Brunelleschi's Bricks: June 2015

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Brunelleschi's bricks

Article · June 2015


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1 author:

Attilio Pizzigoni
University of Bergamo


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Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2


Prof. D. h-C Eng .E. TORROJA, founder

June n. 184

Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2

June n. 184
international association
for shell and spatial structures ISSN: 1028-365X

28/12/04 07:06:09
VOL. 56 (2015) No. 2 contents
n. 184 June

Memorial Statement
Memorial to Frei Otto 87
E. Ramm

Technical Paper
Dynamic Performance Analysis of Single-Layer Cylindrical Reticulated 91
Shell Considering Pile- Soil-Structure Interaction
S.-d. Xue, Y. Liu and X.-y. Li

Bottom-Up Design, Construction and Control of a Reconfigurable 101

Structural System
O. Kontovourkis, M.C. Phocas and P. Konatzii

Upcoming Events 112

Overall Self-Stress Modes Analysis and Optimal Prestress Design of the 113
Kiewitt Dome
L.-m. Chen, Y.-y. Zhou and S.-l. Dong

Polar Method to Design Foldable Plate Structures 125

V. Beatini

Brunelleschi’s Bricks 137

A. Pizzigoni

COVER: Figure from paper by A. Pizzigoni

IASS Secretariat: CEDEX-Laboratorio Central de Estructuras y Materiales

Alfonso XII, 3; 28014 Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34 91 3357409; Fax: 34 91 3357422;;

Printed by SODEGRAF ISSN:1028-365X Depósito legal: M. 1444-1960


Architect, Professor ,, Department of Engineering , University of Bergamo Italy.

Editor’s Note: Manuscript submitted 3 January 2014; revisions received 15 January and 20 April 2015; accepted 20 April.
This paper is open for written discussion, which should be submitted to the IASS Secretariat no later than December


This paper investigates the link between the bond between the bricks and the overall masonry pattern in the
dome of the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral in Florence, Italy. The pattern is usually described as a
“Herringbone”, but the true nature of the three-dimensional layers of bricks in the dome’s spatial geometry is
never discussed. This paper presents a plausible hypothesis, founded on a special three-dimensional, reciprocal
interaction of the Cupola’s bricks, that is verified by virtual models and physical prototypes. This research
indicates a possible procedure that would allow the construction of whole or parts of masonry domes using such
a non-traditional type of brick, through mountable and demountable reciprocal interaction. Moreover, we have
employed a parametric modelling software that enables us to generate different shapes by varying the ruling

Keywords: Brunelleschi’s Cupola, Herringbone, 3-dimensional reciprocal bricks bond, building without

1. INTRODUCTION final (very slow) setting time of lime mortar – just by

relying upon three-dimensional reciprocal bonding.
“…Si faccia di mattoni grandi ... i quali si murino
con quello spinapesce sarà deliberato per chi l’avrà How to lay such three-dimensional reciprocal bricks
a conducere … e murisi con gualandrino con tre on a ring bed with a centre around which all the
corde…”, quote from Rapporto dei Provveditori of bricks are aligned, and thus build a shell as a solid of
24th January 1426.- ( translation: “…let us make it revolution. This the only kind of dome which may be
with big bricks ... which will be processed with such constructed without scaffolding or ribs, as testified by
an "herringbone" how decide who will have to work Leon Battista Alberti in De re aedificatoria, Lib.III
it….and let us make it with ‘gualandrino’ with three Cap XIV.
How to lay these bricks using a very particular
This paper focuses on how the brick bond and device, the so-called gualandrino (a kind of geometric
masonry pattern are configured inside the dome of the square rule with three rulers not just the usual two), in
Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral in Florence, Italy: order to obtain spatial coordinates beyond those two
in the plan of brick layers. From this point of view all
“Herringbone” is the word that’s always used to former and current references to Brunelleschi’s
describe them, but there’s hardly a mention of the masterwork do not refer to normal, traditional bricks.
true nature of the three-dimensional layers of bricks Instead we discuss the very unusual, outsized bricks
in the dome’s spatial geometry. This paper intends to which he himself designed and modelled by cutting
address these issues and to provide a likely and experimental shapes from enormous turnips. Their
plausible hypothesis regarding them. Said hypothesis design was so particular that he oversaw their
is founded on a very special three-dimensional, manufacture personally, even as far as the furnaces.
reciprocal interaction of the Cupola’s bricks, and is
verified by virtual models and physical prototypes. This research indicates a possible procedure that
would allow the construction of whole or parts of
The questions this paper intends to answer are: masonry domes using such a non-traditional type of
How to reach static equilibrium of masonry with or brick, through mountable and demountable reciprocal
without the use of mortars, or otherwise before the interaction. Moreover, we have employed a

