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TEST 3 Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). You will listen to each recording twice. What invention is it? © You will hear a boy talking about his little brother. What do they have in common? 4 They love tiding their bikes. 8 They don’t care for books. (© They are fond of drawing, © You will hear a boy talking about fashion. What is his point of view? “}. He doesnt like to look different. “© You have no style if you wear what everybody wears. “(He wants to wear odd clothes. © You will hear a boy talking about the national parks in California. Why did he choose them for his holidays? | He has never been to America. 18 He wants to take pictures of California. “© He believes that nature wonders are worth seeing. Task 2 Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose Tif the statement is true according to the text, Fif itis false. You will listen to the text twice. Tgeeer OD For centuries people were proud of Westminster Abbey. The Poet’s Corners inthe Houses of Parliament. <<) The Courts of Justice meets in Westminster Abbey. Pein) () Ashistory shows the Houses of Parliament were rebuilt three times. Task 3 Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). ‘You will listen to the text twice. <> The present-day name of the Club is “) the All England Croquet Club. “® the All England Lawn-Tennis and Croquet Club. “© the All England Lawn-Tennis Club, & ‘Women who took part in one of the first championships A wore short tennis whites. “8 used graphite rackets. © were good at tennis. 130 @ Lawn-tennisis “i French in origin. “English in origin “(American in origin. Cs First tennis players were ® professionals, Scie Sree o To join the Club is not easy because “Ah the entrance fee is high. |B tennis equipment is expensive. “(its membership is limited. Yactuna Tropical Scorm Billblew tight pas the National Weather Service’ new five-day forecast, hitting Louisiana less than a day and a half after the first storm advisory was issued. Herbie Mann, the versatile jazz flutist who combined a variety of musical styles and deeply influenced genres such as world music and fusion, has died. He was 73. ‘An Australian Christian school has banned the new best-selling adventure of teenage wizard Harry Potter, saying the book promotes evil witchcraft and magic. Jefferson City police on Wednesday were investigating why a Missouri plant employee shot and killed three co-workers and wounded five others late Tuesday night before apparently fatally shooting himself. “A Science “Shopping Task 5 Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). “The average American has limited and fixed view of Indians. The knowledge available is too sparse to show the realty of present Indian life. ‘American Indians are the poorest of the poor. They are the worst educated, clothed, fed, and housed group in the nation; with high rates of disease. Unemployment is overwhelming. The life of the Indian in American society equals in bitterness and misery that of the Appalachian white, the migrant Mexican farm worker, and the ghetto Black. ‘The United States government has done vireually everything for the Indian. But where adequate medical services, food, employment, and educational facilities are available, they have been either inadequately used or rejected outright by the Indians. I appears indisputable that the core of the problem is not economic. On the Shoshone Bannock Reservation at Fort Hall, Idaho, a Senate subcommittee learned that suicide rates for Indian teenagers were perhaps 100 times the national average. For the nation as a whole, the rate of Indian crime and arrest is greater than that of any other minority group in America. Present Indian life centers on misery and bitterness. Yet most Americans feel apathetic or hostile to their Indian citizens. > Ihe Indian suicide rate is greatest for i cae: 8B widows. the elderly. widowers. Ihe Indian reservation mentioned in the article is located in “A South Dakota. B Idaho. D Ohio. D> The average American's view of Indians is A prejudiced. critical. “© limited. D underestimating, & The author is critical of the white man’s attitude to the ghetto Black. the amount of money and services provided for Indians. “© the Indians’ hostility toward whites. 0 the white man’s indifference to Indian problems. & The author states that Indians sometimes “A refuse ro accept government aid. |B work for lower pay than other minority groups. “© take advantage of one another’ poverty. D except the foreign aid. 132 Task 6 Read the texts below. Match choices (A — H) to (27-32). There are two choices you do not need to use. D About 10,000 BC, man frst strced eating flax bread —a baked combination of flour and ware. About 3,000 BC, Ancient Egyptians started fermenting a flour and water mixture by using wild yeast. Since wheat is the only grain with sufficient glucen content to make a raised or leavened loaf of bread, wheat quickly became favoured over other grains grown at the time, such as oats, mille, rice, and barley. @& 11202 AD, England adopted laws co regulate the price of bread and limit bakers profits, Many bakers were prosecuted for selling loaves that did not conform to the weights required by local laws. Asa resule of the “bread trials” in England in 1266, bakers were ordered to mark each loaf of bread so if a non- conforming loaf turned up, the baker could be found. The bakers’ marks were the first trademarks. @ 10150 BC, the first bakers guilds were formed in Rome. Wealthy Romans insisted on the more exclusive and expensive white bread. Roman bakeries produced a variety of breads and distributed free bread to the poor in times of need. ‘The 1928 invention and introduction of the commercial bread slicer were soon followed by the introduction of the automatic toaster. Toast consumption increased as a result of both inventions. However, in 1943, the US Secretary of Agriculture banned the sale of sliced bread in an effort to hold down prices during an era of wartime rationing. Since bread was a daily food item for most people, even those with poor diets, specific amounts of iron, thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin were added to white flour. This enrichment programme was a major factor in the elimination of pellagra and beriberi, as well as in reducing anaemia. In 