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Metabolic Evaluation of Urolithiasis and Obesity in a

Midwestern Pediatric Population

John T. Roddy, Anas I. Ghousheh, Melissa A. Christensen and Charles T. Durkee*
From the Medical College of Wisconsin (JTR) and Department of Urology, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin (MAC, CTD),
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Al Khaldi Medical Plaza, Amman, Jordan (AIG)

Purpose: The incidence of urolithiasis has been proved to be increasing in the

adult population, and evidence to date suggests that the same holds true for the
and Acronyms
pediatric population. While adult urolithiasis is clearly linked to obesity, studies
of pediatric patients have been less conclusive. We hypothesized that a popula- BMI ¼ body mass index
tion of otherwise healthy children with stones would have an increased body BMI% ¼ body mass index
mass index compared to a control population, and that obese pediatric stone percentile
formers would have results on metabolic assessment that are distinct from BSA ¼ body surface area
nonobese stone formers.
Accepted for publication September 27, 2013.
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of all patients
Study received Children’s Hospital of
10 to 17 years old with upper tract urolithiasis without comorbidities treated Wisconsin institutional review board approval.
between 2006 and 2011. Mean body mass index of our population was compared * Correspondence: Children’s Hospital of
Wisconsin, 999 N. 92nd St., Suite 330, Milwau-
to state data, and 24-hour urine collection results were compared between obese
kee, Wisconsin 53226 (telephone: 414-266-1656;
and nonobese patients with stones. FAX: 414-266-1752; e-mail:
Results: The obesity rate in 117 patients with urolithiasis did not differ signifi-
See Editorial on page 579.
cantly from the obesity rate derived from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s
Health (observed/expected ratio 1.11, 95% CI 0.54e1.95). Using t-test and
chi-square comparisons, overall 24-hour urine collection data did not show sta-
tistically significant differences.
Conclusions: Our results do not confirm obesity as a risk factor for pediatric
urolithiasis in otherwise healthy patients. We also found no substantial meta-
bolic differences between healthy nonobese stone formers and obese patients.
While the pediatric literature is mixed, our study supports the majority of pub-
lished series that have failed to establish a link between pediatric urolithiasis
and obesity.

Key Words: obesity, pediatrics, urolithiasis

THE incidence of kidney stones is increases may exist because of better

increasing in adults and appears to reporting, increased diagnosis due to
be increasing in children, although more frequent use of computerized
the evidence is more limited in the tomography or changes in referral
latter. Analysis of the Pediatric patterns. However, the contemporary
Health Information System database trend of increased incidence of stone
demonstrated an increase in admis- disease continues, a finding that
sions for urolithiasis, from 13.9 cases would be unexpected if driven by bias
per hospital in 1999 to 32.6 cases in alone.4 Given the physical costs
2008.1 Single institutional reporting associated with this diagnosis, along
has revealed the same trend.2,3 These with the societal costs, targeting

