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B032 RZ
Compare and contrast the situation of the Philippines during the 19th century and the present

 There are no Filipinos in  As of now, women are
the Spanish Cortes. able to participate in the
POLITICAL  Voting is restricted to political process
men only.  Anyone can apply for a
 The functions of the position.
church and state unions  The government and
were excessively church ministries are
complicated. now separated.

 Women were only  Women can now pursue

permitted to stay in their their own careers.
SOCIO-CULTURAL homes.  Women are free to
 Women were not socialize with people of
allowed to interact with the opposite gender.
men.  Women are not
restricted to their homes
and can perform some
male-dominated tasks.
 The friars owned  Filipinos are permitted to
haciendas. conduct trade with other
ECONOMIC  We are unable to trade countries.
with other countries.  The wage is now higher
 The pay rate is around 2 than in the past.
pesos.  Filipinos can now own
their own properties.
 Only men are permitted  Women can pursue an
to pursue an education education as well as a
EDUCATION SYSTEM and a profession. career.
 The educational system  Science and
was under the control of mathematics were now
the friars. heavily taught to
 Even in universities, students at all levels of
students were not given education, including
much lessons in science universities.
and mathematics.
Note: English or Tagalog answer is allowed.

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