Certified Project Manager IPMA Level D (Test-) Multiple Choice Examination Questions

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Certified Project Manager IPMA Level D®

(Test-)Multiple choice examination questions

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Guideline time for this section of the exam 110 to 120 minutes
Number of tasks 100
of which Type A (single choice) 40
Type B (multiple choice) 30
Type C (decide whether true or false) 30

Maximum points score per competence area Points
Technical PM competences 70
Contextual PM competences 15
Behavioural PK competences 15
Max. points score 100

Marking of MC questions and text-based tasks

Areas of competency MC Text-based Maximum Min. points
questions tasks points score score
Technical PM competences 70 50 120 (60%)
Contextual PM competences 15 20 35
Behavioural PK competences 15 20 35
100 90 190 114

Permitted aids: open books

Note: For the sake of simplicity masculine pronouns are used throughout this exam.

Issue: 31.07.2011 Version: M3-2011 Last edited: 31.07.2011

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

Notes on the sample examination

1. How to answer the questions correctly

• Carefully read through the whole question and the choice of answers.
• Answer all questions. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers.
• Each question left unanswered will be treated as an incorrect answer and will be
awarded zero points.
• Place an “x” by the right answer. Example:

00 000 0.00 Question

A Choice 1
B Choice 2
C X Choice 3
D Choice 4

Type A questions
• In the case of positive formulations, mark the only correct answer, or the most
appropriate answer.
• In the case of negative formulations, mark the only exception, the only incorrect
answer, or the least appropriate answer.
• Only one answer can be given per question.
• Each correct answer will be awarded one point.

Type B questions
• Two of the four answers (A) to (D) are always correct or most appropriate.
• Assign the two correct or most appropriate answers/statements to each
• Two correct answers will be awarded one point. Zero points will be awarded for
one correct answer or less.
• If the number of answers ticked is more or less than required, zero points will
be awarded for that question.

Type C questions
• One question is followed by four answers or supplementary statements.
• Assess whether each is true (+) or false (-) and mark them with an "x" accordingly.
• Regardless of whether the question is in the singular or the plural, there may be one,
two, three, or four correct answers, or even no correct answer at all.
• One point will be awarded for four correct answers, half a point will be awarded for
three correct answers and zero points will be awarded for two correct answers or

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

Type A questions

PM Technical competences

P03 301 1.01 Numerous studies show that the human factor is what determines the
success of a project. It is therefore important for project managers…

A ...to be supported by management.

B ...to utilize all aids.

C ...to have a good knowledge of MS Project (project planning tool).

D ...not to be given too much responsibility.

P03 302 1.02 What does a stakeholder (interested party) with a negative attitude
mean for a project?

A Usually represents a risk for the project.

B Usually represents an opportunity for the project.

C Is of no importance.

D Can basically be ignored.

P03 303 1.03 What advantages will the project manager have if at the same time as
defining the requirements he also defines the approval criteria for those

A There are not likely to be many changes.

B The number of requirements can be kept small.

C The requirements can be graded according to their importance.

D Approval criteria ensure the quality of requirements.

P03 304 1.04 Risk management focuses on two determining factors, namely:

A Quality and costs

B Planning and duration of the project

C Control and management

D Likelihood and implications

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 305 1.05 How can the cost of mistakes be minimized in the project?

A Through good project planning

B By implementing planned assurance measures

C By holding frequent project meetings

D Through good communication

P03 306 1.06 In a project, a decision is taken to replace the project manager. Which
project participant has the power to take such a step?

A The controller

B The client

C The project manager

D The user representative

P03 307 1.07 The team skills required of a project member can be described in terms
of several specific aspects. However, only three of the answers below are
correct. Which of the following answers is not relevant to project work?

A Ability to communicate

B Ability to cooperate

C Ability to form relationships

D Ability to integrate

P03 308 1.08 A project involves completely different types of problems. What is a
target problem?

A The material solution (product) does not meet the requirements.

B A person's behaviour does not comply with the conduct expected in the
context of a project.

C Deviation from the expected objective and the predicted ultimate

objective of the project

D Deviation between expectations regarding cooperation within the team

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 309 1.09 A project structure plan (PSP) is normally sufficient for simple, non-
complex projects. Four aspects are listed below; three are common
aspects and one is of negligible importance for a simple PSP. Which
aspect is not important?

