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I would choose educational psychologist, environmental psychologist, personality

psychologist and school psychologist in order to help address the situation in my

classroom. The reasons that I choose these four different types of psychologists are:
Firstly, my seven-year-old student in my class is struggling with the reading
comprehension part, and according to the test I gave him in order to evaluate his
English reading comprehension level, he is only at the grade 1 level currently. There
might be some problem with the teaching or learning style between the student and
teacher. Educational psychology focuses on the teaching and learning processes. The
more suitable teaching and learning processes are, the easier it will be for teachers.
What’s more, this student has problems with impulsivity. He always speaks out loud
regularly and act inappropriately in class, which might be connected with his physical
living environment, personality and emotion. Environmental psychology focuses on
the relationship between people and their physical living environment. The
environment that people live and work will cause consequences on their personalities.
Speaking of personality, personality psychology focuses on people’s behaviours and
why people’s personalities differentiate from each other. Finally, school psychology Is
focusing on both academic and emotional problems of students in elementary and
secondary schools. That will help a lot since this student have both academic and
emotional problems while he is taking elementary school.
I think the educational psychologist will help me finding some better teaching
and learning processes for me and my students in order to make the study smarter,
like what kind of teaching can motivate students’ enthusiasm, or what kind of learning
can be more efficient and smarter. The environmental psychologist will analyse the
physical living environment of that student and see if there is a relationship between
the environment and the student’s impulsivity or inappropriate actions. The
personality psychologist will evaluate the student’s personality and find out why the
personality of this student differentiates from others. What creates his abnormal
personality and how to rectify it with specific methods. Finally, the school
psychologist will connect with the student’s family, asking questions and finally give
advices on student’s study and emotional issues to both me and the student, in order to
let us understand each other. I believe these four psychologists will be helpful for me
to address the problem in the classroom.

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