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Issue 42 Is the Hobby Going Back

in Time? Editorial
Winter 2016

The old saying that that are coming out daily is almost two decades.
“What’s old is new again” simply staggering and eve-
So who would think
seems to be a recurring ry company isn’t going to
that a war that never was
them within the wargaming fold or start making WRG
and a period of the hobby
hobby right now. I’ve been type rules in black and
that burned itself out twen-
seeing articles recently how white overnight. But there
ty years ago would be mak-
people are giving up on seems to be gamers out
ing a comeback? Is it nos-
social media, cable cutters there who have either
talgia? Are gamers bored
going back to satellite, reached the saturation
with WW2 and are looking
people coming back to the point, are tired of what’s
for something else? I know
theaters, etc., and of course being offered, or just want
that I still play games like
the same things happen in to go in a different direc-
Warsaw Pact, VG’s
our hobby. Cycles that we tion. There is definitely a
NATO, and Berlin ‘85, but
see in culture, entertain- new cycle building here,
that’s because I consider
ment, business, etc., are but how long it will be and
those to be good games
large parts of our life and where it is going remains to
worth playing. Why would

can certainly be seen.

someone not from that era
be applied to
The first who has been playing
the hobby as
evidence in that FOW WW2, Star Wars
what’s old is new Armada, etc., jump to this
Lately, I’ve again is right on kind of period? Strange
been seeing a the front page of times indeed.
large number most gaming
Warning Order

However, it’s not just

of threads and sites, blogs, min-
Team Yankee that brings
articles about iature forums,
up this argument, but a
“going back” etc., and that
slew of other observations.
in the hobby, would be the
A recent posting on TMP
whether this is latest Flames of
about Hyborean Age ar-
for miniatures, War installment,
mies (world of Conan) that
board games, Team Yankee. I
takes me back 40 years, the
rules, terrain, and more. remember the great War-
excitement about the return
Just when you though the saw Pact vs. NATO heyday
of Space Hulk last year,
Golden Age of gaming in the 70s and 80s
gamers being
couldn’t get any better and where most of our
upset at the de-
everything that you possi- gaming focused on
mise of Warham-
bly want is at your finger- that topic. Mas-
mer Fantasy Bat-
tips, it seems to be veering sive micro-armor
tle, the tremen-
off in a different direction. battles, board
dous success of
games of every
First off, we shouldn't the Ogre Kick-
scale, magazine
get too carried away. The starter program
articles, etc., filled
amount of quality items for (cont. on p3)
our hobby lives for

Inside this issue:

Special points of interest:
WMA Crusaders vs. Saracens 4
 Battle reports for Saga, Ronin, WMM,
The Greatest Day Vol. 1 From MMP 6 TSATF, and BKC2.
Saga Revisited 8  Reviews of several board games, including
8th Annual WMA Tournament 14
GMT’s Talon and MMP’s The Greatest Day
Vol. 1.
Two Building Projects 16
 Book reviews, a how to on buildings, and
Engagements-Scenarios for Wargamers 20 the usual features.
BKC 2: Plugging The Gap battle Report 22
Is The Hobby Going Back In Time? (cont.) Editorial
(cont. from p2) a game that is almost 40 realism vs. playability series of argu- just a bit is the other result from the ques-
years old, and more. Either there are far ments, so the game companies gave gam- tion of depth, which is forgettable games.
more grognards out there than I thought ers what they wanted. I’ve played Sails of Glory, Wings of War,
or there is an interesting trend going on and many others as I’m a gamer and I’ll
You can debate what gamers wanted
right now in the hobby. pretty much try anything once! The only
for years, but basically it was
thing I can remember from many of those
Then add to the fact that cool minis, easy to understand
games is that we had fun for a few hours,
there is definitely a clamor for rules, pretty pictures in the
but that’s about it. 60 seconds after I’ve
reprinting older board war- rules, and fast action games
reached my car I can’t remember who
games such as Avalon Hill’s that could be finished in a few
was on who’s side, who won, or what the
Magic Realm, Dune, Gun- hours. You saw the rise of
scenario was. Contrast that with many
slinger, and more. There are games like Wings of War, Star
other battles that we’ve fought and that
various threads about what Wars Armada, the Heroclix
have been reported in previous issues that
wargames from the past series of games, Flames of
you remember for years.
should I look into, which ones War, Hail Caesar, and far, far
did I miss, what should I add more. Many of these games I think that when you invest time in
to my collection, and what have had great success and painting armies, reading in depth rules,
older games are worth playing. continue to do so. researching uniforms, etc., you seem to
I could see if these were coming from bring a passion to the game that creates
It also saw the rise of skirmish type
gamers in their 50s and up who grew up memories. Not so with many of today’s
games to an unprecedented level in the
in that nostalgic era, but many of these games. The game company has basically
hobby. You only need a few figures, a
questions and desires are from gamers in done everything for you and all you need
fairly simple set of rules, minimal terrain,
their 20s, 30, and 40s. Now these kinds to do is show up, roll some dice, then
and an hour or two. Osprey has had pret-
of games aren’t going to shatter any kind pack everything back into a box. It
ty good success with its series of skirmish
of sales records and they have a dedicated seems like some gamers are growing out
rules in the last few years, plus the ability
audience, but I find it interesting that of that and are going back to some tried
to buy plastic boxed sets for one side or
people are interested in them when there and true systems, hoping to find a good
the other certainly helps to make it very
are so many new games available right balance or learn more about a particular
easy to get into.
now. period.
I think the simple answer is a question
This is also not just happening in the So, are we all going to melt our Star
of depth. When you look at many of the
board game part of the hobby, but on the Wars Armada ships and invest in WRG
threads that helped spawn this editorial
miniatures side as well. Age of Eagles 6th Ancients rules anytime soon? Proba-
there is a recurring theme and that is
just came out with a new second edition, bly not. What may happen is the game
gamers want or think that there is more to
rumors of a third edition of Age of Rea- companies may start putting out some-
the subject. By that I mean that you can
son, The Sword and Flame still going thing that has better depth or gamers who
buy a Sails of Glory set, play a
strong for over 40 years, and play some of the older systems may find
few battles, but then want to
so on. With all of the beauti- some new recruits, which is always a
know if this is how real sailing
ful new rules out the last few good thing. The hobby is a big tent and
ships fought. Is there a better
years why are people either there’s room for everyone and every kind
set of rules, can the movement
staying with these or getting of system. Then again, I just saw that
be more realistic, what were
into them now? Airfix, a company from my youth, is
the differences in the various
coming out with some new basic war-
My theory is that gamers countries ships, etc. Sails of
games rules. Strange times indeed!
are always looking for some- Glory isn’t going to tell or
thing new and in this case teach you any of those things.
they are looking backwards. It’s fine for what it is, seeing
Despite the modern publish- some beautiful ship miniatures
ing techniques, incredible on a sea cloth blowing each
components, color rules with other up in an hour or so with-
examples, etc, that we have for many of out having to know anything about the
the games that are available now, there wind gauge, tacking, or any of more than
does seem to be something missing. a dozen other things about sailing ship
Again, in my opinion I think the pendu- combat. It’s fun for many gamers, but
lum swung too far in the other direction there are those who want to know more
over the last ten years and maybe it’s or think that there is a better game.
moving back to the middle. For years
The other reason that I think the pen-
there was a complexity vs. simplicity and
dulum may be coming back to the middle

Page 3 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Crusaders Triumphant! WMA Battle Report
Since I had painted up enough forces dismounted knights. Definitely a pow-
for a 3,000 point Saracen army and with erful force if those blocks of units could
our group needing a game on short notice get to the front lines in time.
we went to Warmaster Medieval. We’ve
The Saracens this time decided to go
tried a number of Saracen vs. Crusader
with an infantry heavy force, deploying
matchups and they’ve always been pretty
quite a few infantry units plus archers,
good battles, but this is the first time
backed up by a cavalry contingent con-
where the Saracens could pretty much
sisting of both heavy and light units.
choose any kind of army to use due to the
Saracen infantry other than the fanatics
number and type of units now available.
is about as average as they come, but
We decided upon a 2000 point battle they were in large numbers! You can
and the Crusaders went with their by now then take half the number in fanatic
standard force of several knight units units, which have pretty good striking
their bad luck on command rolls and
backed by Turcopoles, medium infantry, power. The Saracen heavy cavalry is
moved forward in an irregular pattern as
and crossbow units. Their cavalry for the great because not only are they rated as
their commanders continually failed their
most part formed up on the flanks, alt- shock cavalry, but they have limited
rolls. By turn 3 the armies had moved
hough in a mirror image of the Saracen range as archers. forward, but most of the initial plans were
deployment, both sides had a few units of
The Saracens decided to contest the about to be tossed aside as events would
cavalry near the center of their line.
flanks, then overwhelm the Crusader quickly overtake them.
center in infantry, basically throwing
The Saracens on the Crusader right
themselves forward in an attempt to
launched a series of cavalry charges
cause as many casualties as possible.
along with archery attacks that decimated
This essentially grinds down the bet-
the Crusader Turcopoles on that side.
ter Crusader units and has been an
The Saracens then charged home into one
effective strategy for the Saracens in
of the infantry blocks, inflicting large
past games. The Saracens had a
numbers of casualties. Two of the caval-
break point of 13, while the Crusad-
ry units destroyed a Crusader crossbow
ers was 11. Since the Saracens also
unit, then pivoted and hit some medium
had several cavalry skirmishing units
infantry in the flank. Just when it looked
those weren’t counted, so the break
as if that flank might collapse, the Sara-
point was theoretically much higher. cens rolled poorly and had to pull back.
The Saracens moved out better Both sides had been bloodied and were
than expected and established a fairly pretty much out of the fight on that side
The remaining units formed several
solid line some distance from their de- of the board.
blocks in the center, with the crossbow
ployment area, but things quickly fell
units screening the medium infantry and On the Saracen left there (cont. on p5)
apart after that. The Crusaders continued

