Diferrent Factors To Look For in Rating Each Indicator During Observation

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1. Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas

a. Integrate/interweave of skills/tasks/process within the learning areas
-this means that we use other skills or process in the learning areas taught
Objective/Skill: Making inference and noting details from a dialogue
Other English Skills used in teaching the subject matter:
-Vocabulary skill (unlocking of difficulties, meaning of the word)
-Reading skill (falling and rising intonation, pronunciation
-Listening skill
-Writing skill
*Writing the correct spelling of words learned in listening, speaking and
*Writing sentence, paragraph, poems, rhymes, responses or reported
*Follow simple directions in answering, questions, doing activities or
group work
*Using other competencies/skills/concepts within the subject taught
b. Used integration of strategies across other subject/learning areas
-this means that we integrate other skills in other learning areas/subject
English Skill: Making inference and noting details from a dialogue
*we integrate science skill already specifically the science Process
skill which is inferring and communicating
*in the dialogue they use telephone then you have a brief discussion
on how the telephone was made, the inventor and its use
-by doing so, you are already integrating science concept.
*modeled in answering the telephone using polite expression
-in this case you are integrating the skill in values
*a concise discussion on the distance of message travelled in
-you are referring to the numbers by m/km then you are
integrating mathematics
*even setting standard, norms and house rules during group work
then followed by the learners are already integrating the ESP skills
of respect, obedience, cooperation and discipline.
Remember that when you integrate or interweave skill within or across learning
areas you have to discuss the concept briefly and highlight the integrated skill in
your lesson plan.

e. Exhibits mastery of the skill taught

f. Applied an objective that reproduced thematic teaching/integration
g. Utilized appropriate content for the identified objective
h. Used content congruent to the lesson
i. Employed precise knowledge using applicable strategy, methodology,
approach, or technology
k. Used concept teaching-learning strategy
l. Adept in the language used in teaching the subject
2. Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills
a. Provide activities to enhance the reading ability of the learners through reading the
selections, story, poem, dialogue, instructions and questions with correct
pronunciation, phrasing and intonation.
b. Encourage the learners to have reading habit and its importance
c. Facilitated the learners to express their thoughts, ideas, responses or answers in
complete sentence during recitation, interaction and group discussion
d. Assisted the learners to developed their oral and written communication skills
e. Gave meaning of new and difficult words through context clues during the conduct
of the lesson
f. Utilized appropriate teaching strategy in teaching beginning reading, word
recognition in English /Filipino
g. Gave the learners opportunities to write letters using different forms
h. Trained the learners in pronunciation and enunciation
i. Utilized practical work, problem solving, mathematical investigation, cooperative
learning strategy in teaching
j. Taught concepts with the use of concrete object, semi-concrete object, semi-
abstract objects and abstract
k. Guide learners in discerning number relationship

3. Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other high-order thinking skills
a. Demonstrates effectively the use of the art of questioning in drawing responses,
concepts, generalizations from the learners
b. Ask HOT’s questions during the conduct of formative and summative test
c. Drawing generalization in HOT’s question
d. Provide activities that developed critical thinking skills such as answering guide
questions and open-ended questions
e. Provide activities such as games, puzzle, think-pare-share, group collaboration and
other mental activities
f. Elicits questions from the learners
g. Processes questions and responses to deepen learning

4. Manages classroom structure to engage learners individual or in groups, in meaningful

exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a physical learning environment.
a. Provide activities for interactive/group work/ cooperative learning through pupil-
teacher interaction, pupil-pupil interaction and pupil-materials interaction
b. Used real situations, concrete object, print and non-print materials in the
presentation and development of the lesson
c. Provide varied activities with the use of varied materials to motivate pupils interest
and encourage everyone to participate especially the slow learners
d. Provide IM’s that engaged learners in meaningful learning
e. Provide activities with IM’s, visual aids and Board work for group work and group
f. Classroom was structured to enhance learning such as display board is updated,
seating arrangement, well lighted and ventilated
g. Maintained a safe, clean and orderly classroom free from hazards and distractions
h. Created a classroom atmosphere that is wholesome and healthful to the learners
i. Maintains a conducive classroom learning environment
j. Uses visual displays to enhance learning
k. All necessary visual aids, and IM’s were prepared before class started, visible, legible
and placed on the teachers table.
l. Power presentation and board work must be prepared ahead of time

