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Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.


Process Description

1.1.1 unit operations of overhead tank:-


 The bottom slab of the tank shall be constructed of reinforced cement concrete 1:1:5:3 (1
cement: 1:5 coarse sand : 3 stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size).
 The bottom slab shall be supported on structurally adequate supports of brick masonry
walls / reinforced cement concrete beams / or rolled steel sections and shall be given a
mild slope towards the scour pipe outlet.
 If the slab is supported on brick masonry walls, the top of the walls shall be provided
bearing plaster.
 If the slab is supported on the RCC beam, this can be either integral or simply supported
as the situation may prevail.


 The walls of the tanks shall be constructed using brick masonry in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) of class 7.5N of bricks.

 The first course of brick masonry shall be laid immediately after concreting of the base
slab, i.e., when the concrete is still green to form a good bond and avoid leakages or
 The remaining masonry shall be raised and complete within a week of laying the slab.


The fittings recommended for the masonry water storage tank shall be of galvanized
iron(GI), and the same shall be assumed in the following specification.

A. Scour Pipe
A 40 mm dia pipe is joined with a 40 mm 'T' pipe to prevent slipping, which shall be
embedded inside the wall to serve as a scour pipe. The end of this scour pipe shall
be provided with a socket and plug.

B. Delivery Pipe

The delivery pipe shall be of 20 mm dia fixed with 'T' to prevent slipping which
shall be fixed at least 30 mm above the bottom slab of the tank to prevent silt at the
bottom of the tank entering the pipeline and choking it.

C. Overflow Pipe

The overflow pipe shall be of 25 mm, socket at the internal end, and shall be fixed
at the freeboard level of the tank at a convenient point to drain out the overflow.
The length of the pipe, including the socket, shall be 30 cm.

D. Inlet Pipe

The inlet pipe shall be 20 mm with a 20 mm socket at the internal end and socket or
elbow at the outer end as required, which shall be fixed at the freeboard level.


 The base slab and the sidewalls shall be plastered from inside with 15 mm thick
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand).

 The plastering activity shall be carried out within one week of construction of
the side walls.

 The junctions of the wall and the base slab in the interior and those between
walls shall be rounded with mortar 1:3 to reduce the water pressure on the

 All the joints of the inlet, delivery, scour, and overflow pipes shall be made leak
proof entirely.

 A coat of neat cement punning shall be applied to the plaster on the surface of
the walls and the base slab on the inner side of the tank.

 The same shall be carried out at the top of the tank to serve as bearing plaster
for the top side.
 The external wall of the tank shall be plastered with 12 mm thick cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand).


 The curing of RCC, brickwork, and plastering shall be as per general

specifications of curing.

 The tank shall be filled with water on the first day for half the capacity and to
the full level a day thereafter.

 In order to prevent cracks from developing in concrete due to shrinkage, the

water in the tank shall be kept until the tank is put into use.


 The top slab shall be of precast reinforced cement concrete of 1:2:4 mix, 5 cm

 The size of the top slab shall be such that it projects by 15 mm on all sides
beyond the external finished faces of the tank wall.

 The top of the slab shall be rendered smooth while casting.

 While casting the top slab, the frame of the C. I. hinged cover shall be fixed
beforehand so that it is embedded in concrete.


 The tank shall be tested for water tightness at full supply level.

 The requirement of the test shall be deemed to be satisfied, if the external faces
show no sign of leakage and remain dry throughout the observation of seven
days, after allowing seven days for absorption after filling.

1. Construction of Borewell

The Geological Department or Central Ground Water Board / Public Health Engineering
department of the State Government should, be consulted wherever necessary, for proposals of
deep tube-wells. Where the "normal-water-table" is at greater depth, it would be economical and
preferable to sink deep tube-wells instead of open-wells.

2. Selection of Drilling Contractor:

Drilling contractor should have work experience and should know the local geology.
Officer/superviso ralong with contractor should survey the existing wells in the area as it will
provide important information about:

• Typical yields and water quality

• Which aquifer to tap into

• Trends in well design and construction

• Prior drilling success rates.