Initial Deployment Turn 6

ISSUE 42 Page 4
Crusaders Triumphant! (cont.) WMA Battle Report

(cont. from p4) were a series of back and their reserves forward, but failed across The game was concluded in about
forth charges between the Crusader the board. This left several units without four hours including set up and take
knights and Turcopoles against several support and the Crusaders capitalized by down, plus we had five players so that’s
units of Saracen heavy cavalry. After charging several of these units. The Sara- not too bad. A Saracen infantry heavy
both sides lost units the Saracens pushed cens held their ground, but had a turn army probably isn’t the best opponent for
their luck too far and the Crusaders coun- where their die rolls in combat were the Crusaders as the Saracen infantry are
terattacked, sweeping the remnants of the about as bad as it could possibly get. All pretty much just speed bumps in the path
Saracen cavalry in front of them. of a sudden the momentum had changed of what could be termed Medieval Pan-
and the Saracens were left fighting for zers!
In the middle the Saracen archers in-
their lives!
flicted multiple stand losses on the ap- I also think that we’re doing some-
proaching Crusaders. At this point the The Crusader heavy cavalry finally got thing terribly wrong with the Saracens in
Saracen strategy was working, but the into the game by hitting a series of com- how they are being played. Although the
Saracens could clearly see that was be- mand rolls. The Saracens again could not Saracens have won a few games, that’s
cause the main Crusader force still had reform their lines and shift reserves. The been due more to bad command rolls by
not got into action due to bad command Crusader cavalry crashed into the Saracen the Crusaders than good Saracen tactics.
rolls. Both sides launched a few infantry center, inflicting horrific casualties and We’ll need to keep trying some things
attacks that achieved nothing more than finishing off enough units that the game out, adjusting the army list, etc. to make
grinding down each others units. resulted in a Crusader victory as the Sara- sure that the Saracens are a bit more com-
cen army was forced to withdraw. petitive next time!
The Saracens then attempted to move

ISSUE 42 Page 5
The Greatest Day Vol 1: Sword, Juno & Gold Game Review
So, what does a the game as you pull out the displays, etc. Playing the full campaign
$250+ wargame look sixteen countersheets that will be beyond the grasp of most gamers,
like? That was the contain the units of every but fortunately there are a wide range of
question starting me in division and formation that smaller scenarios that can be played. In
the face when I first participated in this battle fact, the training scenario which covers
read about Multi-Man along with what seems like Michael Wittman’s attack at Villers-
Publishing’s (MMP) an endless amount of mark- Bocage and the three beach scenarios are
first volume in the ers. Finally, you pull out all played on card sized maps.
Greatest Day trilogy the stack of maps, four of
entitled Sword, Juno, and Gold. Part of them overall, plus the map extensions for
what is known as the Grant Tactical Se- the various scenarios. After staring at
ries, or GTS as it is affectionately known everything laid out before you for a few
by its fans, this was the first game, which minutes, the question becomes where to
with Utah and Omaha coming up, would start.
allow gamers to recreate the entire D-Day
For me that was clipping and organiz-
experience on the company level.
ing all of the counters, which is herculean
With The Devil’s Cauldron (Arnhem) task that took me a few hours a day for a
already sold out, my reasoning was that if week! While I did, that however, I was
I was going to get into this series this able to get through a first pass of the rules
would be the game to in between bouts of counter clipping. A
get started with. The word needs to be said about the quality of
extra money saved by the overall layout. Much like GMT’s
pre-ordering certainly East Front Series, which I regard as a
helped with the deci- masterpiece of game development, The
sion, plus the fact that Greatest Day is very well organized.
more than likely only a From the maps that contain single scenar- It should also be mentioned at this
limited number would be printed and if I ios on the backs of some of them, to the time that this game and the game series
didn't get one now odds were that in a displays, rules, etc., it all makes sense does not cover the entire Normandy cam-
few years it would be double the price. and flows together nicely. paign, but just the first seven days. For
those looking for the full Allied campaign
First off, the box is huge, being the Some general thoughts about the maps
you will need to turn elsewhere, but for
same size as The Devil’s Cauldron and might be in order as well. First, they are
those who are happy with this there are
Where Eagles Dare. When you open the extremely well done as the detail to the
quite a few actions that occurred in the
box you have one of those moments in right will attest. Each
first week. One
the hobby that rarely occur where you village, crest, water ob-
of the more in-
stare for a moment and start to panic stacle, etc., is clearly laid
teresting aspects
about where to begin! There is a series out. Unlike many other
of this game are
rule book, excusive rules, and a scenario Normandy wargames
the scenarios
book that are very well done. This is which are at a much
which cover the
followed by a load of division displays higher level, here the
British 6th Air-
and reference cards along with the single terrain becomes of great
borne, which
map beach scenarios that are on standard importance. Each vil-
seem to be for-
letter sized cards. lage, slight ridge, and
gotten in most
bridge become focal
Now is where you get to the meat of histories or
points for both sides and
games on the
knowing the terrain in this game is defi-
subject. Here they get a full treatment
nitely one of the keys to victory. Players
and players can explore their contribution
will need to carefully study the terrain in
to the D-Day campaign in several small
each hex and refer to the appropriate ref-
and large scenarios.
erence card so that they understand the
full effects on movement and combat for There are counterattacks by 21st Pan-
each type of terrain. zer, the Canadians and 12th SS in their
duel to the death, Operation Perch, and
Also, when looking at the full set up
much more. Some of the larger scenarios
with all of the beach overlays, this game
and the full campaign are suitable for
will easily take up a 4 x 6 table and that is
group play as well. It would take quite
without somewhere for all the markers,
some time to go through all (cont. on p7)

Page 6 W A R N I NG O R D E R
The Greatest Day Vol 1: Sword, Juno & Gold Game Review
(cont. from p6) of the ed to help figure all of this you play the larger scenarios there is a lot
scenarios, plus the replay out. The chit pull system going on each turn and how you activate
value, especially with the is also fascinating in that units, spend command points, choose
chit pull system is off the one side or the other can actions, and deal with the enemy gives
charts. get a good run of chits you literally hundreds of decisions during
which can swing momen- the game,
The rules aren’t that
hard to get through, espe- A few things I really liked are the
cially considering the Combat takes two color coding of the various divisions and
quite involved command forms; direct fire and as- formations and the beach landings. Ra-
structure and small scale sault. Direct fire is fairly ther than lay out every single mg nest,
of the units. What makes The Greatest easy to work out as you cross index the fortification, trench, etc., there is a system
Day a bit tough are all of the sections on color of the type of weapon along with whereby you reduce the gaps/obstacles
beach landings and the airborne drop. any modifiers then roll a die. The results and resistance nests by firing at an ab-
This is not unusual with most Normandy can vary from suppression to cohesion stract target. Very clever and it not only
games as you seem to spend a lot of time hits to step losses and finally to outright works well, but saves a ton of time. Get-
learning systems that are only used for elimination. Assault is an entirely differ- ting troops ashore, organized, then off the
one day! This time, however, you’re ent animal and can beach is not as
doing it with company sized units, so be have multiple rounds. easy as it sounds.
prepared to spend some time on these Basically this is close I can only imag-
areas, especially the beach landing. The action that simulates ine what Utah
rest of the rules regarding movement, tank overruns, melee, and Omaha are
combat, reinforcements, air support, etc., storming positions, etc. going to be like
are fairly easy to understand. This is It does take a bit longer when they come
certainly one of those games where you to work out, but the out!
need to put out a few counters and just try results are pretty deci-
So the ques-
the game to figure it out. sive and usually results
tion remains
in the attacker carrying
whether or not
the position or taking
the game is
serious losses in a
worth the high
failed effort.
price tag? My
On top of all of that answer would be
you also have artillery, airstrikes, and a resounding yes! The components are
engineering. Artillery can be devastating, top notch, state of the art, and there are
particularly against troops in the open and very few if any complaints I have against
that are massed, which is as it should be. them. The game play is interesting, the
Naval gunfire support is an entire sub systems work well, and thankfully there
system of the game and prevents the Ger- are smaller scenarios to keep you busy or
mans from getting too close to the shore! are helpful in learning the system. How-
There are a vast array ever, the game could be
Command and control is the driving of engineering op- too much for some gam-
force behind the game system. There are tions including mine- ers. There is a lot going
a number of chits for each formation, fields, improved po- on and the beach land-
division, and direct command. When a sitions, and more. ings definitely up the
chit is pulled units can perform a number complexity of the game
Overall, there is
of actions depending upon the type of system and we haven’t
nothing in the rules
chit. Formation chits allow units to move even touched on the
or game systems that
and fire while division chits are used airborne landing yet.
seems that difficult.
more for getting things organized for a Overall, this is a beauti-
Once you’ve played
large assault or defense, with each acti- ful game that is very
even one turn you
vated unit being able to complete up to well laid out and cries to
can pretty much fig-
two actions as long as they are not the be played. Whether or
ure out most of the
same action. Direct Command chits al- not you want to pay the
game. The issue is
low for the use of command points to price for it is up to you,
trying to do this over
activate individual units to perform one but I would suggest get-
a vast area with hun-
action. This does take some getting used ting one before they go
dreds of units! Once
to and fortunately there are charts provid- up in value.