A Place orientation

B Object Orientation

C Activity orientation

D Phase orientation

P03 310 1.10 What is an important stage in the process of defining the scope of

A Creation of the basic project plan

B Clarification of the project limits and the content of deliverables

C Clarification of the project budget

D Analysis of the necessary staff resources

P03 311 1.11 What is a project phase?

A A cost object in the project

B A decision-making body

C A period in the life of a project

D A project milestone

P03 312 1.12 If the project manager is too late in planning the deployment of his
resources he must expect that…

A it will not be possible to comply with the project budget.

B there will be no possible way of meeting the scheduled end date.

C the scope of the project will need to be scaled back.

D the desired staff will be tied up in other projects.

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 313 1.13 What is an ideal precondition for the start of cost planning?

A A list of processes

B A project plan

C A resource plan

D A risk analysis

P03 314 1.14 The following list gives important stages in the procurement process.
Only three of the answers are correct. Which answer is not part of the
procurement process?

A Preparation of project requirements

B Identification of external service required

C Definition of requirements to be met by external service providers

D Decision on type of contract

P03 315 1.15 A change request (CR) is a request for a change in the scope defined in
the project. We distinguish between various types of change requests
(scope change, business change, technical change, claim). A change
resulting from contractual agreements which have been entered into, but
which one contracting party is unable to comply with is…

A ...a claim

B ...a scope change

C ...a business change

D ...a technical change

P03 316 1.16 Assuming you're working on a five-year project, how often should you
take assess the project status?

A Quarterly

B Weekly

C Monthly

D Fortnightly

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P03 317 1.17 What is recorded in a project glossary?

A Name of the project

B Basic concepts and technical terms

C Project order and project goals

D General information

P03 318 1.18 In the context of a project, written information has three main purposes.
Which of the answers below is not among them?

A To inform people about something they need to know for their project

B To get people to do something that leads to project results

C To persuade people to stick to or modify their assumptions regarding a

project situation

D To provide people with as much information as possible

P03 319 1.19 What risks does the project entail? What are the likely consequences? At
what stage in a project should these questions be discussed?

A Discuss with client

B Start of conception phase

C Kick-off at start of project

D End of project initialization phase

P03 320 1.20 The project completion phase is subdivided into four process stages.
Which of the four process stages includes post-project costing?

A Product acceptance

B End-of-project analysis

C Securing experience

D Project wind-up

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P03 321 1.01 The following list includes three factors that can cause a project to fail
and one success factor. Identify the answer that describes a factor in the
success of a project.

A Little acceptance of the project among heads of department

B Sufficient availability of the project staff from their other duties

C Delays in taking decisions

D Project manager does not have sufficient powers.

P03 322 1.02 Relationships with stakeholders have various characteristics. One of the
four answers below is not correct.

A Direct participation in the project process

B Successful team work

C Interest in and expectations of the project

D Affected by results of the project

P03 323 1.03 Four causes leading to the failure of projects are listed below. Which is
the most common cause?

A Technical requirements are too high.

B Insufficient risk management in the project

C Poor communication

D Little team building in the project

P03 324 1.04 If risk A occurs, risk B can no longer occur. This possible relationship
between risks means that

A …risks reinforce each other

B …risks are mutually interdependent

C …risks are mutually exclusive

D …there is an accumulation of risks

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P03 325 1.05 Quality assurance is a component of quality management. Which

operating activity/measure forms part of quality assurance in the

A Audit

B Planning

C Status report

D Communications plan

P03 326 1.06 The choice of project organization depends on many factors, the
significance of which may vary from company to company and from
project to project. However, which of the following factors has no
impact on the choice of project organization?

A Project management

B Project size

C Project duration

D Available resources

P03 327 1.07 How can team meetings be structured effectively? If…

A ...the discussion has a clear objective.

B ...the relevant decision-makers do not take part.

C ...the interim results are not documented.

D ...the discussion is not subject to any clear rules.

P03 328 1.08 In common parlance, any source of disturbance is described as a

problem. However, problems have different backgrounds: deviation, risk,
problem, crisis, conflict, disaster. Which of the answers below describes
a 'crisis'?

