1 Electrostatic 09

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1.1 Electrostatic:-Study of electric charge at rest is called electrostatics or static electricity. i.e. Charge is not
allowed to flow from one body to another body.
The physical phenomenon which involves electric charge & its effect is called electricity.
Thalse a Greek philosopher discovered friction electricity in 600 BC. He observed that when a piece of amber (a
kind of resin) is rubbed with fur it acquires a property of attracting small pieces of dry leaves & dust. In 1600, Sir
Dr. William Gilbert (physician to Queen Elizabeth-I) found that some other bodies also acquire the same property.
He gave name electricity for this phenomenon from Greek word electrum for Amber.
The electricity produce in a body due to friction between the two bodies is called friction electricity.
OR - Charging of an object by rubbing it with another object is called friction electricity.
The agency, which gives the attractive power, is called electricity.
The body, which acquires the attracting power, is called electrified or charged.
According to Gilbert charge can be classified in two classes. Charge on the amber is called resinous because amber
is a resin. Charge developed on the wool is called vitreous.
An American scientist Benjamin Franklin (1706 to 1790) introduced a sign convention according to which charge
on amber is ve & charge on the wool is + ve. These conventions followed till today.
Positive Charge Wool Glass rod Fur or woollen cloth Dry hair Cat skin Fur
Negative Charge Plastic Silk cloth Ebonite or amber Comb Rubber Cat skin
Application of electrostatic:- (1)Prevention of pollution of atmosphere by electrostatic precipitation of fly ash. (2)
In designing the electrostatic generator e.g. Van de Graff generator. (3) In electrostatic spraying of paint & powder.
(4) In designing the cathode ray tube for radar & TV etc. (5) In electrostatic loud speaker microphone.
1.2 Two Type of Charge:-Two glass rod
rubbed with silk , one is suspended by a
thread & another similarly charged rod
bring closed to first. The two-glass rod
repels each other. Similarly two ebonite rods
rubbed with fur also repel each other. But
the glass rod attracts the ebonite rod.
Since charge produce on the glass (ebonite)
rods is of same kind, so same type of charge repels each other. While charge on glass rod is different from charge
of ebonite so, different kind of charge attract each other.
Hence charge is of two types- (a) Positive charge (b) Negative charge.
1.3 Modern Electronic Theory:-According to this theory an atom consist of a heavy central core called nucleus.
Whole mass and total positive charge of atom lies in this small region of nucleus. The Magnitude of charge of
proton is equal to magnitude of charge of electron 1.61019 Coulomb.
Electrons of outermost orbit are loosely bound. When two bodies are rubbed with each other there is transfer of
electron from one body to another body because the friction provides the necessary energy for ionisation. The body
looses electron become positively charged (glass rod) due to deficiency of electrons (mass of the body decreases).
The body gaining the electron becomes negatively charged (silk) due to excess of electrons (mass of the body
increases). However mass of electron is very small
Conservation of Charge: -Individual charges can neither be created nor destroyed it can be transferred, so we say
the total charge of a system (e.g. a rubber rod and a piece of wool) is conserved.
However, it is possible to separate positive and negative charges by transferring electrons from one material to
another. When the rubber rod is rubbed against the piece of wool, the rubber pulls electrons away from the atoms on
the surface of the wool. This leaves the wool with less electrons (becomes positively charged) and the rubber rod
with more electron (become negatively charged).
We call this state an electrified state in which the electrical balance is upset with either some electrons being
removed from or added to an electronic orbit. In this electrification process the total negative charge is equal to the
total positive charge in the system.
Quantisation of Charge: - Minimum Charge posses by a body is equal to the charge of one electron. We denote
charge by symbol "Q" and measure it in coulombs (C). The charge of a proton or an electron is the elementary
charge (e.c.) of all the matter. One coulomb is equal to the total charge of 6.25 × 1018 electrons.
According to Millikan ” charge posses by a body is equal to integral multiple of charge of electron (basic charge ‘e’)”.
Thus charge on a body exist in terms of discreet packets or quanta of `e` this property is known as quantisation of
charge. Because fraction of independent charge is not observed yet. Charge on a body is Q =  n e

Where n = 1,2,3, - - - - - - - - - & e = 1.6  10 – 19 Coulomb.

Recently particles of charge e/3 & 2e/3 have been observed known as quarks. But no quark has been detected in
experiments, although there are indirect evidences in favour of quarks.
1.4 Properties & difference between Mass & Charge:-
Charge Mass
1. Charge is a physical quantity, which determines the physical 1. Mass is the quantity of matter posses by
interaction between charged bodies. a body.
2. Charge is quantised i.e. Q =  n e 2. Mass is not quantised.
3. Charge is conserved. 3. Mass is not conserved
4. Charge posses by a body is positive, negative or zero. 4. Mass is always 0 or +ve.
5. Charge is non-relativistic i.e. not change with speed. 5. Mass is relativistic i.e. with increases in
speed mass increases.
6. Force between the two charges is attractive & repulsive both. 6. Gravitation force is only attractive.
7. Charge is additive 7. Mass is not additive.
Conductors are materials through which allow electrons to move freely. Metals are the best conductors because the
outermost electrons of the atoms are loosely bounded and so can move freely between atoms. e.g. All Metals
Insulators are materials that do not allow the electrons to move through freely. e.g. water, human body, moist air.
Most non-metals are poor conductors of electricity because they have few, or no, free electrons.
Semiconductors are materials through which very few electrons are able to move freely. e.g. Ge, Si
1.5 Types of Electrification :-(i) Charging Conductors by Conduction:- A neutral body can be charged by
touching a charged body. This is called charging by conduction. After the process, the charges on both bodies have
the same polarity.
(ii)Charging Conductors by Induction: - To charge a conductors equally and oppositely by bringing a charged
conductor closed to it (without touching) is called electric induction.
(a) A positively charged rod (inducing body) is brought near to an insulated metal conductor without touching.
Charge induced on the either side of conductor due to electric induction.
Due to the electric force, the electrons will be attracted and move closer to the rod & it become negative it is called
bound charge. Due to deficiency of electron the opposite side of conductor become positively charged it is called
free charge.
(b) Keeping the rod in position if we touch the conductor by our fingertip, the free charge (+ve) passes through our

