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Name …………………………………………… Class …………… Date ……………

FILA A 3 Completa il testo inserendo in ogni spazio be, do, have o

will alla forma e al tempo appropriati.
1 Completa le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi al tempo My friend Lucy 1 ________ applied for a place on an
corretto. Ricorda di usare tutti i tempi verbali studiati Erasmus course in Spain. Yesterday she got a reply and
finora. she found out that she 2 ________ been accepted on the
1 Cindy _________________ (leave) at 4.00 tomorrow course. She 3 ________ expect to get a place because she
after her lessons.
________ speak Spanish and she
________ never been to Spain before. In fact she
2 Sam _________________ (talk) to his cousins when 6
________ expecting a letter of rejection. So yesterday
the waiter interrupted them.
she was really happy. She tried to call me but I 7
3 They _________________ (watch) TV while their
________ shopping in town and I 8 ________ hear the
daughters were washing up.
phone. When I got home and looked at my phone I
4 Dad __________ just ____________ (arrive) home. called her back. She 9 ________ tell me her news at first,
5 Claire _________________ (hate) clearing the table she asked me to guess, but I couldn’t. When she told me
but she has to do every day. I was really surprised.
6 We _________________ (meet) Tom while we were We 10 ________ arranged to go out this evening. She 11
waiting for the bus. ________ coming to my house at 6.30 and we
7 Which chores do you think men should 12
________ getting ready together here. Then we
_________________ (do)? 13
________ catching the bus into town. The bus leaves
8 The article, which _________________ (appear) in at 7.30 so we have got an hour. I think it
the newspaper yesterday, was very interesting. 14
________ going to be a great evening,
9 The lesson _________________ (start) at 9.00 today. we 15 ________ going to have fun. I 16 ________ tell you
10 How many children do you think you all about it tomorrow!
_________________ (have) in the future? Score ___ /16
Score ___ /10
4 Sei delle seguenti frasi contengono un errore.
2 Scrivi una frase per ognuna delle situazioni descritte. Individuale e riscrivile in modo corretto.

1 An affirmative sentence about a temporary situation: 1 When someone rings, you should to take a message.
__________________________________________ 2 I walked down the street and talking to John at the
2 A negative sentence about a future intention: same time.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
3 An affirmative sentence giving advice: 3 You shouldn’t wear old jeans to a job interview.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
4 A certain future plan: 4 We mustn’t walk to school every day, we can take
__________________________________________ the bus.
5 An uncertain prediction: __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 5 Yesterday I was seeing Mark in the library.
6 A question about a habitual action: __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 6 We was chatting when you called.
7 A question about a finished past event: __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 7 All the students has to arrive on time to school.
8 A negative sentence about a past experience with no __________________________________________
time reference: 8 Do you think I should tell the truth?
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
9 A sentence with a past action in progress that was Score ___ /8
interrupted by another past action.
__________________________________________ 5 Riscrivi le frasi usando un pronome relativo.
10 A negative sentence describing a prohibition.
0 There is a new teacher. The new teacher is American.
There is a new teacher who is American.
Score ___ /20 1 We have a dishwasher. The dishwasher doesn’t work.
Name …………………………………………… Class …………… Date ……………

2 Swimming is a sport. Most people enjoy swimming.

3 The Court is a new restaurant. You can try Turkish Riscrivi le frasi usando while e i verbi dati.
food at The Court. visit • travel • teach • sleep • have lunch • play
__________________________________________ 1 During Mr Blake’s lesson, some of the students fell
4 The coach is a woman. The coach trains the team.
2 Jane met her boyfriend on her journey in China.
5 A bat is a wooden stick. You use a bat to hit the ball
3 In the middle of the meal, Tom realised it was his
in baseball.
dad’s birthday.
4 In the middle of the concert, the guitarist felt sick.
6 This is the jacket. I am going to wear this jacket to
your party.
5 At her grandparents’ house, Kate got ill.
6 In my sleep, I dreamt that I was flying.
7 Jack is a boy. Jack plays football for the local team.
Score ___ /18
8 There is a park in town. You can play rugby in the
Score ___ /16

6 Completa il dialogo inserendo una parola in ogni spazio.

A: Hi Dan, how are you? I 1 ________ seen you for a

long time.
B: I know, I have 2 ________ really busy. 3 ________
you know I have got a new summer job?
A: I 4 ________ know that. What is it?
B: I’m 5 ________ for a sports company for six weeks,
during the tennis championship.
A: Oh wow, were 6 ________ working there during the
Federer match?
B: No, I wasn’t. I did 7 ________ feel well that day, I
had 8 ________ stay at home.
Score ___ /8

7 Scrivi domande appropriate per le seguenti risposte.

1 What time ________________________________ ?

The show starts at 5 o’clock.
2 Who _____________________________________ ?
I’m having lunch with Lucy.
3 Where ___________________________________ ?
I’m going to go the shopping mall at the weekend.
4 How long ________________________________ ?
We’ve been friends for years.
5 When ____________________________________ ?
My parents met in 1995.
6 How _____________________________________ ?
I’m feeling fine, thank you. FILA B
Score ___ /6
Name …………………………………………… Class …………… Date ……………

