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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division of Paranaque City
Technology and Livelihood Education 6 – AGRICULTURE




A fruit tree is a tree which bears fruit that is consumed or used by humans and some
animals – all trees that are flowering plants produce fruit, which are the ripened ovaries of
flowers containing one or more seeds. In horticultural usage, the term “fruit tree” is limited to
those that provide fruit for human food.

Learning Competencies to be Developed

1.1 sources of fruit-bearing trees

1.2 how to care for seedlings
1.3 prepares layout design of an orchard garden using the information gathered


At the end of this activity, the learners are expected to:

 identify the sources of fruit-bearing trees
 enumerate ways of caring for seedlings
 prepares layout design

Let’s Recall

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is an orchard?
2. What is a fruit-bearing tree?
3. How to plant/propagate trees and fruit-bearing trees?

Let’s Understand
Sources of Fruit-Bearing Trees
There are several sources of fruit-bearing trees. They are available and sold in different stages
of growth and ready to be transplanted. Among these sources are:
 Commercial Nursery - ran by private individuals usually offering landscaping
materials and services.
 Agricultural Institution - a school that offers a course related to agriculture and
other plant studies.
 Department of Agriculture – responsible for any agricultural activities in terms of
vegetables and fruits.
 Bureau of Plant Industry – develops scientific improvement for each plant species
present in a locality and adjacent places.

Ways to Care for Seedlings

 Choose seeds that come from fruit-bearing trees with good form free from bruises and
diseases and insect bites.
 Sow seeds in seed beds with good soil consisting of compost, garden soil and sandy
soil mixed in equal proportions.
 Plant seeds horizontally about 3 centimeters deep. Cover with fine soil. Distance of
seeds should approximately be 1 ½ feet apart.
 Water the sown seeds thoroughly. It is important to keep the soil moist to speed up the
germination process.
 Grow the seedlings preferably in a propagating shed or a partially shaded place.
 Apply fungicide to avoid infestation. This can be done once a week.
 When three or four leaves have sprouted, potting may start. This means that the
seedlings are to be transplanted individually I pots or plastic bags.
 The best time to transplant is late afternoon or when the sun has set.

 For young trees, the rainy season is the ideal time to transplant.
 Young trees need fertilizer more often than old trees.
 Apply fertilizers around trees. Sprinkle small quantities for young trees.
 To encourage rapid growth in young trees, remove grass or weeds around the base
and cultivate the soil around the base.

Preparing a Layout Design of an Orchard Garden

For systematic planting, there is a need to prepare a blueprint or a diagram on paper
showing how your fruit tree seedlings are laid out on the orchard garden.
In designing the layout, consider the size and shape of the land and what types of fruit trees
are to be planted. For Instance, if mango tree seedlings of the carabao variety are to be
planted, how many meters should the distance between the two fruit seedlings be so they can
grow healthy and comfortably? As a rule, the space between two trees depends on the height
and breadth when they go to maternity. Trees that grow tall and slim may be planted close to
one another. Trees that grow short but spread out extensively should have more space in
For example, spacing in avocado orchards ranges from 6, 8 or 12 meters depending on
the variety and soil conditions; for mangoes, the fields are staked at a distance of 14x14
meters following the triangular system; for cashew nuts, the trees are spaced to 5 to 8 meters
apart in a triangular system; for citruses like orange, the distance between is 6x6 meters or
7x7 meters depending on the variety or soil condition; for papaya, the distance in between is
2 to 3 meters depending on the variety (Dragon, Jesse Tech, and HE 1991).
In arranging fruit tree seedlings in the field or orchard, choose any of the methods of
arranging trees. Some of these methods include the square method, the quincunx method, the
rectangular method and the condition methods.
Tips to Consider in Preparing an Orchard Layout
1. Prepare the land – Till the soil adequately but do not over cultivate to the point of
destroying earthworms and other beneficial fungi.

2. Create a planting system – Compute the number of trees to be planted.

 Square shape pattern – planting on the end of each side of the square
 Rectangular shape pattern – planting on the end of each side of the rectangle
 Triangular shape pattern – planting on the end side of the triangle
 Quincunx pattern – these patterns originally start from a square shape but you
are going to plant at the center of square

3. Establish a greenhouse - This will serve as the nursery of the seedlings. It protects the
seedlings from too much sunlight, heavy rains, strong wind and possible entry of
animals treat for damage.

4. Check the soil according to type – The type of soil will help you decide what trees to
 Loam soil – This is a mixture of sand and clay combined with compost
(humus). It is dark brown in color, very porous and good for orchard farming.

 Sandy soil – This type has coarse texture and cannot be watered. It is not
advisable for planting fruit trees, unless combined with other materials.
 Clay soil – This type has very thick and compact texture. It holds more water;
plant that needs little amount of water will not survive in this kind of soil. To
enhance soil fertility, it must be combined with other soil and decayed matter.

5. Ensure water source and drainage – The site must have an abundant supply of water
and good drainage to keep the plant from drowning.

6. Sufficient sunlight – The site must be exposed to morning and afternoon sunlight to
help maintain the food making process of the plant (photosynthesis).
7. Availability of fertilizer – Fertilizer is a substance added to soil to improve plant
health condition.

8. Accessibility to the market – The plan site should be near the market and
transportation must be available to bring products to the market.

Let’s Apply

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is not correct.
___1. Agricultural Institution is a school that offers course related to agriculture and
the plant studies.
___2. The Department of Education is responsible for any activities in terms of
vegetables and fruits.
___3. The type of soil will help you decide what trees to plant.
___4. Remove grass and weeds around the base of the tree to encourage growth in
young plant/tree.
___5. In preparing layout design of an orchard, consider the size and shape of the land
and the type of fruit trees to be planted.

Let’s Analyze

Directions: Analyze and answer the following situations.

1. Jessica loves taking care of plants. She plans to take a course related to to agriculture and
other plant studies. Where will she enroll?

2. Joshua visits their orchard garden every day. One day, he found weeds and grass
around the base of their mango trees. What shall he do?
3. Julia is preparing a layout design of an orchard garden. What should she consider
to ensure the success of her orchard garden?

Let’s Evaluate

Directions:Copy the correct word from the parenthesis to complete the sentence.
1. The (Bureau of Plant Industry, Agricultural Institution, Department of Agriculture)
develops scientific improvement for each plant species.
2. (Agricultural Institution, Commercial Nursery, Department of Agriculture) is run by
private individuals offering landscaping materials and services.
3. For systematic planting, there is a need to prepare a layout ( drawing, painting, design)
of an orchard garden.
4. Remove grass and weeds around the base of trees to encourage growth in (old, baby,
young) trees.
5. In preparing an orchard garden, the (number of seeds, height of trees, size and shape
of land) to ensure success in orchard gardening.

Let’s Create

Directions: Draw a happy face if the statement is desirable a sad face if not.

1. A healthy environment is an environment full of trees.

2. When grass and weeds grow around the base of a tree, remove it.

3. Department of Agriculture offers a course related to animal and fish


4. Method of arranging trees in an orchard is important in preparing a layout

design of an orchard garden.

5. When starting an orchard, preparation is of less importance.

Directions: Write your own reflection based on the experiences during the module journey


Experiences during the activity


End of the Activity


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