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We process more than 1,000 hectares of coconut plantations, spread across several islands in


In the beginning, our company was engaged in manufacturing coconut derivative products, namely
coconut shells into coconut shell charcoal. After that our company expanded into coconut
plantations, to process more derivative products.

We are an Indonesian company engaged in plantation and we also supply raw materials from
coconut which will be in production some processed products.

Our company is very skilled in the industry, we have the best experiences that make our customers
satisfied with every existing cooperation.



Quality is exhibited in many ways by selling and supporting products and services that delight
customers, establishing a work environment , delivering financial results that meet investor


Integrity Means telling the truth, keeping our word and treating others with fairness and respect.
Integrity is one of our most cherished assets. it must not be compromised.


Commitment is important where we will continue to provide the best to our customers and
investors all the time. Our opportunity to serve should be viewed as a privilege that is not to be
taken for granted.


Commitment is important where we will continue to provide the best to our customers and
investors all the time. Our opportunity to serve should be viewed as a privilege that is not to be
taken for granted.


Provide friendly service, respectfull, honest, trustworthy, helpfull in every moment

Kami mengolah lebih dari 1.000 hektar perkebunan kelapa yang tersebar di beberapa pulau di
Indonesia. Pada awalnya, perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang pembuatan produk turunan kelapa
yaitu batok kelapa menjadi arang tempurung kelapa. Setelah itu perusahaan kami melebarkan sayap
ke perkebunan kelapa, untuk mengolah lebih banyak produk turunan.

Kami adalah perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan kami juga mensupply
bahan baku dari kelapa yang akan di produksi beberapa produk olahannya. Perusahaan kami sangat
ahli dalam industri, kami memiliki pengalaman terbaik yang membuat pelanggan kami puas dengan
setiap kerjasama yang ada.



Kualitas ditunjukkan dalam banyak cara dengan menjual dan mendukung produk dan layanan yang
menyenangkan pelanggan, membangun lingkungan kerja, memberikan hasil keuangan yang
memenuhi harapan investor.


Integritas Berarti mengatakan yang sebenarnya, menepati janji dan memperlakukan orang lain
dengan adil dan hormat. Integritas adalah salah satu aset kita yang paling berharga. itu tidak boleh


Komitmen itu penting dimana kami akan terus memberikan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan dan
investor kami sepanjang waktu. Kesempatan kita untuk melayani hendaknya dipandang sebagai hak
istimewa yang tidak boleh diabaikan begitu saja.


Memberikan pelayanan yang ramah, hormat, jujur, amanah, membantu setiap saat

Fair Trade

We commit to give the best price to support the farmer and importer through Fair Trade.

Perdagangan yang adil

Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan harga terbaik untuk mendukung petani dan importir melalui
Perdagangan yang Adil.

Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated Coconut is a grated, dried, and unsweetened fresh meat or kernel of a mature fruit of
coconut. Desiccated coconuts are graded by its cutting size, for example, fine grade and medium
grade where fine grade is smaller particle size than the medium grade.
Our Company offer desiccated coconut in high fat and low fat type

Our desiccated coconut is made from carefully selected coconuts of the finest quality and has a
clean white color free from impurities and has a naturally pleasant coconut taste and aroma.

Our desiccated coconut already certified as follow: Local Organic Certificate, Non GMO Certificate,
Free Pesticide Certificate & Halal.

Kelapa kering Kelapa kering adalah daging atau kernel segar yang diparut, dikeringkan, dan tanpa
pemanis dari buah kelapa yang matang. Kelapa kering digradasi berdasarkan ukuran potongnya,
misalnya grade halus dan grade sedang dimana grade halus adalah ukuran partikel yang lebih kecil
dari grade sedang. Perusahaan kami menawarkan kelapa kering dalam jenis lemak tinggi dan rendah
lemak Kelapa kering kami terbuat dari kelapa pilihan dengan kualitas terbaik dan memiliki warna
putih bersih bebas dari kotoran dan memiliki rasa dan aroma kelapa yang menyenangkan secara
alami. Kelapa kering kami sudah bersertifikat sebagai berikut: Sertifikat Organik Lokal, Sertifikat Non
GMO, Sertifikat Bebas Pestisida & Halal.

