Trends Network Teachers Made

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National Rd. Poblacion Dos, Malabuyoc, Cebu

Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

Grade/Section: 12 HUMSS Date:
Subject Area:Trends Network and Critical Thinking Skills Time Allotment:

I. MELC Differentiate a trend from a fad

Explain the process on how to spot s trend
Point out the elements that make up a trend

II. Objective/ Knowledge: define academic text;

s Skills: determine text structure of an academic text; and
Values/Attitude: explain the components of the three-part essay structure.
V. Subject Academic Text Structures
VI. Procedure A. Readings

What is Trends?
A trend is a general direction into which something is changing, developing, or
veering toward. The term may also mean a fashion or craze, i.e., a fad. The verb ‘to
trend’ means to develop or change in a general direction. In the world of social
media, if something trends it is the topic of many posts.

In the world of business, a trend is a pattern of gradual change in a process, output,

or condition. It is an average or general tendency. If I say: “There has been a trend
towards shorter-term mortgages,” it means more people are now taking shorter-term
mortgages. In other words, there has been a tendency towards shorter-term

Characteristics of a 21st Century Learner

 Creativity and Innovation. “Creativity is as important in education as literacy
and we should treat it with the same status.” – ...
 Collaboration and Communication. ...
 Critical Thinking & Problem Solving. ...
 Global Citizens. ...
 Technology Literacy. ...
 Lifelong Learners

Exercise 1: True or False

1. Shrewd is having or showing or resourcefulness, especially in practical

matters; suggests a sharp intelligence.
2. Triage is a process in which things are ranked in terms of importance or
3. Shrewd triage having a clever awareness and sharp intelligence in identifying
which needs much attention

Exercise 2: Fill the Gap

1. _____________ Gardner states that there are two connotations in play
regarding this mind.
2. _____________ in the Age of Info-whelm, our students are bombarded by
information 24/7
3. _____________ in order to truly acquire a creating mind, one must first
develop an adequate level of disciplinary mastery and some capacity to
4. _____________ minds starts with an assumption that diversity is positive
and the world would be a better place if individuals sought to respect one
5. _____________ a person who has an ethical mind can think of himself or
herself abstractly and ask questions about their own quality of life.

Application/  From triads, answer and discuss the following questions: one will be
Assessment the facilitator, second, the recorder; and third, reporter.

1. What does the 21st century world offer?

2. What are the challenges in the 21st century?

 Illustrate through symbols the 21st century world and its milestones
and demands and why everyone needs to prepare and cope with it.

 Define the terms used in the lesson.

1. 21st century world
2. Shrewd triage
3. Info-whelm
4. synthesizing


National Rd. Poblacion Dos, Malabuyoc, Cebu

Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

Grade/Section: 12 HUMSS Date:
Subject Area:Trends Network and Critical Thinking Skills Time Allotment:

I. MELC Describe the different characteristics of a trend

Identify part of a whole
Identify and explain an emerging pattern
Identify causes and consequences
II. Objective/s Knowledge: Discover the difference between trend and fad
Skills: Speculate the trends to emerge in the future; and
Values/Attitude: Apply critical thinking in spotting a fad and a trend.
III. Subject Trends and Fads: Spotting, Accepting and Rejecting

References <iframe
width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-
width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen>
</iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a
daniel-levine" title="Trends and Fads By Daniel Levine."
target="_blank">Trends and Fads By Daniel Levine.</a> </strong> from
<strong><a href=""
target="_blank">Daniel Levine</a></strong> </div>

IV. Procedure A. Reading

Trend is a “recurrent phenomenon that takes place over time and gives rise to
speculation on the future”

Trend analysis is “ an examination of these phenomena and speculation on

the likely impact they will have in the future.”

Many studies have been conducted to surface trends and describe their
probable impact on organization.

Few studies have examined the likely impact of such trends on the
workplace learning process or on the workplace learner.

Trends are a collage of present circumstances that extend current patterns

into the future. Trend analysis grant societies “ future version” allowing
population to be proactive in response to future events. Include in a
definition of a trend are three commonalities that trends share.

1. Trends are a complex synthesis of information from a wide variety of

2. Trends all use pattern identification and recognition to make predictions
when talking about the future.
3. Trends use time frames to evaluate their evolution.

Exercise 1: Give examples of a Fad and a Trend.

Give examples of a fad: Give examples of a trend:

1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
5. ____________

Exercise 2: Identify if the statements id Fad or Trend

1. More kids love playing with loombands_______

2. Yaya Dub (Maine Mendoza) used dubsmash and got so popular overnight.
Dumbsmash is a mobile app that creates short selfie videos dubbed with
famous sounds. _______
3. High fructose corn syrup is present in fruit juices, cakes, ice cream,
sweets, and chocolates, and was found to be the culprit for obesity and
diabetes. _______
4. More and more youth today are fond of using high-tech gadgets like
tablets and smartphones. _______
5. More people around the globe are playing the mobile app Pokemon Go.

