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not a standard option. It is also applied indoors in designations and enclosure types (taken from NEMA
some installations where pipe breaks may spray the MG-12.42) are summarized in Table 13-2. All of the
equipment. Use weather-protected Type II motors in temperatures in Table 13-2 are measured by resist-
outdoor applications subject to high wind and rain. ance in accordance with NEMA standards. If the
Only explosion-proof motors can be used in areas ambient temperature is higher than 400C, a derating
that are classified as Class 1, Division 1 hazardous equation is given in NEMA MG-I for the allowable
locations in Article 500 of the NEC. These motors are temperature rise (see the latest revision of NEMA
similar to the TEFC in cooling, but are much more MG-I). The insulation materials for the several
expensive than the TEFC motor. classes are:
Submersible motors are often used in water wells
and in many wastewater pumping stations. Most • Class A: Combinations of materials such as cotton,
models must be totally submerged to cool properly, silk, and paper impregnated or immersed in a di-
and because the motors are "ordinarily" submerged, electric liquid, no longer specified for pumping
a submersible rating is adequate. However, in the station applications and now encountered only in
event of a malfunction and subsequent overheating very old drivers.
combined with possible explosive gas accumulation • Class B: Combinations of materials such as mica,
in the manhole, an extreme hazard may be created. glass fiber, asbestos, and so on with bonding sub-
Some motors can be run intermittently or continu- stances.
ously in air. For additional discussion, see Section • Class F: Similar to Class B, but designed for a
13-2 and Chapter 25. higher operating temperature at the same thermal
Immersible motors are TEFC motors in special
• Class H: Similar to Class F, except for the use of
housings that, unlike submersible motors, are designed
component materials (such as silicone elastomers)
to run in air. They can, however, be operated for at
rated for a higher operating temperature at the
least two weeks submerged 10 m (30 ft) under water.
same thermal life. Note that Class H insulation
In 2004, immersible motors from 11 to 1300 kW (15 to
may be unavailable, and its thickness causes design
1750 hp) were available [5]. Larger motors may be-
problems. In the southwest, idle motors in the open
come available. See Section 13-14 for a more complete
reach temperatures of 71°C (1600F) due to direct
sunlight. Because motors with standard insulations
(Class A, B, or F) can burn out quickly, either (1)
protect motors from sunlight, (2) use water-cooled
13-9. Insulation
motors, (3) use Class F insulation and derate the
motors, or (4) best of all, use Class H insulation
Motor windings, by necessity, are closely packed into
regardless of its cost.
slots that are designed to accommodate them. The
methods used to maintain conductor-to-metal, con-
ductor-to-conductor, and phase-to-phase insulation Epoxy insulation was used in the past to permit an
vary greatly depending on the size and application inundated motor to be put into service almost imme-
of the motor. Pumping station designers and motor diately after the dry pit was dewatered. But epoxy is
specifiers are more concerned with the class of insu-
lation than with the details of packaging.
In addition to other considerations, the type of Table 13-2. Allowable Temperature Rise for Insula-
insulation that should be specified for a pump driver tion in Motorsa
motor depends on its suitability in a possibly moist
atmosphere, its ability to be dried readily in the event NEMA insulation letter
of a submersion, and the ambient temperature condi- designation
tions that will prevail in its location. Insulation is Motor enclosure A B F H
ordinarily classified by letter designations that infer
its ability to withstand continuous operation at a Totally enclosed, fan-cooled 60 80 105 125
defined total temperature (or some rise above a Totally enclosed, nonventilated 65 85 110 135
standard ambient temperature). The letter designa- Encapsulated with 1.0 SF 65 85 110
tion is also defined in terms of the types of materials All other motors, with 1.15 SF 70 90 115
used in the insulation system. All other motors 60 80 105 125
The allowable temperature rises above a 400C a
Degrees Celsius above 400C ambient from NEMA MG-I Table
ambient temperature for the various standard letter
short-lived because of the cracks that develop. Use the most sensitive factor is the stator winding tempera-
Class F or H insulation and take the time to dry a ture. Because the allowable temperature of the con-
previously submerged motor properly. Alternatively, ductors is limited by the type of insulation used, the
use immersible motors. insulation system is the determining factor in the al-
Although thermal life is not quantifiable by aging lowable temperature rise. A motor with a service fac-
time alone, modern insulations (Class B, F, or H) can tor rating of 1.15 (standard for most motors for which
be expected to last 25 years at conservative tempera- an SF is available) must therefore be designed for the
tures unless they are subject to extreme vibration or nameplate load operation at an insulation tempera-
extreme thermal cycling. ture of somewhat less than the limiting value given in
Always select water or wastewater pump motors Table 13-2. The service factor stated on the motor
for long life. Furthermore, carefully control the tem- nameplate is based on a sinusoidal voltage source.
perature rise aspects of the insulation system by speci- For a motor used on a nonsinusoidal voltage source
fying the best of materials (within reason). Then take such as an inverter drive, the service factor must be
advantage of every means available to obtain an effi- derated (e.g., from 1.15 to 1.00).
cient motor with a low temperature rise at the specified If the motor is selected according to the advice
loading conditions. A practical and economical way of given in Section 13-9 and loaded only to 85% of the
buying a long-lasting motor is to specify Class B tem- service factor rating, the operating temperature of the
perature rise but require Class F or H insulation. insulation will probably be low enough to allow a
Along with the insulation specification, the motor long life for the windings.
(if available in the enclosure specified) should have an
applicable service factor (SF)—typically 1.15 for most
sizes. Also specify that the maximum pumping horse- Insulation and Service Factor
power load must not exceed 85% of the service factor
rating (about 98% of the nameplate rating). If the Insulation systems and service factor are very closely
motor type does not have a service factor rating avail- related. The maximum loading of the motor can be
able, then the maximum loading should not exceed easily controlled by the specifier and pump manu-
90% of the nameplate rating. This recommended max- facturer. However, it is not ordinarily in the best inter-
imum loading is not low enough to cause undue effi- ests of the owner to load motors too lightly under
ciency or power factor loss in a well-designed machine. maximum operating conditions because of the inher-
The overheating of insulation, whether due to over- ent decrease in motor efficiency and power factor. The
loading, insufficient ventilation, high ambient tem- major considerations that provide long insulation life
perature, or too-frequent starting, can contribute are those required to keep the temperature of the
rapidly to the shortening of insulation life. An old insulation below its maximum rated value.
rule of thumb is that insulation life is halved for every
100C increase above the rated value. The rule is not Ambient Conditions
precise and may not apply to present-day insulation,
but it is a good guideline when a decision must be made Do not place the motor in a closely confined space.
on whether to use a motor above its rating during an It needs "breathing room." If the motor must be in
emergency or to replace it immediately with an ad- an inherently dirty area, specify the proper motor
equately rated unit. Note that the rule applies to a enclosure for the conditions and describe in the
continuous load. It does not mean that an occasional O&M manual the advantage and necessity of fre-
overload of short duration will halve the life of the quent inspection for clogged air passages and accu-
insulation. Common sense dictates that conservative mulations of dirt and debris around the motor.
loading practices should be maintained in pumping
station operation and design. See the IEEE standards
for more information on insulation aging. Responsibility

