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TEST 2 Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). You will listen to each recording twice. What is it? What is it? ©} You will hear teacher talking to his students about Australia. What is special about this land? A They celebrate New Year's Day in winter. B Winter is the hottest time of the year. -C Everything is upside-down in Austria. ©} You will heara boy talking about his problems. What does he do when he feels stressed? A. He deals with his stress only by exercising, 8 He deals with his stress by squeezing a pet. © He deals with his stress by exercising and squeezing something. © You will hearan American man talking about Thanksgiving Day. How does he feel about it? “A Ieis his favourite holiday, 8 He doesn like it because he isa vegetarian and never tries roast turkey. © He doesn't like taking part in Thanksgiving Day parades through his town. Task 2 Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose 7 if the statement is true according to the text, Fif it is false. You will listen to the text twice. “ ; The man has already spoken about public transportation. ©} The man speaking is talking to people from the UK. Getting a university degree takes |). from two to seven years. © a third of your life. © three years, Yactuna «4uTannA» Task 4 Read the texts below. Match choices (A — H) to (17-21). ‘There are three choices you do not need to use. First ofall you shouldn't overeat, and try to keep to a det. Irs also important to have some PT at least twice a week, IF you want to look fresh go to bed before II. The safety of Zyrtec, at daily doses of Sor 10 mg, has been demonstrated in 376 pediatric patients aged 6 to 11 years in test lasting up to four weeks and in 254 patients in 12-weeks tests. Ten investors foresee no return of interest in the Argentine markets because of the country’s economic chaos and default in January. ©) 101989 News International entered the television market launchinga satellite TV network Sky Television. ‘The magnificent palace of Hampton Court situated on the bank of the river was builtin the 16# ceneury. The best way to get there is by water tram or by train. TV Programme Advice on Keeping Fit Medical Report Ares News ‘Communications News Business News Tourist Guide Information Sport News zanmones Task 5 Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (A,B, C or D). Holidays can be long or short and they can last from one night to more than three weeks. Different people choose different types of holiday. Some want to go abroad and sunbathe, some prefer to go to local resorts and visie che local ateractions and some want to visi places far away to experience a different culture. A tourist resort is a place that attracts a large number of visitors because it has lots of interesting places to visit and things to do. The majority of holidaymakers will vsic a recognised holiday resort of some kind, either in their country or abroad. 123 ‘The most often visited holiday resorts in Britain are Hastings and St Leonards. It offers visitors a variety of attractions, such as the Hastings Castle, the Muscum and Art Gallery, the White Rock Theatre and the Cliff Railways. Hastings is a seaside town and has been a fishing pore for centuries. The fishing quarter is one of the most fascinating parts of the town. It also has plenty of greenery, parkland and wooded areas. St Leonards is next to Hastings. Ie is a new town with elegant squares and beautiful gardens. Before deciding whether to visit an area, it is a good idea to look at the attractions on offer to make sure there's something that interests you. Tourist information offices, travel agents, the Internet and brochures can often give you this information. QD) The duration of a holiday includes “A no more than three weeks. “Bone night and three weeks. least one night. Dat least three weeks. ® Most people that go on holiday A choose to go abroad. “b. prefer to visita famous place. “prefer to visit a local place. choose to stay in the country. QD Hastings is located “A by the sea. 'B inapark. © ina wooded area. 0 ina fishing quarter. & Se Leonards is “A in Hastings. ® far from Hastings. © close to Hastings. D below Hastings. & To choose a holiday place that interests you, you have to @ peste igs first visit the area. first look for information. D have good ideas, Task 6 Read the texts below. Match choices (A — H) to (27-32). There are two choices you do not need to use. D Many first-time visitors are surprised to encounter one of the most materialistic societies on the planet. But forall is India remains an utterly compelling destination. Its distincrive patina casts a spell thar few ages omit wane tear eee ante > The climate of most of Thailand is governed by three seasons: rainy (roughly June to October), caused by the southwest monsoon; cool (November to February); and hot (March to May). ‘The cool season is the most pleasant time to visit and the most popular. 124 Japan is never going to be a cheap place to travel, but there’ no reason why it should be wildly expensive either. Some of the most atmospheric and traditionally Japanese places to stay and eat are often those that are the best value. Brunei’s climate is hot and humid, with average temperatures in the high twenties throughout the year. Lying 440 km north of the equator, Brunei has a tropical weather system, so even if you visit outside the official wet season there’ every chance that you'll see some rain. ) Many Aboriginal people — especially in central Australia — have managed to maintain their traditional way of life, speaking their own languages and living according to their law. Conversely, most Aboriginal people, supported by dole cheques and other subsidies, often fall prey to a destructive cycle of poverty, ill-health and alcoholism, Famous for its beaches and music, brash Jamaica is much more besides. The island boasts vibrant towns and cities such as Kingston, which inspired the music of Bob Marley and countless other reggae superstars. In which place can tourists, 2 A meet the most materialistic societies on the planet © learn about traditional way of life of aboriginal people “© experience tropical climate “D enjoy beaches and music of countless reggae superstars & enjoy the most popular cool season “© collect things connected with famous writers watch street actors and musicians 4) find reasonable prices Task7 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. The