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English 6

Quarter 3- Module 1


➢ To present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing

viewpoints on an issue.

Let’s Recall

Fact – Something that is true and can be supported by real information from
reliable sources.

Opinion – Someone’s expression of his/her own thoughts, a personal belief

or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. Sometimes, they
begin with the phrase: “I think that…I believe that..”

A. Directions: Identify whether the following statements are statements of

Fact or Opinion.

Example: Covid-19 is a global pandemic. Fact

I think that social distancing and wearing mask can end

Covid-19 transmission. Opinion

_______1. I think all learners in Paranaque chose online learning this school
_______2. The modules will be ready before the school opens according to
Sec. Briones.
_______3. I think that studying at home is more fun than going to school.
_______4. My teacher will check all my activity sheets even if we will not
have face to face learning.
_______5. I believe that the pandemic will end soon.

Let’s Understand

➢ Viewpoint - is a way of looking at something. If you believe ABS-

CBN followed the law and must continue to air its shows, this belief
is an example of your viewpoint on the issue of ABS-CBN franchise
renewal. Others may have different viewpoint as yours.

➢ To be able to present a coherent, comprehensive report on

differing viewpoint on an issue, you must follow a set of rules or

1. The report must have a single generalization, that is a topic


2. The body of the report should provide more specific

information that supports the topic sentence.

Example: On the issue of suspending classes until a vaccine for

Covid-19 is found.

Classes should continue even in the absence of Covid-19

vaccine because other means of learning can be adapted. (topic
sentence). The Department of Education is pushing for blended
learning which includes online, modular, and limited face-to- face
mode of learning depending on the needs and capacity of the
learner. Suspending classes can affect the future of many children
and pushing for it is a disservice to them. (information that support the
topic sentence.) (body)

Let’s Apply
➢ Directions: Put a star (✰) if the sentence is a topic sentence and a
check (✓) if it is a supporting statement or part of the body of the

✓ a. Animals are having difficulty finding homes.
✰ b. Population on earth is steadily increasing.
___✓__ c. More homes are being built.
___✓__ d. Roads are replacing arid lands to connect provinces to
___✓__ e. There is no control in the cutting of trees in forests.

1. ______ a. Money may be able to buy us relief, but it cannot provide cure.
______ b. Rich and popular personalities from all over the world were also,
among the sick.
______ c. Anybody can get infected.
______ d. Those with strong immune system have a higher chance of
avoiding diseases.
______ e. Health truly is more important than wealth.

2. ______ a. Bringing prepared snacks from home is much better than buying
snacks in the canteen.
______ b. Mother prepares snacks that I like.
______ c. The snacks that mother prepares are nutritious and delicious.
______ d. Mother makes sure that the food I eat is clean and well-
______ e. My snack is usually substantial and enough for me.

Let’s Analyze
➢ Directions: Create a topic sentence that shows your viewpoint on
the following pictures. Note: The first one is done for you.


Topic Sentence: Animals should be loved, not abandoned.


Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________.


Topic Sentence: _____________________________________________ .


Topic Sentence: _____________________________________________ .


Topic Sentence: ______________________________________________ .

Let’s Evaluate
➢ Directions: Read the topic sentences found in Column A. Match the
topic sentences to the following supporting details in Column B to
create a coherent, comprehensive report on the given issue. The first
one is done for you.

Column A Column B

__A__ 1. Farmers should use A. Fruits and vegetables grown using organic
organic fertilizers instead of fertilizers are healthier. Organic fruits and
synthetic fertilizers. vegetables do not have harmful chemicals that
can cause cancer. Organic fruits and vegetables
contain more vitamins and minerals which
strengthen the immune system.

______2. It is important to restrict B. News media outlets should be given the

people from other countries to freedom to report real and accurate information.
enter the Philippines. Threats to media personalities should stop.

______3. Social distancing must C. Fake news feed people with misinformation. It
be strictly observed. destroys personalities and distorts the truth.

D. Not all have access online and internet

______4. The government connectivity is not affordable to common
should focus on the Covid-19 people. Laptops and other gadgets are
pandemic before politics. expensive, too. If the government helps, less
fortunate students will be able to continue

______5. Press freedom must be E. Politicking slows down government efforts

upheld and respected. against Covid-19. Focusing on strategies and
proactive solutions will flatten the rising number of
infection and transmission.

______6. Fake news is harmful F. Social distancing lessens the probability of
and should not be tolerated. contracting a virus. Virus’ Inability to find a host
will weaken it and eventually die.

______7. The government should G. During investigation in Congress, it was

provide students with laptops revealed that ABS-CBN paid its taxes. NTC stated
that it complied with all requirements.
and internet connection.
H. Mass transportation can contribute to the
______8. Children should just rapid transmission of Covid-19. Social distancing
stay home and not be allowed may not be properly implemented inside
jeepneys and contact tracing would be
to go out of the house.

______9. Jeepneys must not be I. Children are not as responsible as adults are.
allowed to go back to the They may take their safety for granted and may
not be able to follow rules.
streets to lessen Covid-19
transmission. J. Our very first Covid-19 positives are Chinese
tourists from mainland China. Until Covid-19
______10. The ABS-CBN network transmission is contained, and numbers of
positives declined, it is best to restrict foreigners
deserves a franchise renewal.
from entering the country.

Let’s Create
Tribute to Teachers

Goal: Present a coherent, comprehensive report/speech on differing

viewpoints about the role of teachers in molding the character of
the youth.
Role: You are a learner, the class president of Grade VI- Matalino.
Audience: Your classmates and teacher
Situation: It is Teacher’s Day and being the class president, you are tasked
to present a speech (report) before your classmates and teachers. It should
be about the role of teachers in molding the character of the youth.

Product/Performance: Speech, Tribute to teachers

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