R P Germany US Norway

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Limestone is in such great
demand, both as high quality
roadstone and as the raw materi-
al for cement manufacture, that
its mining is frequently carried
out underground. Proximity to .!t5$*-
the market, or availability of a
suitable mineral deposit, may be
the driver, but economic extrac-
tion is the deciding factor. In
essence, the underground lime-
stone mines are trading off the
savings in surface transportation
costs by being closer to the point
of use, against the marginal
difference in production costs
between surface and under-
ground working. Where these
are approximately in balance,
AtlasCopcoBocketBoomerLl C-DHdrillingthefaceat Auersmacher
an underground mine can be
profitable. Hence, the maior
characteristic of a successful
thickness, and an average mining operatingand wear costs.Mine output
underground limestone mining
operation is its efficiency, and the height of some6 m. The Triassicstrata is now 350,000 tlyear, and the rig is
single greatest factor affecting comprisesa shelly limestone,which is drilling six rounds/day, working
this is the cost of drilling and excellently suited as an aggregatefor dayshift only. The rest of the mine
blasting. Atlas Copco drillrigs are the local steelindustry. works two 8 h shifts/day, 5 days/week,
bringing down this cost by a
The mine is working a room and with a Saturdaymorning shift for non-
combination of drilling speed and
accuracy with low maintenance pillar systemof extractionin the hori- productionwork if required.
and longevity. Match¡ng the drill- zontal deposit,and the normal face is Experience with the diesel
rig to the job ensures that, what- 5 m high and 6.5 m wide. The length hydraulic unit has shown it to be eco-
ever the mining situation, of a room plus pillar is about 100 m, nomic on fuel, and to exhibit low
economic long-term production
and some limestoneis left to form the exhaustgas emissions.
can be achieved, sometimes with
the whole operation dependent roof. The Boomer LIC-DH features a
upon a single machine. The fol- The mine uses a diesel-powered Deutz BF6M 1013 CP engine, with
lowing case studies from three Atlas Copco RocketBoomer LIC-DH EMR and catalyzer, which consumes
very different locations serve to hydraulic drillrig, becausethere is no only about 19 litresofdieselinefor each
underline this point.
electricity supply installed to the percussiondrilling hour, and can com-
faces.It is equippedwith the CAN-bus plete two shifts on a single tank of fuel.
Gemany system,and a COP l838HF rock drill The excellentexhaustemissionvalues
with 22 kW output. As a result, blast are very important in underground
Since 1936, almost 20 million t of holes of 51 mm diametercan now be mining, where ventilation can be costly.
limestone have been produced af drilled to depths of 3.4 m at a rate of Due to the very good drilling and
Auersmacher. a border town in 6-8 m/min. Each V-cut round of 35 flushing characteristicsusing water
Saarland, Germany. Mining activity holes producesup to 340 t, and takes mist, drill rod losses are negligible.
has left a cavity of nearly 7.8 million only an hour to drill. Water consumption varies from
cubic metresin the form of 225 km of Since the Rocket Boomer rig start- 2-5 htlmin dependingupon rock con-
underground roadways. The mining ed operations,it has drilled the entire ditions, and a full tank contains
areacoversalmost4 sq km, with over- daily production output in a one-shift 840 litres. The water mist mix is
burden of approximately 50 m in operation, returning very favourable adjustedby the operatorto achievethe


servicing requirementshave no nega-

tive impact on mine Production.
High temperature greasing of the
rock drill gearbox is carried out every
40 hours,or once a week.
The close suPPort of the Atlas
Copco team has resultedin a collabo-
rative relationship that gets the best
out of the equiPment.

