Charles Law Power Point

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The relationship between temperature and volume
How Volume Varies With Temperature
If we place
a balloon
in liquid
nitrogen it
So, gases shrink if cooled.
Conversely, if we heat a
gas it expands (as in a
hot air balloon).
Let’s take a closer look at
temperature before we
try to find the exact
relationship of V vs. T.
Temperature scales
Is 20°C twice as hot as 10°C?
No. 68°F (20°C) is not double 50°F (10°C)
Is 20 kg twice as heavy as 10 kg?
Yes. 44 lb (20 kg) is double 22 lb (10 kg)
What’s the difference?
•  Weights (kg or lb) have a minimum value of 0.
•  But the smallest temperature is not 0°C.
•  We saw that doubling P yields half the V.
•  Yet, to investigate the effect of doubling temp-
erature, we first have to know what that means.
•  An experiment with a fixed volume of gas in a
cylinder will reveal the relationship of V vs. T…
Temperature vs. Volume Graph (fig.7,8 pg.430)

Volume (mL)

– 273 0 100
Temperature (°C)
The Kelvin Temperature Scale
•  If a volume vs. temperature graph is plotted for
gases, most lines can be interpolated so that
when volume is 0 the temperature is -273 °C.
•  Naturally, gases don’t really reach a 0 volume,
but the spaces between molecules approach 0.
•  At this point all molecular movement stops.
•  –273°C is known as “absolute zero” (no EK)
•  Lord Kelvin suggested that a reasonable temp-
erature scale should start at a true zero value.
•  He kept the convenient units of °C, but started
at absolute zero. Thus, K = °C + 273.
62°C = ? K: K=°C+273 = 62 + 273 = 335 K
•  Notice that kelvin is represented as K not °K.
Kelvin Practice
What is the approximate temperature for
absolute zero in degrees Celsius and kelvin?
Absolute zero is – 273°C or 0 K
Calculate the missing temperatures
0°C 273 K
= _______ 373 K
100°C = _______
– 173 °C
100 K = _______ 243 K
– 30°C = _______
300 K = _______
27 °C 403 K = _______
130 °C
298 K
25°C = _______ 0K – 273 °C
= _______
Charles’s Law
•  Looking back at the temperature vs. volume
graph, notice that there is a direct relationship.
•  It can be shown that V/T = constant
Read pages 432-3. Answer these questions:
1.  Give Charles’s law in words & as an equation.
Charles’s Law: as the temperature of a gas
increases, the volume increases
proportionally, provided that the pressure and
amount of gas remain constant,
V1/T1 = V2/T2
2.  A sample of gas occupies 3.5 L at 300 K.
What volume will it occupy at 200 K?
V1 = 3.5 L, T1 = 300K, V2 = ?, T2 = 200K
Using Charles’ law: V1/T1 = V2/T2
3.5 L / 300 K = V2 / 200 K
V2 = (3.5 L/300 K) x (200 K) = 2.3 L
3.  If a 1 L balloon is heated from 22°C to 100°C,
what will its new volume be?
V1 = 1 L, T1 = 22°C = 295 K
V2 = ?, T2 = 100 °C = 373 K
V1/T1 = V2/T2, 1 L / 295 K = V2 / 373 K
V2 = (1 L/295 K) x (373 K) = 1.26 L
4.  Do questions 16, 17, 19 on page 434
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