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To Kill a Mockingbird Project Rubric

FOCUS AREA 4 3 2 1
Character Focus and Reason(s) for choosing Reason(s) for choosing Reason(s) for choosing Reason(s) for choosing
Personal Connection the character and the the character and the the character and the the character and the

personal connection with personal connection personal connection personal connection with
the character abundantly with the character with the character the character superficial
clear and meaningful. generally clear and lacking in clarity and/or or not addressed.
meaningful. meaning.
Project Addresses a Key Key theme explained and Key theme explained Key theme explained Key theme explained and
Theme explored in great detail; and explored in and explored in minimal explored in no detail;
audience highly informed. satisfactory detail; detail; audience poorly audience uninformed.
audience well informed. informed.

Change and/or Growth Changes and/or growth in Changes and/or growth Changes and/or growth Changes and/or growth
in Understanding. understanding substantial in understanding in understanding in understanding
and clearly articulated. moderate and well marginal and/or vaguely insignificant and/or not
articulated. articulated. articulated.
Enthusiasm Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Very little use of facial
body language generate a body language body language are used expressions or body
strong interest and sometimes generate a to try to generate language. Did not

enthusiasm about the topic strong interest and enthusiasm, but seem generate much interest in
in others. enthusiasm about the somewhat faked. topic being presented.
topic in others.
Posture and Eye Contact Stands up straight, looks Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does not
relaxed and confident. establishes eye contact straight and establishes look at people during the
Establishes eye contact with everyone in the eye contact. presentation.
with everyone in the room room during the
during the presentation. presentation.
Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is unable to
accurately answer almost accurately answer most accurately answer a few accurately answer
all questions posed by questions posed by questions posed by questions posed by
classmates about the topic. classmates about the classmates about the classmates about the
topic. topic. topic.
Originality Product shows a large Product shows some Uses other people's Uses other people's ideas,
amount of original original thought. Work ideas (giving them but does not give them
thought. Ideas and work shows new ideas and credit), but there is little credit.
are creative and inventive. insights. evidence of original
Product Makes excellent use and Makes good use and Makes fair use and Makes poor use and

(Tool/Medium) demonstrates mastery of demonstrates solid demonstrates basic demonstrates little

the tool/medium used to understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
create the product. tool/medium used to tool/medium used to tool/medium used to
create the product. create the product. create the product.
Product Product very successfully Product mostly Product barely Product fails to
(Meaning/Message) captures/represents the captures/represents the captures/represents the capture/represent the
essence of the character or essence of the character essence of the character essence of the character
situation; meaning and or situation; meaning or situation; meaning or situation; meaning and
significance are clear. and significance are and significance are significance are
clear. questionable. unknown.
Wikispace Requirements Project was embedded Project was embedded Project was embedded Project was not
and/or linked and and/or linked and and/or linked and embedded and/or linked
questions addressed in questions addressed in questions addressed in and questions addressed
sufficient detail. some detail. minimal detail. in little to no detail.

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