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Differentiate the variety of dispute resolution processes, including negotiation,

mediation, and arbitration.

From chapter 5, Arbitration and mediation constitute two distinct techniques for resolving

conflicts from the outside court. From the chapter highlighted above, there exists differences in

functionality, a mediator assists parties in reaching an agreement that is acceptable to all parties.

A mediator does not make a decision in a conflict. An arbitrator is more like a court in that he or

she decides the outcome of a disagreement based on available data and law provided in the

arbitrator. Negotiation is a process through which parties involved in a quarrel or disagreement

(fight) establish an agreement on which they can both concur. The mediator's primary job is to

enable debate and negotiations and effectively persuade the participants to collaborate to reach a

mutually acceptable settlement of their disagreement. In an ethical perspective, An arbitrator

may function as a mediator, and a peacemaker may act as arbitration by formal mutual consent to

a disagreement. The parties may also agree in advance that if mediation is satisfactory, the

mediator will issue the financial settlement in the form of an administrative judgment.

Arbitration, as opposed to discussion and conciliation, is legally binding. The arbitrator holds a

session comparable to a court trial and delivers a decision described as an "award" that cools to

form a joint.

Commercial clause

In our current generation there exist various clauses that has significant impacts on our

daily Businesses, for this case from chapter 6, I chose Commerce Clause. According to the

Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, Congress can regulate commerce with

foreign nations. The plain sense of this sentence could suggest a limited jurisdiction to control
economic commerce between residents of one state and residents of another. The Commerce

Clause gives Congressional responsibility to control commerce while restricting states' abilities

to regulate commerce in its most basic form. As a result, Congress and the states are free to

implement commercial regulations as they see fit. Recently, the Supreme Court has not shied

away from declaring congressional activities illegal. Commerce clause is composed of some

examples which include, airways, waterways and also roadways (Benoliel,2017).

Interpret how an in-depth knowledge of the U.S. Constitution or other sources of

law can benefit a business.

From the chapters 5 and 6 deduced above and according to Article V of the Constitution

establishes two procedures for proposing revisions to the instrument. First, Congress may

suggest modifications through a two-thirds vote on a bipartisan bill or by conventions convened

by the House of Representatives in response to petitions from two-thirds of the legislative bodies

this normally happens when there is a motion to either amend or reject any Business law. The

original purpose argument asserts that interpretations of a constitutional provision are compatible

with the primary objective of the present by those who authored and approved it. The

Constitution has undergone significant changes due to amendments and legal judgments. Outside

from it though, significant changes have happened in the Contemporary political environment

via statutory precedent of current legislation but instead of legislative adoption of new ones.

Article 1, section 8, clause 3 of the United States Constitution contains the commerce

clause. This gives Congress the power and authority to regulate international trade as well as

interstate trade. The central government was given this authority in order to bring standardisation

to interstate business. The United States Constitution's Article I, section 8 clearly empowers
Congress to "control interstate and foreign commerce, of the several states, and with Indian

tribes." This Article, known as the commerce clause, has a stronger impact on the company than

anything else in the Constitution of The united states. The Constitution has given Washington

several economic powers, including the ability to levy and collect taxes, mint money and

determine its value, govern export and import, and stimulate the professions and arts. The

American Constitution is unique in that it is not excessively specific in terms of economics.


Benoliel, U. (2017). The Interpretation of Commercial Contracts: An Empirical Study. Ala. L.

Rev., 69, 469.

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