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BSE 3.2/4.2/5/2.



12 I am on the top of mountain

c. Kompetensi Dasar
1. Identitas
3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur
a. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa & Sastra Inggris teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
b. Semester :5 interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait benda dengan pewatas berupa
sifat, jenis, dan fakta
keadaan/kejadian, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan prepositional
phrase, adjective clause: finite dan

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait benda
dengan pewatas berupa sifat, jenis,
dan fakta keadaan/kejadian, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks

d. Materi Pokok


e. Alokasi Waktu
NAME : 3 x 4 JP
o Social function
o Text structure & linguistics features Mi.Dic.
o Product
Phrase (N): A small group of word standing
Continue / Remidial together as a conceptual unit, typically
forming a component of clause.
1|P age

Tongue twister
Repeat several times, as quickly as you can!

Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to

twist and turn, and twit and twat to learn the
letter T

f. Lesson Objectives

After the lesson you are expected to be able to apply social function, text structure, and
linguistic elements of oral and written transactional interaction involving the action of asking
and giving information related to noun modifier and adjective (pay attention toward the
language feature of prepositional phrase). It is hoped that by mastering these materials well,
you will be religious, honest, discipline and responsible. Furthermore, you will have good
attitude and character, and also develop a culture of literacy— critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, and creativity (4C).





2|P age



1. Before you do this UKBM you must read and learn the materials about
―Prepositional phrase in Pathway to English for XII grade, Erlangga page 15-
28; and website

2. Complete the whole tasks in this UKBM. Do this UKBM by

filling the blank provided here.

3. You can work individually or with your friend(s), and if you

have finished with all the tasks, you may take the formative test
and continue to the next ―UKBM‖.



Hello guys to stimulate you for this material, we will have listening section. Listen
and complete the following monologue based on the listening material given! Then
answer these questions below!
The hill 1)………….near my grandmother’s house are beautiful. There were no cars and other
vehicles. The station 2)… between the two hills. Near the station there is a building 3)……,
made of strings of bamboo beads. I want to buy 4)……….. Couples with my grandma are sitting
on the table in the shade, outside the building. They are my uncle and my aunt. A little boy
5)…….is my cousin. He is a cute boy. I am here at a small hut 6)……..I have a camera 7)
…….last month. I can see beautiful sceneries in front of me.


1. What is the speaker talking about?

2. Mention the prepositional phrase found in the monologue!
3|P age

Alright guys, you have

completed the first activity
well. Now it is time for
following the next activity


NOW….Try to rearrange the following words into a prepositional phrase

1. With – lady – red– sweetheart – hair – is my
2. The – chair – bag – on = a
3. In – man- of - shop -front - the
4. Parked- under –the- tree- big -the -bike
5. Man -who –the - old –lives- the- house- big -in
6. House –old- to –between- belongs -the -shops -the –Mr. Gatot
7. The- mine –under- is- chair -the -bag
8. Stage –the- is -beautiful –dancing- on –girl- the
9. Damaged -font –was- house- my -of -the –parked- bus- in
10. The - bad - test - talking- the- got -in -girls -math -loudly –canteen- score - at

Can you do all? If

it’s so, please
continue to the
next activity
4|P age


NOW…. Pay attention toward these sentences! Underline which one indicated as prepositional

1. The audiences applauded guest stars with enthusiasm.

2. The teacher with pink veil is my English teacher
3. Would you like to come with me?
4. It is a machine for making ice cream
5. From here, I will take you about half an hour to our house
6. It annoys me when babies cry during Maghreb prayer

After observing the sentences above please sum up the pattern of

prepositional phrase!
1. Preposition + ……..
2. Preposition +……..
3. Preposition + ……..
4. Preposition + ……..
5. Preposition + ……….
6. Preposition + ………..
7. What is preposition?
8. What is the definition of prepositional phrase?
9. What is the function of prepositional phrase?
10. What is the difference between adjective phrase and adverb phrase?
5|P age

To check your comprehension, fill the following table to differentiate between adjective
phrase and adverb phrase!

THINGS Adjective phrase Adverb phrase

Modifies Noun …………….
Is found ……………… Everywhere it can be in
the beginning, the middle
and the end of sentence
(anywhere in the

Answer What kind ………………..

Which one
How many
How much

After doing the activities

above, I do believe you
will have better
understanding about
prepositional phrase. Now
let’s think about the next
6|P age


Decide whether prepositional phrases in the sentences are used as adjectives or adverbs. See
the example given!
1. The teenagers rode down the street
2. The whistle blew at eight o’clock
3. The students in the art class turned fabric into sculpture
4. The boys in the class are my friend
5. My book about holiday is interesting
6. My pupils took a test on prepositional test
7. The monarch on the lemon tree was a beautiful sight
8. The light streamed through the door
9. He put the book on the oak, dining room table
10. Throughout the night, the wind from the south slashed through the branches of the tree
outside my window

After that, let’s analyze the following sentences. Number one has been done for you.

1. This spider is a type of jumping spider

Prepositional phrase (PP)

Adjective (Adjective Phrase)


2. Jumping spiders live in many places

3. The bird chased the spider with eight hairy legs
4. Nearly 36,000 known kind of spiders inhabit the earth
5. Very few spiders are dangerous to people
6. Spiders eat millions of disease-bearing mosquitoes
7. They also control huge populations of garden pests
8. The spider with its many useful qualities is often helpful
7|P age


The teacher came up with a good problem. “Suppose, she asked the second graders “ there
were a dozen sheep and six of them jumped over a fence. How many would be left?

“None,” answered little Norman.”

“None? Norman, you don’t know your arithmetic”


At last…. Pay attention toward these pictures! You may choose one of the pictures.
Describe the picture using prepositional phrases.
8|P age

How do you feel after learning this material?

Do you think this material is useful in our
9|P age

Let’s re-check your understanding of this material by doing the following


1. In following sentences, prepositional phrases perform the function of adverb EXCEPT….

A. It’s a machine for making ice-cream
B. The coyote runs after the rabbit.
C. She really looks up to her grandfather
D. We’re not happy but we do approve of their decision.
E. We climb up the hill

2. In the following sentences, adjective phrases perform the function of adjective EXCEPT….
A. Panca lift a box which was bigger than her body
B. The weather in our country is very hot
C. You are the most tricky man that I have ever met
D. Nathanel is extremely diligent
E. Yerico caught a mouse smaller than a spoon

3. In the following sentences, adjective clauses perform the function of adjective EXCEPT….
A. The people whose names are on the list will go to camp
B. Students who are intelligent get good grades
C. The girl running is my best friend
D. Eco-friendly cars that run on electricity save gas
E. Grandpa remembers the old days when there was no television

4. In the following sentences, adverb phrase perform the function of adverb EXCEPT…..
A. Safira sings quite beautifully
B. The day passed quickly enough
C. We kept the new money quite separately from what we had already collected
D. Vonny behave very polite
E. We walked very carefully across the floor

Can you do it?

10 | P a g e

After learning the concepts of “prepositional phrase” step by step, you have to answer the
following questions honestly to test your understanding toward this UNIT.


No Questions Yes No
1. Can you explain the function of prepositional phrase?
2. Can you differentiate between prepositional phrase used for adjective
or adverbs?
3. Can you implement the use of prepositional phrase into your daily life ?

If your answer is “no” for one of the above questions, study again the concepts in “Pathway”
book and learn again the learning with your teacher/ partner guide.
Then, if your answers are “yes” for all the questions, you may ask formative test for
this material.

Where is your position?

From the range of 0-100

Hello guys…. congratulations you

have passed this UKBM. Hence, you
can have formative test and continue
to the next UKBM

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