ISSUE 42 Page 7
Saga Revisited Battle Report by Rob Coleman
the surrounding woods.
We played with 4 players, each with a 3
point warband. Norman player 1 had 1
warlord, 1 mounted hearthguard unit, 1
foot warrior unit, and 1 warrior unit with
crossbows. Norman player 2 had 1 war-
lord, 1 mounted hearthguard unit, 1 foot
warrior unit, and 1 unit of bow armed
levy. Viking player 1 had 1 warlord, 1
unit hearthguard, and 2 units of warriors.
Viking player 2 had 1 warlord, 1 unit
hearthguard, 1 unit of warriors, and 1 unit
of levy bow. The entire board was essen-
tially forested, meaning the milites could
not move more than one base off the path
or field (small path off the field led to a
‘foot bridge’ over the river, simulating
the somewhat dense underbrush that Eng-
lish forests can tend to have. Archers
were allowed to shoot through it. The
Normans had to get at least 50% of their
units off the table (50% being units with
more than 50% of their men left, such
that if the Vikings killed 3 of 4
hearthguard, as an example, they got the
For the week of the 23rd we again visited few of Thorkell’s retainers took it upon
victory point for that unit).
Saga for a scenario involving some Nor- themselves to ambush the Normans and
man on Viking action. Ask most folks hopefully reduce Cnut’s clout enough to In addition, we used a hidden setup for
about when the Normans were first in keep him from obtaining unquestioned the Vikings. They had a suite of cards
England, and they’ll probably look at you power. Just shy of a river crossing next that were turned face-down. All face
like ‘who are the Normans’, but for his- to a small farmstead in a wood they barri- cards were real units, non-face cards were
torical folks, most will say 1066. That is, caded the road and setup an ambush in dummy blinds. They could move each
of course, somewhat misleading and
untrue. The events in 1066 were of
course predicated on the fact that Ed-
ward the Confessor had a lot of Norman
advisors in the kingdom at that time, and
if you are a conspiracy theorist, he may
have been bumped off so that he could-
n’t transfer power to them (Duke Wil-
liam at least made that claim, and there
is some evidence to believe he was prob-
ably right). Edward, though, isn’t their
first interference in English politics.
When Cnut conquered England he took
a Norman bride, Emma. So in a real
sense, Edward was Norman, and Cnut
was already courting the powerful fami-
lies in Normandy following his conquer-
ing of England.
Thus the plot for the evening involved
two Norman lords being called up Cnut
for a council following his conquest. In
the aftermath, Cnut’s big potential rival
was Thorkell the Tall, and Cnut was
calling in all lords to assess loyalty. A

Page 8 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Saga Revisited (cont.) Battle Report by Rob Coleman

(essentially denying them easy routes to

card as if it was a unit, and if a Norman and were promptly charged by the surviv-
came within 6 inches of a card it had to mop up). It came down to the remaining
ing milites.
be revealed. This enabled the Viking Norman hearthguard attacking the re-
Below the carnage in the town, the cross- maining Viking
players to move about and create some
bows and Norman levy were sneaking
tension in terms of where the attack hearthguard eve-
through the trees supported by the re-
would fall. rything being
maining unit of warriors. They just made
In the opening phases most of the Nor- the field, as their warrior screen was butchered. The
mans moved up the path into the small butchered by in coming Viking warriors. warlord’s
farm clearing, being locked into a narrow At this point things were looking grim for clashed, and the
combat formation due to the path. A lone the Normans, they were close to hitting Normans came
unit of Viking warriors surprised them the 50% mark and loosing. 1 unit of mili- out on top with
near the entrance to the farm, and the tes was almost gone, 2 units of warriors
just their war-
Normans struggled to array into for- were gone, and the Viking warlords and
mation in time to protect the column. hearthguard were yet to get into play. lords and the
The doughty warriors gave much better missile armed
It was here the Norman missile fire saved levy counting
than they took, and quickly whittled
down a unit of warriors before being fin- the day. They effectively wiped out a towards victory, winning by the skin of
ished off by milites. The Viking levy hearthguard, warlord, unit of warriors, their teeth thanks to some last minute
appeared in one of the fields of the farm, and stymied the Viking movement heroics by the missile units and warlord.

ISSUE 42 Page 9
Book Reviews By Steven Verdoliva
Saratoga 1777 tral Asia. Mannerheim is aslo re- Burma
Knights Battles for membered as a military man and theater.
Wargamers founder of the Finnish state who, This was
Written by John unlike many of his contemporaries, an army
Sweetman turned his back on politics after that had
winning Finland’s Civil War. He been badly
This is an “Oldy but eventually became a politician to beaten by
Goldy” review. Knight lead Finland out of WW 2 and the Japa-
books were a series maintain its independence. This is a nese in the
published in the late well written book with many excel- early Pa-
60’s and early 70’s lent photos and the usual great Os- cific war
specifically for war- prey art plates. but
gamers. They covered stopped
battles from the Medie- Decatur’s Bold and Daring Act- them at
val to Horse & Musket The Philadelphia in Tripoli 1804 Imphal
period. Now as many #22 Raid by Osprey Publishing and Kohima and destroyed them in the
of you know Saratoga was a pivotal battle Written by Mark Lardas ’44 and ’45 campaigns into Burma and
of the Revolution and one that didn’t Thailand. All of this was due to Slim’s
involve George Washington. The book In 1804 the United States was considered inspiring leadership and ability to per-
itself is a thorough but brief account of a minor power on the world stage. Espe- form with what was available. Not many
the campaign and battles giving cially so to the armies give their commander a standing
one enough information to re- Barbary Pirates of cheer while in full retreat before the ene-
fight thim if wanted. An introduc- North Africa. To my. On a personal note my Grandfather
tion by Brigadier Peter Young counter this and knew Slim from his service in India dur-
DSO MC starts it off. If you expand American ing the 20’s. A good read and recom-
youngsters don’t know who that influence and repu- mended.
is then look it up and let the tation successive
amazement begin. Now this is naval squadrons 1415: The Battle of Agincourt
probably not the easiest book to were sent to the 2015 Special Edition of Medieval War-
get ahold of but I wanted to point Mediterranean. fare by Karwansaray Publishers
out that this is basically a collecti- This is the story of Written by multiple article authors.
ble book that I picked up at a flea how the Philadel-
market cheap. It is also part of phia was accident- As some of you know Karwansaray Pub-
our gaming community heritage ly run aground and lishers is the publisher of Ancient War-
and we shouldn’t forget where we lost to the Bey of fare and Medieval Warfare magazines.
came from or the people who Algeria and the Occasionally they come out with special
contriuted to where we are today. how the US Navy editions that cover a specific battle. An-
responded. It’s a great story of the young cient Warfare chose Agincourt for 2015
US Navy and told in a great way by the as it’s the 600th anniversary this year. The
Gustav Mannerheim author. Horatio Nelson called special edition is
#32 Command by Osprey Publishing it ”the most bold and daring made from article
Written by Steven J. Zaloga action of the age” high praise covering the cam-
indeed. paign lead up, the
This is a welcome addition to the Osprey battle, army organi-
Command zations, aftermath
series. Man- Bill Slim and its special spot
nerheim #17 Command by Osprey in history. Each arti-
fought in 6 Publishing cle is written by
major con- Written by Robert Lyman separate authors who
flicts in his are well versed each
lifetime and Most of us have no idea who in their own special-
conducted a Bill Slim was. As Americans ty. I thoroughly en-
2 year intelli- we know of Nimitz, Halsey, joyed it and would
gence trek MacArthur and the island recommend it to
for Czarist hopping campaigns of the anyone with an in-
Russia Pacific. Bill Slim lead the terest in the period.
through Cen- “Forgotten 14th Army” in the

