The Power of Honor

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The power of honor

Sun, Aug 04, 2013

Luis David Meza Viewed By: 62233

Last week saw the history of the í ace and everything had to go to descend the fire of God's presence to
his altar.

The í as or or it would not rain three and a half years, fed ravens with bread and meat, depended or that
a dying widow without resources, a dying child , who was not Jewish í to and that s or what ten í a little
flour and oil to make a cake pan and let it die,feed him, with the promise that the flour and oil will not
dwindle í n , and so it happened or . And after all that, enfrent or 400 prophets of Baal and God sent
down fire on his altar.

And all that happened to him was, in one word: Supernatural.

Do you know why we see in the Bible so many times that supernatural things happen ? Because what is
supernatural for us is the natural of God.

Sadly the people of God has a " natural resistance " to the supernatural of the power of God. But this
generation or n is to call to preach and live a gospel, not s or what the wordBut of power in the Esp í
Spirit Santo.

1 st Thessalonians 1: 5 (a) " 5 For our gospel did not arrive or to you in word only, but also é n held in the
Esp í Ritu Santo ..."

¿ Cu to ntos want to see God do great miracles in their lives? I am going to give you a principle: Where
there is no honor, there are no miracles, in other words, as Pastor Cash Luna says in his book "In honor
of the Holy Spirit", he says for there to be a move of miracles there must be honor Hence, today's topic
is entitled: The Power of Honor.


I am going to tell you something that should be very clear in your mind and in your heart: Honor is one
of the main keys that open the doors of blessings and miracles , but take it seriously. account that
disgrace closes them.
Matthew 13: 53-58 " 53 Special Event or when termin or Jes ú s these couple to balls, went all t . 54 And
come to their land, teach them ñaba in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and dec í an: ¿ D
or NDE has é ste this wisdom í to and these miracles?

What was doing Jes u s in Nazareth, their land? Miracles , but the people stopped seeing the
supernatural and began to see the natural.

55 ¿ There is é ste the son of the carpenter? ¿ Not his mother called Mar í a, and his brothers, James, Jos
é , Sim or n and Judas? 56 ¿ No is toAre all your sisters with us? ¿ D or nand then hath é ste all these
things? 57 And they were offended in é l. But Jes u s said to them: A prophet is not without honor, but in
his own country and in his house. 58 And did all í many miracles because of their unbelief. "

What Jes u s est to ense ñ ando is that where you see people s or what what your eyes natural get to see
and his mind naturallyenough to understand, would not have to honor and not could to be miracles , ie,
you can not manifest the supernatural of God .

Where Jes u s did not honor Him as the Son of God, could only make tables and chairs .

Likewise, many times we do not honor those who are close to us, because we know that they are
imperfect people and that they make mistakes. We see only mistakes and lose sight of what to honor
themcan do for us, and we miss the blessing they have for us.

The children see their weaknesses their parents , but why should underestimate what they can do for

We see the errors of the l í civilian leaders , or teachers , or bosses or l í deres spiritual and therefore
lose the blessing or n that is hidden in them.


Let 's first see the dictionary says the word means honor, he says the honor is the demonstration or n of
appreciation , of respect and recognition it makes someone for their virtues and their m é rites.

So first we must understand is that the honor is action or n, says is the demonstration or n of
appreciation, respect and recognition, it does not say that honor is to have appreciation, respect and
recognition, butdemonstration or n of that appreciation, respect and recognition. Jes u s put it this way:
Matthew 15: 8-9 " 8 This people honor me lips; But his heart or n is to far from m í . 9 But in vain they
worship Me, Ense ñ ando doctrines the commandments of men.

The honor is not from the lips, it must be with concrete actions that show appreciation, respect and
recognition of someone for their virtues and merits.


Word says:

Romans 13: 7 " 7 Give everyone what deb éis: to whom tribute, tribute; to whom tax, tax; whom I
respect, I respect; the one who honors, honors. "

The honor is a debt to be paid. What he is saying is that you have to give honor to those who deserve

to. To parents

Ephesians 6: 2-3 “ 2 Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise;
3 so that it goes well for you, and you may live long on earth. "

The first commandment with promise has to do with honoring parents.

If we show appreciation, respect and appreciation to our parents, God promises that we will do well and
that we will have a long life. Today there is a very harsh spiritual reality, and it is the separation in the
homes, separating the children from the parents, and the parents from the children. Satan knows that if
he can cause children to not appreciate, respect, and recognize their parents, the children will fare
poorly and will be short-lived.

b. A civil authorities

1 st Peter 2:13 and 17-18 " 13 Because of the Se ñ or submit yourselves to every institution he or human
n, whether to the king, as supreme; 17 Honor all. Love the brothers. Fear God. Honor the king.
18Servants, be subject with all respect to your masters; not only to the good and gentle, but also é n the
dif í cult to bear. "

We must give appreciation, respect and recognition to all our authorities in the different areas of our
life, to the rulers, to the teachers, to the bosses and especially, to those who are difficult to bear.
c. To the spiritual authorities

Hebrews 13:17 “ 7 Obey your leaders, and submit to them; because they watch over your souls, as those
who have to give an account; to do so with joy í to, and not complained to ndose, because it is
unprofitable. "

(TLA) Hebrews 13:17 " 17 Obey your l í leaders because they take care of you relentlessly, and know
they are accountable to God for what you pass to them. Try not to cause problems, so that the work
they do is enjoyable and you can be of help to them.