Copyright © 2015 by Attilio Pizzigoni.

Published by the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) with permission. 137
Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2 June n. 184

parametric modelling software that enables us to form of this model as he was responsible for its
generate different shapes by varying the ruling greatest transformations and expansions beyond the
algorithm. original scope of Arnolfo di Cambio’s primitive
design. At that time, in 1367, the “Masters and
2. JANUARY 24TH 1426 Painters” of the cathedral’s board of works, (the
Opera), had solemnly sworn that they would
On January 24th, 1426 the notary Tomaso di respect the “geometry” of that model. Indeed for
Guccio drafted a report to the Wardens and them the geometry represented that which today we
Superintendent Officials of the Opera di Santa define as a right and proper structural principle. We
Maria del Fiore (the board of works of the know that the constructional practices of the period
Florentine Dome) citing the words of Filippo founded their technical knowledge on the
Brunelleschi, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Battista proportional and geometric sizing of the parts of the
d'Antonio. Surprisingly the debate recounted buildings. The twelfth and thirteenth century
therein is not between the ancient and the modern, choices of pointed fifth arches were, in that sense,
or the classical and the anticlassical but instead, derived from gothic structural concepts.
with just a few definitive phrases, the plan to Furthermore they were coherent with the weight of
complete the construction of the great Dome is set the Cupola lantern, which would not easily have
out. been sustained by a hemispherical dome like the
Roman one. At the same time however, Buonaiuti’s
The terms of the questions at hand were clear, and design seems to distance itself from the gothic
the debate must have been lively because on one vision, especially if we consider that the five meter
side the building had already reached the second thick drum seems more closely linked to the
walkway, that’s about eleven meters above the level massive piers of the Roman domes than the slender
where the construction of the Cupola itself began. flying buttresses typical of that period’s
Important decisions, however, had yet to be made architecture. Moreover the presence of three semi-
as to whether wooden or stone chains were domes on the transept and apse, most certainly
necessary to absorb the pressure of the vault, and if (also) intended to play a role in absorbing the push
so how many. Doubts also remained regarding how of the horizontal forces, clearly recall the floorplan
to ensure that enough light would penetrate into the of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul – a work many scholars
dome’s interior. On top of all of that it became claim Brunelleschi knew of.
evident that the decision to vault the dome without
the help of ribs or supporting armature was a On the date of the aforementioned report the
foregone conclusion for obvious economic reasons, building was therefore at the height of the second
but no one except Filippo di Ser Brunellesco knew walkway. It was almost sixty meters high and had a
exactly how to proceed with such a construction. To frightening void of forty meters in diameter. The
make matters worse the man in question seemed to first portion of the vault had already risen ten
be quite reluctant to provide anything but the most degrees above the level where the Cupola’s
vague indications of how it might be done, as is construction began. At about 12 Florentine braccia
testified by the aforementioned report where he is or 7 meters above the quota of the planking level of
quoted as saying: “from thirty braccia upwards”, the first platform, the material used was no longer
(braccia were arms, an old Florentine measure pietra forte (a type of areanaceous limestome).
equal to 0.583 meters), the bricks “shall be built up Since 21.10.1422 in fact, building proceeded using
with the herringbone technique” … “following the bricks of large sizes (these so-called “quadroni”
instructions of he who will be put in charge”. were of varying measurements, of about 50x25x6
cm and 40x20x5.5cm [4]). That was the state of the
By contrast the geometric lines and the proportional work in progress at about halfway through the third
geometry of the structure had been defined several decade of the fourteenth century … and many
decades beforehand. Some fifty years earlier, long serious doubts still remained as to how the dome
discussions between master builders had concluded would eventually be vaulted. To the modern reader
with the creation of a model which we can still see it may seem strange to think that the ruling class of
today in Andrea Buonaiuti’s fresco in the church of what was then one of the world’s most powerful
Santa Maria Novella. It should be noted that city-states, could have had such blind trust as to
Franceso Talenti had the most influence on the final take a gamble on some quite experimental attempts


