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Third Quarter



Name of Task/Activity: Video Diary (Applying the Five Areas of Development)

Preparation Date: February 14-18, 2022
Submission Date: February 21, 2022

Goal To present a video encompassing your life and how do you overcome
such struggles during the pandemic.
Role You are a dedicated presenter who wants to give inspirations and
hope to others to endure life despite the pandemic.
Audience Teachers and Students
Situation During these pandemic times, we are experiencing different types of
thoughts, feelings, and emotions. There are times that we feel scared
and anxious about what will happen to us in the coming days. There
are uncertainties and confusion on how we will deal with the
pandemic. Staying at home is indeed boring. Nonetheless, it is also
fulfilling if you make yourself busy. It is also a time for bonding with
our families. There are lots of realizations, discoveries and,
improvements that we can do.

Product/Performance Make a video diary about your experiences during the pandemic
times. Realize what your thoughts are, as well as your feelings and
how you behaved considering the five areas of development.
Standards The performance will be assessed based on the following criteria

1. contents
2. Organization
3. Length of Presentation
4. Titles and Text

Rubric for Video Diary

4 3 2 1
Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
The video was The video was The video was The video
excellently well compiled with does not show
arranged arranged with minimal any kind of
Content with appropriate appropriate creativity. creativity
captions. captions. Did not meet
Excellent use of Great creativity – Met most
what was
creativity went followed all the expectations.
above and requirements of
beyond what was the video diary.

Contents were in All the contents Some contents The majority

order and placed were in order and were out of order of the contents
correctly. placed correctly or placed were out of
Organization Has a definite Has a clear incorrectly. order or
beginning, beginning, middle, Beginning, incorrectly
middle, and end and end. middle, and end placed.
Progresses Minor problems are not readily No definite
through time with time apparent beginning,
appropriately progression Definite middle, and
problems with end.
time progression No time order

Within three Too long or

Length of minutes of the - - too short; 5 or
Presentation allotted time. more minutes
above or
below the
allotted time.

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