Exercise 3: Identify if the statements in the first column are a trend or a fad
then write your prediction.

Trend/Fad Prediction
More kids love playing with
Yaya Dub (Maine
Mendoza) used dubsmash
and got so popular
overnight. Dumbsmash is a
mobile app that creates
short selfie videos dubbed
with famous sounds.
High fructose corn syrup is
present in fruit juices,
cakes, ice cream, sweets,
and chocolates, and was
found to be the culprit for
obesity and diabetes.
More and more youth today
are fond of using high-tech
gadgets like tablets and
More people around the
globe are playing the
mobile app Pokemon Go.

Application/ Fill up the Circle of Trend:

1. On the upper right hand corner, write one emerging trend.
2. On the lower right hand corner, write the things about that trend.
3. On the lower left hand corner, write the things that can be done for that
4. On the upper left hand corner, write the concrete thing that you can
actually do for that trend

Write a 100-word essay. You may choose from any of these two titles:
“Which Fad or Trend Shall I accept or Reject?” or “ How do I accept or
Reject a trend?


National Rd. Poblacion Dos, Malabuyoc, Cebu
Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task
Grade/Section: 12 HUMSS Date:
Subject Area:Trends Network and Critical Thinking Skills Time Allotment: 3rd week

I. MELC 1. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking

 Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
 Differentiate key components in strategic analysis and intuitive
2. Apply strategic analysis
3. Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the
community using a map of social networks

II. Objective/s Knowledge: Define strategic and intuitive thinking

Skills: Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
Values/Attitude: Us intuitive thinking in dealing with varied activities
III. Subject Intuitive and the Strategic Thinker

References Trends book pp. 49-63

IV. Procedure A. Readings

Strategic Thinking and Intuitive Thinking Defined

Greg Githens defined strategic thinking as the individual’s capacity for thinking
conceptually, imaginatively, systematically, and opportunistically with regard to the
attainment of success in the future.

He continued by saying that strategic thinking employs mental processes that are
conceptual (abstractions using analogy to translate across contexts), systematic
(composed of different components with interfaces that interact to produce intended
or emergent behaviors, pattern finding, and connecting situations that are not
obviously related), imaginative 9crative and visual), and opportunistic (searching for
and grasping new information and value propositions). The strategic thinker applies
all of these cognitive processes in the orientation toward future success.

Intuitive thinking is “quick and ready insight” (Webster’s New Collegiate

Dictionary). Intuitive decision-making is far more than using common sense because
it involves additional sensors to perceive and get aware of the information from
outside. Sometimes, it is referred to as gut feeling, sixth sense, inner sense, instinct,
inner voice, spiritual guide, etc.
Exercise 1:
Directions: List down the things you do everyday which you think are a result of
intuitive thinking or rational thinking.

Intuitive Thinking Rational Thinking

Exercise 2: Fill in the Gap

1. _______________ defined strategic thinking as the individual’s capacity

for thinking conceptually, imaginatively, systematically, and
opportunistically with regard to the attainment of success in the future.
2. ______________ abstractions using analogy to translate across contexts.
3. ______________ composed of different components with interfaces that
interact to produce intended or emergent behaviors, pattern finding, and
connecting situations that are not obviously related.
4. _______________ creative and visual.
5. _______________ searching for and grasping new information and value
6. ______________ is quick and ready insight.

Exercise 3:
The question is not whether rational reasoning or intuitive decision-making is
generally better. The question is rather how both approaches can be best combined
for best results and to avoid mistakes and prejudices.

What will you do in the following circumstances? Use your intuitive thinking
answering. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. During natural disaster (flash floods or strong

2. Fire in a certain place ___________________________________________
3. Arrival of unexpected visitors
4. Surprise class recitation
5. Wallet is suddenly lost
6. Coming home very late at night
7. Coming to class unprepared
8. Meeting a very popular person
9. Helping a helpless individual
10. Getting lost

Application/ Answer the following questions:

1. When and how do I apply strategic thinking?
2. When and how do I apply intuitive thinking?
3. When and how do I employ the two?
National Rd. Poblacion Dos, Malabuyoc, Cebu

Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

Grade/Section: 12 HUMSS Date:
Subject Area:Trends Network and Critical Thinking Skills Time Allotment: 4th week

I. MELC 1. Explain the concrete effects of globalization and to one’s daily life
2. Explain the need for collaboration and cooperation to achieve
interconnectedness of people and nations
II. Objective/s Knowledge: Explain the comprehensive effects of globalization
Skills: Show the interconnectedness of peoples and nations; and
Values/Attitude: Explain and demonstrate the benefits of collaboration and
III. Subject Globalization Networks: Globalization

Trends book pp. 173-181

IV. Procedure A. Readings
1. Globalization has components, operations, effects, and networks.
2. There are different geographical origins of the various components and
elements of an industrial/ technological/ agricultural product.
3. There are advantages and disadvantages in globalization.
4. The 21st century has made globalization powerfully mark a borderless
world. Globalization has provided easy access of information.

