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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning everyone, my name is Clarisa Rahmawati Mutia, I’m from

SMPN 1 Blitar
and today let me tell you about a story of a time….
In girah village, Dhaha palace, kediri….
A woman who is greedy, full of anger…
A wicked widow, full of emotion….
It is her….

Calon Arang
Calon Arang real name was tanting mas, she was well-known as btari durga’s
worshipper. She was a ruthless witch, heartless magician, and black magic
worshipper that was frightened by all of the people in girah village.

She had a very beautiful daughter named Ratna Manggali. Ratna Manggali
was a kind hearted woman. However because of Calon arang Ruthless
nature no men in girah village was brave enough to marry her. Knowing this
calon arang become furious. She had prepared a sacrifice ad casted a spell
to curse the people of girah.
“Aaargh…Cursed the people of girah, I will torture all of you… each and
everone of you will be suffering from a disease that I have left on brantas

Cak cak cak GUNG

Cak Cak Cak GUNG

Om ah sang hyang brahma wisesa ingsun aminta lugraha kesaktian!!!!

Ong sidhi rastuastu

Cak Cak cak Gung

CAk cak CAk gung


Calon Arang’s curse came true.A disaster came into the village and killed
many people. Because of calon Arang the people of girah was suffering.

“HAHAHAHHA Take my revenge girah people! Who dares to fight me? I am

the invincible Calon Arang AHHAHAHAHAAH” Said calon arang arrogantly.

The news was finallt heard by prabhu erlangga.

“What makes my people in girah village affected by plauges and disease?”

Asked prabhu erlangga to patih.
The patih explained that all of this was the result of calon arang actions.
Prabhu erlangga was very angry. He demand the selected soldiers of dhaha
palace to arrest calon arang. However, after arriving at the village, they
heard explosion whose source was unknown and many of the were died
with no reason. It turns out that it was calon arang’s actions.

Prabhu erlangga thought really hard to found a way to stop calon arang. He
finally approach calon arang with love. He then decided to married Ratna
Manggali with Mpu Bahula that was handsome, kind, and still alone.

Calon Arang was very happy, “heheehe…. Im very happy! Prepare a party for
7 days and 7 nights!!! Everyone can enjoy the party.” Says calon arang

In the seventh day of the married mpu bahula asked Ratna Manggali

“Dinda manggali, what makes calon arang so powerul?”

Ratna MAnggali answered, “My dear, my mother is btari durga’s

worshipper, Her magic is studied from a magic book that is full of spells to
summon btari durga. She brings that book whenever she goes.”

Later at night, when calon arang has fallen asleep. Mpu bahula stole the
magic book. He quickly gave the book to Mpu Barada and left girah village
with Ratna Manggali.

In the next day Calon Arang knew her magic book was gone. And when calon
arang bluster Mpu Barada came to her. They finally beat each other. When
calon arang summon her magic spell. Mpu Barada had casted a spell. Fire
was unexpectedly appeared on calon arang’s body, her body shattered into
ashes and then flew to the south coast beach.

Since then the village was finally safe and peaceful. The moral of the story is
to control your anger because if you controlled by it destruction and
humillation are the only thing that you will get.

Alright everyone, that is all from me wassalamalaikum wr. Wb.

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