If a single manufacturer is made responsible for the

13-10. Squirrel-Cage Motors entire pumping unit (pump, frame, shafting, motor,
and controller), the motor is selected on the basis of
Service Factors the complete operating conditions presented by the
project engineer (see Chapter 16 and Appendix C).
Although the service factor of a motor implies that the The responsible project engineer must always make
entire design of the motor allows for the SF loading, independent calculations, as shown in Example 13-1.
Example 13-1
Motors for a Wastewater Lift Station

Problem: Preliminary investigations for a wastewater lift station have led to the following
• Flows: 800 gal/min minimum, 1600 gal/min design, 3600 gal/min maximum, and 4500 gal/
min future maximum
. Static lift: 25 ft at low wet well level, 20 ft at high wet well level
• Friction head losses at 4500 gal/min: 15.7 ft at Hazen-Williams C = 120 and 13.4 ft at C =
145 (including "minor" losses within the pumping station).
Four (three duty, one standby) 705-rev/min pumps were selected to meet the various
conditions of head discharge in the following tabulation. Each constant-speed pump is rated at
2100 gal/min for 30 ft TDH at 79% efficiency.

Low wet well (C= 120) High wet well (C= 145)
Pumps Flow rate, Flow rate, Minimum cycle
operating Head, ft gal/min Head, ft gal/min time, min
1 28.0 2300 24.0 2700 6.7
2 33.5 3500 31.0 4100 10
3 37.3 4100 35.3 4800 17
Select the drive motors and size the cables.
Solution: For public works, design for a generic product. Standardization in manufacturing
makes it easy to design and specify on the basis of NEC, NEMA, IEEE, and ANSI criteria.
Required power. From Equation 10-6b, the fluid horsepower is

But the efficiency of the pump is « 79%, so the output (shaft) motor horsepower must be

The motor power requirements for each of the conditions in this tabulation range from 16.4 to
20.8, so choose 25-hp motors, which can meet all conditions. Confirm selection against the
manufacturer's pump curves. Confirm that motor is nonoverloading throughout the entire
design flow range.
Required torque. Horsepower at full speed is not the only criterion. The motor must develop
enough torque at all speeds to exceed the resisting load by a comfortable margin; otherwise the
motor will never reach full speed or will stall. The equipment suppliers usually provide the
pump and the motor, so they will match the motor performance with the load characteristics of
the pump.
To compare the torques, plot the speed-torque curves of the pump and the motor on the
same graph, as in Figure 13-10. If motor torque everywhere exceeds pump torque by, say, 15%,
the motor can develop full speed quickly. Usually this step is not necessary if the pump
manufacturer is responsible for selecting the motor and has been provided a definitive set of
hydraulic conditions.
Motor selection. Speed is determined by load speed unless some form of speed reducer is
used. For certain custom motors, performance data are not published and must be obtained
directly from the motor manufacturer (e.g., full-load amps of a low-speed motor). To
determine whether a Code F motor is available as a standard unit (Code G may be standard),
consult motor manufacturers. The motor is to be mounted high above the floor, so an open,
drip-proof enclosure is satisfactory. Alternatively, a TEFC motor might be preferred for some
protection during washdown—certainly if the motor is mounted at floor level.
Starting. Obtain written approval from the electric utility for frequent line starting of one
motor at a time (assuming there are controls for automatic sequencing) and ascertain the
maximum motor horsepower they will permit for across-the-line starting. Consider the
following scenarios:
• Direct across-the-line starting
• A limited number of across-the-line starts per day
• Across-the-line starts not permitted, but reduced-voltage starting is allowed
• No across-the-line starts and only a limited number of reduced-voltage starts are allowed,
per day.
The last three scenarios may govern motors of 50 hp or more. If the final scenario applies,
consider adjustable-speed drives.
Load calculation. Assume the service available is 480 V, three-phase, and 60 Hz, and that
the length of service run is 100 ft. A Code F motor has an inrush value in the range of 5.0 to
5.59 kVA/hp from NEC Table 430.7(B).
First, size the feeder cable for current. Assume (1)5 kVA for miscellaneous (balanced three-
phase) loads, and (2) three 25-hp duty motors. For the 5-kVA load, the current is calculated
from Equation 8-6. Assume the power factor is 1.0.


Motor full-load current (FLA) for 3600- and 1800-rpm, single-speed motors is selected
based on NEC Table 430.150. In this instance the motor rpm = 720 rpm (synchr onous) and
therefore nameplate current may be used. As this is design, there is no nameplate to read. The
motor manufacturer will need to be contacted to obtain full-load amps at this speed. Assume
FLA = 39.0 A at 720 rpm.
Speed, rev/min

