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National Rd., Poblacion Dos, Malabuyoc, Cebu

Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task

Trends Network and Critical Thinking Skills

Quarter 1 Week 2

I. MELC Differentiate a trend from a fad

Explain the process on how to spot s trend
Point out the elements that make up a trend
II. Objective/s Knowledge: Differentiate a trend from a fad
Skills: Explain the process on how to spot s trend
Values/Attitude: Point out the elements that make up a trend
III. Subject Matter
Fads or Trends
IV. Procedure Pre-test
DIRECTIONS: Provide at least three examples for each category below. Write your answer on the
1. _________________ 1. _________________
2. _________________ 2. _________________
3. _________________ 3. _________________


Fads and trends can be used interchangeably by most of the people. They are forms of collective
behaviour that develop within a culture, a generation or social group in which a group of people
enthusiastically follow in an impulse for a finite period. There are a number of industries whose
very survival depends on recognizing the difference between a fad and a trend (Web Finance Inc.,
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines fad as something, such as an interest or fashion that is very
popular for a short period of time. It is an intense and a widely-shared enthusiasm for something,
especially one that is short-lived. In addition, a fad is something (products, fashion, style or etc.)
that has little, if any, utility and is characterized by a quick rise and popularity followed by a quick
decline and popularity. The reason about this type of nature of fad is because it usually does not
satisfy a strong consumers’/users’ needs and wants. It is temporary fashion, a craze, interest, or
activity that people follow enthusiastically, but lasts for a short period of time. Thus, fad is
something that will rise rapidly and fall relatively rapid also once the perception of novelty is gone.
Nevertheless, the best guesses for future events or patterns that are based on present peripheral and
historical information is called as trends (Cornish 2004). Through the interrelatedness of all things
in the universe, trends are complex fusion of past, present, and future information and represent
human’s best predictions over time which allow for preemptive judgments and actions toward
future events and conditions.
According to Naisbit 2006, fads are normally micro-trends that exist under the umbrella of an actual
trend. Thus, all fads are trend, but not all trends are fad accordingly. However, the ability to frame a
trend in time is what ultimately gives a trend its credibility. Thinking of trends along a linear
timeline however, is not always correct as trends can revert back on themselves becoming cyclical
or trends can fuse or converge with other trends occurring in the same time frame (Canton 2006).
A fad by definition is a short-term event, what some may call a "flash in the pan." It does not
guarantee lifetime. It’s short-lived or some will say it’s just For-A-Day. On the other hand, a trend
has the potential of becoming a long-term influence on the future of a market. It’s long-lived. These
two may resemble each other at first, but there is almost always a definite beginning and a definite
end to a fad.
According to, there are three differentiating factors between a fad and a trend
which follows;
Reason for rise. Trends generally have identifiable and explainable rises, driven by consumers’
functional needs and consistent with other consumer lifestyle trends. By contrast, fads are driven by
an emotional need to purchase, based on hype and idealistic product perceptions. The benefits are
ethereal or ill-conceived, and don’t deliver what was promised to consumers.
Incubation period and life span. Trends rise slowly, whereas fads spike—and die out— quickly.
For example, demand for multiple fashionable handbags and accessories for each occasion has

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grown steadily over the years, fueling Coach’s decade-long growth and healthy 11-year compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19 percent. Beanie Babies, on the other hand, went from $400
million in sales in 1997 to $1.3 billion in 1999, a CAGR of 77 percent, before dropping to $850
million the next year and steep declines thereafter (see Exhibit 1 chart below)
Scope. A trend usually encompasses several brands or products that are applicable to many
different consumer segments, while a fad typically includes only a single brand or product and has
limited appeal outside of one narrow consumer segment. A trend possesses some agility and
consumers have granted it permission to expand beyond its current platform while maintaining
How was it? I hope the concepts you have all read are now clear. You have to do the following
activities for us to assess your understanding about this lesson. With positive mind, you can now

Exercise 1:
Compare and contrast a trend from a fad using the Venn diagram below.

Things to Remember!
Fad and trend are both collective behaviour that develop within a culture, a generation and social
group in which a group of people enthusiastically follow an impulse for a finite period. Moreover,
fad is a short-term event or what some may call ―flash in the pan‖ while trend has the potential of
becoming a long-term influence on the future. Fad is short-lived while trend is long-lived. There are
three differentiating factors between the two namely reason for rise, incubation and life span, and

Exercise 2:
DIRECTIONS: Give at least two examples to both fad and trend. Explain how these examples
become a fad and a trend. Write your answer on the object provided.