body to the earth. (c) Now first remove the finger. (d) And then remove the rod. The bound (ve) on
conductor distributed uniformly over its surface and the body become negatively charged.
Laws of Electrostatic induction:- (I) Inducing charge is equal to each of the induced charge.
(II) In electric induction dissimilar kind of charge induced on the body Bound Charge & Free charge.
(iii) Charging Conductors by Friction: By rubbing two bodies together, both positive and negative charges in equal
amounts appear simultaneously due to transfer of electrons from one body to the other.
(a) When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, the rod becomes positively charged while the silk becomes negatively
charged. The decrease in the mass of glass rod is equal to the total mass of electrons lost by it.
(b) Ebonite on rubbing with wool becomes negatively charged making the wool positively charged.
(c) Clouds also get charged by friction. (d) During landing or take-off, the tyres of an aircraft get electrified therefore
special material is used to manufacture them.
(e) A comb moving through dry hair gets electrically charged. It starts attracting small bits of paper.
1.6 Coulomb's Law: - The electrostatic force, exerted on a point charge Q 2 by another point charge Q 1
separated by a distance r is F.


Statement-“Electrostatic force, is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of two charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them and the force act along the line joining them”.
So F  Q1  Q2 - - - - - - - - - -(1) And F  1/r2 - - - - - - - - - -(2)
q q q q
Combining Eq 1 & 2 F  1 2 F  k 1 2 This is Coulomb’s law of electrostatics.
r 2 r2
1) +F indicates that Q 1 & Q2 are like charges and the force is repulsive, F indicates that Q 1 & Q 2 are opposite and
the force is attractive.
2) The proportionality Constant k depends on medium between the charges & system of unit.
q q 1 q1 q2
(a)For Air (i) in cgs unit k= 1 F  1 2 (ii) In mks unit F 
r2 4  0 r2
k = 1/ ( 4  0 ) = 9  109 N m2 /C2
Where  0 (epsilon zero) is called the permittivity of the vacuum or free space.  0 = 8.85 × 1012 C2 /N m2 (The
electrostatic force can act through empty space or a vacuum.)
(b) For a given medium, (i) In cgs unit k = 1/ r . For air,  r = 1.005  1, Thus, for air  r   0 .
Where K or  r is called dielectric constant or relative permittivity or specific inductive capacity (SIC) of the
medium.  r has no unit.
 Absolute permittivi ty of medium 1
r   (ii) In SI units, k 
0 permittivi ty of vacuum 4  0 K
3. Vector form of Coulomb’s law:

1.7 Dielectric Constant is define as the ratio of the electrostatic force between two charges separated by some
distance in air to the force experienced by same charges kept at same distance in a medium. It is also called relative
permittivity or specific inductive capacity or dielectric coefficient.
1 q1 q2
Let Q1 & Q2 are two charges separated by a distance r in air ,then force between them is Fa 
4  0 r2
1 q1 q2 Fair
If charges are kept in a medium then force Fm  so K 
4  0K r2 Fmed
1.6 Unit of Electric Charge:- S I unit of electric charge is Coulomb. If Q1 = Q2 = Q & r =1 m &force F = 910 9 N
F = 9  10 9 Q1  Q 2 / r2 So 9  10 9 = 9  10 9 Q  Q / 12 Hence Q =  1
If two equal charges separated by a distance 1 m in air, experience a force of repulsion of 9  10 9 N then each
charge is said to be one coulomb. 1 Coulomb = 3  10 9 Stat Coulomb
CGS unit of electric charge is state coulomb or e.s.u (electrostatic unit) of charge.
Electrostatic Force Gravitation Force
a. It depends on medium between the charges (it become a. Gravitation force does not depend on medium
1 / K times) between the bodies.
b. It is stronger force (10 times gravitation force) b. It is weak force.
c. It may be attractive or repulsive c. It is always attractive
Similarity:- 1. Both forces obey inverse squire law. 2. Both act in vacuum.
3. Both forces are central forces i.e. act along the line joining the two charges/masses
4. Both are conservative force i.e. work is independent of the path in these field.
1.7 Principle of Superposition: - Statement-“ In the presence of many charges the total force act on a given
charge is equal to vector sum of the forces exerted on it by all other charges”.

This principle gives a method to find out force on a charge 1 when n charges are interacting.
         
