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A. Involved and their arguments
 Senator Francisco Rodrigo - former Catholic Action President,
 Senator Mariano Cuenco - “attacked dogmas, beliefs and practices
of the Church. The assertion that Rizal limited himself to castigating
undeserving priests and refrained from criticizing, ridiculing or putting
in doubt dogmas of the Catholic Church is absolutely gratuitous and

- Cuenco touched on Rizal’s denial of the existence of purgatory as it

was not found in the Bible and that Moses and Christ did not
mention its existence
- brother of Julio Rosales, an archbishop.

 Senator Decoroso Rosales - brother of Julio Rosales an archbishop.

 Catholic Church and groups such as:
 Catholic Action of the Philippines
 congregation of the mission
 Legion of Mary
 Knights of Columbus
 Daughters of Isabela
 Catholic teachers guild
- organized opposition to the bill
- They write to congressmen and senators showing their opposition to
the bill and organised symposiums
- They claimed that it would violate freedom of conscience (or
freedom of thought - freedom of an individual to hold or consider a
fact) and religion

 Fr. Jesus Cavanna - argued that novels belonged to the past and that
teaching them would misinterpret current conditions
- (Oppositors) He described Noli Me Tangere as an attack on the
clergy and alleged that the novel was not really patriotic because
out of 333 pages only 25 contained patriotic passages while 120
and 50 in El Filibusterismo are against catholic faith or contained
anti catholic statements
 (Radio commentator) Jesus Paredes “Catholics had the right to refuse
to read them as it would endanger their salvation”
 *Catholic schools threatened to close down if the bill was passed
- Later on, school gave up the threat but threatened to punish
legislators in favour of the law in the future elections
- Bacolod City Bishop Manuel Yap threatened to campaign against
pro-rizal bill legislators had to punish them in future elections.

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Answer of Recto regarding this statement: Recto told them that if
they did, the State could nationalize the catholic schools. When
there was a proposal to use the expurgated novels as textbooks and
put the original copies under lock and key in the school libraries,
Recto rejected this amendment and expressed:

“The people who would eliminate the books of Rizal from the
schools…would bot out from our minds the memory of the national
hero…this is not a fight against Recto but a fight against Rizal…now
that Rizal is dead and they can no longer attempt at his life, they
are attempting to blot out his memory.”

 (Archbishop of manila) Rufino Santos - protested in a pastoral letter

that Catholic students would be affected if compulsory reading of the
unexpurgated version were pushed through.
 Other oppositors were from Lower House:
 Congressmen Ramon Durano
 Marciano Lim
 Jose Nuguid
 Manuel Soza
 Godofredo Ramos
 Miguel Cuenco
 Lucas Paredes
 Congressmen Carmen Consing
 Tecia San Andres Ziga.

 The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) -
submitted a pastoral letter to which according, Rizal violated Canon
Law 1399 which forbids or bans books that attack or ridicule the
catholic doctrine and practices.
- They suggested a reading material for students as to what they
called Rizalian Anthology, a collection of Rizal’s literary works that
contain the patriotic philosophy excluding the two novels.


B. Involved and their arguments:
 Groups such as:
 Veteranos de la revolución (spirit 1896)
 Alagad ni Rizal
 Freemasons
 Knights of Rizal
 Women Writers of the Verrnacular
 Philippine Veterans Legion
 Colleger Editors’ Guild
 Philippine School Teachers’ Association.

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 Recto and Laurel- defended the bill and argued that the only
objective of the bill is to keep the memory of the national hero alive in
every Filipino’s mind, to emanate Rizal as he peacefully fought for
freedom, and not to go against religion.
- He did not believe the threat sating that the school were too
profitable to be closed
- He was charged as communist and anti-Christ by the Catholic
 Mayor Arsenio Lacson call anti-rizal bill “bigoted and intolerant” and
walked out of a mass when the priest read a pastoral letter from the
Archbishop denouncing the Rizal Bill
 Senators LorensoTanada
 Quintin Paredes
 Domocao Alonto of Mindanao - also defended Rizal Bill
 Also favored by Representatives from the House
 Congressmen Jacobo Gonzales
 Emilio Cortez
 Mario Bengson
 Joaquin Roxas
 LancapLagumbay
 Pedro Lopez

 1955 senatorial campaign
 May 12 - controversy ended with unanimous approval of a substitute
measure that accommodated the objections of the catholic hierarchy.
Though still provided that the basic texts in collegiate courses should
be unexpurgated editions of 2 novels, it was now possible for students
to be exempted from using unexpurgated editions on grounds of
religious beliefs
⁃ Opponents: claimed victory
⁃ Proponents felt they had at least gained something

 Excitement and intense scenes were eventually arisen in settling the

Rizal Bill. One of which was the debate of Cebu Representative
Ramon Durano and Pampanga Representative Emilio Cortes
that ended with a fistfight in Congress.