at construction, and indeed on a thereto unproven herringbone bond – a technique which he refined.
claim to be able to construct a similar work without To begin with we must say that such know-how
using a supporting framework, especially was already in use in the building practices of that
considering that with this high profile project they period. Needless to cite the examples of the ancient
intended to emulate the greatness of Imperial Rome Romans and Byzantines, which used particular
and outclass the rival cities of Pisa and Siena. “inverse” recumbencies of the bed joints, as even
Today, we may think that the awareness that such a beyond these there are numerous other
choice was not without foundation. In fact the constructions which demonstrate the use of such
Parthenon in Rome, with its oculus or open eye, techniques in Italy: from San Lorenzo and Santo
stood to demonstrate that domes could be built Spirito in Florence, to the churches of Calcinaio and
using superimposed concentric rings, but here the of Santa Maria Nuova in Cortona.
constructive difficulty regarded a dome with an
octagonal base. Moreover the mystique that even
today still surrounds the genius of Filippo
Brunelleschi has certainly intensified the belief that
he was a solitary visionary inventor. In reality,
documentation from the period clearly shows that
Filippo’s consultancy and relationship with the
Opera continued fairly steadily from at least 1404
onwards, long before the famous “competition” of
1418. Similarly well documented are his relations
with mathematicians of the day, specifically
addressing the problems of the Cupola’s geometry.

Figure 2: Traces of the 'cordablanda' brick bed joints, on

the extrados of the Cupola during the repair works of the
cover in 1970

Figure 1: Herringbone brickwork in the upper reaches of

Figure 3: Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane, about 1500,
the Dome temporary exposed during the restoration of the
Firenze, Gabinetto Uffizi, drawing 1330
frescoes in 1988-1995

3. THE HERRINGBONE BOND Moreover, the modern day interpretations of the

herringbone technique are well known and date
It is beyond the scope of this paper to review the back to 1925 at least, when Piero Sanpaolesi [18]
ideas and experiences of Filippo Brunelleschi, or was the first to identify and describe it. The most
the history of his works against the backdrop of the recent analyses include those of Rowland
early Florentine renaissance. Here instead we may Mainstone [11] and of Salvatore di Pasquale [6]
better explore his building methods and his carried out in the seventies. Thanks to their
bricklaying methodology, particularly his use of the contributions we now have an understanding of

Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2 June n. 184

how, through the herringbone constructive system, explore the upper part of the Cupola that, in the
the rotational dome (Fig. 7 and 8) took its particular above-cited in the report of 1425/6, is described as
form - it was in fact the only type of dome that built with the “herringbone bond”.
could be built without supporting armature, as it
appears in the works of the Roman period. This is
further affirmed by LeonBattista Alberti in his
treatise written in the years closely following those
of the Dome [1].