F  F12  F13  F14        F1n Similarly electric field E  E12  E13  E14        E1n
1.8 Continuous Distribution of Charge:-
A system of closely spaced charges forms a continuous distribution of charge.
(a) Charge per unit length is define as linear charge density 
 = total charge posses by the conductor / total length of the
conductor = q / l
(b) Charge per unit area is define as surface charge density 
 = Total charge on the surface / total surface area = q / A
(c) Charge per unit volume is define as volumetric charge
density 
= Total charge on the body/Volume of the body = q /V

1.8 Electric Field: - Electric field is the space around a charged body, where electric interaction can be
experience by another charged body.
The Electric field intensity or strength of an electric field
at any point in the field is directly related to the force it
experience by a one coulomb positive (small test charge Qo 0) placed at that point.
The strength can be calculated by using the formula E = F/Q 0 . OR F = Q 0 E.
1 Q Q0 1 Q
Hence  E Q0 E 
4  0 r2 4  0 r2

In vector form
In this formula, E stands for the strength of the field, F for the force, and Q 0 for the value of the test charge. The
direction of an electric field at any point is the same as the direction of the force on a positive test charge at that
point i. e. outward from positive body & towards negative body.
In SI, the unit of the electric field intensity is Newton per Coulomb ( N/C )
1.9 Electric Lines of Forces:- Like a gravitational field, an electric field is represented by a series of arrow lines
called electric field lines or flux lines this concept of lines of force is given by Michel Faraday.
An electric field line is the path along which a free unit positive charge would move in a free space. It is an
imaginary straight line or curve. OR If a unit positive charge is free to move in an electric field, then
path followed by the unit positive charge is called electric lines of force.
For a positive test charge, field direction radiate outwards. For a negative test charge, field direction radiate inwards.

[1] The electric field lines are always originating normally from a positive charge and terminate normally to the
negative charge. (If not so then electron would flow due to effect of field i.e. electric current would flow).
[2] The lines of force in uniform field are parallel equidistant straight lines.
[3] The electric field intensity is defined as the number (density) of the electric field lines passing through unit area
placed  to the electric field. More lines are drawn in the area of stronger field.
[4] A tangent drawn at a point on electric line will give direction of electric field at that point.
{5} Two lines of force never intersect each other. If two lines of force intersect each other at a point ‘P’ then there
will be two tangents at point ‘P’ on two curves giving two direction of electric field at same point. But it is
impossible because electric field is a vector quantity which posses both magnitude & definite direction.
[6] Lines of force tend to contract lengthwise (longitudinal tension). This explain unlike charge attract each other.
[7] The lines of force tend
to repel each other (lateral
repulsion). This explains
like charge repels each
[8] Electric lines do not
passes through a close
conductor i.e. electric field
inside a conductor is zero.

Neutral Point: - the point where net electric field intensity is zero called neutral point.
Uniform Electric Field:- The field where magnitude and direction of field intensity are constant and same is called
1  dl
uniform electric field. dE 
4  0 r2
1.10 Electric Field due to Uniformly Charged Ring: -Consider a positive charged q distributed uniformly
over the surface of a metal ring of radius r having linear charge density  = dq /dl
1  dl 1 dq
Electric field due to the length element ABC is dE   {  dl = dq}
4 0 a 2
4 0 a 2
From resolution of vector at point P there are two components dE cos along the axis and dE sin perpendicular to the
axis. Components dE sin of segment ABC & DEF are equal & opposite on Y-axis so they cancel out each other. So the
effective value of electric field at P due to element ABC is
1 dq x
E   dE cos       BOP cos   x / a
0 4 0 a
0 a
1 Q
Hence E 
 dq E
x 1
q Q0
4 0 a 3 0 4 0 a 3

x 1
Q  0
4 0 a 3
1 Qx 1 qx
E But in  BOP a  r 2  x 2 so E
4  0 a 3 4   0 (a  x 2 ) 3 / 2

Special CaseI At the centre of the ring x = 0 so electric field x = 0

Special CaseII At a point much away from the centre of the cercular coil x >> r so neglecting r 2


qx 1 q
E So E
4  0 ( x 2 ) 3 / 2 4  0 x2
Motion of Charge Particle in Electric Field: (a) Suppose a charge particle having charge Q and mass m is
initially at rest in an electric field of strength E. The particle will experience an electric force which causes it's motion.
(i) Force and acceleration : The force experienced by the charged particle is F  QE .
Acceleration produced by this force is a  
m m
(ii) Velocity : Suppose at point A particle is at rest and in time t, it reaches the point B where it's velocity becomes

v. Also if V = Potential difference between A and B, S = Separation between A and B E
QEt 2QV
 v  S
m m
(2) When a charged particle enters with an initial velocity at right angle to the uniform field
When charged particle enters perpendicularly in an electric field, it describe a parabolic path as shown
(i) Equation of trajectory : Throughout the motion particle has uniform velocity along x-axis and horizontal
displacement (x) is given by the equation x = ut
Since the motion of the particle is accelerated along y–axis Y
1  QE   x 
So y    ; this is the equation of parabola which shows yx 2
2  m  u 
P(x, y)
(ii) Velocity at any instant : At any instant t, vx  u and vy  so
m u X
2 2 2 v
Q E t vy QEt
v  | v |  v x2  v 2y  u 2  & tan   
m2 vx mu vy

If  is the angle made by v with x-axis . 

Suspended charge System of three collinear charge

Freely suspended charge 
E F = QE In the following figure three charges Q1 , Q and
In equilibrium Q2 are kept along a straight line, charge Q will be
QE  mg in equilibrium if and only if Q1 Q
mg +Q |Force applied by charge Q1 |
E x1 x2
Q = |Force applied by charge Q2 | x
mg 2
 Q1 Q Q2Q Q1  x 1 
Suspension of charge from string l i.e.    
Q 2  x 2 
T cos  x 12 x 22
T  This is the necessary condition for Q to be in
In equilibrium
T sin  QE equilibrium.
T sin   QE ….(i)
If all the three charges (Q1 , Q and Q2 ) are similar,
T cos   mg ….(ii) mg Q will be in stable equilibrium.
From equations (i) and (ii) If extreme charges are similar while charge Q is
T  QE   mg  and tan 
2 2
 of different nature so Q will be in unstable
1.11 Electric Dipole :-A system of two equal but opposite charges separated by a small distance is called electric dipole.
Consider a dipole of charge +q & q separated by distance 2l.The strength of the dipole is measured by a physical
quantity called dipole moment. It is a vector quantity; its direction is from negative to positive charge.
The product of magnitude of one of the charge and distance between the charges is called dipole moment “p”.

p = q  2l Its SI unit is Coulomb  meter.