Page 10 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Next War: India-Pakistan Game Review
I’ve reviewed the The counters represent the various units, to full fledged support with carrier
two previous games in brigades, divisions, and aircraft for battle groups and rapid deployment forc-
this series, Next War: both combatants. There are also a es. In this game there are numerous Chi-
Korea and Next War: large number of additional counters to nese forces, a few Russians, and a wide
Taiwan, a few issues represent the various foreign powers range of U.S. air and ground units that
back. They were posi- that can intervene in the fighting. could possibly show up.
tive reviews, even if These include China, Russia, the
There are several standard game sce-
the advanced game United States, plus the UK and
narios, with a few only lasting several
level was definitely at France. There are also counters for
turns, which are great for learning the
the upper end of the the other two games that reflect up-
system. Most of these feature Chinese
complexity range for graded units or to fix errata issues.
involvement, usually in the way of air-
most gamers and it
The series rules by now have been borne and airmobile forces. There is one
would take a serious
pretty well defined and are pretty tight. very large standard scenario that would
time commitment to learn the system.
The standard game is fairly straightfor- take several hours to complete, but is still
The third game in the series, Next War:
ward and most hex and counter gamers very manageable. Then there are two
India-Pakistan, has arrived quicker than
will be up and running in no time. The advanced game scenarios that deal with a
anticipated, showing that this is one of
standard game uses a basic air system for border war that escalates into full blown
GMT’s more popular series as it made
supporting combat, which makes it much conflict and a unification scenario that
the P500, finished development, and
easier to use than the full game. Move- begins with Pakistan having achieved
shipped quickly.
ment, combat, stacking, tactical surprise.
Like the two previous games in the etc., are things most gam-
The two ad-
series, it is an effective combination of ers have seen before and
vanced game scenar-
GMT components/packaging, and a labor there are a few standard
ios are going to be
of love by designer Mitchell Land. Inside game scenarios which are
long affairs, ,so pre-
the box you get a 22 x 34 map, several very useful in learning the
pare yourself as they
sheets of counters, quite a few reference combat system, and more
could go up to 12
cards, a series rulebook, and an exclusive importantly, the terrain.
turns each. With the
rulebook for this particular game. The
Then you get to the amount of air units,
counters are nicely done, the cards are
advanced game and the foreign intervention,
extremely useful, and there is really not
level of complexity gets and large numbers
much to criticize in the overall package.
ramped up considerably. of ground units, this
This is a well done game series and it
At this point you start will definitely be a
dealing with HQ units, slugfest.
When you think of the Indian sub- supply, special forces op-
Finally, there is
continent along with Pakistan your first erations, cruise missile strikes, and more.
a “Loose Nukes” scenario that looks to be
impression might be a series of maps for On top of that there is a full scale air
pretty chaotic where various foreign pow-
this game, but the one that it comes with game, which is not for the meek of heart.
ers along with India try to bring order to a
focuses on the likely areas where a war Air superiority missions need to be as-
collapsing Pakistan. I should also men-
would take place. The map offers two signed, strikes with escorts, wild weasels,
tion at this time that both sides do have
completely different theaters; the first is degrading air defenses, and more all
nukes available in the advanced game
Kashmir, which has some particularly come into play each turn. In fact, it be-
scenarios and there are rules for their
nasty terrain, and the second is the La- comes almost like playing two games in
effects. I think that these were included
Hore area that is primarily flat with rivers one at times. However, to really see how
as both sides seem to believe that they
and canals cutting across it. The Kashmir modern airpower affects a campaign, the
will more than likely be used in any fu-
area will present a large number of chal- advanced air system needs to be tried at
lenges for both sides, especially in terms least once by anyone interested in this ture war.
of combat support and mobility. series. Overall, there is a lot to like here and
the series continues to get more refined
One of the interesting aspects of the
with each new release. This particular
advanced game is that you have to set
game has some unusual terrain, a wide
the International Posture Matrix before
mix of units, foreign power intervention,
each game, meaning that the U.S., Rus-
and some intriguing scenarios. I also
sian, and/or Chinese forces could inter-
think that it’s great for someone just get-
vene in the fighting and the level of
ting into the series as there are no naval
their involvement. This could range
rules, which do take some additional time
from supply points and maybe some air
learning and implementing.

ISSUE 42 Page 11
Memoirs of a Miniatures & Board Wargamer Pt. 29
For as long create huge armies quickly, with little rules to go along with your ideas.
as I can re- painting. The first few games showed
Terrain has also greatly improved.
member I’ve a lot of promise, but then something
There are a number of companies selling
had a fascina- happened that changed my thinking
buildings, roads, rivers, trees, and much
tion with the for quite some time. That event was
more. The amount of online material for
6mm or the 15mm ACW line from Stone
the scale continues to grow with each
1/300th scale Mountain that had just come out. The
passing day. What was once looked
for the hobby. 6mm forces were sold off and it was
upon as a fringe scale played by a few
I think that this is because one of the first onto Johnny Reb in 15mm.
hundred people around the globe has now
games I ever played as a teenager was a
Over the years I kept wanting to go blossomed into a legitimate option for
club game that used GHQ micro-armor.
back to 6mm, thinking of the many peri- starting a new period.
To this day I still have a sizeable collec-
ods and rules that could be used with that
tion of British, German, and Russian Many rules sets are now designed with
scale. Slowly and surely there were more
WW2 forces in that scale that you see 6mm figures in mind and you can pack as
articles appearing in hobby magazines
featured here from time to time in our
and some rules sets started in-
BKC2 battle reports.
cluding 6mm basing. The big
While I dabbled in modern micro- issue, however, was that other
armor during the heyday of the Cold War than Ros Heroics there weren’t
and certainly use it for WW2, I’ve had an any other offerings. Their figures
off and on again relationship with the weren't bad (they still hold up
scale for other periods. In fact, I didn’t well even today), but there was-
even know about this scale until I saw a n’t a lot of variety.
Ros Heroics ad in Military Modelling one
Numerous times over the
day! Then in one of the first issues of
years I would stare at the Ros Heroics
The Courier that I bought there was an many figures on the bases as you wish in
listings in various magazines, start mak-
article about using 6mm figs for gaming. most cases, creating almost a diorama for
ing an order, then stop. Something al-
Now at this time ways prevented me from pulling the trig- each stand. This would have been un-
there weren’t a lot ger and it’s hard to explain why. When I heard of back in the day, but massed
of manufacturers in bought one of the first copies of Science 6mm figures on bases with rules catering
this scale as I can vs. Pluck I had an order ready to go, only to this scale has become commonplace.
only recall GHQ to continue with my Ral No more fudging
and Ros Heroics. Partha collection for the the ground scale,
The point in the Sudan. The scale just converting charts,
article about if the seemed so inviting, but it etc., as most rules
designer died there also seemed like a lot of suit 6mm as well
wouldn’t be any work, especially for the as they do for
more figures in this terrain. At that time the 28mm.
scale did have an offerings for anything So where does
element of truth to other than WWn Europe were slim. this leave me with the 6mm scale? Yes,
it. Then there was still contemplating. As I get older and
Today the situation has changed dra-
the article about the hair roller armies in I have more disposable income, the cost
matically. Companies such as Adler and
believe it was MW #9 (does anyone still isn’t a problem anymore. However, time
Baccus make beautiful 6mm figures in a
remember that issue?) which was an al- and storage space for yet another scale
wide variety of periods. The pictures on
ternative to 6mm figures, but not a very are! I still dream of doing 6mm armies
their web sites and on various Yahoo
practical one as it turned out. for the Sudan, scratch building gunboats,
groups will definitely make you have
My first foray into this scale for any- second thoughts walled towns, etc., and it leaves
thing other than WW2 would also be my about getting you with a smile. With the beau-
last in terms of historical gaming. Being into this scale! tiful new figures out now, rules
a big ACW buff I ordered about ten packs With each image designed for the scale, and more,
of figures to build some armies for the that you look at you would think that this would
Newbury Fast Play rules and was pretty the possibilities be an easy choice. Still, my fin-
impressed with what I received. Now for new periods ger hovers over the button to send
back in the early 80s when there wasn’t a began to emerge an order and only time will tell if
lot of choice, these packs were like a bolt and you start I eventually get on board with this
from the blue. All of a sudden I could searching for refreshed miniatures scale.

Page 12 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Blast From The Past Pt. 28: GDW Series 120: Snapshot
Continuing last month’s As with most GDW games of about using the few deck plans that you
theme on the GDW Series the time it is heavy on procedure, have. Most of these scenarios involve
120 games, I recently ac- which may or may not be to eve- less than a dozen characters, so rolling up
quired one more in that se- ryone’s liking. While the con- their stats, setting up the game, then
ries that I had fond memo- cepts are simple and there’s no reaching a conclusion in under two hours
ries of. Snapshot is an inter- 50 step sequence of play, there’s should be fairly easy to do. The several
esting entry into that series not many surprises here. Each times I’ve played it the games went just
as it was also designed to be character gets a set of skills and over an hour. Again, the ranges are pret-
sort of an alternative combat then chooses weapons suited to ty short, so the actions are fairly quick,
system for Traveller. Most those skills if available. Some of plus the higher the tech weapons you
of the Series 120 games the scenarios will detail the ar- choose the more damage they do!
were standalones, usually mor, weapons, special
dealing with specific battles rules, etc., that are to be
or campaigns, but GDW did used. Going through the
have a few sci-fi games in this series as weapons chart there is everything
well. from thrown spears to Tech level 15
(as high as it gets) plasma guns!
The components are right out of the
70s, but since they were from GDW, who During the turn each character
had better than average counters and gets to spend a number of action
maps at this point in board wargaming, points to move, shoot, or perform
they weren’t too bad. You got a fold out actions such as reloading, opening
“map” that was actually the deck plans of doors, etc. It’s fairly standard until
two different ships, the standard 120 you begin to realize that there’s
counters on a small sheet, a fold out really no way anyone can surprise
weapons table, and a digest sized set of you. By that I mean that you know
rules. The counters weren’t bad for the who has what action points, when
time and were more than enough for the they will go in the turn, and there’s only Overall, this is a good little game that
few scenarios that came with the game. so many places you can go on the floor I remember playing this a lot back in the
plans provided. Back in the day day, although we never used it for Travel-
this was a novel concept, but with ler, even though we did play that game as
today’s card and chit pull activa- well. The game is pretty straightforward,
tion systems this will seem dated but I always thought the fun factor was
pretty fast. about a 5 out of 10. This could have been
a much more fun game with random acti-
Combat is pretty simple as
vations, pre-made characters, varied ob-
well. Roll a number of dice vs.
jectives, etc.
your characteristics with a few
modifiers and then check for dam- Judges Guild did do a series of Trav-
age by rolling a number of D6 eller supplements and several had ship
equal to the damage rating.. Most plans that could be used with Snapshot.
weapons don’t due enough damage Also, there is Azhanti High Lightning,
Going through the rule book, which to kill someone instantly, but they can which is a huge boxed set of ship plans
by the way is written in that interesting render a character unconscious. Once for a cruiser that is designed specifically
GDW style, meaning that it’s an easy you get into the higher tech stuff any hit for Traveller and Snapshot.
read, but you have a lot of questions after will pretty much doom a character, no
finishing it! The base rules are pretty matter what their armor! There are also
easy to get through and then there is a set rules for hand grenades and explosions
of optional rules followed by the scenari- aboard the ship, plus the various types of
os. Since it is assumed that players of body armor and how it affects certain
Traveller would be using this instead of weapons hits. Fortunately there is a type
the combat system that the RPG uses, a of opportunity fire which helps to keep
lot of time is spent on that system. This the player’s honest and prevents a charac-
isn’t a deal breaker as most of the charac- ter from running around shooting every-
ter building parts of it or how it interacts one with few consequences.
with the Traveller universe can be safely
The scenarios cover hijackings,
boarding actions, and a few other ideas

