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Module 1 Problems

Problem on KVL:

Use repeated application of KVL to find the values of vc and ve for the circuit of
Problem on KVL: Solution

Use repeated application of KVL to find the values of vc and ve for the circuit of

vc = 8V, ve = −2V
Problem on KCL:
Problem on KCL: Solution
Problem on KVL/KCL/Ohms Law - 1:

Solve for the source voltage in the circuit of Figure, in which we have a current-
controlled current source and we are given that the voltage across the 5 ohm
resistance is 15 V.
Problem on KVL/KCL/Ohms Law - 1: Solution
Problem on KVL/KCL/Ohms Law - 2:

Figure shows an independent current source connected across a resistance. Analyse

to find the values of iR, vR, vs, and the power for each element.
Problem on KVL/KCL/Ohms Law - 2: Solution

Figure shows an independent current source connected across a resistance. Analyze

to find the values of iR, vR, vs, and the power for each element.

Answer: iR = 2A, vs = vR = 80 V, ps = −160W, pR = 160W

Problem on KVL/KCL/Ohms Law - 3:
Consider the circuit of Figure with Is = 3A, R = 2 , and Vs = 10V.
a. Determine the value of vR.
b. Determine the magnitude of the power for the voltage source and state whether the voltage
source is absorbing energy or delivering it.
c. How many nodes does this circuit have?
d. Determine the magnitude of the power for the current source and state whether the current
source is absorbing energy or delivering it.
Problem on KVL/KCL/Ohms Law - 3: Solution

a. Determine the value of vR:

b. Determine the magnitude of the power for the voltage source and state whether the voltage source is
absorbing energy or delivering it:

c. How many nodes does this circuit have?


d. Determine the magnitude of the power for the current source and state whether the current source is
absorbing energy or delivering it.
Problem on Series/Parallel Resistor Combinations:
Problem on Series/Parallel Resistor Combinations: Solution
Problem on Voltage Division:
Problem on Voltage Division: Solution
Problem on Voltage/Current Division:
Problem on Voltage/Current Division: Solution
Problem on Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit:
Problem on Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit: Solution
Problem on Nortons’s Equivalent Circuit:
Problem on Nortons’s Equivalent Circuit: Solution

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