Question Bank: Renice 1000 CTRL + C

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Question Bank

1) Command Use to change priority of current process: Renice

2) How Many Commands can be remember bash history: 1000
3) To quit commands: ctrl + c
4) Directory remove: rmdir
5) Change group ownership: chgrp
6) Change file system properites: tune2fs
7) Lvm stand for : logical volume manager
8) Defaults shells : /bin/bash
9)Config file for nfs server:/etc/exports
10) samba server service : smb
11) package of ftp : usftpd
12) Dhcp Full form – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
13) command to create gpgkeypair : gpg-gen-key
14) In process of internet mail how many component are there –
15)crl full form – Certificate Revocation list
16) All signed pkl certificate are stored in which directory -
/etc/pki/tls/certs directory
17) gpg key are available to see which key : gpg-list-key
18) in process of internet mail which command deliver msg to
mail user – mda
19) in apache config which parameter – document root
20) modes of apache – prefork & worker
21) in dns traffic which server are considered as authorized
named server – pri &sec
22) /n is used to create – new line
23) Two Parts of conger – rici&luci
24) full form of stonith – shoot the other mode in the head
25) to send results of one co- piping
26)\n is used to create – hardint create
27) dns server package – bind
28) dhcp server config file - /etc/dhcp/dhpd.conf
29) which is one of redhat high availability adhoc s/w
component – ponger
30) high availability clusters – fence devices
31) imp element in high availability clusters – corum
32) shell scripts contain – sequence of commands
33) RPM full form - Redhat Package Manager
34) remove files command – rm
35) cd use for – change directory
36) r parameter in cron job : o-23
37) command change ownership – chown
38) Acl full form – Access ctrl list
39) apply read write permission – chmod
40) write permission – 2
41) if u just need basic firewall & you need graphic desktop then
command used is – system config firewall
42) take care of lower layers of clustors – corosinc
43) shortest match of pattern from end of the string in shelf
script - % operator
44) to set a variable is (+) in all subshell – export command
45) to refer to name of the script itself - $0
46) by default nice value – o
47) sends o/p of command b file – redirection
48) remove print job from print que - \prm
49) rss – resident memory size
50) logical partisions – 11
51) create file system – mkfs
52) in rhel directory contain config file for each network
interface on your server - /etc/ifconfig/networkscript
53) collection of all storage devices u want to use in in lvm –
volume group
54) signup – 1
55) create backup – tar
56) sgid – 2
57) advance permission – sticky bits
58) read – 4
59) to apply file attributes – chatter
60) icmp stand – internet ctrl msg protocol
61) pki full form – public key infrastructure
62) guarentte authenticity of public key – ca
63) command used to encrypt file using gpg : gpg -e.myfile
64) in postfiy which p specifies domain of host – my domain
65) root is an example of – mua
66) everything related to config of apache server is in which dir -
67) in addr.arpazones resource records are presents – ptr
68) cifs – common internet file system
69) give status information jobs & printless – lpstat
70) to send file directly - /pr
71) to varity files wall rules have been applied ip tables
72) primary name server is also known as – master name server
73) files keeps trachs of activities that are performed log file
74) server synchrome with dns – secondary
75) to search longest matches - ## from beginning
76) set domain name for dhcp client – option domain name
77) sees whether the interger values of $1 & $2 are equal in shell
script – test $1/eq /test $2
78) install package – yum-y-install
79) is all logical devices that groups atleast 2 network cards in
clustors – ethernet band
80) preschedule jobs – cron
81) defaults files system – ext4
82) assign password to – smb passwd samba user
83) mua- mail user agent
84) pop – fast office protocal
85) smtp – single mail transfer protocol
86) fstab file column – s
87) encrypted password - /etc/shadow stored in
88) gpg stand for – gov privacy guard
89) to display contents of file – cat
90) linux system admin is also known as – root user/super user

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