universal symbol of Internet era communications, the @ sign used in e-mail addresses (33) 5 is actually a 500-year-old invention of Italian merchants, a Rome academic has revealed. Giorgio Stabile, a science professor at La Sapienza University, claims (34) of the symbol’s use, as an indication of a measure of weight or volume. He says the sign represents an amphora, a measure of capacity based on the terracotta jars used (35) in the ancient Mediterranean world. ‘The professor unearthed the ancient symbol in the course of research for a visual history of the 20 century, (36) . The first known instance of its use, he says, occurred in a letter written by a Florentine ‘merchant on May 4, 1536. He says the sign made its way along trade routes to northern Europe, where it came (37) , its contemporary accountancy meaning. Professor Stabile believes that Italian banks may possess even earlier documents bearing the symbol lying forgotten in their archives. “The oldest example could be of great value. Ie could be used for publicity purposes and (38) ” he says. The race is on between the mercantile world and the banking world. ‘Ato signify the word “at” “© to have scumbled on the earliest known example © to represent “at the price of” to be published by the Treccani Encyclopedia © to see who has the oldest documentation of @ 6 to learn how popular it has become D to transport grain and liquid “Alto enhance the prestige ofthe institution that owned it 125 = 2 | a a a 4 a ; = Task Read the text below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer (A, B,C or D). Elizabeth [was thelongest-reigning English monarch in nearly two centuries and the first woman to successfully (39) the English throne. Called Glorianna and Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth (40) enormous popularity during her life and became an even greater legend after her death. Elizabeth's reign was a time of great (41) and achievement, It was marked by her effective use of Parliament and the Privy Council, a small advisory body of the important state officials, and by the development of legal institutions in the English countries. Elizabeth firmly established Protestantism in England; under Elizabeth, England again (42) with the pope, Catholic services were forbidden, priests were allowed to marry, and relics and decorations were removed from the churches. Elizabeth encouraged English enterprise and commerce. During Elizabeth's reign, England (43) trade overseas and the merchant community grew. Private shipbuilding boomed and navigational advances made long sea voyages (44) And finally, he defended the nation against the powerful Spanish naval (45) known as the Spanish Armada. In 1588 Queen Elizabeth I of England (46) toher naval troops at the port of Tilbury, located outside of London on the Thames River, before their battles with the Spanish Armada off the English coast. Her personal appearance (47) much for her popularicy, and the defeat of the Spanish fleet was a (48) factor in ensuring England’ naval and imperial supremacy over the following decades. Her reign, known as the Elizabethan Age, was noted for the English Renaissance. Her court was a center for poets, writers, musicians, and scholars. D | whe 8 | sit © occupy D seize ®D |W | cok 18 | enjoyed | pleased D | went 7 D | & | prosperity (8 favour © happiness D | goodwill > W | agreed 8’ | gaveup € | yielded 1D | broke ® Wh exwended B | rose | sapanded | burse D |W | exace 8 | shore ¢ | safer direct DW power 8B | force “© | strength | capacity @ | | spoke 8 | addressed “© | performed ‘announced D |W | gave p made “© | influenced D \did DW gathered | decisive © collected attractive Task 9 Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Big Ben (49) as Great Britain’s most famous clock and one of London's best known sights, situated on the bank of (50) river Thames and being an important part of the city’s skyscraper. 126 “There is some misunderstanding as to the name itself. Some people refer it to the clock tower itself, (51) use the name just to the clock. Factually, strictly speaking the name Big Ben is the name of one bell, the largest bel in the clock. Irrespective of the definition, Big Ben is massive. The tower is 316 foot high. (52) of the four faces ofthe clock is 23 foot square and the figures are each 4 foot tall. “There are some legends as to the origin of the name Big Ben. Some people believe it appeared about during the parliamentary debate to consider naming the clock — after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was known as “Big Ben’. “Another possibility is chat the name referred to Benjamin Caunt, a heavyweight boxing champion of the time (53) nickname was “Big Ben’. 7 ©} © hasbeenknown 5 knows D | isknown D |a}e 8 an © | the o|— A others Behe others © another others > |e DW Bvery © Each [all D | Both ® | i | who 8 which © | whose D | whom Get informed about the way of life of the Brits. Everyone in the UK speaks English, but some speak (4) language as well British food is not che bes in the world, but cher are alot of good restaurants in London serving food from many countries, A British family doesn’ often go out (55) dines, but when a man and a woman wants to get to know each other better, a restaurant is sometimes the best place to meet. Most British people take a (56) holiday in July or August and go to the country. There is still some beautiful open countryside in Britain, with lovely valleys full of (57) and peaceful lakes and hills. When people are (58) holiday, they like just sitting in the sun, but some others want a bit more. “Special interest” holidays are very popular, and you can find a hundred interesting things to do in Britain. Dh another © other © others D | other's ® | w | back Bia © about D |to Db wo-weeks 2 evo-week © ewo-week’s D two-weeks’ ® | 0 | stip 8 | sheep © | ships 1) | sheeps D | wow © up © | away D {on 127 Yactuna «fluchma> Writing ® You have received a leter from your English penfriend in which he/she writes that he/she is not feeling very confident, Write a letter to your penfriend giving some advice and tips on how to feel better about himself/herself «thank her/him for sharing the problem with you ‘* mention the things you like about her/him and how they make her/him special « give suggestions to her/him on how to become more confident Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way. 128

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