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Guide to Create an Investment application

Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 2
Process............................................................................................................................................ 2
Notification....................................................................................................................................... 5

Author Business Owner R&U by Business Signoff by IT

This is the document to specify step by step process to create investment through self-service
portal ESS. This document also covers the notification received by end user during the whole
lifecycle of investment.

1. Login to the self-service portal using the below link:

2. Click on the Service Catalog menu on top.

3. Search ‘investment’ and click on Investment request to open the application.

4. Fill the Investment form with the fields, also check the guidelines mentioned in the form for
Policy to create Investment- Department will create their own investment, meaning it should
not be created on behalf of other department, for example IT department should create the
investment for IT. Hardware should be handled against ordering through catalog item in
ESS and not investment.
Following are the mandatory fields on the form to fill:
 Short Description—short describe the investment
 What is the Category? —choose the category, depending upon the category investment
would be routed for final approval to CFO or COO.
Category:                             Final approver
Building and Landscape        AOE
Machinery                             AOE
Office equipment                  GL
R&D Projects                       AOE
Vehicles                               GL
IT                                         GL                 
Infrastructure                        GL
Finance                                GL
HR                                       GL
Others                                  GL

 What is the investment amount in current fiscal year (in DKK excl. VAT)?
 What is the investment amount in next fiscal year (in DKK excl. VAT)?
 What is the total investment value (in DKK excl. VAT)?
 What is the total budgeted amount (in DKK excl. VAT)?
 What is the annual operation expense (in DKK excl. VAT)?

Non-mandatory fields are:

 What is annual savings (in DKK excl. VAT)?
 Description—detailed description of the investment
 Add attachments—attach project briefs, MOM, business case etc

5. Click on the below to attach the items with the Investment flow
6. Click on Submit

7. Redirected to page My Investment requests to check the submission and status.

Email notification for the end user:

1. Notified when creating the investment request.

2. Notified when first line, second line manager approves until it is approved by manager.
3. Notified when approved by CFO or COO.

4. Notified when asset number has been assigned to the investment and investment is
closed approved.
5. Notified when investment got rejected by one of approvers.

Important menus
1) Investment pending actionList of all of investments which is pending the response,
approve or reject.
2) My approved investment requestsApproved investment by me.
3) My Investment requestsInvestment request submitted by me.

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