1.12 Electric field intensity at a point on axial line: - Consider a dipole of charge +q & q separated by a
distance 2l so dipole moment p = 2ql
We have to find field intensity at point P, at distance r
from centre of the dipole. So electric field due to +q
charge is


      2 {along OP}

1 q 1 q
E1  So E1 
4 0 BP 2 4 0 r  l 2

    3 {along PO}

1 q 1 q
Intensity at P due to –q is E2  So E 2 
4 0 AP 2 4 0 r  l 2
1 q 1 q
So resultant intensity at P is E = E1 + E2 = 
4 0 r  l 2 4 0 r  l 2
q  1 1   r  l 2  r  l 2 
E    2
So E   
4 0  r  l 2 r  l   4 0  r  l 2 r  l 2 

E 
q r 2
 
 l 2  2 rl  r 2  l 2  2 rl  So E 
q 4rl
4 0 {r  l r  l }2 
4 0 r 2  l 2 2 
1 2r  q  2 l 1 2r p
E  Therefore E  Since p = q×2l , is electric dipole moment.
4 0 r  l  2 2 2
 
4 0 r  l 22


Special case: If dipole is very small, then r > l so r2 >>l2 , therefore neglecting r2 .

2 p 1  2 p 1
1 2r p
E  Therefore E  In vector form E 
 
4 0 r 2 2
4 0 r 3 4 0 r 3
1.12Electric Field at a point on equatorial line of a dipole:- Consider a dipole with charges + q &  q
separated by a distance of 2 l. So dipole moment p = 2 q l - - - -(1)
We have to find intensity of electric field at point A on the equatorial line
of the dipole at distance ‘r’ from the centre of the dipole. So a 2  r 2  l 2
Electric field intensity at A due to +q charge is
1 q 1 q
E1  along BA
4  0 AP 2
4  0 a2
1 q
E1  - -- - - - (2) Electric field at A due to –q charge is
4  0 r  l2

1 q 1 q 1 q
E2   E2  - - - - (3)
4  0 BP 2
4  0 a 2 4  0 r  l2

{Along AC} Since E1  E2  E0 Let  .

So E1 Sin   E2 Sin  . Since the vertical components are equal but
opposite so the cancels out each other but the horizontal component are along same direction so resultant field
intensity at A due to dipole is E  E1 cos   E2 cos   E0 cos   E0 cos  Therefore E  2 E0 cos 
1 q 1 2q l 1 p
E2  2  Cos    Therefore E =
4  o r  l 2
4 
0 r l
2 2
r2  l2 4  0 (r  l 2 ) 3 / 2

Where P= 2ql is dipole moment. Its direction is parallel to the dipole axis and from +ve to –ve.
Special case:- For a small dipole 2l is very small so l < r hence l2 << r2 . Now we can neglect l2.
1 p 1 p
E = E=
4  0
2 3/ 2
(r ) 4  0 r3

1.13a. Torque and Force acting on a dipole placed in uniform

electric field:- Consider a dipole with charges + q & - q separated by a
distance of 2 l, angle between the dipole moment & electric field intensity is
. So dipole moment p = 2 q l
Force on each charge is F = q E -- - --- (1)
Force on + q is along the direction of field & on – q opposite to the direction
of the field so net force on the dipole is zero. The system of two equal but
opposite charges constitute a couple. The torque of the couple

 = Force  perpendicular distance  = F  AC - - - - - - - - (2)

In ABC sin  = BC/AB  BC = AB sin  = 2l sin  - - - - -- -(3)
Putting values from eq1 & eq3 in eq 2  = qE  2l Sin 
But the dipole moment p = 2ql so  = p E sin  - - - - - - - - - -(4)
  
In vector form   p E
The direction of the torque is perpendicular to both E and p & given by Fleming’s right hand rule.
Case-I  = 0 Then the torque  = pE sin 0 = 0
Hence if dipole is placed parallel to the field torque on it is minimum.
Case-II  = 90 Then the torque  = pE sin 90 = p E
Hence if dipole is placed perpendicular to the field torque on it is maximum.
1.13b. Work done & Potential Energy in deflecting a Dipole in Uniform Electric Field:-If the dipole
rotate through an angle d against the torque  = pE sin 
Then work done dW =  d = pE sin  × d
2 2
So Total work done in deflecting the dipole from angle 12 to 2 is W    d =  p E sin  d
1 1
W = p E  sin  d  W  p E  cos  2  W   p E  cos  2  cos 1 
1 1
Work done : -In equilibrium dipole is parallel to the field so 1 = 0 . Hence work done in deflecting the dipole
through an angle 1 = . W   p E  cos   cos 0   W  p E  1  cos  
Potential Energy: -Work done in deflecting the dipole perpendicular to the field so 1 = 90 . Hence work done in
deflecting the dipole through an angle 2 =. W = U =  p E ( cos   cos 90)
 