3. Choosing a Well Site:

Choice of well site will affect the safety and performance of well. Most contaminants enter the well
either through the top or around the outside of the casing. Sewage or other contaminants may
percolate down through the upper layers of the ground surface to the aquifer. It should be ensured

• The well is accessible for cleaning, testing, monitoring, maintenance, and repair.

• The ground surrounding the well is sloped away from the well to prevent any surface run off from
collecting or ponding.

• The well is up-slope and as far as possible from potential contamination sources such as septic
4. Trial boring:

Before sinking of pipes, samples of strata are examined for yield and samples of water taken
for analysis. From the results obtained, the area of strainer necessary for the quantity of water
required and the strata in which the strainers should be located are decided upon.

5. Samples of water for analysis:

For a large water supply, water should be drawn from as great a depth as possible to
eliminate the danger of bacteriological contamination which can be expected in water drawn
from the upper strata. Water drawn from deep ground is likely to be bacteriologically pure. As
the water obtained from deep wells may contain certain dissolved impurities, the chemical
analysis of water to determine its suitability for drinking is always necessary and samples
should be sent for the test.

6. Minimum Distance Requirements:

Provincial regulations may outline minimum distance requirements. In absence of those, the
following may be considered and borewell should be away by

• 10 m from a watertight septic tank

• 15 m from a sub-surface effluent disposal field or an outdoor pit privy

• 50 m from sewage effluent discharge to the ground surface • 30 m from pesticide or fertilizer

• 50 m from above-ground fuel storage tanks

• 100 m from a manure storage facility or manure collection area or livestock yard

• 100 m from dead animal burial or composting site

• 50 m from the outer boundary of a graveyard

• 450 m from any area where waste is or may be disposed of at a landfill

Borewell design and construction details are determined after a test hole has been completed
and the geological zones have been logged. There are many components to well design and
decisions should be made about:

• Type of well

• Intended use
• Well depth

• Casing material, size and wall thickness

• Intake design

• Annular seal

• Monitoring and preventive maintenance provisions.

7. Selecting Type of Well

There are two main types of wells, each distinguished by the diameter of the bore hole. The
two types are bored wells and drilled wells.

Bored wells

Bored wells are constructed when low yielding groundwater sources are found relatively
close to the surface, usually under 30 m (100 ft.). Bored wells are constructed using a rotary
bucket auger. They are usually completed by perforating the casing or using a sand screen
with continuous slot openings. One advantage of bored wells is the large diameter of the
casing, from 450-900mm which provides a water storage reservoir for use during peak
demand periods. A disadvantage is of utilizing a shallow groundwater aquifer and water
shortages may occur following long dry periods in summer. It is also more susceptible to
contamination from surface land-use activities.

Drilled wells

Drilled wells are smaller in diameter, usually ranging from 100-200 mm, and completed to
much greater depths than bored wells, up to several hundred metres. The producing aquifer
is generally less susceptible to pollution from surface sources because of the depth. Also,
the water supply tends to be more reliable since it is less affected by seasonal weather

8. Well Depth

During the test hole drilling, a lithologic or formation log should be prepared. Soil and rock
samples are taken at various depths and the type of geologic material is recorded. This help
in identifying the zones with the best potential for water supply. Generally, a well is completed
to the bottom of the aquifer. This allows more of the aquifer to be utilized and ensures the
highest possible production from the well.
Casing Size and Type

The casing must be large enough to house the pump and should allow sufficient clearance
for installation and efficient operation. Casing of one nominal size larger than the outside
diameter of the pump is sufficient. There are two common materials used for casing: steel
and plastic. Steel casing is the strongest but is susceptible to corrosion. Plastic casing is
becoming more popular because of its resistance to corrosion. All casing must be new and
uncontaminated. Plastic casing must be made of virgin resin, not recycled material.

Intake Design

Water moves from the aquifer into the well through either a screen or slotted or perforated
casing. Screens are manufactured with regularly shaped and sized openings. They are
engineered to allow the maximum amount of water in with minimal entry of formation
sediments. Stainless steel screens are preferred because they are strong and relatively able
to withstand corrosive water. Pre-slotted plastic pipe are also used as they are economical.
Screens are manufactured with various slot sizes and shapes to match the characteristics of
the aquifer. A good screen should allow the flow of water into the well and should be effective
in holding back the formation sediments. Cuttings from the borehole should be examined and
a judgment should be made whether to use a screen, or slotted or perforated casing/liner.
While a screen is the more expensive alternative, it is necessary if the aquifer is composed
of loose material such as fine sand, gravel or soft sandstone. A slotted or perforated
casing/liner can be used when the aquifer formation is more consolidated, such as hard
sandstone or fractured shale.

