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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Student Name ______________________

Father Name ______________________
Roll Number _______

Class: 1st /year -

Mathematics Marks :
Exam Format : www.notespk.com_Nauman

Time : Important Questions |

Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________
    Chapter#: 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

Encircle the Correct Option. ‫تس‬

‫ ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔‬ ‫وجاب‬ ‫در‬
1) Zero is a/an
a) Odd integer  b) Even integer  c) Natural integer d) Irrational integer

2) Every integer is also

a) Irrational number b) Even integer c) Odd integer d) Rational number

3) Every natural number is also

a) Irrational number b) Odd integer c) Positive integer d) Rational number

4) The solution of the equation x2 = 2 always lies in 

a) integers b) Real number c) Irrational number  d) Rational number

5) The product of rational and irrational number is 

a) Rational  number b) Irrational number  c) Integer d) All

6) The sum of rational and irrational number is always 

a) Rational number  b) Irrational number  c) Integer d) All

7) Every recurring decimal represent 

a) Real number  b) Irrational number c) Rational number  d) Complex number

8) Every non-terminating and non-recurring decimal represent 

a) Rational number b) Irrational number c) Real number d) Complex number

9) 2.3333..... represent a/an 

a) Rational number b) Irrational number c) Complex number d) Real number

10)  is --------------- number 

a) A rational number  b) an irrational number c) Complex number d) Real number

11) The common fraction equivalent to recurring decimal 0.333 ---------is 

a) 33/100 b) 1/3 c) 33/100 d) 3/10

12) The constant ratio of the circumference of any circle to the length of its diameter is 
a) 2.7182 b) pi c) e d) 7/22

13) 1.4142135 is a/an

a) Rational number b) Irrational number c) Natural d) Odd

14) n where n is a prime,is a/an ____________ number

a) Rational  b) Irrational c) Real d) Complex

15) 7 is a/an__________number.
a) Rational  b) Irrational  c) Prime  d) Real

16) Which of the following are a binary equations.

a) +,x c) +, derivative d) -,derivative
b) + , 

17) Which of the following has closure property with respect to addition.
a) {0} b) {-1,0} c) {-1} d) {-1,1}
18) Which of the following has closure property with respect to multiplication.
a) {-1,1} b) {-1} c) {1} d) {0}

19) The set of {0,1} is closed under

a) addition b) subtraction c) multiplication d) Division

20) Which of the following set is closed under addition.

a) {0} b) {1} c) {-1,1} d) All

21) The additive identity element in the set of whole number is .

a) 2 b) 4 c) -1

22) The multiplicative identity element of natural number is 

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

23) The additive inverse of non-zero real number'a' is 

a) a b) -a c) 1/a

24) The multiplicative inverse of non-zero number'a' is 

a) a b) -a c) 1/a

25) a(b-c) = ab-ac is called 

a) Multiplicative property b) Associative property  c) Trichotomy property d) Distributive property of
multiplication over

26) The direction of an inequality will be reversed if it is multiplied on both sides by a

a) Positive number  b) Negative number c) Zero d) Any number

27) The imaginary part of i is 

a) 1 b) i c) -1

28) Which of the following does not satisfy the order axiom?
a) Complex number  b) Real number  c) Rational number d) Integers

29) Any complex number 'ai ' can be written in order pair form as  
a) {i,0} b) {0,a} c) {a,0} d) {a,1}

30) i can be written as 

a) {1,0} b) {0,1} c) {-1,0} d) {0,-1}

31) i5 =
a) 1 b) i c) -1 d) -i

32) (-i)19 =
a) i b) -1 c) -i d) 1

33) (7,9) + (3,-5) =

a) 14 b) (10,4) c) (10,5) d) (4,10)

34) (2,6) (3,7) =

a) (32,36) b) (15,-9) c) (-36,32) d) (10,4)

35) the conjugate of 1+i lies in _______ quadrant .

a) 1st  b) 2nd  c) 3rd  d) 4th

36) The product of real number and i is a/an 

a) imaginary number b) Real number c) Integers  d) Rational 

37) Which of the following does not hold good in complex numbers? 
a) Equality  b) Order property  c) Additive property  d) Multiplicative property 

38) Modulus of complex number 3-4i =

a) 4 b) 5 c) -5

39) Geometrically,the modulus of a complex number represents its distance from the point 
a) (0,0) b) (1,1) c) (0,1) d) (1,0)

