves guiding students
Achievement in order to achieve Core
through the four steps of discovery learning. This
Competencies that can develop the character
includes: 1) planning a strategy to find answers to
of critical thinking skills and problem
their questions (plan); 2) investigating by doing
activities and using resources to gather
Formulating learning indicators and
information and record their findings (explore); 3)
objectives based on SMIC. Learning success
reflecting on their findings (reflect); 4) and
is supported by learning objectives clarity.
summarizing the new understandings they have
The indicators of spiritual literacy are (1)
learned (discovery).
admiring the glory of Allah, (2)
The learning process involves assisting
understanding the relationship between Allah,
students in utilizing cooperative learning
nature, and man, (3) realizing the presence of
strategies (collaboration) throughout the learning
Allah in every activity. Indicators of moral
process, and assisting them in sharing what they
literacy are (1) knowing oneself, (2)
have learned with different audiences in different
conscience and belief (golden heart), (3)
ways (sharing), including through oral and written
showing character by actions not just words.
communication and multi-sensory, multimedia
Interpersonal literacy has 3 indicators, which
presentations (communication).
are (1) understanding &being understood, (2)
getting along with others, (3) a sense of
The table 1 below shows the description of
belonging. Then the indicators of cultural
learning activities for SMIC-based learning
literacy are (1) drawing strength from the
(Urbayatun et al. 2017):
past), (2) Islam is a way of living, and (3)
facing the challenge, facing the future.

Table 1. SMIC-based learning

Method, Media, and Evaluation Learning Purpose and subject Matter Process
- Watching video (Reflect on things that Awaken the students' curiosity, catch their attention, Admiring
come from watching a video) stimulate their thinking and help them access prior "Spiritual
- Field studies (Reflecting on things knowledge.Use the "signs" from nature, history and the Aspect"
gained from field studies) Koran for this purpose. Helping them experience

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 83
impressments& amazement (impress). Guiding them to
develop questions of these signs (contemplating).
Field studies (Reflecting on things Assist students in preparing to learn.Helping them to Appreciating
gained from field studies) see knowledge as a sacred activity with a certain moral "Moral Aspect"
responsibility (amanah), to show humility before the
signs of God (humility), to recognize the efforts of
previous experts (respect); To clarify and harmonize
their intentions (sincerity); And understand the greater
purpose of learning: knowing Allah's will for us,
transforming ourselves, and serving humanity
- Reviewing subjects (observation by Guiding students through four steps discovery learning: Researching
teacher, observing students performance) 1) planning strategies to find answers to their questions (Thinking)
- Investigate the relationships between (plan); 2) investigate by conducting activities and using "Intellectual
learning subject to the broader relevant resources to gather information and record their Aspect"
phenomenon. findings (explore); 3) reflect on their findings through
- Conducting a survey by questionnaires analysis and synthesis (reflect); 4) till a new
- Conducting a survey to a team of experts. understanding (discovery).
Document study (Creatingset of documents Guiding students to strengthen their understanding of a Realizing
in group, creating learning media in a wider concept by testing it in a new way (expanding) and in a (Connecting)
context); (Observation by teacher and peer new context (extending). This is done bymaking "Physical
assessment). connections and see relationships to other areas, context Aspect"
and in real-world situations.
Document study (Creatingset of documents Guiding students in using cooperative learning Cooperation
in group, creating learning media in a wider strategies (collaboration) during the learning process, "Interpersonal
context); (Observation by teacher and peer and guide them in sharing what they learn with Aspect"
assessment). different audiences in different ways (sharing), through
oral and written communication and multi-sensory,
multimedia presentations (communication).
The purpose of the cooperation is so that students are
good at communicating and working together to
achieve common goal.
- Creating learning media on learning Guiding students in reflecting on the meaning of what Habituate
subject topics. they have learned for themselves personally, and (Actualize)
- Assignment for daily practice (Self identifying how to use and apply it in their personal "Cultural
monitoring or self-assessment). lives (transformation). Identify ways to assess Aspect"
authentically (assessment).
The purpose of habituating is to make the values of
goodness as self-identity.
Assignments (What presentations have Guiding students to identify and apply what they have Caring (Giving /
been learned in the classroom, in other learned by applying it to the good of others through Socializing)
schools, or in the community using media service and stewardship. This should be in the form of a "Social Aspects"
leaflets, posters, making recordings in KKN project as culmination or peak and an authentic
VCDs); (Doing a campaign, for example assessment.
about a healthy lifestyle). The purpose of caring for students is so that they have
to concern for each other and ready to serve the

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 84
4 CONCLUSION Krulatz, A. 2014. Teaching norwegian to beginners: Six
principles to guide lesson planning. Journal of the
SMIC-based Lesson Plan can be developed in all National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages,
15(Spring), 1. Retrieved from
subjects. The things that should be considered in
preparing the SMIC-based lesson plan are Beginers.pdf
Curiosity, Character, Contemplation, Connections, Matsuura, K. 2000. Literacy: Without it, words have no
Collaboration, Cultivation, and Caring (7C). meaning. UNESCO Sources 126(3): 3.
Morocco, C.C., et al. 2010. Supported literacy for
adolescents: Transforming teaching and content
5 REFERENCES learning for the 21st century. Amerika: John Wiley &
Plant, Y.A., et al. 2008. Language, literacy and
Abidin, Y., et al. 2015. Pembelajaran literasi dalam
communication skills. Cardiff: Department for Children,
konteks pendidikan multiliterasi, integratif, dan
Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills.
berdiferensiasi [Learning literacy in the context of
education multiliterasi, integrative, and differentiate]. Suyatno, et al. 2016. The development of moral and spiritual
Bandung: Rizqi Press. literacy based on prophetic education. In 1st
International Conference on Islamic Education.
Burkhardt, M.A. 1993. Characteristics of spirituality in the
Tauhidi, D. 2001. The tarbiyah project: A holistic vision of
lives of women in a rural appalachian community.
islamic education.
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 4(2): 12–18.
Tuana, N. 2007. Conceptualizing moral literacy. Journal of
King, U. 2010. Earthing spiritual literacy: How to link
Educational Administration 45(4): 364–378
spiritual development and education to a new Earth
Urbayatun, S., et al. 2017. Modul Pelatihan Pembelajaran
consciousness? Journal of Beliefs & Values 22(31): 245–
SMIC [Learning Training Module SMIC]. Yogyakarta:
Dee Publish.
Krulatz, A. 2014. Teaching norwegian to beginners: Six
Wray, D. 2004. Literacy: major themes in education (Vol.
principles to guide lesson planning. Journal of the
2). London: RoutledgeFalmer.
National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages,
15(Spring), 1. Retrieved from Zdenek, B. & Schochor, D. 2007. Developing moral literacy in the classroom. Journal of Educational Administration,
Beginers.pdf 45(4): 514–532.

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The implementation of the scientific approach in environmental educa-
tion for kindergarten students

H. Djoehaeni, A. D. Gustiana, & M. Agustin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: In early childhood education the introduction of the scientific process is done by involving the
child directly in the activities of conducting and experiencing information seeking by asking questions, find-
ing answers to understand the world with amazing ideas. Pleasant learning will depend on the selection of ac-
tivities that match the needs and characteristics of the child. In order to implement scientific approach opti-
mally, a thorough understanding of teachers is required so that every stage of the scientific approach can be
performed optimally and suitable with the needs and characteristics of the child. In every stage of the scien-
tific approach there are some character values that will be appears along with the learning process. This dis-
cussion will be focused on how the scientific approach can be implemented by teacher in order to develop the
character values of children in daily learning activities.

1 INTRODUCTION disclosed that the Indonesian Curriculum 2013 Early

Environmental issues demand attention from various Childhood Education aims to encourage the
sectors including education. Early environmental development of the potential of children to have
education is expected to develop a positive attitude readiness to take further education, requiring
toward environmental sustainability. Environmental capabilities to support the success of children at
education has a very important role to overcome higher levels of education include attitude skills,
environmental problems that arise today. Seefeldt knowledge And skills. These capabilities will be
(1989) states that the current needs for realized through a meaningful learning experience.
environmental education appearin critical level. In the implementation of the use of scientific
Environmental issues and diminishing resources are approach as an alternative in helping the children to
becoming a thought that leads to the concern and develop their abilities considers the rules of learning
concern for environmental education. Various appropriateness for early childhood.
strategies and approaches in learning can be an The scientific process or scientific approach is
alternative effort to achieve the goal of aimed to build a systematic thinking pattern in a
environmental education which raise awareness of continuous series of processes from the most
the importance of the environment in human life and concrete developed into real work as a result of
make various efforts to maintain its sustainability. high-level thinking. Scientific thinking skills are
Curriculum as a tool to achieve the goal of education applied in the learning process through the stages of
ideally is a reference for teachers in carrying out observing, questioning, gathering information,
learning activities in accordance with characteristic reasoning, and communicating ideas and
and the needs of young children. Application of understanding of new knowledge and concepts that
Curriculum 2013 in early childhood education in are poured into various works.
Indonesia is a necessity that implies changes in This paper will explore more about Environmental
mindset, governance, learning process and Education in early childhood based on scientific
assessment. From the point of the learning process, approach, so that obtained the description of
the emphasis is on how to provide appropriate alternative learning model other than those that have
stimulation to the child according to the needs and been developed previously.
characteristics of its development.
In the guidance of the implementation of the
curriculum 2013 Early Childhood Education is

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2 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION part of the environment, applying these interpreta-
tion by analyzing physical, social and economic im-
In the early 1980s when early childhood education pact on the environment in a variety of situation.
began to emerge and applied in the several form of Stapp(1979) States that environmental education is
child institutions, the concepts associated with un- a process which aims to develop a conscious and
derstanding the physical environment that exists in caring world population as well as environmental
are often mentioned. One of them as proposed by issues, and forthose who have the knowledge,
Spodek (1978) who stated that one of the basic pur- attitude, motivation, commitment and skills to work
poses of school is the transmission of significant individually and collectively to the solution of the
portions of this knowledge to the young. This allows current problems and the prevention of new
each generation to grasp what we know at present problems.
about the world, so that they can deal effectively In line with that, Eco Schools Program (1998)
with it, building upon what is already known and, in states that in essence, environmental education
time, accumulating greater knowledge about it. programs in schools aim to bring changes in
Similar with Spodek, Hildebrand (1981) stated that students' attitudes and values as human beings in
understanding the physical world is lifetime pursuit interacting with all components of the environment.
that begins in early childhood. In other part she stat- When schools establish a practical environmental
ed that each time the child is responding to the phys- sound program, students will be able to participate
ical world. Each responds contain some learning ex- actively in improving the quality of the school
perience and motivation that will serve the teacher environment. In most of these cases, the best results
as the incidents are used to help children understand will be obtained if done with community support
what is taking place in their world. and cooperation, including government departments
Spodek (1978) also mentioned that science, math- and non-governmental organizations. When students
ematics, and the social sciences have been viewed as see that they make a realistic contribution to the
the result of intellectual processes by which the environment, they learn to be more purposeful, their
physical and social world can be explored. Science motivation increases and their self-esteem is raised.
is not the only method we have for exploring the Kinsella (2008) states that in today's society we are
world, but it is an important one. Sciences deal with becoming increasingly concerned about global
the physical properties of the world. It orders these warming, climate change and the well-being of this
properties, identifies relationship among them, and planet and the habitat for future generations. As
establishes theories that can be empirically tested to parents and caregivers, we often worry about the
explain the relationships identified. future of our children, and many of us feel we can
Spodek (1978) also mentioned about a close rela- do more in our daily lives to contribute to the
tionship between science and environment. He stated solution rather than the cause of the environmental
that science was one of the later subjects to be in- problems posed. On the other hand Kinsella (2008)
cluded in the curriculum of early childhood educa- also mentions that our homes and communities are
tion. In many of the pioneering approaches we do the places where we raise our children, so it makes
find nature study-the observation of natural phe- sense to want to keep our homes safe and healthy for
nomena primarily for the sake of appreciation rather them to grow and learn. We know that children learn
than comprehension. Teachers were admonishing to from relationships with their families, caregivers and
keep a section of their outdoor play space reserved the environment, so that, through what we do in our
for a garden to be cultivated by the children. Small daily lives, we can start engaging children in
animals were kept as classroom pets, and the chil- learning about caring for the world around them.
dren learn for them. Interesting natural objects such Environmental education instilled early expected
as rocks and leaves were brought into the classroom to develop positive attitudes and environmental
and arranged on a table for the children to observe. sustainability. Likewise that the introduction of the
Nature stories were read and pictures exhibited to surrounding nature through environmental education
further children’s learning. All this activity had as its to children from an early age for children is the first
prime purpose the development of children’s rever- step in respecting the environment (Sutrisno, et al.,
ence for the outdoors and appreciation of the won- 2005). Kindergarten is a place where children spend
ders of nature to be found around them. most of their time at a very important time in their
In term of investigating environment The United lives, so that kindergarten is considered as a place
States Department of Agriculture (1978) stated that that fosters knowledge of a child's environment
the participant can investigate it by collecting, re- (Meiboudhi, et al., 2011).
cording, and interpreting information about different

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Some studies reveal the importance of continuous processes from the most concrete devel-
environmental education, as stated Chen and Cheng op into a real work as a result of high-level thinking.
in his study (2008) that the Environmental Education Scientific thinking skills applied in the learning pro-
is a very important tool in providing knowledge, cess through the stages as follows:
positive attitudes towards the environment and to 1. Observations by using all the senses to feel the
build skills to protect and improve the environment sensation of the objects observed
Republic of Indonesian Laws, No. 23 of 1997 on 2. Asking as the process of giving space to the child
Environmental Management, stated that Environ- to cultivate the curiosity of the object observed. Cu-
mental Education (EH) is defined as an effort to riosity drives the child to take the next step.
change the behavior and attitudes made by various 3. Gathering information as a way to answer the cu-
parties or elements of society that aims to increase riosity. The process of gathering information is done
knowledge, skills and awareness of the community by involving all learning resources that are in the
Environmental values and environmental issues that environment around the child, and not just limited to
can ultimately mobilize the community to take an teachers.
active role in conservation and environmental safe- 4. Reasoning isprocessing the information that has
guards for the benefit of present and future genera- been collected to answer the questions that arise
tions. early, The reasoning process is an important part in
order develop new knowledge associated with
knowledge that has been owned by the previous
3 SCIENTIFIC APPROACH IN THE child. The result of the reasoning process is the child
INDONESIAN EARLY CHILDHOOD will have a new understanding of a concept.
CURRICULUM 2013 5. Communicating ideas and understanding of new
knowledge and concepts that are poured into various
The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements works.
concerning the content, and the lesson materials and
ways used as guidelines for the implementation of
learning activities to achieve certain educational 4 CHARACTER VALUES
goals (UUSPN No. 20 of 2003). In the guidance of
the implementation of the curriculum 2013 Early Movement Strengthening Character Education
Childhood Education is disclosed that the Curricu- (SCE) other than is Continuation and continuity of
lum 2013 Early Childhood Education aims to en- the National Movement of Education.The Nation
courage the development of potential children in or- Character of the Year 2010 is also an integral part of
der to have readiness to take further education, Nawacita.In this case item 8 of the Nawacita: The
required skills needed to support the success of chil- Revolution of the Nation's Character and Movement
dren at higher levels of education include attitude 8 Concepts and Guidelines for Strengthening Char-
skills, Knowledge and skills. acter Education
It is further disclosed that the ability of attitudes Ministry of Education and Culture Mental Revolu-
that include spiritual attitudes and social attitudes tion in education that is about to push the whole
aims to build a sense of the child that he is a creature Stakeholders to make a paradigm shift, Namely the
of God and an individual who is part of his social change of mindset and how to act, in managing the
group. The development of attitude ability is done school. To that end, the SCEMovement places the
through the activity of habituation. Meanwhile, the character value as a dimension. The deepest educa-
ability of knowledge is done through the introduc- tions that civilized and civilized the people.
tion of the concept of the child and his environment. SCE Movement. The five main values of the na-
The introduction of concepts is done through the tional character in question area follows:
stages of remembering, applying, analyzing, evaluat- 1. Religious. The value of religious character reflects
ing and creating. Skill skills are developed to sup- faith in God. The One Supreme manifested in the
port attitude and knowledge skills. Skills to support conduct of teaching. Beliefs and beliefs, respect for
attitudes are applied through habituation. While religious differences. Uphold the tolerant attitude
skills to support knowledge are applied through the towards the implementation of religious worship and
Scientific process. Other beliefs, living in harmony and peace with oth-
In the Indonesian Curriculum Implementation er believers.
Guideline 2013 Early Childhood Education 2. Nationalist, The value of a nationalist character is
(Pedoman Implementasi Kurikulum 2013) stated a way of thinking, acting, and doing that shows loy-
that the scientific process or scientific approach aims alty, caring, and appreciation. High on language,
to build a systematic thinking pattern in a series of physical environment, social, culture, economy, and
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 88
the politics of the nation, placing the interests of the An effort to understand deeper
nation and state in of self-interest and group. 9 curiosityand wider from something they
3. Independent. Independent character values are at- learn, observe, and hear.
titudes and behaviors not rely on others and use all A way of thinking, behaving,
the energy, mind, time to realize hopes, dreams and and acting which puts national
10 Patriotic
dreams. interest against the interest of
4. Mutual cooperation. The value of the gotong individual and even group.
royong (Voluntery colaboration) character reflects A way of thinking, behaving,
the acts of appreciation Spirit of cooperation and and acting which shows loyalty,
shoulder to shoulder to solve the problem. Together, Homeland carefulness, and high apprecia-
establish communication and friendship, provide as- Loyalty tion towards language, physical
sistance /help to the needy environment, social, culture, and
5. Integrity. The value of the integrity character is national politics.
the underlying value of the behavior that based on Attitude and behavior to encour-
making himself a person who always trustworthy in Achieve- age themselves to produce use-
words, actions, and work, has a commitment and 12 ment Appre- ful means for the society, to ad-
loyalty to humanitarian and moral values(Moral in- ciation mit and to respect other
tegrity) achievements.
These are character values with the description in- Friend- Attitude which shows talkative,
cluded which will be integrated through character 13 ly/Communi easy going, and cooperative in-
education (Kemendiknas, 2010) are as followed: cative dividual.
Attitude, statements, and
Peace Lov-
Table 2.1Values and Description of Character 14 measures of action which create
Educations safe and joy over the individual.
No Description Intensive A custom to spend the time with
values 15
Reading a lot of reading activities.
Obedience attitude and behavior
in performing religion teaching, Measures of action and attitude
1 Religious
tolerance and harmony towards Environment to prevent environmental dam-
other 16
Involvement age and developing certain ef-
a behavior as an effort to build forts to preserve environment.
individual to become a trustwor-
2 Honesty Measures of action and attitude
thy individual in their statement, Social In-
attitude, and services. 17 to provide aids towards the soci-
Attitude and behavior which is ety and those who in needs.
respectful towards other race, re- Attitude and behavior of indi-
3 Tolerance
ligion, ethnic, opinion, behavior vidual to perform the task and
and attitude. mandatory who have been done
Attitude which shows order and Responsibil-
18 towards themselves, society, en-
4 Discipline obedient towards provision and ity
vironment (nature, social, cul-
regulation. ture), nation, and the Almighty
Attitude which shows earnest God.
Hard Work- against learning and duty obsta-
ing cles, and do the best in every Humans have a very close relationship with its
task given. environment because humans are part of the envi-
Thinking and performing every- ronment itself. Environmental education given at an
6 Creative thing to produce innovative early age is expected to develop into a positive atti-
ways. tude towards the environment and will carry over in-
Attitude and behavior to com- to adulthood. Thus, environmental education should
7 Independent
plete the task independently. be an essential part of early childhood curriculum.
A way of thinking, behaving, However, the application needs to use strategies ap-
and acting which shows an propriate to their developmental stage. Early child-
8 Democratic equality between rights and ob- hood should be provided with learning experiences
ligation towards themselves and that is direct and challenging so it will be fun and
others. meaningful for young children. The scientific ap-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 89
proach as one of the characteristics of the 2013 Early scientific approach applied in learning indirectly will
Childhood Curriculum, ideally implemented on a va- have a positive impact on the value of the character
riety of early childhood learning experiences. Early in early childhood.
age is the right age to instill character values. The

7 REFERENCES Depdiknas. 2004. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Pelayanan

Profesional [Competence Based Professional Curricu-
Bezzina, C. & Pace, P. 2006. School improvement, school ef- lum]. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
fectiveness or school development. London: Trentham Meiboudi, H. 2011. Enhancing children environtmental
Books Limited. awareness in kindergarten massad city using mural
Chen, J., Cheng, H. 2008. Children, teachers and nature: an painting. Procedia-Behavioral and Social Sciences 28
analysis of an environmental education program (2011): 1020-1028.
(Dissertations). University of Florida. Tim Pengembang. 2015. Pedoman Implementasi Kurikulum
Council, V. E. E. 1992. Learning to care for our environmen- 2013 Pendidikan Anak usia Dini [Guidance on Implemen-
tal: victoria's environmental education strategy. Mel- tation of Curriculum 2013 Early Childhood Education].
bourne: Victorian Educational Environmental Council Jakarta: Kementrerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Hildebrand, V. 1981. Introduction to early childhood education Spodek, B. 1978. Teaching in the early years. (2nd ed). New
(3rd ed). New York: Mcmillan Publishing. Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Kemendiknas. 2011. Konsep dan Pedoman Peguatan Sutrisno, et al. 2005. Pengenalan lingkungan alam sekitar
Pendidikan Karakter. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan sebagai sumber belajar anak usia dini. [Introduction to
Nasional. the natural environment around as an early childhood
Kinsella, R 2008. Everyday learning about. being green. Early learning source]. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan
Childhood Australia. Nasional. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
Kemendikbud. 2003. Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi. [Compe- Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan
tence based curriculum]. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi.
Nasional. William B. S. & Dorothy A.C. 1979. Environmental education
activities manual . Farmington Hille. Michigan 48018.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 90
Moral cognitive-based project learning in the development of early
childhood prosocial behavior
E. Syaodih, O. Setiasih & N.F. Romadona
UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

H. Handayani
STKIP Purwakarta

ABSTRACT: Prosocial behavior refers to voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit another
individual or group of individual. Prosocial behavior aims to help increase the well-being of others because a
person who performs prosocial acts contribute to the prospering and happy life of people or recipients of aid.
Prosocial behavior includes sharing, cooperative, donating, helping, honesty, and generosity. Prosocial behavior
can be developed from early childhood through a cognitive moral-based project learning process. Project
learning provides opportunities for children to improve skills that have been mastered individually or in groups,
fostering a child interest in what has been done in the project, manifesting creativity, working with others and
responsible for the success of group goals and gaining a complete understanding of a concept. Project learning
activities based on cognitive morals encourage children to understand moral dilemmas so that children can build
a cognitive understanding of a prosocial behavior. The steps taken in cognitive moral-based project learning are:
1) start with the essential question, 2) design a plan for the project, 3) create a schedule, 4) assess the outcome,
and 5) evaluate the experience.

1 INTRODUCTION actions that are specifically aimed at the benefit or

The development of prosocial behavior in childhood improvement of the welfare individuals or other
is a major developmental task for successful group of individuals. Baron & Byrne (2005)
interaction. Children with a prosocial reputation tend explains that prosocial behavior is any action that
to be high in behavior, handling, appropriate benefits other people, but does not benefit directly
attentional regulation, and low levels of negative to the person performing the action, and even
emotionality (Eisenberg et al., 1996). Interference in carries a risk to the person who helps. This behavior
the development of prosocial skills greatly reduces can have a positive impact on the development of
the protective factors that have been found to be an children if cultivated early. Children will have the
integral part of successful adaptation and resilience nature of a helper, considerate, care about others,
(Masten & Coatsworth 1998). do not like to hurt others, that are very good for
Prosocial behavior or what we might call a children’s growth and development.
helping behavior is any form of action with the aim Eisenberg & Mussen (1989) explains that
of helping others without being planned. Staub prosocial behavior consists of various actions, such
(1978) explains that prosocial behavior consists of as sharing, cooperative, donating, helping ,
various forms of action that are done without a honesty), generosity, and considering the rights and
stranger or a specific purpose, entirely based on his prosperity of others. Knafo-Noam (2016) states that
own desires. Prosocial behavior refers to voluntary prosocial behaviors include helping, sharing,

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 91
entertaining,entertain, cooperate, and protect a learning in developing all child development is a
person from potential harm. But, most of early child moral cognitive-based project learning. This is
prosocial behavior are predominantly helping and because the learning process based on cognitive and
sharing during interaction with friends, rather than moral is an important aspect of learning activities
altruistic or highly-self sacrifyng (Eisenberg et al, for children. Lience (2016) explains that one of the
1992). developments to be developed in children is that
The implementation of the prosocial behavior cognitive development occurs internally within the
will be difficult if not plantedatthe early nerve center when the child is thinking. In addition,
stagebecause the main foundation of the planting of a very important aspect of development is moral
moral values will be more robust if done and development. Therefore, cognitive and moral
familiarized early on. If the social behavior is not development is a developmental aspect that can
cultivated since childhood it is feared will be develop a prosocial attitude in children, the more
embedded negativism behavior, aggression, often we think, the entire nerve cells will work
disagreement or quarrel, competition, selfish and optimally, and vice versa, so all the actions that will
still many other anti-social behaviors. be done by the child will be considered good. In
Therefore, we can conclude that prosocial other words, this cognitive moral-based project will
behavior is not instilled since childhood, it is feared instill social behavior in children, Dewey (1972)
will be the initial form of misbehavior and violence states that the project approach is a learning-doing
that occurred in adolescence that turned into anti- activity. Therefore the project approach improves
social behavior. In addition, the impact is worse for social competence. Social competence that is
children who are anti-social, including feeling formed through the project approach is the ability
great, do not have social care, act casually and of children to cooperate, respect each other, share,
much more. Based on the data obtained by the communicate, obey the rules or steps of activities in
Indonesian Child Protection Commission that an orderly manner, and to adapt with his fellow
stated, that in Indonesia since 2017 there were more group
than 8,200 child cases against the Law, including
cases of sexual harassment, bullying, logging,
fighting students and many other cases involving
children. (Source:, July 22, 2017). 2 PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR
The main thing we can do as educators and
parents is how to instill prosocial behavior towards 2.1. Definition of Prosocial Behavior
children from an early age. One way that teachers/
educators can do in school especially in Prosocial? Maybe for some people still feel foreign,
kindergarten is to choose a suitable learning this social behavior is one of the behavior that must
approach with the main purpose is to improve all be owned by each individual. Children who have
aspects of child development. One of the lessons social behavior will grow and develop into a good
that can develop all aspects of child development is person.
through cognitive moral based project learning. Some of the most frequent and frequently
Project-based learning is one of the learning discussed cases related to anti-social behavior are
activities that can be selected to develop the those pertaining to violations of existing rules and
principle of playing while learning and making the norms. Cases that are prevalent in the community
child a center in learning in early childhood with regard to this include, the persecution of
education. Dockett (2002) stated similarly that one elementary children by their own friends (Suara
program that can be done to develop a child- Merdeka, November 11, 2016, p.22), bullyingleads
centered and play strategy is by project approach. to death in elementary school children (Suara
In project learning activities, children are directly Merdeka, December 16, 2016, p.24), elementary
involved in choosing themes and topics of interest student killed in a fight with his friend (Suara
that interest and curiosity. Katz & Chard (1989) Merdeka, 28 July 2017, p.25), and many others. It
revealed that in the selection of learning topics can can be concluded that the lack of social behavior
be done individually or in groups, other than that among the society, and did not rule out the behavior
the child demanded to cooperate well, please help emerged based on past experience of the individual
and high discipline. Therefore a good project concerned in the previous period of development is