Verticality of Tube Wells

Tubewells must be perfectly vertical. A simple method is to use plumb disk. Two disks made
out of 3mm thick steel plate are connected together by a rod of 25mm diameter and 3 m long
tightened with the help of nuts at the ends. Some holes are punched in plates to facilitate
immersion in water. Page 9 of 32 A knob is fixed on the top nut to which a thin steel wire is
attached. The disk is suspended into the tube by the wire passing over a pulley on a tripod.
When the disk is lowered into the pipe, the wire is exactly in the centre of pipe. When the
disks are further lowered down and if the well pipe is not truly vertical, the wire will deviate
from the centre and that shall be indicated at the top of pipe.

Absolute verticality is ideal but a deviation of 100mm per 30 metres of boring is generally
acceptable where submersible pumps are not to be installed.

Annular Seal & Well cap

Sealing the well protects the well from contamination. The diameter of the borehole is usually
slightly larger than the casing. The space between the borehole and the casing is called the
annular space. It must be sealed to prevent any surface contamination from migrating
downward and contaminating the water supply. A commercially manufactured, vermin-proof
well cap is designed to keep animals, insects and contaminants from entering the well. It
comes equipped with rubber gaskets and screened vents to ensure air circulation. Coverings
for large diameter wells must be custom made because of their larger size. Ideally they should
be made of steel, or fiberglass or plastic.
Well Completion

Once the well has been drilled and the equipment is in place, there are three more steps that
should be completed before the well is ready to use. These are:

• Developing the well.

• Conducting a yield test.

• Disinfecting the well.

Well Development

Well development is the process of removing fine sediment and drilling fluid from the area
immediately surrounding the perforations. This increases the well’s ability to produce water
and maximize production from the aquifer. If the aquifer formation does not naturally have
any relatively coarse particles to form a filter, it may be necessary to install an artificial filter
pack. This pack is placed around the screen or perforations so the well can be developed.
For example, this procedure is necessary when the aquifer is composed of fine sand and the
individual grains are uniform in size. It is important to match the grain size of the filter pack
material with the size of the slot openings of the screen to attain maximum yield from the well.
Typically, the slot size of the screen is selected so that 85 percent of the artificial pack material
will remain outside of the screen after well development.
Yield Test

A yield test is important because it gives the information of:

• Rate at which to pump the well

• Depth at which to place the pump.

After drilling and developing a well, one must remove water from the well for at least 2 hours.
If a pump is used to remove the water, then water level measurements can be recorded as
the water level draws down during pumping. If the yield test is performed using an air
compressor to remove the water, water level measurements cannot be taken during the water
removal portion of the test.

After 2 hours, water removal should be stopped, and the recovery of the water level
monitored and recorded. Measurements must be taken at specific time intervals for a 2 hour
period or until the water level returns to 90 percent of its original level. Once the yield test is
complete, it can be decided at what rate the well can be pumped without lowering the water
level below the top boundary of the aquifer, the top of the perforations or below the pump

This also help in deciding the pump capacity as pump should have a capacity equal to, or
less than, the rate at which the well can supply water for an extended period of time without
lowering the water level below the pump intake. That pumping rate is considered the long-
term, safe and sustainable pumping rate for the well. A tubewell should be tested for yield by
experienced staff as per IS:2800-1979.

