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Pacilan, Princess April Joy H.

GED 101 Understanding The Self
Activity 3
Instructions: Differentiate the following terms in the box in one sentence. Write your
answers on a clean sheet of paper.
Me-Self I-Self

Me-Self, have three different but I-Self according to James must be the
interrelated aspects of empirical self agent of experience.
(known today as self-concept): the Me
viewed as material, the Me viewed as
social, and the Me viewed as spiritual in

Real Self Ideal Self

A real self includes all those aspects of An ideal self is defined as one’s view of
one's identity that are perceived in self as one wishes to be, as it contains all
awareness and the things that are known the aspirations or wishes of an individual
to oneself like the attributes that an for themselves.
individual possesses.

Multiple Self Unified Self

In Multiple Selves Theory, there are Unified being is essentially connected to

different aspects of the self that exist in consciousness, awareness, and agency.
an individual, which we can say that self A well-adjusted person is able to accept
is a whole consist of parts, and these and understand the success and failure
parts manifest themselves when need that they experienced. They are those
arise. kinds of people who continually adjust,
adapt, evolve and survive as an individual
with integrated, unified, multiple selves.

True Self False Self

True self has a sense of integrity and False self is an alternative personality
connected wholeness that is rooted in used to protect an individual’s true identity
early infancy. or one’s ability to “hide” the real self, it is
somehow activated to maintain social
relationships in anticipation of the
demands of others.
Proactive Self Agentic Self

Self as proactive means an individual has Agentic self is the state where we assume
control in any situation by making things some degree of ownership and control
happen, who act as agents in doing or over things, both internally, controlling our
making themselves as they are. own thoughts then and externally making
things happen in the environment.

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