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the period of children, so it can be concluded that habituation is able to develop behavior pro child
the behavior is one indication of the existence of child.
children have no behavior Social so that the b) Interpreting the situation as an emergency. The
emergence is anti-social behavior. Pro social and second stage in which the child is able to interpret
anti-social behaviors of an embedded child will that this activity or circumstance can be
affect the child's personality after adulthood. A fun dangerous requires help, it is likely to be
experience can encourage children to be social, but interpreted as a needy victim.
an unpleasant experience will encourage children to c) Assume that it is his responsibility to help. At this
be non-social or even anti-social. (Hurlock 1978). stage the child is able to make the assumption that
Therefore prevention will be effective if done early, the other person or the person around him needs
and in this case start since the beginning of the his help, then the prosocial behavior will be done
formation of a person's personality since the only if the person takes responsibility to help.
children. Prosocial behavior can be said as a state or d) Knowing what to do. The next stage is where the
a sense in which want to help others without strings child knows what he should do to help the person
attached. Prosocial behavior alsocan be said as any he thinks needs his help.
form of action that without the desire to get the e) Make a decision to help. The next step is where
rewards are all because the sincere Rusthon (in the child must decide to help others who need his
Fathurohman 2016) explains that prosocial help, so the child feels that it is his responsibility
behavior is unselfish or selfless action until the act to provide help to others.
of helping others. In addition, Baron & Byrne f) Factors affecting prosocial behavior. In
(2005) revealed that prosocial behavior can be developing social behavior there is a child from
defined as behavior that has positive consequences an early age, we as an educator and parents need
for others and gives a good impact for the to pay attention to several factors that may affect
development of children. Furthermore Faturochman them is the approach/ method of learning by
(2006) also states prosocial behavior as a behavior teachers and parents and environmental situations
that has positive consequences on others.Based on that affect many at least opportunities for children
the above it can be concluded that prosocial to develop prosocial behavior. Dayakisni and
behavior is one of the behaviors that help others Hudaniah (2003) also explain that there are 2
without strings attached. Therefore, the childhood other factors that support the emergence of
or early age is the child's social life must be planted prosocial behavior, the first factor is a situational
into each child so that the child will be able to factor, which consists of the presence of others,
develop their own prosocial behavior either in the sacrifices to be spent, experience and mood,
home environment, around the house, school and stimulus clarity, existing social norms in that
other public places. environment. The second factor is the personal
factor, where the personality characteristics of a
person can indicate the possibility of the
emergence of prosocial behavior. This personal
2.2 Prosocial Behavior Indicators
factor can affect prosocial behavior such as self-
Prosocial behavior is an important behavior of gain, mood, guilt, self-distress and empathic
children, and according to Staub (1978) there are feelings. In line with this, Staub (1978) explains
three indicators of prosocial behavior, such as that factors that influence children prosocial
prosocial behavior ends in itself and does not behavior include self-gain, in which one's
demand a profit on the part of the perpetrator, expectation to gain or avoid loss of something,
prosocial behavior was born voluntarily, and for example, wants to gain recognition, praise or
prosocial behavior produces goodness. Related to fear of being ostracized. Both Personal values and
these three indicators, Latane & Darley (in Baron & norms, where the values and social norms are
Byrne 2005) explains that the social behavior of internalized by the individual during socialization
children is shown through several stages: and some of these values and norms are related to
a) Recognizing an emergency, or a stage of prosocial actions, such as the obligation to uphold
attention. Feels uncomfortable, good and truth and justice and the existence of mutual
dangerous so it can bring prosocial behavior to norms. And the third empathy or ability someone
emerge and develop, therefore activity to share feelings or experiences of others.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 93
Furthermore, Lience (2016) also explained that
moral cognitive education is one approach based on
the belief that every child should be able to learn
3 LEARNING BASED ON MORAL COGNITIVE things that are related to justice, honesty and so on
PROJECT so that their characters will develop maximum
3.1 Understanding of Moral Cognitive-Based In the implementation of moral-based learning
Project Learning activities, Haryati (2007) explains that in providing
materials related to the meaning of social life that is
The project approach is one of the learning full of religious, cultural, ethnic, racial or ethnic
approaches that can be done in the right diversity, social and other status, teachers and
kindergarten, because in the project approach the parents must be very careful and Do not let the
teacher can develop the principle of playing while child become confused, so it can be done through
learning and making the child a center in learning. examples / examples of good people around him
This is because in project-basedlearning, children this is because the child has a very good imitative
are involved in selecting learning topics that attract properties, and have a high curiosity. In addition,
attention and want to know more deeply can be the children's moral cognitive-based learning can be
done individually or in groups. This is in done through a habit of continuous habituation at
accordance with the statement of Dockett (2002) home or school, for example getting used to saying
which is one of the programs that can be done to "thank you" if given something or in the help of
develop play strategy and child-centered that is others, "please: if we need help from others,
with project approach. "Sorry" if we make mistakes, help parents at home
In addition, the teacher project's approach to or friends who have difficulties, share and respect,
focusing children as a subject of learning, giving and many more habits that can be in the early days.
children opportunities to learn and understand, Therefore, the learning approach that is able to
analyze, devise and seek solutions both individually develop cognitive development as well as the
and in groups. development of the child's moral/ moral is the
In addition, according to Katz & Chard (1989) approach of cognitive-based moral project.
the project-based approach has the goal of acquiring
knowledge and skills, increasing social
competence, developing disposition or character, 3.2 Cognitive Moral-Based Project Learning Steps
and developing feelings. In addition through a In carrying out activities or learning activities that
project approach the child is able to acquire use the project approach, teachers can do some
knowledge and skills through his own experience. learning steps such as: (Katz & Chard 1989).
This is fit with Piaget's constructivist theory which
views children as active learners and thinkers
3.2.1 Selecting a Topic
(Jamaris 2010).
Children build their knowledge through various The first step that can be done in the learning
activities in order to understand the relationship of activities that use the project approach is to choose
objects and ideas contained in the object itself so the topic. Topics should be something concrete and
that children can understand its meaning. This goal close to the child's environment. According to Katz
develops the cognitive abilities of children & Chard (1989) the topic in the project approach
maximally, in addition to the implementation of must be concrete, close to the child's personal
learning activities project approach is able to experience, interesting, important to the children,
develop moral ability, because in addition to solid in terms of potential emotionally and
children are taught to think children are taught to intellectually so that the child gained rich
cooperate with each other, mutual help, caring and experience and can be done in the long run.
responsible mutual respect, sharing, Teachers and children can discuss topics and reach
communicating, complying the rules or steps of agreement.
action in an orderly manner, and to adapt to his or
her peers. The activity is based on cognitive-moral
education. 3.2.2 Exploration
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 94
The second stage to do is to explore. Children are to form a good personality for later adult children.
stimulated to express questions, comments and One approach to schooling that can be done is a
ideas relating to the chosen topic. Teachers with cognitive-based project approach. This is because
children record the results of child exploration in the project approach is one approach that is able to
the form of ideas, questions and comments that develop the entire development of children, in
have been submitted from the discussion. addition to the project approach is very suitable
with children because this activity is packed in the
playground activities while learning. With the
growth of prosocial behavior in children from an
3.2.3 Organizing
early age is expected to reduce the social problems
The third stage is organizing. This stage is the stage that occur rampantly.
of children's ideas and questions developed into
learning activities for further exploration. The ideas 6 REFERENCES
are then documented through images, construction,
photographs, writing and video cassettes. At this Baron, R.A., & Byrne, D. 2005. Psikologi sosial [Social
stage reflection and repetition takes place, children psychology] (2nd edition). Jakarta: Erlangga Press.
are guided to gain a deeper experience of the Dewey, J. 1972. Experience and education. New York, NY:
Collier Books.
chosen topic. Dockett, S. 2002. Play and pedagogy in early childhood
bending the rules. Australia: Nelson Australia.
Eisenberg, N. & Mussen, P.H. 1989. The roots of prosocial
behavior in children. New York, NY: Cambridge
3.2.4 Discussion or representation. University Press.
Eisenberg, N. et al. 1992. Parental values, reinforcement, and
The fourth stage is the stage in which children young children’s prosocial behaviors: A longitudinal
share, find solutions, answers and share the child's study. The Journal of Genetic Psychology 153(1): 19-36.
feelings about the process of the activities Eisenberg, N. et al. 1996. The relations of children’s
experienced when searching for information on the dispositional prosocial behavior to emotionality,
topic being selected. The results of these regulation, and social functioning. Child development
67(3): 974-992.
observations are then compared and contrasted with Faturochman. 2006. Pengantar psikologi sosial [Introduction
earlier ideas previously noted. to social psychology] (R. Djuwita Trans.). Yogyakarta:
Pustaka Publisher.
Haryati, M. 2007. Model dan teknik penilaian pada tingkat
satuan pendidikan [Assessment models and techniques at
3.2.5 Summary of experience education unit level]. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press.
Hurlock, E. 1987. Perkembangan anak [Child Development]
The fifth or final stage of the project approach is a (Meitsari Tjandrasa, Muslichah Zarkasih Trans.). Jakarta:
summary of experience, at this stage representing Erlangga Publisher.
the culmination of a whole series of children's Jamaris, M. 2010. New orientation in educational psychology.
experiences in exploring the topic of discussion. Jakarta: Penamas Murni Foundation
The teacher evaluates the children, considering Katz & Chard. 1989. Engaging children’s mind: the project
approach. New Jersey: Ablex.
what the child is learning and what will be Knafo-Noam, A. 2016. Prosocial behavior. Jerusalem:
achieved. Margareth & Wallace McCain Family Foundation.
Lience, M. 2016. Development of character education of early
childhood children in the family. Retrieved from
5 CONCLUSIONS karakter-anak-usia-dini-dalam-maria-lience
Masten, A.S & Coatsworth, J.D. 1998. The development of
competence in favorable and unfavorable environment:
Growing prosocial behavior in early childhood is Lessons from research on sucsessfull children. American
one of the developments that must be done by Psychologist 53: 205-220.
teachers/assistants at school and parents at home. Staub, E. 1978. Positive social behavior and morality:
Prosocial abilities include the ability of children to personal and social influences. New York, NY: Academic
help others selflessly and emphasize yourself, the 2017. Violence against children. Retrieved from
ability of children to be able to predict the events
that need help. Prosocial behavior in children able children. August 05, 2017

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 95
The benefits of educational tales in teacher and student perspective
M. N. Wangid, A. Mustadi, N. L. R. Herianingtyas, A. R. Putri, I. Nurhidayah, & T. Mulyani
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze teacher and student perspectives on educational fairy tales as
instructional learning materials. The research was a survey study which involved 20 teachers and 400 students
of grade IV in an elementary school in Yogyakarta Province. The data collection techniques used were
questionnaires and interviews. In data processing, researchers used descriptive statistical data analysis
techniques. This technique was used because the data collection was done by spreading questionnaires and the
way of processing with percentage calculation. The results show that teachers and students have a high
positive perspective on the presence of educational fairy tales as learning support teaching materials. It is
known that the teacher gives a percentage of 91.50% and students 98.00% in terms of attractiveness of
educational fairy tales. While on the aspect of the utilization of educational fairytale books as teaching
materials, teachers and students provide a percentage of 92.50% and 93.00% respectively. In its usefulness for
building character value, the teacher gives the percentage of 97,75% and the student equal to 86.00% with the
category of Very Good, then on the utilization aspect of educational fairy tale to the development of cognitive
ability of the child, the teacher gives the percentage of 92.00% and the student 88.75% included in the
category of Very Good. This means that both teachers and students have a high perspective that a fairy tale
containing educational elements can generate a sense of interest, be useful in learning, be a medium of
character values in children and can stimulate the development of cognitive abilities of children.

1 INTRODUCTION schools of the 2013 curriculum organizers, including

elementary schools in Yogyakarta Province.
Science and mathematics as subjects which are Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year
taught in elementary school have an important role 2005 Article 43 paragraph (5) states that “The
in cognitive development of students such as content worthiness, language, presentation and
increasing curiosity, the ability to observe the subject textbook graphic that are assessed by
environment, developing intellectual abilities and National Education Standards Agency and stipulated
building basic experience to understand broader by Ministerial Regulation.” The criteria of eligibility
concepts of science and mathematics. The ideal standards include content, language, presentation,
science and mathematics learning needs to be and graphic aspects. Nevertheless, a number of
supported by teaching materials, especially in questions arise in our minds about how the thematic
primary school. A number of theories explain that role of the teacher is viewed as practitioners and
teaching materials need to have the ability to explain students as readers. Aspects such as legibility,
theories to students in an easy way. attractiveness, and ease of understanding need to be
Teaching materials are a systematically arranged examined to reveal whether there is a need for
component that presents some of the competencies complementary teaching materials and what the
that will be mastered by students Based on the shape should look like.
opinion, the teaching materials are arranged by both A preliminary study conducted to find out the
teachers and academics having a goal to facilitate responses of teachers and students in thematic books
students to master a competence. Teaching materials used in schools found a number of facts that have
consist of 3 (three) types of printed material, visual implications on the conclusions of several aspects of
and audio.Most schools in Yogyakarta Province use unfilled teaching materials. The study involved
printed materials developed by academics within the subjects spread across 5 (five) public primary
Ministry of Education. The thematic textbooks are schools in Yogyakarta Province including teachers
the main print materials used in all the elementary and students. In an effort to focus on response

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 96
analysis, preliminary studies are limited to teachers provide motivating and challenging experiences
and students in the fourth grade of the Curriculum appropriate to the age, social and social development
2013 at Yogyakarta Province. This study reveals 4 of the learner, (2) Evoke sensitivity of critical
(four) aspects of the teaching material’s 'worthiness responses, (3) Well structured, (4) Have reading
in the teacher and students' perspective, covering qualities, (5) Use effective and responsive language
content, language, presentation, and graphic aspects. and use the daily language, (6) The way for students
The results can be seen in the following diagram. to understand social, historical, geographic and
cultural diversity, and (7) Develop sensitivity and
100,00% understanding that reflect individual differences.
90,00% This criterion refers to how textbooks that should be
80,00% read by children have a wide range of not only
70,00% material but also stimulate reflection, the formation
of self-concept and sensitivity to the surrounding
40,00% environment. This particular criterion has actually
30,00% been presented in the thematic book but due to the
20,00% unfulfilled eligibility (readability, attractiveness and
10,00% ease of matter) in the reader's view, the character
0,00% education material becomes blurred.
Both in the view of Tarigan and the Foundation
for Atlantic Canada of ELA, reading that is able to
continually stimulate the reader' to read while the
content (material & character education) in the book
Figure 1.Teacher & Student Response Charts on gives a new experience to the reader, that it is not
Thematic Books only interesting but also easy to understand, so that
the content in the book is well conveyed only by
Based on the preliminary study results are shown reading the book either independently or structured
in Chart 1.1. It is known that from the expected in the learning activities.
standard (100%) of the four aspects, the highest In future classes, textbooks will contain
percentage of 76% was reached in the presentation assignments covering problem solving, research and
of the book. Of the rest, the ease of the material to analysis, and the learning uses various proponent
be understood was only 65%, readability 61% and literature (Pahl et al. 2012). It is not possible if the
design attractiveness only 53%. The meaning is that, complementary materials arefiction, science books
in the view of teachers and students, thematic books or adventure tales that students are interested in.
still do not fill the needs of teachers and students as A survey conducted by Mitchell in 1998 found
practitioners and readers. The results of this that elementary school aged children liked fictional
preliminary study finally answer the first question adventure reading, both boys and girls. Adventure
that there is still a need for complementary teaching fiction books are always interesting to read not only
materials to support the learning process in primary for children but also for adults. Another question
schools. arises about how useful this is.
There are 13 criteria of ideal textbooks which Fictional stories have a deep reaching power to
were: (1) Having a clearly used concept, (2) command emotions, force engagement and endless
Relevant to the curriculum, (3) Attracting the reading. This is one of the ways to think, basically in
reader's attention (4) Able to motivate the reader, (5) organizing information and ideas, understanding a
Stimulating learners activities, (6) Having attract culture and stimulating human consciousness (Livo
illustration, (7) Understanding must be preceded by 2003). Stories are a way for people to know,
appropriate communication, (8) Content to support remember and understand something. By
other subjects, (9) Respecting individual differences, understanding a story, the reader can understand a
(10) Trying to establish the values prevailing in phenomenon presented in the story. If the story is
society, (11) Considering linguistic aspects about war, then the reader will also be invited to
according to the ability of learners using, (12) Not know the strategy of war, living the nuances in war,
using mistify concept, (13) Having a clear point of and taking wisdom in the story. Stories of any kind
view. According to Tarigan’s point of view on the give readers the opportunity to gain new experiences
ideal textbook criterion, it can be assumed that the and new knowledge simultaneously.
ideal textbook needs to give the reader the benefit of Then, there is a fairy tale which is a form of a
experiencing a new experience that adds knowledge fictional story close to the children, thus a fairy tale
and is interesting to read. which has educational value can be a reference form
The Foundation for the Atlantic Canada English of development of teaching materials. However, it is
Language Arts Curriculum (ELA) (1996) explained important to know how important the book of fairy
the literacy criteria for children are: (1) the ability to tales is in the student’s perceptions, and the teacher

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 97
as a subject close to the student. Therefore, this material in learning emerged. The results shown are
study was conducted to reveal how educational fairy as follows in Table 1.
tales as teaching materials are in the views of
teachers and students. The purpose of this study is to Table 1. Teacher and Student Perspective
know the perspective of teachers and students about Perspective
the attractiveness of educational fairy tales as Aspect
Teacher Category Student Category
teaching materials, the use of educational fairy tales The
as learning materials, the effectiveness of attractivene
Very Very
educational fairy tales in the formation of children's ss of the 91.50% 98.00%
Good Good
character values, and the usefulness of educational educative
fairy tales in cognitive development of children. The use of
Very Very
tale as a 92.50% 93.00%
The research was a survey study, using cross- The use of
sectional survey design. The purpose of using this educational
design was to collect teacher and student tale
Very Very
towards the 97.75% 86.00%
perspectives about the benefits of educational tales. values of
Good Good
2.1 Research sampling character
The population of the research was teachers and benefits of
students of grade IV of an elementary school in educational
Yogyakarta Province. The research involved 20 tale Very Very
92.00% 88.75%
teachers and 400 students as sampling respondents. towards Good Good
The respondents were choosen by purposive child's
sampling technique only involving students and ability
teachers in an Indonesian curriculum pilot project
Based on Table 1 it can be seen that teachers and
2.2 Data collecting students have a positive perspective on the presence
of fairytale books that are educative as a supporting
The research was carried out from July to September material in learning. Some perspectives are among
2016 and collected data using two basic forms: others: The teacher gives a percentage of
questionnaire and interview. The data was attractiveness of educational fairy tale of 91.50%
completed in two ways with respondents (teachers and students 98.00%, with both of the categories as
and students) answering paper based questionnaires Very Good, while the utilization of educational fairy
and the researcher doing individual interviews (only tales in the learning of the teacher gives a percentage
for teachers). of 92.50% and students 93.00%, both included in the
Very Good category. Teachers and students also
2.3 Data analyze have a high perspective on the usefulness of
The data collecting was in quantitative type and educational fairy tales to inculcate the values of the
categorized in 3 (three) categories: Very Good, characters in children that is equal to 97.75% and
Good, Poor. In data processing, the researcher used 86.00% in the category of Very Good. Furthermore,
the technique of statistical analysis of descriptive the aspects of educational fairy tale on the cognitive
data. This technique was used because the data abilities of children also gets a positive response
collection was done by spreading questionnaires and both from teachers and students, the teacher gives a
the way of processing with percentage calculation. percentage of 92.00% and 88.75% for students, so
both are included in the Very Good category.
The results of the survey above show that when
3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION viewed from the point of view of teachers and
students, fairy tales have several benefits. In terms
Based on the results of questionnaires and interviews of attractiveness, fairy tales that are essentially
conducted by 20 teachers and 400 students, a large literary works are considered very interesting,
positive perspective from teachers and students to especially if it contains elements of education.
the presence of a book of fairy tales as a supporting

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 98
A clear description of the survey results can be simple understandable language in primary and
seen in the following Figure 2: preschools mathematics education, at the same time
100,00% putting stress on these connections and so on. Of the
98,00% systemic course of mathematics." The tale includes a
94,00% Teacher number of ideas that help children gain math
92,00% Perspective
90,00% knowledge about the world around them. The tale
88,00% Student not only develops children's imagination but also
86,00% Perspective
84,00% develops their skills to use these math connections.
80,00% Fairy tales as a medium for conferring subject matter
has also been studied previously by Ipriansyah
(2011), he proved that fairy tales can be used as a
means of entertainment and education. Through
fairy tales, children will get entertainment as well as
the educational values contained in it including as a
medium of conveyance of subject matter.
In the perspective of teachers and students, it is
Figure 2. Teacher and Student Perspective also known that fairy tales containing educational
elements can have a positive impact on students'
The attractiveness of educational fairy tales in cognitive abilities. Tales that contain adventure
this case are: (1) display and illustration of books, elements can bring children new experiences in the
(2) stories and figures presented, (3) communicative process of imagination. In the stage of development,
language presentation. Saxby (1991) states that “a elementary school age children need more
good book will make the reader hear, feel, and see.” imaginative books that have a story line, so when
Referring to this idea, it is well known that a good reading the child feels to have an experience and
book will make the reader able to hear, feel, and see. find knowledge through the process of a fun
Books of fairy tales, according to teacher and imagination. “Fairy tales strengthen the power of
student perspectives, are good books because they emotion, develop the power of imagination, train the
can bring their readers to hear, feel, and see, memory, and exercise the reason” (Kready 2004
especially if they contain an educational element that p.11). A fairy tale strengthens the emotional power,
is more interesting. Students can not only be develops the power of the imagination, retains the
entertained and imagined with the fantasy elements mind, and trains the students to be able to construct a
presented in fairy tales, but also get the educational reason. This means that the children's fairy tales are
values reflected in them. The emergence of a high able to develop their thinking skills including
sense of interest from students to educational fairy imagination, recall, to reason, thus directing the
tales can be a trigger of meaningfulness of student child to have critical thinking skills.
learning when using a book of fairy tales. A fairytale Through a fairy tale, the child's critical thinking
book containing educational elements will also be ability can be stimulated when the fairy tale provides
very useful as a supporting book of learning, opportunities for the child to help solve problems
especially if the material presented in it is a subject and take decisions from the results of their series of
matter that is being studied by the students. Lesson analysis of the story in the fairy tale, in this case. A
material brought through the fairy tale can provide a goal of using fairy tales as creative case examples is
sense of interest to students, providing convenience to deepen students’ understanding of the often
to students to understand the material, and generate complex nature of ethical decision making. Case
meaningfulness of students in learning. Therefore, examples can be used as a vehicle to assist students
based on the results of the survey, it is known that in developing problem-solving skills (Henderson &
teachers and students have a great perspective on the Malone 2012). Through their experiences in the
presence of fairy tales that also present the subject fairy tale, the critical case presented can make it
matter so that it can be used as a learning support easier for children to understand a complex problem
book. Not only can they entertain students but also and become a consideration in making decisions, so
facilitate and generate meaningful learning to the story in the fairy tale can be used as a child's
students. vehicle to develop problem-solving skills. Therefore,
The presence of the fairy tale book as the delivery fairy tales can make children's mental processes
of the subject matter has been researched earlier by develop, as they will be facilitated to make judgment
Andersone (2009). He states that "Fairy-tales in making decisions on the issue. Being skilled in
include a number of notions which help children get making rational, relevant, and logical decisions is
mathematical notions about the surrounding world, part of the critical thinking aspect, so it is implicitly
its variety and glory. Fairytales not only develop understood that the child's critical thinking ability
children's imagination but also develop their skills to can be developed through fairy tales.
use mathematical connections and basic notions in a
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In addition, the fairy tale is also an action or a illustrates that almost all fairy tales carry a moral
wise and intelligent way to educate and advise the message, and this is proof that the fairy tale is not
child (Utomo 2013). Fairy tales can provide a only entertainment but also educational.
satisfying effect on the need for imagination and The fairy tale as a medium to instill the child's
child fantasies. Children will be more fun in character values has been proven earlier that the
listening to fairy tales containing advice and fairy tale has a good impact on the spiritual and
teachings or upbringing. These positive desires and cognitive development of children, the fairy tales
attitudes will certainly have an impact on the child's provide opportunities for children to understand the
personal development. Therefore, fairy tales can be a conflicts in the story that can enhance the spiritual
medium to instill the values of characters in and intellectual experience they have. Based on the
students, as shown in the perceptive of teachers and results of this research, the next step that needs to be
students. The meaning is that, in addition to done is to develop a book of fairy tales that can
providing a strength, the fairy tale also gives empirically facilitate the cognitive, psychomotoric,
pleasure to the child, fairy tales bring joy into child and affective aspects of children in an integrated
life. The mission of joy has not been fully preached, way through a science-based book that provides
but we know that joy works toward physical health, opportunities for children to develop the three
mental brightness, and moral virtue (Kready 2004). aspects through various learning activities.
It appears that fairy tales can bring pleasure in a
child's life. The pleasure is not only to be felt, but to
have an effect on the physical health, mental 4 CONCLUSIONS
development, and moral of the child. Thus, fairy
tales provide an opportunity for children to build Based on the survey results, it can be seen that
their personality from the experiences they teachers and students have a very positive
experience through reading. perspective on the presence of educational fairytale
Students will understand the values or messages books to be used as a supporting book in learning. It
conveyed in fairy tales through their emotional is known that the teacher gives a percentage of
experiences. “A critical consideration of the 91.50% and students 98.00% in terms of
messages that fairy tales and stories may carry” attractiveness of educational fairy tales. Teachers
(Tesar et al. 2016 p.1). The exemplary message and students also have the point of view that
contained in fairy tales is usually hidden or implied, educational fairy tales have enormous usefulness in
for example in the form of images or persuasive learning, one of which can be used as a supporting
stories. book, so the teacher in this case provides a
Thus, a fairy tale provides an opportunity for the percentage of 92.50% and students 93.00%. In
child to reflect on himself, making it seem to be part addition, teachers and students also have the view
of the fairy tale so as to stimulate the emotion to live that fairy tales can also be used as media to instill
the example of the experience in the fairy tale. the values of the characters, the teacher gives a
Referring to this, it can be understood that as a percentage of 97.75% and students 86.00% in the
literary work, fairy tales are an effective medium for category of Very Good, then on the usefulness of the
inculcating various moral values, characters, social fairy tale of education to the childrens cognitive
norms, and ethics to children. Through the fairy tale abilities also got positive responses from both
of empathy, an exemplary character can be grown teachers and students, the teacher gives a percentage
and hopefully, the value and the message can be of 92.00% and students 88.75% included in the
applied by the child in his daily life. Fairy tales category of Very Good. This means that teachers
provide the context where the relationships between and students have a high perspective that a fairy tale
people are very simple and depicted in a containing educational elements can create a sense
comprehensible manner for young readers. The of interest, usefulness in learning, can be a medium
children get the right and wrong poles clear and of character values in children and can stimulate
since evil is always punished, it serves as a children’s cognitive abilities.
distracting example for them Teachers can present fairytale books that contain
Almost every fairy tale carries moral messages. It educational values in learning as instructional
is a proof that fairy tales are not mere entertainment learning materials to help students understand the
but also educate (Mikešová 2006). Reflecting on that subject matter being studied, to give meaningfulness
opinion, fairy tales provide a context for the to students, as a medium to instill character values
relationships between figures that are described and to stimulate the development of students
simply to be understood by the child. The child will cognitive abilities.
gain an understanding that the guilty person will get
a result or punishment, while the good will get
happiness. This serves to give examples to the child
about positioning himself a good character. This

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 100
5 REFERENCES Pahl, K. & Rowsell, J. 2012. Literacy and education:
Understanding the new literacy studies in the classroom
Andersone, R. 2009. Through fairy-tales to math in the lessons. 2nd edtion. California, CA: Sage Publications Ltd.
Acta Didactica Napocensia 2(2): 112-118. Livo, N.J. 2003. Bringing out their best values education and
Henderson, K.L. & Malone, S.L. 2012. Ethical fairy tales: character development through traditional tales. Westport,
Using fairy tales as illustrative ethical dilemmas with CT: A Division of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
counseling students. Journal of Creativity in Mental 7(1): Saxby, M. 1991. Give them wings: The experience ofchildren’s
64-82. literature. Melbourne: Macmillan Company of Australia.
Ipriansyah, I. 2011. Peran dongeng bagi perkembangan dan Tesar, M. et al. 2016. Forever young: Childhoods, fairy tales
pembentukan kepribadian anak [The role of the tale for the and philosophy. Global Studies of Childhood 6(2): 1-12.
development and the formation of the child's personality]. Utomo, S.B. 2013. Mendongeng dalam perspekif pendidikan
TA’DIB 10(1): 23-37. [Storytelling in educational perspective]. Jurnal Agastya
Kready, L.F. 2004. A study of fairy tales. Boston, MA: The 3(3): 12-24.
Riverside Press.
Mitchell, D. 2003. Children’s literature: An invitation to the
world. Boston, MA: Ablongman.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 101
Traditional game application in developing the value of child character