Since the publication of the structural analyses of

diPasquale it has been widely accepted that there is
some kind of “hidden” rotational dome inside the
octagonal form, and that this was indeed created
thanks to the herringbone bond and the conical lay
of the brick beds. It was the same Mainstone and
diPasquale who provided the geometric explanation
of the “cordablanda” or “slackline” as the
intersection of the brick’s laying cone with the eight
semi-elliptical, extradossal vaults. (Fig. 2)
Meanwhile other scholars, including the same
Sanpaolesi, not having guessed the rotational nature
of the Cupola, had attributed various other
structural functions to the cordablanda. All of the
above today seem exhaustively demonstrated by the
studies of the dome which have been carried out Figure 4: Diagrams of the building of the Cupola with
since the end of the Seventies: a convincing materials (see Massimo.Coli [4] )
confirmation of such constructive geometry is put
forward in the essay by Lamberto Ippoliti and
Chiara Peroni [10], in the experimental analyses of
Chiarugi and di Blasi [3], in the samples of R. Della
Negra [7], in the material analysis of Massimo Coli
[4], and in the research of Margaret Haines [9]. At
the same time, however, it is indeed from these
same studies that one unmet need emerges: the need
for a deeper knowledge of the characteristics of the
materials used in that final part of the Cupola where
weaving together of the herringbone bricks occurs.

Basically it seems that this enormous mass of

studies regarding the dome is today somewhat
suspended in judgement. We still need a deeper
understanding of the methods and materials used
for the upper part of the vault that reaches from the
second walkway to the closing ring. It involves a
220cm-thick wall, plastered inside and out. This
means it is difficult to define the dimensions and
lay of the materials used in its most internal part. Figure 5: Diagrams of the building of the Cupola with
Cross section (H.Saalmann [17] )
Even the few core samples that have been taken
leave room for much doubt; they were mostly 4. THE GUALANDRINO
executed in the lower parts of the dome, and their
direction does not always coincide with the corners The fundamental clue to this self-supporting bond is
of orientation of the bricks in the three-dimensional found in the words of Brunelleschi himself, as
space of the vault. In this text we therefore seek to recorded in the aforementioned report. His words in


Uccello. These differences were well noted by

Erwin Panofsky [15], and they regarded the three-
dimensional concept of space: intended as a
continuum rather than as a juxtaposition of single
bodies. Carrying on from the same Panofsky some
scholars, like Argan [2] have examined these
characteristics which distinguish the perspective
concept of Brunelleschi from that of Alberti as well
as the so-called “legitimate construction” that
would become the predominant interpretation of the
representation of perspective up until the end of the
XIX century. It is beyond the scope of this paper to
explore this topic. It remains however one of
Brunelleschi’s most recognized and celebrated
abilities, which leads us to confidently assert that he
could not possibly have been without a three-
dimensional vision of space. It was certainly quite
clear to him how the potential structural bonds of
the bricks should be aligned three-dimensionally
within a complex and double curved surface such as
that of a rotational vault.

When we see the traces of herringbone on the inside

Figure 6: Diagrams of the building of the Cupola with or outside walls of the Cupola we notice just two
scheduled times and events (M. Haines) [9] directions of bond which must necessarily be
continuous and three-dimensional. In order to
fact affirm that the work must be carried out with a adhere to the three-dimensional spatiality of the
“gualandrino”, a very special and elusive vault this bond must continue in space, and follow
instrument which is quite difficult to describe, and that irregular spiral of which we see traces in the
of which there is only a single mention in all of the faces of the vertical bricks that emerge where the
vast documentation of the Opera. Even though we plaster has fallen away (Fig. 10). It is a spiral line,
cannot reconstruct the mysterious mechanism of also called a conchoid, which is similar in shape to
this tool we can be certain that it served to control a shell. It can also, and more correctly, be called a
the wall bond (or pattern) by indicating three loxodrome or a rhumb line, just like that spiral so
directions of alignment. The “gualandrino” is well know to navigators, as it maintains constant
indeed sometimes refered to in the antique angles with respect to the meridians and parallels.
dictionaries of the fifteenth century as a sort of (Fig. 12)
“folding square” with three mobile arms instead of
the usual two. [19] Of course it follows that the bricks which compose
such a spiral form must be adapted to a continuous
Brunelleschi is universally recognised as the alignment of their reciprocal beds. This is in fact the
“inventor” of renaissance linear perspective, i.e. of role of a tracing instrument like a “gualandrino”. In
that which projective geometry would define as the order to define the alignments of the bricks in space
representation of a three-dimensional object on a this tool had to assume three different reference
flat plane using a central projection of straight lines points: the central axis of the dome (it being a
passing through an eye-point. It would be opportune rotational dome), the almost horizontal plane (in
here to review what Brunelleschi’s concept of that bricks laid without a supporting armature must
prospect was, with respect to the knowledge of the of course weigh one upon the other), and the
period. Still today it is widely acknowledged, but vertical section along the meridians. The evidence
certainly is distinct from that which Alberti and of these meridian reference points is still visible in
Piero della Francesca would later formulate, and the tracks of the tracing ribs outlined on site
even more different to that which we believe to be according to the pointed fifth arch, found on the
the hypotheses of Leonardo and of di Paolo inner edges of the octagon and fixed with clamp-

Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2 June n. 184

irons which are still in place beneath the plaster of

the fresco (see fig 12 pag 21 of Dalla Negra [7]).

The “gualandrino” is therefore the instrument

needed to trace the threads, that is the alignments,
which are always different in each brick course,
which the bricks follow according to the three
geometries of the construction: in the first place to
the continuous circular trace of the conical brick
bed joints, with the vertice on the dome’s vertical
axis; then to the pointed fifth arch of the vertical
section provided by the tracing ribs; and finally a
third alignment is that which is almost “horizontal” Figure 8: Outlines of the conical brick bed joints of the
to avoid the sliding of the bricks on the fresh mortar bricks according to a segment of conical layers
as the inclination of the beds increased. If they were superimposed and aligned to the central axis (cf
to follow the inclination of the range of rotation diPasquale)
they would incline well over sixty degrees. This last
alignment of the inclination of the bed joints
towards the outside is drawn partly from a
constructive technique that was already in use in the
Roman and Bizantine domes (Tempel of Roma at
Rome Roman, or Murano Cathedral) and is recalled
by R. Mainstone in the ancient examples of the
dome of Santa Sofia (Hagia Sofia) and the
Mausoleum of Oljeitu a Sultaniya. [11]

Figure 9: Cable curvature control device, by Guastavino,

St. John Cathedral New York 1909

bond, beyond absorbing the complex equilibrium of

a dome, redirecting them as combinations of
compression forces can be adapted to the crooked
Figure 7: Outlines of the conical brick bed joints of the tracings required to develop the shape of a vault
bricks according to a segment of conical layers that is spherical or ellipsoidal. Rather than a flat
brick bond as it appears in the well known drawing
5. THREE-DIMENSIONAL BRICK BOND attributed to Sangallo (Fig. 3) which can be found
in the Uffizi. Or instead how it is outlined in
Our thesis is thus based on the evidence that a three- Sanpaolesi’s sketch [18] this herringbone bond
dimensional spatial structure like the Florentine dome must have a “three-dimensional ” brick arrangement
cannot be built by laying and bonding bricks unless from which we must reconstruct the triple geometry
those bricks are themselves three-dimensional. The of the brick bond starting from the dimensions of
herringbone technique that is the subject of our the bricks used.
investigation is therefore rather unique. It cannot be
constructed through the (more or less orthogonal) The most reliable data we possess regarding the
arrangement of two bricks. Instead it must connect actual dimensions of the bricks Brunelleschi used to
three bricks with each other reciprocally supported in build this part of the Cupola (the part bonded with
the space. A wall with a three-dimensional brick the herringbone technique) is most certainly that