Vol. 191, 771-776, March 2014
Printed in U.S.A. j 771

appropriate risk factors for stone formation is This series compares disease characteristics of urolithia-
highly relevant. sis in groups categorized as obese (case) and nonobese
A number of factors contribute to the increasing (control). Comparisons of obesity rates were also made
incidence of urolithiasis in the adult population, between the case group of stone formers with data from
the general pediatric population in Wisconsin via the 2007
including a well-defined relationship between high
National Survey of Children’s Health.15 The study was
BMI and stone formation.5e7 While it is well
approved by the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin insti-
established that the prevalence of high BMI is tutional review board. Statistical calculations were per-
increasing in the pediatric population,8,9 the link formed using MicrosoftÒ ExcelÒ 2007.
between obesity and pediatric stone disease is less
clear. We sought to find evidence of a relationship Selection Criteria
with obesity in an otherwise healthy sample of The target population of this study was chosen as a
pediatric stone formers. representative sample of pediatric stone formers. Initial
Others have examined this association previ- inclusion criteria consisted of a diagnosis of “calculus of
ously. Conclusions have been mixed regarding a kidney,” “calculus of ureter” or “urinary calculus, un-
correlation with BMI. Kim et al used age matched specified” (ICD-9 codes 592.0, 592.1 and 592.9, respec-
controls and failed to show a statistical link.10 Two tively) from 2006 to 2011. These diagnoses were confirmed
by the presence of radiographic evidence or stone analysis
additional studies using population matched con-
in patient charts. A search for “uric acid calculus” di-
trols also failed to demonstrate an increased inci-
agnoses (ICD-9 code 274.11) was performed but yielded
dence of obesity among stone formers.4,11 Conversely no additional subjects for inclusion. Patient charts with
urolithiasis was associated with higher odds of ICD-9 codes 788.0 and 789.0 (representing renal colic and
obesity in a matched case control study using the abdominal pain, respectively) were also examined to
Pediatric Health Information System database.12 ensure that no urolithiasis was missed. However, these
Similarly metabolic assessment, a key diagnostic codes failed to supply additional subjects. Subjects from
tool in preventing pediatric stone disease, has birth to 18 years at initial presentation or with recurring
resulted in differing conclusions regarding obese presentation between 2006 and 2011 were included. These
vs nonobese patients. A 2009 California study of inclusion criteria yielded 299 patients with a history of
43 children suggested that as calculated BMI urolithiasis.
Diagnoses of lower urinary tract stones (urethral and
percentile increased, supersaturation of calcium
bladder stones) and congenital abnormalities of the
phosphate increased and urinary oxalate excretion
kidneys (ICD-9 codes 594.2, 594.8, 594.9 and 753.3) were
decreased, while urinary calcium, citrate and pH used as exclusion criteria to avoid confounding bias.
were unchanged.13 However, a 2012 series revealed Any patient with a confirmed history of cystine stones,
only a decreased urinary citrate level when spina bifida, cerebral palsy, extended immobility within
comparing overweight to normal weight children.11 3 months of stone presentation, metabolic abnormality,
A study from Turkey in 2008 found that urinary endocrine abnormality, rheumatological abnormality,
oxalate excretion increased and urinary citrate gastrointestinal abnormality, surgical genitourinary
decreased in children with urolithiasis and high reconstruction, chromosomal abnormality, profound
BMI compared to nonobese patients.14 developmental delay, malignancy or neurogenic bladder
Thus, the pediatric literature is limited and con- was excluded for the same reason. After excluding for
confounders 177 of the 299 subjects younger than 19
tradictory regarding the link between high BMI and
years remained.
risk of urolithiasis, as well as findings regarding
Study subjects were further focused to most closely
metabolic assessment. It is unclear whether the mirror adults with urolithiasis because of known corre-
disparities are related to differences in study design lations between obesity and stone formation in adults.
or represent a true variation in regional findings. The final study population included 125 patients 10 to 17
Our study adds further knowledge in this area. Our years old. Demographic data characterizing study sub-
primary hypothesis is that otherwise healthy jects according to gender, race and age at presentation are
pediatric patients with stones will have an outlined in table 1.
increased incidence of high BMI compared to con-
trols. Our secondary hypothesis is that obese pedi- Data Collection
atric stone formers will have results on metabolic Weight and height were recorded within 4 months before
assessment that are distinct from stone formers or after initial or earliest documented stone presentation
within the study period. One exception was a subject with
with a normal BMI.
no recorded height within the allotted time frame and
a recorded stable height outside the time frame. Body mass
index was calculated for each subject if height and weight
MATERIALS AND METHODS were recorded within acceptable time parameters using
This study consisted of a retrospective case-control chart BMI ¼ weight (kg)/height2 (m2). Body mass index percen-
review of children presenting with urinary calculi at a tile was further calculated to account for the variation
major tertiary care pediatric hospital and health system. observed in children of different ages and genders,10,16