8-in. pump
17-in. impeller 25-hp motor

Accelerating torque

Torque, ft-lb
Figure 13-10. Torque curves of the motor and pump in Example 13-1.
At this point it is appropriate to note that choice of a 720-rpm motor may not be the most cost-
effective. Note that 720-rpm motors are considered custom and, compared to an equivalent 1800-
rpm motor, cost four times as much, are larger, are less efficient, and have a poorer power factor.
Another disadvantage of the custom motor is the long lead (purchase to delivery) time.
From the principles given in Chapter 9, the total branch circuit load is:
Miscellaneous: 6.3 A
Motor No. 1:
Motor No. 2:
Motor No. 3:
Motor No. 4 (standby):
25% of the largest motor:
The feeder would be designed for 150 A (next size circuit breaker, see NEC 240.6) at full load if
no expansion were contemplated, but a future expansion of 25% would increase the amperage to
133 A x 1.25 = 166 A, so select a cable to carry 175 A (next size circuit breaker, see NEC 240.6).
Inrush persists for such a short interval that it is ignored in the load calculations. However,
inrush does produce voltage drop and cannot always be ignored. Conservative engineers may
limit the voltage drop at the motor terminals to 12 or 15% on starting, which provides a good,
solid electrical system throughout. The drop is approximately 4% in this example.
The motor branch circuit cable would be designed for a motor FLA = 39 A plus an
overload of 25% (i.e., minimum cable ampacity = 39 A x 1.25 = 48.8 A).
Second, size the cables. From NEC Table 310.16, choose THHW-, XHHW-, or RHW-
rated copper cable (75°C rating). From the "Copper/75°C" column, a 175-A load requires
three #2/0 AWG conductors (one per phase) for the feeder cable, and a 48.8-A load requires
three #8 AWG conductors for the motor branch circuit. Grounding conductors are selected
from NEC Table 250.122. From the "Copper" column, the 175-A circuit requires an
accompanying #6 AWG conductor and the 48.8-A circuit requires a #10 AWG conductor.
Third, check for voltage drop. Find the voltage drop from Equation 13-1 (a close


where A FL is the line-to-line voltage drop, / L is line current in amperes, R is resistance in ohms
per 1000 ft, cos 6 is the power factor, X is inductive reactance in ohms per 1000 ft, and L is
length in 1000-ft units. If the power factor is 80%, cos 6 is 0.80 and sin 0 is 0.60. From Table 9
in Chapter 9 of NEC, R at 75°C is 0.100/1000 ft and X is 11/1000 ft for 2/0 AWG in steel
conduit. Either 133 or 150 amp can be correctly substituted for /, but at the ultimate load of
175 A

The voltage drop percentage = 3.4/480 = 0.7%.