which emerges from the on site samples taken

during the restoration works that ended in 1995. In
taking these measurements Riccardo Dalla Negra
and his staff [7] (Figure 1) detected the recurring
presence of brick smaller than those recorded and
employed between the first and second walkways.
Indeed, in high part of the Cupola we have bricks of
mm.170x220x45-50 and sometimes of
220x220x45-50. Based on these it would also seem
that they were sized for modularity with other,
larger bricks which constantly maintain the two
dimensions of the base module, varying only in the
third (mm. 220x340x 45-50, mm.440x170x45-50 or
more rarely mm.280). Leaving aside for now the
thickness of the brick, that indeed is strangely Figure 12: Representation of the laying line of the
identified with a measure which is not absolute (45- loxodromical (rhumb line) spiral on the hemisphere
50 mm.), one may deduce that the larger bricks, just
because of their size (170x440mm. or 6. THE BRICKS
340x220mm.) in fact act as diatones or bondstones -
that is as modular multiples of the basic quadrone It might seem odd that bricks of such unusual
of mm.220x170 which were used to bond the wall, dimensions were used, were it not for the fact that it
and in this case were laid in two of the three brick- is precisely from their strange form that the design
laying directions, that is longitudinally and of their three-dimensional bond emerges. Since the
orthogonally with respect to the extrados surfaces. smallest measurement of the brick summed to the
(Fig 16) thickness is equal to the larger measurement
(17+5=22), it is from their three-dimensional
arrangement that the possibility of creating a wall
bond that is perfectly gripped in every spatial
direction arises, using three bricks that are
connected to each other in an orthogonally
reciprocal bed joint. A horizontal brick, a
transversal and a vertical one, so compose the
“three-dimensional herringbone” design which we
are trying to recreate. It is indeed a reciprocal
structure that is formed by this triple bond, with the
three bricks which are laid on a right trihedral
defined by the faces of a cube with a 33 cm side.
Aggregating them then, and juxtaposing a
Figure 10: The Bricks herringbone successive set of three bricks, they give rise to the
ribbing of the wall structure. Such a ribbing can be
deformed to follow along a crooked line by laying
the vertices of a trihedral along a generative curve.
A successive deformation in the spatial sense of
such ribbing depends on the variation of the angle
of interface which connects the bricks to each other.
In our case this angle can be controlled by the
thickness of the mortar. To materially construct a
similar spiral ribbing it is necessary to maintain
control of the angle of variation with which each set
of three bricks is juxtaposed with the next. From the
geometric models studied it resulted that we are not
Figure 11: Rendering of the three dimensional dealing with a single variation, but instead with a
herringbone brick bond triple inclination of the trihedral obtained rotating it

Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2 June n. 184

successively on the three outgoing radii of its 7. THE MODELS

vertex. The three bed joints (or interfaces) of the
bricks thus vary constantly in order to give the Here we will present 3D models (both physical and
desired form to the geometry of the construction. digital) in which the volume of the brick is merged
The three rotations imposed upon the trihedral are and made unique with that of the mortar bed. In this
therefore those already described: 1. – the way it appears more clearly that the volumetric unit
curvation of the (parallel) plan of the rotational of mortar/brick remains constant. All this, beyond
dome; 2. – the curvature in elevation (meridians) of just illustrating the hypothesis of the most probable
the apparently ogival vault, which in reality is made procedure adopted by Filippo Brunelleschi in
of five superimposed spherical caps whose centres building the Cupola, also opens an interesting
are aligned on the central axis ( fig. xx) ; 3.- the direction in which to take research on the materials
overturning of the (brick) plane towards the exterior and methodologies of a constructive technique that
to avoid slippage of the courses above. The is completely current and innovative, which could
rotations to be imposed when laying the bricks be updated to build vaulted structures, dry-mounted
depend on the measurements of the dome and that and not requiring any scaffolding or support
of the bricks. Considering the procedure which framework. The exact shape of the bricks needed to
Brunelleschi would have employed to keep such build such vaulted structures can in fact be perfectly
inclinations under control, the variable modelled by computer and then made out of poor,
measurement of the thickness of the bricks that also recycled or eco-friendly materials, or anyway
Dalla Negra detected (45-50mm), could be with technologically elementary products, possibly
indicative. It seems more likely however that this with pieces which self-support when laid dry, even
inclination was in fact obtained by thickening the without mortars or glues, because the stability of
mortar to suit the differing inclination of the bed the bricks is ensured by the perfect adherence
joints. And it is here that the use of a square rule provided by their particular shape and weight.
with three mobile rulers becomes indispensable,
that is the “gualandrino”, a tool able to maintain 8. THE PHYSICAL MODEL
control of three different alignments. It was indeed
the gualandrino that was trusted to regulate the The moulds used to cast the plaster model of the
bricklaying, as it can define three alignments, three bricks (Fig.8) are made with three faces (trihedrals),
non right angles: the centre of the rotational cone of corresponding to cubes of 22 cm one merged into
the Cupola positioned on the central vertical axis of the other (Fig. 6). The vertex of the second trihedral
the same (for the “vertical” brick); the horizontal was placed at a distance of about 5 cm from the
plne of the circular brick arrangement (for the vertex of the first, and this distance was measured
“horizontal” brick); and the tangential direction of along a crooked curved line, theoretically definable
the tracing and positioning ribs on the eight as a loxodromical spiral - a rhumb line – lying on
meridians (the third “transversal” brick). the surface of the Cupola which, for simplicity, we
have imagined as spherical. In reality, the Dome of
Florence is composed with four overlapping
spherical caps whose centers are positioned on the
central axis of the building. The model must also
take into account the starting and finishing points of
the spiral and above all the size of the bricks,
especially their thickness. In the specimen the curve
of the spiral was emphazised, reducing the radius of
the dome to make the deformations of the bricks
(quadrone + mortar) more evident. The bricks were
in any case kept within the measurements of the
originals (circa cm 17x22x4-5).

