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bCarmel Convent Sr. Sec.

Assessment -5 (Jan 2022)
Subject :Science
Class : X Max Marks : 25

Date: 29/01/2022 Time Allowed : 1 hour

a) The question paper contains four sections .( A,B,C,D)-Overall 17 questions.
b) Attempt all the questions .
c) Do not disturb the sequence of answering the questions .
Section A [ 1x9=9 ]

Case 1: The compounds of carbon and Hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.

Carbon has the unique ability to form bonds with other Carbon atoms, giving
rise to large molecules. These compounds may have long chains of carbon,
branched chains of carbon or carbon atoms arranged in rings. In addition,
carbon atoms may be linked by single, double or triple bonds. The compounds
of carbon, which are linked by only single bonds between the carbon atoms, are
saturated compounds. Compounds of carbon having double or triple bonds
between their carbon atoms are called unsaturated compounds.

1. Write the formula and bond structure of ethene. 1M

2. Draw the electron dot structure of ethyne. 1M

3. Mention the formula of benzene. How many covalent bonds are present in 1M
benzene ?

Case 2 : Study the Circuit and answer the questions that follow

4. Calculate the resistance between the points P and Q 1M

5. Find the current flowing through the circuit. 1M

6. What will be the potential difference between the points A and B ? 1M

Case 3 :Food chains are very important for the survival of most species .When
only one element is removed from the food chains it can result in extinction of a
species in some cases. The foundation of the food chain consists of primary
Primary producers,can use either solar energy or chemical energy to create
complex organic compounds ,whereas species at higher trophic levels cannot
and so must consume producers of other life that itself consumes
producers.Because the sun’s light is necessary for photosynthesis ,most life
could not exist if the sun disappears.Even so ,it has recently been discovered
that there are some forms of life ,chemotrophs ,that appear to gain all their
metabolic energy from chemosynthesis driven by hydrothermal vents ,thus
showing that some life may not require solar energy to thrive.

7. If 10000J solar energy falls on green plants in a terrestrial ecosystem , how 1M

much solar energy will be converted into food energy ?

8. What limits the number of Trophic levels in a food chain ? 1M

9. What is the difference between the food habits of organisms belonging to the 1M
second and fourth trophic level?

Section B [ 1x3=3 ]

10. What will be the electron dot structure of a water molecule, which has the 1M
formula H2O ?

11. Carbon atoms can neither gain nor lose 4 electrons to attain noble gas 1M
configuration. Justify the statement.

12. Some time back, Kulhads ,that is disposable cups made up of clay, were 1M
suggested as an alternative .Why are kulhads not being used in trains now ?

Section C [ 2x2=4 ]

13. What is regeneration? State a reason why a more complex organism cannot give 2M
rise to new individuals through this method?

14. What is a Homologous Series ? Explain giving an example. 2M

Section D [ 3x3=9 ]

15. Account for the following : 3M

(a)The cord of an electric heater does not glow while the heating element
(b)The series arrangement is not used for domestic circuits.
(c) Tungsten is used almost exclusively for filament of electric lamps.

16. (a)Define theb unit of current. 3M

(b)A conductor carries a current of 0.2 A. Find the amount of charge that will
pass through the cross-section of the conductor in 30 Sec.
(c) How many electrons will flow in this time interval ?

17. Explain fertilization in a flowering plant with the help of a well labelled diagram . 3M

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