Double-check using IEEE Standard 141, Table 11 for copper conductors in magnetic
conduit to find 1.9Vx 10~4 x A x ft - 2.3 x 10~4x 175 x 100 = 3.32 V (a fair check with
3.4 V).
The voltage drop of 0.7 % is negligible compared with the NEC 215.2 FPN No. 2 and
210.19 (A) FPN No. 4 limit for feeder or branch circuits of 3%. Because a 2% voltage drop is
the maximum for good design, the maximum length of the service run should not exceed
100(2/0.7) « 300 ft.
Critique of Example 13-1 perature of 400C. If, however, the internal tempera-
ture rise is limited to 1000C, the insulation life is
The maximum permissible length of the service feeder approximately doubled.
in Example 13-1 is about 300 ft if the voltage drop is Motor stresses (thermal and mechanical) are high
limited to 2%. Because of the high cost of the cable during the starting period and affect motor life. When
and conduit (concrete-encased duct), it is wise to an induction motor is started across-the-line, the
negotiate with the utility to place transformers closer stress on the windings is increased, and the inrush
to the load (say, 30 m or 100 ft maximum), regardless current in the rotor is about six times normal current
of whether the utility or owner provides the service until operating speed is reached—usually 3 to 6 s for
cable. a NEMA Design B motor driving a centrifugal pump.
Starting a 25-hp motor is not likely to cause prob- The inrush current heats the rotor and stator wind-
lems unless the utility's power lines are loaded to the ings and causes the stator winding insulation tem-
limit. But if the motors were, say, 250 hp, the utility perature to increase. If the motor is started too
might object to frequent line starts, so consider re- frequently and is not allowed to cool down between
duced-voltage ("soft") starting (which might reduce starts, heat buildup in the stator dries out the insula-
the inrush to 300 or even 150% of the full-load cur- tion and causes it to become brittle, leading to ultim-
rent) or consider adjustable-speed drives. ate failure.
If repeated reduced-voltage starting is allowed by When designing a pumping system, the decision
the utility, compare costs and space requirements of needs to be made as to the maximum number of starts
autotransformer start with those of solid-state, soft- per hour required (i.e., whether to stop the pump or
start controls. Solid-state controls have a much let it continue to run at no load). To make this
greater selection of starting currents than do other decision, a number of other factors must be consid-
methods, have reduced space requirements, and costs ered:
are becoming more competitive. For a more detailed
• Type of motor
discussion on motor starters, refer to Section 8-3. The
• Motor horsepower
addition of soft starting only affects the installed costs,
• Motor full-load speed
whereas the addition of adjustable-speed drives is
• Power utility restrictions on inrush current or fre-
likely to involve a complete redesign of the station
quency of starts
using fewer pumps (two duty and one standby, for
example) and smaller wet and dry wells. Resulting • Power utility demand (kVA) charges
cost savings derived from this redesign could partly • Reductions in expected motor life due to the fre-
offset the cost of the adjustable-speed drives. Adjust- quent starting.
able-speed operation might be more cost-effective be- The frequency of motor starts is given by NEMA
cause it extends the life of the motors and less energy is in both MG-I and MG-10. The two publications
used (see Example 29-1). However, compared to con- approach permissible frequency of motor starts dif-
stant-speed operation, it is somewhat less reliable and ferently. MG-I provides guidance on the number of
there is increased maintenance of the adjustable-speed successive starts (i.e., two starts from ambient or one
devices. For a more detailed discussion on variable- start from rated load operating temperature). MG-10
speed drives, refer to Chapter 15. provides guidance on the repetitive start-run-rest
cycles applicable to pumping station operation.
Because pumps are low-inertia machines, and be-
13-11. Frequency of Motor Starts cause there must be a balance between first cost and
service life, it seems reasonable to use about two-
Motor life is determined primarily by the temperature thirds of the starting frequency calculated from
of the stator winding insulation and the length of time MG-10. The allowable frequency of motor starts is,
it is sustained. From motor manufacturers' data, a however, far more complicated than is indicated by
motor operated continuously at rated load with nor- such a calculation, because (1) an under-loaded
mal voltage and frequency in a 400C (1040F) envir- motor may be started more frequently than a fully
onment will last about 40,000 hours. A general rule is loaded one; (2) the required frequency of starts in a
that motor insulation life is halved for every 100C pumping station with constant-speed motors is based
(18°F) rise in temperature. The converse is also true. on the assumption that inflow to the wet well is
For example, a TENV motor running at full load exactly one-half of the pump capacity, whereas half
with Class F insulation is rated to have a temperature of the time, the required starting frequency is nearly
rise of 1100C (198°F) with a maximum ambient tem- 40% less (see Figure 12-26); (3) the specified severe
ambient temperature conditions may persist for only experience. The same cannot be said of motor manu-
short periods of time; and (4) motors can be custom facturers because they rarely seem to be cognizant of
designed and built to withstand many more frequent the needs of pumping stations.
starts than standard motors can. The most important
factor relating to the frequency of pump starts is
whether (for multiple pumps in a station) automatic 13-12. Miscellaneous Motor Features
sequencing is used. Some engineers do not favor
automatic sequencers and prefer manual selection of Miscellaneous, but important, features to be consid-
lead and follow pumps for better control of pump ered in the selection of a motor include the shafts,
wear. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) can be bearings, space heaters or winding heating, tempera-
programmed to alternate the lead pump at every cycle ture sensors, and (possibly) vibration monitors.
reliably, and the reliability can be increased by auto-
matic self-testing and switching to a backup PLC if a
malfunction occurs. Shafts
Soft (reduced-voltage) starters typically induce an
inrush current that is only about 250% of normal Motor shafts are usually solid and extend beyond the
operating current. Most solid-state starters today enclosure in order to accept the coupling. The shaft
come with a built-in bypass contactor to bypass and may be ordered with standard NEMA dimensions in
turn off the solid-state controller when the motor is either short or long shaft extensions. For municipal
near full speed. This contactor is not to be confused work it is usually unnecessary to specify shaft length
with a backup bypass contactor, which is sometimes unless the installation is for a nonstandard arrange-
used in the event of adjustable-frequency drive failure. ment.
The pumping process has to be capable of constant- Hollow shafts are usually supplied for the vertical
speed operation; otherwise, the use of a back-up by- motors for deep well pumps. The shafts extend
pass contactor is worthless. The built-in bypass con- through both ends of the motor with an adjustable
tactors are not rated to start the motor direct across- thrust bearing above the motor frame to the deep
the-line, whereas the back-up bypass contactors have well turbine pump below it. A nonreverse ratchet is
to be. Note that soft starters cost considerably less required for deep well pumps where threaded-end
than adjustable-frequency drives (AFDs), but AFDs sectional drive shafts are used. The ratchet prevents
not only provide soft starts and controlled acceler- back-spin caused by the discharge water column if
ation and deceleration (reducing water hammer), but the drive should ever stop against a high head and
also make it possible to reduce the size of the wet well, the check valve fails. Back-spin could unscrew the
usually reduce the power lost in overcoming pipe fric- connections between shaft sections and the deep well
tion, and prevent the sudden changes of flow that tend turbine pump below it. Nonreverse ratchets are also
to upset downstream wastewater treatment. useful for other pumping arrangements, such as hori-
Motors 224 kW (300 hp) and larger are usually zontal pump motors, because energizing a back-
custom engineered to whatever requirements are spe- spinning drive can break the shaft, tear windings
cified. Hence, large motors can be specified to pro- loose, or overheat the motor. When a ratchet is set,
vide whatever frequency of starts is needed for the the locked rotor causes large line currents to con-
pumping station. However, if the frequency of starts tinue beyond the normal starting period, so the over-
is not specified, the motor will be designed to provide load relays must operate to prevent damage to the
the same frequency of starts as small and medium- motor.
sized motors (i.e., standard).
Submersible motors, cooled by the pumped liquid,
can usually withstand very frequent starts—some- Bearings