To geometrically define the second trihedral – that

which corresponds to the internal faces of the first
Figure 13: Drawing of the three-dimensional disposition bricks – in addition to the movement of the vertex
of the bricks for the herringbone brickwork within a along the rhumb line, the second trihedral was
22x22x22cm cube


given a triple spatial rotation around the three

outgoing radii of the vertex of the same trihedral.
The angles of rotations thus set cause the definition
of the faces of the three bricks which as a result are
slightly, but significantly different to each other. In
this variation is the deformation that generates the
shape of the dome or the desired cover.

In the physical model we can see how the

transformation of the alignments generates the
spiral shape of the herringbone ribbed structure.
Evidently the dome’s walling is then completed by
the brick beds that connect between contiguous ribs,
also aided by double size bricks - so-called
“diatones”- which guarantee its grip and stability. In Figure 15: Formwork to cast the physical model
herringbone ribbing the trihedral of the three bricks
always maintains the orthogonality of the internal physical model. This is done through algorithms
angles, but, rotating on the three edges it also makes and differential numeric parameters deduced from
the bed joints of the next trihedral of bricks rotate. the shape and the curvature of the Cupola which
This gives rise to a spiralling transformation which one intends to raise, and from the measurements of
follows and generates the curve of the vault. Thus the “bricks”. The virtual model was designed using
while the first two rotations (that on the tangent Rhino software with the transformation
radius and the normal one) define the double parameterizations, of iteration and rotation carried
curvature of the vault in the horizontal plane and in out with Grasshopper. Like in the physical model,
vertical section, it is the third rotation of the the virtual one also begins from the base trihedral
binormal radius of the trihedral which causes an that generates the laying of the bricks, but its goal,
outward inclination of the “horizontal” brick and which still today we can say has been defined but
maintains the structural geometry that is able to only partially reached, will be that of defining all of
support (by gravity) the laying of the next trihedral the parameters of its construction. We can list these
of bricks, identical to that below it just so deformed as follows:
in the parallelism between the opposing faces.
A.- The formula of the crooked curve (loxodromical
or rhumb line) on which the vertices of the
trihedrals are laid. In the specific case of the
Florentine dome we must take into account that it is
generated by five spherical superimposed caps with
their centres aligned in the symmetrical axis.

B.- The intersections of the laying cones of the

brick bed joints with the cylindrical surface of the
intrados and extrados of the Dome’s vaults,
readable in the lines of the so-called “cordablanda”.

C.- The lay of the trihedral briks in the geometry of

the Cupola.

Figure 14: Making gypsum brick models

D.- The three angles of the trihedral with respect to
the radius of the sphere. (normal, tangent,
9. THE VIRTUAL MODEL binormal).