ISSUE 42 Page 13
8th Annual WFHGS Warmaster Ancients Tournament
It’s hard to be- randomly gen- going to happen at any given moment.
lieve that we played erated territo-
A few highlights from the various
our first WMA tour- ries that usually
games were the Romans and the Hittites
nament 8 years ago allow each
bashing in each other’s brains in what
and now it has be- player to field
proved to be the deadliest game played in
come tradition! We three extra
the tournament. It went the distance and
always try to sched- units free of
was determined by casualty points, with
ule this around the charge. This
both sides suffering horrendous losses.
end of the year holi- gives each ar-
The Indians put a scare into the Teutonic
days and this year it my a break
Knights, especially when the elephants
was the day after point of usually
went driving into their center, but the
New Years. We 8-10 units.
poor Indian command rolls let the Teu-
were hoping to get
This year tonics finish them off piecemeal. The
six people, but holi-
we had an interesting mix of armies, Indians and the Romans had a knock
day schedules can be difficult to work
which makes things pretty challenging down, drag out slugfest that ended with
with, so we settled on a four person tour-
for everyone as there is no way that you the Indians breaking on the final turn.
nament once again.
would usually see them fighting each Again, the casualties were horrific on
Besides just having a fun tournament, other in our regular Friday night games both sides in what was a closely fought
it’s a chance to play with an army that where we try (OK, most of the time…) to battle.
you want to see go up against opposing match up historical opponents. The ar-
The Hittites and Teutonic Knights
armies from varied periods of history. mies were Teutonic Knights, Indians,
ended up playing in the third and final
We shoot for getting in each game in Hittites, and Romans. Yes, from the
game, which also just happened to be the
dawn of warfare to late medieval
championship round. Both sides played
we had the army lists covered!
well, but once again the Teutonic Knights
To get the games moving did just enough to win the game, which
faster each side deployed 30cm was kind of a recurring theme! The final
from their respective board edg- results were:
es and terrain was kept to a min-
imum. We’ve never really ex- 1st-Teutonic Knights (Rob)
perimented with changing the 2nd-Hittites (Mark)
terrain or setting up some kind
of terrain selection mechanism 3rd-Romans (Mark)
for the tournament as my think- 4th-Indians (Matt)
ing is that depending upon the
players, that alone could take up Masters of Mayhem-Hittites, who caused
an hour or so! Each player then the most casualties during the tourna-
deployed by brigades, a D6 was ment.
rolled to see how long the game Another fun tournament that saw us
about 90 minutes, with a few minutes in
would be and then again to see who went play three games each in about 6 1/2
between for a break and to get ready for
first. Although this may sound like a lot hours, which is pretty good and looking
the next game. The winners get their
it goes by pretty fast and each game is forward to next year.
choice of which table to play on and
which side to set up, so as the loser of a ready to go in under 15 minutes.
battle, you’re always the one who has to You win by either breaking the
pick up all of your stuff and move! opponent’s army or if the game
ends before that, by the amount of
Each player gets one army of up to
casualty points that you cause to
1,000 points plus a free general. This is a
your opponent. This year was
change from last year where everyone
really strange in that very few of
had 750 points and a free general. Those
the games ended by break points.
games went pretty fast and in fact, proba-
This meant that causing casualties
bly too fast, so we decided to up the army
was at a premium and at least one
size just a bit. Unfortunately, this had the
game was won by barely inflicting
effect of making the games a bit longer
any casualties at all! Again, this
than we wanted for a tournament of this
is what is fun with WMA in that
size! Using the campaign system in the
you really never know what is
WMA 2nd book, each player gets three

Page 14 W A R N I NG O R D E R
8th Annual WFHGS Warmaster Ancients Tournament (cont.)

Several pictures showing the various armies that were used in the tournament, which were Romans, Teutonic Knights, Hittites, and
Indians. Yes, it looks strange to see Indians fighting Teutonic Knights in winter, but it was a lot of fun!

ISSUE 42 Page 15
Two DIY 28mm Buildings by Rob Coleman How To
Anymore you can buy some lovely Now a market cross is not something Onto this I set six square rods, cut at an-
premade terrain from any number of ven- you see everyone making, but it can be a gle, to serve as the support posts for the
dors in any number of scales. Myself, I very simple addition to your table that roof and used putty to build up the base
have some fantastic pre-painted stuff will add a lot of historical character. If they would have been mounted to/in.
from 4Groundd that can really help bulk you wish, you can easily pick up a cross, The cross is a simple affair of round plas-
up your battlefield, or if you aren’t in- mount it to a simple base, and after a tic rod that has been cut (notched each so
clined to build an entire town. However, quick paint up you are good to go. When they would fit together) with some putty
it also lacks a little in personality. making mine, I chose to borrow some reinforcement to keep it stable. Several
idea’s from Dunster’s market, and cover larger tubes were cut to make the base for
In a previous article I talked about
it. Now, since my cross is going to be the cross.
Wargames Factory’s plastics for a Viking
used for Saga, something as elaborate as
warband, and the fact that you could real-
Dunster’s is out of the question. Howev-
ly customize your men with them. Here
er, since this is England and it does rain
I’d like to talk about customizing your
often (I lived there and traveled there for
table a little bit with two items, a village
a number of years, and have firsthand
cross and a feudal Japanese shrine. experience with it…) so I will cover my
In the late Dark Ages through the cross. This covering could be wood,
Middle Ages in England, not every vil- slate, or thatch, and I have chosen to
lage could have a market. It required mimic slate tiles to imply the importance
special dispensation from the local lord, of the cross and the fact the town does
as a market could be a very lucrative make a reasonable amount of money
source of money. In order to denote from its market. I also chose a hexagonal
whether a village could have a market or roof to mimic Dunster’s shape, but a
not, a cross would be erected in the main square or rectangle would work just as Base in a preliminary state
village green/square. Even today you can well (Royal Wootton Bassett’s market is Next I used some graph paper and
find market crosses in England or the covered and rectangular with an indoor traced out the design for my roof. This
remnants of their presence. As an exam- area above the lower market). was traced onto some cardstock I had
ple, Dunster (right near Exmoor national lying around (might have been a cereal
For supplies I needed:
park, in the South Western corner) has a box or something similar) and the trian-
lovely building for its yarn market. Now  Plasticard gles cut out. I used painter’s tape to help
the building itself dates from the 1600s,  Cardstock hold the joins together and then ran beads
but the market stretches back into the  Putty of glue along them to hold the roof to-
early 1200s. Woolen yarns could be gether. Onto this I laired strips of card
 Putty Shaper
bought and sold here, which would have that I cut to resemble shingles. This is a
provide a nice source of income for the  Plastic Rod
fairly easy, if time consuming process.
de Mohon family (de Moyon built the  Sand
You cut long strips and then make angu-
original castle here, which is listed in the  Scissors lar cuts in from the side (though not all
Domesday book, and his descendants the  Hobby Knife the way through). Being precise is actu-
de Mohons lived here up into the 1200s)  Glue ally not a good thing, as that would pro-
or the Luttrels who took over after the de  Graph Paper duce a look you would not get through
Mohon family.  Pencil hand cut shingles (a bit of randomness
 Painter’s Tape/Masking Tape will actually make the model look better
 Round Wood blank and be more historically accurate).

Local craft stores, such as Hobby Lob-

by or Michaels often sell generic wood
bits (in my case, we were in England at
the time, so Hobbycraft), such as large
round flats that I used to make the base.
Onto this I laid a series of cut plasticard
to represent paving stones (again, imply-
ing the money generated by the market,
for a less well to do market you could
sand the entire base and paint up as dirt)
with some sand around the edges to blend
Dunster Yarn Market into my table’s square.
Roof partly shingled

Page 16 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Two DIY 28mm Buildings (cont.) How To
Putty was used to make the edge/join gaming purposes, either option will
parts and cover any rough edges or gaps. work).
For the very top I used card that I would
paint as wood, as I’d seen something Samurai Era Shrine for Ronin
similar during our travels elsewhere in Wait, you also mentioned a
England. Slate would be hard to shape shrine? Yes, I wanted something
up to that point and wood could be made for Ronin games that wasn’t pre-
to give a better ‘capstone’. pressed plastic and had some char-
acter to it. Sarissa Precission makes
some nice feudal Japanese terrain
(plus some stellar dark age terrain, I
have one of their churches and the
Norman manor house), but wasn’t
exactly what I was looking for.
So I built a small hut from card-
stock, plasticard, and some balsa
wood (the top of the roof is a
shaped bamboo skewer from my
grilling supplies). The paved walk
is some textured scrap-booking
At this point I primed and painted the paper from Michaels, and the trees
base separate from the roof so that I could were made from wire with putty
get at everything okay. I used a dark overtop, and then steel wool with
brown for my timbers, but I can highly flocking (stereotypical cherry trees,
recommend greys for old, weathered but it makes it more striking). The
wood. Also very dark brown (almost Tori gate is made with rod and bits
black) can be used to represent treated of balsa wood. Toss on some putty
wood (which you can see in the half- rice bags as offerings and it makes a
timbered houses that date back to the late nice little shrine that cannot be
middle ages). Once painted I added a bought at a store.
little flocking, glued my roof on, and had
a one of a kind bit of scenery for my table It takes some time and effort to
(I could have not glued the roof on as make your own terrain, but you can
well, which would let one take it off for come up with some fun and unique

pieces that will really add flavor to your

games. If you are interested in more ter-
rain ideas I highly recommend Battle-
fields in Miniature by Paul Davies. He
has loads of good tips and ideas for all
manner of terrain.