times much more frequently than 20 starts per hour.
For such motors, it is generally the starter (not the Antifriction ball bearings are used in most motors.
motor) that limits the frequency of starts. Recently, improvements in materials have added to
Because objective decisions concerning allowable the life expectancy of what was already an excellent
frequency of motor starts must be based on such a product.
myriad of site-specific factors, the pumping station Bearings for vertical motors may be angular-con-
designer's best course is to consult the pump manu- tact, grease-lubricated, or oil-lubricated for higher-
facturer, who deals with such problems constantly speed applications. Spherical roller bearings can
and can temper theory and calculations with practical withstand very high thrust. For the highest-thrust
application on very large drives, the Kingsbury thrust perature, so arrange the circuitry to prevent auto-
bearing [6] is available. It is expensive but has an matic restarting of the motor. The worst thing that
extremely long life. can be done to a motor already in trouble from over-
Insulated bearings should be specified on all AFD temperature is to cycle it on and off at short-duration
motors. Consult the motor manufacturer for avail- intervals.
ability. A more sensitive device that may be applied to
any size of motor is the positive temperature coeffi-
cient (PTC) thermistor. It is a very small resistance
Space Heaters and Winding Heating
element taped in the interstices of the end turns of
the motor windings. It can be retrofitted in most
Space heaters are often applied to motors located in
motors—even those of small horsepower ratings
damp areas or outdoors where the ambient tempera-
[10,11]. PTC units installed in each phase stator
ture and humidity vary over a wide range. The space
winding may be connected in series with two leads
heater is sized to maintain a reasonable temperature
brought out of the motor. As the name suggests, the
in the motor enclosure to ensure that the windings
PTC has a positive temperature-to-resistance coeffi-
and insulation cannot collect moisture. A motor in
cient (i.e., the resistance increases as the temperature
standby service or one that operates only at infrequent
increases). A sensitive control monitoring relay is
intervals must have the heater on almost all of the
provided in the control circuitry of the motor, and
time. Heater circuit continuity is seldom checked,
this relay is energized while the motor is in operation
and sometimes it seems that there are as many strip
and the winding temperature is lower than the crit-
heaters that do not operate as ones that do.
ical value of the sensor. Once the motor winding
An alternative to the space heater (but initially
temperature increases to a predetermined trip tem-
much more expensive) is a low-voltage heating circuit
perature, the sensor resistance increases several or-
for the motor winding. The most modern motor wind-
ders of magnitude for a correspondingly small
ing heater is a solid-state device that does not use a
change in temperature. This sharp increase in resist-
transformer [7]. The safety of this type of circuit, how-
ance causes the control module to de-energize an
ever, may be questioned by the Authority Having Jur-
internal relay that in turn opens the contactor/starter
isdiction (AHJ), so consult that entity prior to
coil circuit. Because the system places thermal sen-
completing the design. A UL listing of such equipment
sors at the precise point where protection is needed
usually ensures the AHJ will approve the circuit if
(in the motor windings), equipment is protected
installed according to the listing stipulations. If the
against heat damage regardless of cause—including
low voltage is to be produced by a transformer, the
external faults such as blocked ventilation. A critical
transformer is placed within the motor starter enclos-
pump that stops due to the operation of any safety
ure, and a separate contactor and spare contacts on the
device (such as the over-temperature detectors or the
motor starter are also required [8, 9]. A timing relay is
overload relays of the motor starter) should always
needed to ensure that the motor voltage has had time to
activate an alarm at the monitoring site—a fire or
decay before connecting the Iow-voltage heating circuit
police station, a supervisor's home, or a central con-
to the stator of the motor. The temperature of the
trol station.
windings should be kept about 100C above the ambient
temperature. Low-voltage heating of the motor wind- On large motors, it is more typical to use resist-
ings has proved to be very practical for motors less than ance temperature detectors (RTDs). The RTDs have
about 150 kW (200 hp) where there is often little or no a linear resistance/temperature response and are
room for mounting a conventional space heater. monitored by an analog instrument or directly by
the PLC. The temperature of the winding being mon-
itored can either be read directly at the monitor or
Temperature Sensors through the PLC output display, and various alarm
points are usually set in the readout unit or in a
Winding temperature sensors provide back-up pro- separate monitor. Motor starters need thermal over-
tection for over-temperature conditions within the load relays in each leg, so three are required.
motor. The simplest kind is a direct-acting, bimetallic
element that snaps from one position to another and
either opens or closes a contact. Usually this contact Vibration Monitors
is used as a control-circuit-stop contact (similar to the
overload relay contact and stop pushbutton). This To be effective, vibration monitoring systems are
contact resets automatically on a decrease in tem- complex, and their high cost must be weighed against
the probable value of the information obtained. In 13-13. Specifying Pumping Unit Drivers
high-speed machinery applications, the information
obtained from sensors located radially on quadrature To obtain a driver completely coordinated with the
axes can be recorded and analyzed at intervals. pumping equipment, it is advisable for a single re-
Changes in these values, as well as changes in the sponsible manufacturer to provide the motor and
axial movement of the shaft, may give an early warn- the driven equipment. Usually the pump manufac-
ing of impending failure. In addition, the readout turer will take this responsibility and purchase a
units provide an automatic alarm for out-of-limits motor to meet both the owner's specifications and
radial or axial vibration. the load requirements and starting frequency of the
In remote installations, particularly in unstaffed pump. If an adjustable-speed system is specified, the
stations, there may be a good argument for a com- speed-control equipment should be included in the
plete vibration monitoring and analysis system. The drive package. See Section 16-1 for more about this
decision to install a vibration monitoring system subject.
should be based upon a careful evaluation of per-
ceived risk if a bearing failure causes a catastrophic
failure that could compromise the entire station or Motors for Water Pumping
result in costly repairs. The ultimate user of such a
system must be committed to the regular collection Motors of about 10 to 60 kW (15 to 75 hp) are com-
and interpretation of the readout data to make the mon in water pumping stations, but relatively large-
additional investment worthwhile. size motors are not unusual. Even farm water pump-
In unattended stations that have smaller pumping ing systems may be of several hundred horsepower if
units than inferred in the above discussion, simpler the irrigation system is extensive or the pumping head
vibration monitors are recommended to shut down the is large. The electric utility may advise or require large
unit and to signal an alarm. If the vibration is due to a motors to be provided with a reduced-voltage starting
bearing failure, the bearing is already lost, but early system. Either an autotransformer starter or a part-
shut-down may prevent further damage to the unit. winding start motor can be satisfactory, but solid-state
The purpose of monitoring systems is to ensure starters should be considered first. Motors for well
the safety of the pumping station, but a complex pumps usually drive a multistage pump often several
system that is inoperable because of poor mainten- hundred feet below the motor. The hollow-shaft
ance or lack of regular testing is a hazard in itself motor discussed in Section 13-12, as well as the non-
because it creates a false sense of security. Pumping reverse ratchet feature, is usually required. A high-
stations should be visited regularly (daily, if possible) thrust (or very-high-thrust) top bearing on the motor
so that vibration can be easily heard or felt. is required due to the high loading involved in sup-
porting the long shaft, the impellers, and the TDH of
the water column.
Moisture Sensors for Submersible Motors Other features to be considered for the specifica-
tions include:
The most common detector is the capacitance probe
(or two-point electrode) in a moisture leak sensor • Enclosure type
assembly filled with transmission oil. Water forms • Special cooling provisions
an emulsion that conducts electricity and completes • Bearing type
a circuit containing a warning light or other alarm. A • Bearing and winding temperature monitoring sys-