High Fat


 Color : Natural White

 Flavor : Mild & Sweet characteristic of Coconut
 Free Fatty Acid : Max 0,10%
 Total Fat : 65 ±5
 Moisture : Max 3%
 Residual SO2 : 50ppm max or SO2 Free (upon request)
 PH : 6,1 - 6,7

Low Fat


 Color : Natural White

 Flavor : Mild & Sweet characteristic of Coconut
 Free Fatty Acid : Max 0,10%
 Total Fat : 50 ±5
 Moisture : Max 4%
 Residual SO2 : Free
 PH : 6,1 - 6,7

Coconut Briquette Charcoal

Coconut Charcoal Briquette is a compact block charcoal which made from coconut shell charcoal and
tapioka strach, 100% natural ingredient. Produce with our best technology to create shisha briquette
high quality with international standar. The coconut shells ensure easy ignition, eco-friendly, high
and even heat and a longer burn time.

Our charcoal briquette is mainly used for heating tobacco/shisha pipes. As fuel, it is hotter and last
longer than ordinary charcoal. It is suitable for household use both indoor and outdoor. Also, it can
be used in food industries, for barbecue, stove fuel, metallurgy, etc.

We accept costum packaging and blends. We develop our products constantly and customize them
to the demands and wishes of our customers. Meet our company and get impressed by our coconut
briquettes charcoal!

Arang Briket Kelapa (BENTUK DAN UKURAN)

Briket Arang Kelapa adalah arang blok kompak yang terbuat dari arang tempurung kelapa dan
tepung tapioka, 100% bahan alami. Memproduksi dengan teknologi terbaik kami untuk membuat
briket shisha berkualitas tinggi dengan standar internasional. Tempurung kelapa memastikan
penyalaan yang mudah, ramah lingkungan, panas tinggi dan merata serta waktu pembakaran yang
lebih lama.

Briket arang kami terutama digunakan untuk memanaskan pipa tembakau/shisha. Sebagai bahan
bakar, lebih panas dan tahan lebih lama dari arang biasa. Sangat cocok untuk keperluan rumah
tangga baik indoor maupun outdoor. Juga, dapat digunakan dalam industri makanan, untuk
barbekyu, bahan bakar kompor, metalurgi, dll.

Kami menerima kemasan dan campuran kostum. Kami mengembangkan produk kami secara
konstan dan menyesuaikannya dengan permintaan dan keinginan pelanggan kami. Temui
perusahaan kami dan kagumi arang briket kelapa kami!


Copra is the dried meat of a coconut typically split into two halves. Indonesia is the largest coconut
grower in the world and is continually harvested throughout the year. Copra is used for coconut oil
extraction and the residue following extraction is used as animal feed.

We choose High Quality, Fully Mature Nuts for our Copra and carry out both sun and oven drying
until moisture content is minimal. Our dedicated Copra production staff are experts in their field and
we continue to grow our production capabilities through innovative and continuous improvement in
our processes.


 Moisture : Max 6%
 Free Fatty Acid : Max 0.5%
 Green : 0% (not detected).
 Burnt : Max 2%.
 Smoky : Max 5%
 Rubbery : Max 5%


– Jute Gunny bags / Plastic Bags

 20 feet Container : Max load 11-12 mt

 40 feet Container : Max load 24-25 mt

Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated Coconut is a grated, dried and unsweetened fresh meat or kernel of a mature fruit of
coconut. They are graded by its cutting size. Our Grades options are : Fine grade and Extra Fine
grade where Extra fine grade is smaller particle size than the fine grade. It is consumed globally in
the preparation of bakery, confectionery and other food products.

Our desiccated coconut is made from carefully selected coconuts of the finest quality and has a
clean white color free from impurities and has a naturally pleasant coconut taste and aroma.

Our Desiccated Coconut already certified with : Halal, Kosher & FSSC 22000.


