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Dane Carmelle Dela Rosa


Questions for Discussion

1. Why was Mommy the hospital?

- Mommy J was admitted to the hospital on Valentine's Day after being diagnosed with advanced
ovarian cancer.

2. What makes Mommy J.likeable and lovable?

- Mommy J is the type of person that is optimistic about life. She is lovable and likeable because she
treats everyone equally at the hospital.

3.What is the attitude of the narrator toward Mommy J.

- The narrator has a good attitude regarding Mommy J.

4.What are the lessons learned by the other people in the essay from Mommy J.?

- In general, depending on the story's character, Mommy J. People from the hospital taught that no
matter how difficult things are, they must remain strong and optimistic in their lives and not
succumb to melancholy.

5. Give the plot of the narrative by filling in the story

BEGINNING Mommy J at San Vicente Ward" opens with the

narrator recounting her typical day at the
hospital, which includes conducting morning
rounds and dismissing some patients. She was
on her way to pay Mrs. J. in Room 314 of the
San Vicente Ward of the hospital where she
works. a social outing on Valentine's Day
EXPOSITION The narrator was on his way to see Mommy J in
Room 314 of the San Vicente ward to pay her a
visit. Valentine's Day was
RISING ACTION WITH CONFLICT Mommy J was having a lot of trouble breathing.
Despite her shortness of breath, she managed
to smile and welcome the narrator when she
was presented.
CLIMAX She then continues telling about a patient she
called Mrs. J or more known as Mommy J. She
is a a 58-year-old teacher who was diagnosed
of an advanced ovarian cancer. The narrator
then reiterates her thoughts about Mommy J as
well as her experience when she met her for
the first time.
FALLING ACTION Miss T.'s air of mystery began to fade that day,
especially when dance music began to play. It
must have been the spontaneous camaraderie
that developed from mutual affection Mommy
J., since everyone began dancing.
ENDING Mommy J. was exhibiting indications of strain
when Danny requested if they might play "Aud
Lang Syne" as the final tube, and she was
showing signs of strain.So it is with this catchy
melody with its hint of fun that they remember
Mommy J. the most.

MOMMY J. A 58 year old was diagnosed to have advanced
ovarian cancer
LAURA AND MARIE Two residents physicians in Internal
DR.M Gynecologic oncologist who was one of the
most revered specialist in Manila
ROWENA A nurse adjusting the valve of the oxygen
delivery systems
MISS ELIZABETH T. the hospital’s head pharmacist,who had
reputation for being stern and

DANNY One of the nurses who organized the affair

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