Table 1. Patient demographics

No. Obese No. Nonobese Totals

Pts (%) Pts (%) (%)
Male 9 (81.8) 23 (31.5) 32 (38.1)
Female 2 (18.2) 50 (68.5) 52 (61.9)
NonHispanic white 8 (72.7) 62 (84.9) 70 (83.3)
NonHispanic black 0 (0) 5 (6.8) 5 (6.0)
Hispanic 2 (18.2) 3 (4.1) 5 (6.0)
Asian 0 (0) 1 (1.4) 1 (1.2)
Other 1 (9.1) 2 (2.7) 3 (3.6)
Age at earliest presentation (yrs):
10-13.9 5 (45.5) 29 (39.7) 34 (40.5)
14-17.9 6 (54.5) 44 (60.3) 50 (59.5)

using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

BMI% calculator.17 BMI at or above the 95th percentile
was categorized as obese. Data were available for BMI%
calculation in 84 subjects.
Stone analysis was recorded by percent composition.
Results of 24-hour urine collection chemical analyses were Comparison of obesity rate for stone study subjects and state
also recorded from patient charts. Of the 77 subjects with data derived from National Survey of Children’s Health15
demonstrates nonsignificant difference.
24-hour urine studies available 58 also had BMI% in the
chart, thus allowing for comparison in this subset. Data
such as recurrence, stone size, degree of family history,
gender, age, race, asthma diagnosis, prematurity and obese, with BMI greater than 35 and obesity related
vitamin supplementation were also recorded to assess complications. Average BMI of the obese subjects
correlation with BMI category in stone formers. was 31.2. However, categorization by BMI% is more
informative, since obesity is defined by age depen-
24-Hour Urine Chemistry Analysis dent BMI% in children.
Two laboratories were used for 24-hour urine chemistry Urine volume adjusted for weight and unadjusted
analysis during the study, resulting in different measures
24-hour uric acid levels showed significant differ-
for supersaturation indices for calcium phosphate, cal-
cium oxalate and uric acid. The normal ranges from both
ences between the study groups. On chi-square
analyses were used to place the respective variables into analysis there was no significant difference be-
categories that could be compared across all subjects. The tween obese and nonobese status in the proportion of
2 reported reference ranges were from Quest Diag- subjects with low urine output and hyperuricosuria
nosticsÒ and LitholinkÒ Laboratory Reporting SystemÔ. adjusted for creatinine, nor hyperoxaluria, hyper-
Abnormal values used to categorize variables for analysis calciuria, hypocitraturia or abnormal levels of su-
from 24-hour urine collection were urine volume less than persaturation of calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate
1.0 ml/kg per hour, calcium greater than 4.0 mg/kg per or uric acid (table 2). Several 24-hour urine factors
24 hours, citrate less than 180 mg/gm creatinine, uric acid displayed no significant differences between obese
greater than 815 mg/1.73 m2 BSA and oxalate greater and nonobese subjects on t-test, including calcium
than 52 mg/1.73 m2 BSA.4 BSA was calculated based on
adjusted for creatinine and weight, citrate, oxalate
weight and height using the Mosteller equation,18 BSA
approximately equals (height  weight/3,600)1/2.
Table 2. Multivariate analysis of potential urinary risk factors
for pediatric urolithiasis
RESULTS % Obese % Nonobese p Value
To compare obesity rates between the study group Abnormal 24-Hr Urine Factor Pts Pts (No.)*
and the population sample, 41 subjects without Low urine output 100.0 71.7 0.083 (61)
available BMI% data were excluded, yielding Hypercalciuria 0.0 24.5 0.115 (57)
Hypocitraturia 12.5 2.0 0.136 (57)
84 subjects in the study group, of whom 11 were Hyperuricosuria 4.1 0.0 0.586 (56)
obese. These subjects were compared to the 930 Hyperoxaluria 12.5 6.1 0.513 (57)
state survey responders with recorded BMI% Increased supersaturation CaOx 25.0 56.3 0.101 (56)
Decreased supersaturation CaOx 0.0 16.7 0.212 (56)
from the National Survey of Children’s Health. No Increased supersaturation CaP 62.5 46.8 0.412 (55)
significant difference was found between rates of Increased supersaturation uric acid 25.0 31.3 0.722 (56)
obesity in the study population and state norms
Patients with BMI percentile 95% or greater were considered obese, while those
(observed/expected ratio 1.11, 95% CI 0.54e1.95, see with BMI percentile 5% to less than 95% were considered nonobese.
figure). Of the 11 obese adolescents 3 were morbidly * Chi-square test.