Disinfecting the well

New well should be disinfect with chlorine. The concentration must be at least 200 milligrams
of chlorine per litre of water present in the well and must be left in the well for at least 8-12
hours to ensure any bacteria present are destroyed.
2.1.2 Design of drilling and size of pipes for construction of Tubewell

(Calculation will be same for all tube wells, as Head and discharge is kept same for better O&M)
Table - Housing Pipe and Drilling size calculation

Discharge 450.00 LPM

Suitable size of slotted pipe 150 mm Dia
Effective opening area for 1m length 0.0471 sq.m.
Max. Permissible Horizontal entrance velocity 0.03 m/s
To ensure longer life of tubewell design velocity 0.01 m/s
Total Open Area Required for required flow 0.67 m²
Hence, Effective length of slotted pipe 14.25 m
Length of each pipe 6 m
Plain Length at each end of a single pipe 0.3 m
Effective Slotted length of single pipe 5.4 m
Total number of Pipe Required 3 Nos.
Actual Slotted length provided 30 m
Size of Housing Pipe and Drilling Size
For casing pipe of size equal to plain/screen pipe
Size of pipe 200 mm NB
O.D. of pipe 212 mm
Thickness of Gravel shroud around the screen 15 cm
Taking thickness of gravel shroud around the screen 15 cm
Hence, Bore Dia 512 mm
Bore dia considered 500 mm
Bowl dia of Pump 150 mm
Clearance provided between Housing Pipe and Submersible pump 25 mm
Hence, Dia of Housing Pipe 200 mm
Selected size of housing pipe 200 mm
For casing pipe of 200 mm
Size of pipe 200 mm NB
Thickness of pipe 7.1 mm
O.D. of pipe 214.2 mm
Taking thickness of gravel shroud around the housing pipe 15 cm
Bore dia considered for given Casing pipe till 40m below GL 500 mm

Bore dia considered for given Casing pipe after 40m depth 450 mm
Table - Criteria for choosing housing pipe and column pipe

Size of Housing Size of Housing Size of column

Required pump discharge (LPM) pipe till 40m pipe after 40m pipes and
BGL BGL valves
From to mm mm mm
0 600 200 150 80
100(up to
600 1200 300 150 1000LPM)
1200 2000 300 200 150
2000 1000 350 200 At actuals

 Depth of borewell and length of slotted pipe will depend on depth of actual aquifer.
 Size of slotted pipe will be same as size of casing pipe.

Depth of Tube well

Drilling depth of tube well bore = 165 m

Lowering of Tube well Assembly = 150 m

Drilling Depth is taken at least 10% higher than lowering of tube well assembly length to
accommodate the settlement of bore mud and falling strata of bore during pulling of Drill Rod and
lowering of Tube well assembly to ensure the full and proper lowering of Tube well assembly.



The Structure in contact with water including the members covering the same such as roof of a
tanks, channel, chamber etc.) shall be designed as cracked section with limited crack width
of 0.2 mm as per IS 3370 -2009 part 2. Basement RC walls and slabs below ground shall also be
designed by cracked method of design as liquid retaining structures.

Design Norms for Foundation


All Structures, building foundations, equipment foundations, water retaining structures, trenches,
pits etc. shall be designed as per NIT & relevant IS codes.

The minimum depth of foundation for all structures, building and frame foundations and load
bearing walls shall be conforming to IS: 1904.

Foundation for all structures shall be decided based on loading arrangement, load intensity and
soil strata.The safe bearing capacity (SBC) considered for design purpose is as per Soil
investigation data.

Design forces are obtained from STAAD-Pro analysis and checked for bearing capacity,
overturning and sliding. Capacity is increased by 25% for all the loads combination with
wind/seismic. The foundation is designed as per limit state method of design as per IS: 456:2000.

Minimum Cover to Reinforcement

Minimum clear cover to main reinforcement shall be as per relevant IS codes.

Minimum Percentage of Steel

For buildings: As per IS:456-2000.

For liquid retaining structure: The minimum reinforcements in walls, floors and roofs of liquid
retaining structures in each of two directions at right angles shall be as per IS 3370.

Minimum Thickness of Structural Components

Minimum member thickness for different structural elements shall be as per design requirement.

Minimum Bar Diameter

The minimum bar diameter for all the elements shall be as per IS codes. However, diameter shall
not be less than 10mm for main reinforcement and 8mm in case of distribution.

Minimum Bar Spacing

The minimum spacing for all the elements shall be considered as per IS 3370 for liquid retaining
structures and as per IS 456 for other Structures.
2.1.4 Construction Method

Precast /Structural Steel/Cast-In-situ Structures:

For all OHT’s, staging shall be Cast-In-situ/Structural Steel/Precast and Container shall be in

For Pumphouse and Chlorination building, construction method shall be prefab/Precast/Cast-In-


For precast construction, wet joint – coupler connection or dry joint – bolted connection is to be
followed. In case of precast, grade of concrete shall be M40.