Another Rocket Boomer L1C-DH was
delivered to the Linwood Stone mine
in Iowa, USA for use in limestone
with an average compressive strength
of 165 Mpa. This rig is equippedwith
RCS, using ABC Basic software for
assisted boom positioning, collaring
point, hole direction, hole depth con-
trol, and statistics.A Diarot study was
conductedon this rig, in order to cal-
culate the correct settings for the rock
drill, without using trial and error.
Viewfromthedriver'sseatof theRocketBoomerLIC-DH lncreasedperformancewas obtained
by adjusting the rotation sPeed to
approximate service life of drill bits is 400+ rpm, and using a newlY devel-
desired effect. With too little water, it
3,200 drillmetres, rods 10,000 drill- oped button bit from Secoroc,which
is impossible to drill, and with too
metres, and shank adaPters, 18,500 featuresincreasedbutton protrusion.
much, the cuttingsbecomeslurried.
drillmetres. and more and bigger flushing holes.
The rotation sPeedhas a Profound
Secoroc shank adaPters and steels The Rocket Boomer LIC-DH is
effect on penetration rate. In the lime-
are used with a 51 mm ballistic bit. achieving penetrationrates of 3.5 to
stone rock at Auersmacher, the opti-
The mine switched from 42 mm bits 4.5 m/min, which is a doubling in
mum speedis 400 rev/min. DroPPing
for a 2 m/min imProvementin Pene- output over the previous generation of
it to 300 rev/min reduces the penetra-
tion rate by 2 mlmtn. tration rate, with accompanyinggains drillrigs.
Drilling is carried out exclusively in ANFO blast yield.
with Atlas Copco shank adapters and At the start of each drilling shift, Dalen,Norway
drill rods, and the very good damPen- the operator takes around 15 minutes
to checkthe engineoil, feed hosesand A single Atlas CoPco Rocket Boomer
ing and anti-wear properties of the
grease points. His training as a L2 C with advanced CAN-bus Rig
equipment has resulted in enormously
mechanichelps him to get the best out Control System (RCS), and unParal-
long service lives, despite the high
of the sophisticated engine. The leled reliability.producesan impres-
work capacity. For examPle, the
sive 1 million tlYeat at Dalen
BoomerLl C'DHfacedrillingat LinwoodStonein Davenport,
Bocket limestonemine, located on the south-
ern coast of Norway. Dalen limestone
comprises sediments of Ordovician-
Silurianorigin. which occur in a regu-
lar bed of around40 m-thickness.
The limestoneis locatedbetweena
footwall of metamorPhic rock and a
hanging wall of sandstone,and the
depositis dipping 15-20degreesto the
east, below the Eidaneer{ord. The
cement plant, and the communitY of
Brevik, sit right on top of the
deposit, which comprises the largest
underground operating mine in

1 l eI

to continuously optimize drilling

parameters, shank adapters and drill
steel last for up to 8,000 drillmetres,
and the 48mm Secoroc drillbits last
.; for around2,200 drillmetres.
Conventional hydraulic rigs are
now expected to last for a million
drillmetres/boom,but the combination
of self-adjusting rock drills and
Norcem's high maintenancestandards
could well double that fisure for their
Rocket Boomer L2 C.

At Dalen, a single rig is handling the
entire production requirement of I
NorcemRocketBoomerL2Cdrillinga topheadingat Dalennine million t/y, mainly due to a combina-
tion of high performance with high
The decisionto purchasethe Rocket For the frst crosscutround, where the availability. Where there is no suitable
Boomer L2 C ig was helped by face is not flat, about 65 holes tend to electricitysupply to the mining areas
Norcem's positive experienceswith its be drilled in the fully automatedmode. to power an electro-hydraulic rig, as at
previous 23-year old Boomer H 132. When the top headingdrifts are com- Auersmacher and Linwood, diesel-
The Rocket Boomer is used both plete, they are followed by horizontal hydraulic rigs offer a means of
for developing new areas and for pro- benching, 14 m-wide and 6 m-high, to upgrading mining efftciency without
duction drilling, on two shifts/day, five achieve the full room dimension of excessivecapital expenditure.At these
days/week. Maintenance takes some 14 m x 14 m. Some 4-5 rounds of mines, drilling rates have doubled
3-4 h/week, and rig availability has 1,500-1,600 t are blastedeachday,con- with the introduction of the Rocket
been close to 100%, with hardly anY suming about 550 kg of explosives/ Boomer LIC-DH, and round depths
unplannedstops. The mine gets a lot round. Production is switched have increased significantly. These
of work out of the rig, drilling between working faces in the mine, of machines,equipped with water tanks
282,000 rn/year. which there can be up to 40 at any and water mist flushing, operate effi-
The Rocket Boomer L2 C rig was given time. The 15 km,/h tramming ciently despite the absenceof mains
specially fitted to Norcem's require- speed of the Rocket Boomer L2 C supplies of water and electricity.
ments with COP l838ME rockdrills, befween faces helps its overall high They are also adaptable, performing
and the RCS and ABC Total automat- utilization. on both production and development,
ed boorn positioning and drilling Becauseof the non-abrasivenature and handling rockbolt and ancillary
system. The rig was also equiPPed of the rock, and the rig's ability drilling.I
with an extra-wide boom console, to
increase the width of the coverage Sectionof mininglayoutat Dalenlinestonemine.
Norcem uses the software Program H a n g i n gw a l l +
Tunnel Manager Lite to design the
drilling plans, which are pre-
programmed in the offrce and trans- (The Steinvikaformat¡on)
ferred into the rig's control panel
by using a conventional PC card.
Drilling logs are also stored on the
PC card.
Boom positioning, and drilling of
the pre-selecteddrill plan, can be fully
automated, or semi-automatedwith
manual positioning. The cross section
of the top headingsis 14 m-wide and o
Foot wall
8 m-high, and a Vee-cut is used. (The Fossumformation)
Here the rounds consist of 105 holes,
drilled to depths of 5.4 m at 48 mm-

I 120

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