5. Manages learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline

to ensure learning-focused environments
a. Maintained order and discipline in the classroom without imposing corporal
b. Avoid offensive or dirty word, bullying or profanity that may humiliate and degrade
the pupil and his/her interest in participating and learning the lesson
c. Provided activity to motivate the learner to listen and activity that catch learners
d. Set standards, norms, house rules or agreement before group work may hold the
pupils attention and focus
e. Accepted criticisms/ questions from the learners positively
f. Gave criticisms to the learners constructively, positively and tactfully
g. Handled behavior problems quickly while giving due respect to the learners
h. Guided learners in requiring the development of appropriate social and learning
i. Reminded learners to avoid making unnecessary noise if somebody is talking,
behave and pay attention to the person talking and wait for their turn to answer.
j. Provide timely feedback to reinforce appropriate to learners behavior

6. Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address

learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
a. Recognize pupils individual differences and provide activities for remediation,
reinforcement and enrichment
b. Provide meaningful connections between and among learning opportunities and
learners lives and experiences
c. Designed and selected learning experiences suited to different kinds of learners
d. Obtained information of the learning styles, multiple intelligences and needs of the
e. Considered and acknowledged learners’ ability level and background in preparing
and giving learning activities
f. Display sensitivity to the learner’s disposition
g. Uses facial expressions and gestures to express enthusiasm

7. Plans, manages and implements developmentally sequenced teaching and learning

process to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts
a. Provide differentiated instructions and activities congruent to the subject matter
b. Aligned with the lesson’s objective the teaching techniques, strategy, methods,
learning activities, IM’s and resources appropriate to the lesson
c. Provided logically sequenced/arranged topics, activities or exercises
d. Showed over-all mastery in subject matter and applied mastery teaching/learning
techniques in the conduct of the lesson
e. Achieved/Attained the lessons objective with at least 75% and above CPL
f. Prepared a congruent plan of the day
g. Demonstrate mastery of the curriculum requirements and learning objective
h. Target each learner during the conduct of the lesson to ensure the mastery of the
i. Managed time well in such a way that planned activities were accomplished by the
learners within the allotted time
j. Prepared a lesson plan good enough for the time allotted to the learning areas
c. Lessons’ objective is clearly formulated, specific, behaviorally stated and SMART
d. Lesson plan or DLL has complete parts and in proper sequence
e. Observes the allotted time for each classroom activity
f. Demonstrates mastery of the subject matter
g. Includes all required lesson components and elements of an effective lesson plan
h. Employs appropriate methodology to maximize learning
i. Employs differentiated instruction

8. Selects, develops, organizes and uses appropriate teaching and learning resources,
including ICT to address learning goals
a. Selected/Prepared and utilized IM’s to the learning objective and to the learners
b. Provide IM’s suited to the learners’ learning style, goals and culture
c. Provided the learners with differentiated/varied indexed IM’s, Power point
presentation/ICT and board work for the developmental, practice, group work and
application activities/exercises
d. Checked the condition and availability of facilities and equipment to be used before
the conduct of the class.
e. Utilized localized IM’s, employed ICT and board work activities in the conduct of the
lesson and all activities that is appropriate and congruent to the lesson.

9. Designs, selects, organizes and uses diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum requirements
a. Learning was evaluated through seatwork exercises/paper and pencil test
b. Prepared formative evaluation items congruent to the lesson’s objective.
c. Interpreted and used assessment result to improve teaching and learning.
d. Diagnosed learning difficulties of learners
e. Devised and compiled a portfolio for individual learner
f. Analyzed the evaluation result and identify the learners for RRE instruction
g. Constructed 5-10 objective-based formative test items enough to assess the mastery
of the objective within the time allotted to the subject taught.
h. Provides appropriate and relevant assessment mechanism and tools
i. Employs differentiated assessment



Bureau of Curriculum Development, Division of Leyte

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