Road cut open during laying of pipeline shall be backfilled & properly restored after laying of the
pipe. Restoration shall be similar to the existing road specification e.g. WBM, CC/RCC roads etc.
Material used for refilling the existing area should be same as that used in the existing road. Road
restoration work shall be carried out as per the standard specifications.


Quantity of road restoration and excavation will be at actuals , as per the availability of site road
condition at the time of execution.

2.1.5 Treatment Process

We presume that potable water from tube wells is suitable for human consumption. For Disinfection
purpose Hypo based chlorine dosing system (HDPE Tank & Dosing Metering Pump) shall be
provided to maintain residual chlorine at consumer end as per IS 10500. However, during
execution/O&M period water samples from proposed tube wells shall be checked for parameters
like TDS, Hardness, Iron, Fluoride & Arsenic. If any of mentioned parameters exceed beyond the
limit of human consumption as per IS 10500, suitable treatment shall be provided to make water fit
for drinking purpose. Accordingly, DPR may be revised during execution.
2.1.6 Electrical & Instrumentation System

The work shall include design, engineering, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the
electrical & Instrumentation equipment required for the mechanical system proposed for WTP. All
electrical& Instrumentation equipment and complete installations shall meet with the requirement
of relevant Indian Standards, Rules and regulation aid down by the Electricity authorities.
At site 11 KV uninterrupted, tripping less, reliable power supply shall be made available, at each
SPS and STP. Hence the scope starts from supplying, laying and terminating 11 KV power supply
from metering panel and further distribution shall be done as per site requirements.

This scheme is based on solar power. DG set will be provided as backup power during lean
periods). Only sections related of Solar power generation should be read for this scheme.

Electrical scope of work

Scope of electrical works for water supply system shall include the design, manufacture, testing at
manufacturers' works, delivery to Site, off-loading, storage, erection, testing and setting to work a
complete electrical installation including but not limited to: -

A. Available incoming power supply shall be fed to 0.415kV LT Switchboard to complete the
system in totality with required measuring and protection devices.

B. All 415V LT motors shall be suitable for Submersible pumping set for T/W Bore and shall
be suitable for direct coupling to the squirrel cage electric induction, water cooled type submersible
motor suitable to operate on 415 ± 10% V, 3 phase, 50 cycles/sec

C. 415V LT Switchboard shall feed the entire plant load by taking power supply from the
secondary of Automatic Voltage Stabilizer. The Stabilizer will be Copper wound manually operated
at input 250–500V & output 400–440V filled with transformer oil conforming to relevant IS.

D. In case of adequate land for Solar power systems for required power generation shall be
provided within the proposed plant premises.

E. The 415V LT Switchboard shall be of metal enclosed, dust proof, indoor type with IP 54

F. Starter feeder shall be provided for all motors

G. Earthing shall be carried out as per the IS 3043: 2018 and as per contract document.

H. Lightning protection shall be provided for the buildings & tall structures as per IEC 62305
Part 2 & 3.

I. All the execution of electrical works shall confirm to specifications as per IS/UP Electricity
board standards.

Solar System

(Provision of solar power is subject to availability of adequate land within the proposed plant

Figure: Solar Plant

In order to cater the entire installation adequate capacity of solar generation shall be provided in
proposed pumping station wherever adequate land is available. The selection procedure and
installation of solar component shall be as follows.

Size of the PV modules – The size of the PV module will be selected based on the peak watt (Wp) &
climate of site locations. For Uttar Pradesh average solar irradiation shall be considered as per UP
Metrological data. Individual PV module shall be interconnected to meet the required solar demand.

Inverter – The solar inverter will be designed to produce the load current as per the continuous
wattage as well as peak wattage requirement.

