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Colette's Dancing School

Mandatory Team Placement Clinics 2010-11

This note is for AIL TEAMS! (Hip-Hop too)
We au Iz.avina aLL cli.n.i.cau.rlitiolU at rilLe tIuJ lJea'C.!:
627I S. 3655 W. West Jordan
To be eligible to try-out aU team members must return signed and dated bottom portion of this note!
Also if a try1)ut is missed; the team member must pay the clinic fee o£ the team auditioning for plus an
additional $.0 placement fee. There will be DO second try1)uts.
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TinyXcells:Thurs.]une9'" 6:00-7:00p.m.$9.00ifpre-registered,$11.00dayof . V'li\\ nO ~
Bre.Julanco Crew, Jundr7 ,00-8,OOp_m. $9.00 if pre-registered, $11.00 day of e, All CPS -rea rn
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Pee-Wee Xcess: Fri.]une 10" 5:00-6:15p.m. $12.00

Xtreme Xcess & All-Stars: Fri.]une 10" 6:l5-7:45p.m. $15.00


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Ir. Xcess & Xcess: Fri.]une 10" 7:45-9:15p.m. $15.00 q
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Mini Xcells & X-One: Sat. June 11" Studio ~1_ 11)s
8:30-9:00a.m. Warm-Up and Ballet Center Floor
9:00-9:45a.m. Jazz Dance
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9:45-10:15a.m. Across The Floor
10:15-10:45a.m. Placement
$16.00 if pre-registered $20.00 Day of
C ~le Ells
X-Two & X-Three: Sat. June 11"
9:45-10:30a.m. Warm-Up and Ballet
Arrive at 9:30a.m.
W<I !l!'<1g<lttiDg J'ffiW ~o'PE,Il.coTE. 1)
10:30-11: 15a.m. Technique Across the Floor A&B IiliID~~t(,)D~d W~-up~l
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12: 15 Jazz Dance A&B
12:15-1:OOp.m. Placement
$22.00 if pre-registered $26.00 Day of ~\~{\
Xcellerate & Irs: Sat. June II" Arrive at 12:00p.m.
12:15-1:00p.m. Warm-Up & Across The Floor A&B
1:00-1:45 Jazz Routine A&B
1:45-2:30 Ballet/ Lyrical A&B
2:30-2:45 Break
2:4-5-3:30 Placement C
$25.00 if pre-registered $30.00 day of

Srs & Xpress & M-2: Sat. June 11'" Arrive at 2: 15p.m.
2:30-3:15p.m. Warm-Up & Across the Floor A&B !AI CDS CDS
3:15-4:00 Jazz Dance A&B rye kick 't CDS W
4:00-4.:45 Hip-Hop 4:45-5:00 Break A&B I, Werack it 1/ e are the BEST!
5:00-6 Contemporary /Lyrical A&B , reah w .
6:00-6:45 Placement A&B e neVe r stap itlt!
$30.00 if pre-registered $35.00 Day of

Colette's Dancing School TEAM Audition Registration 2011

Dancer's Name Dancer's Age__ Pymt. Enclosed$ _
Auditioning For Years of Dance Experience __ From the Studio _
Summer Team Contract:
I (parent or guardianlunderstand and Agree that if my dancer (dancer auditioning) is
placed on a Competition Team at Colette's Dancing School that she/he will attend at least the minimum required summer
classes. If they do not attend or I do not pay for these classes; placement on the teamts) will be terminated. and if my account
is not paid it will go to collections. I also hold Colette's Dancing School harmless for any injuries sustained while receiving
instruction at Colette's Dancing School, or while on the premises.

Signed _ Date Printed Name _

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