ISSUE 42 Page 17
Talon: Fleet Defense of Earth by GMT Games Game Review
After the much her- ers and what they’re used for. The receive during the turn. For example, a 2
alded success of Space ship counters, which are very large -4-2 power curve means that on every
Empires and its popular hexagons, are laminated and to save impulse where there is a 2 listed you get a
sequel Close Encounters, time players just check off damage power point that can be used to charge a
what more could game and power charging directly onto weapon group, shorten a turn, make a
designer Jim Krohn do? the ship counter! Not only is this sideslip, charge a battery, etc. On every 4
Well, for one thing de- pretty innovative, but it saves a ton on the impulse track you must move one
sign a new tactical level of time although paper log sheets hex, and the 2 at the end is your turn radi-
game of starship combat! are provided for those who don’t us, which is tracked using a counter on
Now science fiction war- want to do this. The ship counters the board that says where you can turn.
gaming is nothing new have various icons for shields, pow-
Now all of this is surprisingly simple
and there are many, er charging, hull and critical hits,
during play and with the limited space
many games on the topic, plus weapons groups, batteries,
between the starting forces you first think
ranging from the hyper realistic Attack afterburners, etc. It’s amazing that all the
that this game is going to be over in a few
Vector Tactical to Full Thrust to Starfleet info that a gamer needs
minutes. However, this is not the
Battles, not to mention Star Wars Armada about his ship is right
case and there is a refreshing
and Star Trek Attack Wing. In fact, there there and marking off the
amount of strategies and decisions
are so many starship miniatures games various boxes keeps
that need to be made each turn. I
and space combat games out there the things simple.
would liken it to more of a dog-
question needs to be asked about why
The rules are surpris- fight in space, with each side try-
would GMT put another one out.
ingly simple, but will take ing to maneuver into a firing posi-
For one thing GMT does a great job on a read through and push- tion while recharging enough
game components and for another, it was ing the counters around to weapons to get in a good punch.
designed by Jim Krohn, who so far has a fully grasp what is going
The two races have different
knack for taking something complicated on here. Until you actual-
weapons, ranging from phasers
and distilling it into playable form. So ly fire the weapons, see
and anti-matter torpedoes for the
far this has proven to be a winning com- how maneuvering works
Terrans to disrupters and missiles
bination and Talon will only enhance this with the impulse system,
for the Talons. Also, their power
reputation. then recharging, it’s hard
curves, ship sizes, etc., are all dif-
to grasp. Once you see it
The first thing you notice when you ferent, which makes for two com-
in action, however, every-
pick up the box is that it is very heavy! pletely different strategies on the
thing becomes simple and
This is due to the fact that there are two game board. Additional rules cover carri-
an entire group can be playing in under
mounted space map boards in the game. ers, fighter groups, wave cannon, starbas-
15 minutes.
I found this to be a bit weird in that paper es, advanced damage repair, and far, far
maps would have been just as good and it If you remember Starfleet Battles from more. The playbook has around two
would have given the gamer far more the 80s, then you will recall the famous dozen scenarios that range from an intro-
storage space in the box. There’s no ma- impulse system. Talon uses something ductory one on one engagement to a full
jor problem here as I think the intention similar, but there’s only six impulses, fledged slugfest. There is also a very
was to upgrade the components to “Euro” which means things go pretty quickly interesting campaign system that looks as
quality, but a strange choice. After that each turn. The impulse system, com- if it could be a lot of fun, particularly
there’s two sets of ship counters for the bined with what is called the power with a large gaming group.
Terrans and the Talons, various game curve, determines your movement, turn
Overall, what’s not to like here. A
markers, an impulse/turn card, rule book, radius, and power points that you will
fairly innovative system that on
playbook with scenarios, a
the surface looks like other star-
campaign card, two dry erase
ship combat games, but what lies
markers (one of mine had
beneath is anything but. The
already dried up) and only one
system works well, plays fast, is
game reference card. The last
a lot of fun, and most important-
one is very strange for GMT
ly, can be taught quickly. I can
as they usually give gamers
see a large number of supple-
too many game aids! Overall,
ments, other races, campaigns,
an impressive setoff compo-
etc., coming out for this game
nents, but with some strange
and for the price it definitely
can’t be beat. Highly recom-
Now to the dry erase mark- mended.

Page 18 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Samurai Mounted Attack Ronin Battle Report
Although we’ve played Ronin a num- It was at this point where the monks
ber of times, we still had not used the and a wandering ronin who joined
mounted rules, so with this scenario it them decided to throw in with the
would be a good test for how they work peasants and attacked. The addition
with the system. Fortunately I have sev- of two more archers spelled trouble
eral mounted Samurai units, so finding for the samurai who were already
the necessary figures was not an issue. having problems with the peasants.
The only thing that takes time with Ronin By turn 5 half of the samurai were
is actually setting up the rosters, as filling down and the remainder were hard
those out with the necessary skills can pressed in multiple combats across
take a bit of time. In fact, I always the board.
thought that the Osprey skirmish rules
By turn 6 the peasants were pretty
should come with pre-made, random
much finished off, but the monks
rosters for gamers who just want to get
were proving to be the real threat to a
started or who don’t have time before the
samurai victory. The remaining sam-
game begins. of this with our group!). The other thing
urai tried to charge the monk archers and
is that when someone shoots at a mount-
In this scenario two groups of mount- engage the remainder in some fairly large
ed figure you have to see if it hits the
ed samurai are raiding a temple in the fights that saw each side sometimes have
rider or the horse, so you do get the bonus
area and come across a group of bandits combat pools around double digits! The
of having the horse possibly take some of
as well as the monks guarding the temple. samurai, who had not much luck in roll-
the hits that the rider might otherwise
This was an elaborate scenario set up, but ing well during crucial moments of the
have had.
since I was on the mounted samurai side, game, now had that same luck right at the
we only got to see things from our point The peasants came right out of the end. The monks pressed their advantage,
of view! Whether the monks joined us or gate and ambushed the mounted samurai, slowly grinding down the samurai. By
not seemed to be an option, but once the trying to use their numbers to overwhelm turn 8 it was pretty much over, with only
peasants attacked the samurai and the the riders a few at a time. Their first at- one samurai still alive, the peasants flee-
samurai counterattacked, the monks sided tacks inflicted several wounds on the ing, and the monks still in charge of their
in with the peasants! samurai even though they lost a few of temple. When we added up the victory
their own number. By the second turn points the monks and peasants just eked
First, the mounted rules were interest-
most of the samurai were engaged and out a narrow victory.
ing in that they didn’t seem, at least to
the two peasant archers continued to
me, to be as devastating as I thought they If the samurai had some bows things
score hits on man and horse. By turn
would be. Fighting mounted warriors on might have turned out differently. The
three half of the samurai had wounds for
foot would seem to be a disadvantage monks were too hard to handle for the
the loss of six peasants.
from everything I’ve read, but beyond the samurai who had taken some hits from
ability to ride by and make an attack, The peasants, however, got spread out the peasant ambush. Overall, however, it
there didn’t seem to be much advantage and the samurai counterattacked, killing a was fun, fast, and furious game that was
in being mounted unless we were doing few more and forcing the peasants to test finished in about 2 1/2 hours.
something wrong (always a good chance their morale, which they barely survived.