Hence potential energy U =  p E cos  or U   p. E 
 E
 p

E  p
 E
 = 0o ,  = 0 & Umin = – pE (minimum)  = 90O , max = pE, U = 0,  = 180o ,  = 0, Umax = pE(maximum)
Stable equilibrium Not in equilibrium Unstable equilibrium
1.15 Electric Flux:-Total number of electric lines passing through any surface area in the electric field is called
electric flux . It is a scalar quantity.
d = dS . E Cos  So
d = E dS Cos 
Hence total flux through the
hole surface
 =  d =  E dS Cos 

 
Hence    E . d S
Area Vector: - area is considered as vector quantity having direction perpendicular to the surface area.
Solid Angle:-In two dimension, the angle subtended by an arc of length dl of a circle of radius r is,
Angle  = arc / radius = dl/r
Due to identical properties concept of solid angle is given. Consider a sphere of radius ‘r’ & small surface area
element dS on it. The solid angle subtended by the surface element is d   dS / r 2
dS Cos 
If area vector makes an angle  ,with the line joining point O & surface then d  2
S 4r 2
SI unit of solid angle is Steradian. The total solid angle over the whole surface is    OR Ω = 4
r2 r2

1.16 Gauss`s Theorem of Electrostatics: -Karl Fiedric Gauss gave a theorem which gives the value of net
outward electric flux through any closed hypothetical surface called Gaussian surface.
Statement (SI unit): -“The surface integral of the normal component of the electric field over any closed
hypothetical surface is equal to 1/ 0 total charge enclosed by the surface”.
OR “The net outward electric flux through any closed hypothetical surface is equal to 1/ 0 total charge
  Q Q
enclosed by the surface”.  E . dS  OR  
0 s 0
Proof:- Consider a closed surface S with charge + q lies inside it at O. dS is a small surface area element
surrounding point P, which is at distance ‘r’ from point O. Electric field intensity at point P due to charge + q is
1 q
E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
4  0 r2
 
If  is the angle between E & dS then net outward electric flux    E . dS
1 q
 =  E dS cos     dS cos 
S S 4  0 r 2
q dS cos  q q
      d  × 4
4  0 S r2 4  0 S 4  0
 d  = 4 is the total solid angle subtended by the whole surface area.

Hence net outward flux 
For large number of charges the total outward flux is   1   2   3      OR   
Q   Q
Hence   Where  q = Q is total charge enclosed by the surface.    E . dS 
0 0 s

1.17 Application of Gauss’s Theorem :-(a)[I]Electric Field Intensity due to uniformly Charged Hollow
Sphere:-Consider a charged sphere of radius ‘R’ having charge + q. P is a point outside the sphere at distance ‘r’
from the centre of the sphere where we want to find electric field intensity.
We will draw an imaginary sphere of radius ‘r’ with ‘O’ as a centre; this surface is Gaussian surface & point ‘P’ lies
on it. Electric field at each point on the Gaussian surface is same & directed perpendicularly outward so angle
between E & dS is  = 0
Therefore net outward flux through the Gaussian surface
is    E dS cos 0  E  dS 1      (1)
s s
From Gauss’s theorem, net outward flux   q / 0   (2) Comparing eq1 & eq2
q 1 q
E  4 π r2  Hence E
0 4 π0 r2
Hence electric field out side the sphere will be same as if whole charge is
concentrate at the centre of the sphere.
(II)At a Point lies on the surface of the Conductor: - In this case the radius of the Gaussian surface is equal
to radius of the conductor i.e. r=R Hence electric field intensity
1 q
4 π0 R 2
(III)At a Point lies inside the surface of the Conductor: - Consider
a charged sphere of radius ‘R’ having charge + q.P is a point in side the
sphere at distance ‘r’ from the centre of the sphere where we want to find
electric field intensity. We will draw an imaginary sphere of radius ‘r’ with
‘O’ as a centre; this surface is Gaussian surface & point ‘P’ lies on it.
Electric field at each point on the Gaussian surface is same & directed

perpendicularly outward so angle between E & dS is  = 0.

Therefore net outward flux through the Gaussian surface is
   E dS cos 0  E  dS 1      (1)
s s
q 0
From Gauss’s theorem, net outward flux   OR   0    (2)
0 0
Comparing eq1 and eq2. So E  dS 1 
(Since there is no charge lies inside the Gaussian surface so q = 0.)
E  4 π r2  0 Hence E = 0 Hence electric field inside the hollow conductor is zero.
All three cases are represented graphically below. It shows the variation of electric field intensity E with distance
from the centre of a uniformly charged spherical shell.
(b)Electric Field Intensity due to uniformly Charged Plane Metal Sheet:-Consider a thin metallic
plate of uniformly charged density  = q / dS - - - - - - - - -(1)
We have to find field intensity at a point P at distance r from
plate. Consider an imaginary cylinder across the plate, it act as
Gaussian surface & point P lies on it.
(I ) Electric field is parallel to the plane surface ‘A’ i.e. area
vector is parallel to the electric field θ = 0,so flux is maximum&
maximum electric line passes through the
surface. 1   E dS Cos 0 1  E  dS = E  S
s s
( II )Electric field is parallel to the plane surface ‘B’ i.e. area
vector is parallel to the electric field θ = 0,so flux is maximum&
maximum electric line passes through the surface.
 2   E dS Cos 0   2  E  dS  2  E  S
s s
(III) Electric field is perpendicular to the curved surface i.e. area vector is perpendicular to the electric field θ = 90,
so flux is minimum& no electric line passes through the surface. 3   E dS cos 90  0
The total electric flux through the Gaussian surface is
  1   2   2
  E S  E S  0  2ES     (1)
From Gaussian theorem        (2)
Comparing eq1 & eq2
q 
2 Ε S  q /0  E   E 
2 S 0 2 0
So electric field is independent of the distance of the point i.e. constant.
(c)Electric Field Intensity due to two uniformly Charged Plane Metal Sheet:-Consider two parallel long
metallic plate having + ve charge with surface charge density 1 and 2 . Electric field intensity near plate A & B is E1 & E2 .
(a)Intensity in Ist region:-In this region electric field due to both plates is from right to left. So intensity in the first
region is E = E1  E2
σ1 σ  ( σ1  σ 2 )
From Application of Gaussian theorem. E    2       (1)
2 0 2 0 2 0
(b)Intensity in II nd region:-In this region electric field due to plate B is from right to left & due to plate A is from
left to right. So intensity in the second region is, E = E1  E2 From Application of Gaussian theorem.
σ1 σ ( σ1  σ 2 )
E  2  ........ (2)
2 0 2 0 2 0
Spacial Case:-If second plate is – ve and having same charge density  then E = E1 + E2