Trend is a conceptualized idea that has a prospect of providing or having a continuing influence for
a longer period of time due to its increasing and sustained presence and effect or even demand
among its consumers in the case of a product (Mangiduyos, 2017).
According to, there are three fundamental elements that point out trends
namely; basic needs, drivers of change and innovations.

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These are the forces that have been shaping human behavior for years (if not forever!) as it is
necessary to sustain life. These are the minimum requirements of a community for a decent standard
of life. It consists of adequate food, shelter, and clothing plus some household equipment and
furniture. Likewise, these include essential services provided by and for the community-at-large
such as safe drinking water, sanitation, health and education.
As the constant thing in this world is change thus, there are no trends without change. Drivers of
change is considered as one of the most well-known and comprehensive publication series as it
investigates the key global issues and trends driving change in our societies and markets. It analyzes
change, thinks in terms of Shifts (long-term, slower) and Triggers (specific factors or events).
Innovations generally refer to changing processes or creating more effective processes, products
and ideas. They are considered as catalyst for growth and development, but they aren’t trends.
Conversely, without examples of customer-facing innovations, a trend can’t be said to exist fully
Let’s try to consider on the area of modern web design. There are eight elements that make up a
trend and they are presented as follows:
1. Unique and Large Typography
Most companies have a particular font or typography that they use to help their customers
immediately identify them from their competitors. For instance, JOLLIBEE OR
MCDONALDS are recognized easily through the use of their unique fonts on their trademark
(brand name or brand mark) which distinguish them from their competitors because of its own
originality and uniqueness. The moment people will see their typography; they already have
their positioning in mind that these businesses will not necessarily inform customers through
different types of promotion because they have already been known
2. Large & Responsive Hero Images
Hero images are the large promotional images. Examples are the large pictures on the walls of
establishments. They may have texts in the image itself and present unique problems for
responsive designs. Also, these can help tell the story without having to rely on just text.
Moreover, large and responsive images make for a good user experience such as taking pictures
and etc
3. Background Videos
It will greatly help to a page when videos can automatically play in the back ground. They can
be used to tell a story and significantly reduce the amount of other content needed to explain
the business. These will give convenience especially to those individuals who are not interested
on reading and/or too busy to read because of some factors, but can listen while doing other
4. Semi-Flat Design
Flat design is not only easier for users to comprehend, but it can also load more quickly on
websites without complicated or overly-technical elements. As flat design is any element that
does not include or give the perception of three dimensions, such as shadows. It is simple, but
easily readable.
In terms of manipulating a website, it is important to be consistent in using design regardless of
whether you fully design your website using flat design or utilize shadows and other elements
in order to help visitors/customers/viewers understand your content more quickly. However,
adding elements of depth can also bring it to life.
5. Hamburger Menus
Hamburger menu was created as a website design feature to incorporate a site menu without
taking up too much room. Its three lines stacked together to roughly form the shape of a
hamburger. While it serves its purpose of condensing information, achieving a minimalist
aesthetic, and keeping uncultured site, still it may have relevant drawbacks. Taking the visitor
directly to where they desire is its advantage. However, it generally take up a ton of relevant
screen space.
6. Giant Product Images
The important attack of a certain business especially online is to catch the attention of the
viewers or clients. Displaying large product images on your site to highlight different features
or parts of the product will do so. It helps designers to efficiently and effectively highlight
different features of the product. In addition, large images help visitors to generate a solid
understanding of what the different product features do.
7. Card Design
Users can pick and choose which articles they want to expand through breaking up unlike
pieces of content into cards. It keeps homepage clean and organized, without relying on a ton
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of text.
Card design helps to deliver easily digestible chunks of information for users. Moreover, it can
help highlights multiple products or solutions side-by-side.
8. Short Product or Feature Videos
In addition to background videos, companies are also beginning to use short product or feature
videos to highlight a specific use case. These short videos are great at bringing your solution to
life, while not overwhelming the visitor with a long experience that they must sit through
Short videos allow prospects for quick understanding that is best for top of the tunnel. In
addition, these allow prospects to understand it quickly without watching a really long, indepth

Application/ DIRECTIONS: Enumerate the eight elements of trend in the area of modern web design.
Assessment 1.








Prepared by:

Ma. Joan R. Ferrolino

Subject Teacher

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