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Practice Based Research

Competencies 3. Contextual focus

The student identifies developments in the national and international professional
world and in society at large, positioning himself/herself and his/her work in relation
to these.

Learning 3.1 The student is aware of developments in his/her specialist field, the wider professional
Outcomes music world and society at large. The student demonstrates how he/she integrates that
awareness into his/her professional abilities and uses it to enhance his/her own career and
to serve the community.

Assessment Research proposal (semester 1):

a. There is a clear relationship between the research question and the student’s envisioned
professional artistic practice.
b. Arguments for the necessity of extending current knowledge or developing artistic practice
are based on a review of relevant sources.

Competencies 4. Research and Development skills

The student constantly evaluates his/her own artistic performance through self-
initiated research and reflection on his/her own identity, actions and work with the
aim of improving that performance and simultaneously contributing to innovation in
his/her field.

Learning 4.3 The student reflects on his/her own working methods, and thus understands the
Outcomes implications of choices and decisions, which he/she can defend retrospectively both to
colleagues and to individuals working outside the field.

Assessment Research proposal (semester 1, continues):

c. There is a clearly defined research method, appropriate to the research question.
d. The types of data and the methods of acquisition and analysis are described.
e. Appropriate measures have been taken to ensure validity and reliability of the research
f. Planning and organization, including a timeline, ensures punctual completion of the
research process.
g. Referencing and citation consistently adhere to a standard reference style.
h. The layout contributes to the appeal and readability of the proposal; pages are numbered,
and paragraphs include headings.

Research data (semester 2):

a. A sufficient amount of data has been collected with regard to the scope of the study.
b. The research data are appropriate for answering the research question(s) and is of good
quality (recording quality, accuracy of transcriptions, detail in field notes etc.).
c. The research data have been collected using ethical measures respecting the consent and
privacy of research participants.
d. The data are securely and systematically stored in Hanze OneDrive with the use of renamed


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