A. Fold Circle To Create The Following Angles. Create Your Folds To Make The Angles Visible

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Lacson Jefferson B.


A. Fold circle to create the following angles. Create your folds to make the angles visible.
In each case, explain why your folding creates angles of that size.
a.) 180˚

b.) 90˚

c. 45˚
d. 60˚

e. Fold some other circles to create some other angles.


B. 1. The figure blow shows 3 pairs of lines meeting (or you may wish to think of this
as showing 1 pair of lines in three situations, when the lines are moved to different
positions). In each case, how do opposite angles a and c appear to be related, and
how do opposite angles b and d appear to be related?
Angles formed by two intersecting lines, including a and c, b and d, will always
be completely even

2. Do you think the same phenomenon you observed about opposite angles in part 1
will hold for any pair of lines meeting at a point? Do you have a convincing reason
why or why not?
Yes, when two lines intersect, four angles with a total of 360 degrees are
formed, including two opposed and two neighboring angles.

3. Explain why what you observed in part 1 about opposite angles must always be true
by using the fact that an angle formed by a straight line is 180˚. What does this fact tell
you about several pairs of angles?

Because linear or adjacent angles will be equal to 180°, if a single line intersects
with another line, it will form 4 angles which are equal to 360°. Opposite angles
are equal to 180°

B. A pair of lines marked with arrows indicates that the lines are parallel.
Given 2 parallel lines and a transversal line that crosses the 2 parallel lines. Parallel Postulate
says that a = a’, b = b’, c = c’, and d = d’.

Corresponding angles are formed when two angles are discovered at the same relative
position but at different intersections. They are in the same general location, but at different
1. Given that lines m and n are parallel, use the Parallel Postulate and what we
know about opposite angles to explain why e = f (alternate interior angles are

The transversal line intersects two parallel lines, m and n.

If the lines crossed by the transversal are parallel, the interior angles are equal.

2. Given that lines p and q are parallel, use the Parallel Postulate and what we
know about opposite angles to explain why h+g = 180˚.

The inner angles h and g are diametrically opposed. Each pair of subsequent interiors is
supplementary when a transversal intersects two parallel lines, and the total of the consecutive
inside angles, which is 180, is supplementary.

1. Using a ruler, draw a large triangle. Cut out your triangle. Label the three angles a, b, and c.
2. Tear or cut all 3 corners of your triangle. Then put the angles together vertex to
vertex without overlaps or gaps. What do you notice? What does this show you
about the angles in the triangle?

It will form a semi-circle, indicating that the inner angle of a triangle is 180 degrees
or straight.
1. Given any triangle with (corner points) A, B, and C, let a, b, and c be the angles of
the triangle at A, B, and C, respectively. Consider the line through A parallel to the
side BC that is opposite A.
What can you say about the 3 adjacent angles at A that are formed by the triangle and the line
through A? The neighboring angles are equivalent to 180 degrees because it is produced
by a line parallel to side bc, and the two angles are alternate interior angles to angle c
and b.

What can you conclude about the sum of the angles in the triangle?
Because of this, the sum of all the angles in the triangle's interior will always be equal to 180

2. What if you used a different triangle in part 1? Would you still reach the same conclusion?
Because the sum of any triangle's internal angles is 180 degrees, you'll get to the
same conclusion.

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