and sodium adjusted for creatinine, potassium Minnesota showed no correlation compared to na-
adjusted for weight, specific gravity and pH (table 3). tional norms, and no increase in obesity rates during
Since not all subjects with available BMI% had a 25-year period, while demonstrating a 6% annual
24-hour urine collection recorded, the sample size increase in the incidence of stones in children 12 to
in the analyses of urinary risk factors was smaller 17 years old.3 Another series using matched controls
and depended on which subjects had the relevant across 30 pediatric cases revealed no association
data recorded. between obesity and urolithiasis.10 Conversely
We were interested in a number of factors based on the Pediatric Health Information System
relating to subject presentation with urolithiasis, database, patients with urolithiasis are 30% more
disease progression, family history and vitamin likely to be obese compared to matched controls after
supplementation. Proportion of first degree family adjusting for confounding variables.12 However,
history did not differ significantly between patients a study from the Kids’ Inpatient Database failed to
with high body weight and normal BMI% (chi- show any link between stones and obesity across all
square[1, sample size 81] ¼ 0.03, p ¼ 0.85), nor for 4 age groups studied.19
stone size greater than 5 mm (chi-square[1, 81] Adults with a high BMI excrete more urinary
¼ 2.13, p ¼ 0.15), formation of multiple stones oxalate, uric acid, sodium and phosphorus, and have
(chi-square[1, 79] ¼ 1.72, p ¼ 0.19), recurrence (chi- lower urinary pH. These factors are all known to
square[1, 81] ¼ 0.06, p ¼ 0.80) or number requiring be promoters of calcium oxalate urolithiasis.7
procedures (chi-square[1, 81] ¼ 0.04, p ¼ 0.85). Increased uric acid excretion combined with low
Factors such as asthma status (chi-square[1, sample pH leads to an increase in uric acid stones and
size 80] ¼ 0.84, p ¼ 0.36), prematurity (chi-square calcium oxalate stones through heterologous nucle-
[1, 75] ¼ 1.05, p ¼ 0.31) and vitamin supplementa- ation.20 This activity occurs partly due to develop-
tion (chi-square[1, 80] ¼ 0.14, p ¼ 0.71) likewise ment of insulin resistant type II diabetes mellitus
did not differ significantly between obese and non- associated with obesity and the metabolic syn-
obese subjects. drome. Insulin resistance leads to urinary acidifi-
cation and hypercalciuria. Type II diabetes is also
rapidly increasing in the pediatric population,
DISCUSSION although this constellation of findings is not present
Our results do not demonstrate that obesity is a risk in any of the metabolic urolithiasis studies in pedi-
factor for pediatric urolithiasis in otherwise healthy atrics. However, a study of teenagers with proved
patients. We also found no substantial metabolic metabolic syndrome but no history of neph-
differences between healthy normal weight stone rolithiasis demonstrated reduced urine pH with an
formers and those with a high BMI. There is increasing number of metabolic syndrome traits,
conclusive evidence in adults of increased obesity, decreasing from a mean of 6.12 with no traits to 5.23
increasing urolithiasis and, most importantly, a link with 4 traits.21 The relative saturation ratio of cal-
between adult obesity and stone disease. Therefore, cium oxalate also increased with increasing meta-
it is rational to attempt to find associations between bolic syndrome traits in the study. The study group
childhood obesity and increased stone disease, had a mean BMI of 36 (severely obese).
although our study did not bear out this relationship. Due to the known associations of urolithiasis and
Our findings are similar to other single institution metabolic profile in obese adults, we hypothesized
studies revealing no correlation between obesity and that there would also be unique metabolic attributes
stones.4,11 A population based pediatric study from in obese pediatric patients with stones. However, in

Table 3. Comparison of obese and nonobese stone subjects with available 24-hour urine collection data