A. D.Gustiana, M. Agustin & H. Djoehaeni

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This research is conducted for the most fundamental problem which are still found some
preschool teachers who are too academic oriented in learning process and tend to ignore the psychological
aspect also the character value. In fact, now a days the character value of the nation has become in critical
level. This phenomenon is seen from a lot of fight among student, fight averrel among villagers and the like.
Such problem needs an exact and integrative solution also useful for many parties. One of the solution is by
building the character value since early childhood. Dealing with the character value building, further more the
learning application by traditional game for preschool age is seemingly appropriate. The method applied in
this research is an experimental quasi where the subject of the research is about 36 participants. Based on the
result of both groups gain data analysis, it is reached sig. score (0.04) < (0.05), so Ho is rejected meaning
that there significant difference of character value between experimental and control group. Observed from
the everage gain, the experimental group who applies traditional game is more effective in developing the
character value of preschool age child.

teachers; and (8) hatred and suspicion towards

1. 1 Research background Those traits revealed by Lickona is fitted with
Developing the basic potential of children this country condition. Therefore, it is inevitable
especially in certain character values such as, that the implementation of character values in
honest, tolerance, creativity, and responsibility education needs to be conducted. In line with this,
through appropriate and meaningful pedagogical Tillar (2002) stated that the last defender to
activity need to be conducted since childhood. conserve and also protect this nation as a whole is
While ignoring the implementation of this education.
character values will greatly impact to the loss of The character values stated are honest,
human generation. This could be systemic or even tolerance, discipline, friendly or hospital,
fatal loss to a nation (Lickona 1992). communicative, and hard-working. These values in
Moreover, Lickona revealed “terrifying” traits which this nation acquired is considered critical
when a nation loss these important character that fights between students, fights among the
values. Namely (1) the increasing of violence level society and etc happens a lot. These issues required
in society; (2) the viral of poor language, a clear-cut solution, integrative, and gainful for
swearwords, pornographic words and even leads to every aspect. One of the clear-cut solution this
“SARA” (offended the tribes, race and religion); study offers is to implement the character values
(3) a strong influence from their peer to perform since childhood.
violence that leads to a crime; (4)the increasing of It is undeniable that the learning activities in
self-destructive behavior such as, drugs, free sex, kindergarten supposed to be fun, meaningful, and
and alcohol; (5) guidelines of a good and bad passionate to gain children’s full potential
morale is getting blur; (6) the deterioration of work optimally. Besides, based on PP no 58 2010 it is
ethic; (7) decreases the respect towards parents and clear that childhood pedagogical foundation is the
development of character values applied through

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 102
One of this answer is through children’s developed by the school. As stated by Ramli
traditional game for instance congklak, ular (2001) that character education has the same root
tangga, galah asin and boy-boyan . These and meaning with moral education. Meanwhile
traditional game is almost eradicated because of Kirschenbaum (1995) mentioned a traits of an
the appearance of gadget. In fact, these traditional individual who has character values such as:
game is very useful in supporting the development respectful, responsible, care, discipline, loyal,
of children’s character values such as honesty, encourage, and tolerance. Good character
responsibility, and empathy (Herawati 2002). The individual has the knowledge to understand their
appearance of advance technology in human own potential which can be seen from their self-
lifestyle makes “manual” activity (traditional confidence, rational, logic, critical, analytic,
game) being ignored by most of the people and creative and innovative, independent, healthy
alternate to “automatic” activity (game/game lifestyle, responsible, patient, careful, forgoing,
online) including the children’s lifestyle. encourage, trustworthy, can keep a promise, fair,
humble, hospital, aesthetic, sportsmanship, and
1.2 Research questions
resolved. This individual can also have a full
The background stated above is focusing this consciousness to do the best and excel, and behave
research to apply traditional game “kaulinan based on their potential and consciousness.
budak” to develop character values in
2.1.2 The purpose of character education
kindergarten. In order to gain directive focus and
clear construct of this reseacrh, then the research The purpose of Character Education is (Kemdiknas
questions are as followed. Balitbang Puskur, 2010) to develop the learners
a. How is the profile of the character values in potential as human being and citizenship who
kindergarten B group of TK La Tanza and TK acquired cultural values and national character
laboratorium UPI 2015-2016? through pedagogical aspects, to develop a good
b. What kind of learning programs used with custom and behavior which are accordance to
traditional game in developing character values universal values and religious, to implement
toward TK laboratorium UPI 2015-2016 leadership and responsibility of a learners as youth
students? generation, to develop learners potential to become
independent, creative, national minded, and to
2 IS THERE SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE OF develop school environment as a safe, honest, full
(GAIN) IMPROVEMENT BETWEEN of creativity and friendly environment, and even
CONTROL AND EXPERIMENT GROUP’S patriotic and full of dignity.
2.1. 3 Method and character education principle
In order to reach its objective, the application the
2.1 Childhood character education concept
character education method needs an appropriate
2.1.1 Definition of character education method such as teaching, exemplary, and reflection
McCarrol (Megawangi 2004 p. 5) stated that (Megawangi 2004). Beside that the application
character is formed by regular drilling, this is in also require basic principles which can be
accordance with the meaning of character which understood by every individuals who conduct the
means “engrave”. Engraving itself needs process, character education. Those principals quoted from
skills and also precision from its sculptor to create based on Lickona (cited from Megawangi 2007,
a solid engrave as well as creating character itself pp. 145-147) with 11 principals that the character
so that it may attached strongly to the individuals. education should contain values that can build
Goleman (1995) said that character is emotional good character, defining this with comprehensive
intellectual, and Mulyana in Mubiar (2011) aspect such as thinking, feeling, and acting,
reaffirms that character is “a pattern of thoughts, requiring comprehensive approach and focus from
attitude and behavior that strongly attached to a each component, requiring morale leadership from
person and difficult to eradicate”. Based on the every aspect, cooperating with parents and society,
statements of experts above, it can be concluded and evaluating periodically.
that character is a pattern of behavior of an 2.1.4 Description of character education values
These are character values with the description
Thus, character education is an education which
included which will be integrated through
applies principals and methodology to build life
character education (Kemendiknas, 2010: 10) are
skill towards the learners through curriculum
as followed
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Table 2.1 Values and Description of Character Education
No Character values Description

Obedience attitude and behavior in performing religion teaching, tolerance and harmony
a Religious
towards other
a behavior as an effort to build individual to become a trustworthy individual in their
b Honesty
statement, attitude, and serices.
Attitude and behavior which is respectful towards other race, religion, ethnic, opinion,
c Tolerance
behavior and attitude.

d Discipline Attitude which shows order and obedient towards provision and regulation.

Attitude which shows earnest against learning and duty obstacles, and do the best in every
e Hard Working
task given.

f Creative Thinking and performing everything to produce innovative ways.

g Independent Attitude and behavior to complete the task independently.

A way of thinking, behaving, and acting which shows an equality between rights and
h Democratic
obligation towards themselves and others.

i Curiosity An effort to understand deeper and wider from something they learn, observe, and hear.

A way of thinking, behaving, and acting which puts national interest against the interest of
j Patriotic
individual and even group.

A way of thinking, behaving, and acting which shows loyalty, carefulness, and high
k Homeland Loyalty
appreciation towards language, physical environment, social, culture, and national politics.

Attitude and behavior to encourage themselves to produce useful means for the society, to
l Achievement Appreciation
admit and to respect other achievements.

m Friendly/Communicative Attitude which shows talkative, easy going, and cooperative individual.

n Peace Loving Attitude, statements, and measures of action which create safe and joy over the individual.

o Intensive Reading A custom to spend the time with a lot of reading activities.

Measures of action and attitude to prevent environmental damage and developing certain
p Environment Involvement
efforts to preserve environment.

Measures of action and attitude to provide aids towards the society and those who in
q Social Involvement

Attitude and behavior of individual to perform the task and mandatory who have been done
r Responsibility towards themselves, society, environment (nature, social, culture), nation, and the
Almighty God.

2.2 Traditional game concept certain areas, which contains cultural values and
society norms and passes from generation to
2.2.1 The definition of traditional game
generation. With traditional game, the
According to Kurniati (2016, p. 2) traditonal game development aspect will stimulate the children and
is a playing activity which grows and develops in also their feeling of joy while preserving national

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 104
culture. Moreover Kurniati stated that generally Figure 3.1 Nonequivalent Control Groups Design
traditional game provide happines for those who (Sugiyono, 2008: 79)
perform it. 3.2 Location and participants
2.2.2 Kinds of traditional game This research was conducted in TK La Tanza
Kinds of traditional game accroding to Cultural which takes place in Sariwangi West Bandung
Values Directorat (Kurniati 2016, p. 3) explained District and TK Laboratorium UPI Bandung. The
that traditional society game divided into three participants of this research are B group consists of
gourps, (1) game of strategy such as, galah asin; 36 children ranging from 5-6 years. They are 20
(2) game of physical game bakiak for instance; (3) children from TK La Tanza and 16 children from
game of change such as oray-orayan. TK Laboratorium UPI. The author of this research
decided that TK La Tanza as control group and TK
2.2.3 The benefits of Traditional Game laboratorium UPI as experiment group.
Traditional game provides meaningful benefits
3.3 Research instruments
such as stimulating child’s development, arrange
a good peer social relationship, educate children The arrangement of this research Instrument is
against conflict management and learn to reveal based on variables and variables indicator. The
the solution, implementing cooperation aspect, instruments used in this research is direct
togetherness, discipline, and honesty (Kurniati observation to evaluate character values
2016, p. 3). objectively using Likert’s scale with 3 alternatives
in order to measure the children acquired abilities
such as (incapable), (less capable), (capable).
3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Description of instruments to reveal
kindergarten character values are explained as
3.1 Research methodology
There are several Reseacrh methodology which are
oftenly used by researchers in conducting their Table 3.1 Instruments of kindergarten character
research to reveal the solution against its issues. values
They are historic, descriptive, and experiment Indicator Sub- Indicator
method. This research used experiment method Honesty Attitude based on effort to
which is quasi experiment method. The definition encourage the individual to
become trustwothy person .
of this is stated by Arikunto (1992,p. 31) that Tolerance Attitude and behavior which is
“experiment is a means to seek cause and effect respectful towards other race,
relationship between two variables emerged by the religion, ethnic, opinion,
researchers themselves with eliminating other behavior and attitude.
unimportant variables”. Meanwhile Sugiyono Disciplne Attitude which shows order and
obedient towards provision and
(2008,p. 4) stated “experiment is a research which regulation .
focuses to seek certain influence from variables Curiosity An effort to understand deeper
againts other variables in a firmly controlled and wider from something they
situation. From the two opinions above, it can be learn, observe, and hear.
concluded that experiment method is a series of Friendly/ Attitude which shows talkative,
Communicat easy going, and cooperative
experiment activity as a means to investigate issue ive individual
to acquire solution. Hard Attitude which shows
There are two designs of quasi experiment Working earnest against learning and
method, time series design and nonequivalent duty obstacles, and do the best
control group design (Sugiyono 2008, p. 73). This in every task given.
research used nonequivalent design. This research
conducted in two classes (a) experiment class and 3.4 Data Analyzing Technic
(b) control class. Both class treated differently,
control class used conventional learning The data analyzing technic uses independent t-test
meanwhile experiment class used educative game or mann-whitney depends on normality test. If the
method. data considered as normally distributed then t-test
The design of this research is as followed : will be used, otherwise mann-whitney will be used
𝑶𝟏 X 𝑶𝟑 if the data considered abnormal distributed. SPSS
17.0 will be used as data measurement.
𝑶𝟐 𝑶𝟒

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4 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND RESULT Table 4.3 Normality Test Result of control and
experiment group
4.1 Result
Tests of Normality
The result of this research will be explained Kolmogorov-
through collected data between control and Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
experiment group. Moreover, the result can be seen Character Statisti Statisti
Values c Df Sig. c Df Sig.
on table 4.1 and 4.2. *
Gain Experime .113 20 .200 .962 20 .582
nt group
Table 4.1 The improvement of character values in Control .197 16 .099 .931 16 .253
every aspects of control group’s result group
Pretest Postest a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
No. Percent Perce *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
Variable Total Total
age ntage
1 Honesty 143 59.6 % 183 76.2% Based on the data above, both data is confirmed
2 Tolerance 169 58.6 % 218 75.6% as normally distributed so that t-test can be
conducted. The t-test result will be shown in the
3 Discipline 143 59.5 % 182 75.8% table 4.4.
4 Curiosity 119 62 % 182 76%
Table 4.4 Gain Data of Experiment and Control
5 mmunicati 175 60.8 % 217 75.4% Group
ve Independent Samples Test
Hard Levene's Test
6 115 59.9 % 145 75.0%
working for Equality of t-test for Equality of
Variances Means
Meanwhile the improvement from every aspects Sig. (2-
of experiment group’s character values can be seen F Sig. t df tailed)
below Gain Equal 6.462 .016 2.131 34 .040
Equal 2.025 23.846 .054
Table 4.2 The improvement of character values in not
every aspects of experiment group’s result assumed
According to the data shown above, it shows
Pretest Postest that sig. 0.04 < 0.05 then h0 can be rejected which
Sub Variable Percen Tot Percenta
. Total means there is a significance improvement among
tage al ge
1 Honesty 179 59.7 % 255 85 % character values between two groups. Thus, it can
2 Tolerance 215 60 % 302 83.9 % be stated that traditional game is considered
3 Discipline 178 58.3 % 252 84 % effective in improving or developing the character
4 Curiosity 147 61.2 % 198 82.5 % values. The table below will describe clearly
Friendly/Comm regarded to the results
5 219 61 % 298 82.8 %
6 Hard Working 141 59% 197 82.1%

Based on table above, it can be seen that each

aspects of character values both in control and 50 Experiment
experiment group is improved. However, the group
improvement is slightly significant appeared in Control Group
experiment group than in control group. 0

The result of normality test from both group is



bigger than 0.05 which means both data are

distributed normally. It can be seen clearly in the
table below
Figure 4.1 Improvement chart (Gain) experiment and control
group in each dimensions

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 106
4.2 Findings smaller than (0.05). This means that there is significant
different of character values between experiment and
4.2.1 Character values profile in control and control group. It can be concluded that traditional game
experiment group is effective in improving the character values. This is in
Based on the pretest result, it is shown that the average line with Kurniati (2016:3) that traditional game has
score of character values from control group is 54. meaningful benefits such as stimulating children’s
Meanwhile experiment is 53.95. This average score can development, creating social relationship, educating
be categorized as (enough/less capable) towards both children to deal with management conflict and learn to
kindergarten. Thus, a measure of action is needed to solve the conflict, cooperative, togetherness, discipline,
improve childhood’s character values. and honesty. Besides, the traditional game itself
contains moral values which becomes the root of the
4.2.2 The application of traditional game in experiment ancestors’ creation and preservation. This moral values
and control group in improving children’s character is in line with character education so it can be
values concluded that traditional game is very suitable
The preparation started with planning the activity methods to improve character values.
itself, before the research is conducted, the author
prepared everything regarded to the needs of this 5 CONCLUSION
research. The preparation by the author such as weekly
learning program, daily learning program, and Based on the result of this research shown in the
determine the learning theme, learning media findings, it can be concluded that:
(congklak, bakiak and other supportive source), a. The profile of character values in control group is
preparing the teacher. 54 while experiment is 53.95 which is categorized
Based on two weeks observation, starting from as “less capable/enough”.
preparation phase or pre-game, in the middle of playing b. The Application of traditional game in experiment
games, and also assessing the activity are considered group performed systematically started with
systemic and well prepared, adjusted from the planning to evaluating. In planning phase, the
objectives which has been ruled by the teacher. The teacher and students were informed by the
traditional game used in this process to reveal the researchers. Creating the weekly program planning
character values towards the children are oray-orayan, (RPPM)and daily program planning(RPPH). In
bakiak, bancakan, congklak, and galah asin. whilst phase, the researchers is supported by the
teacher to hold 6 meetings. Pretest was conducted
4.2.3 The improvement of character values between to reveal the participants condition before
experiment and control group after the application of treatment. The last is evaluating through posttest to
traditional game reveal the influence of traditional game towards
Based on posttest score, it is shown that the average children character values.
score of experiment group is 75,1 increases by 21.15 c. There is significant difference against the
from 53.95 of pretest score. The improvement of improvement of tha character values between
experiment group is bigger than control group that control and experiment. Traditional game is
acquire 14.19. The t-test is also shown that gain effective in imroving and developing childhood
between control and experiment is sig. (0.04) which is character values.

6 REFERENCE solution for building a nation]. Jakarta: Indonesia

Heritage Foundation.
Arikunto, S. 1992. Prosedur penelitian [Research Megawangi, R. 2007. 9 pilar karakter [9 pillar of character].
procedure]. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Jakarta: Indonesia Heritage Foundation.
Goleman, D. 1995. Emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Kirschenbaum, H. 1995. 100 ways to enhance values and
Bantam Book. morality in schools dan youth settings. Massachusetts,
Herawati. 2002. Upaya meningkatkan kecerdasan MA: Allys & Bacon
interpersonal anak usia dini melalui pemainan Ramli, Z, T. 2001. Pendekatan-pendekatan pendidikan nilai
tradisional [Efforts to increase early interpersonal dan implementasi dalam pendidikan budi pekerti [Value
intelligence through traditional games]. Unpublished education approaches and implementation in character
thesis. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Education]. Retrived from
Kurniati, E. 2016. Permainan tradisional Jawa Barat [The (
West Java’s traditional games]. Bandung: Prenada. (Diunduh 27 November 2010)
Lickona, T. 1992. Educating for character: how our schools Sugiyono. 2008. Metode penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif dan
can teach respeect and responsibility. New York, NY: R&D [qualitative quantitative research methods and R &
Bantam Book. D]. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Megawangi, R. 2004. Pendidikan karakter, solusi yang tepat Tilaar, M. 2000. Budaya dan pendidikan nasional [Culture
untuk membangun bangsa [Character education, the right and national education]. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 107
Model of Pancasila education with feminis perspective
C. W. Murdiati, B.W. Suliantoro & M.D. Susilawati
Universitas Atma Jaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Pancasila education is a medium of determining the character of students, but unfortunately the
teaching materials that have been used still contain gender bias. The value of womens struggle as well as na-
tional and international conventions that lead to gender equality awareness has not received reasonable atten-
tion. The learning process in the classroom is still less gender sensitive. This study aims to create new innova-
tions in the form of teaching materials and teaching methods of Pancasila Education that is fairer and
concerning more in gender equality, and further will be applied in Higher Education. The research model was
conducted by combining literature research with field research, collected data was analyzed using elements of
philosophical method in the form of: interpretation, internal coherence, holistic, historical continuity and heu-
ristic. The result of the research showed that the limitations of information, the reversal of historical facts, the
political struggle and the strength of the patriarchal culture are the root of the problems causing the substance
of Pancasila education becomes gender biased.

The substance contained in some teaching mate-

rials is comprehensive enough, although unfortu-
Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 12 of nately the way of presentation is still one-sided. The
2012 on Higher Education explicitly mentions the education of Pancasila is still gender biased, because
subject of Pancasila Education as a compulsory sub- the participation of women from the struggling era
jects must be held in every college given all courses. to post-independence did not receive a reasonable
The government views the importance of students as appreciation. The Indonesian historians have not yet
the future leaders of the nation given the values of clearly positioned women’s position and active role
Pancasila so that attitudes, worldviews and behavior in the nation's history. The contribution and struggle
of society, nation and state become increasingly hu- of Indonesian women in achieving independence
manist. The government’s seriousness is visible and how their contributions to improve women's po-
from the efforts undertaken, namely in 2012, the sitions before and after the independence have never
Working Unit of the Directorate of Learning and been the focus of historian’s attention (Sadli 2010).
Student Affairs Directorate General of Higher Edu- National and international conventions that lead to
cation (Dikti) offers a grant of writing teaching ma- gender equality and justice processes are not widely
terials that succeeded in generating e-books in the disclosed. The nation’s policy making is sometimes
subject of Pancasila that can be uploaded in Dikti not gender-responsive to the detriment of women
WEB. Some institutions and educational experts are (Kinnon 1987). Science that is included in the cur-
trying to support by publishing textbooks such as: riculum on campus is often still absent from the
Pancasila Studies Center of Parahyangan Catholic knowledge of women's lives (Amirudin 2008).
University "Pancasila Kekuatan Pembebas " (2012), Among philosophers, scientists and academic ex-
Armada Riyanto et al, "Kearifan Lokal Pancasila perts have not yet discussed Pancasila systematical-
Butir-Butir Filsafat Keindonesiaan" 2015, Pancasila ly, comprehensively and deeply from a feminist per-
Lecturer Team of Higher Education Association spective. This research tries to offer new vision,
Catholic (APTIK) "Modul Pendidikan Pancasila model and module of Pancasila education from fem-
Untuk Perguruan Tinggi: Kearifan Lokal Menasion- inist perspective. A study of a feminist perspective
al” (2016). of Pancasila education is needed, considering that

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students who take courses are not only men but also (Driyarkara 2006). The mistakes of the education
women. The application of a feminist perspective of process can lead to mindset patterns, attitude pat-
Pancasila education model is expected to produce terns, and destructive behavior that can harm nature,
knowledge and learning process that is more gender neighborhood and country.
equitable. Problems: 1). How far feminist perspec- Education has a cultural responsibility. In the ed-
tive urgency is included in Pancasila education ma- ucation world, human faced two existential choices
terials and methods of learning? 2). What are the that is toward the process of barbarism or culturizm.
constraints that inhibit women’s role are not includ- Education can be a barbaric process if the learning
ed in the learning substance of Pancasila education? substances and methods do not reflect a sense of jus-
3). How is the learning strategy of Pancasila educa- tice for students. Education is part of the cultural
tion to be more gender equitable? process when directed at the process of humanizing
young people so that the practice of humanization is
realized (Driyarkara 2006). The philosophical basic
2 METHOD of Pancasila education should be built on the values
of justice and civilization. Therefore all forms of
This research tries to combine the literature research gender discrimination must be stopped.
model with field research. The material object of this Just and civilized humanity is the basic reference
research is in the form of learning method and the for character formation of students. The values of
substance of teaching materials of Pancasila educa- justice and the effort to uphold civilization should
tion. The formal object (point of view) views from not be abandoned in Pancasila discussion. Shiva and
the feminist side. Data analysis is using qualitative Mies argues that justice towards neighborhood and
approach by describing the data in the form of sen- nature will not be realized without justice between
tences which are arranged systematically, logically, the sexes (Shiva & Mies 2005). Gender justice is the
comprehensively and detailed in accordance with the basis for realizing social justice and ecological jus-
subject to facilitate the interpretation and conclusion tice.
making. The scientific data collected is analyzed
more deeply using the philosophical method ele- 3.2 Some learning obstacles Pancasila education
ments such as: interpretation, internal coherence, ho- perspective feminist
listic, historical continuity and heuristic (Bakker & 3.2.1 Material Limitations
Zubair 1990).
The books of Pancasila education found in the li-
brary mostly reveal the values of the struggle made
3 RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION by male characters, so that the knowledge product
tends to be patriarchal. The authors of Pancasila ed-
3.1 The urgency of feminist perspective of Pancasila ucation and history books are mostly men so that
education men's services in the course of history are more
In 2016, the United Nations sets the theme of wom- highlighted, while the struggle of women is getting
en's day in the form of equal access in the education less attention. Women’s roles in the Pancasila edu-
sector. Gender equality and women's empowerment cation books are not deeply discussed only a bit.
are positioned as global basic mission to realize Women as royal leaders in Aceh and Majapahit
equality of rights, respect for dignity and welfare for kingdom are rarely discussed in depth (Astuti 2000).
all humanity. This ideal is a reaffirmation of the Mil- Pancasila material in the historical dimension is pay-
lennium Development Goals (MDGs) which one of ing less attention to the value of women's struggle so
the 2015 targets is to eliminate the gender gap at all that it can lead to female students to be less motivat-
levels of education (Sadli 2010). Education is ex- ed to learn, because the highlight figures are men.
pected to be the driving force to create a world order Campus environment, teaching techniques and
that is more just, prosperous and dignified. reference books sometimes still represent the stereo-
Pancasila education is given in college with the type of female and male based on patriarchy (Nurdi-
aim to create a vehicle for students to study, analyze yansah 2008). Efriadi who conducting research at
and solve the state development problems in the per- STAIN Salatiga finds that feminist teaching in
spective of Pancasila basic values as ideology and Higher Education gets many challenges in the form
basic state of the Republic of Indonesia academical- of prejudice and is considered something coming
ly (Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs from outside Islam, so it is only positioned as
DIKTI 2013). Education is a fundamental act be- knowledge but not to be trusted (Afriadi 2013). Ger-
cause it touches the roots of human life that can ung claimed that the academic college attitude to-
change and determine the attitude of life direction ward "women's problems" has not yet become an

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"academic paradigm". Even in a serious academic 3.2.3 Political Battle
conversation, issue of feminism becomes a light- The fall of the Old Order of Sukarno's leadership re-
weight banter among the academic community itself. placed by the New Order led by Soeharto influenced
Women's perspective is considered negative be- the political life in Indonesia. The New Order posi-
cause: 1). Women's perspectives are seen as "aca- tioned the main enemy of the Pancasila Ideology as
demic peculiarities" by those who are not strong the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). The de-
enough to think in terms of a new epistemology; 2) struction of the militancy of the women's movement
feminist perspectives are considered "imported by stigmatizing the Indonesian Women's Movement
goods from the West" especially among those who (GERWANI) falls into the category of the PKI. The
are antipathy against global thought transmission; 3) process of women's domestication aimed at prevent-
feminist perspectives are convicted of heresy by ing women from being too active in practical politi-
those who think within the final religion framework cal life so as to re-manage domestic life with the es-
(Gerung 2006). tablishment of the PKK organization. The
3.2.2 Patriarchal Culture Is Still Strong organizational structure is controlled and controlled
centrally by the central government. According to
The term of patriarchy according to Kamus Besar
Imma Idra Dewi and Subardi, there is little worried
Bahasa Indonesia is commonly grown with the word
felt by some of the teachers when promoting the
"patriarchal" or "patriarcha" which means the family
women's movement during the old order because be-
order which emphasizes on father lineage. Fathers
ing accused as a sympathizer of the PKI party.
figure (male) is placed as a central position in family
life. The scope of patriarchy governance is not only 3.3 learning strategy Pancasila education perspec-
in the core family environment (private), but extends tive feminist
to various aspects of human life in society, nation The struggle to realize gender equality and justice
and state. Patriarchy is a system of male authority between men and women in the field of education
that oppresses women through economic, political
has been initiated since the time of R.A. Kartini, but
and social institutions (Humm 2007). until now cannot be fully realized. Changing aca-
The existence of patriarchal tradition that is still demic traditions in the field of social science that
strong in society becomes an obstacle during the have long lived in society cannot be as fast as in ex-
learning process of Pancasila education in class. The act science. In exact science, one can quickly move
Learning of Pancasila Education has difficulty when away from the old theory to a new theory when new
the values contained in it is not in accordance with evidence or theory is introduced which is believed to
the facts that occur in the community. The fifth prac- be superior, more complete and more capable of
tice, Social Justice for All Indonesians becomes dif- solving the existing problems. In the social sciences,
ficult to explain to students when the practice of the struggle that requires a change in the values and
gender discrimination is rampant. Syamsudin's re- norms that have long been rooted cannot take place
search found that empirical gender inequality still
quickly, because it does often not only involve ra-
occurs in the education, economic, political and pro- tional considerations, but also involves bonding
fessional sectors (Syamsudin 2003). Women Na- emotional knowledge that has been embedded in
tional Commision (Komnas Perempuan) which long time duration.
monitors the institutionalization of discrimination in Education is an important component that can
the state of the Indonesian Nation in 16 dis- help to change mindset patterns, attitude patterns
tricts/municipalities in 7 Provinces found 154 dis- and human behavior. The learning reformation of
criminatory local regulations. Of the 164 Local Reg- education in order to be more gender equitable and
ulations there are 63 directly discriminative against justice can be done by improving the quality of
women through restrictions on the right to freedom books and should also be supported by appropriate
of expression (21 policies regulating dress), the re- targeted learning methodologies. Learning method-
duction of the right to protection and the legal com-
ology is a way or technique of presenting materials
mittee for criminalizing women (37 policies on the that have been prepared in the process of interaction
eradication of prostitution), the elimination of the between lecturer and students. According to Paulo
right to protection and legal certainty (1 policy on Freire’s view, the learning process can be used as a
khalwat prohibition), and neglect of protection (4 means of liberation when it begins with self-
policies on migrant workers). Moreover, 82 regional awareness and awareness of his world. Society
policies are clothed in the name of religion which is needs to be made aware that the essence of
actually a central authority (Komnas Perempuan knowledge is a process of action and a reflection of
2010). human beings against his world (Freire 2000).

