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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y

Learning Activity Worksheets (LAW)

Second Quarter

Grade 12

NAME: _________________________________________ SCORE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: _____________________________ TEACHER: ________________

Week 4

ACTIVITY 1: Identifying Web Page Layout Elements

Direction: In this activity, you will highlight what you learned about Web page layout
elements in this lesson. Write your answers to questions in your answer sheet. Your
instructor may choose to review the answers as part of a class discussion. Some
questions are open-ended, so answers may vary.

1. If the content is the reason users will visit your Web site, then why is page layout
2. Name at least three basic elements of Web page layout.
3. Choose one of the basic layout elements you named in the previous question and
describe how that element affects the appearance and readability of a Web page.
4. In the previous question, did you describe a layout element that relates more to pure
aesthetics or to logical organization of content?
5. Name the most effective page layout style, and briefly describe how it compares to
another major media type.

ACTIVITY 2: Conducting a Web Site usability Test

Direction: In this activity, you will create tasks and questions that you could use to
conduct a Web site usability test. The questions will be based on the five distinct
elements of Web site usability. Write your responses in your answer sheet. Your
instructor may choose to review the answers as part of a class discussion. Questions
are open-ended, so answers will vary.
1. Consider the type or purpose of the Web site you might design. For example, might
you develop a travel reservations site? An online store that sells handmade greeting
cards? A site that reviews music CDs? For the purpose of this activity, specify the
subject and purpose of your Web site.
2. Now suppose that you have five participants reviewing your Web site for usability.
First, you must provide a list of specific tasks that you want each participant to perform
after he or she arrives at your home page. State at least three tasks you would ask
participants to perform at your site. Make the tasks as specific to your subject matter as
3. After your test participants complete the list of tasks you have asked them to perform,
you will ask each one a few questions to review whether your site satisfies the four
elements of usability. The first element of Web site usability is high -quality content. Write
at least one question you could ask participants about how they perceived the content
on your site (relative to subject matter).
4. The second element of Web site usability is easy navigation. Write at least one
question you could ask participants about their experience moving around your site
(relative to subject matter).
5. The third element of Web site usability is information architecture. Write at least one
question you could ask participants about whether content was organized into a logical,
flowing order (relative to subject matter).
6. The fourth element of Web site usability is search capability. Write at least one
question you could ask participants about whether the Web site offered them the ability
to quickly search for and find a particular topic (relative to subject matter).

Q2 Week 4 (Learning Activity Worksheet)

Target Competency: Develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change
and demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and
promoted for maximum audience impact (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IImp19 / CS_ICT11/12-
(Government Property. Not for sale)

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7. The f if th element of Web site usability is relevant services . Write at least one question you could ask
participants about whether the Web site of fered them the services they want and expect.

ACTIVITY 3: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the importance of getting feedback?
A. It does not matter C. To know the good points and flaws of your site
B. To brag about it D. To know who among your friends are honest to you
2. What is the most crucial consideration to do when content is not your original work?
A. Duplicate the original

B. Do not tell anyone about it

C. Claim it

D. Make sure to acquire your resources through legal ways

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a multi-page website?
A. More textual content to display

B. You may include a lot of photos

C. There could be a hefty amount of content

D. Viewers may get tired of browsing when they have an unstable connection

4. Following are qualities of a good website developer, except:

A. Able to plan for everything C. Ill-tempered

B. Creative problem solver D. Passionate for knowledge

5. Which of the following is NOT a possible goal of a website discussed in the

A. Informing the audience C. Turning down audience

B. Generating new opportunities D. Building relationships with subscribers

6. Which of the following features could help your website to inform the viewers?
A. Make blogs C. Upload photos
B. Upload videos D. All of the above

7. What is the first step in the Web design process?

A. Build a website C. Plan your website

Q2 Week 4 (Learning Activity Worksheet)

Target Competency: Develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change
and demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and
promoted for maximum audience impact (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IImp19 / CS_ICT11/12-
(Government Property. Not for sale)

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B. Maintain a website D. Select a Web Host

8. Which of the following are reasons to build a website?

A. The ability to reach more people C. Provide information about area of interest
B. Inform audience about a subject D. All of the Above

9. Which of the following is NOT a part of maintaining a website?

A. Analyzing website traffic C. Search engine optimization

B. Finding a Web host D. Making sure the website functions correctly

10. What is a website bug?

A. A microscopic insect which feeds on Internet code

B. A problem which occurs when a website does not function as expected

C. A type of programming language which automatically builds complex
D. An area of a website in which users can modify the site for their own unique

TIII/LPCNSHS – Dona Josefa Campus

Q2 Week 4 (Learning Activity Worksheet)

Target Competency: Develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change
and demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and
promoted for maximum audience impact (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IImp19 / CS_ICT11/12-
(Government Property. Not for sale)

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