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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 February 10, 2022 am – Kurd Authors Union Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCIC] – *RussiaGate Spawned J-6

The new policy [* Intermezzo*] of providing multi-page memos [mixing “prose/poetry,”

in that key-points will be emphasized after which a patter of self-explanatory hyperlinks
will be listed] prompts this probe of how the Swamp segued from attacking The Donald
via the Steele Dossier to attacking Trump AND his supporters via the J-6 “insurrection.”
Apparently, a mechanism has been established by which individuals can message every
Federal office-holder [untested, for registration was just completed] via Align Act, which
was initially created to communicate desire to defund Brandon’s Vaccine Mandates.

Defeat of Brandon’s all-consuming effort to hijack national election procedures may have
been fizzled, but Dems’ fight for Federal voting rights legislation isn’t dead. that’s why
pushing electoral integrity remains the highest priority, as emphasized by The Donald.
Every day that justice is delayed constitutes justice denied, exemplified by delay in the
Durham Investigation (Durham vs. Horowitz over “Truth and Consequences“); Special
counsel John Durham suggested the DoJ watchdog sat on key info about debunked
Trump-Russia collusion claims, including a critical 2017 meeting it held with a defendant.
His latest actions indicate a broken investigation by a broken DoJ; further, his latest filing
indicates the DoJ Office of Inspector General is part of a D.C. cover-up operation. Thus,
the media ignore the revelation that Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier; for
it worked on nearly every key anti-Trump narrative coming from DoJ and Mueller Gang.

In no environment is the denial of justice more prominent than when scrutinizing how
the Dems are using the *J-6 Panel to targets DJT* and other enemies-of-the-state, for
Pelosi’s Capitol Police spy on members of Congress and the Americans they meet. Indeed,
Merrick Garland’s DoJ quietly dismissed charges against 31 violent Antifa terrorists, while
40 J-6ers have been rotting in prison for a year-plus while having been denied basic rights.
The media ignore retaliation against J-6 prisoners at D.C. Gitmo and “fact-checkers“
ignore the fact that Trump requested 10,000 National Guard Troops on J-6. And while
the J-6 Committee subpoenaed 14 GOP stand-in Electors to testify, everyone ignores the
ugly truth behind the five deaths from January 6th and 7th. Finally, as the Government-
sponsored “Patriot Front” is showing more Government ties, along comes The Donald,
who has vowed to PARDON the maligned J-6 political prisoners at the D.C. Gulag. Know
that a J-6 defense attorney confirmed the U.S. Capitol magnetic Columbus Doors were
opened from the inside; also, it’s unclear why Kamala Harris doesn’t talk about her team
finding a pipe bomb at the DNC [her locale on J-6], minutes before the Capitol riot.
As the J-6 “un-select” committee [because it was not constituted as “bipartisan” after
McCarthy’s nominees were rejected] evades anything that could harm a Dem, anti-GOP
accusations come and go; for example, PA-AG Shapiro declared the GOP’s alternate
elector plan wasn’t illegal, but felt to be misleading. Thus, Bannon accused Chris Wray’s
FBI of Secretly Spying on His Defense Attorney and filed a motion to compel discovery;
this, of course is a component of a larger concern of profound/unconstitutional
citizen/legislator intrusion [vide supra et infra], as the J-6 committee may have been
colluding with CNN’s Jeff Zucker. Meanwhile, Unselect Committee” member Raskin and
his wife blamed violation of the law regarding stock trades on their deceased son.

The RNC portrayed peaceful J-6 protesters as engaged in “legitimate political discourse,”
prompting the legacy media to highlight how GOP leaders could conflate what occurred
at the Ellipse with the orchestrated Capitol riots [a.k.a. Reichstag Fire] two miles away.
Thus, McCarthy and McConnell joined Dems when calling J-6 a “Violent Insurrection” and
McConnell said the RNC shouldn’t have censured Cheney and Kinzinger.

Although the FBI Director claimed the FBI treated ANTIFA/BLM protesters identically as it
did the J-6 protesters, J-6 Prisoner Jake Lang spoke out from his jail cell on day #6 of his
Hunger Strike after having lost #15, while his plight has been ignored by the usual suspects
[DC Elites, RINOs and Media]. Another D.C. Gitmo Prisoner wants to Hold Violent Police
Officer Lila Morris Accountable For Allegedly Killing Trump Supporter, despite the fact
that the Capitol Police ruled the Brutal Beating of Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland on
the Capitol steps while unconscious (who then died) was “Objectionably Reasonable.”
Never at a loss-for-words, Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted Lindsey Graham after his
disgusting and ignorant comments supporting J-6 [Political] Prisoner abuse.

Brandon’s CIA secretly operated a “bulk” data collection program on American Citizens,
and the lawless DoJ was caught opening Rep. Louie Gohmert’s House mail before it
reached his office; as a result, the dirty Capitol Police Chief released a statement on his
spying operations on GOP Representatives (an unbelievable rationalization reminiscent
of how Trump was monitored). Also, proof emerged that the Capitol Police had lied about
why they’d entered the office of Rep. Nehls’s; the Capitol Police dressed to resemble
construction workers had broken into GOP Rep’s Office, had photographed Confidential
Documents and had harassed staff. As a result, the Inspector General opened an
investigation into the Capitol Police following allegations of spying on members AND staff.

Speaker Pelosi was queried about the accusation of “Weaponization” of Capitol Police to
become a Secret Police Force that acts on behalf of the Democratic Party”; paralleling
how Brandon behaves, Pelosi snapped at the reporter asking about abuse of power by
the Capitol Police and spying on Republican Lawmakers. She has yet to explain her role in
blocking deployment of the National Guard [and other law enforcement] prior to J-6;
claiming Sovereign Immunity, she had Mayor Bowser have evaded basic questions. Thus,
necessitated are civil suits and appeals of denials of discovery to the SCOTUS, just as the
Lefties have victimized The Donald; the J-6 narrative cries for reversal based upon truth.

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