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Wolaita Sodo University

College of Informatics
Department of Information Systems
Seminar report on IMS in wsu
Submitted by:
Students Full Name:- ID
1.Aklilu Jomole 175/10
2.Kebron Getachew 162/10
3.Dilnesaw Alemayehu

Background of IMS in WSU

Wolaita sodo university start using IMS after establishment of ICTD. WSU primarily bought
different systems from JU. The first system installed to the university were called SRS
which is student registration system. The system provides student grading system. While
SRS running ICTD also installs SIS which is one card system for WSU students. It includes
different modules. Using SIS students of WSU can access each and every services via their
ID card. Some of services are cafeteria service, library, student clinic, dormitory, guidance,
cost sharing and other essential services. Additionally HRM and other library systems are
installed by JU. While using the systems from JU WSU ICT Application development team is
handling home system development. The very first system developed in WSU ICTD is RSS.
Which is still functional.

With limitations of JU systems the managements of WSU shift their eyes to other efficient
system. Then the university bought new system from winners group and this system
replaces all SRS functionality and some SIS functions.

Introduction of IMS

Information Management System (IMS) is a general term for software designed to facilitate
the storage, organization and retrieval of information.

An information management system collects and manages data that is stored in a variety
of formats and makes it accessible to the people who need it. Often, a small business
needs only to manage office documents and spreadsheets and make them available to
employees. Others may need to collect and manage detailed information on customer
data. Still other information management systems make data available to large
organizations or even the public at large through a website.

The IMS plays the role of information generation, communication, problem identification

and helps in the process of decision-making. The IMS, therefore, plays a vital role in
the management, administration and operation of an organization.

WSU uses information management system to collect and manage data that is stored in
variety of formats and makes it accessible to the people who needs it.
Statement of problem

Current system problems

Current system problem is that server is too slow. In our questionary as the ICT directorate
of WSU said it does not allow them to do additional task.

How to solve the problem

In our research we attempt to find solution to the current problem and the solution must
be installing new system and updating the algorithm not to use more time.

How IMS developed and who are contributors in WSU

In WSU IMS developed after establishment of WSU ICTD and the contributors were JU.

The trained personnel came from JU and istalled most of the systems and WSU ICT
Application development team also developed RSS.

How Information managed in WSU

In wsu information are managed manually even though there is semi-automated systems
almost all university offices use manual file /information management. But some
information are administered using information management system.

Systems currently used to manage information here in WSU are the following:-

1 – estudent System

2 – JSID ---- web site for journal of science and inclusive development

3 – RSS -------- research submission system

4 –HRM--------- Human resource management system

5 – Deliverology office system

The rest of university offices manage information manually.

Information management system organizational structure in WSU

Information and Communication Technology Directorate reports to the Office of the

President as it is responsible for the provision of ICT infrastructure, services, and systems
for the four operational domains of the University: Learning- teaching, research and
innovation, community engagements and governance services. The directorate’s
governance structure embodies five operational units:

 ICT Infrastructure and Services Unit

 Business Applications Development and Administration Unit
 Teaching-Learning Technologies Unit
 ICT Support and Maintenance Unit
 ICT Training and Consultancy Services Unit

Facilities and Resources used by wsu

WSU serves needs of users with the following facilities and resources:

 Institutional emails
 Website services
 Video conferencing systems
 Bandwidth optimization solutions
 Virtual Desktop Cloud Computing Infrastructure Open Access Facilities
 Wireless LAN hotspots
 ICT Support and maintenance
 Total antivirus security solutions
All these activities are done by WSU ICTD.
Advantages or Disadvantages


Information management systems have changed the dynamics of running businesses


Decentralization is one of the biggest advantages; it allows monitoring of operations at

low levels and frees up resources for departmental managers to devote time to strategic
activities. Coordination of specialized projects and activities is much better and decision
makers in the organization are aware of issues and problems in all departments. Another
advantage of IMS is that it minimizes information overload, which can be quite common
with conventional businesses in the modern era.

Better Planning and Control

IMS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors
the company's activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration
among employees.

This ensures better planning for all activities and better ways to measure performance,
manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations.
Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital
information to employees, top management and business partners.

Aid Decision Making

The purpose of IMS is to generate synthesized and processed information from

computerized/automated and certain manual systems.

Information distribution to all levels of corporate managers, professionals and key

executives becomes quite seamless with streamlined IMS. Managers are able to make
quick, timely and informed decisions. Top management and board members can take
strategic decisions, plan future growth and business expansion activities based on the
data and information generated by IMS.

Depending on organization deployment, usage and extraneous factors, some

disadvantages related to Information management systems can come to the fore.
Allocation of budgets for IMS upgrades, modifications and other revisions can be quite
tricky at times. If budgets are not allocated uniformly or as per immediate requirements,
key functionalities might get effected and benefits might not be realized consistently.
Integration issues with legacy systems can affect the quality of output and vital business
intelligence reports.

Constant Monitoring Issues

Change in management, exits or departures of department managers and other senior

executives has a broad effect on the working and monitoring of certain organization
practices including IM systems. Since IMS is a critical component of an organization’s
risk management strategy and allied systems, constant monitoring is necessary to
ensure its effectiveness. Quality of inputs into IMS needs to be monitored; otherwise
consistency in the quality of data and information generated gets effected. Managers are
not able to direct business, operational and decision-making activities with the requisite

Application areas of information management system


Educational institutions



human resources and the likes

Each type of IMS is designed to meet the needs of management in those departments or

In our conclusion of this seminar, IMS is critical for specific organization therefore for good
administrative work WSU must use IMS.

Nowadays here in WSU information managed both manually and using IMS

So manually managed information should be automated so that management of

information will be attractive and easy to access.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to WSU ICT directorate mister fiseha for his great

I would also like to extend my thanks to WSU ICT workers who have done their share.



[2] Direct interview with WSU ICT Directorate(mister fiseha)

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