Exercise 1: Watch a Video

Watch the video “Globalization: A Friend or a Foe?” Stay with the same groupings
in coming up with a concept map. Answer the guide questions below.
1. “Globalization has changed and influenced people’s lives.” In what ways?
2. “Through globalization, there is better access to better products from
different countries.” What are those better products? Do you agree?
3. “Globalization promotes understanding and goodwill among different
countries.” How?
4. “Global market may lead to the loss of cultural identity as Western ideas
are always imposed upon the Easter thoughts.” Do you agree?Why? Why
5. “Globalization can increase the spread of communicable disease and cause
social degeneration.” Has this happened? How?
6. “Companies face much greater competition because of globalization putting
smaller companies at a disadvantages as they do not have resources to
compete at global scale.” Has this been happening? How?
7. “Economic depression in on country can trigger adverse reaction across the
globe.” How?
8. “Developed countries can stifle the development of underdeveloped
countries because of globalization.” How? Why do you think it could
9. Is globalization a friend or a foe? Why does this video claim that
globalization would only plant roots of problems in the future?
Exercise 2: Active Reading :
Read “The Revolutionary Globalization” on page 175 and answer the following
Brainstorm on the following marks of globalization and do a research. What do the
following mean? Give examples for each.
1. End of geography
2. Onset of the death of distance
3. Emergence of a borderless world
4. De-territorialization or supra-territorialization
5. Vanishing of distance

Exercise 3: Answer the following questions:

1. Why do we need globalization?

2. Why do we need alternatives to globalization?

Application/ Get Organized

Assessment Use the five Ws chart to organize the information you have learned from this

What ?

Who ?



National Rd. Poblacion Dos, Malabuyoc, Cebu

Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

Grade/Section: 12 HUMSS Date:
Subject Area:Trends Network and Critical Thinking Skills Time Allotment: 5th week

I. MELC 1. Discuss the different contributions of the parts to a whole and the
important role of creative imagination in putting together the various arts
of a whole
2. Illustrate the origin of the different components of a gadget, business
enterprises, industrial/technological/agricultural product, etc. through a
mind map and reflection essay
II. Objective/s Knowledge: Define labor and migration
Skills: Discover agencies that assist in protecting the rights
and welfare of the migrant workers; and
Values/Attitude: Cite specific ways on how to help in protecting the
labor rights.
III. Subject Labor and Migration
IV. Procedure A. Reading
MIGRANTE International: International Alliance of Filipino Migrant

Organizations The migration of Filipinos abroad is a product of extreme poverty

and joblessness in the country that is brought about the decrepit social system
perpetuated by US neocolonialism. The deepening economic crisis in the
Philippines has simultaneously aggravated the migration of Filipinos abroad to
gargantuan proportion. More than 2,000 migrant Filipinos leave the country
each day and approximately one-third of these are composed of unskilled
workers. They can be found in 182 countries worldwide. Filipinos are driven
abroad since the government cannot provide them work. This is not surprising
since the Philippine economy is backward, agrarian, and without basic
industries. Hence, it cannot generate enough employment for Filipinos. Millions
of workers are being thrown out of their regular jobs as foreign and domestic
capitalists report to contractualization and downsizing so as to maintain and
generate more profits. Thus, Filipino. Indeed, is a rich source of cheap labor by
develop countries. Migrant Filipinos contribute a lot to the economy through
their remittances. From 1990 to 1995, remittances of migrant Filipinos were
registered at US$6.9 billion. The government recognizes this contribution. In
fact, they are hailed as “new economic heroes”. Migrant Filipinos are an
exploited lot. The Philippines government extracts exorbitant fees from them
as requisite to their deployment abroad. Government rakes in millions daily in
the processing of their papers alone. These include payments for passports, NBI
and medical clearances, administrative fees, forced contributions and a litany
of other expenses. The abuses and exploitation they experience in tier place of
work are prevalent. These range from contract violations, rape, sexual
harassment, mysterious death, among others. Yearly, hundreds of thousands of
Filipinos are reported to have suffered various form of abuse and exploitation
in the hands of their employers. Women migrant workers in particulars are
most vulnerable to abuses and maltreatment. They are subjected to sexual and
physical abuse as in the case of domestic helpers, while many become victims
of white slavery. Nothing can pronounce the exploitation and abuses
committed against migrant Filipinos than those inflicted Filipino people and the
international community on the hapless plight of migrant Filipinos. The anguish
and ordeal of migrant Filipinos continued organizing, education and
mobilization work among their ranks in their struggle for their rights and
welfare, and for genuine freedom and democracy.