resistor can be added in parallel with the electrode to tems
make it possible to check the circuit. • Special insulation system
Moisture sensors are always placed between the • Special temperature rise limitations
inner and outer seals of submersible motors, and some- • Stator winding temperature monitoring
times they are also placed at the bottom of the motor • Voltage and frequency (for an adjustable-fre-
housing. The probes are effective in detecting moisture quency drive, both the speed and frequency range
leakage through the shaft seals, although they tend to and constant-volts-per-hertz ratio must be speci-
give false indications of moisture intrusion. Moisture fied)
detectors do not indicate leakage through the power • Vibration monitoring, if applicable
cable or its connection to the motor housing, and • Brass nameplate
occasionally motors are burned out by such leak- • Painting (manufacturer's standard, special, or
age—a hazard with any submerged motor. prime coat only).
Motors for Wastewater Pumping • High transient voltages caused by the high dV/dt
(rate of voltage rise) of the AF converter.
Motors for wastewater pumping range up to 600 kW • High terminal voltages caused by the reflected
(800 hp) or more and are likely to be indoors and wave of the transient voltage along the motor
even below grade where they may be subject to feeder cable.
flooding. Immersible motors and pumps should be • Stray currents circulating through the motor bear-
considered for these situations. Raw wastewater is ings on their way to ground potential and caused
usually pumped at heads of less than 30 m (100 ft) by buildup of voltage induced in the rotor. Early
by single-stage pumps with open impellers. Several bearing failure was the result.
(at least two) units are installed to provide back-up • Additional heat generated in the stator and rotor
and to handle the widely fluctuating flow range. In caused by the nonsinusoidal waveform of the AF
motor sizes below 75 kW (100 hp), direct across-the- converter output. The temperature rise of the
line starting is almost universal. Reduced-voltage motor operating at a particular load on a source
starting may be required in pumping stations located with a fundamental frequency plus harmonic fre-
several miles or so from main electrical substations. quencies (nonsinusoidal) is greater than for a
Reduced-voltage starting may also be desirable motor operating under the same conditions on a
to limit voltage dip. In adjustable-speed systems, source with only the fundamental frequency (sinu-
raw wastewater pumps usually require only a mod- soidal) applied.
erate speed range, which simplifies the speed-control
equipment. The industry's response to preventing or mitigat-
Features that should be considered when writing ing these failures was two-fold. The first approach
the specifications are the same as those listed for was improved design using special materials and
water pumping, but with special emphasis on the fabrication techniques. The second approach was
ability of the unit to be returned to service quickly the development of preventive measures (application
after flooding. guidelines).
Responding to the need for an improved motor
design, NEMA revised the motor standard MG-I in
1993 to include specifications for a definite purpose
13-14. Definite Purpose Induction Motors
inverter-duty motor. NEMA also revised their guide-
lines for operating standard motors under adjustable-
Motors for two definite purposes are described: (1) frequency applications.
those for use with adjustable frequency (AF) con-
Bearing failure mitigation has not been addressed
verters, and (2) those subject to flooding or inunda-
in any great detail in NEMA MG-I and has largely
been left up to the individual motor manufacturers as
to what method of prevention is employed. Repeated
bearing failures can be an indication of electrical
Inverter-Duty Motors stress. Diagnosis of the problem is usually difficult
because it is customary to operate motors with noisy
Motors operating from ac AF converter power bearings until bearing failure is so severe that any
sources are called inverter-duty motors. Standard in- signs of shaft currents are destroyed. Indications in-
duction motors can run on an AF source, but without clude "fluting" or "picket-fence" marks on the bear-
proper component selection and design precautions, ing race. Initial damage is relatively minor and begins
only for a short service life. Standard induction mo- with the formation of small pits or craters in the
tors are designed to run on a power source with bearing race. As damage progresses, a fluting pattern
a sinusoidal waveform. The output waveform of an develops as the bearing balls run through the craters.
AF converter is nonsinusoidal. Most modern ac AF Common manufacturing practice is to insulate the
converters use voltage-source, pulse-width modulated nondrive end shaft bearing journal with a ceramic
(PWM) inverters with very fast-switching power (aluminum oxide) coating. Insulated sleeve bearings
semi-conductor devices such as insulated gate bipolar are purchased with the outer diameter insulated by
transistors (IGBTs). With the increased popularity of the bearing manufacturer. Insulated bearings are in-
these fast-switching, solid-state drives came the in- cluded as a standard feature of inverter-duty motors
creased failure of standard design motors. Subse- by most motor manufacturers. Other recommended
quent investigations revealed that the failures were measures for protecting bearings from stray currents
caused by: include:
• Insulate both bearings design motors may be used within their design limi-
• Install ground brushes tations. Motors operating under AF applications are
• Insulate both shaft journals subjected to:
• Install in-line filters between the motor and AF
converter • Reduction in efficiency
• Improve grounding of the AFD system. • Derating of output horsepower
• Derating of thermal capacity due to reduction
Two of the most popular design methods are insu- of cooling due, in turn, to reduction in operating
lated bearings and a shaft grounding system. The deci- speed.
sion on which bearing protective system to use is often
up to the end-user, as cost is usually the deciding factor. Recommended minimum requirements for stand-
ard design motors under AF applications are:
Design • Speed range 4:1 on variable torque loads (for cen-
trifugal pumps); 2:1 on constant torque loads (for
Basic electromagnetic design changes such as stator positive-displacement pumps). A speed range of 4:1
slot configuration, effective winding turns, improved for a centrifugal pump is more than adequate as the
insulation materials, and improved manufacturing maximum flow range is usually less than 3:1.
techniques help to mitigate bearing failure. Improved • Service factor 1.15 on a sinusoidal source (derated
magnetic wire with greater resistance to high voltage to 1.0 for a nonsinusoidal source). For motors with
stresses postpones insulation breakdown, but does 1.0 service factor, a further derating of 15% of the
not prevent it. full-load output is recommended.
Inverter-duty motors should be specified for all • NEMA Design B is a good choice of standard design
new adjustable-frequency applications. Recommen- motor for AFD applications. Design A, C, and E
ded minimum requirements include: motors may also be used. Design A and E motors
may not be suitable for bypass operation because of
• Speed range 10:1 on variable torque loads (for cen- the high starting current. Design D motors are not
trifugal pumps); 2:1 on constant torque loads (for encountered in centrifugal pumping applications
positive-displacement pumps). On a centrifugal and are not appropriate for AFD application.
pump a speed range of 10:1 is more than adequate • Class F or H insulation with Class B temperature
as maximum flow range is usually less than 3:1. rise. Old motors with Class B insulation need to be
• Service factor 1.00 on a nonsinusoidal source. derated to provide the necessary thermal capacity.
• Definite purpose NEMA inverter-duty design (to Rule of thumb is one horsepower size.
meet NEMA MG-I, Part 31) is an ideal motor for • Insulation with a voltage pulse withstand of
AFD applications. Note that inverter-duty motors > 1000 V with a rise time of > 2 /ULS for motors with
do not conform to Design A or B starting character- a Vrated of < 600 V, and > 2.04 x Vrated with a rise
istics and therefore may not be capable of direct time of > 1 /is for motors with a Vrated of < 600 V.
across-the-line starting, so a reduced-voltage starter • Thermal protection sensors integral to the motor.
may have to be used if bypass operation is required.
• Class F or H insulation with Class B temperature
Alternative Preventive Measures
• Motor insulation shall meet NEMA MG-I, Part 3
for: In situations where it is not feasible to employ motors
that meet the withstand capability achieved with
- a voltage pulse withstand of > 3.1 x Vrated volts,
current standard or inverter-duty motors, some
rise time of > 0.1 /us for motors rated ^ 600 V.
form of alternative solution is required. Examples
- a voltage pulse withstand of > 2.04 x Vrated volts,
where these alternative solutions may be required
rise time of > I /JLS for motors rated < 600 V.
include old motors that do not meet the voltage
• Thermal protection sensors integral to the motor.
withstand requirements or motors with undefined
