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Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a collection of facts known in area and the process used to obtain knowledge
a. Theory
b. Concept
c. Conceptual Framework
d. Science

2. It involves acquiring knowledge through critical observation, formation of hypothesis or

informed guess and experimenting to see whether the results match the hypothesis.
a. Nursing Process
b. Conceptual Framework
c. Scientific Method
d. Scientific Process

3. It gives meaning to phenomena through analysis, reasoning and logical arguments.

a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

4. It is an approach for thinking about the nature of people, the methods that should be used to
create a scientific knowledge and the ethics involved.
a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

5. Knowledge comes from logic and a certain kind of intuition—when we immediately know
something to be true without deduction, such as “I am conscious.”
a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

6. Sense perception is the main source of knowledge

a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

7. Ideas are only acquired through innate ideas

a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

8. The principal form relating factual and descriptive knowing aimed at the expansion of
abstract and theoretical explanations; any scientific, researched based, theoretical and factual
information that the nurse makes use of.
a. Personal Knowing
b. Esthetic Knowing
c. Ethical Knowing
d. Empirical Knowing

9. It requires knowledge of different philosophical positions regarding what is good and right
in making moral actions and decisions, particularly in the theoretical and clinical components
of nursing; involves in the judgment of right and wrong in relation to intentions, reasons and
attributes of individuals and situations.
a. Personal Knowing
b. Esthetic Knowing
c. Ethical Knowing
d. Empirical Knowing

10. It encompasses knowledge of the self in relation to others and to self. It involves entirety of
the nurse-patient relationship; focused on realizing, meeting and defining the real, true self
a. Personal Knowing
b. Esthetic Knowing
c. Ethical Knowing
d. Empirical Knowing



Student: Student Number: ________________

Name of Professor:_______________Year Level/Section:______Schedule:_______



Week No: __1_ Duration: 1 week Lesson No: __1__ No of Hours: _ 3_

LESSON/TOPIC: History and Philosophy of Science


1 Describe the early 20th century views and the emergent views on science and theory in the late 20th

2. Differentiate between rationalism and empiricism

3. Discuss philosophy as applied to nursing

1. Introduction The development of nursing science 1. Define science
has evolved since the 1960s as a pursuit to
be understood as a scientific discipline.
Being a scientific discipline means 2. Cite examples of each
identifying nursing’s unique contribution to type of knowing
the care of patients, families, and
communities. It means that nurses can
conduct clinical and basic nursing research
to establish the scientific base for the care
of individuals across the life span (Hardin,

2. Presentation of
Content/Concepts Definition of Science
What are the steps in the
scientific method?
Scientific Method

Definition of philosophy


Early Twentieth Century Views

Emergent Views of Science and Theory

in the late 20th century

3 different views of the relationship

between theories and observation by

Interdependence between Theory and


When is scientific consensus necessary

Issues in Nursing Philosophy and

Science Development

Four fundamental patterns of knowing in

Nursing (Carper, 1978)

Progress in the Discipline of Nursing


3. Assessment .
2. What do you think is the importance Write your Answer here:
of philosophy and science in the
nursing profession?

4. Reflection As a future nurse, how do you think you

can apply the 4 ways of knowing? Write your answer here

5. Generalization Formulate thematic statements from .

the problem or theories encountered (Generalized
in the learning experience – common Concepts)
characteristics and properties they
identified and can be formulated as (Thematic Statement)
general concept)
6. Reinforcement/Deepen
1. In your own words, differentiate
between rationalism and empiricism.

7. Summary Formulate summary by highlighting (Summarized Concepts)

Main Points of the Lessons
8. Moving Forward/
Instruction: Select the best answer.
Encircle the letter only.

1. The scope of Nursing practice is

legally defined by:

A. State nurses practice acts

B. Professional nursing organizations
C. Hospital policy and procedure manuals
D. Physicians in the employing institutions

2. The philosophy sometimes called the

code of ethics of care suggests that
ethical dilemmas can best be solved by
attention to:

A. Relationships
B. Ethical principles
C. Clients
D. Code of ethics for nurses.

3. Brown identified 3 different views of

the relationship between theories and
observation, EXCEPT;

A. Scientists are merely passive observers

of occurrences in the empirical world.
Observable data are objective truth waiting
to be discovered

B. Theories structure what the scientists

perceived in the empirical world

C. Presupposed theories and observable

data interact in the process of scientific

D. The acceptance of scientific hypothesis

through research depends on the appraisal
of the coherence of theory

4. Sense perception is the main source

of knowledge

A. Empiricism

B. Rationalism

C. Science

D. Philosophy

5. Ideas are only acquired through


A. Empiricism

B. Rationalism

C. Science

D. Philosophy

6. Ideas are only acquired through

innate ideas

A. Empiricism

B. Rationalism

C. Science

D. Philosophy

7. Philosophers focused on the analysis

of theory structure, whereas scientists
focused on empirical research

A. 19th Century Views of science and


B. Early 20th century views of science and



C. Emergent views of science and theory in

the late 20th Century

D. Late 19th Century views of science and


8. When the nursing student answers

questions posed by the clinical
instructor based on what he learned
from the school is an example of;

A. Personal Knowing

B. Empirical Knowing

C. Esthetic Knowing

D. Ethical Knowing

9. When a nurse presents herself as a

patient advocate and defends her
client’s right to choose treatment is an
example of;

A. Personal Knowing

B. Empirical Knowing

C. Esthetic Knowing

D. Ethical Knowing

10. Empiricists argue that for science to

maintain its objectivity, data collection
and analysis must be independent of a

A. 19th Century Views of science and


B. Early 20th century views of science and


C. Emergent views of science and theory in


the late 20th Century

D. Late 19th Century views of science and



Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a collection of facts known in area and the process used to obtain knowledge
a. Theory
b. Concept
c. Conceptual Framework
d. Science

2. It involves acquiring knowledge through critical observation, formation of hypothesis or

informed guess and experimenting to see whether the results match the hypothesis.
a. Nursing Process
b. Conceptual Framework
c. Scientific Method
d. Scientific Process

3. It gives meaning to phenomena through analysis, reasoning and logical arguments.

a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

4. It is an approach for thinking about the nature of people, the methods that should be used to
create a scientific knowledge and the ethics involved.
a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

5. Knowledge comes from logic and a certain kind of intuition—when we immediately know
something to be true without deduction, such as “I am conscious.”
a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

6. Sense perception is the main source of knowledge

a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

7. Ideas are only acquired through innate ideas

a. Rationalism
b. Empiricism
c. Philosophy
d. Imperialism

8. The principal form relating factual and descriptive knowing aimed at the expansion of abstract
and theoretical explanations; any scientific, researched based, theoretical and factual
information that the nurse makes use of.
a. Personal Knowing
b. Esthetic Knowing
c. Ethical Knowing
d. Empirical Knowing

9. It requires knowledge of different philosophical positions regarding what is good and right in
making moral actions and decisions, particularly in the theoretical and clinical components of
nursing; involves in the judgment of right and wrong in relation to intentions, reasons and
attributes of individuals and situations.
a. Personal Knowing
b. Esthetic Knowing
c. Ethical Knowing
d. Empirical Knowing

10. It encompasses knowledge of the self in relation to others and to self. It involves entirety of
the nurse-patient relationship; focused on realizing, meeting and defining the real, true self (self-
a. Personal Knowing
b. Esthetic Knowing
c. Ethical Knowing
d. Empirical Knowing

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