 Due to apparently never-ending debate on the Rizal Bill, approved

amendments were formulated through ideas of three senators. Senator
Laurel’ created an amendment to the original bill in which, other that
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, works written by Rizal and works
written by others about Rizal would be included and reading of the
unexpurgated revision of the two novels would no longer be
compulsory to elementary and secondary levels but would be
strictly observed to college level. Senator Lim suggested the

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exemption to those students who feel that reading Rizal’s novels would
negatively affect his or her faith. Senator Primicias created an
additional amendment that promulgates the rules and regulations in
getting an exemption only from reading the two novels through
written statement or affidavit and not from taking the Rizal
 According to historian Ambeth Ocampo, no student has ever
availed of this exemption. After the revised amendments, the bill
was finally passed on May 17, 1956 and was signed into law as
Republic Act 1425 by President Ramon Magsaysay on June 12 of
the same year.

 Cardinal Rufino J. Santos (archbishop of Manila)

The cardinal tried to stop Congress saying: “We, the Catholic Philippine
Hierarchy maintain that these novels do contain teachings contrary
to our faith and so, We are opposed to the proposed compulsory
reading in their entirety of such books in any school in the
Philippines where Catholic students may be affected. We cannot
permit the eternal salvation of immortal souls, souls for which We are
answerable before the throne of Divine Justice, to be compromised for the
sake of any human good, no matter how great it may appear to be. “For
what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffer the loss of
his own soul?” We view with alarm any obligatory reading of these
objectionable passages for they can be easily exploited by those who hate
the Church as an opportunity, under the guise of patriotism, under the cloak
of the spirit of nationalism, to imbue, with legal sanction (that is, by law, to
be enacted by Catholic legislators) the minds of our youth with ideas which
are inimical to their religion”

The Monsignor detailed the clergy’s objections:

1.In these two novels we find passages against Catholic dogma and
morals 11 where repeated attacks are made against the Catholic
religion in general, against the possibility of miracles, against the doctrine
of Purgatory, against the Sacrament of Baptism, against Confession,
Communion, Holy Mass, against the doctrine of Indulgences, Church
prayers, the Catechism of Christian Doctrine, sermons, sacramentals
and books of piety. There are even passages casting doubts on or
covering with confusion God’s omnipotence, the existence of hell, the
mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity, and the two natures of Christ.
2.Similarly, we find passages which disparage divine worship ,12 especially
the veneration of images and relics, devotion to the Blessed Virgin and the
Saints, the use of scapulars, cords and habits, the praying of rosaries,
novenas, ejaculations and indulgenced prayers. Even vocal prayers are
included, such as the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Doxology, the Act of
Contrition, and the Angelus, Mass ceremonies, baptismal and exsequial rites,

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worship of the Cross, the use of holy water and candles, processions, bells
and even the Sacred Sunday obligations do not escape scorn.

3.We also find passages that make light of ecclesiastical discipline ,

13 especially in what concerns stole fees, alms to the Church, alms in
suffrages for the dead, authority of the Pope, excommunication, education in
Catholic schools, Pontifical privileges, Catholic burial, the organization of
nunneries and monasteries, Confraternities, Third Orders, etc.
4.These are the actual findings from a serene and impartial reading of the
two novels. Much to Our regret then, We feel it our sacred duty to come to
the conclusion that these works, as any other of their kind, fall under Canon
Law 1399 of the code of Canon Law which establishes:
By the law itself are forbidden…
… 2 Books of any writers defending heresy or schism, or tending in any
way to undermine the very foundations of religion;
… 6 Books which attack or ridicule any of the Catholic dogmas, or which
defend errors condemned by the Holy See, or which disparage divine
worship, or strive to overthrow ecclesiastical discipline, or which have the
avowed aim of defaming the ecclesiastical hierarchy or the clerical or
religious states;…

Conclusion on this statement: If the Church had succeeded in doing this,

the novels would have been forgotten today and the nation would have
been all the poorer in thought and inspiration.
In addition, the Church wanted to erase that shameful part of our
Philippine history where its priests were more engrossed with
temporal power than everlasting life and the teachings of Christ.
Why can’t our Church just say “sorry” to the nation for having many of its
priests during the Spanish colonial period doing the oppressing of the natives
of these islands?