• Bearing protection features to prevent damage by
characteristics. In such situations, some form of
high-frequency stray currents.
motor terminal voltage modification technique is ne-
cessary to mitigate the voltage surges occurring at the
Operating Standard Motors with AF Inverters motor terminals. The following techniques involve
placing additional devices between the motor and
Wherever possible, use inverter-duty motors for AF the AF converter to limit the peak voltage level.
applications. When that is not practical, standard These techniques are summarized as follows:
• Output reactors cally connected at the motor terminals (usually as an
• Line output dV/dt filters extra box mounted near the motor). The fast-rising
- Sinusoidal filters voltage pulse sees the capacitor as a short circuit and
- Motor termination units. the resistive element is temporarily connected across
the end of the cable. Disadvantages: If the motor
Output Reactors. These reactors are specially termination unit is not sized correctly, over-voltages
designed units that can accommodate the PWM may occur, thereby contributing to the problem.
waveform without causing undue reactor heating These filters add losses of about 0.5 to 1.0%.
and can also provide the necessary inductance values These devices have not been widely used. One
over the frequency spectrum needed. They are used to concern is that the parallel connection could be com-
reduce the dV/dt and peak voltage. However, care is promised, subjecting the motor to the high transients
needed in their selection as reactors can theoretically without any warning. Another problem has been in
extend the duration of overshoot and contribute to matching the AF converter current rating to the
the problem. They should be mounted as close as motor rating and maintaining the same level of pro-
possible to the AF converter output terminals. tection inherent with the converter. Termination
Normally the output reactor is mounted within the units must not be used with motors designed for use
inverter cabinet of the AF converter in new installa- in classified atmospheres. Some engineers apply these
tions. The disadvantages of this technique are in- filters even when inverter-duty motors are used.
creased cost, the need for extra space, and reduced Under certain conditions (e.g., long cable lengths)
efficiency (less than approximately 0.5%). Output re- they may be required, in addition to the output re-
actors can also be used to compensate for cable char- actor, to protect the motor.
ging currents (balances cable capacitance) and may Care must be exercised in applying these filters.
be used for motor cable lengths up to many hundreds There must be 100% compatibility between the AF
of feet on larger drives. converter (including output reactor), motor, and fil-
Line or Voltage Limiting Filter (dV/dt Filter). A ter. It is important that the AFD system be investi-
filter design consisting of capacitors, inductors, and gated by an experienced engineer knowledgeable in
diodes or resistors may be used to limit the dV/dt motor and AF converter construction, the effect of
drastically, thereby reducing both the amplitude and the components on one another, and the mitigation
the rate of rise of the peak voltage. These filters allow of these effects. If this is not possible, a joint state-
the use of most motors and are therefore recom- ment from the AF converter (including output re-
mended if the data of a motor are unknown (e.g., actor), motor, and filter manufacturers stating that
for a retrofit), particularly on higher-voltage supplies their equipment is compatible with the specific instal-
(> 480V). Filters can be mounted within the inverter lation should be obtained.
cabinet of the AF converter or in a separate cabinet. Cost Comparisons for Preventive Measures. In
The disadvantages are the need for extra space (if in a considering the relative merits of the competing solu-
separate cabinet), increased cost, and reduced effi- tions, costs should be considered. Table 13-3 is only
ciency. The increased losses of 0.5 to 1 .0% must be used for rough relative comparison purposes. For
accommodated. actual costs, consult equipment suppliers.
Sinusoidal Filter. A sinusoidal filter is a special
design of low pass filter that allows the high-fre-
quency currents to be shunted away. The disadvan-
tages of these types of filters are that they are the
most expensive and also they prevent the motor Table 13-3. Cost Comparisons of Preventive Meas-
voltage from exceeding 90% of the supply voltage ures
(thereby derating the AF converter). They do, how-
ever, have the following additional advantages: Typical relative costs (480-V motor = 100%)
• Reduced motor noise Motor
• Reduced motor losses Output dV/dt Sinusoidal termination
• Simplified hazardous area motor certification Drive, reactor, filter, filter, unit,
• Allows use of standard motors and long motor Rating % % % % %
cables. 3hp 350 75 440 330 170
100 hp 220 15 100 150 10
Motor Termination Unit. Some manufacturers pro- 300 hp 120 5 65 110 3
duce series resistive/capacitive filters that may be lo-
Other Considerations for AFD Installations: the IEC standard IP67 that requires that the
motor be protected against effects of immersion to
• Power factor capacitors are not recommended on depths of between 0.15-1 m (0.49-3.28 ft) above
the load side of an AFD. the motor.
• There is reduced availability of inverter motors for The basic design of the immersible motor is a
use in classified areas. The motor manufacturer premium efficiency, inverter-duty, TEFC motor.
should be consulted for their use in hazardous Under normal operating conditions the motor is
classified areas. cooled by a blower on top of the motor. When the
• Keep the AF controller and motor close together motor is submerged, the blower is switched off by an
to minimize the length of cable between them. Use external level switch and the motor is cooled by
high-quality insulation on cables. Avoid using the surrounding water, thus allowing uninterrupted
THWN and other "thin" types of insulation. operation.
For best results use RHW with insulation rated Bearings are either double-shielded or open-con-
2000 V for 460-V motors, 1000 V for 230-V mo- struction, deep-groove Conrad type. The motor is
tors. Where long cable runs cannot be avoided, designed to prevent infiltration of water along the
install an output reactor on the AF controller shaft by utilizing a tandem lip seal arrangement with
output or a motor termination unit (see precau- pressurized grease. The completed motor assembly
tions on their use). It is recommended that on must successfully withstand salt spray tests for corro-
immersible and other critical AFD applications, sion for 96 h.
continuous corrugated aluminum-sheathed cables The motor main conduit box is either of fabricated
be used between the AF converter and the motor. steel or cast-iron construction with a bolted and sealed
Also recommended are cable connectors that pro- cover. See Figure 13-11. Power leads enter into the
vide 360-degree surface contact between the cable conduit box through either a sealable water-tight
sheath and the connector and the connector and gland or a potted hub that is bolted and gasketed to
the motor frame to ensure a solid ground return the conduit box to allow removal of the power cable.
path for stray currents. The conduit box and covers are designed to prevent
• Adjust the AF controller carrier frequency to its moisture leakage.
lowest setting where noise is not a problem. Fre- To guard against occasional flooding, the motor
quency setting must be compatible with any filters termination, conduit, and cable systems are designed
applied. to prevent failure due to moisture ingress. Continu-
• Motor insulated bearings and/or a shaft groun- ous corrugated aluminum-sheathed cables are recom-
ding system are recommended on all inverter-duty mended between the AF converter and the motor.
motors. Consult the motor manufacturer for Cable connectors that provide 360-degree surface
availability. contact between cable sheath and the connector and
• Output reactors are recommended on all but the the connector and the motor frame are also recom-
smallest (<10 hp) AF converters. They comprise mended. Together with the potted hub, the installa-
the best prevention for the investment. tion is a water-resistant assembly that will remain in
operation during temporary submergence, and it
Immersible Motors also provides a solid ground return path for
stray currents.
Immersible motors are definite-purpose, squirrel-cage
induction motors designed to be used in dry well
applications where there is a possibility of submer- Protection
gence (flooding).
Motors are equipped with space heaters appropriate
for the frame size and thermal protection by thermo-
Design stats connected in series. The motor is also equipped
with humidity/moisture detectors internal to the
Immersible motors are designed to withstand up to motor and used in the control circuit to either warn
30 ft of submergence depth for a two-week period. of the problem or to disconnect the motor. If a
Although NEMA MG-I has no rating for an separate conduit box is used for humidity/moisture
immersible motor, this design exceeds the require- detector leads, the leads must be sealed in a manner
ment for immersible motors that is described in similar to that in the main conduit box.
Replaceable blower motor