The goal of this model is to show the transformations Even if the graphics we have designed allow us to
of the herringbone ribbing following a spiral form in envisage the possible structural and geometrical
order to adhere to the shape of the Cupola, imposing solution, two paths in particular emerge as possible
the translations and rotations described above in the ways forward for our future studies: the first is that

Vol. 56 (2015) No. 2 June n. 184

which tends to define the constant geometry of the

generative polyhedron of the three bricks in the
constant modular polyhedron (see in this regard the
studies on the three-dimensional origami) aligned to
and generated by the rhumb line spiral, which in
turn generats the herringbone. The second
prospective study is that of the organization of the
alignments of the three edges of the polyhedron
(and therefor of the three bricks of the herringbone)
with respect to the points referring to the axis of the

The study of the virtual model further allows us to

verify the exact position of the linked walling
between the herringbone ribs in their positioning on
the conical bed joints and to ascertain the
“coradablanda” configuration that they take in the
intersection between the conical bed joints and the
Figure 17: Image shows the hypothesis of ‘diatones’
cylindrical surfaces of the extrados and intrados bricks which are needed to tie the herringbone ribs with
surfaces of the Dome. brickwork wall. (draw of V Paris)

Figure 16: Drawing out of scale. The figure emphasizes

Figure 18: Herringbone tridimensional brick’s bond
the tridimensional bricks alignment relative to circle radius
(drawing by V. Paris)
along the circumference of rotation of the building, and
with the vertex of the trihedral lined up on the rhumb line
philological historical reconstruction also the
10. CONCLUSIONS suggestion of an opening towards new evolutions of
technology. In other words we don’t want to hazard
In setting out to draw our conclusions we can say that fanciful hypotheses – the fact is that still today no
our investigation might also be viewed as a one can confirm with any certainty what the
constructive proposal. Though it was initially based bricklaying pattern inside the thick walls of the
on the historical reality of the Florentine dome and Brunelleschian Cupola is like. There “irregularity”
the research to reconstruct the principles of its has even led some to elaborate theories of a
structural stability, rather than presenting itself as yet “muratura a sacco” or rubble fill masonry. In the
another revelation of the many mysteries hidden absence of more detailed fact-finding investigations
within the genius of prescientific construction, this – faced with the obvious impossibility of a
text prefers to offer itself as the proof/evidence destructive approach – even this hypothesis could
which, from the careful observation of an exemplary be counted as a geometric possibility, as the outline
building could develop itself beyond an accurate and of a study- for the most part yet to be carried out –


on the Brunelleschian walling, but already the and described the conceptual clarity that it is
carrier of a result that seems realistic enough to characterised by, comparing even to Nature itself.
allow us to see in it the path to an innovative
constructive technology. The lack of a specific Rightfully it is dedicated to a Fiore (flower), this
research/survey of the bricks in the upper part of the Cupola, which still today encloses among its
dome [9] leads us to leave open the possibility of a mysteries the knowledge of an art and a science that
different match/correspondence on the reality of the are weeded in the Humanistic vision of the
construction. It could be that the Brunelleschian Florentine Renaissance, in the heart of that
herringbone bond is not a reciprocal and three- civilisation that forged the men and the ideas that
dimensional bond of three bricks as has been would give life to the western culture for centuries
described here. It may be just a bi-dimensional to come and open the path forward to new arts and
artifice as it appears on the extrados and intrados new sciences.
surfaces of the vault; it could be that the
gualandrino was not that instrument which served ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to manage the three alignments of the generative
trihedral of the herringbone; but, in all of the A special thank goes to all those who have helped
physical and virtual models made and described, me with their precious advice and recommendations
what appears to result are the concrete ways of a and to those I mentioned in the references. I
technology – perhaps a very ancient one, or perhaps especially thank Margaret Haines, Massimo Coli.
a very modern one, or perhaps just a possible on. Furthermore I owe a special acknowledgement and
And this suffices for us to affirm the reality of it. A thanks to Vittorio Paris, my student at the
deeper field investigation still needs to be carried Department of Engineering of University of
out to confirm this hypothesis not just as a possible Bergamo.
reconstruction but also as regards to the technology
effectively adopted by Brunelleschi. Even so it
seems that the same kind of evidence may be REFERENCES
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