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Third Party Equipment Checklist

HSE_3258 | Rev. 04 | (9-Dec-2019)

Third Party Equipment Checklist

Note 1: Permanently installed equipment (>6 Months) requires an Engineering Management of Change (MOC).

Note 2: All SECE, refer to Rig WVS, must first be referred to the Rig Manager for approval by the ICP before its

Initiated By: ________________________________ (OIM) Printed Name:________________________________

Date Completed: _______________________________ (DD-MMM-YYYY)

1. General

Rig Name



Type of Equipment
Is the equipment SECE or required to interface with a SECE ? (Y/N)
(Note: Check with Rig WSV)
If equipment is a SECE or is required to interface with a SECE, has it been
verified by the ICP (Y/N)
(Note: If No, then equipment must not be installed.)
Equipment Time Expected Onboard
(Note: > 6+ Months Requires an Engineering MOC)
Owner of Equipment

Fire Rating

Build Date

Inspection Authority

Certification #

North Sea Region Only: “European Conformity (CE)” Certification (Y/N)

North Sea Region Only: Certificate of Employer’s Liability Insurance (Y/N)

Last Inspection

Lifting Equipment Certification #

Has a Stability Calculation Been Conducted to Ensure Safety?

Equipment Weight (Lbs / Kg / M.Tons)

Deck Load Rating (Lbs / Kg / M.Tons)

Intended for Service (Y/N)

Power Requirements (Volts)

Power Requirements (Amps)

Power Requirements (Phase)

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Third Party Equipment Checklist
HSE_3258 | Rev. 04 | (9-Dec-2019)

3P Employee Received Initial Orientation? (Y/N)

3P Employee Understands PTW System? (Y/N)

3P Employee Understands WI/HA System? (Y/N)

3P Employee Understands Spill Kit Locations? (Y/N)

3P Employee Understands Reporting Protocols? (Y/N)

Evidence that 3P is Competent for Job? (Y/N)

Is Operating Manual Present for the Equipment? (Y/N)

2. Inspection Type (Yes/ No)

Item Received from Shore

Item Received from another Rig

Unit Surveyed and Free of Defects/Deformations


3. Mechanical (Yes/ No)

Inlet and Exhaust Taken from/to a Safe Area?

Is equipment outfitted with pressure relief valves and are venting in a safe
All Moving Parts are properly guarded?

Equipment Foundation is Suitable for Load Rating?

Rig-provided air and water systems connected securely?

Pressure rated components are identifiable and confirmed suitable?

Whip checks/Crows Feet and other means of securing are in place?

Secondary Fall Protection Required and Implemented?

All Emergency Shutdowns Devices are working properly?

Safe Access (Stairs, railings, steps) is provided to the equipment?

Check Doors, Hatches, and Lids for damage, corrosion, locking devices?

Are all necessary spare parts available?

Container Identification #

Physical Appearance? (Very Good/Satisfactory/Poor)

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Third Party Equipment Checklist
HSE_3258 | Rev. 04 | (9-Dec-2019)

Rigging Conditions? (Very Good/Satisfactory/Poor)

Lift Point Conditions? (Very Good/Satisfactory/Poor)

Roof/Base/Wall Conditions (Good/Cracks/Dents/Corrosion)

Container Lid Locking Devices? (Good/Damaged)


Mech/Barge Eng Signature: _______________________________________________ Date:___________________

4. Electrical (Yes/ No)

Wire sealing glands are intact?

Cables are secured?
All grounding (“earthing”) is in order?
Hazard Area Rating Suitable?
Any portable electrical equipment inspected?
Unit is Weather Tight?
All plugs protected with covers when not in use?
Emergency Lights installed and functional? (Must be Intrinsically Safe)
All relevant alarms (e.g. Purge) are functioning as required?
All electrical ESDs are functioning as required?


Chief Electrician Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

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Third Party Equipment Checklist
HSE_3258 | Rev. 04 | (9-Dec-2019)

5. Environmental (Yes/ No)

Skid containment has adequate capacity for spillages?

Hydraulic/fuel hoses and fittings in good working condition?

Does 3P understand where the nearest spill kit is and is it well stocked?

Does 3P have SDS documents on hand?

Does 3P understand Borr Drilling’s Environmental Reporting Protocols?


SPC/Barge Engineer Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

6. Acceptance or Rejection for Onboard Use:

___________________ (DD-MMM-YY)

______ This equipment has been accepted for use onboard.

______ This equipment has been rejected for use onboard.

__________________________ _________________________________
OIM Signature Third Party Representative Signature

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Third Party Equipment Checklist
HSE_3258 | Rev. 04 | (9-Dec-2019)

7. Decommission/Removal (Yes/No)

Equipment’s cables have been removed from the rig and secured?

Unit is weather tight?

Lifting equipment is intact and undamaged?

Unit has been surveyed and is free from damages?

Lifting Equipment Certification still in date?

All external doors/latches are secured and in good condition?

Has the affected area of the rig been restored to its original condition?


8. Decommissioned Close Out:

Date of Removal: ___________________________ (DD-MM-YY)

______ This equipment has been decommissioned for further use onboard
and has been removed.

__________________________ _________________________________
OIM Signature Third Party Representative Signature

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