40) The real part of 3+4i is 

a) 4i b) 4 c) 3 d) 3i

41) (0,3) (0,5) =

a) (0,0) b) (0,10) c) (10,0) d) (0,15)

42) The complex number -5-6i lies in ________quadrant

a) 3rd  b) 2nd  c) 1st d) 4th 

43) The real numbers between 0 and 1 are  

a) Countable  b) Finite  c) Infinite  d) None of these

44) Well defined and distinct objects of a set are called its .
a) Set b) Proper set  c) Improper set  d) Members

45) Which of the following is commutative property w.r.t union?

a) AUB=BUA b) A B=B A c) AU(BUC)=(AUB)UC d) A (B A)=(A B)

46) If every element of set A lies in set B then 

a) A⊆B b) A⊄B c) A=B d) B⊆A

47) 2<3∨ 5<6 is 

a) True  b) False c) may be true or false d) both a and b 

48) p : 3 <, q:1<0 then p^q is 

a) True  b) False c) True as well as False d) Absurdity

49) (Ac U Bc)c =

a) A   B b) A U B c)  ϕ

50) If A={},then P(A) = 

a) Empty set b) {0} c) {ϕ} d) {0,ϕ}

51) (A B)  C =

a) A   (B  C)   b) A U (B C) c)  ϕ d) none

52) p=Karachi is a city of Punjab ,q=Lahore is a city of Sindh,then the disjunction p∨ q is __________
a) Not valid  b) True  c) False  d) May be true or false 

53) The number of elements in a set is called its__________

a) Order  b) Element  c) Inverse  d) Members 

54) y=x is a _________ inverse function 

a) Self b) Linear  c) Conjugate  d) Quadratic 

55) A function whose range consist of just once element is called .

a) One-to-one function b) Constant function c) Identity function  d) Onto function

56) The range of f={(a,1) (b,1) (c,1)}

a) {1} b) {a,b,c} c) {a} d) {b,c}

57) The unary operation is an operation which yield another number when performed on___________.
a) Two numbers  b)  A single number  c) Three numbers  d) All of these

58) A semi group with identity is called a/an 

a) Groupoid b) Semi group  c) Monoid  d) Group 

59) A monoid with inverse is called a/an 

a) Groupoid  b) Monoid  c) Group  d) Abelian group 

60) A group having commutative property is called a/an 

a) Groupoid  b) Group  c) Monoid  d) Abelian group

61) If a,b are elements of a group G then (ab)-1 

a) a-1 b-1 b) ab-1 c) a-1 b d) b-1 a-1

62) If a,b are elements of a group G and ax=b then x=

a) a-1 b b) ab-1 c) a-1 b d) a-b

63) A function which is both (1-1) and onto is called 

a) Surjective function b) Injective function  c) Bijective function  d) Into function 

64) The set {E,O} is closed under 

a) Ordinary addition  b) Ordinary division  c) Square root  d) All of these 

65) If a,b are the elements of a group G then the solution of equation  a* x=b is 
a) x = a-1 * b b) x= b* a-1 c) x=a*b  d) x=b*a

66) The power Set P(S) of a set S w.r.t intersection is a 

a) Groupoid b) Semi-Group  c) Monoid  d) Group 

67) The power Set P(S) of a set S w.r.t union with identity element  
a) S b) 1 c) ϕ

68) A={ϕ} is an example of 

a) Empty set  b) Singleton set c) Super set d) Sub set 

69) p ^ q represents
a) Disjunction b) Conjuction  c) Conditional d) Quantifier 

70) If G={1,-1,i,-i} is a group under multiplication then inverse of i is 

a) 1 b) -1 c) i d) -i

71)     is a 

a) Row metrix b) Column metrix  c) square metrix  d) symmetric matix 

72) If  a Matrix A has m rows and n columns such that m ≠ n than A is called 
a) Square matrix  b) Rectangle matrix  c) Row matrix  d) column Matrix

73) If a matrix A of order 2x3 then or of At A is 

a) 2x2 b) 3x3 c) 2x3 d) 3x2

74) If a matrix A and B are non-singular matrices then which of following results is true?
a) (AB-1) =B-1A-1  b) (A-1)-1= A c) (B-1)-1 =B d) all

75) If row rank of the augmented matrix of coefficients are same and are equal to the number of variable then system has
a) Unique solution  b) Many solutions  c) No solution  d) Non-singular solution 