ISSUE 42 Page 19
Engagement 13: Rescue!
Situation: The fr ontier is aflame and None of Blue’s forces start on the board. begins.
Red has been caught unaware. Red forc- Each turn Blue rolls for which forces
es are moving to withdraw all civilians in arrive and then what their target is (keep Initiative: Red is fir st each tur n
it’s zone of operations. There is a trading this secret from Red). Players will have Game Length: No set game length.
post, a mission, and a local village to keep track of this separately by some Game ends when Red escorts all civilians
(sympathetic to Red) that need to be means. over the bridge to safety, then destroys
evacuated before Blue’s forces arrive. the bridge.
Blue is trying to burn and pillage across Roll (1D6) Reinforcements
the frontier, but is disorganized. Special Rules: Ther e is one civilian at
1 Two infantry units
the Trading Post, 4 at the Mission, and 20
Period: Designed pr imar ily for the 2-4 One infantry unit at the village.
colonial period, but this scenario could be
used for Ancients or Medieval periods. 5 One cavalry unit Victory Conditions: Red r eceives five
victory points for each civilian from the
Table Size: 6 x 4, but a larger table 6 No units this turn Trading Post or Mission that escapes and
could be used with more terrain added. Roll Target one each for the villagers that escape.
Terrain Notes: The hills should be 1 Trading Post Less than 20 points: Blue Victory
fairly steep and should have a heavy
movement penalty. Players should agree 2 Mission 21-30 points: Draw
if there is a path that runs along any of 3 Village 31+ points: Red Victory
the hills to ease movement for native
forces. The upper end of the river is im- 4 Attack the Bridge Blue also wins if at any time they physi-
passable with cliffs on both sides, but cally occupy and hold the bridge.
5 Block the roads to the
there is a ford below the bridge which is mission & village .Variants: Ther e ar e a wide number of
marked on the map. The mission is sur- variations to this scenario that would
rounded by a high wall and the gate 6 Cross the ford and exit include adding more units, bringing on
should count as being fortified. the board edge via the the native enemies faster, or assuming
road that there is a strong Blue leader who
Scale: The or der s of battle are for
skirmish games like The Sword & The Blue Orders: Or ganize the ar r iving could coordinate the efforts of the arriv-
Flame, but other unit based rules could be units into some kind of formation to at- ing Blue forces and simply choose the
used as well. tack the assigned targets. Destroy all of targets for the entire Blue force. There
the targets and any Red units that get in could also be special rules for the civil-
Red Forces: Red’s for ces begin the the way. ians that would include how long they
game entering the road near the bridge. would need to get ready, possibly having
There is an advance guard that is closing Set Up: Red sets up the two units that the village join the natives, etc.
on the mission and a second unit that is at are already on board, then the first turn
the crossroads, waiting for developments.
Red may pick any two units from his
forces to begin on the board at the loca- 1,2
tions marked on the map.
6 units of infantry
1 unit of cavalry
1 section of artillery (2 guns)
Red Orders: Pr event Blue’s for ces
from overrunning the mission, trading
post, and village. Evacuate all civilians
from the area and withdraw over the
bridge, then destroy the bridge.
Blue Forces: Blue’s for ces ar e in the
early stage of an insurrection and are
disorganized across the frontier. As more
tribes join the rebellion they seek out
targets of their own choosing, making a 5,6
concerted effort very difficult.

Page 20 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Engagement 14: Night Attack
Situation: Blue’s fr ont has been in a state of disorder. Before they can (using a clock face for the results) and
ripped open and there is a desperate need consolidate their gains, Blue will launch a then 3D6 for the number of inches that
to stabilize the front with a sharp counter- counterattack that will punch through the unit starts in. In some cases this
attack. Blue scrapes together local forces Red’s front lines and into their rear areas. might mean the unit starts off board or
plus reserves, conducts a night march, right on top of the enemy!
then plans to launch a counterattack just On Board at Start:
before dawn, aiming to exit forces in Initiative: Blue is fir st each tur n
6 units of armor
Red’s rear areas. Game Length: No set game length.
3 units of mech infantry Game ends when Blue breaks through
Period: With the mechanized for ces
3 units of infantry in trucks and achieves its victory conditions or it
present, this scenario will only work for
appears that the offensive has been
WW2 to Modern periods. Off-Board Artillery: stopped.
Table Size: 6 x 4, but a larger table 1 unit of mortars Special Rules: The fir st two tur ns ar e
could be used with more terrain added.
1 unit of medium artillery at night and most rules will cover how to
Terrain Notes: The hills ar e fair ly low, handle operations during these turns. The
but block line of sight. The town should 1 unit of rockets/heavy artillery that is third turn should be considered a dawn
be twice as large as the village. The available for three consecutive turns turn with restrictions, but not as severe as
woods are light woods, but do block line (corps level support for the attack) night penalties. The fourth turn onwards
of sight. Blue Orders: Or ganize the ar r iving are considered daylight turns.
Scale: Can be used with any rules, but units into some kind of formation to at- Victory Conditions: Blue needs to exit
something where each unit is a platoon or tack the assigned targets. Destroy all of at least three units (or the equivalent in
company would probably work best. the targets and any Red units that get in units) off of either road on Red’s board
the way. edge.
Red Forces: Red’s for ces have been
surprised at the ease of their break though Set Up: Red sets up the units mar ked Variants: The night tur ns could cer -
and are spread out in a general defense of on the board then Blue places their units tainly be extended to almost a full game,
the area while they await further orders as in the area marked on the map. Because which would make things very difficult
well as resupply. There are reserves off of the difficulties of coordinating a night for both sides. The forces can be adjust-
board, but they are not assured of being march and attack, there are special rules ed for various eras, adding in paratroops
assigned to this sector. for the Blue set up. and airmobile forces as well as attack
First, roll 1D6 for each Blue unit placed helicopters for a more modern setting.
On Board at Start: Blue could also have a long opening artil-
on the board. On a roll of a 5 or 6 it stays
2 units of infantry in that location. On a roll of 1-4, the unit lery barrage to prep for the attack and
misread the map/missed the turnoff/was both sides could have airstrikes standing
3 units of armor by.
late, etc. Roll 1D12 for the direction
2 units of mech infantry
1 Anti-tank unit
Off-Board Artillery:
1 unit of mortars
1 unit of medium artillery
2 units of armor
2 units of mech infantry
Roll 1D6 each turn for each unit. On a
roll of a 5 or 6 one unit appears on Red’s
board edge.
Red Orders: Stop Blue’s for ces fr om
reaching the road exits.
Blue Forces: Red has stopped after
their victorious advance and appear to be

ISSUE 42 Page 21
BKC2: Plugging The Gap Battle Report
Last fall I spent a few months the other side of the board a scratch
upgrading my Russian forces for the armored kampfgruppe of Tigers, PZI-
1944-45 period on the Eastern Front VHs, and Marder IIIs entered to blunt
for BKC2. This included completing the Russian drive. The Germans also
three T-34 brigades with attached had three batteries of 105mm off board.
motorized infantry support, three
The Russians moved onto the board
mech infantry battalions, command
quickly while the Sherman brigade
stands, mortar units, and more as I
moved to secure the farm area. The
someday want to do a really big East
Russians suffered a blow when on Turn
Front game that would take all day!
2 the German artillery really scattered,
Anyway, it was time to use some of
but right on top of the Russian recon
the new stuff for our game night
unit, wiping out half of it! This meant
along with some new German units I
that the Russians could only earn half
had finished.
the points that they would have if the
The scenario was a bit complex, unit had exited the board at full
seal the gap by seizing a hill between the
at least for one of our regular gaming strength.
two German held towns. The secondary
nights! The premise was that Russian
objective was to get a convoy of supply/ The Germans had problems moving
armored forces had broken through the
ammo trucks and a Stug III unit to the up, failing a number of command rolls.
German front and were racing into the
German held town that was bypassed The action got started when two Marder
German rear areas. The Germans scraped
during the breakthrough and that has now IIIs blundered a command roll and burst
together various units for a counterattack
been declared a fortress by Hitler. The out of cover, right in front of some T-34s,
along with other missions. Both sides had
final objective was to have the German who quickly knocked them out. The
primary, secondary, and tertiary objec-
recon unit identify at least three of the Germans responded by moving more
Russian formations involved in armor into the area and engaging the T-
the battle. 34s. At first they rolled bad, but slowly
they began to knock out the T-34s while
The Russians began the game
the Russians began having command
with a unit of Sherman 76s and
issues. After losing several T-34s the
accompanying motorized infan-
Russians redeployed, but then failed three
try that had broken through the
straight command rolls, taking a powerful
front lines on the board. They
force out of the fight for several crucial
were set up near some woods not
far from the railway station and turns.
the German edge of the board. On the far flank the Shermans got
A T-34/85 brigade with infantry into fight that was more than they bar-
and JS II support entered the gained for. Initially engaging the Ger-
board on Turn 1 along with the man Stugs, they could not make any
motorcycle recon battalion headway and then the Panthers got in-
(mostly T-34s and armored volved, which turned the tide against the
cars). The Russians had three Shermans, although the (cont. on p. 23)
tives where they would earn so many batteries of 122mm off
victory points by achieving each objec- board and BM-13 rockets
tive. that could be used twice in
the game.
The Russians primary objective was to
exit units off the German board edge by The Germans had the
any means necessary, simulating a deep equivalent of an infantry
raid to disrupt the German defenses. The battalion holding the two
secondary objective was to get the Rus- towns at the edge of the
sian motorcycle battalion off the German board and a company of
board edge more or less intact. The final Jgpz IVs at the railway sta-
objective was to seize a series of farms tion to start the game. A
behind the larger German held town that panzergrneadier battalion,
could be used as a jumping off point for recon unit, and a Panther
a future German offensive. company were coming up
the road near the station and
The Germans primary objective was to
would enter on Turn 1. On

Page 22 W A R N I NG O R D E R
BKC2: Plugging The Gap (cont.) Battle Report

(cont. from p. 22) Russian infantry con- middle the slugfest continued, but the win/lose/draw as they had separate objec-
trolled the farms. The Russian recon unit Germans had definitely blunted the Rus- tives and victory point thresholds). They
kept moving from tree line to tree line, sian armored spearheads and were now exited half the recon unit and held onto
trying to maneuver itself off the board counterattacking in several areas. The the farms, but it was not enough.
edge to score some victory points. German panzergrenadiers raced up the
In the end it was a series of bad com-
hill and deployed for defense, thus ful-
In the middle the Jgpz IVs and the T- mand rolls at the worst times that doomed
filling their primary objective. One more
34s got into another firefight with artil- the Russian attack. Just when it seemed
Russian attack got hopelessly entangled
lery from both sides dropping all over the that the Germans could do nothing right,
with failed command rolls, bad die roll-
place. The JS IIs, Tigers, and PZIVHs the Russians simply could not capitalize.
ing, and simply not enough punch left to
slugged it out over the central woods Whether it was not being able to call in
break through.
area, with both sides doing damage to the artillery, saving throws, etc., the Germans
other. The panzergrenadiers saw their In the end the Germans won a major hung in there when things weren’t look-
chance and ran down the flank towards victory by completing all three of their ing good and prevailed.
the hill that was the primary German objectives, but it was close as they barely
Next time we’ll do a full scale Russian
objective. had enough reinforcements for the town
attack complete with scheduled artillery
to get the required points for the decisive
On the Russian right the fight at the and airstrikes against a German defense
margin. The Russians, however, just
farms was all but over. Most of the Sher- in depth, which should provide some new
missed out on a draw and had to settle for
mans were burning by now, but the Rus- challenges for both sides.
a loss (it was possible for both sides to
sian recon unit did exit the board. In the