Just as God establishes and allows civil or social authorities in your life, God also establishes spiritual
authorities. In the same way we must have respect, appreciation and recognition for them, since they
take care of our souls. Pastoring or caring for people is the most difficult job there is, because there is
not only an emotional bond with people but also a spiritual one. Of all the professions that involve
relationships, that of pastors and leaders is very difficult. Doctors, psychologists, lawyers, salespeople,
etc. They have contact with people but there is only a business link and in the best case a professional
link and empathy, but a pastor has a link at every level.

It is like a family, what hurts one hurts others. That your attitude allows us to do it with joy, do not
complain because that does not benefit you.

d. Our Heavenly Father

Malachi í as 1: 6 " 6The son honors his father, and a servant his is ñ or. If then I am a father, ¿ d or NDE is
to my honor? and if I was ñ or, ¿ d or Where are to my fear? Jehovah said to the example é armies to
you, O priests, who menospreci to is my name.

The main honor we show to our Father by honoring Jesus, recognizing him, respecting him and
appreciating him as our savior.

He is the source of our life and blessing and we should honor him as he is worthy to receive.

You cannot honor God but honor the people to whom you owe honor, because you would be disobeying
God and an act of honor is obedience.

Next week we are going to talk about how to honor God and each one of the people that the word
teaches you that you owe them honor.

If you are having a hard time in any area of your life, it may be because you have not honored some of
these people, including God, so it is a good time to repent and redirect your thoughts and feelings, to
show that honor. .

If you are waiting for a miracle, why don't you start by entering into a move of honor, honoring your
parents, your leaders and pastors who have taught you about the word of God, about miracles, who
watch over you and your families, their bosses, or civil leaders.

Ask for forgiveness if you have spoken ill of any of your leaders and pastors, your bosses or any civil
authority, rulers, presidents, etc.

HERE IS tremendous blessing in the practice of honor. This spiritual principle works alone.

HONOR: esteem, appreciate, consider precious and worthy. Rate as special.

Honor is defined in the dictionary as “esteem, respect, recognition or distinction; keep or treat with
honor; a symbol or gesture of recognition or distinction. "

DISHONOR: treat something or someone, as having no value, treat as common, despise, and devalue.

Understand that every person has a tremendous blessing within them that will flow when honor is
unleashed. God has placed in each person a tremendous blessing, an aspect of his glory, a perfect work
that has to be unleashed, and this is unleashed when there is honor.


Let's first see what the dictionary says that the word honor means, it says that honor is: The
demonstration of appreciation , respect and recognition that is made to someone for their virtues
and merits.

The first thing we must understand is that honor is action, it says it is the demonstration of
appreciation, respect and recognition, it does not say that honor is having appreciation, respect and
recognition, but the demonstration of that appreciation, respect and recognition. Jesus said it this way:
Matthew 15: 8-9 “ 8 This people honors me with their lips; But his heart is far from me. 9 For in vain do
they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

The honor is not from the lips, it must be with concrete actions that show appreciation, respect and
recognition of someone for their virtues and merits.

The Power of Honor


Honor is a key that releases more than you have already received from the people to whom you show
honor. Today, through disgrace, many are not reaching the life that God has planned for them.

The word Honor appears 144 times in all of Scripture more than the word Dishonor, which only appears
14 times, which gives us to understand that God is interested in us understanding the importance of

The word Honor in Hebrew is : kabed ( ‫ ָּכ בֵד‬, H3513) , "to honor." This verb occurs about 114 times in all
periods of Biblical Hebrew. Its cognates are in the same languages as the name kabôd. An example of
kabed appears in Deu_5: 16 : "Honor your father and your mother, as Jehovah your God has
commanded you."

The word Honor in Greek is: timao (τιμάω, G5091) , to set the value, the price. It is translated
"appreciated" and priced "(Mat_27: 9, rv, rvr); "Appraised" and "price set" (rvr77); "Value of the
appraised" and "appraised"


Mark 6: 1-6

They did not honor or recognize Jesus, because they had grown up with him, they had seen him only
with their natural eyes, for them he was another one.
Where Jesus was not honored as the son of God, he could only make tables and chairs.

Likewise, many times we do not honor those who are close to us, because we know that they are
imperfect people and that they make mistakes.

We see only the mistakes and we do not focus on what they can do for me, we waste the blessing they
have for us.

Children see their parents' weaknesses, but they should not underestimate what they can do for them.

We see the mistakes of the civil leaders, or the teachers, or the bosses and therefore we lose the
blessing that is hidden in them.

We cannot see only what our natural eyes see, but what is inside those people.