 Color : Natural White

 Flavor : Mild & Sweet characteristic of Coconut
 Free Fatty Acid : Max 0,1%
 Total Fat : 50 ±5
 Moisture : Max 4%
 Residual SO2 : < 10
 PH : 6,5 – 7,2


– 25 kg Kraft paper bag with polyethylene liner inside / 25 kg White PP Bag + PE Bag inside layer

 20 feet Container : Max load 12-13 mt

 40 feet Container : Max load 24-25 mt
RBD Coconut Oil

RBD Coconut Oil is a light yellow liquid and would change into a semi solid in room temperature. For
Crude Coconut Oil to be suitable for consumption, it must be Refined, Bleached and Deodorized
(RBD). RBD Coconut Oil is used in coconut-based cooking oil, for food processing commercial and in
oleo chemical industries.

Our RBD Coconut already certified with FDA Approved, Halal, Kosher & ISO 9001.


 Odor : Odorless
 Taste : Normal
 COLOR : Max 1.5 R
 Iodine Value : 6.2 – 11
 Moisture : Max 0,1 %
 Free Fatty Acid : Max 0,1 %


 20 Feet Containers :
o Jerrycan @ 18 Litre

—> Max 1,100 Pcs

o Flexi Tank

—> Max 21,500 Kg

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

Our Virgin Coconut Oil is the Cold Pressed & Centrifugal method, which uses absolutely
no heat in any stage of the process. This process utilizes modified and improved machines to
meet the strict standard of extracting the purest Virgin Coconut Oil. The whole process takes
less than 2 hours, which means that we manage to extract Virgin Coconut Oil without long
exposure to air that may cause oxidation and spoilage of oil. This is how we produces
the High Quality of Virgin Coconut Oil.

Our VCO already certified with : Halal, Kosher & FSSC 22000.


 COLOR : MAX 1.5 R
 Iodine Value : 6.2 – 11
 Moisture : 0,1 %
 Free Fatty Acid : 0.02%
 Peroxide Value : 0.4


 20 Feet Containers :
o Plastic Pail + PE Bag @ 15 Litres

—> Max 450 Pcs

Coconut Fiber

Coconut fiber or coir is a product which is extracted from the outer shell of the coconut fruit. It is
used in a variety of ways worldwide, being especially popular for rope and matting, and there are a
number of sources for coir and coir products. Coir comes from a matted fibrous layer found between
the inner and outer husks of the coconut.  There are Two Types of coir Fibre.  White coir Fibre
and Brown Coir Fibre.

Brown Coir Fiber or Mattress Fibre is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconut and used in
products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes, mattresses, etc. Technically, coir is the fibrous
material found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut. Other uses of
brown coir (made from ripe coconut) are in upholstery padding, sacking and horticulture.


 Colour : Natural Brown

 Style : Dried
 Moisture : Under 18 %
 Impurity : Max 3 %
 Length : 5 – 30 cm


– Plastic straps with weight/bale around 60-80 kg

 20 feet Container : Max load 10 – 13 mt

 40 feet Container : Max load 16 – 18 mt
Cocopeat Block / Powder

Cocopeat blocks are considered an ideal growing medium. The cocopeat powder thus obtained is
sieved, washed, dried and finally compressed into blocks. The blocks can be used for a wide range of
planting requirements. Coir is known for its natural rooting hormones and anti-fungal properties. We
also ensure secure packaging of the cocopeat blocks.

One kilogram of compressed coco peat will expand to 15 litres of moist coco peat. The Coco peat by
itself does not have any nutrients for plant growth. Necessary nutrients will have to be added
according to the plant that is to be grown exclusively in coco peat. Coco peat is also mixed with sand,
compost and fertilizer to make good quality potting soil. In horticulture, coco peat is recommended
as substitute for peat because it is free from bacteria and fungal spores and is produced without any
environmental damage caused by peat mining.


 Dimension : 30 x 30 x 12cm – 15cm

 Weight : 5 kg
 Compression Ratio : 5:1
 Moisture : 16-18%
 Ph : 5,0 – 7,0
 Expansion : 60-80 litres


 40 Feet Containers : Max load 20 pallete

(Each Palletes = 280 blocks)

 Max Load for 40 feet Containers = 28 MT (28,000 kg)


 Dimension : 76 x 47 x 30cm
 Moisture : < 20%
 Poly Bag Weight : +29 kg


 40 Feet Containers : Max load 750 Polybag

 Max Load for 40 feet Containers = 22.5 MT (22,500 kg)

We are leading company in coconut industry.

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