1998, folic acid, key nutrient in the prevention of serious birth defects, was added to all enriched grain foods, including bread,” QD There ae various forms of bread from all parts of the world. Some Italian originated bread is Chapate and Ciabarta, Cornbread is originated from the Southern United States. Matzo is Jewish bread served at Passover meals, Naan originated in India, and tortilla is Mexican bread. There are numerous kinds of bread to try. In. what way ? “A. was bread and law connected /B_ was grain chosen to make bread -C was bread a mark of social position did technical progress influence bread “Eis bread a treatment for some diseases lid many sorts of bread appear -G do the restaurants serve bread lo people eat bread Task 7 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. ‘There's no chance of Valerie Cook falling asleep on the job, for shes a supervisor to a team of overnight Word- processor operators with an international law firm in London. Her shift starts at 11 pm and finishes at 8 am. “Then it's time to put on the dark glasses and go home in time to get the children to school. ‘The company set up the overnight unie 15 years ago to produce legal documents more rapidly, (33) . Valerie expects her team to have excellent typing skills, be flexible (34) _ As she explains, “Ar night you're on your own. ‘You can't just pick up the phone, say “help” (35) Valerie's staff work with complex legal documents which they have to decipher, transcribe, print (36) , when the proofreaders come in to check them. ‘Working to such deadlines is hard, especially when the body's nacural rhythms have been disturbed. Adapting +o night work is difficult (37) . The other downside, she says, is day colleagues who are sometimes completely ignorant of the night service's existence. Valerie says this can be frustrating, “but the company is doing its best to include us in department events (38) “© and can take up to six months © and deliver by 6 am the next morning “© and earn more money for fewer hours “0 and expect your problems to be solved “£ and is well-suited to working unsociable hours © and make us feel like part of the unit ‘G and now runs a 24-hour operation, seven days a week Hand take pride in what can be a difficult job YacTuna «BHKOpHCTaHHA MOBH> Use of English Task 8 Read the text below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). ‘When people first began to write, they did not use an alphabet. Instead, they drew small pictures 0 (39) the objects they were writing about. This was very slow because there was a different picture for (40) word. The Ancient Egyptians had a (41) of picture writing that was (42) hieroglyphics. ‘The meaning of this writing was forgotten for a very long time but in 1799 some scientists (43) a stone near Alexandria in Egypt. The stone had been there for (44) a thousand years. It had both Greek and hieroglyphics on it and researchers were finally able to understand what the hieroglyphics meant. ‘An alphaber is quite different (45) picture writing. Ie (46) of letters or symbols that represent a sound and each sound is just part of one word. The Phoenicians, (47) lived about 3,000 years ago, developed the modern alphabet. Ie was later improved by the Romans and this alphabet is now used (48) throughout the world. D |W notice ® | show © appear > mark @ | | some 8 all © | every b | any DW practice 8 manner © plan D | system ® 4 known called © described > referred © & discovered \B | realised © | delivered | invented D | w | cuite “| more © over 0 already D |wla 8 from © before “between 4 D |b | consiss ® | includes © contains D | involves DW which 8 whose | what D | who @ & \broadly | widely © deeply (© | higely Task 9 Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). People all over the world know Maxwell House Coffee brand. Here is a bie of history. In 1873,a grocery salesman named Joel Cheek became interested (49) coffee and made his own unique blend, Realizing that he (50) a fine brew, he decided to sell it, One of the South's (51) hotels, the Maxwell House, liked his coffee and began to serve it to guests; hence the name Maxwell House Coffee. In 1907, on returning from a bear hunt in Mississippi, President Theodore Roosevelt was a guest of the Ladies Hermitage Association at Andrew (52) homestead in Nashville, Tennessee. He (53) a cup of Maxwell House Coffee. Upon being offered a refill, he remarked on the excellent uality ofthe coffee and uttered the famous line, “Delightful. This coffee is good to the last drop” Apparently when Roosevelt talked, people listened. D | W | for ® | afer © lin |» at Dh created 8 ascreated © hadereated | wasereating D © good | best © | better D | thebest ® |b | ackson | [Jacksons (© | Jacksons’ @ | Jacksons d “A | was served |e is served © | served D | serving In 332 BC Alexander the Grea, king of Macedonia, (54) __ Egypt. In 305 BC Alexander’ general Ptolemy became king of Egypt, and for almost 300 years his (55) » the Peolemies, ruled Egypt. Although Ptolemy was Macedonian by birth and the Prolemies remained tied to Greek culture, they were (56) for one of the greatest periods of building and decorating temples in Egypt. ‘The Prolemies did so to win (57) for their rule from their Egyptian subjects. ‘The Ptolemaic dynasty ended when Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, committed suicide after the Romans defeated her forces at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. ‘The Roman victory marked the end of ancient Egypt as an (58) power. ® | & | conquered @ lire © | conquering D | conquest Db descend © descending © | descended | descendants ®D | & | responsible © | responsibly © responsibility | responsive D |b | accepe “8 accepted © acceptance @ laces D |W | depend B | independence | € | independent D | depending 135 Mactuna «lacbmo» Writing 59 You have received a letter from your English-speaking penftiend in which he/her writes that his Dad bought him a laptop and now he/she can play computer games everywhere. Write a letter to your penfriend in which you tell him/her «© what teenagers in your country do in their free time + if you like or dislike computer games and why + what you use computers for Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information, Start your letter in an appropriate way. 136

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