σ σ 2σ σ
So intensity in the second region is E    E     (3)
2 0 2 0 2 0 0
(c)Intensity in III region:-In this region electric field due to both plates is from left to right. So intensity in first
region is E = E1 + E2
σ1 σ ( σ1  σ 2 )
From Application of Gaussian theorem. E   2       (4)
2 0 2 0 2 0
( d ) Electric Field Intensity due to two uniformly Charged infinite long Charged Conductor:-
Consider a thin infinite long positively charged straight long conductor of linear charge density
 = q / l - - - -(1).
We have to find electric field intensity at point P, which is at distance ‘r’ from the plate.
With conductor as an axis we will draw an imaginary cylinder of radius ‘r’ & length ‘l’ it is called Gaussian surface
& point ‘P’ lies on it. Electric field at each point on the conductor is same & directed perpendicularly outward.
From Gauss’s theorem the outward flux through the Gaussian surface is
(i)Flux through the plane surfaces A & B is minimum because area vector is perpendicular to the field i.e.  = 90o
hence minimum lines pass through it 1   2   E dS cos 90  0 --------( 1 )
Due to same reason flux through plane surface B is also zero.
( ii )Flux through the curved surface is maximum because area vector is parallel to the field i.e.  = 0 hence
maximum lines pass through it.
3   E dS cos 0  E  dS   3  E  2  r l    ( 2)
s s

Hence net outward flux through the Gaussian surface is  =  1 +  2 +  3

From eq 1 & 2,
 0 0 E2 r l    2 r l E    (3)
From Gauss’s theorem       (4) Comparing eq3 & 4
q q 
2 r l E   E Fromeq1 E
0 2 0 l r 2 0 r
Hence electric field at a point near a straight long conductor is inversely
proportional to distance of the point.
( e )To Derive Coulomb’s Law:-From application (a) I , derive the
1 q
formula of field intensity at a point on the conductor E  If we keep a point charge q0 at point P
4  0 r2
1 q 1 q0 q
,then the force on the test charge is F = q 0 E = q0  F  This is Coulomb’s Law.
4  0 r 2 4  0 r 2


2. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity

at a distance V from a point charge q. (1994) 2
3. Two point electric charges of unknown magnitude
and sign are placed at a distance‘d’ apart. The electric
field intensity is zero at a point, not between the charges
but on the line joining them. Write two essential
conditions for this to happen. (1997) 2
4. Two point charges of 5×10 19 C & 20×10 19 C are
separated by a distance of 2 m. Find a point on the line
joining them at which electric field intensity is 0. (01) 2
5. Two point charges qA= +3μC & qB= 3 μC are
located 20 cm apart in vacuum. (i) Find die electric field
at the midpoint of the line AB joining the two charges.
(ii)If a negative test charge of magnitude 1.5×101 C
is placed at the centre, find the force experienced by the
test charge. (2003)2
6. Two similarly and equally charged identical metal
spheres A and B repel each other with a force of
2 ×105 N. A third identical uncharged sphere C is touched
with A and then placed at mid point between A and B.
ASSIGNMENT Calculate the net electric force on C.(2003)2
Principle of superposition Ele ctric dipole , Electric dipole mome nt
1. Name the law which is a mathematical equivalent 1. Define electric dipole moment. (92,93,94,95,99,02)1
of Coulomb's law and superposition principle.(92) 1 2. Two charges, + 5μC and 5μC are placed 1mm, apart.
Coulomb force Calculate dipole moment. (1994) 2
1. How does the Coulomb force between two point 3. Draw electric lines of force for a dipole. (93, 95) 2
charges depend upon the dielectric constant of the 5. Write the S.I unit of electric dipole moment. (1992,
intervening medium? [2005](1 93, 95, 02, 03,08) 1
2. A charge ‘q’ is placed at the center of the line joining 6. Define the term electric dipole moment. Is it a scalar or
two equal charges Q. Show that the system of three vector quantity? [2006, 08](1
charges will be in equilibrium if small q = Q/4 [05](2 Electric field of a dipole at a point on its axis
3. Two fixed point +4e and +e units are separated by a 1. An electron is separated from a proton through a
distance ‘a’. Where should the third point charge be distance of 0.53A. Calculate the electric field at the
placed for it to be in equilibrium? [2005](2 location of electron. (1992) 2
Electric field, strength/intensity 2. Calculate electric intensity due to an electric dipole at
1. Define electric field at a point. (1990, 91, 92) 1 a point on the axial line. (1992) 2
2. If an oil drop of weight 3.3×1013N is balanced in an Ele . Fie ld of dipole at a point on its e quator
electric field of 5×10 5 V/m, find charge on the drop. 1. Two-point charges + q and  q are placed at a
3. Is electric field-intensity a scalar or a 'vector’ distance 2a apart. Calculate the electric field at a point P
quantity? (1999, 2000) 1 situated at a distance ‘r’ along the perpendicular
4. Electric field inside a conductor is zero. Explain. bisector of she line joining the charges. What is the
5. Define the term 'electric field intensity'.(97,2000)1 field when r >> a? (1990) 5
6. Name the physical quantity which has joule/coulomb as 2. An election moves a distance of 6 cm when
its unit. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity? (2003)1 accelerated from rest by an electric field of strength
SI unit of Electric Field 2×104N/C. Calculate the time of travel. (91)5
Write the S.I, unit of electric field intensity.(1999, 2000, 3. Calculate the electric intensity due to an electric dipole at
2003) 1 a point on its equatorial line.(92,93,94)2
Types of field 4. At what points of the electric dipole is electric field
1. What is a conservative field? (1990) 1 intensity parallel to the line joining the charges? (97) 2
Ele ctric fie ld due to one or more point charge s 5. Show mathematically that the electric field intensity
1. Two point charges q1=+0.2 C and q2 = + 0.4C are due to a short dipole at a distance ‘d’ along its axis is
placed 0.1 m apart. Calculate the electric field at (a) the twice the intensity at the same distance along the
mid-point between the charges. (b) a point on the line equatorial axis. (1999) 5
joining q1and q2 such that it is 0.05 m away from q2 Ne t force on an e le ctric dipole place d in a fie ld
& 0.15 m away from q 1 . (1993) 3 1. What is the net force on an electric dipole placed in
a uniform electric field? (1992) 2