76) One of the solution of x+y+z is 

a) (1,1,1) b) (0,0,0) c) (10,0) d) (1,0,1)

77) For a skew symmetric matrix ,the diagonal elements are always.
a) positive  b) negative  c) Zero d) Unity

78) If for a square matrix A=[aij] ,aij =0 ∀  i > j then A is called _____ matrix.
a) Upper triangle  b) Lower triangle  c) Rectangular  d) Column 

79) If rank of A =Rank of Ab  <no of variables then system has 

a) Unique  b) Trivial  c) Inconsistent  d) Infinite many
80) The sum of the product of each element of a row (or column ) and its cofactor is called ..
a) Minor  b) Inverse  c) Determinant  d) Adjoint 

81) If A matrix is any square matrix then AAt is 

a) symmetric  b) skew-symmetric  c) hermitian  d) skew-hermitian 

82) The solution of an equation are also called its 

a) Roots  b) Factors  c) Reminder  d) Both a and b 

83) To solve x2 =6x-576=0 by completing square method ,the term added on both sides is 
a) 3 b) 9 c) 18 d) 36

84) In a reciprocal equations,the coefficients of the term equidistant from the beginning and end are 
a) zero b) different  c) equal in magnitude  d) reciprocal of each other 

85) To solve the equation 32x-1 -12.3x +81=0 we let

a) 32x =y b) 3x =y c) 3y=x d) both a and c 

86) The solution set of  2x +2-x+6 -20=0 is 

a) {4,6} b) {-2,4} c) {1,2} d) {2,5}

87) The solution set of  x4 -6x2 +8=0 is 

a) (2,-2) b) (1,-1) c) (2,2) d) (-2,-2)

88) The solution set of 5x2 -5x+8=0 is 

a) (± 1,±i) b) (±i, 0) c) (±1,0) d) (±1,±i,0)

89) The remainder obtained when f(x) is divided by x-a is same as the value of the polynomial f(x) at 
a) x=0 b) x=a c) x=1 d) x=-a

90) The expression b2 -4ac is called 

a) determinant  b) discriminant  c) quadratic  d) remainder 

91) If the difference between the the cubes of two consecutive even-number  is 296 then numbers are 
a) 4.8 b) 5,7 c) 5.9 d) 6.8

92) The symbolic expression for 'x is greater than y by' is written as
a) x > y b) y > x c) x- y  d) y - x

93) The two consecutive numbers whose product is 132 are 

a) 10,11 b) 11,12 c) 5,6 d) 4,5

94) The roots of the quadratic equation 4x2 +6x+1=0 are 

a) Irrational  b) Rational  c) Imaginary  d) Real

95) The product of roots quadratic equation x2 +5x+10=0 are 

a) 10 b) -5 c) 1/2 d) 2

96) A sequences is a function whose range is :

a) N b) C c) R d) May be b or c

97) The domain of an infinite sequence is :

a) N b) C c) R d) W

98) Which one is the representation of a sequence?

a) an b) a(n) c) sn d) {an}

99) The A.M between x-3 and x+5 ;

a) 1+x b) 1-x c) x-1 d) 2x-1

100) The sum of the series 1.11+1.41+1.71+. . .+a10 is 

a) 20.5 b) 25.8 c) 24.6 d) 30.6

101) The sum of the terms of the series -9 -6 - 3 + 0+ . . .amount to 66

a) 9 b) -4 c) 11 d) both band c

102) The sum of four numbers in A.P is 32 and the sum of whose squares is 276 then the numbers are 
a) 5,8,9,12 b) 5,9,10,11 c) 4,7,9,11 d) 5,7,9,11

103) The 11th  term of the sequences 1+i ,2,2(1-i),. . .

a) 32(1+i) b) 32(1-i) c) 16(1-i) d) 16(1+i)

104) If the numbers 1,4 and 3 are subtracted from three consecutive terms of an A.P the resulting numbers are in G.P,if their
sum is 21 then the numbers are 
a) 2,7,12 b) 2,5,12 c) 3,5,12 d) 3,5,7

105) The A.M between two numbers is 5 and their G.M  is 4 then the numbers are :
a) 2,10 b) 4,6 c) 2,8, d) 1,9