The artist sketches below, dating back to the 19th century, show what
Filipinos truly felt about the friars then. They disembarked on our
island thin:

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To continue with our report, I am Kezia Santosidad, I will be discussing who were the people
that were against Rizal Law and their arguments about it.

As said earlier, Riza law is considered as one of the most controversial bills in the Philippines.
Before, ma approved and ma implement sa mga schools ang Republic Act 1425, it had been
brought to the Upper and Lower House of the Congress for deliberations.

But what made this bill controversial, was not just about the fiercely opposed by some
legislators, but also by the Catholic Church, dahil included sa batas na ito, ang compulsory
reading of Rizal’s novels in which according to them, catholic dogmas are humiliated.

So first we have the three senators na against sa Rizal Law, sila ay sina Senator Franscico
Rodrigo na isang Former Catholic action President, Senator Decorozo Rosales and Senator
Mariano Cuenco na mayroong kapatid na archbishop

As we see their background it is obvious why they were against about this law

According to Senator Mariano Cuenco, He was against implementing Rizal Law, because as
he said Rizal attacked dogmas, beliefs and practices of the Church.

Ang ibig sabihin ng dogmas ay principle o eto ung mga prinsipyo ng Catholic church

Nasabi ito ni Senator Cuenco dahil according sa mga novels naisualat ni

Rizal, ay dinedeny ni Rizal ang existence ng purgatoryo which taliwas sa
itinuturo ng mga Katoliko

Isa pang hindi sang ayon sa pag implement ng batas na ito ay si Fr. Cavanna / for him ang mga
novels na ni rerequried na basahin ng mga stundents ay part na lamang ng ating past

He also added na pwede magkaroon ng misunderstanding dahil nga sinasabi nila na against si
Rizal sa paniniwala ng mga Katoliko

Also SINABI din ng Archbishop ng Manila na si Rufino Santos, through his pastoral letter
sinabi nya na makakaapekto ang pag implement ng Rizal Law sa mga Catholic students
if compolsurary and ung original version ang ipapabasa sa kanila which includes the beliefs of
Rizal that said to be against the Catholic principles

Followed up by a radio commentator na si Jesus Paredes, sabi niya na may right ang mga
catholic students na mag refuse na basahin ang mga novels ni Rizal dahil pwedeng makaapekto
ito sa kanilang paniniwala

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Despite sa mga naging arguments nila, it is not enough to change the minds of Senator Recto
and Laurel, because according to them the only objective of the bill is to keep the
memory of our national hero alive in every Filipino’s mind

Senator recto wanted to show the filipino youth, on how rizal fought for our
freedom in a peaceful way and not to go against the religion

Ung naging way naman ng mga Catholic schools rito para maipakita ung pagkontra nila noon ay
tinakot nila ang kongreso na magsasara sila if mapasa ung Rizal Law

Pero hindi natinag si Senator Recto sa threat na ito dahil at the end ung mga catholic schools rin
ang mawawalan, kasi sila ung mawawala ng kita pag nagsara sila

So later on, binawi ito ng mga Catholic schools instead sinabi nila na babawian nila ang mga
legislators na papayag sa Rizal law sa susunod na election.

For as sa mga catholic groups, such as Catholic Action of the Philippines, Congregation of the
mission, legion of mary at iba pa, they claimed that once mapatupad ito it will violate the
freedom of conscience and religion

Pinakita nila ang opposition nila through writing to senators and congressmen and organizing
symposium para mas mapagusapan ang pag implement ng batas


Kung nag succeed ang mga taong against sa Rizal Law, most probably
nowadays, limot na natin ang mga novels ni rizal, We also believe that if this
law was not implmeneted our nation would have been poorer in
thought and inspiration.

In addition, gusto ng mga Catholic Churches, burahin sa history natin

ang shameful part kung saan ang mga priests noon ay mas engaged
sa temporal power kesa I engaged nila ang mga sarili nila in
proclaiming the teachings of Christ.

So ung sketch na nakikita nyo ngayon it is dated back 19th century, this
shows how Filipinos felt about friars back then

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