Wash thru™ motor

Angular contact bearing on top

end carries rotor weight load
Upper bearing grease entry
Bracket fittings sealed with
O-ring to prevent water entry

Conduit box sealed at

conduit box cover
and frame junction

Lower bearing grease entry

Lip seal grease entry 3"-8NPT conduit opening

Dual shaft lip seals with pressurized grease Repeller (Hydroseal™) functions like an
system to prevent water entry on drive end. impeller. Creates vacuum if water is present.
Figure 13-11. lmmersible vertical pump motor. Courtesy of Cornell Pump Company.

13-15. Design Checklist 4. Copper stator conductors

5. Lifting eyes or welded-on hooks
The following checklist contains aspects of the char- 6. All surfaces of the frame treated with corrosion-
acteristics desirable in motors used for pumping ser- resistant epoxy paints
vice. The typical pumping station service is severe and 7. Nonsparking vent fan
warrants the expense of the more rugged motor de- 8. Breather drain or (on small motors) two V4 -in.
signs. Such motors, manufactured in NEMA stand- drain holes in totally enclosed motors, explo-
ard frames from size 286 through 445 (up to about sion-proof breather drains on explosion-proof
150 kW or 200 hp at 1800 rev/min), typically have units
cast-iron frames, whereas smaller motors with rolled 9. Premium insulation (Class F or H materials)
steel or aluminum frames may be available from the 10. Class B-rated temperature rise
same makers. 11. All conductors brought out to the conduit box,
lugged, and identified
1. Motor frame (cast iron or, above 200 to 400 hp, 12. Nonwicking insulation on motor leads
fabricated steel) 13. Large cast-iron or fabricated steel conduit box
2. Enclosure to suit application for motor leads
3. Antifriction bearings (a Kingsbury bearing may 14. Grounding lug within conduit box
be desirable on deep well pumps or large vertical 15. Separate cast-iron box for auxiliary circuits (tem-
pumps) perature and vibration monitoring, etc.)
16. Special motor guarantees for severe applications: 13-16. References
- Submersibles
- Very-high-thrust vertical motors 1. Linders, L, "Effects of power supply variations on ac
- Nonsinusoidal voltage supply (rectifier/ motor characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Industry
inverter supply) Applications, IA-8, 383-400 (Jul./Aug. 1972).
2. WoIl, R. F., "Effect of unbalanced voltage on the oper-
- Unusual ambient temperatures or elevation
ation of polyphase induction motors," IEEE Transactions
17. Submittal requirements for nameplate data on Industry Applications, IA-II, 38-42 (Jan./Feb. 1975).
18. Submittal requirements for efficiency data at 3. Richardson, D. V., Handbook of Rotating Electric Ma-
various loads and power factor at the same chinery, Reston Publishers, Reston, VA (1980).
loads from "like-motor tests" or from factory 4. Richardson, D. V., Rotating Electric Machinery &
testing of the first unit of the order Transformer Technology, 2nd ed., Reston Publishers,
19. Space heater or a provision for winding heating Reston, VA (1982).
of infrequently run motors and motors in damp 5. Elshareif, A. "Cornell immersible pumps. A great alter-
locations native for conventional dry-pit submersible installa-
20. Over-temperature, vibration, and (for submers- tions," Cornell Pump Company, Portland, Oregon (n.d.).
ible motors) moisture monitors 6. Karrasik, I. J., J. P. Messina, P. Cooper, and C. C. Heald,
Pump Handbook, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York
21. Protection from dirt, rodents, and insects
22. Protection from moisture and flooding 7. Yuen, M. H., "Low voltage heating of motors in refineries
23. Protection from vehicular traffic and chemical plants," IEEE Transactions on Industry and
24. Protection from sun and weather, if applicable General Applications, IGA-5, 300-309 (May/June 1969).
25. Balanced voltage supply at the rated value 8. Dikinis, D. V., and M. H. Yuen, "Solid-state control—
26. Rated frequency supply (utility and local gener- Low voltage heating of motors," IEEE Transactions on
ation) Industry Applications, IA-II, 287-290 (May/June 1975).
27. Protection from single-phasing for utility and in- 9. Lukitsch, W. J., "Methods of protecting against dam-
plant systems aging effects of moisture buildup in motors used in the
28. Rating of motor(s) and frequency of starts within petroleum/chemical industry," IEEE Conference Paper
PCI-80-15, Petroleum and Chemical Industry Confer-
the utility's system capabilities
ence, New York (September 1980)
29. Starting voltage drop reasonable 10. Sheffer, K. W., et al., "Application of inherent thermal
30. Adequate controls to limit the frequency of starts protection to industrial motor systems," IEEE Trans-
31. Controls designed to prevent energizing a back- actions on Industry Applications, IA-II, 14—23 (Jan./Feb.
spinning motor 1975).
32. Prescheduled maintenance and frequency of in- 11. Obenhaus, R. E., "Sensor retrofitting of motors for
spections by adequately trained personnel written protection against overtemperature," IEEE Trans-
into the O&M manual actions on Industry Applications, IA-II, 24-32 (Jan./
33. Inverter duty requirements Feb. 1975).

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