Area Requirement

Type of Solar Panel – Monocrystalline with minimum 3 point of output

Efficiency Limit – Minimum 18%

Approx. Shade free Area requirement – 10 Sq. meter/kW

Figure: PV Array GA Drawing

(d) Power and Control Cables

LT Power cables considered are of 1.1 kV grade, 90°C rating, Copper conductor, XLPE insulation,
and galvanized single flat steel strip armor for twin & multi core cables, PVC compound for overall

• 3 Core LT cable shall be used for the motor Feeder.

• 3.5 Core Cables shall be Used for all Power Supply.

Condition 1: Checking of Current Carrying Capacity of Cable

Cable Derated Current (ICDC) > Full Load Current (IFLC)

Condition 2: Checking for Allowable Voltage Drop during Starting & Running Condition

a) Allowable Voltage Drop During Starting = 3V

b) Allowable Voltage Drop During Running = 3V

*Starting Condition Voltage Drop will be Applicable for Motors Only

(e) Earthing system:

The Earth Resistivity Topography (ERT) of soil shall be carried out at site with the aim to determine
an average value of electrical resistivity of soil for design of Earthing system.

Mean value of Earth resistivity shall be arrived based on the test report at site location. The soil
resistivity of the various sites has been done by the conventional Wenner’s four electrode method
as per IS 3043 - 2018 and the results are tabulated in terms of Polar curve to arrive the mean value
of Earth resistivity. The earthing grid will be designed based on fault current of the system as per
IS 3043:2018.

It shall be consisting of the following:

i. GI Earth plates of 600 X 600 X 6 mm size as per latest relevant ISS/IER.

ii. GI water pipes of required length and 40mm dia. As per latest relevant ISS/IER.

iii. Aluminum Earth strip of adequate size as per relevant ISS/IER and in required quantities
to cover complete installation in double run. The strip shall be without kinks and without any joints.

iv. Necessary quantities of lugs and clamps etc. for proper earthing.

v. Necessary quantities of salt and coal shall be supplied at the time of erection.

vi. Earth chamber CI box 300 X 300 mm as per ISS/IE

The main objectives of earthing calculation are:

a) Selection of Main Earth grid Conductor with respect to system fault level

b) Calculate the No. of Earth Pits Required.

c) Maintaining the overall grid resistance less than one ohms.

(f) Lightning Protection system:

All electrical equipment will be satisfactorily protected against the effects of electrical surges due
to lightning strike in accordance with IEC and local regulations.

Each Lightning down conductor shall be provided with a testing joint in an accessible position,
between 0.5 meters and 1.5 meters above ground level. Connections from each down conductor
shall be made to individual grounding electrodes.

Lightning protection system shall be provided in accordance with BS EN 62305:2006

I. Providing and fixing of Lightening conductor finial, made of 25 mm dia.300 mm long GI tube,
having single prong at top, with 85 mm dia 6 mm thick GI base plate including holes complete as
per requirement.

II. Providing and fixing of G.I. tape 20 mmx3 mm thick on parapet or surface of wall for lightning
conductor complete as required.

III. Providing and fixing testing joint, made of 20 mm x 3 mm thick G.I. strip, 125 mm long, with
4 nos. of G.I. bolts, nuts, chuck nuts and spring washers etc. complete as required.

IV. Lightning protection grounding, in which all structures, are grounded; and surge arresters
are used to protect equipment.
2.1.7 Specific Requirements for Electrical Works

The work shall also include civil work such as excavation, laying of sand and bricks on cables,
laid, closing the excavation, construction of concrete cable trenches making earth pit chambers,
foundation and pedestal for electrical equipment, grouting of cable tray supports in walls,
making entries for cable/ conduits in walls and making good the surface to the original
one, embedding concealed conduits, junction boxes, etc. in walls and ceilings and making
good the surface, foundation for street lighting poles, providing covers, chequered plates on
cable trenches, etc. Fireproof sealing of opening in walls for cables.
Co-ordination with local authorities, such as Electrical Inspectorate, the State Government, Fire
and safety Dept. etc. for obtaining all the statutory approvals needed, preparing, submitting and
obtaining approval of all electrical drawings and documents as well as obtaining approval of the
electrical installation from these authorities shall also form the scope of the work. Preparation and
submission of As-Built drawings on soft-copy. Installation, operation, and maintenance manuals
of the equipment supplied along with their catalogues shall be arranged.

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