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1) What is a CPU core?

A core, or CPU core, is the "brain" of a CPU. It receives instructions, and

performs calculations, or operations, to satisfy those instructions. A CPU can have
multiple cores.

2) How does as a computer with multi core function?

Computer with multi core functions to perform parallel operations on a shared set
of data in the CPU's memory cache. It allows PCs to run multiple processes at the same
time with greater ease, increasing your performance when multitasking or under the
demands of powerful apps and programs.

3) What is hyper threading?

Hyperthreading (HT)is Intel’s name for simultaneous multithreading. It basically

means that one CPU core can work on two problems at the same time. It doesn’t mean
that the CPU can do twice as much work. Just that it can ensure all its capacity is used
by dealing with multiple simpler problems at once.

4) What is the difference between clock speed and processing speed?

Clock speed is the number of pulses that a crystal oscillator generates within a
second, and processor speed is the number of cycles completed by a processor within
a second. A processor should be synchronized by a clock, and therefore, processor
speed is depended on clock speed.

5) What is an SECPP and SEPP processor packages?

Single Edge Contact Cartridge (SECC/SECPP) is a central processing unit

(CPU) component designed to hold certain Intel microprocessors such as Pentium II
and Pentium III, Pentium Pro and Celeron. The SECC is also known as Slot 1
because it is inserted into Slot 1 on the motherboard.
SEPP (Single Edge Processor Package) is a type of CPU Packaging used
by some of Intel's microprocessors, most notably early Celeron processors which
plugged into Slot 1 on the motherboard.

6) What the difference between an SECPP and SEPP processor packages? Cite
examples for each.

SECPP and SEPP are similar except in the fact that Single Edge
Processor Package doesn't have the plastic covering of an SECC package. The
example of SECPP are Intel Pentium II and III processors while SEPP is Celeron

7) List down the Pentium microprocessor series in terms of:

a) Number of resistors used is 64-bit

b) Clock speed is about 66HZ to 300MHZ

c) Its advantages over its predecessor microprocessors are that it has 64-bit data
bus and 32-bit address bus with the use of superscalar architecture incorporates
a dual – pipelined processor, which lets and Pentium process more than one
instruction per clock cycle. In addition, both of data and code caches on the chip
is also a feature designed to improve processing speed and used a new
advanced computing technique which is the branch prediction that prevents
instruction cache from running dry during conditional instructions. Lastly, it has
64-bit data bus which means that it can perform data transfers with an external
device twice as fast as a processor with a 32-bit data bus.


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