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Approval Code

 Remarks

Code 1 Approved

√ With Minor Comments: Revise and

Code 2 Resubmit, Works may proceed
With Major Comments: Revise and
The trench looks too Code 3 Resubmit, Works may NOT Proceed
close to the road, revise
Code 4 Reference and information only.
it. Add shoulder 0.5-1 m
from the edge of the Christian Berry/ Senior 2022/02/04
trench to the road Civil/Structural Engineer

Approval Authority Signature Date

These comments do not relieve the Contractor/ Vendor and/ or their

Sub‐contractors of their responsibilities to meet the requirements of
the Contract.

According to BK91-1101-GEN-999-CIV-
SPC-0003_1 Specification for Steel Works, the
Anchor Bolts should be High Strenght Bolt as per
ASTM F 3125

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