Ne t torque on an e le ctric dipole place d in a fie ld separated by a small distance. Giving reason, indicate on
1. Show that in a uniform electric field a dipole the diagram a point where a small positive charge would
experience only a torque but no net force. Derive an experience a force parallel to the line joining the two
expression for the torque.(92, 93, 94, 97, 98. 99, 02) charges. (1993) 2
2. An electric dipole is held at an angle 'θ' in uniform 2. What is an electric line of force? Sketch lines of
external electric field 'E'. Will there be any (i) net force uniform electric field. (92, 95) 2
(ii) torque acting on it? Explain what happens to the 3. The dipole is aligned parallel to the field. Calculate
dipole on being released. (93, 94)5 work done in rotating it through 180°.(97) 5
3. An electric dipole, when held at 300 with respect to a P.E. of an electric dipole in an electric field
uniform electric field of 104N/C, experiences a torque of 9 × 1. An electric dipole of length 2 cm is placed with its
1026Nm. Calculate dipole moment of the dipole. (96) 2 axis making an angle of 60° with respect to a force due
4. An electric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. to two equal positive charges placed at a small
Show that no translatory force acts on it (1997, 98) 3 distance apart in air. (1997, 2003)
5. Which orientation of an electric dipole in a uniform 3. What is an electric line of force? (2003) 1
electric field would corresponds Electric lines of uniform electric field
to stable equilibrium? (1 (08) 1. Draw lines of force to represent a uniform electric field.
6. (a) Derive an expression for the (1992, 95) 1
torque experienced by an electric 2. Explain the physical significance of electric
dipole kept in a uniform electric potential and field.
field. (b) Calculate the work done 3. Show that the integral of electric field intensity
to dissociate the system of three between any two points depends only on the position
charges placed on the vertices of a triangle as shown. Here of these points and is independent of the path
q = 1.6 × 1010 C 2008 (5 followed between these points.
W o r k i n r o t a ti ng e l e c . di po l e i n a n electric field 4. Using Gauss's theorem, derive an expression
1. Derive an expression for the total work done in for electric field intensity at a point (a) outside
rotating an electric dipole through an angle θ in a (b) inside due to (i) a line of charge
uniform electric field of 10 5 N/C, if it experiences (ii) a solid sphere of charge
a torque of 83 Nm, calculate the 4. Explain the concept of electric potential energy.
(i) magnitude of the charge on the dipole and Derive an expression for potential energy of a
(ii) potential energy of the dipole. (2000) 2 system of two point charges . Generalize the
2. What orientation of an electric dipole in a uniform expression for N discrete charges. State Gauss's
electric field corresponds to its stable equilibrium? (01)1 theorem in electrostatics. How will you prove it for
3. An electric dipole of length 4 cm, when placed with spherically symmetric surfaces?
its axis making an angle of 60° with a uniform electric 6. Deduce Coulomb's law from Gauss's theorem.
field experiences a torque of 43 Nm. Calculate (i) 7. Derive a relation for work done in moving a
magnitude of the electric field, (ii) potential energy of charge in an electric field
the dipole, if the dipole has charge of ± 9 nC. (04)2 8. An electrostatic field lines cannot be discontinuous
Electric lines of force & their properties why? [2005] (1
1. Why two electric line. Of force do not intersect? Gauss's theorem
(1992, 2001, 03) 1 1. Give mathematical expression for Gauss's theorem.
2. Draw one Equipotential surface (I) in a uniform (92, 95, 2001, 03) 1
electric field and (ii) for a point charge (Q <0).(01)2 2. State Gauss's theorem. (92,95,96,00,01,03,04) 1
3. Why electric field lies never cross each other?[05](1 3. Apply Gauss' theorem to obtain an expression for
3. A positive point charge (+q) is kept in the vicinity of an electric field due to an infinite plane sheet of charge.
uncharged conducting plate. Sketch electric field line (2003, 04) 3
originating from the point on to the surface of the plate. Electric flux
Derive the expression for the electric field at the surface 1. A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a charge of
of a charged conductor. 2009(3 8.85 × 108C. (i) Calculate the electric flux passing
Electric lines of force of isolated charges through the surface; (ii) If the radius of the Gaussian
1. Give two properties of electric lines of force. Sketch surface is doubled, how would the flux change?(01)2
them for an isolated positive point charge. (92, 2003) 2 3. Define electric flux. Write its SI unit. A charge q is
2. Sketch the electric lines of force due to point charges enclosed by a spherical surface of radius R. If the radius is
(i) q < 0 and (ii) q > 0. (1995) 1 reduced to half, how would the electric flux through the
Electric lines of multiple charges surface change? 2009(2
1. Draw a diagram to show lines of force in a place Meaning of electric flux linked with a surface
containing two equal point charges of opposite sign 1. An electric flux of6 × 103 Nm2/C passes normally