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 110
The students' critical attitude needs to be devel- tion is relevant to be used as a measurement for
oped continuously through the following ways: 1). the outcomes of learning process.
Growing awareness that the oppression against
women is really exist and must be stopped because it
is not in accordance with humanity and justice 2). 5 REFERENCES
Students are invited to disclose and understand the
root causes of oppression 3). Students are invited to- Afriadi, Y. 2013. Tantangan pengajaran ekofeminisme dalam
mata kuliah ilmu kalam di Sekolah Tinggi Agama Is-
gether to think of solutions to stop the practice of lam Negeri Salatiga in ekofeminisme dalam tafsir
oppression (Misiyah 2006), 4). Students are invited agama, Pendidikan, ekonomi dan budaya [Challenge
to commit to not practice gender discrimination. of teaching of ecofeminism in kalam science Course at
The measure of the success of the feminist per- Salatiga State Islamic High School in ecofeminism in
spective of Pancasila education is complex. There- religious tafsir, education, economy and culture].
Yogyakarta: Penerbit Jalasutra.
fore it is necessary to consider and pay attention to Amirudin, M. 2008. Perjuangan hak-hak perempuan di univer-
various aspects of the development of human life. sitas [The struggle of women's rights at the eniversi-
Various strategies that utilize various sources of ty]. Jurnal Perempuan, 61.
learning (multimedia and resources), interdiscipli- Astuti, M. 2000. Pendidikan berperspektif gender [Education
nary studies, involvement in social problem solving with Gender Perspective]. Majalah Basis, (07-08).
Bakker, A. & Zubair, A.K. 1990. Metodologi penelitian
and portfolio-based learning evaluations need to be filsafat [Method of philosophy research]. Yogyakarta:
developed so that learning achievements can be real- Kanisius.
ized (Winataputra 2004; Mangkoesapoetro 2004). Direktorat Pembelajaran dan K emahasiswaan DIKTI. (2013).
Portfolio-based learning evaluation needs to be done Materi ajar mata kuliah pendidikan pancasila
because the skills to be produced are complex in re- [Teaching material of pancasila education course]. Ja-
karta: Author.
lation to the development of cognitive, affective and Driyarkara. 2006. Karya lengkap driyarkara [Complete works
psychomotor aspects. Students are expected to have driyarkara]. Yogyakarta: Kanisius bekerja sama
a number of skills and life-skill insights in the form dengan Kompas Gramedia.
of “civic life, civic skill and civic participation” after Freire, P. 2000. Politik pendidikan [Educational politic]. Yog-
yakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
studying a feminist perspective of Pancasila educa-
Gerung, R. 2006. Feminisme dan universitas [Feminism and
tion. the university]. Jurnal Perempuan, 48.
Humm, M. 2007. Ensiklopedia feminisme [Encyclopedia of
Feminism]. (M. Rahayu Transl.). Yogyakarta: Fajar
4 CONCLUSIONS Pustaka Baru.
Kinnon, C.A. 1987. Feminism, marxism, method, and the state:
a. Education is the process of humanizing humans, Feminism and methodology social science issues.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
so that the substances and methods of learning Misiyah, M. 2006. Pengalaman pengetahuan perempuan sum-
Pancasila education should positioning students ber pengetahuan membebaskan [Women's knowledge
in a humane way. Discriminatory treatment to- of liberating knowledge]. Jurnal Perempuan, 48.
wards women is a contrary act to the principle of Nurdiyansah, N. 2008. Merintis lingkungan akademis berper-
humanity and justice that must be changed to- spektif gender [Pioneering academic environments
with gender perspective]. Jurnal Perempuan, 61.
wards a more egalitarian principle. Sadli, S. 2010. Berbeda tetapi setara [Different but equal].
b. The factors causing Pancasila education in femi- Jakarta: Kompas.
nist perspective cannot bematerialized yet are: Shiva, V. & Mies, M. 2005. Ecofeminisme: Perspektif gerakan
1). the limitations of historical literature that re- perempaun dan lingkungan [Ekofeminisme:
veal women role, 2). a strong patriarchal culture, Perspective of women and environment movement].
Yogyakarta: IRE Press.
3). politics in education is less gender respon-
c. Pancasila education in feminist perspective can
be materialized if there is improvement of book
quality and learning strategy. Learning strategies
need to be designed, so that students are able to
think critically and caringly with the result that
they can be more sensitive to gender inequalities
in the community, able to find root of problem
and solve it wisely, and commit not to do gender
discriminatory. The feminist perspective has a
comprehensive and appreciative nature of
thought, so that portfolio-based learning evalua-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 111
Preservation of educative traditional games in the development of cha-
racter education

I.M. Sutama, I.W.M. Wahjoedi, & I.P.P. Adi

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aims atdescribing the ethnography of the form of Balinese traditional games in
Indonesia, the character values contained in the games, the contribution of the games to the development of
the characters of the young generation through sport lessons on the elementary school in Bali, Indonesia, and
constructing design model of teaching materials. To study them, qualitative research methods were applied.
The determination of the informants was conducted purposively by snow ball technique.The data were col-
lected by observation, interview, and document study, and analyzed by triangulation. Itrevealed that ethno-
graphically the traditional games in Bali have been an entertainment medium related to the use of leisure time
in the life of agriculture society. The makersof the games areanonymous. The Balinese have wealthy at tradi-
tional games, but it is only a few of them are still known by elementary school students.The games contain
some character values. These values can inspire and support the development of characters ofthe elementary
school students in the future. Based on the reason, the innovative sport teaching materials that provide space
for traditional games in the development of the character of students in elementary schools were developed.

1 INTRODUCTION cioculturaldevelopment. Realizing this, it is neces-

sary to preserve traditional culture, especially tradi-
Balinese belong to an open society. Their openness tional games. The preservation of traditional culture
influences their sociocultural dynamics which not is very important because it is a component of the
only color the Balinese cultural community, but also cultural capital of a society that contributes positive-
has created the erosion of Balinese traditional cul- ly to the development of the character of future gen-
ture. The erosion is also related to the process of the erations. This is in line with the ideology of charac-
development that follow modern paradigms which ter education that has developed in recent times
less accommodating traditional culture.Traditional (Khan 2010, Mustakim 2011, Zubaedi 2011, Raka,
culture is declared as the fatalist (McClelland in Su- et al 2011). Awareness of efforts to preserve tradi-
warsono and So 1991p. 27). Such views result in the tional culture has indeed developed. This can be seen
eroding of traditional cultures such as local wisdom, from the existence of Deputy for Culture Preserva-
local languages, folklore, and traditional games tion and Development. However, efforts made more
(Triguna 2008, Putra 2008, Swarsi 2008). This can emphasis on the existence of culture as a product
be seen from the decreasing popularity of folklore by that is ready to be packed and marketed to the tour-
modern films from overseas, the displacement of ism market. Positioning such a culture certainly not
traditional games by various games based on modern only provides less space for the exclusion of the val-
technology. ues that lie behind the various forms of traditional
Such a development model would create local culture including traditional Balinese games, but also
residents' alienation of development processes and in the process of socialization and development in
outcomes that would lead to the destruction of local the formation of the personality and character of the
culture, the decline of self-awareness, national iden- younger generation.
tity and character. This is certainly a distortion of so-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 112
In this regard, the academicians of development 4. How is the design model of character develop-
theory offer a sustainable development paradigm that ment material based on traditional games in
is aligned with the local community and culture character education through sports lessons in
(Dietz 1998).The thinking in this direction has long Primary School students in Bali?
been developed in various polemics of scientific
thinking maps from academicians of sociology, an-
thropology, cultural studies and development, as re- 2 RESEARCH METHOD
vealed by Geertz (1976); Campbell (1994), and oral
tradition studies developed by Sedyawati (1998); The research was conducted in each sub-district in
Danandjaja (1998); Pudentia MPSS (1998). Even four districts in Bali, Indonesia: Banjar Sub-district,
lately this kind of thinking has grown in the para- Buleleng Regency, Klungkung Sub-district,
digm of postmodernism (Lyotard 1984, Foucault Klungkung Regency, Ubud Sub-district, Gianyar
1997, Sugiharto 1996). Regency and Kerambitan Sub-district, Tabanan Dis-
Such critical thinking strongly recognizes the cul- trict. This research uses a qualitative approach. The
tural pluralism of society, and its functions in vari- determination of informants is done purposively
ous aspects of life. In this regard, it is deemed neces- snowball. Data collection is done by observation, in-
sary to examine the Preservation of Traditional terview, and document study. Data analysis is done
Educational Games as a Cultural and Social Capital descriptively qualitative.
in the Development of Character Education in Pri-
mary School Students throughout Bali, Indonesia.
Educative traditional game studies have been done
by oral tradition gameexperts, but the studies of tra- The ethnography of form of traditional games pos-
ditional game of Balinese society in character educa- sessed by Balinese society is very difficult to trace
tional perspective is still very limited. In fact, tradi- the origins of its creation. Based on the results of the
tional games play an important role in the process of interviews it was known that the traditional games
character development in early childhood education are developed as entertainment in leisure time in the
and basic education because educative traditional agricultural community. Such a phenomenon is cer-
games are very loaded with the ethical, moral, and tainly related to the characteristics of Balinese peo-
cultural values of the supporter community. In addi- ple who prioritize social collectivity and works as
tion, educative traditional games are sociocultural offerings to the community. In addition it may also
capital contributing to the development of young be because the Balinese people put forward the con-
generation characters, such as: cooperation, togeth- struction of togetherness or common property. Or
erness, discipline, honesty, and consensus on mutu- perhaps also because the traditional game that devel-
ally agreed values and rules of the game, as well as oped is indeed the work of some members of the
the creativity of thinking (Raka, et al. 2011 p. 231; community. Apart from that, such a phenomenon
Zubaedi 2011 p. 283 Lewis 2004 p. 18, Zuchdi, et can also be viewed as a logical consequence of soci-
al 2013 p. 25). Park as quoted by Zubaedi (2011) ety's consciousness in controlling its egoistic traits.
states that opportunities to teach ethical and moral Such awareness is related to the efforts to socialize
values that affect student behavior can be developed and construct the social wisdom that controls the na-
through sports and games. In this regard, it is neces- ture of egoism and arrogance. This kind of phrase is
sary to develop a study on the preservation of educa- also contained in the song of Bali edengadenawak-
tive traditional games as a sociocultural capital in the bise, depanganakengadanin (do not feel able, let
development of character education in elementary others who judge). The lyrics of the song contain
school students throughout Bali. meaning that is loaded with the values of local wis-
The problems to be raised in this research in- dom in the formation of the ideal personality.
clude: Through the reconstruction of the values contained
1. How is the ethnography of traditional game in the song each individual will always strive for
form owned by Balinese people? self-introspection, self-control and distance from so-
2. What values are contained in various forms of cial and intellectual hubris attitudes. The occurrence
traditional Balinese games? of such a phenomenon is of course also contributed
3. How does the contribution of traditional games by a deep awareness and understanding of the nature
to the development of the character of the young of work as a moral obligation which is bolstered by
generation in character education in elementary spiritual values, namely work as an offering.In that
school students in Bali? context each individual is free from expectations of

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the product of work and prioritizes the meaningful- Each capital can be invested, empowered, ex-
ness of work for the process of being better, because changed and constructed, as stated in the theory of
karma (work) is a spiritual moral process in the interpretive construction or structural construction.
framework of liberation. Social construction is very important in the dynam-
Based on the results of the literature studies and ics of the lives of individuals and society because,
interviews with some figures revealed that the Bali- through the process of social construction, actors
nese people have a wealth of traditional games that feel, think, and build structure and then act on the
are quite adequate. This can be known from the ex- structure it builds. This is related to the thinking
istence of almost 80 traditional games ever known about the dialectical relationship between objective
by members of the community. However, lately, the structure and subjective phenomena, the dialectic be-
game is only a few that are still known by elemen- tween structure and agency, and the dialectic be-
tary school students. This occurs as a consequence of tween the structure and the way people construct so-
the modern development paradigm that tends to cial reality, as well as the dialectics between habitus
override traditional culture including traditional and the environment. Habitus is in the mind of the
games. Traditional culture, in this case traditional actor, the environment is beyond the mind of the ac-
games, is seen as a cultural component that does not tor. In this dialectic, there is a social game. Social
inspire and develop creativity, and even tends to be play is the mechanism of reproduction of relation-
seen as a burden of development, so it must be re- ships of dominance between individuals and groups.
moved. The mechanism that is built is the effort to establish
In fact, traditional culture/traditional games are the culture in order to distinguish itself from what
loaded with ideal values that play a role in shaping other people do. This is a strategy to maintain the lo-
the character of young generations and at the same cal culture as well as the character of the people of
time can contribute in supporting the achievement of the nation, even used as a means to accumulate the
development goals. In relation to that traditional cul- types of capital, including socio-cultural capital
ture/traditional game by the figures of critical theory, (Haryatmoko 2003 p. 4-23).
the theory of postmodernism is seen as a capital that Thus, traditional games as a dialectic arena are
can be invested and empowered. built by individuals and various social groups in or-
In the perspective of Bourdieu (Ritzer & Good- der to preserve local culture. In the context of human
man 2005 p. 518-523), it is clearly stated that every resource development, defense and development of
society has community capital, namely political capi- sociocultural capital is a very important effort to
tal, economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, continue (Hasbullah 2006). Such efforts are im-
and symbolic capital. Any such capital can be in- portant because every traditional culture including
vested, empowered, exchanged and constructed. The traditional games has a positive contribution to de-
development of traditional games in Balinese society velopment, especially the development of young
seems also in order to strengthen the various capital. generation characters.
Traditional games of any kind will, of course, Based on the contributions,it was developed a
strengthen the cultural capital both in relation to the model of innovative creative teaching materials
strengthening of various physical forms of the tradi- which provide traditional game space in the learning
tional games both existing and newly held, as well as of Physics, Sports, and Health Education to elemen-
in strengthening the cultural values of the local peo- tary school students. The model design of teaching
ple, such as the value of honesty, togetherness, toler- materialfor character development based on tradi-
ance, sportiveness, deliberation and so forth. tional game through Physics, Sports and Health Les-
Even after careful examination, traditional games sons is as follows. The name of game was Metabu-
are full of ideal values such as aesthetics, coopera- an-Tabuanan (Destroying Bee’s Nest) on grade IV.
tion, honesty/sportsmanship, openness, and dexteri- Where the core competence presenting factual
ty/critical which can contribute in shaping the char- knowledge in clear, systematic and logical language,
acter of young generation and at the same time can in aesthetic work, in movements that reflect healthy
support the achievement of development goals. In re- children, and in actions that reflect the faithful child
lation to that traditional culture/traditional games by behavior and noble character, while basic competen-
the figures of critical theory and theory of postmod- cies are Practicing combinations of basic movement
ernism is seen as a capital that can be invested and for forming walk and run athletic basic motion based
empowered.In the perspective of Bourdieu (Ritzer & on the concept of movement through games and or
Goodman 2005 p. 518-523), it is expressed as a cul- traditional games/sports.
tural capital. Indicator:

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 114
1. Demonstrate the motion of walk and run people in each group on a heterogeneous basis.
2. Demonstrate variation and combination of the After students can play well in small groups,
motion of walk and run teachers combine several groups into large groups
Material: that have more members in each group.
Variations and combinations of walk and run ath-
letic basic movements through a modified and / or
traditional game / sport.
Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Type
Cooperative Learning Model
Implementation of learning in accordance with
the steps of learning model used:
1. Convey goals and motivate students: Teachers
convey the purpose of learning and motivate stu-
dents so that students can follow the learning with
2. Presenting/delivering material: The teacher deliv-
ered the material that is how to play along with Figure 1. Destroyer team (blue colored) try to approach bee’s
the rules of the game Metabuan-Tabuanan (De- nest surrounded by bee parents (red colored) who tried to catch
those who tried to damage their nest.
stroying Bee’s Nest), which is as follows:
A. Facilities and infrastructure
• Field: school yard
: Destroyer Team
• Bee’s nest is made from broken tiles formed in
such a way that amounts to 5 which are then-
: BeesTeam
B. Rule:
: Bee’s Nest
1) Players
This game is played by 2 groups. One group be-
4. Guiding group of learning
comes the "bees team" and another group be-
After the group is formed, the teacher starts the
comes “destructive team", with the number of
game.Each team chooses one of its members as
members of each group equally.
the group leader. The head of each group made a
2) Game
"suit" to determine which group became the
• Bee parent keep the nest from destructive act.If
teamof beesand the team of destroyer. The win-
anyone wants to destroy the nest, then he will
ning team will be the destructive team and the
pursue it.
losing team will be the bee team. The master of
• The destroyer trying to destroy the bee’s nest,
the team will either send one of its members or be
with one turn to approach the nest and trying to
himself to be the parent of the bees and the other
scatter piles of fractions of tile.
members will cheer on his friend as the bee parent
• All players must alternate into vandals or bee
to catch the destroyer. All destructive teams will
attempt to destroy the bee nest guarded by the
• The winning and losing team in the game is de-
bees and their parent. If the bee parent succeeds in
termined by using a score, that is, the winning
capturing one of the destroyers before the house is
team is the team that scores the most. How to
destroyed then the bee team get the 1st point oth-
get a score that is as follows.
erwise, if the parent fails to keep the integrity of
• Score 1 is given if the bee parent successfully
the house where the destroyer can damage the
captured one of the destroyers or if the destroy-
house, then point 1 will be given to the destruc-
ers successfully damaged the bee’s nest.
tive team. Each one of the teams get a point the
• If one of the teams is first out of its members,
team position will be exchanged that had be-
the team whose members remain the same will
come the bees team will turn into a team of de-
get a score of 4. Score continues to be collected
stroyer and the former destroyer team will be a
until the game is declared over.
team of bees. So the game goes on until the refer-
3. Organize students into study groups
ee blows the long whistle as a markthat the game
Teacher form groups of students to learn to be-
is ended.
come small groups in advance, consisting of 4-6

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 115
5. Evaluation
An attitude assessment is conducted during the Through this approach, ethnographic discovery of
learning process. Assessment of knowledge is educative traditional games in Bali is very difficult,
done through a simple quiz after the game is over. because, in general, the results of cultural creativity
Students are gathered and randomly questioned including traditional games tend to be anonymous.
about their experiences during the game. Skill as- Whereas the Balinese people have a wealth of tradi-
sessment is done through observation of the game tional games are quite adequate. This can be seen
process in small groups as well as large groups. from the existence of almost 80 traditional games
6. Give rewards ever known by members of the community. Howev-
The group that came out as winners received ap- er, lately the game is only a few that are still known
preciation in the form of praise and applause from by elementary school students. The traditional game
other groups, as well as getting special treatment of Balinese society contains very adequate cultural
from the losing groups. (Losing groups can sing, values, and can support the development of young
dance, hold group winners, and or playfully). character, especially the students of elementary
Characters that are generated through Destroying school in the future. For that need it was developed
Bee’s Nest Game are as follows: model design of teaching materials that provide
1. Responsibility space for traditional games in the development of the
2. Discipline character of students in elementary schools, especial-
3. Cooperation ly in the field of Physical, Sports and Health Educa-
4. Tolerance tion.
5. Honesty

5 REFERENCES education: building eight gold characters towards a digni-

fied Indonesia]. Yogyakarta: Samudra Biru
Campbell, T. 1994. Tujuh teori Sosial, Sketsa, Penilaian, Per- Putra, I.N.D. 2008. Sastra dan masyarakat multikultural: pen-
bandingan [Seven social theories, sketches, assessments, galaman bali. In Ida Bagus Gede Yudha Triguna (ed.). Ke-
comparison] (Budi Hardiman, Trans). Yogyakarta: Kanisi- budayaan dan modal budaya bali dalam teropong lokal,
us. nasional, global [Culture and balinese culture capital in lo-
Danandjaja, J. 1998. Pendekatan foklor dalam penelitian ba- cal, national, global]. Denpasar: Widya Dharma
han-bahan tradisi lisan. In Pudentia MPSS (ed), Metodologi Raka, G., et al. 2011. Pendidikan karakter di sekolah [Charac-
Kajian Tradisi Lisan [Methodology of oral traditions re- ter education in school]. Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia.
view]. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D.J. 2005. Teori sosiologi modern
Dietz, T. 1998. Hak atas sumber daya alam [Right to natural [Theory of modern sociology]. Jakarta: Prenada Media.
resources]. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Sedyawati, E. 1998. Sastra dalam kata, suara, gerak, dan rupa.
Foucault, M. 1997. Disiplin tubuh, bengkel individu modern In Pudentia Maria Purenti Sri Sunarti (ed.). Metodologi
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ta: LKiS. view]. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
Geertz, C. 1976. Involusi pertanian proses perubahan ekologi Sugiharto, B. 1996. Postmodernisme tantangan bagi fisafat.
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Haryatmoko, H. 2003, November - Desember. Menyingkap Sugiono, M. 1999. Kritik antonio gramsci terhadap pem-
kepalsuan budaya penguasa [Exposing the false culture of bangunan dunia ketiga [Antonio gramsci's critique of third
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Hasbullah, J. 2006. Social capital : menuju keunggulan budaya Sunarti, P.M.P.S. 1998. Metodologi kajian tradisi lisan [Meth-
manusia [Social capital towards the excellence of indone- odology of oral traditions review]. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor
sian human culture]. Jakarta: MR-United Press. Indonesia.
Khan, D.Y. 2010. Pendidikan karakter berbasis potensi diri Suwarsono & So, A.Y. 1991. Perubahan sosial dan pem-
mendongkrak kualitas penddikan [Self potential-based bangunan di indonesia [Social change and development in
character education]. Yogyakarta: Pelangi Indonesia]. Jakarta: LP3ES.
Lewis,B.A. 2004. Character building untuk anaka-anak mem- Swarsi, S. 2008. Budaya unggul, basis nilai tradisional dan
bangun karakter untuk anak-anak usia dini [Character strategi pengembangan. In Ida Bagus Gede Yudha Triguna
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Mustakim, B. 2011. Pendidikan karakter membangun delapan budayaan dan Modal Budaya Bali dalam Teropong Lokal,
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Nasional, Global [Culture and balinese culture capital in lo- Zuchdi, D, et al. 2013. Model pendidikan karakter teintegrasi
cal, national, global]. Denpasar: Widya Dharma. dalam pembelajaran dan pengembangan kultur sekolah
Zubaedi, Z. 2011. Desain pendidikan karakter konsepsi dan [Model of character education in teaching and development
ap-likasinya dalam lembaga pendidikan [Character educa- of school culture]. Yogyakarta: MP
tion design: conception and application in educational insti-
tutions]. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 117
Nature-based learning as an effort in building students’ character education

I.Y. Rahmawati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Nature-based learning is a conceptual framework, which basically describes a concrete structure of
learning experience by utilizing nature as the material, the media, and the learning environment. This learning
process is designed to promote the natural environment as natural environment preservation. The key of nature-
based learning approach is the material that is fascinated for children learning process. In addition, it is taken
from their surroundings. Therefore, promoting character-building values for children will be more effectively
delivered by a pleasure learning process. This article aims to describe nature-based learning as an approach to
promote character-building values for children. Based on this approach, proposed activities will also relate to
surroundings, the locals, and those are developed according to local wisdom. These activities are certainly
beneficial for daily life as well as local society characteristics. Character education value aims to develop national
character values, which are highly intelligent, well cultured, and able to contribute for human life development.
There are many education character values promoted to children such as values of environmental care, social,
brave, tolerance, religiosity, cooperation, love, curiosity, etc. Therefore, the nature-based approach can be
certainly used to embed character education value for children through an innovative and pleasant activity.

