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Chapter 2 Blog-Content Writing

1. Format of a Blog Post

Goal = Grab Attention
Your headline gets read
more than anything else

Key Insight: on your website. That is
HEADLINE why your headline serves
Direct marketers have one goal: grab attention so
❷ ❸
long known that if you people feel compelled to
get people to read your read your opening.
first 3-4 sentences, they
are more likely to read
your entire article. That OPENING HALF-WIDTH
said, the point of your Key Insight
opening… and that is it. When people make snap
decisions about text, they
prefer fewer characters
Big Promise ❹ per line (CPL). The half-
This sub-headline has one SUB-HEAD width image shortens the
main goal… to entice line length of the opening

people to read your first – fewer CPL – thus enticing
piece of content and that CONTENT people to read coz it
is it. How? Make a caters to their
promise to your readers… preferences.
give them a benefit. ❻
Connect Emotionally

The Soundbite ❼ Your first piece of content

SUB-HEAD should aim to trigger an
Use a click to tweet emotion in your reader.
‘quote’ right here. Why? ❽ When people get
Who do people quote? emotional, they pay
People quote authorities. CONTENT
attention. They are also
Enticing people to quote more likely to take action
you positions you as an after being put into an
authority. Plus, people ❾
CTA 2 emotional state.
like tweeting quotes and
you will get more traffic
from social media as a Big Promise #2
Buy or Subscribe?
result of it. Here’s where you promise
The How to Section Here is where you close
people exactly what they
out your article with
Give people practical, easy to will learn… the step-by-
another call to action. You
implement advice. Get people step method… the how to.
can include a “buy now”
results, and they will remember You already connected,
CTA or a “subscribe.” I
you forever. Also, practically now is the time to get
often use subscribe.
useful content is more viral people to take action.
than other types of content.
2. Research
 Research your topic
o From trusted sources
o Study the topics well.
 Already know it.
o Make sure information is up-to-date.
 Check on others.
o Any info was left out?
o Can be improved?
o DON’T copy their ideas!!!

Think you know

enought about and
are interested in

Topic that are

current, well-
Topic your audience
established, and
(other scientists) will
have enough
be interested in
research studies for
you to review
3. Outline
 Create an outline.
o with the information before writing.
 Sub-Titles
o Organize in paragraphs.
o Support with simple sentences.
o Can insert points in your post.
 Advantages
o Save time.
o Better structure and organization.
o Will not run out of topics.
4. Title
 E.g. ”How To Write A Good Blog Post”
” How To Write A Good Blog Post within 10 minutes? ”
Write Catchy Blog Titles Like These to Get Way More Traffic
Best Performing Content Worst Performing Content
What 10 Studies Say about The Best Times How to discover Awesome Writing
to Post On Social Media Techniques That Will Improve Reading
9 Types of Blog That are Proven to Boost How to Use Marketing Performance
Traffic Metrics That Will Improve Your Blog
20 Ways to Be Creative When You Don’t 5 Teaching Theories That Will Improve Your
Feel Inspired Educational Content Marketing
How to Attract an Audience With The Best How to Work With Designers With
Blog Photography Tips (+128 Free Images) Authentic Advice From Co Schedule’s
43 Data-Driven Headline Ideas From 1,000 How to Meet Deadlines When You are Sick
of The Most Popular Posts And Tired of Missing Them
21,489 Pageviews 4,954 Pageviews

* That means you could get 438% more traffic y following this advice!
5. Lead Paragraph
 To summarize the blog post.
 Make it relevant to the readers.
 Keep it short, concise and strong.
6. Content
 Make the main body scan able (grab first attention)
o Use bullets, numbers, titles..
o To get an ideas what it is all about!
 Shorter paragraphs and sentences, simple words!
o 3 to 4 sentences in one paragraph.
o NOT too wordy, making reading faster
7. Multimedia Collection
 Find a good image / photo / illustration for your blog.
o Drive readers to your post.
o WATCH OUT - Copyright Restrictions!!!
 Support your stories with videos.
o Blog readers also love videos.
o Help break up into more digestible pieces.
o Video: Can be a LIVE presentation, power-point slideshow, linked YouTube video
8. Add Links
 Add links to previous posts.
o To get more exposures.
o Previous posts will be shown in reverse order (latest post, recent post, older post)

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