ISSUE 42 Page 23
NWF: Bengal Lancers’ Moment of Glory Battle Report
After deciding to play The Sword and For the Pathans things weren’t going
the Flame (TSATF) for the regular game too well. The Indians were pouring
night, the next issue is always what kind through faster than they should have been
of scenario to set up. We were going to and most of their units were badly out of
have anywhere from 4-5 players and we position. They were helped, however, by
had a pretty tight time slot of 2 1/2 hours. getting two more units of reinforcements,
Naturally this meant that this would be no which moved down a dry river bed in the
giant slugfest using our several hundred hope of counterattacking the approaching
figures for the Northwest Frontier, so we Indian infantry. A series of bad move-
had to settle on something fairly quick ment rolls prevented them from getting
playing. closer to their targets.
A local tribal chieftain who has been The Anglo-Indian force was now
causing problems has been located at a emerging and forming up near the village
nearby village. An Anglo-Indian force for the main event. The screw guns were
what forces would be available to them
has been ordered to force their way into still lumbering behind, but would be set
and when, which makes setting up a de-
the village, seize the chieftain, and with- up in a turn or two. The two Indian units
fense a bit difficult! Basically, the out-
draw from the valley. The pass into the were coming up on the flanks while the
post would try to cause as many casual-
valley is guarded by a walled outpost, Bengal Lancers shifted towards the cen-
ties as possible, then the defenders in the
which will need to be dealt with. The ter. The Gurkhas were still behind after
village would hold until help arrived.
chieftain has summoned other tribes to clearing the outpost, but were trying to
assist him and their forces could arrive at For the Anglo-Indian force things catch up with the rest of the force.
any time. were a bit more straightforward. Get past
Now came one of those moments in
the outpost quickly, surround
gaming that will live forever. The Bengal
the village, then find the chief-
Lancers, in full view and in range of the
tain. Simple in concept, but as
Pathans, formed up in a long line. The
usual in a skirmish game set-
Pathans fired a volley (we only give
ting, not so easy to pull off,
clans/natives half the figures firing due to
especially in a game with so
their massed status) and not one hit was
many wild swings of fortune as
scored! The other Pathan unit chose to
TSATF. This would be further
fire on the advancing Indian infantry, so
complicated in that we were
that saved the Lancers from another vol-
going to be using the Event and
Action decks from TVAG ley as well.
which only added to the chaos. The Bengal Lancer squadron charged,
rolling a good amount on their movement
The game began with the
and the Pathans actually stood their
Gurkhas exchanging fire with
ground, then the Lancers closed into me-
the Pathans at the outpost as
lee, still having not suffered a single cas-
they rolled really bad for their
ualty! As can be expected, it was like a
The Anglo-Indian force consisted of first turn movement. The Pathans were
hot knife through butter, or as we termed
two units of Indian infantry, a unit of able to get one unit of reinforcements, but
Gurkhas, a battery of screw guns, and a it was a pretty uneventful first turn. On them during the game, (cont. on p. 25)
squadron of Bengal Lancers. The Gur- the second turn the Gurkhas
khas had two explosive devices to breach blew an opening in the wall
the outpost walls and would start the at- and poured in, whereupon the
tack from the corner of the game board. Pathans fled! Unfortunately
The Pathans had a clan of 20 men in the for them they ran right into all
outpost and another clan guarding the of the other Anglo-Indian units
chieftain in the village. Two more tribes moving around the outpost!
were off board and would roll for each Also, one of the event cards
clan to enter by rolling a D6 and needing revealed a secret path, which
the current turn number to arrive (ex., on allowed a unit of Indian infan-
Turn 4 a clan would arrive on the roll of a try to quickly move over one of
1, 2, 3, or 4.) the hills and get into the valley
which avoided the traffic jam
The Pathan strategy was complicated
on the other flank.
by the fact that they didn’t really know

Page 24 W A R N I NG O R D E R
NWF: Bengal Lancers’ Moment of Glory (cont.) Battle Report

(cont. from p. 24) “Colonial Panzers”! guarding the chieftain in the village! thans were more than likely defeated.
The Pathan unit simply vaporized, with This unit got up from its cover and pro- In retrospect, the Pathans had a good
the 8 survivors fleeing back across the ceeded to advance against the artillery strategy, but the randomness of the game
dry river bed. The Lancers reformed to and Indian infantry in a suicidal attack, defeated them. The Pathans fleeing the
the rear then dismounted and began a which is exactly what happened as they outpost, which was a critical position
firefight with another Pathan unit. were cut down to a man. didn’t help, as did their poor shooting
By this time multiple units were en- The final few Pathan units came on during the entire game. The Indians find-
gaged on all fronts, with the Pathans get- the board and were moving quickly to- ing a pass over the hills created a second
ting the worst of it. The screw guns now wards the village. Unfortunately, we ran front that the Pathans were too thin to
came into action and their first rounds out of time as were playing at the local cover effectively.
caused severe casualties to a Pathan unit game store and closing time was upon us. Definitely a good game and although
that has crossed the bridge for a counter- After discussing things for awhile, the we ran out of time we were able to get a
attack. That unit then came under fire by consensus was that the Pathans would good result. The NWF Action Deck and
one of the Indian infantry units as well, have needed a lot of things to go their the TSATF Event decks add a lot of fla-
which forced the unit to fall back. way to have been able to pull out a victo- vor to the game. It is very hard to bal-
ry. The Indians were closing on the vil- ance TSATF games, but this one seemed
On top of that one of the Event cards
lage and the artillery was now dominating to be a pretty fair fight, but with the large
forced a Pathan unit to charge the nearest
the center of the board. The game may number of die rolls there’s always a
enemy, which by unfortunate random die
have gone a few more turns, but the Pa- chance weird things will occur!
roll ended up being the Pathan unit

ISSUE 42 Page 25
WFHGS Another year in gaming is gone and I can see why as you get older you seem to have
less time for the hobby, which is weird in that you would think it would be the opposite.
However, family obligations, work, etc., all conspire to make sure that your time is
G A MI N G S O C I E T Y spread out and that it goes by faster than you would think! In terms of painting produc-
tion this was my least productive year in quite some time. I finished about twenty units
Meets every other Friday night in the
SLC, Utah area. We play a wide variety for Warmaster Ancients, a few for Battles for Empire, two Renaissance pike units, about
of games in 1/300th, 10mm, 15mm, ten packs of GHQ micro-armor, two dozen 28mm figs for Saga, plus several 1/48th mod-
and 25mm, including Age of Reason,
Age of Discovery, Age of Eagles, Fire & els for WW2 skirmish actions. Some people might say that’s more than enough, but it’s
Fury, General de Brigade, Warmaster considerably less than what I usually do. I can see why so many gamers and clubs as
Ancients, TSATF, Phantoms, Mustangs,
BKC2, and more... they go on tend to revert back to just a few periods as I currently feel (and as you can see
by the list of finished figures above) that I am all over the place. I thought about just
Email the editor:
mirsik1@juno.com focusing on one major period for the year and a minor one to see how that goes, but in
the past that rarely survives the first few months of the pledge! I definitely need to step it
The best in historical miniatures up in terms of terrain as with most groups that seems to be a weak area. I’m hoping for
the new year that I can get some new scenery ready for the myriad number of periods
that we game.
Visit us on the web:
The other interesting thing as 2015 ends and 2016 begins is that what is old is new
again. You would think that the Cold War and WW3 eras were dead and gone, but not so
fast! Battlefront has their Team Yankee period rolling out with boxed sets, rules, lots of
different models, plus other manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon as well.
MMP has Doomsday, a massive boardgame about a Warsaw Pact invasion of Western
Europe in development and Decision Games is actively working on an upgraded version
of the famous SPI Next War game. Is there that much interest in this period? I know that
many of us grew up in that era and played quite a few games for that what if war, but it
never happened. Now you have people arguing on forums about armor ratings, orders of
battle, etc., about a war that never materialized. Is the hobby following the path of Hol-
lywood where there are few original ideas left and it’s easier to revisit the same thing
over and over?

I’m also watching several of the new releases with interest, especially all of the Os-
prey rules, a Renaissance naval game with miniatures, Kickstarter games with 3D print-
ed miniatures, and more. That there are tons of high quality products coming out each
and every day is not in dispute. My big question is can the hobby sustain this kind of
growth? I have friends that are literally buried in new figures, games, and rules that at
this time looks like we’ll never ever even try! Does everyone just keep adding to their
pile of stuff? At some point this has to end, but right now I’m not seeing it. We’re having
Be sure to check out our various a difficult time keeping the rules straight for the games we do play and this is only add-
campaigns for rules such as WMA,
TSATF, and BFE II on our web site. ing to the chaos. Hopefully we’ll see a return to sanity, but you never know.

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