1 INTRODUCTION character education. It is expected that later, these

values can be implemented in daily and social life,
The development of science and technology are particularly in taking care of the environment.
becoming more advanced in this modern era. This is Besides, the figures at schools are the third models
something that is expected to be good, but in fact, for children to build their good character after the
this rapid development may bring harms for human family members and the society.
itself. One of the most crucial problems concerning The implementation of the values of environment
human’s life is the problem of environment such as preservation for children should be conducted by
global warming. The natural environment is using attractive, fun model or media. By doing so,
assumed to be exploited as maximal as possible the students will be more engaged to the material of
without considering the effects. natural environment. Practically, this type of
Children, in this case, are lack in knowledge and learning is conducted outside the classroom.
do not have any idea about the concern of nature. Concerning this concept, (Sanjaya 2008) stated,
Therefore, teaching the children about environment “according to the characteristic of student-centered
preservation can be used as an effort in preserving learning, the learning is possibly takes place
the environment early. What students do at home is everywhere since classroom is not the only one place
basically influence by what is told by teachers at students can learn”.
school. In this case, school environment is the
representative place to teach and build the values of
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In accordance with the implementation of nature- Muslich (2011) said that the objective of
based learning, there is a significant point that character education is to improve the quality of
should be considered. That point is the education implementation and to build complete,
implementation of character education. According to good character-oriented education result. In
Kurniawan & Hendarsih (2013), it is stated that accordance to this objective, nature-based learning
nature-based learning has two main objectives; they emphasizes more on learning process underpinned
are character building and behavior building. by the concepts of nature as the material, learning by
Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Culture the nature, and learning in the natural environment.
(Wibowo 2013) describes that character is the It is done this way in order to make the students be
combination of moral traits and qualities formed by familiar with the nature, and finally, make them love
the internalization of several policies that is believed the nature and be able to preserve it. Nature school,
and used as the basic in deciding perspective, in this case, is a type of school that emphasizes the
thought, and behavior. A person is claimed having learning more on the process instead of the result of
good character when he/she has adequate learning. The learning processes in this type of
understanding concerning his/her potentials and are school basically try to value any students’ activity
able to manifest concretely the potentials into naturally. The paradigm of nature school is expected
behavior. to be able to offer a better problem solving way
It is explained by Zubaedi that character concerning the problem of environment to face the
education in Indonesia is implemented based on nine global competition and industry.
basic principles of character that become the main
objective of character education. Those principles
are (1) love of God and the universe; (2) 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
responsibility, discipline, and independent; (3)
Honesty; (4) Respect and well-mannered; (5) Research approach that is used in this study is
Affection, caring, and teamwork; (6) Self-esteem, qualitative descriptive research since this study aims
creativity, hard work, and passion; (7) Justice and to describe verbally the information concerning the
leadership; (8) Humble and gentle; (9) Peace-loving study. The technique of analysis the data is
attitude and unity. Meanwhile, Koesoema (2007) inductively done in which the analysis is not
stated that there are eight values in character conducted to test or prove a prediction or hypothesis,
education such as value of significance, value of but to describe the theory and conclusion based on
work, value of loving the homeland, value of the data collected during the study. The data are
democracy, and value of unity. Furthermore, collected from various sources. The collected data
Hidayatullah (2010) believed that there are about are completely used along with the underpin theories
sixty nine values obtainable in character education. in understanding and drawing conclusion (Sutopo
Some of them are justice, trust, forgiveness, 2006).
expectation, wisdom, positive thought, virtue,
bravery, skillful, intelligent, smart, caring,
empowerment, democracy, generous, dynamism, 3 DISCUSSION
discipline, efficiency, self-awareness, empathy,
mutual cooperation, economy, and so on. Based on The implementation of nature-based learning in the
those theories of character education, it can be first stage is by mapping the theme for students. The
concluded that there are actually 18 values of theme mapping is conducted by considering several
character education which represents the whole aspects such as (a) the themes are chosen from
process of character education that basically are students’ surrounding environment, (b) the themes is
dozens in amounts. Those eighteen values are gradually chosen from the simplest to the more
religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, complex theme, (c) the themes are chosen based on
creativity, independent, democracy, curiosity, spirit what students are interested to, (d) scope of the
of nationality, loving home land attitude, themes should cover all aspects of students;
appreciation, communication, peace-loving attitude, development, and (e) the themes are developed
reading passion, caring of environment, caring of the based on the natural sources of learning.
social, and responsibility (Rahmawati 2014). Broadly speaking, there are six natural elements
of learning sources in nature-based learning. Those

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 119
elements are earth, water, air, fire, space, and natural language, social, emotional, and art values
phenomena. Learning sources about earth include development. The majority of mini-school-based
living things like human, animals, and plants and learning process is implemented with a variety of
also inanimate objects such as ground, sand, stone, fun activity innovations to attract students to learn.
mud, and clay, in which those objects are supposed In line with this, Jackman (2001) stated that playing
to be dug, mixed, built, and carved. Meanwhile, is the essence of developmentally appropriate
using the learning sources concerning the water is by practice (DAP). DAP is a learning that is appropriate
exploring puddles and creek, and by making use of with the stage of child development. Playing
pump and waterwheel. For the concept of air-based basically provides opportunities for creative,
learning sources, it can be applied by using sound, discovering, knowing, and learning about the world.
simple propeller, rainbow and bubble. The next Playing in this case can also give children pleasure
learning source is using fire. What are included in and help them to know themselves and their
this element are using the shadow during sunny day, surroundings.
sundial, and mirror to reflect the light of fire. Space- In the implementation of nature-based learning is
related elements in nature-based learning refer to the surely required a method of learning based on fun
naked eyes visible elements of space such as sun, nature-based learning method. It is a method to
moon, stars, rainbow, and sky. Meanwhile, the last construct the natural concept that is just discovered
learning source related to the nature is the natural by children from their natural learning sources.
phenomena. It refers to natural phenomena that Children are expected to be able to construct their
happen in students’ surrounding area. For example, learning experiences in the neighborhood with the
dry season, rainy season, and natural disaster. In this help of adults or peers. In addition, certainly, it can
case, students are introduced to those several also use a nature-construction-playing method where
phenomena so that they can identify what this method is a learning method with structured-
phenomena happen or available in their game, building stuff from natural materials such as
surroundings. sticks and stones, which allows cost-saving because
Media used are different, reviewed from the objects are arranged around the environment.
implemented nature-based learning media such as Furthermore, the principles of assessment in this
humans, animals, plants, stones, soil, water, air, fire, natural-based learning process, among others, are
moon, stars, and clouds. It also includes natural comprehensive, in which assessments are conducted
phenomena in Indonesia such as rain, hurricanes, on all aspects of child development such as religious
floods, etc. values, moral values, cognitive, language, social,
According to Moore (2014), it is stated that and physical motor. Further assessment is
nature always offers educational context for continuous where the assessment process is carried
interdisciplinary approach using various subject out continuously using appropriate methods and
areas, including learning about nature. Based on the tools or instruments. Objective, it means that
use of student learning resources in natural-based assessment is done in accordance with existing
schools, the majority utilizing nature and its content conditions. Authentic, it means that this case is in
can be directly inserted values of character accordance with daily children condition and it is
education, essentially and naturally. Relevant integrated with the learning process.
character education values implemented into natural- Educative, it means that the assessment should
based schools learning process are a strong belief in have educational values. Therefore, it can educate,
Allah, loving environment, nationalistic, being for children, educators, parents and the observers.
creative and independent, curious, cooperative, and The last is meaningful. It should be useful, serious or
skillful. important.
By developing learning resources of nature-based Based on the results of the study on the
learning process and character education values in a implementation of natural-based learning, there are
harmony, it will educate children who have real several findings that can be revealed based on
experiences; good understanding to environment; aspects of cognitive, psychomotor and affective.
opportunities to learn according to their age Students enrolled in this natural-based school get
development; knowledge of nature sustainability; some advantages. In the cognitive domain, students'
interaction with adults and peers. It will also enrich cognitive abilities are developed significantly in
children's knowledge of religious, physical, motor, advance rather than their counterparts of

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conventional school. For the psychomotor domain, caring with animals, caring with the nature,
students’ development is more advance because discipline, honesty, well-mannered attitude, and so
students can explore many things when participating on.
in outdoor learning process. Of course, it is Conversely, based on the results of this study, it is
supported by teacher’s guidance and adequate found that the assessment aspect in the application of
facilities. This excellence of psychomotor aspect is natural-based learning for early childhood education
one of the best benefits of the implementation of a is not well-developed yet. Actually, the assessment
natural-based school. In this case, children seem to form is already formed as description, but on the
be more active when learning outside the classroom. other hand, it is not representative enough since the
Furthermore, affective aspect of children is also inputs are conducted manually. Simply, it can be
significantly developed because the children's said that this matter becomes one of the limitations
attitudes and its application in real life are in applying nature-based learning process. Another
straightforwardly directed during the real activity of findings found in the study is that the natural
outdoor learning. learning model in the natural-based school can
Beside those three aspects mentioned above, positively improve the quality of early childhood
another advantage of natural-based learning is that learning as it becomes more active learning. In
students are able to be autonomous learners with addition, students may have good social skills and
good problem solving ability. It is shown by the more developed cognitive abilities along with their
students’ attitude when they encounter problem or social awareness during the learning process. This is
difficulty. For example is when a student’s certainly in sequence with the learning purpose of
handkerchief is wet due to water spillage. In this early childhood education, which is to conduct a fun
case, a student with good problem solving ability learning process that full of enjoyment.
will solve this problem spontaneously by hanging
the handkerchief on stairs handle or on a bush to
make it dry quickly. This problem solving action is 4 CONCLUSION
performed by the student without asking or even
waiting for instruction from the teacher. Another Based on described literatures regarding nature-
problem solving action mostly performed by based learning as an effort to instill the value of
students during the outdoor learning process is their children character education, it can be concluded
initiative to put the scattered garbage to the trash bin. that the use of student learning resources in natural-
This action is spontaneously performed without based schools isthat the majority utilizes nature and
asking or waiting for the teacher’s instruction. Thus, its contents.It naturally can be put into character
it can be concluded that this nature-based learning education. Relevant character education values
process may significantly develop children’s skills implemented into natural-based schools learning
and attitudes. Therefore, the character education process are a strong belief in Allah, loving
values contained in nature-based learning process environment, nationalistic, being creative and
are value of loving the homeland, caring with the independent, curious, cooperative, and skillful.
environment, caring with others, caring with plants,

5 REFERENCES Koesoema, A. D. 2012. Pendidikan karakter utuh dan

menyeluruh [Character education is intact and
Hidayatullah, F. 2010. Pendidikan karakter membangun comprehensive]. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
peradaban bangsa [The character education builds national Moore, R.C. 2014. Nature play and learning places: Creating
civilization]. Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka. and managing places where children engage with nature.
Jackman, H. L. (2001). Early education curriculum: A child’s New York, NY: Natural Learning Initiative.
connection to the world. United State: Delmar-Thomson Muslich, M. 2011. Pendidikan karakter menjawab tantangan
Learning. krisis multidimensional [Character education responds to
Kurniawan, Y. & Hindarsih, T.P. 2013. Character building. the multidimentional crisis challenges]. Jakarta: Bumi
Yogyakarta: Pro-U Media. Aksara.
Koesoema, A. D. 2010. Pendidikan karakter strategi mendidik Rahmawati, I. Y. 2014. Kualitas dan keterbacaan buku teks
anak di zaman global [Character education as a strategy to bahasa Indonesia serta nilai pendidikan karakter (Studi
educate children in globalization]. Jakarta: Grasindo. kasus buku “Ekspresi Diri Dan Akademik” untuk kelas X
SMA kurikulum 2013) [Quality and legibility of the

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 121
Indonesian text-book and the value of character education: Wibowo, A. 2010. Pendidikan karakter berbasis sastra:
A case study book of self-expression and academic for Internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter melalui pengajaran sastra
senior high students on grade X 2013’s curriculum]. [Character building based on literary: Internalization of
Unpublised Thesis, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia. character values by literature teaching]. Yogyakarta:
Sutopo, H.B. 1996. Metode penelitian kualitatif [Qualitative Pustaka Pelajar.
research method]). Surakarta: UNS Press.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 122
The validity of interactive instructional media on electrical circuits at
vocational high school and technology
S. Sukardi, D. Puyada, R.E. Wulansari, & D.T.P Yanto
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Media was everything about something that could be used to deliver a massage from sender to
receiver, so that it can stimulate mindset, treatment, feeling and the student interest that make the learning
process was happened. It can influence the aim of learning that will be achieved. Based on observation, the
researcher found that lack of innovative of instructional media, so that teacher had not found the way to teach
about material beside with lecture method and notes. These phenomena can bring negative effect for student,
so that the student must reply the material, and spend all time which should be used to discuss about next
material that be able to improve student’s knowledge. It makes students do not active in the learning process.
This research aimed at develop interactive instructional media on Electrical Circuits at Grade X of Electrical
Engineering. The model in this research was 4D (four-D) model that was developed by S. Thiagarajan et al.
There were four steps: define, design, develop, disseminate. Validity was used with instrument of validity that
had been validated. The result was obtained from this research are follows: (1) The validity of interactive
learning media that was expressed valid for the validation of the content with total value were 0,89 and 0,91
with category of valid was very high, and value of validation of the design were 0,90 and 0,88 with category
of valid was very high. So that, it was concluded that interactive instructional media for Electrical Circuits
was valid to be used as a learning media.

1 INTRODUCTION streamline the achievement of learning objectives in

the learning process.
The quality of education needs to be improved with According to Sudjana (2008) learning methods
the renewal of education. One way is through using the media in learning is crucial to get success
improving the quality of learning that is by updating in the learning process. Selection of appropriate
the approach or increasing the relevance of the media will affect to the changes in teaching and
method of teaching, the selection of methods and the learning orientation from teachers as a source of
appropriate learning media can support the material information toward the orientation of learning
delivered to the students well. The importance of students actively seeking information from various
media that helps learning has begun to be felt by media.
teachers and students. The management of teaching According to Djamarah (1997) in the process of
aids is much needed. One of the good learning teaching and learning media presence has a
media that is using interactive media. Learning significant meaning. The vagueness of the material
media can be presented in textual, animation, video, presented can be helped by presenting the media as
and images. The combination of the presentation is an intermediary. The complexity of materials to be
expected to be more motivated students and feel not presented to the students can be simplified with the
quickly bored. assistance of the media. The media can represent
Learning media is one component of learning that what the teacher has not submitted yet through
can help teachers in the learning process. The use of certain words or sentences. Even material abundance
media should be the part that should receive the can be concretized by the presence of media. Thus,
attention of the teacher/facilitator in every learning students easier to understand and master the material
activity. Therefore, teachers/ facilitators need to than without the helping of media.
learn how to establish learning media in order to Media according to Ansyar (2011) is a tool or
device that serves as an intermediary or channel in

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 123
the communication process between communicator support teaching materials, media power point used
and communicant. According to Seokidjo (2009) by teachers in the learning process as an additional
media also called props that help the process media in learning in the classroom and self-learning
demonstrate something. So that, from the definition of students. However, the media used has a
of media above, it can be said that the media as a drawback that only contains learning materials
liaison between the source of information to the without supporting animation and exercises/quizzes
recipient of information, the acceptance of such in it so that the lack of student interaction in
information will be understood if the recipient and learning.
the source is in the area of the same experience and The learning process in the participated school is
knowledge. Messages that exist in a media can be still done conventionally, where the learning process
understood by the recipient. Rusman (2011) argues is still focused on the teacher, this is why the
that the learning media is a messenger technology students are less motivated to find their own new
that can be used for learning purposes, learning things that can be used as experience in the learning
media is a physical means to deliver learning process. This is resulted in less interesting and less
materials, learning media is a means of optimal learning. Thus the learning process becomes
communication in the form of print and view by impeded and effect on the value of student learning
including hardware technology. outcomes.
Computers are teaching aids that can provide There are many basic competencies in electrical
interesting illustrations, graphics and animations. circuit subjects, one of which is described as the
Computers are expected to be an alternative medium Concept of Electricity Circuits. Basic Competence
for streamlining learning because applications in Describe the concept of Electricity Circuit is a basic
computers are able to present a comfortable learning competence that must be understood by the students,
environment and the possibility of getting a positive so that students can more easily understand the basic
response of students is large enough. In fact, the use competence then, then made an interactive learning
of computer-based instructional media in schools is media that contains animations. Then on the basic
not in line with the development and advancement competence if only explained by the lecture method
of information technology that can be used to alone, then the students will not easily understand
support the delivery of instructional media. abstract concepts, for that it is necessary to made an
Submission of materials that require media, if interactive learning media that contains abstract
delivered without the media will make students animations from the basic competence.
quickly bored in the learning process. There are so much instructional media that had
Based on the observations at a vocational high been developed, such as development of Computer
school in Lubuk Basung, Indonesia, among others; Assisted Instruction (CAI) for English (Keengwe
Limitations in the procurement of instructional 2012) and CAI for maths (Hawkins 2016). The
media so that teachers have not found the right way interactive instructional media have abstract
in the presentation of material that cannot be materials content that is animated, so that students
presented with lecture and record methods. This can understand the abstract materials easily with
phenomenon brings negative impacts to the students, interactive instructional media.
so students have to repeat the material, also spend The use of Lectora software is expected to make
the time that should be used for discussion of the the media of this Research Development is to see the
next material that can increase students' knowledge, validity of the interactive learning media in the
and cause the students not active in learning because learning of Electric Circuits, which can support the
more activities to hear it. learning needs of students in improving the learning
Limitations of time in the delivery of the material outcomes. Interactive learning so that the material
in more depth so that the material is not entirely can can be responded positively responded by the
be delivered to the students and the minimum means students. Aim.
of supporting learning such as not optimal use of
learning media causes less effective understanding
of students on learning materials. The use of 2 METHOD
textbooks is limited due to the insufficient
availability of textbooks and old editions, so that This research is a Research and Development. In
students do not have the latest books, especially in research aims to produce a product in the form of a
the field of instructional media. valid learning media using software Lectora Inspire.
The use of media that has not been maximal in According Sugiyono (2008 p. 297), "development
learning, the use of existing learning media does not research is the research used to produce a specific
product and test the effectiveness of the product".
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According to Putra (2012), research and lo = the lowest validity score (e.g., 1)
development method is a deliberate, systematic c = highest validity score (e.g., 5)
research aimed at finding findings, formulating, r = number given by the assessor
improving, developing, producing, testing the
effectiveness of products, models,
methods/strategies/ Services, certain procedures that 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
are superior, new, effective, efficient, productive,
and meaningful. The interactive instructional media that developed is
This learning media development procedure uses the instructional media that change abstract
4-D (four-D) development model. The development materials become animation, because there are so
process consists of 4 stages: (1) define much abstract material concepts on Electrical
(determination of material); design; (3) develop; (4) Sircuits course, so that the interactive instructional
disseminate (Trianto 2009). media is hoped can help students to understand the
Test validity is in the third stage, namely the abstract materials.
stage of development. After the prototype is
finished, then the development stage is done. This
stage aims to produce products that are valid,
practical and effective test.
The validation process is accompanied by a
discussion or direct interview with the expert on the
improvement that must be done by the design of
interactive learning media Electrical Circuitsis
consulted first to the experts and supervisor, then the
design is assessed by the people who are competent
(validator) who has understood the principle module
Figure 1. Animation of atom
2.1 Questionnaire validity
Stage of media validation test conducted for
The validation sheet contains some judgments and
interactive learning media developed can be known
responses to the materials in the Basic Competency
feasibility based on the assessment of material
of "Describing Electric Circuit Concepts" consisting
experts and media experts. The purpose of validation
of material conformity to interactive media with the
activities in this research is to obtain valid status
syllabus of the Grade X Electrical Circuit.
from the experts. Validation test data is obtained
The instrument is a validation sheet used to
through a validation instrument that is filled by
obtain data on the level of validity of learning media
several validators who are experts of instructional
developed. The questionnaire is submitted to a
media and learning material experts. The result of
material expert and media expert or validator after
input from the expert is made into revision material.
completion of the design. Questionnaire validation
Here is the questionnaire data analysis from the test
contains responses and assessments (by expert in
results of expert validation.
learning media) to the display interface, the
composition of the display color, clarity, animation,
video and sound effects of interactive learning 3.1 Material validation
media. Validation of the material is done by two experts in
the subject matter of Electricity Circuit. The purpose
2.2 Validity analysis of material expert validation is to know the accuracy
and conformity of the content aspects of the
The validator's assessment of each statement is
developed product whether it is in accordance with
analyzed using Aiken's V. So that for the range ≥0,6
the needs of learning. The validation assessment
can be interpreted as a fairly high coefficient, so it
data is obtained after the validator provides an
can be categorized that the category of validity is in
assessment of the learning materials present in the
"valid" category. If the validity value is less than 0,6
interactive media. After that, the data is calculated
then the media is declared invalid. The formula
validity value, the result of the validity of the
submitted by Aiken is as follows (Azwar 2014).
material can be seen in the table below.
V = Σ s / [n (c-1)]
Where, s = r - lo

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 125
Table 1. Result of Media Material Validation Based on the data in the table above, it can be
Aspects of Average of Cate Average of Cate concluded that the interactive learning media on the
Validation Aiken’s V I gory Aiken’s V II gory
Quality Content
subjects of Electric Circuits, especially on the basic
Quality of Learning competence describe the concept of electrical
0,83 Valid 0,89 Valid circuits is a "Valid" media.
Quality Interaction
Display Quality

3.2 Media validation
Media validation is a validation of the resulting The development result of this research is the
product design. Media validation is performed by product of interactive learning media on the subjects
two expert media validators. Media validation has of Electricity Circle on Basic Competence Describe
three aspects of requirements, namely didactic Electric Circuit Concept. The process of developing
requirements, construction requirements and the interactive learning media refers to the 4-D
technical requirements. Media validation is done development model of Define, Design, Develop, and
twice. Disseminate. The subject of this interactive media
After doing the first validation, the researcher development trials were the students of Grade X of
must revise this interactive learning media based on the participated school. After the development phase
the suggestion given by the media expert validator, is completed and the interactive learning media
after that the researcher can do the second validation developed has been declared valid, then the
to the validator of media expert. Then the validator interactive learning media is ready to be tested.
will re-assess the interactive learning media and
assessment of the validator. The result of the
validation of media validation by the validator can 5 REFERENCES
be seen in the table below.
Ansyar, R. 2011. Kreatif mengembangkan media pembelajaran
[Creative to develop instrcutional media]. Jakarta: Gaung
Table 2. Content Validation Validation Results Persada.
Aspect of Average of Cate- Average of Cate- Djamarah, S.B. 1997. Strategi belajar mengajar [Strategy of
Validation Aiken’s V I gory Aiken’s V II gory learn and teach]. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Didactic Putra, N. 2012. Research & development, penelitian dan
requirement pengembangan: suatu pengantar [Research &
Construction development: an introduction]. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo
2 0,84 Valid 0,89 Valid
requirement Persada.
Technical Rusman, R. 2011. Pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi
3 dan komunikasi [The learning based information and
communication technology]. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Soekidjo, S. 2009. Media pendidikan, pengertian,
Before performing a second validation, the
pengembangan, dan pemanfaatannya [Education,
researcher must make a revision in accordance with definition, development, and utilization]. Jakarta:
the suggestions of improvements that have been Rajawali Press.
given by the expert media validator. The suggestions Sudjana, N. 2008. Penilaian hasil proses belajar mengajar
and feedback from the validators of interactive [The result assessment of learn and teach process].
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
learning media are presented in the table below.
Sugiyono, S. 2008. Metode penelitian pendekatan kualitatif,
kuantitatif dan R&D [Research method of qualitative,
Table 3. Revised Interactive Media Instruction List quantitative and R&D]. Bandung: Alfabeta.
by Media Experts Trianto, T. 2009. Mendesain model pembelajaran inovatif
No Before Revision After Revision progresif [Design of progressive innovative instructional
1. The use of buttons on the Function button on the model]. Jakarta: Kencana.
application must be clear application has been Hawkins, RO. 2016. Using computer-assisted instruction to
function clarified build math fact fluency: an implementation guide.
2. Evaluation must be The wrong answer has Intervention in School and Clinic 52(3): 141-147.
interactive (wrong answers been explained by the Keengwe, J. 2012. Using computer-assisted instruction to
can be explained by the system enhance achievement of English learners. Education
system) Information Technology 19(2): 295-306.
3. The problem should be The problem has been
randomized to the number of randomized by making
the problem and the option the problem in two types
answer must also be tracked.
4. Fixed the statement sentence The incorrect statement
sent sentence has been fixed

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Development of guided inquiry-based accounting learning module to
improve creative and disciplin character

A. Risman & S. Santoso

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aims at producing a guided inquiry-based accounting learning module to improve
students’ creative and discipline character and to know its effectiveness. This research belongs to research and
development which refers to Borg & Gall model. The subject of this research is the eleventh grade accounting
students at a public vocational school in Karanganyar, Indonesia. The subject is divided into three: subject for
preliminary test consisted 10 students, subject for field test consisted of 25 students who do not involve in the
initial test, and subject for operational field tests consisted of 36 students. The product of this study is a
guided inquiry-based accounting learning module. The results show that the developed accounting learning
modules is feasible according to material experts, media experts and learning experts with excellent rating
categories. Accounting learning module is considered effective because the results of t test on the creative
character for 4,854 and the discipline character of 1,926 greater than t table that is 1,999 so it shows there is a
significant difference of creative character and discipline between students who follow the learning with the
developed module of accounting learning and those who do not.
1 INTRODUCTION character and noble morals of the students as a
whole, integrated and balanced, in accordance with
Education is a conscious and planned effort the Graduate Competency Standards in each
undertaken by a person to develop his potential to be education unit (Mulyasa 2014).
beneficial to his life interests. Education is also one Furthermore, curriculum 2013 is expected to form
of the factors that affect the existence of a nation. By a strong character in students. Character is a
means of education, the next qualified generation particular characteristic of someone which
will be born to contribute to the development of the distinguishes him from others (Bohlin 2005). The
nation’s life. characters within a person can shape a person's
As one effort to improve the quality of education, morale, a good character will form a good moral as
the Indonesian government develops the Curriculum well as the opposite (Nucci & Narvaes 2008).
2013 which is expected to equip the nation's next However, in reality the character of students today is
generation to increasingly competitive competition. still very weak, especially in terms of creativity and
The objective of the development of Curriculum discipline. The students' creativity decline can be
2013 is to prepare the human resources of Indonesia observed from the learning process; they lack the
to be faithful, productive, creative and innovative initiative to ask questions and to generate new ideas.
individuals as well as citizens and to contribute in The students’ discipline is also fairly low; being late
the life of society, nation, state and civilization and undisciplined to the classroom order are the
(Permendikbud No. 67 Tahun 2013). The examples.
development of curriculum 2013 emphasizes The development of creative and disciplined
character-based education and competence. character can be started from the behavior of
Character education is expected to create students in schools that can be integrated to the
dignified nation, prestigious community and learning process in school. Therefore, it takes a
competitive people to compete in global competition. learning media to accommodate the application of
Character education in Curriculum 2013 aims at student character. Learning media will greatly assist
improving the quality of education processes and teachers in transfering knowledge to students.
outcomes, which lead to the formation of noble Furthermore, Chetty et al. (2003) state that module
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can act as an instructional aid and helps not only in school, it is necessary to develop an accounting
understanding the fundamental concepts but also in learning module to encourage students to think more
providing a greater appreciation of the applications critically. The module should be based on one of the
of EM theory. active learning approach models which is suitable
Based on an interview conducted to an for the material of career in finance and corporate,
accounting teacher of the eleventh grade at the that is guided inquiry integrated to character
participated public vocational school on June 7, education. The guided inquiry-based accounting
2016, it was found that the teacher did not develop learning module has several advantages including:
instructional media, such as guided inquiry-based 1) Providing students a base to be actively learning
module, to build his students’ character. The current to build concepts, cooperate, understand and solve
learning process uses only teacher books and student problems; 2) Facilitating students to build skills
books distributed by the government. The result of throughout their lives; 3) Training students’ critical
need analysis in the participated school, shows that thinking skill; 4) Being useful for teachers in
there is no teaching materials to be used to develop delivering learning material to students; 5)
students' skills in thinking critically and creatively, Encouraging students to be more creative to
thoroughly and integrated. Students' understanding establish more interesting learning activities; And 6)
on a concept is merely to memorize the material Providing students opportunities to learn
rather than integrate it to their own skill. A learning independently.
process requires the integration of the three aspects
of skills, cognitive, affective and psycomotoric, in
order to achieve the purpose of learning. However, 2 METHOD
the current learning process tends to only prioritize
students' cognitive aspect, while affective and The development model in this research follows the
psychomotoric aspects that emphasize the formation design of Borg & Gall (1983) consisting of 10 steps.
of student attitudes have not been maximized. The steps are: (1) gathering information and
The low creative character and discipline of the conducting preliminary form of product (4)
students at the participated school, especially the development and in- formation collecting; (2)
eleventh grade accounting students, must be planning; (3) developing preliminary form of
addressed. Then it requires a learning media with product; ) Preliminary field testing, (5) revision to
approach of character education-integrated learning main product re-vision, (6) main field test- ing, (7)
model. A suitable learning model to embed the revision of test result product Operational field
character's value is guided inquiry. Integrating revision, (8) operational field testing, (9) final
guided inquiry-based accounting module is expected product revision, and (10) dissemination and
to improve students' understanding on learning implementation (dissemination and implementation).
material and to increase their creativity and A guided inquiry-based accounting learning module
discipline. product first validated by media experts, material
Guided inquiry learning is the use of the relevant experts, practitioners and linguists then revised.
way to gather information and to use logical analysis The subjects of the experiment in this study are
through some investigation as well as investigating the eleventh grader students accounting major at a
surrounding phenomena with guidance of guiding public vocational school. Preliminary test subjects
questions, so that students solve problems based on sebannyak 10 students and field trials as many as 25
facts they find (Joyce & Weil 2011). Guided inquiry students from one class. Subjects for testing
is an inductive learning method. It presents the lapanagan operations in the experimental class as
surrounding phenomenon into the class, with the many as 35 students, and control class as many as 36
result that students are encouraged to construct their students the other class.
knowledge through an interaction between their Data collection in this research uses interview
experiences and the surrounding phenomena technique and observation sheet for product
(Rusche & Jason 2011). Guided inquiry learning assessment guidance to get data about validity of
enables students to build on their knowledge and learning module from material expert and learning
helps them develop their comprehension of a media expert. The validation sheet is used to
concept (Pandey et al. 2011, Minner et al. 2010, determine the effectiveness of the resulting learning
Wilson et. al. 2010). module. In addition, rating scale is also used to
observe the creative and disciplinary characters that
Based on the problems found in the participated appear in students in the learning process during
field trials and field tests based on direct
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 128
observation. This rating scale uses Likert scale with participated school, it was found that the teachers are
five scale criterion. still difficult in improving the character of students.
Data analysis technique used is quantitative At the time of the observation, the students did not
descriptive data analysis conducted to analyze data have their own initiative to ask. In the literature
of observation result. The quality of the draft study phase, the researcher conducted a study on the
learning device was prepared and analyzed by the theory of learning module, guided inquiry learning,
materials experts, character experts and evaluation and character education. The activity is done by
experts prior to the initial test, field trials, and field analyzing the books and journals. The study of the
trials. Based on the three test results obtained a book analyzed is about learning module, guided
number of quantitative data. The data is then inquiry teaching model and character education.
analyzed to obtain the final research product that is Based on the preliminary study results, it can be
expected, namely in the form of guided inquiry concluded that the teacher needs a guided inquiry
learning accounting module to build creative based learning module to improve the character of
character and discipline. the students, especially the creative character and
Analysis of feasibility data of learning module is discipline. Improvement of creative character and
done by changing the assessment in the form of discipline begins with habituation in school which
qualitative become quantitative with the provision of can be done by integrating character values in every
score 5 for very good criterion, score. Analysis of learning activity. Therefore, this research is focused
the improvement of creative and disciplinary on developing learning accounting module based on
characters is done to determine the difference of the guided inquiry to improve the creative character and
use of learning modules viewed from the pre-test discipline of students of the participated school.
and post-test results through student character
observation. The rating scale of creative and 3.2 Expert validation
disciplinary characters filled by the observer yields
the average score to be analyzed. The resulting Data from the result of product assessment of
average score will be converted to scale four. accounting learning module conducted by material
Analysis of differences in creative and experts, media experts, practitioner experts can be
disciplinary characters was also done to determine seen in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5. Based on Table
differences in the improvement of creative and 3 it can be concluded that the accounting learning
disciplinary characters in the experimental class and module according to the expert material is very valid
control class. The prerequisite test that must be met or usable without revision. Based on Table 4, the
before t test is the normality test and homogeneity accounting learning module according to the learning
test. Normality test was performed using media expert is very valid or can be used without
kolmogrorov-smirnov test and homogeneity test of revision. Learning module according to the learning
creative character and discipline was done using F media expert is valid or can be used with small
test with 5% significance level. revisions. According to Table 4, the learning
accounting module according to the learner
practitioner is very valid or can be used without