106) If Sn represent the sum of infinite geometric series and if Lim  z Sn does not exist it means series is :
a) Convergent  b) Divergent  c) Oscillatory  d) Not valid 
107) If the G.M and H.M between two number  are 16/4 then the number are 
a) 2.4 b) 2.8  c) 4.8  d) 3.6

108) The next two terms of the sequence 1,-3,5,-7,9,11,. . . .

a) -13,15 b) 13,-15 c) 13,15  d) -13,-15

109) A sequence in which any term minus its ammediate previous term gives a constant is called 
a) Geometric sequence b) Arithmetic sequence  c) Harmonic sequence  d) Complete sequence 

110) An indicated sum of sequence is represented by 

a) Sn b) S(n) c) {Sn} d) {an}

111) A single cholera bacteria produce two complete bacteria in 1/2 hours. If we start with a colony of A bacteria ,how many
bacteria will we have in n hour 
a) A2n b) A2n c) A22n d) 22n

112) The letter of TRIANGLE. taken all at a time can be written in 
a) 8! ways b) 6! ways c) 24! ways d) 120! ways

113) The value of   15P2 =

a) 210 b) 10 c) 5 d) 2

114) The sample space of tossing a coin twice

a) {HHH,TT,HT,TH} b) {HH , TT ,H,TH} c) {HH,T,HT,TT} d) {HH,HT,TH,TT}

115) 4!.0!.1!=
a) 24 b) 16 c) None

116) Number of ways of arranging three books in a row taken all at time 
a) 2! b) 3! c) 4! d) 5!

117) If  11Pn  =11.10.9 then n =

a) 3 b) 5 c) 10 d) 2

118) The digit number of 4- digit number that can be formed from the digit 1,2,3,4,5,6 when no digit is repeated are 
a) 36 b) 720 c) 360 d) 120

119) The number of 3-digit number that can be formed out of the digit 2,3,5,7,9 when no digit is represent 
a) 10 b) 20 c) 60 d) 12

120) How many 5-digit multiples of 5 can be formed from the digit 2,3,5,7,9 when no digit is repeated ?
a) 24 b) 120 c) 20 d) 40

121) The number of arrangements of 3 books on English and 5 books on Urdu for placing them on shelf such that books on
same subjects are kept together ,are 
a) 3! x 5! x 2! b) 3! x 5!  c) (3+5)! d) 15! x 2!

122) The number diagonal that can be formed by joining the  vertices of a 8 sided polygon are 
a) 28 b) 12 c) 20 d) 8

123) Number of triangles formed by joining the vertices of a 5 sided polygon are 
a) 10 b) 2 c) 8 d) 5

124) How many committees of 5 person can be chosen from a group of 8 persons include 2 particular persons?
a) 10 b) 20 c) 5 d) 12

125) A particular outcome of a random experiment is called 

a) result  b) event  c) sample  d) root 

126) An event E is a subset of 

a) Universal set  b) Sample  c) experiment  d) sample space 

127) Number of possible outcomes in tossing five coins are 

a) 25 b) 2x5 c) 52 d) 25-1

128) Number of possible outcomes in tossing five coins are 

a) 12 b) 36 c) 6 d) 216
129) If E is an event and P(E) =1 then it is called 
a) sure event  b) certain event  c) impossible event  d) both a and b 

130) If a die is rolled then the probability that the dots on the top are greater then 4 is 
a) 1/2 b) 2/3 c) 1/3  d) 1/4

131) If a die is rolled then the probability  that top shown 3 or 4 dots is 
a) 1/3 b) 1/2 c) 3/4 d) 1/6

132) Number of diagonal of a 3 sided figure are 

a) 1 b) 3 c) 6
133) If n is any positive integer ,then n! >3n-1 is true for all 
a) n>5 b) n ≥ 5   c) n ≥ 3  d) n > 3 

134) If the exponent in the binomial expansion is 6, then the middle term is 
a) 2nd term  b) 3rd  term  c) 4th term  d) 5th term 

135) The sum of the even binomial coefficients in the expansion of (1+x)n is 
a) n2 b) 2n-1 c) 2n-2 d) 2n