Urinary Factor Obese Pts (mean  SD) Nonobese Pts (mean  SD) p Value (No.)*
Urine vol/wt (ml/kg) 16.4  3.7 20.3  9.3 0.044 (61)
Potassium/wt (mEq/kg) 10.6  5.9 13.5  5.0 0.23 (58)
Uric acid (gm) 0.68  0.20 0.28  0.13 0.037 (56)
Uric acid/creatinine (gm/gm) 0.44  0.18 0.43  0.12 0.98 (53)
Ca/creatinine (gm/gm) 148  68 154  64 0.84 (54)
Ca/wt (gm/kg) 2.68  0.76 3.15  1.3 0.17 (57)
Citrate/creatinine (mg/gm) 414  264 507  244 0.37 (57)
Oxalate/creatinine (mg/gm) 21.4  8.5 25.9  12 0.25 (54)
Na/creatinine (mEq/gm) 148  60 129  54 0.45 (53)
Urine specific gravity 1.023  0.009 1.022  0.012 0.85 (75)
pH 6.8  0.83 6.4  0.68 0.18 (77)

Patients with BMI percentile 95% or greater were considered obese, while those with BMI percentile 5% to less than 95% were considered nonobese.
* T-test. Although significant differences were noted in means between groups for 24-hour urine volume/weight and 24-hour uric acid, neither category displayed increased
rate of abnormally high values on chi-square analysis.

our study no significant differences were found overweight group. Our data did not demonstrate
within the measured metabolic variables between a significant difference between obese and non-
patient groups using t-test and chi-square test. obese patients.
Urine output per kilogram was less in the obese A Turkish study compared 24-hour urine chem-
group by t-test but output per kilogram in obese istry analyses of obese and nonobese patients.14 The
patients is probably not the best measurement authors found increased oxalate excretion in the
of overall hydration. No difference was seen by obese group, in contrast to the findings of Eisner
chi-square analysis, and specific gravity of urine, et al.13 Our levels revealed no statistical difference.
perhaps a more accurate measurement of hydration The same series also found hypocitraturia in the
in otherwise healthy patients, was essentially obese patients, while our series and that of Eisner
identical between groups. et al did not show a difference. The reason for the
Uric acid excretion was increased in the obese variation in results of these studies is unknown but
group but only when measured on a total gram obesity in and of itself clearly does not result in
basis. No differences were seen when corrected for predictable metabolic changes in the urine of pedi-
weight by uric acid/creatinine ratio and by chi- atric stone formers.
square testing. Urine pH was 6.8 in obese patients The limitations of our study include its retro-
vs 6.4 in normal weight patients. This nonacidic pH spective nature and missing data points for some
makes it less likely that heterologous nucleation is patients, which could introduce unintentional bias.
occurring. Stone analysis was performed by Fourier The relatively low incidence of pediatric stone dis-
transform spectroscopy, a method that would detect ease was a limitation to our study, as it decreased
the presence of uric acid either as a pure stone or the power achievable within the context of a single
as a stone nucleus, and no uric acid elements were institution study. Matched controls may be a more
identified. More well-known risks for stone disease, accurate comparison group than population based
including citrate, calcium and oxalate excretion, controls. We are currently enrolling our patients in
revealed no differences between groups. a prospective registry to address some of these
Metabolic studies from other research groups limitations, and we plan to look more closely at the
have failed to show consistent findings between regional incidence of pediatric stone disease.
obese and nonobese patients. Stratifying pediatric
patients with nephrolithiasis into 4 groups based
on BMI, Eisner et al reported supersaturation of CONCLUSIONS
calcium phosphate as the only positive correlation Urolithiasis in pediatric patients is increasing, as is
with increasing BMI.13 When reviewing the data, obesity. However, the 2 conditions do not appear to
the supersaturation value was actually less in the be directly linked, and other factors are likely
fourth quartile of BMI as opposed to the second and driving the trend. Future studies are needed to find
third quartiles, raising the question of why the a more global explanation for the increase in pedi-
trend did not hold as BMI increased to the most atric stone disease.

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