3.1 Validation of the final product 3.3 Analysis of preliminary test

Based on interviews with the teachers, obtained The preliminary test was conducted in Accounting
information includes still difficulties in improving Class XI with the subject number of 10 people.
the student's character. At the time of the Selection of this subject is done randomly with
observation, the students did not have their own attention to differences in students' abilities. The
initiative to ask. In the literature study phase, the results obtained in the initial trial in the form of
researcher conducted a study on the theory of data effectiveness of learning modules.
learning module, guided inquiry learning, and Measurement of the effectiveness of learning
character education. The activities are to analyze the modules is done by giving the scale of teacher
books and journals. Study analyzed the book is response to the implementation of learning module
about learning module, guided inquiry learning and the scale of student responses to the
model and character education. implementation of learning, filling observation
Based on the results of interviews to the teachers sheet of student character by observer.
of the eleventh grade accounting students at the
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 129
3.4 Analysis of Field test
Table 3. The Assessment of the Learning Module Field test was conducted in the XI SC classroom
by Expert with the number of subjects of 8 students who had
No Aspect Percentage Categories not been subjected to trials in the initial trial. The
1 Content 84,52 Extremely Valid purpose of field trials is to implement product
2 Presentatiom 75,00 Valid revisions and evaluations based on initial test results.
3 Language use 91,66 Extremely Valid The results of the assessment of the effectiveness of
4 Learning Assessment 75,00 Valid learning tools on field trials can be seen in Table 7.
5 Learning Approach 81,25 Valid The table shows that the accounting learning module
6 Guided inquiry learning activity 75,00 Valid has proved effective in developing creative and
7 Evaluation process 96,32 Extremely Valid disciplinary characters. This is evident from teacher
responses with good effectiveness categories,
student responses with good effectiveness
Table 4. The Assessment of the Learning Module categories, creative character appraisal results and
by Learning-Media Expert discipline characteristics with good effectiveness
No. Aspect Percentage Categories categories.
1 Module size 75,00 Valid
2 Cover design 86,11 Extremely Valid Table 7. The Assessment of the effectiveness of
3 Content layout 84,21 Extremely Valid Learning Module on Preliminary Test

Table 5. The Assessment of the Learning Module No. Aspect Average Percentage Categories
by Practical Expert 1 Teachers’ 29 82,85 Good
No. Aspect Percentage Categories 2 Students’ 31 88,57 Very Good
1. Extremely Valid Response
Language Assessment 88,46
3 Assessment of 30 85,71 Very Good
2. Content advisability 92,86 Valid
3. Presentation 96,67 Extremely Valid Character
4. advisability
Presentation of Inquiry learning97,92 Valid 4 Assessment of 28 80,00 Good
5. material Valid Disciplined
Language assessment 92,86 Character
6. Benefit 95,83 Valid

Table 6. The Assessment of the effectiveness of 3.5 Analysis of operational field test
Learning Module on Preliminary Test
Operational field trials were conducted in the XI A
No. Aspect Average Percentage Categories class of 20 students and XI C classes of 10 students
1 Teachers’ 29 82,85 Good
as experimental class. There is a difference of
2 Students’ Response 28 80,00 Good
creative character and discipline of students before
3 Assessment of Creative 30 85,71 Very Good
and after learning by using guided inquiry based
Character accounting learning module. The data of character
4 Assessment of Disciplined 28 80,00 Good observation in operational field trials are as follows.
The results of the assessment of the effectiveness of
Based on the results table assessment of the learning module on the operational field trials
effectiveness of accounting learning module in the can be seen in Table below.
initial test above shows that the accounting learning
module proved effective in developing creative Table 8. The Assessment of the effectiveness of
character and discipline. This is evident from the Learning Module on Preliminary Test
teacher's response to the category of good No. Aspect Average Percentage Categories
effectiveness, student responses with excellent 1 Teachers’ 29 82,85 Good
effectiveness categories, and the results of creative
2 Students’ 30 85,71 Very Good
and friendly character assessment with good Response
effectiveness categories. 3 Assessment of 28 80,00 Good
Creative Character
4 Assessment of 31 88,57 Very Good

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 130
difference of creative and disciplinary characters of
Based on the above table shows that the learning students who use learning with guided inquiry-based
module proved effective in developing creative learning module.
character and discipline. This is evident from the
teacher's response to the category of excellent
effectiveness, student responses with excellent
categories of effectiveness, the results of the 4 DISCUSSION OF FINAL PRODUCT
assessment of creative characters and the character of
discipline with the category of good effectiveness. The final product of this development is a guided
inquiry-based accounting learning module to build
creative and disciplined characters for the eleventh
3.6 Difference between character improvement grade accounting students at the participated
before and after experiment school. This guided inquiry-based accounting
The purpose of developing this learning module is to learning module is prepared by considering the
improve the creative and disciplinary characters. In completeness of the components contained in the
this study also studied the difference of creative education law (Permendikbud) No. 70 year 2013
character and discipline of students before and after on the basic framework and structure of the
the implementation of learning by using guided vocational school curriculum.
Inquiry learning Accounting module. To determine The guided inquiry-based learning accounting
whether or not there is an increase in creative and module is a systematically organized learning
disciplinary characters, a paired sample test is material which contains a series of teaching and
performed as shown in Table 8. learning activities in accounting subject that
Table 8 shows that the data of paired sample test emphasizes students’ activeness to solve problems
shows that the acquisition value of creative and through inquiry based on the existing guidance.
discipline character significance is less than 0.05 (p: Based on the observations of creative and
0,000 <sign 0.05) then based on the conclusion there disciplined characters in the experimental and
is a significant increase of creative character And control classes showed the increase of the higher
student discipline before and after attending learning experimental than the control class. This shows that
with guided inquiry based accounting learning there is a significant difference of the average
module. increase between the creative and disciplined
character of students who follow the learning
process using guided inquiry -based learning
3.7 Difference between Creative and Disciplined
Character Improvement on Experimental Class accounting module that has been developed to the
and Control Class students who do not. This shows that the use of
guided inquiry-based module brought positive
In this study also studied about the difference of influence to the students' character improvement.
creative character result and student discipline using This is in line with the opinion Stedje (2010) that
guided inquiry self-based instructional module. To character of students will be more developed and
determine whether there is a difference between the formed in accordance to the frequency of students’
control class and the experimental class is an activities based on the character values.
independent sample t-test. Based on the results of operational field tests, the
guided inquiry-based learning module could
Table 9. Analysis of the achievement of Creative improve the creative character of the students. The
and Disciplined Character in Experimental Class increase was caused of the design of learning
(EC) and Control Class (CC) activities which support the learning environment
N Creative Disciplined
that influence students to be more creative. This is in
p (Condition) 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 accordance with the opinion Tan (2007) that one of
p (Achievement) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 the factors that encourages students to be more
Note Significant Significant creative is environmental factors. Therefore, this
developed guided inquiry-based learning module
Based on the above table shows that the results of supports the appearance of environment to enhance
independent t test (independent sample t-test) the creative character. This developed guided
acquisition value of creative character significance inquiry-based learning module is established to
and discipline less than 0.05 (p: 0,000 <sign 0.05). create a conducive learning environment for
So based on the conclusion there is a significant improving the students’ character.
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 131
Furthermore, by means of guided inquiry-based Minner, D. et al. 2010. Inquiry based science instructions what
accounting learning module cause the improvement is it and does it matter? Result from a research synthesis
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accounting learning module enables students to be 2013 [Development and implementation of Curriculum
active in scientific activities so as to demand 2013]. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
students’ creativity in solving problems. This is in Nucci, L. & Narvaez, D. 2008. Handbook of moral and
character education. New York, NY: Routedge.
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National Character (Baitbang 2010a) which explains over conventional teaching method on academic
that creative character is thinking and doing achievment of science student in India. Journal of
something to produce new ways or results from the Innovative Research in Education 3(2): 7-20.
existing ways or results. Permendikbud No. 67 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kerangka Dasar
dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah
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trigger students to learn more independently and Framework and Structure of Elementary School Curriculum
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guided inquiry-based learning accounting module Rusche, S.N., & Jason, K. 2011. You have to absorb yourself
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learning and self-knowledge. American Sociological
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groups to find the answers to the problems Stedje, B. 2010. Nuts and bolts of character education.
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creative character of the students. Stricklyn, J. 2011. What effect will using inquiry methods of
teaching science have on sixth grade students? Montana
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5 REFERENCE World Scientific Publishing
Wilson, C.D. et al. 2010. The relative effects and equity of
Bohlin, K.E. 2005. Teaching character education through inquiry based and common place science teaching on
literature awakening the moral imagination in secondary students, knowledge, reasoning, and argumentation.
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Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 132
Study on the relationship between character and the improvement of
learning achievements of science-biology students
K. Arifin
Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Junior High School science-teachers in Kendari city, Indonesia were reportedlyfaced
difficulties in implementing the Indoensian 2013 curriculum because the attitudinal competence assessment
is considered too complicated and requires a lot of time to manage. This study aims at obtaining empirical
information about the relationship extent between the character-achievement with the increase of science-
biology learning outcomes of seventh graders in three categories. The character achievement is obtained by
the technique of attitude competence assessment. Learning is done through seven multi-model learning
variations throughout one semester (18 meetings) which have been developed through lesson study activity.
Improvements in learning outcomes were obtained by the gain formula using the pre-experimental One-
Group Pre-test - Post-test Design. The data analysis results show that, in general, there is a significant
relationship between the character aspects achievement obtained through observation, self-assessment and
peer assessment as well as the total average with improvements in student learning outcomes in each school
category. Exceptions were obtained on the specific character in medium-grade schools that did not correlate
significantly with improvements in student learning outcomes. In addition, there is no significant relationship
between the value of the portfolio with the improvement of student learning outcomes, both in each school
category as well as the overall analysis.
1 INTRODUCTION applying the 2013 curriculum the attainment of
attitudinal competence achievement was too
The Indonesian National Education System number complex and required a lot of time to manage.
20/2003 article 1 of paragraph 1 mandates that one Competence of attitude consists of spiritual attitudes
of the functions of national education is, "... to associated with the formation of students who
develop the potential of students to have believe, cautious and grateful to God Almighty, and
intelligence, personality, and noble character." This social attitudes associated with the formation of
implies that Indonesians must be intelligent, have a students who have the noble character, independent,
personality or character that will produce future democratic, and responsible (Kemendikbud). There
generations based on the noble values of the nation are four models of techniques and forms of attitude
and religion. assessment instruments that are recommended for
Realizing the current issues of community use in schools, namely; observation techniques,
character, the government of Indonesia takes the students' self-assessment, peer ratings and journal or
initiative to prioritize the nation's character building. portfolio (Kemendikbud 2014).
This is reflected in the 2005-2025 National Long The result of the observation showed that in
Term Development Plan, which places character general thejunior high school science-teachers in
education as the first mission to realize the vision of Kota Kendari, Indoensiahadnot used the technique
national development (Kemendiknas 2010). This is of achieving the achievement of attitude
increasingly apparent with the existence of Core competence, but only doing the assessment of
Competence (KI) characters in the Curriculum 2013 knowledge competency achievement. However, the
in addition to the Process Competencies and KI- techniques of attitude competence assessment have
content areas of study (Kemdikbud 2013). their own advantages and limitations.This study
The results of interviews with science teachers of aims to obtain empirical information about the
MGMP-based lesson study participants in Kota extent of the relationship between the achievement
Kendari (2015) showed that out of 22 participant of character with the improvement of science-
teachers, there were 20 (90.91%) stated that in biology learning outcomes of students in grade

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sevenin three categories (high, medium and low) 2.3 Location, Population and Research Sample
public junior high school in Kendari city, Indonesia. This research was conducted at a public junior
The achievement of character is recorded through
high school in Kota Kendari of Southeast Sulawesi,
the technique of attainment of attitudinal Indonesia.The study population is all year seven
competency; Observation, self-assessment, peer students in18 schools. The sample was determined
assessment, and portfolio as well as through using stratified purposive random sampling
multimodel learning. Schwartz (2008) emphasizes technique.
that one of the effective educational programs of
characters that have a significant and lasting impact
is the use of multiple strategies, the multi-strategy 2.4 Data Analysis Technique
learning approach. Arends (2007) explains that To analyze the data obtained in this study, then the
applying two main strategies to meet the needs of all analysis is done in two stages, namely descriptive
students means applying multimodel (multiple analysis and inferential analysis..
models of instruction) teaching.

The analysis results of the character achievement
Research method employed in this study formulated relationship in the learning process with the
as follows: improvement of student learning outcomes include:
character aspect relationships on each attainment of
2.1 Types of Research competency assessment techniques, both in whole
school and in each school category, the average
This study is a type of experimental research achievement of each character aspect in both the
through pre-experimental treatment conducted in 3 school category and between the school categories
(three) group of school categories (high, medium and the improvement of student learning outcomes.
and low).

3.1 Relationship Analysis between Average

2.2 Research Procedures Total Achievement of characters on Each
This research was conducted by involving lesson Assessment Techniques Achievement
study teacher group based on the science teacher Competence Attitudes with Improved Learning
association in the city with the following procedure: Outcomes.
1) Preparation and 2) Implementation Phase in Class The result of the analysis of the relationship
(Preliminary and Research). between the mean total attainment of the characters
in each assessment technique of attainment of
attitudinal competence with improvement of
learning outcomes is listed in Table 1; as follows:

Table 1.
Result of Calculation p-value Value Relationship Total Achievement of character Each Technique of
Assessment of Achievement Competence Achievement with Improved Learning Outcomes (p-value <of α =
0,05; no significant relationship).

Assessment Technique
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Observation 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*

Self-assessment 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*

Peer-assessment 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*

Combination(GAK) 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*

Description: 1. Gratitude; 2.Honesty; 3. Responsibility; 4. Curiosity; 5. Creative Thinking and Innovative; 6. Hard
work; 7. Cooperation; 8. Communication; 9. Portfolio; * = sig. <α = 0,05

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Based on Table 1; It appears that except for the 3.2 Analysis of Relationship between
Achievement of Character with Increased
portfolio, the p-value value of each character aspect
Student Learning Results on each technique of
in each component is <less thanα = 0.05. This
attainment achievement attitudinal attitudes In
means that except for the portfolio, there is a
Each Category School.
significant correlation between the attainment of all
aspects of the character in each assessment The result of the analysis of the relationship
technique of attainment of attitudinal competence between the achievement of the character and the
and its combination (GAK) with the improvement of improvement of student learning outcomes in each
student learning outcomes. assessment technique of attitudinal competency
achievement in each school category is listed in
Table 2; as follows,

Table 2.Result of Calculation of p-value Value Relationship between Achievement Aspect Character Each
Technique Assessment Achievement of Attitudinal Competence with Improved Student Results in Each
Category School (value p-value is less than α = 0.05; there is a significant relationship)

School p-valueforevery Aspect of Character

Assessment Technique
Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Observation 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*


Self-assessment 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,004* 0,00* 0,251

Peer-assessment 0,001* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,039* 0,00*

Observation 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*


Self-assessment 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,011* 0,00* 0,869

Peer-assessment 0,049* 0,007* 0,44 0,091 0,044* 0,193 0,02*

Observation 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*


Self-assessment 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,677

Peer-assessment 0,001* 0,044* 0,001* 0,00* 0,01* 0,022* 0,00*

Description: 1. Gratitude; 2.Honesty; 3. Responsibility; 4. Curiosity; 5. Creative Thinking and Innovative; 6. Hard work; 7.
Cooperation; 8. Communication; 9. Portfolio; * = sig. <α = 0,05

Based on Table 2; It appears that generally the p-

value <from the significant level α = 0, 05, except 3.3 Analysis of Relationship between
the portfolio in all school categories, the curiosity Combined Aspects of the Same Character
character, creative-innovative thinking and (GAKS) of Each Technical Assessment of Social
cooperation in the medium category schools. This Competence with Improved Learning Outcomes
means that unless portfolio assessment in all school in Each School Category
categories, curiosity, creative-innovative thinking
The result of the analysis of the relationship
and collaboration in medium-grade schools, there is
between the combined aspects of the same character
a significant correlation between the attainment of
of each attainment of attitudinal competency
the character aspect of each attribute competency
assessment techniques with the improvement of
assessment technique in each school category with
learning outcomes in each school category is listed
improved student learning outcomes.
in Table 3; as follows:

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 135
Table 3. Result of Calculation of p-value Value Relationship between Combined Aspects of the same
Character (GAKS) with Improved Student Results in Each School Category (p-value <of α = 0.05; there is a
significant relationship).
High 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*
Medium 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*
Low 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00* 0,00*
Description: 1. Gratitude; 2.Honesty; 3. Responsibility; 4. Curiosity; 5. Creative Thinking and Innovative; 6. Hard work; 7.
Cooperation; 8. Communication; * = sig. <α = 0,05

Based on Table 3; It appears that all p-value human nature. What matters is the promotion,
values <of significance level α = 0,05. This means passion, and execution of a good character
that there is a significant relationship between all the education, which results in the most positive
combined aspects of the same character of each experience for all students. This needs to be done at
attainment of attainment competency assessment all levels; whether at home, school, college, or
techniques with the improvement of student learning government. If someone wants to know how
outcomes in each category of school. students feel about school, then ask students.
Students will reveal what is needed, and then
become the duty of educators, parents, volunteers,
4 DISCUSSION and government officials to then do something about
The results of inferential analysis both in whole and Seideret (2013) research shows the role of moral
in every school category show that except the character and performance in predicting student
portfolio, in general, the character aspects of success. As noted in the results, the percentage of
students obtained through observation assessment variance in academic achievement and school-
techniques, self-assessment, and peer-to-peer behaviour predicted by student character strength is
assessment indicate a significant relationship with relatively small. Therefore, teachers should utilize
the improvement of learning outcomes. Exceptions every means they have to support student success.
also occur in peer ratings in medium and low school This study shows that the strength of moral
categories. In the medium category schools, the character and character of student performance is an
character aspect of peer assessment is not important tool in an effort to support its success. In
significantly related to the improvement of student recent years, a number of organizations have
learning outcomes, gratitude, responsibility, identified a characteristic culture of student
curiosity, hard work, and communication, while in performance as a key lever (lever) in promoting its
the low-grade category aspects of gratitude and hard success. Tough The school even started issuing
work. "character card reports" of students who provided
The positive impact of character education on feedback on eight character strengths including
academic success has been reported by many performance patience, courage, self-control,
researchers, such as Berkowitz (2002), Benninga et. optimism, and passion (Seideret 2013).
al. (2003), Richard (2002), and Crider (2012), and In addition, Chamundeswari et al. (2014) states,
has been described in the literature review section. in each individual has a relatively unlimited
In addition, Olowookere et al. (2015) reported that potential to develop a positive self-concept and
over time students develop performance characters realistic. The potential can be realized by people,
involved in time management practices to achieve places, policies, programs, and processes
academic excellence, there is a significant positive deliberately designed to realize that potential. One
relationship between character building and of the factors that contribute to the achievement of
academic achievement. The results of this research learning achievement is the variation of the students'
indicate that the dimension of the persistence of ability to organize the work to learn efficiently.
character development predicts the academic Therefore, it is suggested the importance of special
performance, while the dimension of discipline and guidance and training so that students know how to
responsibility has no significant relationship with learn and work efficiently. The number and type of
student achievement. Thompson (2010) states the the subject differ in terms of age and grade level.
need for students to learn how to be good, Techniques and learning habits tailored to changes
respectful, and responsible is always there and is in learning materials, objectives and desired results.

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Anwar's (2013) research results show that there is a performance. Kemendikbud (2014) suggests that
significant relationship between learning habits and observations on the strengths and weaknesses of
student achievement in high school. The academic students attending to attitudes and behaviors are
achievement of students who have good study habits recorded immediately so that the portfolio/journal is
is higher compared to students who have poor study original and objective that can be used to understand
habits. Various controlled factors such as learning students more precisely. In addition, observation
methods, family background, socio-economic status aspects are determined first by the teacher according
and student environment are the determinants of to the characteristics of the subject matter. Aspects
study habits. of observations that have been determined are then
The results of Kumari's (2014) study indicate an communicated with the learners early in the
important role of personality to academic semester.
performance that provides answers to the question Susan & Maureen's (2014) study shows that
of why some students are academically inclined to positive attitudes about work have a positive effect
increase, while the other students are not at the level on homework scores, which means that students
of the same intelligence. The results showed that who do well on the job receive positive
personality has a relationship with academic reinforcement of good grades, thus affecting their
achievement, not just intelligence that determines opinions about homework. Collaboration offers
academic performance. The factor of desire (factor students the opportunity to be examined for their
W); The willingness of the students to do, and the work by others, learn from others, and perhaps to
general factor (factor G) is just as important in get answers from others, seek help, use books and
determining academic achievement as compared to other resources, and share answers that are not
intelligence. It is further explained that personality normally available. It was found that, to the extent
traits conscientiousness (self-awareness and that homework prepares students for the exam, the
thoroughness) are the most important key factors for effect on test scores can be substantial but indirect.
predicting student performance. Working with others positively affects homework
Ibrahim et al. (2014) in his research to examine scores but negatively affects the test scores.
the relationship between the five dimensions of the Moreover working with others seems to be most
high personality traits or the Big Five (neuroticism, beneficial for homework for middle motivation
Extraversion, openness to experience, friendliness student groups. Motivation from middle group
and self-awareness) with student academic students can be enhanced by the social effect of
achievement. The research data is based on the latest working with others. Homework has a stronger
empirical literature relationship between Big Five effect on test scores for less motivated students,
personality traits with student academic however, working with others on homework has a
achievement. The study found that among the five stronger negative impact on test scores for students
dimensions of personality, consciousness is the best who are less motivated. Susan and Maureen's (2014)
dimension highly correlated with student academic study concludes that there is a significant positive
achievement. correlation between study habit skill, homework and
Portfolio in this research is one component of assignment can predict good academic performance,
character assessment. The result of data analysis so homework is recommended and tasks should
shows that there is no significant continue to be provided and a major component of
relationship/difference with the achievement of the final assessment of students. Felder et al. (2002)
student learning outcomes, either in interaction reported that the application of active group
analysis with learning style, overall or analysis in exercises in the classroom and cooperative learning
every school category. The results of this analysis groups for homework will help overcome the
become interesting to be studied further considering difficulties of extrovert students and feelers.
the portfolio is one of the main techniques of The results of the Gudaganavar and
assessment in determining the achievement of Halayannavar (2014) study show that the
character and achievement of student cognitive establishment of effective learning habits in students
learning outcomes. is a result of the home environment and work
The portfolio results achieved by each student in planning, reading and recording of habits and
this study is a collection of works of each student, preparation for results-oriented examinations to
whether generated through individual or group work perform well in tests and exams. The findings
done in the classroom during the learning process indicate that the better the study habits, the higher
and also as a result of homework. The achievement the academic performance of the students. Bad
of each student's portfolio during this study study habits will result in poor academic
unrelated to the improvement of his learning performance, while good learning habits will
outcomes indicates the need for better planning in produce a good academic performance. Establishing
assigning tasks to the students so that the results effective learning habits creates awareness for
obtained can give a clear picture of each student's regular and stable learning. Correspondingly,

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 137
Mashayekhi et al. (2014) report on the results of aspects are determined first by the teacher according
their studies, study habits have a significant impact to the characteristics of the subject matter. Aspects
on academic achievement, important for academic of observations that have been determined are then
performance and educational progress that communicated with the learners early in the
ultimately affects the academic future and career of semester.
students. It is therefore advisable to consider and
plan for improving methods and learning the habits
of students. 6 REFERENCES
The results of Kumar's research (2015) show that
most students do not follow effective study habits. Anwar, E. 2013. A correlational study of academic
The average time spent by the majority of students achievement and study habits: Issues and concerns.
studying per week is less. The majority of students Excellence International journal of Education And
do not revise lessons on the same day. Students Research 1(2): 46-51.
sometimes collaborate in assignments although Arends, R.I. 2007..Belajar untuk mengajar edisi ketujuh
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the value of students which causes the majority of S.M. Soetjipto). Yokyakarta: Penerbit Pustaka Pelajar.
students in the first semester to have a low Benninga, J.S., et al. (2003). The relationship of character
percentage score achievement. Thus, teachers need education implementation and academic achievement in
to motivate students to adapt themselves to effective elementary schools. Journal of Reserch in Character
learning habits. In addition, students with low Education, 1(1): 19-32.
percentage scores need to be given more motivation Berkowitz, M.W. 2002. The science of character education. in
than students with a higher percentage score. Survey william damon (ed). Bringing in new era in character
data show that students who earn lower percentage education. California: Hoover Institution Press. Stanford
scores because of insufficient independent study University.
time, do not revise lessons, do not follow learning, Chamundeswari, S., et al. 2014. Self-concept, study habit and
and do not consult with teachers. academic achievement of students. International Journal of
Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) 1(10):
5 CONCLUSION Crider, R.B. 2012. Character education: A relationship with
building health (Doctoral Dissertation). Duquesne
In general, there is a significant relationship University. USA
between the achievement of aspects of the character Gudaganavar, N.V. & Halayannavar, R.B. 2014. Influence of
of gratitude, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, study habits on academic performance of higher primary
creative-innovative thinking, hard work, cooperation school students. International Journal of Science and
and communication obtained through observation, Research (IJSR) 3(2): 227-280.
self-assessment, and peer assessment and average Ibrahim, N.S., et al. 2014. A meta-analysis of the relationship
Total with improvements in student learning between big five personality traits and students’ academic
outcomes in each school category. Exceptions were achievement. ICSSR E-Journal of Social Science Research
obtained on the character of curiosity, creative- (2):15-22
innovative, collaboration in medium-grade schools Kemdikbud R.I. 2013. Ilmu pengetahuan alam SMP/MTs kelas
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improvements in student learning outcomes. In teacher]. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan
addition, there is no significant relationship between Kebudayaan.
the value of the portfolio with the improvement of Kemendikbud. 2014. Model penilaian pencapaian kompetensi
student learning outcomes, both in the analysis in peserta didik SMP [Assessment Model of competencies
each school category as well as the overall analysis. attainment students in Junior High School]. Jakarta:
To obtain maximum portfolio activity result as Kemendikbud. Direktorat Pembinaan SMP.
one of the achievement technique of attitude Kemendiknas (2010). Kebijakan nasional pembangunan
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students more precisely. In addition, observation habits and the academic achievement of students in islamic

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Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 139
Study on Early Childhood Discipline in Majalengka-Indonesia
E. Hartiani., A. Listiana., Y. Rachmawati & A.I. Pratiwi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Being disciplined is an important quality that children should possess because it is very useful
for their life, their daily activities and their future. However, discipline education carried out by teachers and
parents nowadays, especially in early childhood, seems to be insufficient. As a pilot study, the researcher
wasinterested to discover how disciplined are the children in Majalengka city, Indonesia. The population of
this study was 9,545 playgroup students in the Majalengka city, West Java, Indonesia, with the sample of
1,506 children spread in from 26 sub-districts and 412 institutions; the sample was chosen using random sam-
pling; the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis to identify the mean and standard deviation on each
measured discipline method; and questionnaire was used to measure the children’s discipline and independ-
ence level, consisting of 35 items, but only 22 items to measure the categorized discipline were used (Listiana
& Amanah 2017). Based on the result of data analysis, the children’s level of discipline are as follows: (1)
Students in very high category were 7.30%, (2) Students in high category were 49.80%, (3) Students in mod-
erate category were 30.428%, (4) Students in low category were11.29%; and (5) Students in very low catego-
ry were 1.13%.