Will Greene

Booming digital markets in the Philippines create unprecedented opportunities

for investors and companies of all sizes in 2014, according to perfect Digital
Storm: Philippines, a new report by Tiger cub Digital. The report, which I co-
authored, provides extensive detail about the country’s fast growing digital,
social, and mobile markets. It also includes recommendations on how to
capitalize on key trends before the opportunities close. The full report is
intended primarily for industry stakeholders that require the most
comprehensive, current, and reliable data, as well as actionable insights on
how to use it. For those who are only interested in the big picture, this article
will share five of the report’s key takeaways.
1. internet access is on the rise--but still has limited reach.
Between 2008 and 2012, internet access in the Philippines
grew by over 500%, the fastest rate in all of Southeast Asia.
Over this time frame, millions of people gained access to the
internet for the first time, while millions of others gained more
consistent and better-quality access than ever before. Despite
major improvements in the country’s digital infrastructure
however, Internet penetration hovered at only 36% in 2012,
and service quality remains inconsistent the country. Growing
internet access in the Philippines posers’ opportunities and
challenges for many kinds of companies. The opportunity is
that brands have an increasingly fertile channel for connecting
with consumers, while entirely new markets are opening in a
range of internet sectors, including online retail, gaming, photo
sharing, cloud services, music and more. Companies that get in
early will have a fast start on competitors and capture
mindshare before the market gets cluttered with options, but
they will also have to face up to the challenge of operating in
immature marks that might not be ready for what they have to

2. Mobile penetration now exceeds 100%-- but smartphone

penetration remains low. Mobile penetration, defined as the
ratio of mobile subscriptions to people in the country, topped
100% for the first time in 2012, representing strong in the
mobile category. Yet smartphone penetration, at 15% in 2013,
remains low for Southeast Asia, and users tend to be less active
on their devices than in the region’s more developed countries.
On average, Filipinos spend less time on their smartphones
each day than Indonesians, Thais, and Malaysians. They also
use tablets less, though tablet penetration is growing, too.

As with internet access, low Smartphone penetration presents

opportunities and challenges to mobile companies. Since the
vast majority of devices in use by Filipinos are basic phones,
the market for mobile apps and many services remains
immature, limiting business, opportunities in the short term.
On the plus side, however, the Philippines has some of the
highest rates of smartphones sales growth in Southeast, so it is
only a matter of time before market demand emerges for
smartphones- oriented services.

3. Social media usage rates are off the charts-but this does not
guarantee conversions. No matter how you cut it, the
Philippines has some of the world’s highest social media
engagement rates across nearly all platforms. Ninety- six
percent of Filipino netizens use social media, which accounts
for whopping 42% of total screen time in the country, more
than any other country in Southeast Asia. Facebook and Twitter
penetration are among the highest in the world. Instagram and
Interest are also widely popular.

These statistics can and should be exciting to companies, but as

most digital marketers know, high social media engagement
does not always translate into sales or meaningful branding
opportunities. Any successful social media campaigns will
require a detailed understanding the nuances of Filipino
culture, which shares some similarities with other emerging
markets but also has contours that are unique in the region---
and the world.

4. . Filipinos are brand-friendly and ready to buy--but this will not

last long. The Philippines has some of the highest levels of
brand openness and engagement in the world. In the fourth
quarter of 2013, the country led Southeast Asia in online brand
engagement across a range of metrics, from social networks to
blogs and online forums. Mobile users in the Philippines are
more likely to click on mobile ads than in any other Southeast
Asian country, even though they are less likely to see them.
High levels of brand openness and engagement present amazing
branding opportunities for companies of all types, but the window
of opportunity is likely to last long. Although this is not a hard-and-
fast rule, countries tend to grow less brand- friendly as they grow
more developed. As Filipino gain greater experience with digital
technologies, the novelty of online advertising will wear off and
many consumers will grow jaded to marketing initiatives. For many
brands, the time to act is now.

Exercise 1: Watch a Video

Watch the video “Going Back- Moving On: Philippines Migrant Return Home.”
Answer the questions below.
1. What does it mean “to go back home” in the Philippine context?
2. How does it cost to move on for a migrant worker?
3. Discuss the context, condition, and the impact of “Going Back- Moving
On: Philippines Migrants Return Home” documentary film. Write your
output in the space provided.
4. Inside the box, outline the story of the migrants featured in the film
who decided to return home.

Exercise 2:
After reading “MIGRANTE: International, “ highlight the unfamiliar words. List
them and find their meanings using any dictionary. Answer the questions

1. Cite the anguish and ordeal of Filipino migrant workers.

2. How can they be helped?
3. How do Filipino migrant workers contribute to the economy?


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