A Complex and entailing a high degree of emotional involvement for those


B Ever-present as a real factor and bound to occur

C Not certain to occur

D Refers to an incompatibility, e.g. of opinions or facts, between two or

more people

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P03 329 1.09 What is an important characteristic of a work package?

A Several people should always be named as responsible for the work


B It should be assigned globally to multiple organizational units

C It can only be on the top structural level

D It includes a completed deliverable which is clearly distinct from other

work packages

P03 330 1.10 Deliverables are results produced during the course of the project. They
are classified, for example, according to their priority. Which group of
deliverables should be given the highest priority?

A Optional deliverables

B 'Nice-to-have' deliverables

C Mandatory deliverables

D 'If there's still time' deliverables

P03 331 1.11 In a sequential process model…

A the project phases are based on separation of the constructive activities.

B the various project phases are arranged along a time axis.

C the product is developed in the form of product stages.

D the aim is to achieve as precise a result as possible with small

development stages.

P03 332 1.12 The resources that can be deployed in the project consist of operating
resources, financial resources and staffing resources. Which of the
following elements comes under the category of operating resources?

A Test system

B External staffing resources

C Internal staffing resources

D Money

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 333 1.13 In the cost plan for a project, costs are broken down according to units
of time. What does this mean?

A The project costs are assigned to the project months.

B The project costs are assigned to the service providers.

C The project costs are assigned to the milestones.

D The project costs are assigned to materials and resources.

P03 334 1.14 Any decision taken in the procurement process of a project is based on
criteria. What is the definition of an 'absolute must criterion'?

A The criterion can only be answered with a "yes".

B The criterion can only be answered with a "yes" or a "no".

C The criterion is not definitive.

D The criterion can be weighted.

P03 335 1.15 Which change in the project has virtually no impact on its costs?

A Change in the scope of the project as laid down in the project order

B Change in the line (business) requirements for realization laid down in

the concept

C Change in the technical requirements for realization determined in the

concept phase

D Changes in the project team

P03 336 1.16 The project manager gathers data for the status report every month. For
the purposes of a statement on the dates he should collect at least the
following data.

A Actual expenditure and expected remaining expenditure

B Actual state of progress/current state of progress

C Risk trend

D Actual starting date and actual finishing date

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P03 337 1.17 Depending on the event within a project, listeners can be systematically
influenced with a presentation. Four possible ways of exerting influence
are listed below. However, there are only three correct answers. Which
answer is not correct?

A The knowledge of the target group

B The behaviour of the target group

C The understanding of the target group

D The ability of the target group

P03 338 1.18 What is a particularly important form of communication in a project?

A Bilateral discussions with the project staff

B Circulating minutes

C Project meetings and workshops

D Conversations during breaks

P03 339 1.19 What is a typical event giving rise to a mandatory project?

A Legal requirements (e.g. change of currency)

B Customer handling process is not working ideally.

C Market advantage obtained by having a quality management system

D Increase in customer complaints

P03 340 1.20 At the end of the project, there are a few formalities to be dealt with.
What needs to be done in relation to the project order?

A Project contract; verify compliance by the contractual partner

B Verify compliance; identify open points

C Verify changes carried out and their impact on the guarantee

D Guarantee statement; scope, time scale, contact person

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Type B questions

P03 341 1.01 An all-round successful project consists of the success of the project
handling and the success of the product. Two success metrics for the
project product are listed below for which success criteria can be defined
in the project.

A Acceptance

B Quality

C Cost

D Cost-efficiency

P03 342 1.02 In the case of medium-sized to larger projects, it makes sense to classify
(subdivide into groups) stakeholders in slightly greater detail. Two of
the answers below describe aspects of a possible subdivision into

A Aspects relating to resources consumed

B Aspects relating to planning

C Aspects relating to involvement

D Aspects relating to influence over power

P03 343 1.03 In the goal-finding process for a project, goals are normally subdivided
into at least two categories. Two of the answers below describe the
two most important categories of goals.

A Procedural goals

B Formal goals

C Non-monetary goals

D System goals

P03 344 1.03 When all goals in a project have been defined, they should also be
weighted. In an initial stage, the goals are subdivided into two goal
criteria for weighting. Name these two categories.