1. INTRODUCTION ters and vice versa. Early childhood is the perfect

Young children are in a socially, emotionally, cogni- time to instill characters in children (Jalongo 2007),
tively and spiritually period of rapid development, so it is easy for them to develop creativity, capabil-
and specifically the development of their mental and ity, behavior and skill. One of the characters that
physical abilities progress very rapidly from birth to needs to be instilled early on is discipline attitude.
the age of six years old (2013 PAUD Indonesian Being disciplined is a very important life lesson
Childhood Education Curriculum, 2015). According for children, because by being accustomed to being
to research results in the field of neurology conduct- disciplined, they will naturally instill positive values
ed by Bloom (2004), an educational expert from the and will be accepted by many people. It is in line to
University of Chicago, USA, the development of Syauqi who states that a nation can only survive
brain tissue cells in children aged 0-4 years reaches when it still has good morality or character, when
50%; then 80% at the age of 4-8 years, and 100% at there is no morality in a nation, which includes be-
the age of 8-18 years. The results of Cropley’s study ing disciplined, the nation will no longer survive
show that a child born with 100 billion brain cells (Yatmi 2016). Therefore, the implementation of dis-
and, upon entering early childhood age, the connec- cipline practices is also important to help and keep
tion multiplies several times started from 20,000 children from behavioral problems, criminality, de-
prior connections (Permono 1994). pression and alcoholic problems during adulthood
This is what causes children to be able to learn (Socolar et al. 2007).
everything from their surroundings naturally. Chil- Disciplining is a process of teaching children
dren always have the desire to understand their envi- normative values and behaviors prevailing in the so-
ronment, to be in control of their own experiences cial environment/society (Wissow 2002). It is in ac-
and to make relationships with other children and cordance with Smith (2004) who affirms that disci-
adults, leads to the child amassing a bank of pline is the process of teaching children the values
knowledge about the causes and effects of what they and normative behaviors of their society; and it is
perceive around them within the first 4-5 years of the guidance of children’s moral, emotional and
life (Whitebread & Bringham 2013). physical development that enabling them to take re-
What they learn in their surrounding can however sponsibility for themselves when they are older. As
be positive or negative. If children live in a positive stated by Max (2011), disciplining is an act of shap-
environment, then they will develop positive charac- ing and changing behavior, not punishing people. It

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emphasizes on the lessons and consequences of an courage and reinforce appropriate self-regulatory
action (Holden 2002). behaviors that are important for learning.
In order to instill discipline attitude to children, However, according to field studies and inter-
every early childhood education teacher has to de- views with some early childhood education teachers
velop classroom routines or habit. Wood & Neal in Majalengka’s sub-districts and some research
(Neal et al. 2015) define habit as: conducted in several places in Indonesia, there are
still some children who have not shown the expected
“A learned, reflex-like behavior that is trig- disciplined behavior. Therefore, the researcher is in-
gered unconsciously by familiar cues in a person’s terested in conducting a further study to find out the
context (physical setting, other actions in se- discipline level of young children aged four to five
quence, time of day). Once formed, a habit may year old in the playgroups in the Majalengka city.
substitute for, or override, conscious decision
making in a relevant situation. A habit also blocks
conscious awareness and exploration of behavioral 2. RESEARCH METHOD
choices and triggers rapid relapse to an old way of
acting even when a person wants and intends to do The approach used in this study is descriptive
something new.” quantitative with survey method to collect the data
on children’s discipline level. The survey was
The prefrontal cortex in people’s brain is heavily conducted to collect the data through questionnaires
engaged in the conscious, effortful learning of new by taking samples from a population. The population
behaviors. Therefore, the classroom routine/habit of this study were 9,545 playgroup students in
developed by early childhood education teacher has Majalengka city, with of 1,506 samples taken from
to have clear goals in order to help children experi- 412 play group institutions from 26 sub-districts.
ence discipline habit as a rewarding thing. The sampling technique used was random sampling.
Furthermore, Salmon (2010) affirms that teach- The measuring instrument used in this study was
ers’ use of routines is important, not only to give Young Children’s Disciplined and Independent Be-
children a sense of security and confidence, but also haviors Measuring Instrument developed by Listiana
to create habits of mind as they develop a culture of & Amanah (2017). This measuring instrument is
thinking. Similarly, Salmon (2010) acknowledges specifically designed to measure the development of
that when thinking routines become part of the class- the disciplined and independent behaviors of young
room culture through repeated practice, they create children, which consists of 35 items, but only 22
patterns of thinking and learning that become part of items to measure the disciplined behavior were used.
the child’s intellectual character. The system of this measuring tool includes calculat-
The form of disciplining children in their early ing the score of each item in the scale that has been
childhood education includes requiring them to filled by the respondents to obtain a total score that
come on time for a class; not to get their food or toys shows the disciplined behavior score of each as-
while studying; to put their shoes and bags properly; sessed child. The score of each question ranges from
and do the activities in their environment including 1 to 5 with the answer choices including: very often
activities before playing, during play and after play- have positive value (5 points), often have positive
ing in accordance with applicable rules that have value (4 points), sometimes have positive value (3
been agreed in advance. When the above rules have points), rarely have positive value (2 points), and
been implemented in a longer period, it is expected never have positive value (1 point). This instrument
that the children will instill their discipline attitude has passed validity and reliability tests and resulted
as they grow older. in high scores, which indicates that this instrument is
Furthermore, the rules are also made to develop appropriate to be used for a study. The data were an-
children’s critical thinking, in order to help them dis- alyzed using descriptive analysis by looking at the
tinguish the good and bad habit. Hence, when the mean and standard deviation of every measured dis-
teacher has developed this habit, the children will cipline method.
create their patterns of thinking and learning that be-
come part of their intellectual character (Salmon
2010). Besides, thinking can include many different 3. RESULTS
mental processes, such as compare, infer, explain,
and analyze (Salmon 2010). Observation activities were conducted to identify the
This can also be successful with teacher’s will- discipline level of young children in Majalengka
ingness to be consistent in building the habit in a city. From 1,506 young children, consisting of 760
positive manner. It is in accordance with White data from female children and 746 male children, the
bread & Bringham (2013) who affirm that teachers’ following general picture was obtained.
warm and positive relationships with their pupils en-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 141
Table 1. Data Analysis Results ing of self-discipline and that certain behaviors are
Category Score Range Number of Children % unacceptable. Discipline in young children is neces-
Very high x ≥ 90.14 110 7.30 sary to shape their personality. Through discipline,
High 8.38 ≤ x7 < 90.14 750 49.80 children are introduced to things that are appropriate
Moderate 66.62 ≤ x < 78.38 459 30.48 and inappropriate behaviors.
Low 54.86 ≤ 66.62 170 11.29 In addition, discipline also introduces children to
Very low x < 54.86 17 1.13 their rights and responsibilities; children learn to
Total 1,506 100
control them self and realize that social life comes
with rules that must be followed, in orderto create-
It can be concluded that the young children disci- conducive environment and to form a solid personal-
pline level in Majalengka city is categorized as high. ity (Saputri 2016). This also helps children to devel-
High discipline is a condition when a child obeys op their thinking ability as they construct knowledge
and follows the instructions school. For instance, from their prior experience.
they do the daily routines in the classroom - they For children, the short-term goal of being disci-
make a line when the activities occurred, they keep plined is none other than to make them have skill
clean themselves and look after the environment and control. It is done by introducing children to ap-
clean. This is allegedly caused by the way of instil- propriate and inappropriate behaviors. Furthermore,
ling discipline to children and the understanding of the long-term goal of being discipline for children is
teachers on early childhood discipline are sufficient- for the development of self-control without self-
ly high. Nowadays in the Majalengka city, early influence and self-direction, in which children can
childhood teachers have begun to understand the direct themselves without external influence and
importance of discipline on young children, so they control (Schaefer 1996).
emphasize the process of instilling discipline to The purpose of the children’s self-control is to
young children. lead them to learn the skills and values that will pre-
pare them for adulthood when they will ultimately
depend entirely on self-discipline (Rohmaniah et al.
4.DISCUSSION 2016). This is crucial as Tarullo et al. (2009) define
self-control is a skill that children need to succeed
Being disciplined is one of the important behaviors academically, socially, and emotionally.
to be instilled in children from their early age and to There are two ways in disciplining children; posi-
be developed in everyday life aspects through the in- tive discipline and negative discipline (Hurlock
teraction and communication between adults and 1990). Positive discipline is an overarching philoso-
children. Basically, being disciplined is a necessity phy that helps a child develops a conscience guided
in early childhood age and it is needed for the sake by his own internal discipline and compassion for
of progress and changes towards the better (Aulina others (Attachment Parenting International n.d.) It
2013). Similarly, Lipoff (2011) affirms that young includes giving children an understanding of why
child’s brain is ready for positive reinforcement. they should behave so that there is no pressure or
Communication between adults and children is done coercion to obey the rules.
to provide instruction, guidance or encouragement Positive discipline in reinforcement can be given
that aims at helping children learn to live as social in the form of persistent persuasion. It can be done
beings and achieve optimal growth and development by teacher through giving commands with a reason-
(Schaefer 1996). As White bread and Bringham able tone of voice and without threat, as well as not
(2013) believe that the modeling of behaviors by giving the "if not" expression on the given com-
adults is a powerful means of supporting learning in mands. Rationalization and respond to the negotia-
children. As a result of good communication be- tion can also be incorporated in each command but
tween children and adult, their relationship will con- with a controlled tone, clear reasons and friendliness
tinue and their lives improve. (Berginet et al. 1999). In addition, positive rein-
In relation to aforementioned issue, children forcement through giving children an understanding
should feel secure and valued. In communicating about the rules and reminding them to follow the
with children, adult should maintain eye contact and rules have been showing good results in disciplining
interest, respond to what children are saying, and them and making them independent. According to
treat them with courtesy and respect (Burnham & Bergin et al. (1999), effective disciplining involves
Baker 2010). rational understanding, in which the process requires
Discipline attitude in young children is a self- the understanding of why children should not behave
control attitude of children aged 0-6 years in com- a certain way. If there is a clear reason, children will
plying with the rules applicable in the children’s en- process the rationale so as to have a behavior stand-
vironment both at home and at school. This is in ac- ard. Children will also be able to know how to be-
cordance with Lipoff’s (2011) theory that children have later in life and abandon their old behavior that
should be instilled with knowledge and understand-

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 142
they consider to be less appropriate (Bergin et al. their of own attitude. As Canadian Paediatric Socie-
1999). ty (2004) emphasizes that the goal of effective disci-
Meanwhile, negative discipline takes place when pline is to foster acceptable and appropriate behavior
children are attempting to avoid punishments so that in the child and to raise emotionally mature adults.
children follow the rules because they do not want to
be punished (Smith 2004). Negative discipline in re-
inforcement given by teachers in this study is in the 6.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
form of a threat. Smith (2004) describes negative
discipline as discipline that “focuses on obedience Gratitude is extended to the Directorate of Research
and the avoidance of punishment. Power assertive and Community Service, General Directorate for
disciplinary methods involve application of aversive Research Reinforcement and Development of the
consequences such as physical punishment, threats Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Edu-
or withdrawal of privileges with little justification.” cation who have funded this study in accordance
Although reinforcement in the form of threat may with the Decree of General Director of Research Re-
make children to behave better, this should be inforcement and Development No. 30/EKTP/2017
avoided. This is because threat is not the right way of April 3, 2017 on "Higher Education Research
to discipline children. According to UNICEF (2008), Funding Receiver of State Owned University in Fis-
negative discipline causes physical and psychologi- cal Year 2017”.
cal pains to the child on the receiving end, as well as
other child who witness it.
In regard to this, Innes, Max (2011) stated that the 7.REFERENCES
concept of discipline in children is about shaping
and changing their behavior, not punishing the chil- Attachment Parenting International. n.d. Practice positive dis-
dren. In addition, according to Yaumi (2014), psy- cipline. Retrieved from
chological violence takes place in the form of shout-
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ing, talking harshly, tearing students’ paper work, [Planting discipline in early childhood]. Jurnal Pedagogia
bringing students into conflict, and giving threats. 2(1): 36-49.
Therefore, this kind of reinforcement should not be Bergin, C. & Bergin, D. A. 1999. Classroom discipline that
done, as it will destroy children’s sense of being promotes self-control. Journal of Applied Developmental
loved and wanted. Psychology 20(2): 189–206
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disciplinary methods, teachers of early childhood in schools (Primary): Level 3 - Diploma. Heinemann: Pear-
educations are expected to select betters ways of son Education Limited.
Canadian Paediatric Society 2004. Effective discipline for chil-
dealing with problems to discipline attitude issues. dren. Paediatric Child Health 9(1): 37–41.
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NY: Person Education.
is high. This is allegedly because the teacher's un- Lipoff, S. 2011. The child’s brain, behavior, and discipline.
derstanding of early childhood discipline is suffi- Retrieved from
ciently high, which means that the teachers under-
stand that discipline for children is something development/the-childs-brain-behavior-and-discipline/
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In addition, discipline is a guide for the moral, disiplin dan mandiri anak usia dini [Instrument for as-
emotional, and physical development of children sessing discipline and self-regulation for early year
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surroundings. and sticky behavior change in handwashing behavior’.
This study recommends early childhood educa- Washington, DC: WASH plus.
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time for, not having their food or toys while study- technic using economy tocken to improve dicipline for
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Salmon, A.K. 2010. Tools to enhance young children’s think- Suminah, E. et al. 2015. Kurikulum pendidikan anak usia dini:
ing. Young Children 65(5): 26-31. Apa, mengapa, dan bagaimana [Early Childhood Education
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independence and diciplined values for early year children brain. Washington DC: Zero to Three.
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Family discipline and young children. International Journal Yaumi, M. 2014. Pendidikan karakter: Landasan, pilar dan
of Early Childhood 36(2): 27-41. implementasi [Character education: foundation, priciple and
Socolar, R. et al. 2007. A longitudinal study of parental disci- implementation]. Jakarta: Prenada media Group.
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Environment supported to develop young child discipline
Y. Rachmawati & A. Listiana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Teaching discipline of young children is not only independent, but also requires others support
which are physical and psychological environment. However, many parents and educators tend to train
discipline with hard training and punishment. Eventually, firm training and punishment were being
ineffective. Even, this pattern leads to the new negative behavior in children. Discipline is an abstract issue on
young children, then the environmental support is needed to facilitate children easier to follow the norm of
discipline. The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of psychological environment and physical
environment to build discipline in early childhood.

1 BACKGROUND behavior problems arise. In some researches, there

are cases when parents trying to teach discipline
Discipline education means a teaching individual to with harshness and punishment to children, so they
do orderly, organized steady and neatly. In addition, got the opposite effect of discipline, it’s created a
discipline also teaches a person to have negative behavior on their children (Slade &
responsibility to his/her own self and its Wissow 2004, Manuel et al. 2010, Sobita 2014, Hart
environment, dealing something into position, et al. 1992, Smith 2004).
equitable to his/ her self and others. Discipline The discipline formation in early childhood
behavior is conducted to obey the rules and laws requires appropriate strategies and approaches to
governing public. A discipline behavior is not only their development (Socolar 2007). Discipline
related to the comfort and safety of his own life but education is not just teach a child following the rules
also connected to other's people in society. That is without awareness and sense of social responsibility.
what makes a person must be disciplined as a form This paper was created to answer questions; What
of responsibility and care for the community. and how exactly takes an early child before trained
Actually, dealing with taking the rules and to follow the rules? What do the children need to be
discipline is not only related to the social life, but disciplined? What support does the child need to
also the universe in nature is highly disciplined. In enforce discipline?
nature, people can watch the return of the day and
night. Then, it had seen the rotation of the earth, the
planets, the moon and the sun. They are discipline 2 THE GOAL OF DISCIPLINE
circulating in their orbit. Each of them is following
the rules. The Nature is arranged neatly and orderly. The purpose of discipline is to live orderly, safe,
They performed a high-level discipline and peaceful, and comfortable for all parties. Each
organized. individual contributes to the order of society.
Discipline is very important behavior for Teaching discipline implemented since on early-
everyone. It’s needed to be thought since he or she childhood education. In addition, discipline also
was a young child. However, the problem is how to helps children to have good self-esteem, self-esteem,
teach discipline in children? Discipline behavior is avoid children from misconduct, and avoid
not limited only related to the rules and laws. If aggression, criminal behavior in adulthood,
parents or educators only focus on "following the depression, and alcohol addiction (Socolar 2007).
rules" it is not surprising that some parents use
punishment to discipline children. When violence is
done then the result is not being discipline, but other

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to Maslow (Pujiatni & Lestari 2010) mental health
3 SELF AWARENESS related to realism, acceptance, autonomy, capacity
for intimacy and creativity. Furthermore, Taylor &
If the goal of discipline is well organized in personal Brown (1988) emphasized criteria of mental health
life and society, it means that the discipline needed including “the ability to care about others, the ability
self-awareness. More over the prime focus is how to be happy or contented, and the ability to engage in
develop discipline base on internal recognition not productive and creative work”. Adjustment, positive
only following the rules. Following the rules is more emotion, and mental health is foundation to
external motivation than internal awareness. So, discipline (Bronfenbrenner 1979, Smith 2004,
talking about internal recognition was needed Hastuti 2008).
understanding, willingness and making decision to Gail & Seehy described that there are ten happy
choose discipline behavior. The real discipline is not and mental health characteristics; (1). Have a goal
only following the rules without any motif and and direction in life, (2). Have important transition
awareness. The main awareness is internal in adult period, and handle it with creative, (3).
recognition. Rarely feel disappointed and treat unfair in life, (4).
Achieving some important goals in life, (5). Caring
with personal growth and development, (6). Having
good loving relationship and mutualism, (7). Have a
lot of friends, (8). A fun and excited person, (9).
Criticism is not seen as a personal attack that lowers
self-esteem, (10). Do not have the fears that others
generally have (Hastuti 2008).

Related to the influenced of parent mental illness

in children “There is significant relationship
between social relation and psychological
adjustment among the children of depressed and
anxious parents” (Mahmood et al. 2015). Some
researcher described that people with
maladjustment, unhappy, under pressure, tend to do
Figure 1. Elements supported on discipline harsh and rude to teach child discipline.
Consequences it tends to build negative behavior. In
contrast, happy mothers teach discipline her child
This following will present the discipline warmer and more democratic. Devandra (2013) said
mechanism as shown on figure 1. Before teaching that “prohibited physical punishment will have an
discipline, it necessary the factors of mental health, impact on the good mental health children and good
psychological and physical environmental quality basic education”.
supported, then modeling, drilling and teaching
discipline. Discipline with internal motivation and
awareness, only can be developed on foundation of
4 MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTED mental health. Parents with stress, depression and
aggression cannot handle education in good
Positive behavior, social care and responsibility to manners, including implemented discipline to their
society are influenced by mental health. People with children. According to Mahmood et al. (2015)
mental illness may have difficulties to do stable and mental illness in parents such as depressed and
positive behavior. The first condition to develop anxious can cause social relationship and
discipline is both of an educator, and student must psychological issues in children.
have mental health. The awareness to do positive
behavior and adjustment in society for people with 5 ENVIRONMENT SUPPORTED
mental health is much easier to develop (Hastuti
2008). During the process of establishing discipline in early
childhood, it is also required the concrete media to
Talking about mental health, there are many help process of implementation. According to Piaget
theorists have argued that “accurate perceptions of theory, the stage of early childhood cognitive
the self, the world, and the future are essential for development is on pre-operational and concrete
mental health” (Taylor & Brown 1988). Regarding operations. To understand something abstract, they

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 146
need media assistance. The issue of discipline is Rachmawati 2016). In addition, this poster could
something abstract for early childhood. Some forms help children improving organizational skills,
of environment support in discipline include academic learning, communication, socialization,
psychological and physical environment supported and self-control (Hawkins & Clayton 2011, Listiana
Something can be done to organize the & Rachmawati 2016). Furthermore,” Posters and
psychological environment such as creating a manual can be used as a method of disciplining
physical and social environment that seeks to children without using corporal punishment. Posters
prevent children from doing the unexpected. For can be used in training sensitization and advocacy.
example: provide enough room to play, close the This manual will help in taking the initiative and a
flow of electricity. (Smith 2004). In addition strong step towards banning of corporal
prohibited physical punishment will have an impact punishment” (Devandra 2013)
on the good mental health and good quality basic
The physical environment supported will help 6 CONCLUSSION
them easier to understand rules. “The media as a tool
can make the learning process runs effectively, Discipline is an abstract issue on young children.
understandable, concrete more in explaining an Teaching discipline on young children is not only
abstract image so as to reduce the occurrence of independent, but also requires others support to
verbalism” (Nurseto 2011). Teaching discipline in build it. Both are mental health condition and
young children, educators can use posters, manual physical environmental. Mental health is giving the
and film. Devandra (2013) said that using posters, strong foundation to develop self-awareness in
manual and film, should be developed to advocate following the roles. While the environmental support
for a ban a punishment. Poster is one of the media is needed to facilitate children easier to follow and
in supporting character education. Posters that understand the roles.
contain motivations can improve student discipline
whenever reading the poster. In addition, a
conducive and comfortable environment will make 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
students able to improve their discipline (Trisnawati
& Roesminingsih 2017). “Using posters to train Special thanks to RISTEKDIKTI for financial
children discipline are very helpful. It was help supported to TPM-KURTILAS research in three
children orderly, obey the rules, understand the years study.
instruction and easier to follow the role” (Listiana &

8 REFERENCE Mahmood, K. et al. 2015. Social relations & psychological

adjustment among adult children of parents with depression
Devandra, K. 2013. Save our children let’s ban corporal and anxiety. Journal of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine
punishment: treat children with love, respect and dignity. 6: 1-5
New Delhi: Department of Elementary Education National Nurseto, T. (2011). Membuat media pembelajaran yang
Council of Education Research and Training Sri Aurobindo menarik [Produce an interesting learning media]. Jurnal
Marg. Ekonomi & Pendidikan, 8(1): 19-35.
Devi, K. S. 2014. Parental disciplining and children behaviors: Pujiatni, K. & Lestari, L. 2010. Studi kualitatif pengalaman
A review. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science menyontek pada mahasiswa [Qualitative study of cheating
19 (2) experiences on students]. Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora
Manuel, G. et al. 2010. Corporal punishment and long-term 11(2): 103-110
behavior problems: The moderating role of positive Rachmawati, Y & Listiana, A. 2017. Teacher’s response on
parenting and psychological aggression. Psicothema 22 (4): the teaching pyramid model-curriculum 2013
529-536 implementation in kindergarten, Bandung-Indonesia.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities
Hastuti, W. 2008. Penyesuaian diri [Adjustment]. Profesi
Research (ASSEHR) 58: 1-6.
(Profesional Islam): Media Publikasi Penelitian 3 Socolar, R R. S. et al. 2007. A longitudinal study of parental
(February - August): 66-70. discipline of young children. Southern Medical Journal
Hawkins & Clayton. 2011. Using visual cues to improve 100(5): 473-477. doi: 10.1097/SMJ.0b013e318038fb1c
classroom instruction for young children with Slade, E. P. & Wissow, L. S. 2004. Spanking in early
developmental delays. Atlanta: Assistive Technology Dept. childhood and later behavior problems: a prospective study
Fulton Country School. of infants and young toddlers. Pediatrics 113(5): 1321-
Listiana, A & Rachmawati, Y. 2017. The teacher’s perception 1330
on TPM-Kurtilas implementation in Amal Keluarga Smith, A. B. 2004. How do infants and toddlers learn the rules?
Kindergarten-Bandung. Advances in Social Science, Family discipline and young children. International Journal
Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR) 58: 1-6. of Early Childhood 36 (2): 27-41

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 147
Taylor, S. E. & Brown, J. D. 1988. Illusion and well-being: a di SD Muhammadiyah 15 Surabaya [Principal strategy in
social psychological perspective on mental improving character education discipline in Elementary
health. Psychological Bulletin 103(2): 193-210. School in Surabaya]. Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan 1(1):
Trisnawati, E. & Roesminingsih, E. 2017. Strategi kepala 0-9.
sekolah dalam meningkatkan pendidikan karakter disiplin

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The analysis of father’s perspectives on child with speech delay

I. Gunawan & A. J. Nurihsan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This research aims to understand father’s perspective in children with speech delay problem.
Many research claim that father has crucial roles in early young learners’ development socially and cognitive-
ly. Thus, this research is trying to explore fathers’ perception on their child who has speech delay problem.
Qualitative approach research was employed in this research and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
(IPA) is used to analyze the data. Three respondents are involved in this research; two are based in Bandung
and one respondent is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. In-depth interview is chosen to collect the data which then
being transcribed and analyzed. The results show that first; all respondents have inadequate knowledge of
speech delay problem. Second, the respondents thought that their child interaction with gadget is detected as
the cause of speech delay. To conclude, there is a need to improve fathers’ understanding both on the speech
delay issue and their roles in parenting.