You have the opportunity to focus on what people represent to you, honor them, and receive blessings.


Ephesians 6: 1-3

The first commandment with promise has to do with honoring parents.

If we show appreciation, respect and appreciation to our parents, God promises that we will do well and
that we will have a long life.

Today there is a very harsh spiritual reality, and it is the separation in the homes, separating the children
from the parents, and the parents from the children.

Satan knows that if he manages to cause children to not appreciate, disrespect and recognize their
parents, He is causing the children to do badly and have a short life.

Many times due to the injuries that parents cause their children, they move away and live a life
separated from them. Dishonor is like dishonor too. Malachi 4: 6


1 Peter 2: 17-18

We must appreciate, recognize and respect everyone, God and the main ruler: President and rulers. We
must appreciate, recognize and respect bosses.

We must appreciate, acknowledge and respect teachers. And NOT just those who are good, but those
who are hard to bear. Never use your mouth to curse the authorities that God has placed over your life,
if you do not agree with something, do not use that to criticize or speak badly. Romans 12:21


Hebrews 13:17

Just as God establishes and allows civil or social authorities in your life, God also establishes spiritual
authorities. In the same way we must have respect, appreciation and recognition for them, since they
take care of our souls. Pastoring or caring for people is the most difficult job that exists, because there is
not only an emotional bond with people but also a spiritual one. Of all the professions that involve
relationships, being pastors is very difficult. Doctors, psychologists, lawyers, salespeople, etc. They have
contact with people but there is only a business link and in the best case a professional link and
empathy, but a pastor has a link at every level.

It is like a family, what hurts one hurts others. That your attitude allows us to do it with joy, do not
complain because that does not benefit you.


Malachi 1: 6

Our main show of appreciation, recognition and respect we owe to God our Father. Our honor has
nothing to do with our judgment of what kind of God we have, but because He is our creator and Father.
John 5: 22-24

The main honor we show to our Father by honoring Jesus, recognizing him, respecting him and
appreciating him as our savior.

He is the source of our life and blessing and we should honor him as he is worthy to receive.



Pay each one what is due: if you owe taxes, pay the taxes; if you owe contributions, pay the
contributions; To whom you owe respect, show respect to whom you owe honor, give honor. (Romans
13: 7NIV)



What specific action did you commit to take last week? What was the results?

Instructions: Take turns reading the following paragraphs with your classmates. As you read, underline
the ideas that stand out to you.


Our society has lost sight of what honor is, many times we lose blessings because we do not know the
principles of honor.

What does honor mean? "To value , esteem, appreciate or consider precious, is to consider someone
worthy and loved."

What is dishonor? It is quite the opposite, "treating something or someone as having no value, as
something or someone common", also means "despising and devaluing".

When we value something we take care of it, for example: a precious jewel is not left lying around, it is
kept in a jeweler and is cared for because it is valuable.

If each one of us received the revelation of the importance and transcendence that honor has for God,
then, instead of this principle being lost in our society, on the contrary, it would be growing, what it
would do with our life and the from others highly valuable.

Who to honor?

God's Word tells us that we must honor the Lord as the first and foremost in our life, and the
demonstration of honoring God is through our obedience to what He asks of us.

We are also asked to honor father and mother. We are not asked to rate or judge them, but to honor
them. (Ephesians 6: 2-3)

We must honor our leaders, as the Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:17

Finally, we are asked to honor the authorities. Romans 13: 1-2

And in general, we should honor each other. Love one another with brotherly love, respecting and
honoring each other. (Romans 12:10 NIV)

We can say that if we are not honoring God, parents, pastors, friends, rulers, etc., we are not going to
experience the best of God; because God honors those who honor him.

How do you honor someone?

We can honor with our words.

We can honor with our obedience.

We can honor you with our service.

We can honor you with our details.

Is honor an obligation, or is it voluntary? Honor must be voluntary and by revelation.

For example, you don't buy your parents a pair of shoes just when they need them, but you do it to
honor them, whether they need them or not; because you hold them in high esteem, because you love
them, value them and because you thank them.


Benefits of honoring:

Whoever honors will receive the reward of honor.

The Bible says honor your father and mother so that things go well for you and have a long life . (Eph. 6:

The Bible says: “Honor the Lord with your goods and with the first fruits of all your fruits; and your barns
will be filled with abundance , and your vats will overflow with new wine. (Prov . 3: 9 -10 )


Action steps:
Honor with your obedience . Make up your mind to start by honoring God first and your parents second.
The best gift we can give you is by being obedient. If you have been disobedient in something, ask for
forgiveness and make the necessary changes to honor them.

Honor with your words . Show words of appreciation, for example, to your mother or wife this next
Mother's Day, and start doing it frequently, not just once a year.

Honor with your service . Because it is Mother's Day week, you can help her with housework, take her
breakfast in bed, take her to eat at a restaurant, etc.

Material goods . It is also important to honor with money and gifts. Show your love and appreciation to
your mother or wife with a gift for everything she does.


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