A Mandatory goals

B Optional goals

C Corporate goals

D Customer goals

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P03 345 1.05 When planning quality, it is necessary to determine the requirements to
be applied to the product and the project handling process. Here there
are two opposing quality characteristics.

A Quality requirement

B Quality management costs

C Cost of defects

D Result of the quality measurement

P03 346 1.06 Project organization includes the structural and procedural organization
(project organization and project process) for the handling of a certain
project [DIN 69901]. Two important points should be taken into
account when endeavouring to establish an ideal project organization.

A There should be a clear agreement with line managers.

B There should be transparent project planning.

C There should be targeted preparation (e.g. training of participants, etc.).

D There should be an extensive project structure plan.

P03 347 1.07 The formation of a team should start with members putting themselves
in the picture and coming together (hence forming phase). Which two
attributes can be observed in team members during the forming

A The members feel uncertain.

B Most members still adopt a cautious wait-and-see attitude.

C Struggles for power and position break out.

D The management style of the project manager is called into question.

P03 348 1.08 The problem-solving process proceeds in sub-steps. There are two
important tasks in the 'data collection and analysis’ step.

A Assessing data

B Collecting all relevant data

C Evaluating solutions

D Arranging data

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P03 349 1.09 Which two components does a project structure plan always include?

A Subprojects

B Work packages and processes

C Project costs

D Project organization

P03 350 1.10 The following lists two examples of deliverables as they might be
defined in a project. Which are they?

A Risk catalogue

B Business case

C Project definition

D Concept phase

P03 351 1.11 Two of the answers below describe important attributes of a project

A A project phase is a period in the life of a project.

B A project phase is a prerequisite for the implementation of the project.

C A project phase ensures that quality aspects are adhered to.

D A project phase is objectively separate from other phases.

P03 352 1.12 Two of the answers below are examples of possible operating
resources for a project.

A External project members

B Office supplies

C Training premises

D Money

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P03 353 1.14 In a contract two areas are listed as legal rules.

A Place of jurisdiction

B Applicable law

C Warranty and rectification of defects

D Involvement of the client

P03 354 1.15 Any change in a project should be documented. Two of the answers
below explain why. The documentation…

A ...serves as evidence.

B ...is used to implement the request.

C ...is used to verify the change made.

D ...is used to rectify defects

P03 355 1.15 When assessing a change request, it is first necessary to assess
whether… (there are two correct answers)

A ...the proposal is within the scope of the project.

B ...the change should be carried out.

C ...the proposal is beyond the scope of the project.

D ...a new business case needs to be prepared.

P03 356 1.11 Which two planning instruments assist the project manager in
preparing the project timetable?

A Stakeholder matrix

B Communications plan

C Bar chart

D List of work packages

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P03 357 1.18 Every message consists of at least two components. Please identify
these components.

A Factual content

B Feedback

C Dialogue

D Information on the sender as a person

P03 358 1.18 The response of the message recipient shows the sender whether and
how the message was received. Two of the answers below describe
rules for constructive feedback.

A Feedback should be open and honest.

B Feedback should be understandable and usable.

C Feedback should make global statements.

D Feedback should be manipulative.

P03 359 1.19 Two of the answers below indicate possible reasons why a project is
started in a company.

A Recruitment of new staff

B Sale of the company

C System prioritization (according to development strategy)

D External needs (changes in the law, market trend)

P03 360 1.20 Two of the answers below form part of important completion work at
the end of the project.

A Informing all passive and active participants

B Preparation of a to-do list

C Coordination of stakeholders

D Preparation of the project wind-up record

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P03 361 1.07 Why is team work particularly suitable for project work? There are two
correct answers.

A In a project team, everyone works for themselves.

B There is little need for communication in a project team.

C A project team creates the necessary synergies.

D A project team is characterized by particular diversity.

P03 362 1.02 Stakeholder groups form the project environment and can affect the
development and success of the project. It is therefore important to
analyse the project environment for two reasons.

A To identify the boundary conditions and influencing factors

B To define and weight the project goals

C To work out the project requirements

D To determine the influence of stakeholders

P03 363 1.02 What are the two main functions of a stakeholder analysis?

A It indicates the technical feasibility of a project.

B It provides information on the general environment surrounding a


C It forms the basis for marketing the project.