1 FATHERHOOD AND LANGUAGE child mumbling until they are able to say the word
DEVELOPMENT and form a sentence. Children experience a signifi-
A study conducted by Sumargi, et al. (2013) says cant phase of language development in their early
that the parenting practice in developing countries, development period. Otto (2015) said that, the com-
especially in Indonesia, still shows low levels. munication skills of children include receptive lan-
Agreed with the study, another report on research guage and expressive language. While, according to
about fatherhood in Indonesia conducted by Levtov, Harris in Oates & Grayson (2006) the development
Van der Gaag et al. (2015) says that fathers in Indo- of children's language can be divided into two name-
nesia are still experiencing the difficulties to get in- ly the understanding of the word (comprehension)
volved in parenting. and the use of words in speech (production)
The research report above inspires that research on When children are unable to produce speech or
father involvement (fatherhood) is visible to be con- words, we can understand their needs through their
ducted. As we know, parenting is the interaction be- gesture, facial expression or even their cry. This is
tween parent (father or mother) and their child, while what so-called by pre-verbal communication (Bruner
the father's role and the mother's role have contribut- 1983). According to Bruner (1983 p. 39-42), to func-
ed complementarity to the child's development. tion Language Acquisition Device (LAD), there is a
Without having any intention to make a wide di- system called as Language Acquisition Support Sys-
chotomy between them, this study intends to see and tem (LASS) where in LASS there is an interaction
conduct a deeper investigation on fatherhood. A between parent and child which will function LAD.
study has shown that father involvement in parenting Thus we can understand that the interaction between
helps children to grow and develop better. As stated parent and child also determines the ability of chil-
by Stockall & Dennis (2012, p. 299), "... fathers and dren in acquiring language. Another study says that
paternal role models make a unique contribution to good attachment is also a determinant factor in child
children development". language skills (Murray & Yingling 2000)
Meanwhile, speech delay in early childhood as a Specific language disorder represents a language
common disorder that we can observe Indonesian disorder focusing on the inability of the children to
society (Tabloid Nova 2014) is an impairment that produce words without any co-morbid with other
might be trigger by many things. Language ability is disorder. Parents need to give attention to their kids
the ability to communicate. The ability to communi- especially in certain period of development, when
cate in children can be seen from the ability of the
Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 149
the children have not shown the development that are: 1) Reading and re-reading; 2) Initial noting; 3)
match with developmental milestones. Developing Emergent themes; 4) Searching for con-
Noticing to the attachment perspective in social- nections across emergent themes; 5) Moving the next
interaction context, language development also re- cases; and 6) Looking for patterns across case
lated to child-parent interaction. Thus, there is a pos- (Smith 2009). The themes emerged after the analysis
sibility that language delay in children also caused is; father perception, gadget and speech delays and
by “unfinished business” in attachment between par- plays as the core activities with children.
ents and the kids. Meanwhile a good attachment be-
tween parents and the kids is represented in a good
mental condition both in parents and the kids. Urwin 3 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
(2002 p 75) states
“Delays or difficulties in language development 3.1 Gadget and Father Perception
would then emerge as part of a broader problem As stated by the respondents, the child experience
in thinking unthinkable thoughts and in repre- speech delay shows almost similar symptoms. Mr.
senting emotional experience symbolically. This Wahyu and Mr. Yayan say that their children show
puts the emphasis on the increasing fullness of normal speech development until their child is about
mental life, which accrues from becoming a lan- one year old. But in its development there was an
guage user, rather than on what is given up. Ra- impasse if we do not want to mention the decline in
ther than language development distancing us the development of their children speech acts.
from internal objects, it is part of the process I am confused, when he was 9 months old, he was
through which we acquire them, and build an in- able to say “papa”,”mama”. Even though he was
ternal word”. say as “papem” “mamem”… After 1 year old, eve-
Meanwhile as stated by Jones (2007), language rything that he was able to speak was gone. He only
delay or speech delay might be caused of the lack of shouts meaningless”. (Mr. Yayan, Bandung)
attachment between father and the kids or the father Another statement also given by the respondent.
did not showed up as a figure that helps separation- Mr. Wahyu says that at the beginning his son was
individuation process. The separation-individuation just like normal baby, but then there is a decline
helps the kids to the develop their self-object, the compared to the previous month.
phase that needed in very young age to know that “We realize, there is a decline compared to the pre-
their self is an individual that able to do many thing vious month. So he was not able to communicate,
to include produce a word or start to communicate. mostly he only pointing out and dragging to convey
Another fact that supports this statement is a re- what he wants”. (Mr.Wahyu, Jakarta)
search conducted by Klaniczay (2000), which states What is meant by the similar symptoms is the child's
that stuttering in kids might be caused by the diffi- early ability to communicate. The respondents’ chil-
culties of the kids to separate from specific object, or dren are starting to produce babble or chattering and
the anxiety faced by the parents that influence child then stagnated when the child progresses in the next
anxiety which happened causing the stutter in the stage of speech development that is producing
kids. words. Instead of producing words or utterances,
their child experiences setbacks with loss of speech
or their verbal skills.
2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Furthermore, another interesting point from the fa-
ther perception of the speech delay that happened to
The methodology used in this study is Phenomenol- the children is their perception on the cause of
ogy study since the study tries to capture the experi- speech delay. Directly, there are respondents who
ences of father and also father role in parenting. believe that television becomes an instrument that
Three respondents were involved in this research. causes the child having speech delay
Two respondents were live in Bandung, while one ”Coincidentally, it was our fault. When my son is
respondent lives in Jakarta. In-depth interview with one year old, my wife was pregnant. She wasn’t al-
semi-structured interview principle were using as da- lowed to carry my son. While at that time my son
ta collection technique. Respondent validation or was very attach to his mom. I start to turn on TV for
member checking was conducted to validate and ask my son. So it was start everything. From that mo-
whether there is any objection from the respondent ment, my son always asks to watch TV”. (Mr. Yayan
before displaying the data. in Bandung).
To keep the privacy of the respondent, anonymity By saying, “From that moment, my son always ask
or pseudonym principles were also used in this re- to watch TV”, we can understand that TV was origi-
search. Thus all the names that mention in this arti- nally a tool for temporary compensation to entertain
cle are not their real names. After all data gathered, and in the end, it become a necessity for the child.
then Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis (IPA) Here, Mr. Yayan tries to say that in the end his son
was employed to analyze the data. The IPA steps asks to regularly turn on the television as part of the

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child's life, and sees that television is the cause of “I play with my son like others generally, playing to
the speech delay experienced by his son. the field. Stimulating his motoric and sensory. We
In addition to television, one of the other respond- start to interact with my son”. (Mr. Wahyu, Jakarta).
ents indirectly said that the gadgets in this case the Playing with a focus on motor and sensory activity
mobile phone also turned out to have influenced the becomes a prominent issue in the respondent's
child's behavior. “If he sees my phone, he always statement above. The statement when the respondent
grabs my phone”. (Mr. Yayan, Bandung). The pur- says "like others generally", indicates the activity
pose of the above sentence, of course, is when the given may look the same as the child in general. The
father holds the cell phone, and then the child will effort undertaken indeed needs to be appreciated, but
come to pick up and play the phone. From the above children who experience speech delays need activi-
statement, we can analyze that his son is familiar ties that are more than just playing like other chil-
with the gadget. dren generally. Another respondent also has tried
In a study of the relation between the duration of another effort; which can we read from the data be-
watching television and the speech delay in children, low. Nevertheless the children with speech delay
it was conveyed that there is a positive correlation need activities that more than the activity that nor-
between the duration of the watching television and mal kids did,
the speech delay experienced by children (Safitri “I usually ask my son to play ball, chit-chat. If I
2013). On top of that, in an informal conversation need to watch TV, I am asking “what’s that my
with two other respondents, who were not recorded son?” I play quite often (Bapak Yayan, di Bandung).
during the interviews during the data collection pro- Taking notes at the transcription of the interview,
cess, they also acknowledged the influence of tech- it is no wonder the parents are still doing the stimu-
nological devices on their children's speech. lation that only touches the "surface" only, not on the
From the respondent statement above, we can in- deeper involvement either emotionally or the activi-
fer that the interaction between father and their kids ties where the father enjoys his existence with the
are using technological device or gadget. The social child. The stimulation provides by the father in help-
interaction between them; then rely on the device. ing children with speech delay not really help the
While in a study, it is stated that games, interaction child. This may be because of father does not have
and social games are having positive effect to child adequate on what speech delay is, why and how to
vocalization (Hsu et al. 2014). Furthermore Hsu, Iyer help child with speech delay.
& Fogel (2014, p. 135) says that child vocalization Respondents’ inadequate information about
area related to social context social“…infant vocali- speech delay disorder is very clear, as we can see in
zations highlight the role of social contexts, in which the answers of the respondents
the functions of infant vocalization can be under- “In my family, there’s something like that. So, when
stood only within its context of production…”Then, my uncle got married, his son also diagnosed speech
we understand that interaction between father and delay .It might be genetics factor or what, the thera-
children when there is social context when they are pist also said it might be genetics.”(Mr. Yayan di
interact each other, likelihood helping children to Bandung)
vocalize better. Knowing that there is an inappropriate develop-
Referring to language development theory, par- ment of verbal skills in their child seems not to make
ents’ respond to child pre verbal communication will the respondent find out more about the speech delay.
determine child ability on the next developmental Thus, respondents emphasize the possibility of ge-
phase. Thus in social interaction theory, Locke states netic factors as the cause of speech delay.
that response from parents or other adults will help “But, it can’t be standard I am asking to many peo-
children to vocalize“...This cooperative breeding ple. It might because I am asking to many relatives, I
practice, which presumably grew in response to in- don’t know about speech delay, because I myself
creased care needs, may have added to infants' mo- hasn’t emmmhh”. “Ya ok”. “I try”. (Mr. Yayan)
tivation to vocalize more effectively…”(Locke 2006 Somewhat surprising because it appears from
p. 157). what was said by the respondents above, the re-
spondent has not understood the cause of the speech
delay. The phrase, “because I myself hasn’t
3.2 Lack of information on speech delay emmmhh”. “Ya ok”. “I try”, implying that the re-
The issue of television and gadget actually indicates spondent has not known the problems related to the
that fathers are aware of the role they really need to speech delay and ultimately trying to accept and en-
take. Father need to do various activities with closer trust the therapeutic process as a solution to the ex-
interactions that emotionally engaged with their isting problems.
children. The activity that fathers did with the chil- “I am personally ya.. I don’t have any knowledge. I
dren also showed up in the data we can also see from am afraid my son needs something” (Mr Wahyu).
the data the way the respondents engage in stimulat- Information about what happens to their child will
ing the improvement of children's speaking skills. actually determine what the father needs to do. How

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dad will play his role better is of course determined influenced by many things, it is rather difficult to say
by how much information they have about what his or define that a father has not been fully involved.
child is going through. Harrison et al. (2007) says From the relation between fatherhood and child
that what fathers feel about having children with development, we can figure out that many benefits
special needs is that accurate and precise information that we can get from a very good attachment and in-
about what happens to their child becomes the most teraction between father and children. Children lan-
important need. So it becomes understandable when guage ability will rise significantly as well as their
the lack of information also affects how the father psychological and emotional aspects. While here in
plays a role in parenting in children with speech de- this study, we can conclude that father involvement
lay, in the case of this study and also affects how the and activity with children limited to play activities.
feelings of the father experienced this incident. Additionally children with speech delay, needs activ-
ity more than just play together with father. Father
social interaction, attachment and involvement in
4 CONCLUSION domestic activity still needed. One of the reason of
the uninvolved father in parenting might be as stated
The interesting part from this study is that father role by Warin in Williams (2008) that culture paradigm
in parenting is only on stimulation and play activi- which says that father as “breadwinner” can cause
ties, so that from the side of emotional closeness and father withdraw their self and uninvolved in “tradi-
caring activities in nature of everyday domestic ac- tional” parenting which mainly mother did.
tivities father still need to do a lot of effort. This is
also corroborated by research conducted by Machin
(2015) who says that between the perceptions that 5 REFERENCE
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The values of character education in the tale of Maling Kenthiri in the
kentrung performance in Blora, Indonesia
S. Sutiyono
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This paper is about to reveal the character education value of the Maling Kenthiri fairy tale in
Blora Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The Maling Kenthiri fairy tale, was originally spoken by parents to
children and grandchildren. In the development of the Maling Kenthiri fairy tale, it was staged in the art of
kentrung. In the story, it is mentioned that Maling Kenthiri committed theft in the house of rich people, but the
stolen goods were not for himself, but were used to help the poor. In the course of his life, he stopped to plun-
der other people's property, and become a devout human worshiping God. To reveal the value of character ed-
ucation is used in the interpretation of the tale text of Maling Kenthiri’s life, especially the interaction with the
poor in the rural areas of Blora, Central Java, Indonesia. Since the fairy tale of Maling Kenthiri is always read
in the kentrung performance, the kentrung performance is also described in this paper. The results of this pa-
per show that in the Maling Kenthiri fairy tale there are values of character education. These values are re-
vealed in the course of Maling Kenthiri's life, which is social care for the poor, and contains a religious mes-
sage that is to realize repentance.

literature, various kinds of fairy tales can be found.

1 INTRODUCTION Starting from the folks that tell about the origin of
Blora Regency has a very diverse culture, which is the name of a region, the occurrence of an area (lake,
the result of community life activities from the past mountain, crater, river), rebellions and heroism, to
until now. As explained in Article 32 of the 1945 social bandit stories. Blora, as an area that is far
Constitution, national culture is a culture that arises from the center of Mataram culture (Kraton Yogya-
as the result of the cultivation efforts of allpeople in karta and Surakarta), turned out to save a variety of
Indonesia. The cultivation of people is a manifesta- fairy tales attached to the villagers. Those tales have
tion of the four cultural elements that are initiative, influenced the life of Blora society.
creation, feeling, and human works in community Based on this, the content of fairy tales is the re-
life. The manifestation of initiative, creation, feeling, sult of cultivation of villagers in the Blora area that
and the work of the nation has the effort to form also contains the four elements of that culture that
human beings to develop the prestige and dignity as reflects the noble values of the nation, which must
a nation, and is directed to provide insight and mean- be maintained, nurtured, and developed, in order to
ing to national development in all sectors of life in strengthen the personality. The four elements of cul-
the nation. ture that are reflected in the first and foremost fairy
For outsiders, the Blora area is a barren and re- tale is the existence of good desire and will, then the
mote area, and not touched by industrialization. In desire is manifested by creating something that is
addition, people of Blora are considered to love to followed by human feeling, and realized in the form
talk loudly, be rough, have unruly behavior and other of art work. In accordance with what is said by
unpleasant stigma. It is reflected in daily behavior. Hartoko (1991), culture is a cultural activity that has
All that stigma was denied by Suripan Sadi Hutomo, the spirit to develop the degree of humanity, then the
a humanistic folklore expert, who is also a Blora- cultural result in the form of art works has a very re-
born person. According to him, Blora as a sub- liable and positive role and can form attitudes and
culture area keeps various potential human resources behavior of the community.
that deserve to be developed, ranging from the leg- Each fairy tale actualizes the concept of life pre-
endary characters (such as Samin Surosentika, Naya sented as a moral teaching. In addition, there are also
Gimbal, Maling Kenthiri), folklore performing arts teachings or values such as aesthetic, ethical, di-
(tayub, barongan, reyog, orek-orek, kethoprak, dactic, mystical, educational, and religious. All of
Wayang kulit, wayang krucil, and kentrung) to fairy these are noble values that are priceless. The values
tales (Hutomo 1996).In the case of archipelago oral mentioned above can actually be summarized into

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aesthetic, moral, and conceptual values. These val- various values such as the value of character educa-
ues are a content value that serves as a message from tion of Java culture, the value of pantun literature
a fairy tale. Among aesthetic, moral, and conceptual (parikan), the value of religion (Islam), and other
values, they are difficult to separate. Something aes- value which is very high.
thetic is something that has a moral value. There is Connecting from these kentrung researches,
no beauty without morals. Morals are not just polite- whose results have described history, form of per-
ness or etiquette, but a stem from the values of hu- formance, fairy texts in kentrung performances and
manity, as well as good and badin common. the one that has not been revealed are the values of
Aesthetic value in a fairy tale is not only found in character education. Therefore, in this paper, the
the structure of its work alone, but can be found in values of character education is expressed in a fairy
its contents, which consists of themes and mandates. tale that is performed through the art of kentrung.
Moral values will be seen in attitudes toward what is The fairy tale that is told is the fairy tale of Maling
expressed, while the conceptual value will be seen in Kenthiri.
society's view roundly toward the issues expressed in
the fairy tales being presented. The presentation of
fairy tales can be done verbally, and also can be pre- 2 DISCUSSION
sented through the performing arts, such as ketho-
prak, wayang krucil, and kentrung. 2. 1 The form of kentrung show
The treasury of traditional performing arts in
Blora district is diverse, but the performing art that 2.1.1 Performer and musical instrument
recently got the spotlight from the society, the gov- The player of kentrung amounts to one person. In the
ernment and the mass media, is the kentrung art. show, one player is acting as a puppeteer, story bear-
This art is speech or oral art performances of stories er, and as well as a drummer and tambourine player.
containing life and moral advice. The stories are The religion that is followed by kentrung players is
sung in Blora's typical language while accompanied Islam. Musical instruments used for kentrung per-
by tambourine. Art kentrung is not only in Blora, but formances are: (a) terbang cilik 30 cm skin in diame-
also in Rembang, Jepara, Demak, Tuban, Lamongan, ter, (b) terbang tanggung 40 skin diameter cm, (c)
Malang, and Blitar. terbang gedhe 50 cm skin in diameter. In short, the
In the show, the art of kentrung uses music to ac- puppeteer of kentrung should be able to act double,
company the story told by the puppeteer. Kentrung that is to tell stories, sing songs, and play a musical
in its form is included in the area of folklore art, instrument.
which laid a power base on the spiritual, where myth
and belief become the buffer element. In Jepara, 2.1.2 Kentrung Guidebook
kentrung is one form of folklore art that still survives Kentrung handbook is a script of the story that is
in public life. (Wrahatnala 2015). But in Blora, kent- used as a guide for the kentrung puppeteer to tell in
rung needs to get special handling, because people kentrung performances. The script of the story is
have rarely called kentrung necessary like in the written by Sutrisno (late), a kentrung puppeteer who
1970's. come from Blora. The script is written in Javanese
There are several studies that have been conduct- Ngoko language with Latin script, Javanese Kromo
ed regarding this research topic, for example Huto- language with Latin script, and Java language with
mo (1993) on Kentrung Sarahwulan Story in Tuban. Javanese script. The manuscript contains the story of
He describes the development of kentrung art in Tu- the prophet, history, chronicle, and fairy tales. One
ban, but has not discussed his development efforts to of the fairy tales that is often presented is the original
instill a moral education to the younger generation. fairy tale of Blora Regency, the fairy tale of Maling
His writing on the parikan text kentrung has been a Kenthiri. In kentrung performances, this manuscript
lot, but it still needs to be followed up with the effort is developed by a kentrung puppeteer in the form of
of utilization or relevance of the parikan-parikan antawacana (dialogue), janturan (story), pocapan,
with the level of young generation soul development. and rhyme which is expressed in the form of Java-
Similarly, Sugiarto et al. (1998) on the description of nese song with the tones of slendro, pelog, and dia-
kentrung art in Blora, has described the development tonic.
of kentrung art and the need of help from the gov-
ernment. This research has described the develop- 2.1.3 Dress and stage show
ment and history of the birth of art kentrung in The clothes worn by the kentrung player are: black
Blora, but this research has not linked the develop- cap, shirt / muslim dress, sarong and slippers / san-
ment of art kentrung, especially the development re- dals. But in other occasions, the kentrung player is
lated to the effort to cultivate character education for wearing traditional clothes, namely surjan, tensile
the young generation, whereas the ethical value can fabric, blankon (Javanesse traditional cap), and slip-
be known from the message contained in the story pers. The performing stage is about 3 m² or 1.5m x
that was delivered. In the art of kentrung there are 2m in size. The location of this stage can be in front

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of a house or inside a resident's home. If it is located means place. Thus, Aji Pancasona is a power of
in front of the house, the stage is set as high as 60 kanuragan whose power is formed from the com-
cm. But if it is in the house, the performing stage is bined elements of the power of five places, namely
on a couch, bench, or even just on the floor covered the sky, earth, mountains, oceans and heaven.
by mats or carpet. As a power of safety and self-protection, Aji Pan-
casona is efficacious to reduce or even eliminate the
2.1.4 Time and form of show danger of attacks on a person's body. When he or she
Kentrung performances are usually performed at is beaten or struck, for example, the owner of Aji
night. The duration of the show is one hour, two Pancasona will not be severely injured. It could be
hours, three hours, and even up to seven hours or all just a minor injury or not even hurt at all. Ever since,
night. A kentrung performance that lasts only one or Aji Pancasona has been very famous in the commu-
two hours is usually for ceremonial removal of nadar nity. In the puppet story, this power is owned by
or kaulan. But, it is not infrequent that the kentrung Prabu Rahwana. A person who has Aji Pancasona
performance lasts all night from 21.00 until 04.00. It will not die, even though he was shot by the enemy.
really depends on the intentions and interests of peo- When he is shot or hit by a sword and his body is de-
ple who invite kentrung performances. The form of stroyed, his scar will disappear and he will live again
kentrung performances consists of two parts. First, as before.
Pambuka (introductory song), without accompani- In addition, Maling Kenthiri can enter the victim's
ment by rebana instrument, sung by a kentrung pup- house by passing the spotlight or the light of the
peteer. Second, songs and stories, accompanied by lamp coming out of the wall of the house. In general,
musical instruments expressed by the kentrung pup- the walls of rich people’s house in the Blora area are
peteer. made of teak wood, so there is a gap that allows the
light from the inside to come out. In the dark night,
2. 2 Maling Kenthiri tale because there was no electricity then, Maling
In the performance of kentrung in Blora Regency, Kenthiri walked to the houses of the rich. Thus, the
there is one story repertoire staged, taken from one lights that were coming out of the houses of the rich
of the fairy tales in the Blora area, the fairy tale of can be seen from the distance, penetrating the dark-
Maling Kenthiri (Maling Genthiri). The life story of ness of night. Through the lights of the night, Maling
Maling Kenthiri is very popular among people in Kenthiri entered the house of the rich, and took pos-
sessions as much as possible. In carrying out his ac-
Blora Regency, especially rural communities. It is
tion, he was never caught because of his incredible
because in his life, Maling Kenthiri helped poor power.
people in rural areas of Blora district. The fairy tale Nevertheless, Kenthiri actually utilized his power
of Maling Kenthiri itself comes from several areas, to steal the treasures of the dukes and the rich. This
including Blora, Kudus, and Kediri with different is evidenced by his efforts to help the poor who live
versions. Particularly the Maling Kenthiri fairy tale in Kawengan to get out of the distress in their lives.
originating from the Blora region mentions that Then, he submitted the stolen treasure to the poor
Kenthiri is considered as a hero or Ratu Adil. This who live alone. This is the reason Kawengan people
cannot be separated from his role which is very im- call him by the nickname, “Maling Kenthiri”, be-
portant and vital enough in helping the poor in the cause during his lifetime, he saw the distress of the
Blora area, especially in the Sub-district Jepon. He is poor. Then he used his magical powers to steal
treasures from the houses of the rich. However, he
the son of Kiai Ageng Pancuran who during his life did not use the loot for his own sake, but was dis-
used his high knowledge of science to steal treasures tributed to poor people who had difficultly meeting
from the rich man's house. The stolen property was the needs of his / her life, and people who were ex-
then distributed to poor people and people in dis- periencing distress. The story of Maling Kenthiri is
tress, similar to the story of Robin Hood. similar to what Sunan Kalijaga and Robin Hood did.
Kenthiri is known by Blora society as someone In addition to the community who call him Maling
who has high knowledge. Maling Kenthiri has a Kenthiri, he also earned the nickname as Ratu Adil
Ajian Pancasona power (similar to the Rahwana sto- for he tried to divide the properties in a more justly
ry and Angling Darma story in the version of private way and help the poor out of the difficulties they
television). This is the power of kadigdayan that al- faced.
lows the owner to live again despite being repeatedly Along with the passage of time, Kenthiri was
killed, as long as the body remains united and his aware that his actions (read: stealing) were a mis-
blood does not touch the ground. Ajian Pancasona is conduct and violated the law. Kenthiri stopped steal-
a safety power as well as a nutritious protection to ing and no longer took other people's possessions.
protect the body from any injuries. As a term, aji Kenthiri and his uncle Jaruman went to meet with
means knowledge while pancasona consists of two Sunan Ngerang in Semarang. Kenthiri studied reli-
words, namely panca which means five and sona gion diligently and became the student of Sunan

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 156
Ngerang. Eventually he became a devout Muslim in ple's legend, because they helped the poor a lot
the Blora area. In the end, he died and was buried in (Hutomo 1996).
the Kawengan village, Jepon, Blora (Hutomo, 1996: Similarly, the legend contained in the village
78-79). community in Blora district, which is called Maling
Kenthiri legend. Maling Kenthiri is also powerful as
2. 3 The values of character education in the tale of a Robin Hood. Due to his power the villagers called
Maling Kenthiri him as a aguna thief, meaning a powerful thief
This section discusses the disclosure of character ed- (thieves who have extraordinary powers). The word
ucation values that exist in a fairy tale. The messages aguna thief also has the meaning as a useful thief,
that are delivered to the public are not distinguished that is to alleviate the people from poverty or can see
between implied and explicit. The important thing the condition of the deficient people so he tries to
here is, these messages illustrate the values of char- help to overcome poverty. Villagers of Blora district
acter education. Due to the many types of character call Maling Kenthiri as the savior or Ratu Adil, be-
education value, the ones discussed in this oppor- cause of his vital role in helping to eradicate poverty
tunity are not all values, but only character education in the city of Blora. Some even call him as a hero,
played by Maling Kenthiri. This tale is presented to because he fights for the plight of the poor.
be discussed because up to now it is still staged by A social bandit,as a type of structure of social
the supporting community, both held on open and leadership naturally arises in the gaps of social space
closed stages or through electronic media such as ra- in which the official ruler cannot supervise
dio, tape recorder and television in the form of de- (Kartodirdjo 1984). The role of social bandit groups
velopment of performances art packaging. is “counter-elite” that moves underground so that it
People who see traditional performing arts such is a “latent” threat to those in power. A person be-
as kethoprak, wayang krucil, and kentrung that pre- comes a bandit because he does something that the
sent the fairy tales of Maling Kenthiri, surely want to customs in his area does not regard as a crime, but
get a satisfying aesthetic, ethical, and logical experi- the state or local ruler who thinks it against the law.
ence beside the entertainment. The performance of (Hobsbawn 1994). Thus, the status of a bandit in the
traditional performing arts does not only emphasize perspective of his society is considered as a hero,
technical matters, but Maling Kenthiri's play and its while in the perspective of the ruler, it is considered
content should get an adequate portion. The play of as a dissident.
the fairy tale is the story of Maling Kenthiri describ- In addition to the educational value of a social car-
ing the human life in his work as a wealthy property ing character, the story of Maling Kenthiri also
thief, his concern for helping the poor, and ending as found the value of religious character education
a convert to repentance. It can be pointed out that the (Gbaden 2014). In the story, it is mentioned that
contents of the Maling Kenthiri fairy tale itself is over the course of time, Kenthiri felt that exploiting
something that concerns and touches the values of his power to steal the rich man's possessions would
human life, such as the moral value, the religious not be for long. Kenthiri realized that the act of steal-
value, and so on. Each play and its contents are not ing was wrong and illegal. Kenthiri converted and no
delivered in form of scientific formulation, but is a longer took other people's possessions. Kenthiri
message that invites and teaches character education complained to his uncle, Jaruman, that his behavior
to the community (Ward 2013). The message on the had not been good. Every time he stole the rich’s
presentation of Maling Kenthiri fairy tales is a mes- possessions, he was being chased by the soldiers. He
sage that is recommended or prohibited to the pub- felt it was time to convert. Kenthiri and his uncle
lic. These messages will affect the attitudes and be- Jaruman went to meet with Sunan Ngerang in Sema-
havior of the community. As said by Arifin, if rang. After becoming the student (santri) of Sunan
character education is given in performing arts, it Ngerang, Kenthiri studied the religion diligently. In a
will have an impact on the audience consisting of short time, he could master the science of religion.
various circles, not only in a particular institution or He said goodbye to Sunan Ngerang to return to
agency (Arifin 2013). Blora. Kenthiri became a devout Muslim in his vil-
Through Maling Kenthiri's activities of stealing lage. He died and was buried in the village of
and the loot being used to help the poor, he can be Kawengan, Jepon, Blora.
viewed as a social bandit. In other places in the The fairy tale Maling Kenthiri is often spoken
world, crime like Maling Kenthiri’s also exists. E.J. orally, but also performed in traditional art perfor-
Hobsbawn in his writings “Social Bandits” con- mances such as kethoprak, wayang krucil, kentrung,
tained in the book Kepemimpinan dalam Dimensi and not to forget the values of character education as
Sosial (Hobsbawn 1994), revealed the figures of the spotlight (Mahgoub 2015). The values of charac-
bandits in various countries in the world. For exam- ter education can be interpreted as a social aid so
ple Robin Hood in England, Diego Corrientes in that the individual can change in living his freedom
Andalusia (Spain), Janosik in Poland and Slovakia. in living with others. As in character education
Many of the bandits (thieves) have become the peo- which aims to form a person into a personal who has

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 157
virtue, in this scope, it does not only deal with the 4 REFERENCES
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The possessions he had earned were not for the Gadjah Mada.
pomp or for himself. This is evidenced by his efforts
to help the poor and handed it over to people who
live alone. Over the course of time, Maling Kenthiri
realized that the act of stealing was wrong, so that he
converted and no longer took the rights of others. To
apply his convictions, he commited repentance and
became a devout believer.

Proceeding of the 2nd INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 158

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