through a spherical Gaussian surface of radius 10 cm, charge of the shell is concentrated at the center. Why do
due to a point charge placed at the center. (i)What is you expect the electric filed inside the shell to be zero
the charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface? (ii)If according to this theorem? [2006](3
the radius of the Gaussian surface is doubled, how 9. State Guass’s theorem in electrostatics. Apply this
much flux would pass through the surface? (99) theorem to derive an expression for electric field intensity at
2. Figure shows electric lines of force due to two point a point outside a uniform charge thin spherical shell. [07](5
charges q1 and q2 placed at points A and B respectively. 9. (a) Using Gauss’ law, derive an expression for the
Write the nature of charge on them.(03)1 electric field intensity at any point outside a uniformly
Misc Qs on Gauss' theorem charge thin spherical shell of radius R and charge
1. If Coulomb's law involved l/r dependence densityC /m2 Draw the field lines when the charge
(instead of 1/r2), would Gauss's law still hold.(91) 1 density of the sphere is (i) positive, (ii) negative. 08 (5
Electric field & potential due to a point charge Ele c. fie ld due to a circular ring of charge
1. The electric field at a point due to a point charge is 1. A metal wire is bent in a circle of radius 10 cm. It is
30 N/C and the electric potential at that point is 15 J/C. given charge of 200μC which spreads on it uniformly.
Calculate the distance of the point from the charge and Calculate electric potential at its centre. (95) 5
the magnitude of the charge. (1996) 2 Misc. Qs on applications of Gauss's theorem
Electric field & potential near a line charge 1. An infinitely long cylinder of radius R m carries a
1. Use it to derive an expression for the electric uniform volume charge of density ρ Cm3 Obtain
field of a thin infinitely long straight line of charge, expressions for the electric field at a point: (i) Inside,
with a uniform charge density of λ C /m. (91,04)3 (ii) Outside the cylinder. (1991) 2
2. State Guass theorem. Apply this theorem to obtain the 8. TWO point charges 10μC and 20μC are separated by a
expression for the electric field intensity at a point due to distance 'r' in air. If an additional charge of  8μC is given
infinitely long, thin, uniformly charged straight wires. to each by what factor does the force between the
[2005] (3 charges change. (1993) 1
3. State Guass’s theorem in electrostatics. Apply this 9. How does the force between two, point charges change
theorem to derive an expression for electric field intensity at if the dielectric constant of the medium in which they
a point near an infinitely long straight charged wire. [07](3 are kept, increases (1999) 1
Electric field of a thin sheet of charge 10. In an electric field an electron is kept freely. If electron
1. Calculate electric field of an infinite plane sheet is replaced by a proton, what will be the relationship
of charge. (1992, 95, 96, 2000, 01) 5 between forces experienced by them? (2000) 1
2. State Guass theorem. Apply this theorem to obtain 11. Force of attraction between two point charges
expression for the electric field intensity at a point due to placed at distance ‘d’ apart in a medium is 'F'. What
an infinitely large thin plane sheet of charge. [05](3 should be the distance apart in the same medium so that
Electric field due to a thin spherical shell of charge the force of attraction between them becomes 9 F? (01)2
1. Derive expressions for the electric field due to 12. Two point charges q1 and q2. are placed close to
a uniformly charged spherical shell at a point each Other. What is the nature of force between the
(i) inside and (ii) outside the shell.(91, 92, 01) 2 charge when q1q2 < 0? (2003) 1
2. Derive expressions for the electric field flue to a
uniformly charged spherical shell at a point inside the
shell. (91, 92, 01, 04) 2
3. Apply this to show that for a spherical shell, the electric
field inside the shell vanishes, whereas outside it , field is as if
all the charge had been concentrated at the centre. (92)5
4. Apply this theorem to calculate electric field
inside a hollow conducting sphere.(95, 97, 01) 3
5. A charge of 12 μ C is given to a hollow metallic
sphere of radius 0.1m. Find potential at. (97, 2000)1
(1) the surface of the sphere , and (2) the centre of
the sphere. (1995) 2
6. A charge of+l0μC is given to a hollow metallic
sphere of radius 0.l m. Find the potential at the (i) outer
surface and (ii) centre of the sphere.(1999) 2
7. Prove that no electric field exists inside a hollow
charged sphere. (2002) 2
8. Using the Gauss theorem show mathematically that for
any point outside the shell, the field due to a uniformly
charge thin spherical shell is the same as if the entire

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