136) Second term in the expansion of (1-2x)1/3 is

a) x/2 b) x/3 c) 2x/3 d) -2x/3

137) If is a positive integer and a and b are constants then 

a +(a+d) +(a+2d) +. . .[a+ (n-1) d ] =

a) a(n-1)d b) n/2[a+(n-1)d] c) n/2[2a+(n-1)d] d) none

138) Number of terms in the expansion of (a+b)n is 

a) (-1)xr+1 b) (-1)xr-1 c) xr d) xr-1

139) 10 is equal to 

a) 0.1745 Radians  b) 1.1745 Radians  c) 0.01745 d) 0.010745

140) One minute is donated  by 

a) 1' b) 1n c) 1 rad  d) 10

141) A radian is the measures of of the central angle of an arc of a circle whose length is equal to the 
a) half of the radius  b) diameter of circle  c) radius of the circle  d) none

142) In thirty minutes, the minute hand of a clock turns through an angle of 
a) 5 /r Rad b) 4 /9 Rad c) /4 Rad d)  Rad

143) The value of Cos(-3 ) is same as 

a) Cos 2 b) Cos 3 c) Cos /2 d) -Cos (3 )

144) The trigonometric ratios of -2430o  is same as of 

a) 45o  b) 90o  c) 180o  d) 340o 

145) The trigonometric ratio of 407/2 pi is the same as of 

a) 2 /3 b) 3 /2 c) /2 d) 5 /2

146) Commonly used measurements for the angle are 

a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4

147) cos 5 =
a) 1 b) -1 c) none

148) 0o is equal to 

a) 1 Rad b) 0 Rad c) /180x0 Rad d) both b and c
149) An angle is said to be negative if the rotation is 
a) positive  b) anti-clockwise c) Clockwise d) negative

150) cot(- ) =
a) cot b) tan c) -cot d) none 

151) Cos 300 =

a) 1/2 b) sqrt3/2 c) a/3 d) none of these 

152) Tan 450 =

a) 2 b) 1 c) -1

153) The trigonometric ratios of -15 is same as of 

a) 15 b) 5 c) 10 d)

154) If a point has negative x-coordinated  and negative y-coordinates on its terminals slide then it lies in ..........
a) I quadrant  b) II quadrant  c) III quadrant  d) IV quadrant 

155) If P (cosex, cosy) and Q (sin x, sin y) then the distance between P an Q is: 
a) b) c) d)

156) cosec (  - 90o) = 

a) cot  b) cos  c) sec  d) -sec 

157) cot  

a) b) c) d)

158) 1 - cos   = 

a) 2 sin2  b) 4 sin4  c) 4 cos2  d) 2 sin2  

159) 1 + cos 3x = 

a) b) c) d)

160)  = 

d) none
a) b) c)


a) 2 cos 2 b) 2 cot 2 c) cos 2   d) 2 cot 

162) 2 sin 7  cos 3  =

a) tan 2  tan    b) cot 2  cot  c) -tan 2  tan  d) sin 10  + sin 4

163) cos 20o cos 40o cos 80o = 

a) b) c) d) none 

164) tan (90 -  ) = 

a)  tan  b) - tan  c) - cot  d) cot 

165) sec (90 +  ) = 

a) cosec  b) - cosec  c) sec  d) - sec 

166) sin  =
a) sin  b) - sin  c) cos  d) None of these

167) sin (-300) = 

a) b) c) d)

168) cos   = 

a) 1 - 2 sin2  b) 2 cos2   + 1 c) 2 cos2   - 1 d) 2 cos2   + 1

169) sin   = 

a) 2 sin   cos  b) 2 cos  + 1 c) sin   cos  d) none of these 

170) cos 3x = 
a) 4 cos3 x - 3 cos x  b) 3 cos3 x - 4cosx  c) 3 sinx - 4 sin3 x d) 4 sinx - 3 sin3 x
171) cos(540o) = 

a) b) c)

172) cos 6  + cos 3 = 

a) b) c) d) none 

173) sin (x + 45o) + sin (x + 45o) = 

a) b) c)

174) 2 sin 12o sin 46o = 

a) cos 34o cos 58o b) sin 34o + sin 58o c) sin 34o - sin 58o d) cos 34o - cos 58o

175) The value of  sin 75o = 

a) b) c) d)

176) The value of cos 105o = 

a) b) c) d)

177) The value of cos 315o =

a) -1 c) 1 d)