D It indicates the economic feasibility of a project.

P03 364 1.04 As part of risk management, the project manager identifies and
evaluates the risks and opportunities of his project. This process stage
provides him with two important results. What are they?

A Likelihood of occurrence

B Damage potential

C Action list

D Lessons learned

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P03 365 1.05 A test plan forms an important part of a project. It is only through the
test plan that all participants know in advance what is controlled when,
by whom and how. The test plan should list at least two components.

A Project plan

B Test objective per deliverable

C Responsible organizational units

D Project structure plan

P03 366 1.06 The project office assists the project manager with the administration
and coordination of a project. Two of the services listed are not part
of the project office’s tasks.

A Keeping minutes at project meetings

B Preparing the draft version of a project presentation

C Preparing and monitoring the project budget

D Technical management of the project staff

P03 367 1.06 A project client holds all powers and responsibilities for his project. At
the same time, though, there are some important aspects he needs to
take account of. Which two answers below describe these aspects?

A Representation of higher corporate strategy

B Support in the event of crises in the project

C Management of all resources released

D Taking account of the framework conditions for the project portfolio

P03 368 1.03 The boundaries of a project (what forms part of the project and what
does not) must be clear to all participants. To this end, the project team
names two target parameters in the goal-finding process.

A Relevant project goals

B System goals

C Non-goals

D Procedural goals

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P03 369 1.09 The project structure plan establishes an overview and serves as the
basis for at least two additional project plans. Two of the answers
below describe these plans.

A Communications plan

B Information plan

C Expenditure plan

D Schedule

P03 370 1.02 Two of the answers below indicate possible project stakeholders
(interested parties) in a medium-sized company (software for internal
software distribution). The project is being financed from the company's
own funds.

A Client

B Users of the project results

C Investors

D Legislators

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Type C questions

PM Behavioural competences

P03 371 2.01 + - The task of agreeing objectives with project staff means
determining desired and realistic end results. Agreeing on
objectives has effects that control behaviour. Which of the
answers below are correct?

A They motivate.

B They manage the various work assignments.

C They prevent conflicts.

D They guarantee correct outcomes in terms of deliverables.

P03 372 2.02 + - What does job enlargement mean?

A Change of task areas

B Increase in the volume of work

C Increase in work requirements

D Recording working hours

P03 373 2.01 + - In a project, employee-based management means…

A Defining the project task

B Defining roles in the project

C Waiting to see what happens in the event of conflicts

D Defining communication channels

P03 374 2.04 + - The project management’s assertiveness is a function of three

modular components. Which of the answers below are correct?

A Personal conviction and self-confidence

B Methodical knowledge of project management

C Personal conduct and authority

D Communication and negotiating skills

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P03 375 2.01 + - Which basic approaches are characteristic of a cooperative style of

A Task-focused

B Less pronounced focus on relationships

C Focused on relationships

D No clear focus at task level

P03 376 2.01 + - What is delegation?

A Clarification of expectations

B Long-term or case-by-case assignment of goals and tasks

C Motivating employees and teams

D Establishing a creative working atmosphere

P03 377 2.07 + - Creativity requires openness and a willingness to think 'outside the
box'. What is conducive to thinking outside the box?

A Experience (e.g. there is only one solution to a problem)

B Change of location (e.g. looking at something from a different


C Visualization (e.g. brainstorming on a flipchart)

D Use of analogies (e.g. if …., what would…)

P03 378 2.07 + - A number of methods are listed below. Which are classed as
'creative methods'?

A System-based thinking

B Brainstorming

C Presentation techniques

D Data flow diagram

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P03 379 2.07 + - What are preconditions for high creativity?

A Curiosity and openness

B Sensitivity to problems

C Fearfulness

D Focus

P03 380 2.08 + - The project manager and the team are responsible for a results-
driven approach. This involves a number of important aspects.

A Overcoming failures

B Taking account of all stakeholders

C Prioritizing results by target groups

D Controlling the relevant environmental influences

P03 381 2.08 + - In project management, other terms are often used in connection
with "project success".

A Target achievement

B Customer satisfaction

C Project completion

D Termination of contract

P03 382 2.09 + - What is a reasonable approach on the part of the project manager
if efficiency is to be a component of team culture?