1 Completa le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi al tempo travel 3 ________ too expensive and I
corretto. Ricorda di usare tutti i tempi verbali studiati
________ know anyone in America so I 5 ________ got
finora. anywhere to stay. But I 6 ________ just seen an advert
for a summer job in America and I think I
1 Grandma _________________ (start) a new job 7
________ going to apply. The advert 8 ________ say
tomorrow. how much money they 9 ________ pay, and I think they
2 ___________ you ______________ (have to) help probably 10 ________ pay very much because they
around the house? provide your accommodation and food. Anyway I 11
3 Richard __________ just ___________ (call) from ________ going to apply and then if I get an interview I
the airport. 12
________ ask about the pay. My cousin Kate worked
4 I was looking at the new camera when I at a summer camp in the UK last year and she 13
_________________ (drop) it. ________ enjoy it at all. She 14 ________ like the job or
5 Gina has to _________________ (wash up) every the weather, but we 15 ________ very different, I’m more
day. sociable than Kate and I love kids, Kate 16 ________ like
6 That man, who you _________________ (speak) to kids so it was a strange choice of job.
yesterday, is the president of the football club. Score ___ /16
7 It started to rain while we _________________ (wait)
for the taxi. 4 Sei delle seguenti frasi contengono un errore.
8 John was washing up while Jack Individuale e riscrivile in modo corretto.
_________________ (clean) the table.
1 We don’t have to talk in exams, it’s against the rules.
9 Do you think it _________________ (rain)
tomorrow? __________________________________________
10 The train _________________ (arrive) at 5.15. 2 Ely is a city which you can see a historic cathedral.
Score ___ /10 __________________________________________
3 We were waiting for the bus when Lucy was
2 Scrivi una frase per ognuna delle situazioni descritte. arriving.
1 A negative sentence about a habitual action: 4 We should to study more.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
2 An affirmative sentence about a finished past event: 5 You have to wear a helmet when you ride your bike.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
3 An uncertain future prediction: 6 Yesterday I not have to go to school.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
4 A question about a past experience with no time 7 The school is a place where you learn.
reference: __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 8 What you were doing at 6 o’clock?
5 A certain prediction based on physical evidence: __________________________________________
__________________________________________ Score ___ /8
6 A negative sentence about a temporary situation:
__________________________________________ 5 Riscrivi le frasi usando un pronome relativo.
7 An affirmative sentence about a future intention: 0 There is a new teacher. The new teacher is
__________________________________________ American.
8 A negative sentence giving advice: There is a new teacher who is American.
__________________________________________ 1 Julie is a teacher. Julie works at a university.
9 An affirmative sentence describing an obligation: __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
10 A sentence with a past action in progress that was 2 Tennis is a game. People play tennis in summer.
interrupted by another past action: __________________________________________
Score ___ /20

3 Completa il testo inserendo in ogni spazio be, do, have o

will alla forma e al tempo appropriati.
I 1 ________ wanted to travel to America for a long time
now, but I 2 ________ been there because the cost of
Name …………………………………………… Class …………… Date ……………

3 I have a tablet. The tablet is blue. visit • phone • do • sleep • have • play
1 During breakfast, Tom finished revising for the exam.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
4 York is a city. You can see medieval buildings in 2 In the middle of the test, Mary started crying.
York. __________________________________________
3 On their journey in Norway, the tourists spent two
__________________________________________ days in Oslo.
5 The driver is a man. The driver has worked for our __________________________________________
company for 20 years. 4 In the middle of the night, Kate’s mobile phone rang.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 5 During the musician’s performance, some people
6 Lasagne is a dish. Many English people love fell asleep.
lasagne. __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 6 In the middle of my call, the mobile went silent.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
7 There is a book in my bag. The book in my bag has
Score ___ /18
got the answers in.
8 These are new boots. I bought the boots on Saturday.
Score ___ /16

6 Completa il dialogo inserendo una parola in ogni spazio.

A: Jools, what are you 1 ________ here? I didn’t know

you liked rugby!
B: I 2 ________, but my dad 3 ________ rugby and he
invited me along to a match so here I am.
A: Are 4 ________ enjoying the game?
B: Not really, I 5 ________ understand the rules.
A: Oh you 6 ________ come and sit with me, I can
explain the rules to you.
B: Thanks but I 7 ________ to wait here for dad, he
________ buying drinks and snacks for us.
Score ___ /8

7 Scrivi domande appropriate per le seguenti risposte.

1 What time ________________________________ ?

I saw Jo at 8.30 this morning.
2 Who _____________________________________ ?
I haven’t spoken to anyone this morning.
3 Where ___________________________________ ?
We’re playing football in the park this afternoon.
4 How long ________________________________ ?
I’m going to study English for five years.
5 When ____________________________________ ?
The bus leaves at 10.00.
6 Why _____________________________________ ?
We’re studying because we want to pass the exam.
Score ___ /6

Riscrivi le frasi usando while e i verbi dati.

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