178) The value of tan (-315o)=

a) -1 c) d) 1


a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

181) 2 cos2 45o -1 =
a) cos 90o b) tan 90o c) sin 45o d) cos 45o

182)  =

a) cos 30o b) sin 15o c) cos 15o d) tan 30o

183)  = 

a) sin 45o b) cos 30o c) sin 90o d) tan 45o

184) The cosine function is not defined in the interval 

a) [1, 1] b) c) d) None of these 

185) The tangent function is defined in the interval

a) R - {0} b) c) d) None of these 

186) If,   x in the domain of f, there exist a smallest positive number P such that  f (x + p) =f  (x), then p is the 
a) Period of f (x)  b) Period of f (2x)  c) Period of f  (p)  d) Period of f  (3x) 

187) The domain of cotx is 

a) R  b) c) d) [1, 1]

188) The domain of cosx is 

a) R b) R-{0} c) (-1, 1) d) {-1, 1}

189) The range of cos x is 

a) R  b) [0, 1] c) [1, 1] d) [-1, 0]

190) The range of cosecx is 

a) [-1, 1] b) R c) R-{x|-1 < x < 1} d) None of these 

191) The period of cosec x is 

a) b) 2 c) 3 d) -

192) The period of cot 2x is

a) b) c) d)

193) The period of cosec 2x is 

a) b) c) d)

194) The  period of tan 4x is 

a) b) c) d) 2

195) The period of tan   is 

a) b) 2 c) 3 d) None 

196) The period of 4Sin   is

a) b) -3 c) 6 d) 2

197) Sin  (2  -  ) = 

a) -Cos b) Sin c) -Sin d) +Cos

198) Cosec (  -  ) = 

a) -Cosec b) - Sec c) Cosec d) Sec

199) Sec ( + ) = 
a) Cosec b) - Sec c) -Cosec d) Sec

200) To draw the graph of trigonometric function, measures of the angles are taken  along 
a) x - axis  b) y - axis  c) origin  d) none 

201) In the graph of tanx is x approaches   from right, then tan x increases indefinitely in  

a) I quadrant   b) II quadrant  c) III quadrant  d) IV quadrant 

202) The solution of sin x = x, where   is  

a) b) c) 0  d) 2

203)  = ______________

a) Cos  b) Sin  c) Cos  d) Cos 

204) b2 + c2 - 2bc Cos   = ______________

a) c2 b) a2 c) Cos  d) Cos 

205) A formula involving all  three sides and any one angle of triangle is called __________
a) Law of sine  b) cosine law  c) tangent law  d) Hero's formula 

206) The greatest angle  is opposite to _______________ in a triangle

a) none of these  b) adjacent side  c) greatest side  d) smallest side 

207) Angle below the surface line is called 

a) Angle of depression  b) Angle of Elevation  c) acute angle  d) Obtuse angle 

208) Angle above the surface line is called 

a) Angle of depression  b) Angle of Elevation  c) oblique angle  d) Right angle 

209) Sum of all the angles of a triangle is 

a) 360o b) 270o c) 180o d) 90o

210) In  order to solve a right triangle, we have to find 

a) None of these  b) one acute & one obtuse c) two obtuse angles  d) Two acute angles 

211) A triangle whose one angle is of 90o is called: 

a) Scalene triangle  b) Acute triangle  c) Right angle triangle  d) Isosceles triangle

212) A triangle has 

a) 5 sides, 1 angles b) 3 sides, 3 angles c) 3 sides, 2 angles d) 2 sides, 3 angles 

213) A Triangle has ___________ important elements. 

a) Six  b) Four  c) Three  d) Two 

214)  = ________________

a) Cos  b) Sin  c) Cos  d) Cos 

215)  is named as 

a) Sine  law  b) Cosine law c) Tangent law  d) Hero's formula 

216) The law of sine is 

a) a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc Cos A  b) c)   bc    d)

217)   for a triangle ABC is called 

a) sine law   b) Cosine law  c) tangent law  d) Area of triangle 

218) In a triangle ABC area of triangle is 

a) b) c)

219) Hero's  formula to calculate area of triangle is 

b) c) d)

220) The radius of circum circle is called ________________. 

a) circum radius  b) in-circle  c) e-circle  d) all of these 

221) R = 

a) b) c) d)

222) R = 

a) b) c) d)

223) r = 

a) b) c) d)

224) r1 = 

a) b) c) d)

225) r2 = 

a) b) c) d)

226) r3 = 

a) b) c) d)

227) Area of inscribed circle is 

a) b) c) d)

228) Area of circum circle is 

a) b) c) d)

229) Sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 

a) 360o b) 180o c) 90o d) 270o

230) Area of triangle when three side are given is 

a) s(s + a) (s + b) (s + c) b) s (s - a) (s - b) (s - c) c) d) none 

231) Area of triangle when two sides and included angle are known, is 

a) b) c) d)

232) Area of triangle when two angle and included side are known 

a) b) c) d)

233) The inverse of a function exist only if it is ______________ function. 

a) onto  b) one to one  c) into  d) injective 

234) The sine function has inverse if it is defined over 

a) b) c) d) all of these 

235) If Sine function is defined over , then, it is called ___________ Sine  function. 

a) Diagonal   b) Principal  c) inverse  d) none  of these 

236) The  inverse principal  Sine function

a) exists  b) does not exist  c) +ve  d) -ve 

237) The graph of y = Sin x is along x - axis , where as the graph of  y = Sin-1 x is along 
a) x-axis  b) origin  c) y-axis  d) horizontal line 

238) Sin-1 x   (Sin x)-1 is a _______________ statement.

a) true b) not true  c) partially true   d) none of these 

239) The cosine function is not____________ in the interval -   < x < 

a) one to one  b) trigonometric function  c) continuous  d) none of these 

240) Domain of inverse Cosine function is ____________

a) b) c) d)

241) The graph of y = Cos-1 x is obtained by reflecting the graph of y - Cos x about the line ...........
a) y = x  b) y = -x  c) y = x2 d) y= -x2

242) Principal tangent function is defined  over ___________

a) b) c) d) none of these 

243) The domain of y = tan-1 x is 

a) b) c) d)

244) The cotangent function defined over _____________ is called principal cotangent function. 
a) b) c) d) None of these

245) Range of y = Cot-1 x is 

a) 0 < y <   b) 0 < y <   c) -   < y <  d) -1 < y < 1

246) Secant function defined over   and   is called ____________ secant function 

a) Principal  b) Odd  c) Inverse  d) Symmetric 

247) Inverse Secant function has domain 

a) b) [0, 1] c) [-1, 0] d) None 

248) Range of y = cosec-1 x is 

a) b) c) d) None 

249) Cosec-1 x is defined over 

a) b) c) d) None of these 

250) tan-1 (-1) = ____________

a) b) c) d)

251) sin-1 x + cos-1 x = ?

a) 0    b) c) d)


a) c)
b) d)

253) The horizontal  line between y = -1 and  y = 1 intersects the graph of y = tan x ...... times 
a) One  b) Two  c) Three  d) Infinite 

254) Inverse cotangent function has domain 

a) b) c) d) none of these 

255) Inverse cotangent function is written as 

a) Cot-1 x  b) (Cot x)-1 c) 1/Cotx  d) All of these 

256) Cot-1 x = ? 

a) b) c) d) None 

257) sin-1(-x) = ?
a) Cos-1 x b) Cos-1  c) -Sin-1 x d) None 


b) c)

259) Domain of y = cosec-1 x is 

a) b) c) d) None 

260) 2 tan-1 (A) = 

a) tan-1  c) tan-1  d) None 

b) tan-1 

261) tan-1 A - tan-1 B = 

a) tan-1  b) tan-1  c) tan-1  d) None 

262) Which of the following is equal to cos(sin-1 x)?

a) x b) -x c) d)

263) Tan(sin-1 x) = ?
a) x b) -x c) d)

264) What is the value of  cos-1  ?

a) b) c) d)

265) cos-1   = ?
a) cot-1  b) cot-1 c) tan-1 d) sin-1

266) Which of  the following is equal to sin-1 ?

a) cot-1  b) cot-1 c) tan-1 d) sin-1

267) Which of the following is the solution of sin x = - 

a) b) c) d)

268) Trigonometric equations have ____________ solutions. 

a) depending upon power of b) two  c) many d) unique 
trigonometric equation 

269) If   then x = ?

a) b) c) d)

270) The general solution of the equation 1 + cos x = 0 is 

a) b) c) d)

271) Solution set of 2cos  +   = 0 is 

a) finite  b) infinite  c) d) none of these 

272) cos x =   has a solution 

a) b) c) d)

273) Solution of the equation 1 + cos  = 0 are in ______________ quadrants. 

a) II & III b) I & IV c) II & IV d) none of these 

274) Sinx + cosx = 0 has general solution 

a) b) c) d)

275) Which of the following is the solution of sec x = -2.

a) b) c) d)

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