A Ability to delegate tasks and have confidence in others

B Notices suboptimal use of resources

C Ignores inaction and does not respond to warning signals

D Has no patience and gives up quickly

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P03 383 2.10 + - When dealing with people it is important to know whether those
we are dealing with have understood us as we intended. However,
when giving feedback, a number of rules should be observed.

A Naming observations in specific terms. Giving a precise description

of behaviour.

B Avoiding making judgements and condemnations.

C Expressing your own feelings in the first person (with "I"


D Not justifying, not giving reasons

P03 384 2.11 + - What are preconditions for active listening as a dialogue

A Interest and a willingness to listen.

B Forgoing your own contribution to the discussion.

C Interrupting your conversation partner frequently.

D Repeatedly, i.e. very frequently, asking questions of


P03 385 2.12 + - The main factors at the heart of conflict management and
resolution are:

A Promotion of direct and open communication

B Clutching at straws

C Promotion of mutual understanding

D Seeking common ground (common goals)

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PM Contextual competences

P03 386 3.05 + - What is management by projects?

A An explicit organizational strategy

B A dynamic filing system for the management of project documents

C External and internal staff recruitment

D A measure to preserve and improve the skills of the project staff

P03 387 3.01 + - What goals should a project management guide pursue in a

A Determining the bases for the general project process goals

B Selection of the project manager

C Determining the working methods adopted in projects

D Basis for issuing detailed orders in the context of a project

P03 388 3.01 + - Why should a project manual include a glossary?

A It ensures that specialist terms are used correctly and understood


B It ensures a uniform terminology standard in the project.

C It explains the process model used in the project.

D It prescribes the development guidelines in the project.

P03 389 3.05 + - What forms of employee participation should be adhered to in the

A Provision of information for the staff concerned.

B Making suitable staff available for the project

C Support in staff holiday planning

D Taking account of the opinions of staff

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 390 3.05 + - Which of the following are weaknesses of a project matrix

A Frictional losses

B Conflicts of powers and responsibilities

C Mandatory voting compensates for departmental egoism

D High requirements placed on staff

P03 391 3.06 + - What interfaces can there be between the company and the

A Staff

B Finance and Accounting

C Law

D Organization (structural and procedural)

P03 392 3.06 + - A profitability analysis in the project covers…

A ...the first two years after the end of the project.

B ...a project phase.

C ...the duration of the project.

D ...the entire product life span.

P03 393 3.06 + - Why can projects be regarded as temporary business

organizations? Which of the answers below highlight the

A Projects are limited in time.

B Projects include many requirements comparable with those of

business organizations.

C Projects have clear objectives.

D Projects have limited resources.

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 394 3.09 + - What does the World Health Organization mean by health?

A Health is physical well-being.

B Health is being athletic.

C Health is the capacity to perform.

D Health is mental and social well-being.

P03 395 3.09 + - Project work often depends on access to sensitive areas of an
organization, e.g. customer and staff data, intellectual property,
etc. Which of the following tasks can this give rise to for the
project manager?

A Cooperation with the safety officer

B Preparing and communicating directives for project staff

C Finding and evaluating possible sources of finance

D Taking out insurance for certain assets

P03 396 3.10 + - Project financing can have many forms and sources. Which
possible options could be considered for debt financing?

A Financing from the company's equity resources

B Loan financing

C Public subsidies

D Credit financing

P03 397 3.01 + - In project management, the project manager normally has
extensive tools at his disposal. Which of the following tools are
particularly suitable for project management tasks?

A Excel

B Office templates

C Planning software packages such as MS Project

D Development tools

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Examination IPMA Level D
Multiple-choice questions

P03 398 3.01 + - In projects, a distinction is drawn between management

documentation and system documentation. Which of the following
documents belong to the system documentation category?

A Project order

B Operator’s manual

C Test concept

D Requirements specification

P03 399 3.06 + - Which of the following describes a business case in specific terms?

A The "what" from a business point of view

B Technical solution

C Acceptance criteria

D Interfaces

P03 400 3.06 + - Once the project product has been prepared and tested it can be
delivered. Which of the following deliverables need to be in place
for delivery to proceed?

A Training documents

B Acceptance report and roll-out report

C Technical concept

D Requirement specifications

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